j .very aftnon. Headays ex- c(,rTC.K 4Tn WRtirrO. , 5 00 Hu mont, 0 ; Three Boer will b delireYed ty carriers, "f !" ,nior part of the citj, at the .r.torl3ceDtarWefik v v :.; rates loir andliberal ;jTSBbeenterf will pkw report any and ' 'io reeeiT tbeiripapers rejpilarry. New Advertisements. BROIVN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., nK DfcM0NHTKATfirO-Tftic-.FA.CT Athst ITT ood can bo bought as jt C't s i any other ia tbis ,fcJ - 83cj will not allow, us to fill u cb ddd e ,bt you always r-ive riial W"l,-o,ue t fur place .of business froB 8o to $1. In all the latest fabrics. pilKTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. Ivlof Muslin and Lace Neck Wear, such as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, Ac. Bilk Handkerchiefs In Twill aid Brocade, RUCHINGSQF EYEBY DESCRIPTION i From 1i cents to $S. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $0jeAOh. Oar idlectloni in this department embrace disj novelties. Oar variety is immerse. imeres For Men and Boy 'a Wear. Katarar Co!orei and Figured Linen for Btairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. Corduroy nd and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Bofflings 60 cents. i'ouietLinjr. New in Ladies' Summer .Balraora Skirts. Linen Lap .Robes, Ao., Ac, Ac." Oire as a call and look over our stock, W are bj no means afraid to show our loosi. . BROWN & 'BODDICK, 45 Market St. ttiy If, Sign of the Bier Boot. rf-i riU 1 amnowoffeuinq ' rO 8 ELI . FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW FBICS, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: I beat's Sew Ad Gsiferi 40 " Custom Made Gaiters..........;.... 2 40 " Uced Calf Tie Shoe.... J...1.: 1 20 Udies' Foxed Bhoe....M i 00 Newport Tier.... 90 Opera Slipperr..... V Strap Baidalf M LL. 1 20 11 Crcqaet Slipperr.. Go " , i i i : IUi 8trap Sandal.. 1 16 " fiattoa Gaiters 20 CblhWi Btrap BAadAlf....MM 90 ' ! I i - ' . Button Gaiters 1 1 90 BLDMKJfTflALj ttJ 18 tf No. 40 Marker fitreet. The JIei7 Hat Store. PaLL AJfi' EXAMINE 117 SUMMER J- i ... . i - j j i hjls ot 8traw and Felt Hats. They j are prUj and ebaap ' ; j EiOPN M. R0BI580X, Na. IS Froat street, Nett to ParH House. VOL. V. : LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P fiaiRSB rob Pi uoi sod organs. A A- Thomas Soldiers ! Vates . Crcqutt, Arc.ery Gooda. -A A I Phri& Beat Fnlaaat.ied 'hhirt In the city for $1. v No Uity Court to-day. - The pupil oi -iiie eje has to be lashed. Wit dow Glas -.'ricVa.. ah sizes at ltaffer & Il iv'c yu lifted )Oir uiee? Tf e titte isriraitiJ t" c'o; Tbe hiettii6tt:p tttjactcr New Y( ik.i his iro-fning. hai i for The dog carL was out to day an? scoop ed in sevtrai badgelrsa cargoes. The tberrnciriettr stocjd at 82 degrees in this rfii;e at y o clr.ck this afttrnoon. Full Metal aul Walnut Sh w Cases all styles and sues, at Altaffeei, Pkick & Cox . . y . ' A' steamboat should have a polite bow. But they generally have a bteru appear ance. Eveiybody cnn get suited with a Pocket Knife, aUi Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The wiDd is geUiDg around towardg the South and the weather is warmicg up again. . . Ton can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats inc6'ovesat almost sn' price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew er w a splendid drepsiogrfor the I air. No Other like it. Try it and judge for your selves. One must get up at five o'clock in the moraing to hear the little birds sing bestf and unless a person is very" fond cf music it doesn't pay. ' A medical student says that he has nsver been able. to discover the bone of contention, jand ceilres to know if it is not the jiw-bone. It is not always perfectly fiafe to soothe the Baby with opium preparations, but you can rely on Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup; it contains nothing injurious. Telegraphic information f'om Shelby to-day states that ther6 was an inch "of snow at that place yesterday afternoon. We hardly know how to take it. Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,fce Low st plreces at Jacobi's. Dusimss men frequently advertise for 'a toy to run errands.' The way. boys crawl to and from the post ; ffice icdicates that the boy expected to run Las never been found. The beautiful ycuog la :y graduate may, in 'subsequent years, forget the title of her essay, but sha wi'.i always remem ber how ber sweet pekay was made and trimmed. Beady mixed Paints, strictly ure White Leat, iy br?, Brushes, W uiov Glass, kc at Jacobi's . . Oar barorreter sys tuut t tfH jft a storm brew iutr and th.it it will come from the South or Sutheast. Bat then our barojnetfeMS a mighty b:.g liar, as we have proved on more than one occasion It is one of 'Pool's Signal Service Btrora e era ' The te'ephocc came in agaiu( very hap pily last night. Those who had them at their residences or were detained at ofiiee or s'ore, ha 1 only to go to the won derful little instrument and learn the news from Kileigh, as'fjst as it arrived It is, indetd, a 'wonderful institution.' Plows, Shovels,' Piu:Liij:jii?V Spades, Bakes, Tra e Chans, I 'low Lites, .V:c For the lowest paces, go to Jacobi's. Uuy?Hlrls Slmcnots. Q lite a large number cf birds, inclu ditg mccking birds:, are Icing killed dai'y from the tree in this city. A great many boy! take part in this mu chief and they kill the birds with sliushots We saw OLe little fellow this morning who had killed three birds- and be was still od the war pith. The elicgshots are dam gerous, it isiuel to kill the little song sters and we think it is a violation of tho city ordinances to use the sliDgshor. If it is not, it should be, acd the ordinance should be tnforc d atcr.ee. Car Spring anl Summer Goods for Gcnt,Youth's andBjy's wear is still.'arge it- aod-attractive. 1'hose who want the DObbiest, the newest, tho late.t, the best at. J the cheapest gootlv always go to Shriers." WILMINGTON, N. C, A Mrery. , An entire suit of overclotLing, con suting of Coat, pots and vet, was dis covered in a scrubby oak thicket in the southern part of the city thia morning, by a gentleman who happened to be pas sing that way. The ground around loot odas though there had been a hci ffl and we presume that a couple of thieves had beet fighting over their spoils 'I he Cape Fear. When the steamer A. Pm Hurt K ft Fayetteville yesterday morning tie river wis about at a stand s ill, the rait.a ib the early part-of the wetk not having reached far enough up the river to ma terially add to the volume of waUr. When the steamer came down there was about 2 feet of water on the shoIs, being though to bring Ler over with ut lightering. Th3 International Kevitw For July has been received, and con tains interesting articles upon the follow ing topics: 'Jonathan Edwards,' by Oliver Wen dell Holmes; 'Frontier Folk,' . by George Booh; 'Lord BeaconsfieldjVThe Laber Promblem from the Labor Re- f jrm Side, by Jesse H. Jones; 'Mr. Pointer's Lectures on Art,' II. by P. C- Hamnierton; Tn Wrecking of Life Insurance Companies by Julius Wilccx, and 'Contemporary Literature.' Messrs. John T. Morse, Jr., and Henry Cabot Lodge ate the editors ot the Review. It is published by A, S. Barnes & Co,, New York, at a subscription price of $5 per annum. Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medicine, 4,Malt Bitters,'' because more nourishing, strengthening and puri fying than all other forms of malt or medicine,-while free from the objections urged against malt liquors. 4w IMew Tanneries. Within the past month Mr, W. H. M. Koch has erected a tannery on Third, between Wt ester and Dawson streets. Mr. J.'W.fHewett, a tanner of many years experience, is the superintendent, and work is progressing finely. 'Peters' Eureka Tanning Process' is used, and Mr. Iiewett says it is the best known process of the age By it the heaviest bide can oe tanned, curried and made ready for use in one month, while by the old way, to tan a hide in the same manner as is now done, it required eighteen months. Seven vats are now in use and the water is supplied by a run two yards wide which crosses that portion of the city and empties into the old Dudley pond. Ail kinds of leather are tanned and shoemakers and judges of leather in this city say that the calfskins compare favorably with the French calfskins. The sole leather tanned is pretty and white and looks as though it would wear well. Mr Isaac Wells is also erecting a tan nery on the same stream, about two hundred yards from that built by Mr Koch. lie expects to be ready for work in the course of two weeks. . - . m-r r-' , L When you visit or leave jn e w l or uity, stop at the Grand Uniou Hotel, opposite Grand Centra! DepU. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and npwaids. Iiestaurant unsurpassed at moderate pi ices. Street cars, stages and elevated railioad to all parts ot the city. ly Lipplncoit's Masaalne. L ppincott's Magazine for July con tiins two illustrated articles of a light aod entertaining character 'The Palace of the Leathers tonepaughs nd 'Paradise Plantain Dr. S. Weir Mitchell con cludes the interesting account of his tour 'Through the Yellowstone Park,' and same peculiar phases of Western life are described by Louise G-fEa Jones in a pa per entitled 'On the Skonk River.' 'A Forgotten American Worthy,' by Charles Burr Todd, recounts the remarkable ca reer of Joel Barlow. 40a Spelling Re form' presents some strong arguments against the proposed changes in English orthography.. 'An Open Look at the Po litical situation criticises the course of the 'I idependetts and dUcusses the chancea of Civil Service Reform. 'Pipistrello,' by 'Outda is a picturesque and power fully written Btcry of Italian life. 'Adam and Eve' and 'Studies in the Slams' are continued. Tho poetry Is by Emma Iaz arus, J. B- Tabb, and H. L Lsouardt ajud the 'Monthl Gossip and Litertnre of the Pay are as good and varied as usual. This number regins the twenty sixth volume, j Mr 'NathT Jacabi having been appoint ed ag"eut fur the.) Atlas Plow, parties in want of this cetejrated PJosr cm now have their orders fitted at Jacobi's Hard, ware Depot, So. JO S. Front at. tf. liflEW. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, FBOU RALEIGH. All the old Ticket Elected Sava the Auditor A Harmonious Adjourn ment (racial to Diiy Review.) Ralf.iuh, N. C, June 18, 4:60 P. M. Thi Convention adjourned, hirmo niously, at 10 o'clock this morning. All ot the old ticket renominated except Aud itar, General W.'-P R iberts, of Gates, b ing the nominee, vice Dr. Love, in cumbent. General James M. Leach and Fab H. Bushee. Em., were nominate 1 for Eleo tors from the State at large. Captain Octav us Coke waa elected Chairman of (he Executive Committee. Messrs WTDortch, Thomas Ruffin, A M Waddell atd J S Henderson were elected delegates to Cincinnati, With Messrs W J Green, T Lj C'ingman, T M Long and Charles R Jones as alternates. On the Benefactor. Four ladies, one gentleman ' and two children left here th's morning on the steamship Benefactor. Mrs. Margaret King and Miss Nonie King go to Canada, Mrs. J. W. Reilly and child to Long Island, and Mrs. Koran and daughter and Mr. Russell to New York. The census. The eumerators of the census for this city, after laboring fourteen days com pleted their work on yesterday. They are required hy law to alt two days at the Court House to snake 'corrections in t ie enumerations but as they have not b?en supplied with blanks on which to alvertiaa their sitting, they will wait un til they are supplied. The footings up of the different districts have not yet been announced but we understand that as the lists now stand they will hardly foot up 19,000, which ismacb less than was indicated a few days ago. Tho Yacht Race Yesterday. The contest between the yachts Ripple and Restless , of the Carolina Yacht Club, was not concluded yesterday in time for us to announce the result in our last issue. It was telephoned us from the Sound, but too late, as our p-perj had then gone to press, xne Jxippce was sailed oy Mr. Norwood Giles and the Restless by Mr. Percy Cowan, these gentlemen being the owners of their respective crafts. Messrs. CC. aiorse and J. H. Bradley were the Judges and the race was over the usual course. There was stiff breeze from the Northeast and there were many spectators assembled to wiU nees the interesting event. The Restless started at 4h and lm and the Hippie at 4h 4m and 10s. The contest resulted in favor of the Jiestless, whicn came in on the finish at 5:53. Both yachts were well -handled and much interest was man ifested through the entire race. Their Abodes. Etc. The census enumerators iu this city have seen and heard some strange things. Iu the Northern portion of the city they have found peisnns living in boles in a sand bank, and have seen women, who claim to have grand-children, while they give Jtheir ages at about 21 or 22 yearr. On the other hand, persons apparently 60 to 70 years of age state that they are 00 to 100 years old. An old woman gave her age at 110, and another at 102. The colored men seem inclined to remain "on the shady side of fifty," and 'several have said udey was born 5 or 10 years - (as the case may be), 'fore reb time,' and are now 52, "boss, for sho.' Men who are certainly not more than forty years of ag claim to be from 50 to 55 years old, 'case dey was den too ole to ge in tax.' A man living iuthe S mhern portion .of the city was found ' who actually lived under ground in a space 10x12, with simply a board cover over the bole as a roof. Indications. For the South Atlantic Ststes clear, er partly cloudy weather, northeasterly winds, becoming variable, stationary or higher temperature and barometer. ThermocaeLrlcaL From the United States Signal Ofiiee in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as takes thia morn ing at 6:56 o'clock : Atlan-a, Oa..MW.61 Mobile, AXa.....72 Montgomery Ala.C7 Xaahville ..........67 y tw Xew York,.. t7 Pasta !UaasvtIa,Tl davaaaah, Ga..7fr btavpert.C8 Aagasta. Ga.CS Cairo, Ul....67 Charleston, 8. CC9 CiaetnnatL.. ......T Corsicaiia, TexT rcrs Qihaoa, I. TOM Galveston.7T Indlaaola....T8 Jacksonville FlaTf IT aoxvillfl . .... .... I Lyeatmrt;....... 9 fcemphi. Teaa...f 9 8L Loais lfo..Tf 8L Harks, Fls,..,,,cf iesafemrt;, MisBM..7l wasataftoau. Wilaiiaxtoa.. 1880. NO. 100 the n ails. Tne mails close and arrive at tb City Pot Office as follows : Northern through and way mails. .....6:30 p. m. Raleigh... ...5 30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p.m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. A N. C. Kulroad, at 5;30 p. m. Southern mails for all points. Sooth, daily..... 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C CR'y) daily Except Sunday) ; 5:00 a. ro. Mail for Caeraw, & Darling- ton 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston 7:45 p. m Fayetteville, and offices on , Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays...... 1.00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 pi m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices,every Friday...... 6;00 a. ra Smithville mails, by steam, boat, daily, (except Sun days) Mails for Easy Hill. Town 9 00 a m. Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at.. '.. 6.00 a. m. Wilmingtcn and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri . days at 9:30 a.m. Mails for North of Richmond will close at 2 30 p. m. OFEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. 7;00 a m. Southern Mails ; 7:30 a.m. Carolina Central Railway. 9:15 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department .open same as stamp omce. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to a. m. r Stamps for 6a:e at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every aay at a:3U p. m. A REIGN OF TERROR. The Alarming Increase of Heart Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It- Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check Its Increase. Tire Wonderful Properties of "Seda- Une de-India and low to Properly TJie It i Facts cf Importance for All Regard ing a New Discovery. Tho mortality sUtislics of this country show that a great proportion of deaths arise from Heart Disease. Bat aside from the fatality which attends it, the inconve nience and suffering which even the flrt stages bring, make it necessary to take prompt measures for relief. Undoubtedly the greatest lemedy of modern times lor curing diseases of the Heart is aSedatine. de.lndia,M which is accomplishing such wonderful results and attracting so much attention. This great remedy, possesses ingredients specially designed for all the nuinorous troubles of the Heart. The combination is the result of long and care ful experiment, and it can be safely as serted thai when taken in time it will cure in every case. Do you ever have Night-. mare, uppressea ieenng in side and breast, Irregu'arj Aciion, Throbbing, w Jumping, rmiwjung, momentary (Stopping, Slow uircuiation of the Blood ? These are all symptoms ot Heart Disease. Those who are suffering and have never tried it do so at once ; those who have ever tried it do not need ;to be urged to do so again; If your JJruggU has not got it send one dol lar to our address and it will be mailed to you. bole Agents in America, Ivobdell jell-ecd&w Cm. In memory of little WALTER ALLEN, in fant aim of Kli aad Martha Wllliaies. hn died Jaoe lhh, 1880, Std 10 months. . J st a. f, a. t he sweet, brown eves are closed forever. The little ehabbj hands are still, The baby fce is white and waxen, The little form is cold aad ehilL 1 ' Ah ! How we miss the little dar! in ir With his baby kisee, soft and sweet, Bis ready smile aad pretty lanrhter. And basy little hands and feet. Onlv a baby's empty ersd!e, Aad a trank of tin v baby clothes. Aad a dell, sad pain, and eaantr lonrlair. That only ! a loving, sad heart knows. Ad thi, with the little new-made rrave. Is all that is left of oar baby boy, , Who came like an early flower. To fill our home aad hearts with joy. Ah t Twas sad to sea him rafter, His pare, sweet fee so fail of pein. ' , Batob . 'lis Joy beyond all sseeimre. To iaow 'twill never be agala. Tes, little Walter Alkn, tana art sale. - , lUetiex on the Baviear's breast, -Home is aad with oat thedarUnx. ' Bat what the Hajter does is bee. Uarfaw, Peadsr c JnaelT, 18S0. For Gale. A'PKEFEOTLT fT-W OFTIC5 BiTE, Healer, Bahmssa A Ce numcfictsrtri. eoabiaatloa lock; f tight 1C9 lbs,- .! s For sale eaeasw sab 3 '? ' Apla TBtSOfriCE. tWaksie of Vrfter'n arV.yVlMKr aUhed to the Editor. CosaaiiluaaUaas iiatt be' wrhtei: on only one side of the paper. r Fewoaalities Bast bvo'lde1 ll And U is especially sad jsrtWarly er stood that the Editor does not always and He the views of correspondent? aalase so ts 14 d ia the editorial eolavas. Hem P Adverti Soldiers i A A. TBOM 1, Corner 9th nJ F sir tf. Washington, D. C.. attenfi tp r;nsion snd . 7- Boaatv Claims co'lected. Cn- rV ACUVe'1,:n1 iAIrssru. r 1. attends to before the Department of th interior and Supreme Court Land War raats oarchased. je 8 tf ' . V Greenville Sound ood Water, Stable and Serrat' Q tarters, for Bent -Term very low. Apply to : d; VQ'jsxdi:. je 17 iw j PtiatytsWt .r'rytjiyl 2d 9. Fresh Every Dayf VISE A880RTMENT OF CA.NDIAF, French and DomMtti ..wi.iuj a.. 1MB OJTLT JGKIirJINStnaintiTADE Candy in the. city, will be found everv fP'JJ11 tbrf dt" South of I ,.0itffie?on 80000(1 treet. Also, NnU Raisins, Frait, e. C. E. JEVifiis, I 23 Nea the Fostofflce Pianos and Organs, S OLD OX THE EAST MOVTRT V INSTALMENT PLAN'V At HEINSBEROER'S. Blank Books, p APER, HTLQPS , 3 X a Inks of all Colors, ' MucnageTThiafaliflTc ; : .'crVaie cheap ar'"'' - eEISBEfttiEfi, ji IS 39 and 41 Sarket Htrmt. CAROLINA CENTRAL P,ALWl?Ci. . Orvtoi Gaasaat 8urpaijWBaft,vV WUmiiftott. V. O:, Mnne: lK lf3 J CHAHOi wtfr&V V ON AND AFTER JUNE 16, 1 &o & ioalagBchednle will be operated on h s rtnit ,, r :.-u.J:.; . Passenger, Mail and Ixpreas Train. , ) Leave VUminrton at.. :C0 P W no. L Arrive at Hamlet at....... 1:'6 AlM ) - v. at CharloUe at.k 7 .00: A H w -. ) Leave Charlotte at,.....8:2Q P it. a: 1. Arrive at Haiuletat...;... 1.7 1 11 J " at Wilmingtoai kt ft 0 J A No. 1 train is daily exeept 8oAdays hot makes no connections to Kaleiarh oa 8al6r-' days. - ' -' ii i I.; Ifo. 3 train is daily exeept Sata 'Hy4.dw 8helby I)ivisioa Mall, Freight aSWflge r ' v and ISxpreta,.;, t'jacU Mo. s-lJ8Charlottsat -..8.0j.4M Arrive at Shelby at...... ..12:0V M jto. p-m M I lMt..ttrh.i. .t . a. on Li 1 v. Lccal Freight and Accommodatien, J-eave WilmUsrtoa jjU........C: 45 A J! AtriveatLanxiiihurg,iat.-f,, 5.10 P l Leave (rIottel.;3l7.;....;........4.15 A U Arrive at Laasiabara M LeavaLanrinbnra at,.............,5.30 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte at....';..:....v.;.;..2e pl jj Lear Lattriabarjr alU.M.aljJ.h 00 A M ArlTe WUmington atrrr,v.4ftU1JM These trains leave Wilmington , and , Clar -lotte, Tuesdays. Tharsdijn and'8aturdaV: Laariaborf,. Mondays, WeliedayfKSfad Fridays. . . .1 , Close connecuon at Umlet, to and, frcm Raleitjh and at Chariotte visHtrtwyllle'to pwntsia Western -North Carolina aad to AshevUle. . , .. . Also, via 8parUnbarK to UeAdaraonriJle . adjacent points aad Asheyiifi;' - v - . rjiVr9 fo'Asheritte r.r eirh'er rWe lea via or Wilmloctnn tin c u -., detaatioa at 7 P.M. next daj m aelag Oai aecianibdatUi-h-r. lirn, b h Trains to and from tharloue aji Wici- Throwjrh KImmmm .t!i . ,iai kJvm fS j - r - ----- - - - -iri.ai.tu o 1 . ; a .l .... t Yi JftTlYHnv Jvae 17 "fGetiera! BtKrtnteti-rH Croquet,1 Archer 7 " bniim ,tcMiq pANOT'BAStCr 1 M'oaqta.v Chremos, , . , . ,. -..r 1 , JaM qodjii Pletare FratM lo.dMuiT,) Raaday-gWfa Eao t?ttv . BtiOlCSTORTE 1 taods. si LI. SisI QCiUJCHa -I I u i!a) -rr:Dtort aadWliiuwa . Caolu ... Daora, , , -Blinds, ATaac f tTalaataVatV Mar JiC af mm nimir3 i - - ' 1 T , . .. . . J-

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