.Sv THIS PAPER ,li3hed arerr afternoon, Sundsyi - ( O M H . T. J AMES, fOITQB A!CT PBOPKIJCTOR. , iMCKiPTIONt. FOBTAGE PAID. 5 00 SU month. $2 50 ; Three ,r' J,!uth, f 1 Oae month, 50 cent. pr will be delirered by carriers, 'treble, in any Prt of the city, at the " J or 13 ccnta per werfc. 1 wrtisin rate. low and liberal l-pttbcriber will please report any and jnres to receire their papers regularly. fl0W- Advertisements. BROWN '& RODDICK, 45 . Market St., gU DtMON.STRATINO TUB FACT A tbat lry ' ood cm be bought "as - in this c tr as ia any other in tbia fb - ar space will not allow us to till ouch' a deei-e'.btit ya always rceiTe " .rdiftl wfifome atur place of business VrlBf y "r eD4-lta ai d compare DRESS GOODS, From 8c to $1. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. LJie Muilin and Lace Neck Wear, such as Fichus, Tits," Jabots, Ao. r ' Bilk HiBdkerchieffl in Twill aad Brocade, RUCHINGSQF EVEDY DESCRIPTION From 1i cents to $5. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown , it this city, from ' 15c to $10, each. Oar solectlons in this department embrace tnany novelties. Our Tariety if immerie. Cassitneres For Men and Boy's Wear. ftari Colored and Figured Linen for Stairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. f orduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. . .Cash Rufflings 50 cents. r'omething New in Ladies' Suxnmar Balmora Skirts. ! Linen Lap Robes, Ac., Ac, Ac. Gira us a call and look over our stock. We are by no means afraid to show ocr BROWN & 'RODDICK, 45 Market St. may 15 8i?n of the Bis Boot. P II I AM NOW OFFERING 1 ro SELL . FOR CASH ONLY, 4.T FXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Kent's Sewed Gaiters ......$1 40 " Custom Made Gaiters....... 2 40 ?l Laced Calf Tie Bhoes 1 20 Ladies' foxed &hoes. 1 00 " NewpoitTies . . 90 " Opera gUpperi... 1 25 " Strap SardaL............ 1 20 " Crcquet 81ipper5......... .. G3 XiMidi Strap Banda!..... 1 16 " Button Gaiters...... 1 20 Children's Btrap Sandalr.. ' Button Gaiten.. 00 t 9. BLUMKN.THJLL, my 13-tf .. No. 40 Vvftr Street."-, The New Hat Store. (JALL AND EXAMINE MY SUMMER Stjlei oi 8traw and Felt Hats. They are Pretty and cheap. JOPN M. ROBINSON, No. IS Froat street, Next to Fur cell Home. uyJl Tin? VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. 'ew Artvertlaementa. J H Hardis Open Early, ar.d Convenient T Fdwakd fPKUST Horee tstrayed or 8tolen. P HKiB8BK&ea Pianos and Organs. Yates. Croquet, Arcbery Goods. A k I P brisk Best Unlauniiied Bhirt In the city for $1. B'ackGsh would bite to-day. Wirdow Glass all sizes at luCer & Price's. t The Jisp6rt has several charters ahead. The question- in, where will you spend the Fifth V t Ihe strawberries have entirely disap- peared. Another blackthh excur&i u is talked of fjr nextTuesday. 'Suspcndthe total' is more refined than to eay 'bang it all.' " " Save vour money and bay your Build iag Supplies from Altafier & Price. . Whot!eVerrie3 are coming in more freely bu the prices still range high Ton cau buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ingri ovesat almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. 'Honor and shame from no condition rise'- - Buy well your goods, and then go advertise. The mcequitoea are awake at last and mosquito nets are going up by the hundred all over the city. ,The June moon filled this morning and there is every prospect that to-night will be both bilmy. and beautiful. Our neighbor of the -Raleigh Post should go slow now, as otherwise he might have lo go it 'alone.' - Mr. J. A. Springer leaves to-morrow for a trip west. He will visit Colorado and expects to be gone about two months. A roan may get credit for wisdom by simply holding his tongue; but if he is to get trusted for groceries he must be pre pared to do considerable talking. Americans are the most inyentive race oa the globe, and it seems singular that ne p'.an for making flies stay in bed until the eatire household is upjias yet been pat ented. Plows, Shovels, Pitohtoiks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. . By spending fifteen cents at a corner bar room tho man who can't afford to b iy an evening paper can nearly always get a 'chance to see an old and crumphd copy of one. It is now anncuaced on the authority of an 'eminent physician' that it is not hzaltby to rise before 8 o'clock in the morning, and even theo it is far better to stay in bed if a crtditor is waiting below with his bill. indications. For the Si.uth Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, followed by occasional rain, variable wind?, stationary tempera ture, stationary or falling barometer. It is rather discouraging f o an editor, after carefully preparing an article on a subject of general interest at the moment, and-from facts which are not open toall, to find the said article copied into a co temporary cieditcd to an 'exchange;' Den't jou think 6o, too, John Bragg? Mr. Nath'rjacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, pa-ties ia want of thh celebrated Plow cn now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. ' The Dixie Floral Fair will bo held at Wadcsl o o on July 8:h and 29 h. Tu management are making strenuous efforts for success. Full information wjll be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary, Capt J. T. Patrick, of Wadesbcro. Buoy Sunt. The Middle Shoal buoy, abouteigbt miles bdow the city, uuk n;ghUefor last; It U a very important buoy and should be attended to immediately. Would yon care to hare a word of ad vice worth a great deal? Never tamper with your Baby's health by us'.ng opiates and other danc,erou articles to qoiet its Stomach troubles, etc , but use Dr. Bull's Baby Sjr p instead. Price 25 ceiits. Our Spring and Summer Goods for Gont's.YoutbJa aftdBoy'e wearissttlParffe and attractive. Vhoee who want the nobbiest, the newest, the latest, the best and the cheapest goods always go to Shrier's. tf r WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. JUNE 22, For the Lake. The excursion of the St Paul's Evar gelical Luther.m Sucda School, lo Waccamaw Lake, takes place to-morrow. The arrangements have all been comple ted and there U every proepect of a pleas ant day for those wh may attend. All who are going should be promptly on hand. The train will leave Front Street Depot at 8.30 o'clock. Alive and Well. A report was in circulation in he ci y yes terday afternoon to the effect ihat Kansom J ues, a colored man. belonging to this city, and employed on a lighter plying be twsen the city and the mouth rt" the river was kicked overboard at Smithville and drowned. How the thing originated we have not ascertain?d, but we do know that 1 the said Ransom Jones was in the city to-day, alive and well, and with no immediate desire or intention of departing to seek the unknown bourne. Knights of Honor. At the regular meeting of Carolina Ledge, No. 434, Knights of Honor, held hst evening, the fellowing clScers were elected for the ensuing term : D. J. A. Springer. V. D, N. W. Schenck. A. D. Clayton Giles. R. George N. Harries. F. R John L. Dudley. Treasurer W. A. Willson. Chaplain Rev. C M. Payne. . Guide H. B. Willis. Sentinel J. M. McGowan. Guardian L. T.Beatty. Medical Examiner Dr. W. J. H Bel lamy. P. D. Walter Coney. Capture of an Escaped Convict His Second Attempt atXscape. Geo. Hill, an escaped convict from the penitentiary gaDg, who eluded the vig lancs of the guard while at work on the Quaker Bridge road, near lewbern, a few days ago, was brought to this city last night by Messrs. Jas. 0. Wilson and Jno. W. Garrett, of Federal township and lodged in jail. Hill, who was origi nally sent from this county to-the peni tentiary for six years, for the larceny of some sails, the property of the Messrs. Kidder, after making his escape wan dered in the direction of the Sound? and was seen by a carriage driver of Capt. Southerland's while on the road to the Sound a few days ago, which fact the driver reported in this city and the Jailor, Dan. Howard, was out in search of the convict last night, when he was brought in by the parties above mentioned, 1 b i circumstances of the capture are simply these: The convict mado his ap pearance on Myrtle Grove Sound yester day, about 1 o'clock, and entered the premises of Mr. Jacob Home, who resides la that locality, stealing therefrom a bucket cf butter and a few other articles and was discovered while in the act of leaving the place with these articles in his possession. The alarm was given aad the thief pursued and finally captured in the swamp of a creek or branch near where he had committed the depredations and immediately started for this city under the survillance ofMessrs Wilson and Garrett who conducted him safely to the city until thy reached the corner of the First Presbyterian Church, where he broke and ran. One of the guards fired twice at the escaped prisoner wua out effect, but they both continued the pursuit and when they reached tho corner of Fourth ar.d Dock streetr, succeeded with the assistance of a policeman in recapturing him. The conv'.ct wis then taken to the jail aDd committed. Wheth er there will be 'another case of larcery brought against him at the next term of the Criminal CouTt or whether he will lo sent oo back to the Penitentiary to re main until his present term expires be fore be is tried upon th3 lat count deponent saith not. Oe of the greate.-t social problems of the day is to explain why there are so many4 marriageable women who never get married. It may be explained in the fact that thare are 3 many young men not worth marrying. There is a big Sound party to-night given by the Comes Club. Nearly every available vehicle in the city will be press- ed into service. -They will have asplen- did evening for iU - ' Getting red-bot again. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the thermometer in this office stood at 83 degrees. . Heady mixed Paints, strictly pire White Lead, Colors, Brashes, W udow G Lisa, t Jacobi's 'J , ; -J ; . ; . , , n v CINCINNATI. THE DEMOCRATS IX C60C1L. Only a Temporary Organization as Ytt JOHN KELLY SNUBBED. Adjourn d Until To Morrow- Cincinnati. June 22 2 p m The Convention was called to order at 12.30 P M with Jude Hoauley, of Cin cinuati, as ttmporary Chairman. The roll ol Statca was called Mr Watterson, of Kentucky present ed a petition from the territories for ad mission to the Convention. When New York was reached Mr. Kelly arose and was received with cheers and hisaes. He protested against having members from New York taken for Com miitees. The Chairman declined to re cognize him, a8 being but of orde3 where upon great confusion ensued. The several necessary committees were then appointed, after which some discus sion took place as to extra seats for the accommodation of the press. The rules of the last Democratic Na tional Convention were adopted as those which should govern in this body. Judge Hoadley, in speaking of the third tsrm heresy, stated that the newspaper reports to the effect that Grant's name would be considered by the Convention were utterly false and without foundation The Convention has adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow, - Ihe Race. The excitement in yachting circles is booming. Owners of yachts will only talk 'race. ' Each yacht is being 'greased and Jieeled' for the regatta which will take place over the Wiightsville course on the fifth of July. Evervbodv can eet suited with a PnrkAf. Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's naruware jjeuor Received a Gold Medal. Mr. Chesley C. Bellamy, son of Dr. John D. Bellamy, of this city, received a handsome gold medal from the faculty of Wake Forest College as a prize for the best orator in the College, We congrat ulate Me. Bellamy upon his success. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew er is a splendid dressing for the hair. No other like it. Try it and judge for your selves. win We Get it? We understand that it is optional with the Postoffice Department in Washing ton, D. C., whether a city with 20.000 population has a free postal delivery or not. There are now instances wheie cit ies considerably under 20,000 population have free postal deliveries. We trust that an effort will be made to secure to this city the much coveted system. Signs of the T lines. If he puts his arms around her like a bear and stops her breath when he kisses har.they are not married but are likely to be. If he puts his hauls on her shoul der, leans forward a little, snatches the prize, and falls back, they have been married two weeks. If he comes up with bis hands in his pockets, looks out of the window, says: Well, goodbye,' gives her a tasteless smack, and tushes off, they have been married two years and life is a desert. Window Glass of all sizes, Do-r, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Oardware,&o JLnw st plreces at Jacobi's. ... ' -? ' Will you Assist Them 1 The ceo sua enumerators of this city are no busily at work transcribing the names of the inhabitants of Wilmington. As soon sb this work is completed they will sit At the Court House as ti quired by law to make corrections and alterations. The citizens are earnestly requested to visit the Ccurt House and ascertain if they are properly enumerated and also to i e tbatlhe names of pexsons,not members of their families, bat boarders, and the servants Hv:n on their premises are emmerated. The enumerators ara sat ikd tkat they have missed sjme names, as Ike beads of families would often forget to give in the names of their boarders and relatives living with them. A valuable hore, the property of Mr. T. Edward Sprunt, has either strayed oil or was stolen from Mr. Sprunt's residence. on Wrights villeond, a few days ago. See advertisement elsewtere. 1880. NO. 103 important to the Afflicted We would advise all who may nwd the idvice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Kooertson, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Pracuco, guaiantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and tfemblirg, Palpitation of the Ueait, dimness of sight or giddiness, No, lurnal E amissions, &c., all resulting from bus-8 in youth, or excesses in nranhxJ;' also all skin and blood diseases quicklj cured. Dr. K. is a graduate of one .f tlie oldest and best medical scliools in this country (Ur iversity of Marylai d), and re eis to the leading physicians" hi his city,a'io all consult inhim can rely upon hon-THOle and confidential treatment. In writing eu clote stamp-for reply. Special attention iven to all female complaints. Good ac commodations tor all wishing to call a.nd nee him. Me licioe snt to any ad.lress. DIED. ROTH W Ei L it Black Rock Colan.ba ooaniy, at 3 30 A. M.. June 21at, 18-0. JOHN L. M. ROTHWLLL, in th9 26th year of hit age. New Advertisements. OPEN EARLY AND CONVENIENT. T HOSE WBO DO THEIR MARKETING at an early tour, and wishing to have a Pre scription filled, or get a bottle of Bitter Water, Congress Water or any thing in the Drojr line, vti'l find my Store conresient axd opan. J, U.HiRDIN, Drujrgut, je22 New Market. Strayed or Stolen, fT'ROM WRIGHTS VILLE SOUND, on or Said animal is lcne couDltd. b-iirht rorrel in oolor, quick ia movement, and a good saddle nag. A reward of Five Dollars will be paid for Qis oeavery at Wrigbtsville or Wilminifton, if found astray, or 1 wenty Dollars for deliv ery of horse and thief, if stolen.. 29 22-6 1 T. EDWARD 8PRUNT. Steamer Passport ILL RESUME ter reg-: nlar trips to Smithville acd the Forts June 20th, leaving her Wharf, foot of Market Street, atO.EO A. M. - J. W. HARPER, je 21 Master and Agent. Wilmingtnn Hanover TurniVerein- ERSTES JAHRE3FEST, Dienstag den 22 ten Jani, Abends 8 nhr. im Wilmington Garten. Alle Deutsche sind freundlichet, eingela den. Committee JG. 01d9nbutte1, H. Went zensen, O. Hubert, C. H. Stemmerman, J. Q, L. Giesohen, M. Bremer. -june 21-2t ' Pianos and Organs, gOLD OS THE EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN, At HEINSBERGER'8. Blank Books, pAPER, ENTELOPZ8, Iaks of all Colors, Mucilage, Inkstands, Ac. For sale cheap at HElNSBEBGER'd, 39 and 41 Market Street, jj 21 Croquet, Archery Goods, "pANCY BASKETS, Chromos, Picture Frame, 8unday School Books, Blaak Books, V Ac, Ac, at BOOK.STORE. j- 21 Wire Netting SCREENS For Doors anl Windows. Good to keep oit flies asd moaqaltoes. ATat, Sash; Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and B til ding Material Generally. ALTAFFEIt, THICK & iX). Factor?: OJEce: Foot of Walnut st. Jutt, near Red Cross it. je 21 Mountain Butter. A FEW SMALL KI Id MOUNTAIN BUTTER, Joat received by Hall & Pearsall. PLEASE NOTICE, r - ; i a 1 We will be g'id to reeefve communications from ov friends oa say and all subjects o general iatarat but: .t .'wui Tke name of the writer must always be fur niahed to the Editor. ti ,t Communications Kust be writtenon on'j oae side of the.papar. r Personalities must voided. i And It la especially w paeularty;trner stood that the Editor does not always tftfort the views of correspondents, unless so itatcd tn the editorial columns. New AdvertiBeinents The Excitement Nearly r.Or-I Tho Democratic Conrcal CJonvention has finished its labors. Tho National Republican Con vention has agreetl upon its nomi nees. The Democratic Stato Conven- . .s-ii-j. -v our -tion has sent forth its standard bearers. And we are only, yet? to ihaiv irom Cincinnati. And through all tho Very Finest and Best Groceries havo been of fered at the old stand, 5 and 7 North Trou St With a full stock carefully select ed; with a full corps of poh'to and r attentive clerks; with tlie Lowest Prices to be fotind in tho Hfy; and with a determination to please, at all times, all who patronize me,' 1 invite all to call and give me a trial. If I do not please do not call upon ; 4 me agairi. . tk' t"ls,' J THOS. II. IICKOI T rlJ. Grocer and Liquor wDealejr je 21 5 & 7 North FrontMt' Corn, Heal, Hay., 15,000 Bush Prime mito 6oip, 600 Bushs Water. Ground '. 500 Bales Hay,; . " ;. Flour.liIolasses,Sugar 1200 Bblfl Flour, Sopor to" i Kxtra Famfrr, 500 Hhds and Bbls SyrnpJfew . Orleans, New dropOnbDr and Porto Rico Mofctsses, ' 230 Bbls Sugar,Cut Loaf, u; , Granulated, Standard i Extra G-andtfl Bacon.Lard, Pork, &Ci 200 Boxes Smoked : - k and D S Sides; 150 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, j. c 13 Bbls City Mess Pork, . 225 Bags Coffee, Bio, . V Jf V Lagujra and Java, ISO Boxes Starch; ' ' 300 Boxes Lye-and Potash; . 175 Boxes Laundry Soaf?; wiil ICO Boxes pro AssorfcdFCffij Snnii; Tobacco, Paper,-Bat' Shot, Spice, Ginger, Peppery HtOfV Iron, Spirit Barrels, &c. tT .tdiie: Forssielowby a ejl-tr WILLIAU8 A MURCHIHOr,JI ;e 21 Wholeiale Grtcor A Cosa., r- Soldiers i A. THOMAS, Corner 9taani 0 r WaabingtoB, D. C. attends tv fetUiia and Back Payi Boaaty Ctaima colfeeted.' (Ton tested Land Claims, Mineral and A grieulf m rl, attended to before the Department of tie Interior and Supreme Court. Land War rasto parchaaed. ,. r I !u Greenville Sonnd." v TWO NEAT COTTAGE3, wiUi -m good Water, Stables aad BcmaUf. fj J ' 'y j Qiarters for Rent. Terns rery low. Apply to D. O'COX50BT, j je 1T-1 w rriaeetf, bet Froai sad 24 it. i