TillS PAPER pa(,.uU erery ff rneon. Sundays ,qS II. T. JAMBB, ...MClUlTIO.NH.fOMTAGEl'AIP. , 00 Hix month" 13 50 ' Thre8 raper will be delivered by carrier!, Tfeharge, in any part of the city, at the e rates, or U cent per wrek. D,T(.rtlg.n rates ow and liberal f-Sobicribere will please report any and . u.inrei to receive iheir papers regularly. flow Advertisements. mi if BROWN & RODDICK. 45 SVJarket St., jlii nKMONMTIiATING' TI1K FACT A rt J'rr -ood can be bought bs ip'ib tbia Ct "8 in any 'other in tbis rur space will not allow us to fill much a deal e .but you always receive ' c,,riiil vtAro ne at our place; of business. IJricg y ur nan-plea at d compare From 8c to $1. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. U.ii-s' Mualin an J Lace Neck Wear, Buch as Fichus, Ties, Jabota, Ao. BiU Handkerchiefs in Twill and Brocade. RUCHINGSOF EVEY DESCRIPTION From Vi cents to $5. mS: Tho largest ahd finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Dress Buttons. Oar selection in this department embrace many novelties. Oar variety is immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear. itiri Co'ored and Figure JLinen for Stairs. X hite and Colored Canton Mattings.1 t or.luiny'and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rutllings 60 cents, Ffniething New in Ladies' ifummer ;Balinora Skirts. Linen Lap Robes, Ac, Ac, Ac. Uivo us a call and look over our stock. We are by no means afraid to show our BROWN. & 'RODDICK, 45 Rflarket St. may lb Sign ofi the Bis: Boot '01 I AM NOW OFFK1I1N TO SKLIi FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed Gaifers............n. Sl 40 " Custom HaJa Gaiters............... 2 40 ' Laced Calf Tie Bhoes... 1 1 SO Ladies' Foxel Bhoee.... 1 OO ' Nwnfrt Tie? i)0 " Opera Slippers.. 125 Strap Sandals U20 Crcquet Slippers 05 'Minei Straff Sandals........... 1 15 " Buttou Gaiters......... 1 20 Children's Strap Sandal OO M nttnr ClAtfym 00 - y. BLUMENTUAL, may 13 tf No 40 Ma kr Street. The New Hat Store, JALL AKD tX AMINE Mr SUMMER tyles ot Straw and felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. fJOl M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Fmat street, Next to Purceli House. am DEMONSTRATION y 31 in TT II in VOL. V. LOCAL; NEWS. New Advertisement. Yates . Crcquet, Archery Goods. y Haisgngaeaa -New Books. A A 1 fc-HRiER Beat Uniaunttied hbirt In the city for $1. Black straw 18 fashionable Sic transit an ambulance. ' i The crop ot spring poets w&s poor this ytar. I Iced tea is? a nice drink for the summer time. '7 How to grit riCLi live por oa a big in come. WiQdow Uli?ss all sizes at Staffer Price's. - ' f There are very lew bliud persots in this city. Just thiuK vf it, snow in Minnesota yesterday ! Prudent advertia'ng oeer fails to pay and pay well. The lamp host is a good friend; but it will do to tie to. What has become of the proposed rail road tj tl e Sound? The jewel for a frilled shirt bosom is a diamond in the ruff. A word to the wise is sufiicient. but who docs it refer tu? It is daid that diphtheria baa been cured by drinking kerosene. There -are several novelties in .nock dress among the ladies. Dinner plates are ,rlways rouud spe-r cially when dinner is ready. To day is fte last day allowed enumera tors to- take the census of this city. - Save your money and buy your Puild- ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. The Wilmington Ic3 Company will soon commence the manufacture of ico. Lawn tennis shoes have' rubber solri with sharp checks to prevent slipping. If your laiup is heavy, a bit of loug narrow paper will make it a 'lamp-lighter. Vnll Metal an.i Waluut Show Caes, all styles and s'zes, at Altaffkb, Piuck & Uo's. In bathing costumes th ro are now and pretty styl said to bo of French origin. During the exceesively hot days do not fail to put a wet fponge in the top of your hat. , The loug, ti?n-button Lilo thread gloves are more stylish thtn those .with laco tops. . Our. Rirls ate now rearing the hair very plain often without frizzes or tven the regulation bang. The challenge race between the yachts Iltjtplc and' Jaxtlcss will be sailed oyer the Wrsghtsville course to morrow. Window GlaVs of all sizes, Do r,. Sash, and blinds, BufKleis' I3ardware,fcj Low st plreees at JACom's. It is hard work fjr the' I5abx to cut teeth, and it should be assititea" by the use of Dr. Hull's Brby Syrup which will cool the it filmed ;ums. Tho wind is from the Northeast to day and consequently sweltering humanity tere.bouts fee!e vastly better. Some slight changes have been made in tho'tcheiule of the Carolina Central Kail way, when by a c'one connection is now made at llatnlet with trains on the B. & A. A. L." to and from liileigh. The chances will appear. in the advertise ment to-morrow. riow?, Slhve!?, Pitohtorks, Spades, Kakes, I ra e Qhains, Plow Lii.es, 'C For the ;lovrtt pliers, go toJacoiu's. Physicians trtely jnettribrt the new Food Medieine, "Matt Diiters, ' because more iuuibhi i?, stn lylhening and puri. fyii-q than a 1 oiher forms of malt or ruedi cimv'hile free from :he o.bjectior.s urged against malt liquors. ,. -lw jr Spring and .Summer Goods for GcnVs, Youth's and Boy's wear is still 'arge and attractive. ' Those who want the nobbiest, fhe newest, the latest, the best and the-cheapest goods always go tp tJhrier's. - tf, Yung man, perseverance will win you riches. We knew a yo,ut;g mm in our schooldays who was is p or as the legend ary elm r eh inousi iiu!. he w irked faith fully, perseveringly and earnestly ufon the ailclions of a young girl with a hun dred thousand dollars, and, marrying, be Hn rich in a smil day. lVrseveie. i,v v - , . , youtw; man, prevere. WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, JUNE Handsome Hale thread gloves are fash ionable this summer- and so much more comfortable than kida Starch is said to be explosive, but only in families when the old man finds out that it has been left out ef bis shirt. What'a tbe Uifiereuce between the weather and a bab? Oue never rain" but it ours, and the other never pains but it roars. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Dep t-' Could not the Board of Aldermen re quire builders and coutrsefcors to he fur nished with a building permit before ft hoase is erected in the city? In this w y tha number of buildings erected during the vear could be ascertained and . the iaformatlon wuld be interesting to the ommunitj at large. Giltuer Kenotuinated. (Special to Daily Review.) V Duriim,N.C., June 15th. V At the Convention .of the Democratic party for the Fifth Judicial District, held here yesterday, Hony-, John A. Gilmer was renominated for Judge of the Supe- rior Court. Much interest was naani fested and a nomination was not reached until the seventeenth ballot. L. A fair trial only is needed to convince the most skeptical that Hall s Vegetable . ... it Sicilian hi air Kenewer will accomplish au that is claimed for. it. Tbe Delegates. The State Convention meets at Raleigh to-morrow and, with possibly one or two exceptions, all who propose being present from this city and immediate section have gone. Quite a number left this morning, to be joined at various points along the line of the road by those from oiher counties. The fun will open to-morrow at 12 o'clock and it promises to be lively for a while. The Bain, Last evening this city was visited with a heavy rainstorm, accompanied by very 83vere thunder and lightn'mg. There were several very vivid flashes and ono or two when the flash and report were simultaneous. Tho storm came frcm the Northwest, the centre being in Ohio in the morning, and reached Charlotte in this State in the afternoon, and this city about dusk. 1 5 inches of rain fell in the city last night. To day another very heavy rainstorm passed over the city and deluged the streets. For Enuuiei ators. We have been requeste 1 by Mr. Jno. D. Stonford to publish the following for the in foimationj- of enumerators in this dis trict : Turpentine disti'lenes will be en tered on schedule 3. 1 would also take this means of answering the following inquiry which . has been frequently pro pounded to mf; h owns a farm; B. cultivates a 'portion of it, finding himself, but A. furnishes the team, and they di vide the crop. Is B. considered a farmer? Answer This is one farm and A '. is the farmer. B may be classed tipou the popu lation schedule as a farmer, but the farm shall be entered upon schedule 2 as one farm. Mr. Uath'lJacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this cele orated Plow cn rnow have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. ; tf. Ileirln Euffttsk !oney. It is said that a lady inUhia city, tbe wife of a well-known railroad man, one who has, we believe, with possibly one exception, been longer in the business than any other man in the city, is one of tbe heirs to a nice little sum-fift by her grand father, one James Grecian English man, who died in the year 1802. As the heirs were not forthcoming, Mr. Green's estate, some $25,000 in money, was deposited in the BanK of England, where it has ever since remained, accumulating ipterestuntil it is said that the estate is bow worth about $100,000. Mr, M. Q. Waddell, of PitUboro, is the attorney in the case and he informs ns of these facts, assuring ns that the money is 4here, as stated, and that he is fully able to "estab lish and fcutkenticate the facts that the lady referred to is. tho grand-daughter of the decedent. Mr. Waddeil things that tbe claim will soon be adjusted and the money paid over Co the heirs. When you visitor leave New York City, slop aX tbe Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Dep. European plan,. Uooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. KesUuraut unaunvassed at moderate pi ices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly jLlbJU V 11 II A W o Will not G i We are now xmre than pleased to state that the steam yacht Passport will not leave these waters. The boat will io all probability be bought by par tie in this city; at any event the boat is not to leae just now. We make this statement ni ori authority that can be relied upon. Th Dark Morse. The opinion Is freely expressed here n bouts that neither Gov.JarvIs nor Judge Fowle will be nonr'na1 1 by tbe State Democratic Convention, which meets in Kileigh. to-morrow. There are a camber ofjdark horses mentioned, principal amoag whom are Bon George Davis, Judge Me lt y, Gen. Scales and (!. II. 0. Short. The Proceedings. We have made ample preparations for laying before our readers tbe vital points in the proceedings of the Convention which is to meet to-morrow in Raleigh and upon the action of which so much de peads. Whatever may' have transpired up to 4 o'clock wi'l be on the streets by 5 o'clock. So It ok put for the first news and the latest news in the columns of tho Review. Complimentary to tbe Press. We acknowledge the receipt oi an in vitation to attend a grand ball, to be given in honor of the North -Carolina Press Association, at Asheville, July 1st. The following compose the committee of invitation : Messrs. Jordan Stone, E I Holmes, Wm M Nichols, Kiehmond Pearson, J G Martin, W T Pennlman, Wm Gleitsman, W D Hilliard, C EGra ham, F Strikeleather. Ready mixed Paints, strictly are White Leau, Cclou, Brushes, W naow Glass, fcc at Jacobi's came or il cat and stoima. Astronomers say that the spots on the sun were never larger, and can be teen with great distinctness through an ordi nary glass. A writer on this subject says: "Astronomers have been wise prophe' thus far rs to the influent of the commen. jment of ths sun spot cycle. Tornadoes of extreme severity have borne witness to abnormal conditions of the atmosphere, and a wave of intense heat, such as has not occurred for a quarter of a century at this season of tbe year, has confirmed the exactness of previous ot servations. We must still expect tie uiual storms, waves of heat, and auroia displays that follow the maximum of sen spots; we have yet to learn whether the coincident perihelia of the fonr great planets will increase and prolong tit elemental warfare. This is one of the most interesting problems of the day, as well as one of the most practical and important. It will not meet with a hasty 8oiutiopt for the period of observation ex tends to the year 1885.' Tha rains last night washed out a very ugly hole on Third, between Market and Princess streets. The washout Is at tbe intersection of the sewers. We understand that a bouse on Foirtb street was unroofed bj the storm last night. We could get no further particu lars relative to the disasttr. Think twice before you believe every evil story you I ear, and think twenty times before you repeat it, especially if it is about a woman. Say to yourself. This may not be true, or it may be ex aggerated, unless yon have proof of the veracity of your ialormant. Persen8 sometimes tell falsehoods; they often make mistakes and they sometimes 'hear wrong. Yon can bay No. 1 Cooking and HeaK ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. A Household 3eed V A book on tbe Liver, its d'jaases and their treatment, sent free. ' Including treatise upon Liver Complaint Torpid Liver, Jaundice, " BiIiioasne, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, IXalarla, etc. Address Dr. Sanpokd, 162 Broadway, New York (Sty, If. Y. Je H-4w TheraoaetrlcaX From the United States Signal Office tn this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, at taken ' csora- log at 6:56 o'clat t Atlanta. Oa.-.. 71 Mobile, Xhw. 7S Montgomerv Ala...71 Nashville 6a New Orleans ...... ..80 New York.., , Cj PunU Kiaivlls-ii Bavanaah, (h.w.u Shxaveport.... Tl SL Loais Mo. (0 SL Marks, Fla,....nt ieksbrg,fiss..70 WasaiagtoB m L9 WUatiagton. -.71 Augujta. GaM...Ta Cairo, 1U-. ...W Charleston, S. G....81 ClaeinnatL.. Oonicana, Tex,....,T tort Gitaoa, I.T.84 Galrefton -..80 lndiasola.M..M.t J acksooTille, FlaFS IT aexville . J.tM.Ki Lyncbbnrg. m ...VU 6? Memphis. Teaa...CS 16, 1880. NO. 98 A R El Gil OF TERROB. The Alarming Increase of Heart Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check Us Increase. The Wonderful Properties of "Seda- tine de-India" and how to Properly Use It- Facts of Importance for All Regard . ing a New Discovery. The mortality statist ios of this country show that a great proporiiu. of deaths arise from Heart Disease But aside from the fatality which attends it, the i' conve nience and suffering which even the lirt stages bring, make it necessary to take prompt measures for relh f. Undoubtedly the greatest lemedy of modern times tor coriDff diseases of the Heart U 'Sedatine. de-India," which is accomplishing such) wonaerrui results ana attracting so -much attention. This great remedy possesses ingredients specially designed for all the numerous troubles of the Heart. The combination is the result of long and care ful experiment, and it can be safely as serted that when taken in time it will cure in every case. Do you ever have Night mare, oppressed feeling in side and breast, Irregular Action, Throbbing, Jumping, Fluttering, Momentary IStoppiug, Slow Circulation of the Blood ? These are all symptoms ot Heart Disease. Those who are suffering and have never .tried it do so at once ; those who have ever tried it do not need to beurged to do so agaiu; If your DraggUt has not got it send one doL lar to our address and it will be mailed to you. Sole Agents in America, Lobdell Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. jell-ecd&w-rJm. Let Girls Learn lobe pure in mind and heart. To be modest in demeanor. To be helpful at home. And then there are less vital things that they should learn; as To sew neatly. To do simple cooking. To buy with economy. To dress with tastr. To read aloud well. There are many other useful and orna mental accomplishments within the reach of most girls, but those which we have given are indispensable. New Advertisements. New Books, JUCIE ROD EI", A Novel by Henry Oreville. Major Jones' Georgia Scenes. By Major J ones. The Lamplighters' Story. By Dickens. At the LIVfi BOOK 8TORE. Croquet. TBE LARQS8T ASSORTMENT ever broaght to this city. Country orders solicited. Hammocks, Cord and Mexican Grass. HE1N8BEKQE&'8, j) 14 39 and 41 Market Street. Wire Netting! Screens: For Doors and Windows. Good rtokeep out flias'andjmosquitoef. Also, Sash, Daors9 Blinds Lumber, and. Building Material Generally ALTAFFER, FRICfc & CO. Factory: Office: ' Foot of Walnut iU KatS aeax Red Cross sf COMMERCIAL HOTbL, WILM1NQTON, N. d Large Sample Rooms. Tor Commercial Travelers! fJlHE PROPRJKrOR haviag: taorougbiy renovated this House and faralshed It entire ly new. Is prepared to give to the travelog public all the eoavenJeaoies of a FIRhT CLASa HOTEL. Itij located la the very eeatre of the buinees part of the dry, being tonvenieat to the principal business hous, Potto flee, Castoa Homw, City Hill and Oosrt House. Fbtt-Class Bar aad Bif.lard Saloon oanectea wifa this Ho4L - I EATS $2 rsii DAT. oct 34 A. BCHUTTbV We wHl beg' ad tm reeelve communication from our friends on any and all subjects o sreaeral iaUrect but ; - , t ' i f o j The name of the writer must always be fcr nishedjo the Editor. Communications must be written; on orly one aide of the.paper. ,v Personalities must be avoided. :,i And it is especially ani pa. tlcularlj' under stood that the Kditw oWuot al wVyi ie8 e be views of correspond en tr, unlees so itvttd 'n the editorial columns. New Advertiaornonta. x THOMAS m BIcKOY, SUCCE OK TO Boatwright & MeKoy, and 7 North Emit S; I HAVE IN - - STORK AXD KIV . coning ttaily ' My stock is large an J lam ' determined to keep a FULL STOGIE !;;- Thanks to good fortune I am enji abled to buy all my Goods . FOR CASH! ' ' Which'. will put me in a position to sell as Low as ho who Bells Lowest I I want tradq-I Uesiro it, and if I'air Dealing?, Good Goods at Low Prices, Prompt Dolivorjv wili secure it, then I amJjound to iiavo it. I invito even body "to call and sec me. , ... ; , : THOS. II. IflcKOY; ' Grocer and Liquor. Dealer, ,. .! je 14 . 5 & 7 Xdrth;rrOnt t' j- ? ., 3 t . i.. t x 't.114 ' t ff t.t M ALT AND HORS' iJ2 t i. r. 1 lit, :1 ' 1 ! ' ft . THIS INCOMPARABLE 2tTJf RltNTn't richer in Bone an 4 Xuscle Jpdpip Materials than all ether 'fjrrr.S'of rca t'- or medicine, while free frori.. tije objwinwii urged against ic It I'tti. Iff q''i,ii1 digestion, 8ick Ueaoche. ' vMVn. Emaciation, Mental and 1c?m-1 trirt:. HerTOuraees, Want of " Hte:, ' i ;ccf k;iv Weakness of Females, Fxbacittfoai of iog Mothersof the Aid, aad. ot; Utl'iQc. Children, MALT tflTTKTiS' &r t.. ji0r iat, best, and saest e ootid wit A aidUin irt! compounded. Hold veryjTerc, r ilAlT, BITTEK8 CO., Bos tonMast'' 'l r I j one 14 4 ir : ) '.5 J ilt : m B'i and shrppe, only SO. 'ew I'iw , $195 io ,1,GOO. ' lf'Mif!aWpr i?t Illustrated fra.4 AddrM4 J)miakJMuUm.ij ui Croquet, Archery w i'-pfl F ANCT BASKITS, iusui-j -cif .: . ..::-!!' vovpi.!4 lT3mot, , .... i ..Liiuud 'i.? Picture Fiacus,. mvV txjVjd t . Scabby School liWcfcV'j" 111 I ... . t'i r - i j ! 4il tM t EVOK.piQ3LE .il. Mil j 14 i .tt nun titt; JIB. J. H. BATES; Nwapapf Aaverfsr f ngAreat,4l Park Row, (Titae. BaildngK Hew Yorlr, is authorixedtv eontract-Jcr tc-' tertisements in tha Dailt Kktiiw ap4Wtfi aiacioaJouaBAL, at our.lowtrate? I 1 . 4) 1 I 1 Vs-