THIS PA PEfc r . .,n .i teroin. Sundays - n ' - ' i w a A . w wui oeg'ad to receive commnnicatfoai from our friends on any and all inbjests o EMraJUtareaf bat -i MfC Tbe Bam of tna writer most always bs fur aiakedto the Editor. 1 1 ' Commwiieatlons must be written: on only one aide oftheaper. . ' u 1 T DAILY Review. KUfTOh ANU PR-UIKTOK. 8l.BMCKUTIONH.PHTAK PAID, year, $5 W rath" 40 ' Jhre ''"'aoatua, Jl ; Oue month. 60 cents. Vbe paper will be delivered by carriers, rM of ehreef in any partpf the city, at the ratea, or IS cents per week. AdTertiain rates ow and liberal A-riubseribers will pleaae report any and '.;uresto receive their papers regularly. flew Advertisaraerits. -aJ wMuun moil M Mowed. . Andjt is eTedally andpvcniKlj:ader tood that the Editor dottnSC MrYjftzd . rse the views of oorreepoaden ts n&lees so . t te d in the editorial colaw na. v ' New Advertisemonts. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY JUNE 17, 1880. NO. 99 GRAND DEMONSTRATION BROWN & RODDICK, 45 IVlar&et St., . KR DEMONSTRATING THE y FACT till 1'ry "ooa'a can -bV bapht as cheap ia tki" cit n MJ other ia tbis couotrf. -a' space will not allow us to fill ia a much ai d-i e ,lmt you always receive a cordial wnlrome at ur place of business btirig y ur auipl8 ai.d compare From 8o to $l. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. Ladies' Muslin and Lace Neck Wear, such as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, Ao. gilk Handkerchiefs in Twill and Brocade. AUCHINGSOF EVRY DESCRIPTION From 1)4 cents to $5. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS ; Ever shown it this city, from lie to $10, each. r Oar selections in this department embrace many novelties. Oar variety is immerse. imeres For Men and Boy's Wear, Katarai Colored and Figured Linen for Stairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. Corduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rufflings 50 cents. Something New in Ladies' Summer Balmora Skirts. Xaitien Lap Robes, Ac, Ac., Ac Give as a call and look oveXj. our stock. We are by no means afraid to show our goods. BROWN & 'RODDICK, 45 Market St. may 15 Sign of the Bis: Boot. I AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY, IAT FXTRKMK LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOOIS: Kent's Sewed Gai ers .....SI 40 Custom Made Gaiters.....'. 2 40 " Laced filf Tie Shoes 1 20 Latfea' foxed 8Loea 1 OO M Newport Ties...... " Opera Slippers ....... 1 25 8trap Sandals...". 1 20 2 -r -ft PAnnai AlinrMri. C5 Vlvvs f jT" - Hisses Strap Bandals 1 u Button Gaiters ............. 1 20 -Children's 8trap SandaK..... OO Button Gaiterf 9. BLUMFNTHAL, -may 18 tf No 40 Ma ker Street. The Hew Hat Store, ,QALL AND EXAMINE MY SUMMER totylef ! Straw aid Felt Hats. They are grtty and cheap. ; JOP M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Front street, May SI Next to Poreell Home,. FOR GOVERNOR OF PITT. FOR CONGRESS : JO UK W. SHACKHIFORD, OF ONSLOW. For Presidential Elector, Third DUtrict.. jy. H. BTcLEAIO', I Of Harne't. . .' LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. See ad Tax Notice C C K W Change of Pcld5.1e. D O'Cosno i CjtU?fg fof Rent on Green ville Sound. Yatei. Croqmt, Arclery Goodd. P Liss8n8iiB Ntw Book?. A A I fcHRistt-Ueet L'nlaun 1 : ied r-hirt In the city for $1. No Crty Court to-day. Travel cm the different ru.ids is good. Window Glass all sizes at ltaflbr & Price's. "1 IheeabLrly wiLcis have almost s warn j ed the tiah market. The beautiful buttonaire deftly piDDed on tbe lappel by a- fair hand, is what breaks tbe young man up. Full Mtital aud Waluut th )vv Cases, all styles and, see, at Altaffer, Viuck &Co's. - - . The begiralrbra tbe city fur tha Sum mer is now in full blast and rr.orn thaD one residence has been totally depopu lated. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew- cr ia a splendid dressing for "the I air. No other like it. Try it and judge for you:- selves-. Tbe thermometer stood at 80 degrees in thiscfficeatS o'clock to-day, which is 10 degrees les3 than it was at tbe same hour cn Monday. Wlun you visitor leave New York City, stop at the Grand Uuion Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. : -European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 .And upwards. Restaurant unsurpas&ed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly" Rough straw hats have brims faced widely with crochet netting, and the scarf is of white French wool grenadine, or men's veiling. Window Gla5s of all sizes, Do ir, Sash, and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&c Low st plreces at .lAcoiii's. - " , Two very neat cottages on GrccDvIllo Sound are offered for rent for the season. Soo.advertisemant and apply to Mr. D. O Cot. nor for full particu'ar. Mr. Jobn Ilaar, Jr., of this city, is to open a general auction establishment in one 6f the store son S)uth Front street, in the Holmes Hotel building. Ready mixed Paiuts, strictly ure White Lead, CvPts, W ndo Glass, Jcc., at Jacohi's Her head was laid ailectiouateiy on his manly bosom, and as they whirled in th? dizzy waltz, bc sweetly murmured I hear your te'-ejhone' meauicg, of course, his heart. Plows, chovels,.- Pitohtorks, Spades, Rakes, Trate Cluin5, Plow Lines, .tc For the lowest prices, go to J acobi's. Quite a large number of our country friends, frcm alolj the line of the Caroli na Central Railway, are in the city tc diy, having taken advantage of the cheap excursion r.ttes. . Cnr Spring and . -Summer Gioda for Gcnt,Yuulli'a andRoy's wear is still 'arge and attractive. Those who want the nobbiest, the uewest. the laet, the best and tbe cheat est g-xni always go to Shrier's. tf. A p.-.rrot, a j Uij iog, tii.rte canaries in separate cagf a Newfuuudlar.d, ? goat in barceas and a jet kitten iu a basket is the correct complem-ut fjr a Jamiy takiDg pcsfsticn ot a sea;i le cottage tt this season. . If. as.jorno one has said, 'a numerous household is tbe safety of the Republic,' it might as well be proclaimed at once, that the remedy upon which such house hold should be reared Is Dr. Bull'i Baby Syrup. Price ocly 25 cents. Alwaya reiifabL The i,ewca! fceAiie and driving bati have small, curviug brims with low Derby crowu?, and the only trimming js a vermillion acarrof thinee crjpo folded around the crown with cadi clo.ely tuck ed in, nnrvel of aimplicify and style. FRO SI E A LEIGH. The Democrats of 'rlh Carolina in CoDTentlon Tha L.nrsest Convf ntlon crer Held in Balelsh Xo Hall Large Enough to hold the Conrention and the Convention meets In the Open ir JarVls Nominated on the First Ballot. (Social to Daily Review ) Raleigh, N. O , Juue 17th, 3:25 p. m Tue Democrats of North Carolina, through -thir chosen representatives, met here to-day in Convention for the purpose of nominatiug a State ticket and Democratic Electors at large and for ap pointing delegates to the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, to be held on the 22 1. It is the largest political con vention ever hold in North Carolina There is an immense attendance, and as there is no hall in the city large enough to hold them all, the convention is beiog held in the open air in Capitol Square. The Convention was called to order by'Capt. S. A. Ashe, Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee. Mr. James E. Moore, of Martin, was made temporary Chairman, and Messrs. LT. A. London, Jr., of Chatham, and P. M. Wilson, of Raleigh, temporary Secre aries. A permaceut organ;zation was after waids effected, when lHaj, John W. Graham, of Orange, was chosen as Chair man, and Messrs. H. A. London, Jr., of Chatham, and R. M. Fcrjjan, of Ema, combe, were elected Secretaries. Judge Fcwle, Governor Jarvis and General Scales have been placed in nom ioation for Governor, and the balloting has just commenced. Will send you more very soon. J. SECOND DIf PATCH. 4.2b P. M. Thomas J. Jarvis was nominated for Governor of the State of North Carolina on the first ballot. ' J. The Ailanthus. Any one who wishes to deserve the good will of his country will (6et himself to the destruction of the ailanthus -irecs, now in flower, before they have tinte again to poison the air with their pesti lential blossoms. Oce who knows or who ought to know says that the rank odor is absolutely poisonous to sensitive persons, producing headaches, nausea and prostration, and fevers and bilious com plaints are doubly distressing by the smell It would be worth the attention of medical men" to determine whether malarious and nervous diseases are not considerably aggravated during the time the ailanthus is iu flower. Physicians JTreely- prescribe -the new Food Medicine, Malt Bitters,'' because more nourishing, strengthening and purL fyiDg than a'l other forms of malt or medi cine,.while free from the objectlors urged against malt liquors, " -Iw List Your Taxes. The Assessors for Cape Fear, Harnett andMasonboro townships will be on band in the Commissioners' Room at the Court lionise, in this city, on Saturday next to take the tax lists of rcsideofl of Wilming ton who may own property in said town ships.' All such are earnestly urged to come forward and sve time and trouble for themselves -and otners. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi bavin? been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, patties in want of thn cele orated Plow c in now have their ordeis filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No 10 S. Front St. tf. The days are now at tneir longest and on Tuesday they will begin to shorten. Tall clusters of Lady Washington roses are seen on the latest fashionable bon nets. The almanac tells u that Summer will begin on Sunday next, at 8 o'clock P. M. A good joke. Gold and straw colored plumes take the place of white feathers on the stylish rough straw hats. . - . ,0 - - ;m; Pompons ofj silk and cabbage roses of quill feathers' tut down are the oft trim ming for seaside hats, as dampness does not nncurl tbem like ostrich plumes. The jr-bandle style of carrying the arm adopted by wearers of glovefitting . . j dressef, with elbow out and bands at- tached to thi aide, gives a woman in tbe street much -It be outline of a Grecian urn, but is oot develcpment of antique grace. lit!' J I 1 he Rivrr. T.h-5 liver was MliDg yesterday when the steamer North State left Fayetteville' and it is probable ihat the boat will mfet arise of frm U ree to four feet. There is no plenty of water on ti e shoals for boating purposes Several very hue tlm" ber raf.s from abuve Fayetteville arried in this city this morning. 1 h ee at one Bi'tU. A colored woman residing on Swaun street, iu this city, the wife of David Jones, a well known drayman bas given btrtn recetStly to triplets. The first was b;rn last Friday night, the second on Saturday night and the third on Sunday night, but only the oldest has survived. At las accounts the mother and her child were doing very well. The woman is about 35 yeara old and has grown children. Save your money aud buy jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. T..e Fortunate Lady. The publication made by us yesterday, to the effect that a lady in this city was heir to a'bandsome fortune in Eagland, has created quite a ripple of excitement aud enquiry. We see no harm in giv ing the name of the lady and trust that she may succeed in securing the estate without much more of delay and expense. It is Mrs. Gardner, the wife of Capt, Junius D. Gardner, who is the fortunate person. She is thegreat grand-daughter, not the grand-daughter,'as we stated yes terday, of James Green, who died in Eng land in 1802, and who left the money. Mrs. Gardner ia the only heir to the es tate. The only thing in the way would appear to be the difficulty oi establish ing the death of ner grand-father, the son of the decedent, wno left hero and re moved to the Southwest more than fifty years ago., but this, we cpine, wili not stand in the way for long as the party referred to would have been over 100 yeare old if be had lived until now. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacob i's Hardware Deoot. More Burglarious Attempts. There is one section ot the city which seems to have been selected especially of late for the operations of burglars and the thing is getting so monotonous now in that neighborhood, that somebody will get mad before long and then someboty else will get hurt. Twice within a wee bas the residence of Mrs. Owens, a wid ow lady residing on -Fifth, between Orange and Ann streets, been attempted, but fortunately the rascals were unsuc cessful in each inetacce. There is evi dently a gang of them as on each occasion when they have keen seen there are more than one engaged in the attempt. Last night, about kalf-past 2 o'clock, they dropped in on Mr. John Niemeyer, corner of Sixth and Orange streets. They had raised tbe window land propped it with an axe, when Mrs. Niemeyer beard them and aroused her husband. Mr. Niemeyer had-hts pistol near at hand and blazed away at tbem but having been bo suddenly arcused from a deep sleep he was considerably dazed and fired wilda As a consequence he missed the rascals who managed to get off clear. The tn tire neighborhood waa aroused by the noise of the shots and much excitement ensued. One gentleman, a venerable friend of burs and an old Confederate hero, sprang frcm Lis bed with tbe im pression that Fort Fisher waa attacked again, and or the third time. He would certainly have bad a band in this fight, too, only be couldn't find the door! Yon can buv No. 1 Cookin? and Hpu ingdioves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. A?hey or drab, hair, Is tie latest freak of fashion. But tbe girls will Lever be satisfied until tbey can have their choice between a delicate skybloe and a deep snade oi bottle gfeen. A dashing blonde with pick hair or a stately brunette with wavy treses of a beautiful mahogany brindle, with be jait heavenly. I Tnermometrtcal. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of tbe thermometer, as taken this morn ing at '6:56 o'clcrk : . Atlan a, Ga.M.MW.6i Mobile, Ala......67 August. Gau..69 J Montgomery Ada 6 Cairo. 111. ..63 Nashville ..63 Charleston. 8. C -6 i New Orleans...... .7i Cincinnati... 6T Xew York.. ... Corsicana, Tex..6 J Panta lUaav I lsu80 t crt Gibson, L T.67 Savannah, Ga.M.l9 Galveston .7S bhreveport 68 lndianola. 80 Bu Loaia Mo. 63 Jacksonville, FLa 7 St. Marks, FlaOO g noxville B Vlekabartj, MJaa.f I Lrncabarr 64 1 Wash a,emphiaTenn...tB WUmLiUEtoB..S3 THE MAILS. ' Tne mails close and arrive at. the City Pobt Office as follows : Northern through and 'way mails 5.-30 p. m. Raleigh.;.. ..5 30 a. m. . . .and 5.00 p. to. Mails for tbe N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 p. ro. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 p. m. Western mails (CCR'y) daily (-xcept 8unday) 5:00 a. m. Mail for Cueraw & Darlings ton 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston..,... 7:4 5 p. m Fayetteville, and offices -on - . Cape Fear Riter, Tuesdays, and Fridays.....". 1.00 p. ra. Fayettevi.le, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 5:00 i m. Onslow C. H and intermedi ate oflSces.every Fridav 6:00 a. m Smithville mails, by steam. boat, daily, (except Sun days).... ' 9 00 a. m. Mails for Esy Hill, Town UreeK-and bballotte, every Friday at 6.00a.m. Wilmingtcn and Black River , ' Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at,....'.... ......... 9:30 a.m. Mails for North cf Richmond will close at 2 30 p. m. " OPEN FOE DELIVZEY. Northern, through and way . mails 7:C0 a m. Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 9:15 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 d. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp othce. General delivery open from f:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for ea!e at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. A REIGN OF TERROR. The Alarming Increase of Heart Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check Its Increase. The Wonderful Properties of "Seda-tine-de-India" and row to Properly Use It Facts of Importance for All Regard ing a New Discovery. The mortality statistics of this country show that a great proportion of deaths arise from Heart Disease. But aside from the fatality which attends it, the inconve nience and suffering which even the firot stages bring, make it necessary to take prompt measures for relief. Undoubtedly the greatest i emedy of modern times lor curing diseases of the Heart is "Sedatine. de-India," which is accomplishing such wonderful results and attracting so much attention. This great remedy possesses ingredients specially designed for all the numerous troubles of the Heart. "The combination is the result of long and care fjl experiment, and it can be safely as serted that. When taken in time it will cure in every case. Do you ever have Night mare, oppressed feeling in side and breast, Irregu'ar Aciion, Throbbing, Jumping, Fluttejing, Momentary (Stopping, Slow Circulation of the Blood ? These are all symptoms of Heart Disease. Those who are suffering and have never tried it do so at once ; those who have ever tried it do not need to be urged to do so again; If your DruggU. has not got it send one doL lar to our address and it will be mailed to you. Sole Agents in America, Lobdell Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. je ll-ecd&w-6m. DIED. On the 13tb day of Jane,in Leesbarg, Pea' der county, after a short illness, it. H. fiMITU son of John ard Macule I). Hmith aged 11 months and 10 days. New Advertisements. Tax Notice. rpHK ASSESSOR for Cape Fear, Har J. tettand Masosbsro Towuhioi will h at tbe Commissioners Vo m at tie Court House oa Hatarday, 19th ioat, to take tbe Tax Lists of those residents of WUaaiogton ow&i g property io said Townships. jsl7 It Greenville Sound. rpWO 5EAT COTTAGES, with good Water, fi tables and Servants' j jjj A . r t . . Xi" M .M low. Apply to D4 OC055OB, . je 17-1 w Piiaeea, bet! Front and 2d its Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF GAUDIES, received aadfor French and Domestic, just saJe. r ' i1 W : THE 02TLT i GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy In the city, will! jk fbaad frvery day, freeb mad sweet three doors 8cmtli of tbe roa(oiSce 09 B oad strec AUo, Hats EaUina, Fruit, lc C- . JETEX8. lanW 7ea tb Foatofic CAROLINA CENTRAL iiAlLTVAYC t . OrricB Gs.seal Serial. iwrnft, WUmlniOB, . a, Jane IS. I 80.J m CHAWOE OF SCnCTJUT. (S AND AFTER jrjrfE lCtu f ;. W8?adule wm ber. on th. Passenger, Mail aad laprese Train. . ) Leave Wilmington au:r. fl.O P h o. L Arrive at Hamlet at.w...i'-l.v5 A k 1 J " at CbarloHe aLW5V0 1 k ljeave Charlotte atjScin p h, Arrive at iJaa.letatM..... J.?7 A 2 " at Wilmington afOJ A ii No. 1 trait hi daily txcept 8uiday, bat makes no connections to Kakwrh on tatar days. No. 2 train is daily except Patu diys. Shelby Division Mail, Freight' Passeac t and Exp real. ; o 3 l VTe Chot....-...:0J A.H Arrive at 8helby at 12:0 J M So. 4. V7e Shelby at...'...i...M, 2.C0 P M J Arrive at Charlotte at...... .-00 P As Lccal Freight and Accommodation. leave Wilmington at . !....'..if'A5 A 11 Al rive at Laarinbn Leave Charlotte at .j6 A M Ariive at Laariabnrg . at.. ...... .-....-.'.t 00 i ji Leave LaurinbBrK at.. 6,30 A M Arrive at Charlotte at... ....4,20 P Ji Leave Xaarisbarg at....'.t.,;........,.";;5'oo 4. -M Ar.ive at Wilmington aU....;V.".""."4.1'oP M ThAM fraf n a 1a.- XX7:i : . . lotte, Tuesdays. lhudy8 and Hatm-day: Laarinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. , . Close connection at Uamlet to and frrm Raleigh and at Charlotte via Statwvdle to- AshevUle n Btern rth Crolia ud to Also, via 8partanbarg to Uendersonville , adjacent points and AshevUle. Pisaensara fnr AaliaTiiio leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M. will arrive a destination at 7 P. M. next day. Sleeping Car accommodations on Tbmueh Trains to and from Charlotte arid- Wilmin- fpH.Ui? ?Wiwi,1 4,a; run to and from Balaigh abd Charlotte, 1 ' lane 17 General aaerin tanked. pANCY BA8KET8, Chromos, Pictarn, Framis, Sunday School tteokj, . ; B!aak Books, -! 1 Q . Ac, Ac, at BUOK STORE. h i Wew Books,, JTUCIE RODEY. A iTovel by, 'Uenry Greville. ; il l Major Jones Georgia 8cenea.U By Mcjor Jones. ' - The Lamplighters Story." By feUas. At tha LIVE R0OK.T0Kj:. Crpqu0tno': . 1 TH. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ever brought to tkis city. Country orders solicited. ."file fu t Hammoeks, Cord and Mexioaa Qraas . liElN8BKR(lR'ti, j 14 - 39 and 41 Market Street. Wire Nettinef .. ; au SCREENS 1 For Doors and Wm Jo Good'tokesp out flief'andmcrqrultoe. ' Alio,V-;' ' , .!. i it Saoh, Doors, Blinds, v. --ill . Lumber, a&dj .Building MatrrUi Umerally. ALTAUTlCIi, 1'iaCls A- CO. . Factory: . . . , Offic: Foot or Walnut sL'SutV near Red Crosr sf COMMEnCFAL HOIbL, -l- i : at ur . . WIIiMlNQTOKr K.d C-! Large Sample Roorjw for . Cornincrcial Travel er.7i TH PROPBJETOB " havttfYfiTrlu hlj . .. .: . 4'. . .. ,L.-J:ail renovated thds House andfarsiahedlentre- Ijasw, If prepared te fta bw, lrre. n g puklie ail the ea venUnete-' T aj ri 2?T CLASa HOTEL. It Ii ealsdlintie tary eaatrt of the buiineaa fart of th dty. Ixlsg ooave&ient to tha principal bajinesa, fcoaset, Poctoflce, Cuitom Ho use, O.tyL'Haii and Govt Bovm.' ",; " il uj fSfk. Flrti-ClaM Bar andBCailrd Saloon eoaaecteJ wlta QOs HoieL to,T . ; uu it BATES , ri PKR DAY. oct 24 v - l try u i v. r. A. iTJHUTTT,

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