THIS PAPEB u vlhed Tr j afternoon, Sundays w I n S 11 . T. J A M E 8 1 (rorTOtt AHD PROPBIKTOR .4,' BCKIPTIONH, OSTAGE PAID. ,3e ?r,$& 00 8i month, $2 50 ; Thrae aontha. $1 ; Oae month, 60 cents. Tne paper D delivered by earriars, rtfeharpe, in any part of tha city, at the AjTrtisiDs; rates low. and libersl ySnbieribers will please report any and ilurefto reeeire their papers regularly. New Advertisements. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., BK DBMOKSTRATISO TilK PACT that lry Uood. can t bought s ebaip n tfcU. e'tr . ia any other in tbU ctiOtl'T- ipate will not Allow u to fill jj u much udMi-o,bat yon alwajs rrceire k cordial welroui. at cnr of traiinesl brief T"Ur i.oiplel ard compare from 80 to $1 Ia all the Iateit fabric. PRINTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. UJie' Muilin and Lace Neck Wear, such as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, to, Hilk Handkerchiefs in Twill a ad Brocade RUCHINGSOF EYBY DESCRIPTION . - , From VA, cents to $5. The largtit and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Erer shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Our selections in this department embrace mtny norelties. Oar variety is immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear. ftftturai Colored and Figured Linen for Btairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. rofduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Ruffling B0 cents. Something New in Ladies' Bummer Balmora Skirts. Linen Lap Robes, Ac, Ac, Ac Uira us a call and look orer our stock We are by no means afraid to show our Cooes. BROWN & '0DDICK, 45 Market St. nuy 15 Si?n of the Bi? Boot. I AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY, IT EXTRXMJ2 LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Oent's Sewed Gaiters...... .......$ 1 40 " Custom Made Gaiter.... 2 40 " Laced Calf Tie Bhoec -l 20 Ladies' foxed bhoes.......... 1 00 " Newport Ties.. OO Opera Slippers ... 1 25 " Strap Bacdals 1 20 " . Croquet 81ipperfM.MM. ...... 65 HI Strap Sandal.. 1 15 " Button GalUri 1 20 Ctlldrea's Btrap BaadalsMM.M..M 90 Button Gaiters- , 90 S. BLUMENTHAL ay la tf No. 40 Marker Street. The New Hat Store. (J ALL AND - EXAMINE MY SUMMER Btjles ot 8traw . and Felt Hats. They are PMty tudcaeap. JOV M M. ROBINSON, . : No. IS Froat street, a7SI . Maat to FmreeU Mouse. GRAND fl 1 UfflUTHH 1 H - VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, Pee ad Notice. J li lach Hot Weather la Upon V. P BBiBSBaaeaa A New &tc. Yatki . Croquet, Archery Oood.. A A I FHaiEa Boat Uniauni.ied fhirt la the city for $1. The dust ia g tting awful. Wirdow Glass ali sizes at llafier & Price's. ,j - - f The politician who figures himself, into office is a w k-in. man. Sporadic' ia merely a sycon!!! fJr cucumber at this season. Tha fith market has beeu better sup plied for the past three days. flell baa no iury hke woman seemed. How is it when a man's corned? The man who cannot remember that ht was ever a boy is entirely ripe fur the bar- vest. What a singular niagnelum there is be tween the piano fingor-board and a yourg lady with diamond finger rings ! Ready mixed Faints, strictly ure White Lead, O brs, Brushes, W ndow Glass, fec, at Jacobi's If you canno; inspire a woman with love of you, Oil herabove the brim with love of berse'f; all that runs over will be yours. . . You nover find out how bad a man has been until he is nominated for office, and you never know how good he has been until you read his obituary. A litUe girl, defining 'bearing false witness against your neighbor said 'it was when nobody did nothing, and some body went and told of it,' The Passppit has been supplied with a new awning. It is stretched from the pilot house to the smo&e stack and adds much to the comfort of passengers. riows, dhovels, ritcbtorks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, l'low Lines, &c. For the lowest prices, go to J acobi's. , . The two important events in the lifo of man aro when he examines his upper lip and sees the hair coming, and when he examines the top of his Head and sees the hair going. If some one would successfully start tha report that ice cream spoiled the com plexion, it would be thousands of dollars in the pocket ot poor but lorestricken young men. The foolish niaji foldaih lm hands, and saith : 'There 13 no tiado ; why should I advertise i' But the wise man is not so, He whoopeth it up in the newspapers, and verily he draweth customers from afar off. V Mr. NathU Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for tne Atlas now, parties in want of tnis celebrated l'low can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Sunshine cake and lily cake are the latest variations on the elegant and insipid manna, called angel cake. ' What shall we have next in the vocabulary of cakes? A rose by any other name may bo as sweet, but a cake tastes better for a flow ery, romantic name," and wo shall have, perhaps, Narcissus cake orangefljwer oake why not sunflower cake ? Window Glass of all size, Uotrs. Sish and Blinds, Builders flardware,&3 Low st pireces at Jacobi's. Oar Spring and Summer Goods for Gent's, Youth's andBoy's wear is still large and attractive. Thoso who' want the nobbiest, the newest, the latest, 'the best and the cheapest goods always go to Shrier's. I tf. : : Indications. For the S.uth Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, cccisional ian light winds, mostly southwesterly, stationary temperatures and barometer. . TLoe who suffer f om nervous irriti t oot, itching uneasioefs, and the dif- comfort that follows from an enfeebled and disordered state of the system, should tske AYEK'S SAKSAPARILLA and cleanse the blood. Purgo out the lurk ing distemper that undermines the health and constitutional vigor will return. When we read agricultural addresses delivered by men who could net go alone and pick out a furrow from a cabbage row, we can readily understand why mtn who never saw the inside of a printiog office know so well how to conduct a newspaper. Wlien you Isit or .Iave New York City. stop at the Graud LTnioii Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street car, stages and elevated railroad to all parts oi the city. ly "If j " ' " , II.. T WW I 1 1 Tf W . . J -1 .'"-' A -'if I H mm mm mm ! vww WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE CINCINNATI. Winfield Scott Hancock, of Penn sy lrania Homina. ed for President o-the Second Ballot. W. H. English, of Indiana. Komi nated far Vice President on first Ballot. dxcRTNATi, June 24, 11:80 A.M. The agony is over very soon and Win field jScott Hancock has just been nomi nted amid tne wildest entnusiasm on tha second ballot. There have been but two ballots thus far and I give them to you in detail: . FIRST BAIiLCT. Biyard, 168; Field, 65; Morrison, C2; Hendricks, 49 i; Hancock, 17 1; Tburman, 63 J; Seymour, 8; Loveland, 6; Payne, 81; McDonald, 3; Randall, 3;Tilden, 38; Lathrop, 1; McCIellan, 2; Black, 1 English, l;Parker, 1; Jewett, 1; Ewing 10. 1'revious to the second ballot New Yoik nominated Samuel J. Kandnll, making, in all, seven regular candidates. The fol" lowing is the SECOND ballot : Hancock, 354 ; Bayard, 113 ; Randall, 129 ; Field, Go ; Hendricks, 31 ; Tbur man, 50. ' I On ascertaining this vote; State ifier State changed to Hancock until his nomi nation was assured. The following is the awarded ballott : Hancock, 685, Hendricks, 30, Bayard, 2 Tilden, 1.. - The nomination of Hancock was alter- wards made unanimous, on motion of Mr Mock of Indiana, who was seconded by Ssnatoa Hampton, Judge Hoadley and Senator Voorhees. Previously to this however, Hancock's vote had been an nounced officially, 705. One very pleasing incident which has occurred here- lies Jn the fact that John Kelly, Tammany Chief, arose and walking across to Mr. Fellows, of the New York delegation, an Anti-Tammanyite, extended his hand which was taken and cordial iy grasped by Mr Fellows. The Convention aad the galleries went wild just then with enthusiasm. This is laoked upon here as a most auspicious opening of the Han cock campaign. Susan B. Anthony, Edq., is now ad dressing the Conventihn. B. , . LATEST. Cincinnati, June 24. Hon. W. H. English, of Indiana, 'was placed in nomination by Mr. Mack, o Indiana, for the Vice Presidency. The nomination was seconded by Senator Hampton of South Carolina, Judge Hoadley and Senator Voorhees. Hon. W. H. English was nominated unani mously en the first ballot. A Hancock. Flag. So far as we can ascertain Dr. W. H Green can claim the honor of having run up the first Hincock flig in this city, probably In the State. Within fifteen minutes of the time the Review Extba appeared on the street today, Dr. Green had his flaf with Hancock's name juscribed on it, floating prondjy above bis handsome drag store. Personal. We were pleated to meet with Capt. W. J. Jarvis th:s morning. Capt. Jar vis ia an old Wilmingtonian, but fir a cumber of years past has been a citizm of Macon, Ga. lie, iike most North Carolinians abroad, has taken a stand in his uew home und has been promoted to the position ot Master of Transportation of the Macon & Brunswick Rilracd. We are glad that 'Old Jack" ia doiDg well, and we hope that he will ever meet with tho success that his efforts so justly deserve. Scarcely a week passes that we do r o 82 an account of somebody being killed by one of those pistols that wasn't leaded. Our advice is to knock the fool down with the first thing yon can clutch when be points a gun ot pistol at you. Don't be afraid of hitting too hard either, tor the skull of such a man is pretty thick. Sensible treatment of this kind will short- en the chapter of accidents. Tho Tictet. Hancock and the Ex-Con gressm in from Indiana, that's the plain ExaLitu of it. So we will say Hurrah for Hancock and English, the next P.esiden t and Vice- President of these re-United State. Hip! Hip .Hurrah!!! M TIE W. ' MM AND mm. Grand Demonstration this Evening THE DEMOCRATS OF ViLUIHG TOJ WILI RATIFY THE K0MI3TATI0X, Tar Barrels aai Tar LeeU- MUSIC AND GTOPOWDEB. Come Along Everybody. A Grand Ratification Meeting will be held this evening, commencing at 8 o'clock in front of the City Hall, on Third street. The object of the meetiog will be fully explained by the Chairman which is, primarily, the ratification and endorsement of the nomination cf Han cock and English, the next President and Vice President, under God, of these re united Staes. Tar barrels will blaze and big guns shoot and there will undoubtedly te present one of the largest crowds ever as sembled in Wilmington. This is only a sort of primary ratifies tion, gotten up on the spur oi the mo ment, and after a while we will get up another and give ample notice, to that our country cousins msy come down and join in the chorus. But to night le everybody BE THAR! ' Magnanimous in War. As a proof of our assertion, Jekewhere, that General Winfield S. Hancock, the soldier statesman of the United States, is as magnanimous in victory as he was brave in battle, we will relate the follow ing incident, the truthfulness cf which we will bind ourselves to substantiate at any timt, if necessary. When the fortunes. of war on that unlucKy 12th dav of May at Spottsylvania threw the majority W- , WT of brave old Major Genl. Ed. Johnson's division-into the enemy's hands, Brig Genl. Geo. H. S tenant, now a resident of Baltimore, and General Johnson, now re posing in tne quiet my of the dead in Holy wood, near Richmond, were unfortunate enough to be among the cap tured, but they were fortunate in having for their captor Major-General Winfield S. Hancock to whose Headquarsers they were immediately conducted. The three Generals were all old army officers and as a consequence were old acquaintances and perhaps, friends. Hearing of their approach General Hancock came out of his tent with open hands to meet them, How are you, Steuart, old fellow was the first salutation to General Steuart who was iu the advance. Steuart's reply, though dignified and polite was cold and repulsive, declining at the same time to ake General Hancock's. proffered hand to which the latter immediately replied in reproachful tones, 'you might at least have saved me this mortification.' Gen'l Johnson coming up shortly afterwards was greeted with the same cordiality first extended to Steuart, when Johnson's re ply was Hello! Hancock, how are you, and the two grasped hands. General Han cock then sent both ot the Confederate Generals to the rear in an ambulance. Organize! Organizes Fellow Citizens The Democracy of th : United States, through their delegates assembled at Cincinnati, have selected General Winfield Scott Hancock as the standard-bearer of the party in the com ing campaign. No better selection could possibly have been made. His career has shown him to be a magnanimous soldier, a pure patriot aud a wisely gifted statesman. It now devolves upon every Lberty-loving patriot to wcrk for the elcci" tion of the nominee. That being accom plished, rest assured that be will take hie seat. There ii to be no 'counting out this time to rob American citizens of their just ngbt. But there is work to be done earnest, faithful and ensealing effort to make a victory doubly i sure. Thorough organization ia necessary that the work may be effectually dene. Let Hancock and English cluba be organized in every township in the State and ia the several wards of every cHj! Orginial 1 - m 24, 1880. NO. 105 No City Court to-day. Magistrate's Row is forsaken, liah I for Hancock and English,, the next President and Vice President cf the Union. Oar Hancock will eat up j the Garfish and pure English will be talked" ito the Arthur of the Hew York CuJtoBjHo8 ring. . ' ' i Tbanka to the of gentlemen the com mittce lor a invitation ia dam a on the excursion to-night given by Stonewall Lodge K. of P. complimentary to -.Gw mania Lodge. . r i Everybody cancer suited witli a 1'. Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaoiii's Hardware I)en t. Whar dej Gwtns liolnir When the nomination of Gen. Han-v coek was announced a "culler bruddir' on the outtddo of the crowd around the bulletin board, innocently asked, "Whar dey gwine do wid Mr. Dagget." Rah for Hancock. The FrisUlf ul Scourge Yellow Fever can be prevented by the use of Warner's Safe Kidnev and Liver cure, and "Warner's Safe Pills. Keep the blood clean and pure, and Malarial Fevers will not bo apparent. These Remedies keep the kidney and liver in perfect ac tion, and when they do their duty the blood will be pure. june 17 Yachting Notes. " Mr. J. Dickson Munds has purchased the yacht Fannie and is getting her in readiness for the July rac v Tbe Fannie is a sister boat of the Rosa. The Messrs. McKoy are getting tbe Rosa in readiness for the race. As far as heard from the yachts Bessie Lee, Spray , Little Sister, Fannie, Frolic, Restless, Carolina, Rosa, Lizzie and Ripple will be entered for the race. Others may possibly be entered. The members of the Carolina Yacht Club are "on their metal and will make the race," oneofthdmosrexchib'of'the past de cade. Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medicine, "Malt Bitters," because more nourishing, strengthening and puri fying than all other forms of malt or medi cine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors, 4w Fashion ad Etiquette. Black mitts of different lengths will an swer inmost alljrarposes, and can be worn in the evening in summer. The creamy satinets with imall figures are charging, made as princess ' polonaise and trimmed with cream lace, overskirts of cream and surah silk. The cost is not great, .while the toilet has a tone of unmistakable ele gance. When a lady is visiting and callers rise to leave who have called upon ber and the hostess, it is etiquette for both she and the hostess to rise when they leave. There is no ;cccasion for any remark when a clerk thankj you for having made a purchase. It is not considered proper to use your tooth-pick at the table, unless it is neces sary in order to escape pain or inconve-' nience : then , it should be nsed aaimob trust vely as possible. i Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases. 'all styles and s'zes, at Altaffib. Paid ' 7 i I'olson. It is ah understood fact that Yellow Fe ver and its companions, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, are the results of poi soned blood, made impure by breathing infected atmosphere. No medicine in exi stence will so quickly purify the blood. as Wa rner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, used in connection with Warner's Safe Pills. Disappointment never attends the use of Dr. Bulla Baby Syrup. Frice only 25 cents a bottle. '.' ' 1 You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ingdtoves at almost an j price at JacoEI's Hardware Depot. Tnermometrtcal. From the United States Sigtial Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 6;5G o clctk : Atlanta, G a. ...... ..12 Mobile, Ala .73 Montgomery Ala...73 i ash rille ............72 New Orleans .w74 .Vew Yorkw......6 PunUKaasa, 1 14.80 daraimah, Oa...V..Ti fehxeveport. ........ 70 BC Louis Mo...74 8L Marks, Fla....W Vicksburir, aliaa..71 Washington.. 74 Augusta, QiMM..7i Cairo, 111............ ..7 7 Charleston, 8. C....78 Cincixmati 70 Corsicana, Tex 71 ecrt Gibeon, I..T.69 Gal Te6tos.M.M.M.M.7 2 ludianola. M........73 Jacksonville, Fla...77 &'noxville.MM. a 70 Lyuebburg.M.MM. .75 MeJzrphku Taa 7S Balefgh Visitor .- " A ouDfraian stepped into the saloon of James Sot reli, on Wilmington etree,t, yeaterday, and commenced to talk with ; some pi bis friends. All of a traddeo, he gave a shudder and fell to the flooi irra fit fTa VAnt ihm nn: nrui mTtu-r imnthMi jWi bd had 35. ,: Ha , is 101 Aril i jTuiujr'a4i4 fIve c'cnutuaieatlosi SsiafcSsftSiS"4 niiicu " Tie name of the writer must al wars be Tar dsherto the Editor. 'A " x ! f I .Balcatfoijjrau.ibfl written: on on!,; one tide of thejaaf r . And it is efrecially uwiLicaltrly; under stood that the Editor dow HM always endorse the views of corre5pcnditi, sfImiio etttfi m the editorial coianr t?. ' ' i - IE KIT ,u9 tj 1 . . . 7 w w V.VUi'H..'4 M arlraqjUd to ifrl a!' im-finiauh, Itl tflutiial. 1:S .S.a C ",lu 4 - - druggists.1 Notice. ; V ,0.,-K f P.. Arm r(fn,.H ia , a ... thbir atle- Hal thi, " o'clock, so that tbe burness V tLe IvA tton majbetmEstcteiin tixt a:cet)t thp inTitation tendered by rta!l loo A'o'. a401l rori nsnnr and otic r points dc,u Hot Weather ia UpDii Us I, ' ; J)OWX WITH 'mOH PUIC1S3. Buy your Shirts atboltdmllrSlt the factory ' Tie "6ongre3;" ad 'Iioyal" ctill kebp. the lead. Look .atpricos; "Congress" 73 cent?, equal to any $1 Shirt; "Royal" 00 teats, qual to any;$L25 Shirt on tho market. J. ELSBACU, ilanufacture-, ' i& U yp. 3, Mtrkttet. . y e will be lsrour.'.VLW o::r, on.orth Front Street, where we wUl be glad, to seiTe cur friends aad the" public gen 6ral;7v , ; , JAMES C. AiU.ND?, - ' . r V V TD Til ' A E5ew Race, BOMANCE from the German of CJcto Bd bJ Mrs. A, LWiiter. n rliv br.Fraaea R. barrel t. daphne, a Novel; by Kita." Monseur -LeceV BistorV of Our Own Times. The Master of Red Leaf. The Roman Traitor. Webster's Great Speeches Ftr sale at J3 23 39 and 4:1 Market tittctU Steamer Passpor WILL RESUilE ier rez-t ularjripstomitLviIaEdthe Qfyk:? -Forts JureOtb.leaTing her WLarf; foot of MarkeHirtreetrntrArSir" i r.i - :i J. W. IIARPEK, je 21 t 5 .i81Lad Atrcnt. Croquet, Ai-oh cry Woods. pANCt BAKEr, ;T! y Chromes, ' " Picture Framed0' Suadsy Scbo&;2Kook, . a wa4 ' .. j IVaalc, Hooks, .a. b:.'e. uc. a: je SI s .: ,:-',. nyi-i- it cm rJlflOSE WBOfjnCIiiAIlKETIAG at aaearir bcurrcj wSvhfi-fA bare r T're scripUont !, or get MtUe of Litter Water, Congress TVatr or an f t.1.!-- la tin Irai$ line wiUtoAatr'8tifeotrt; erd opea. J-il. lis liJJIN, Dru?2Lt, J .... ' , : , LNew ilaxkit. Strayed or .UtdFen, rROM WiiioriTSTiLw; w: ? , ;r 1 j. aDout tha inst,m7; l i o.N V. Said animal is loner coonfTd t.Hr i. color, quick la mh rem etzxi n fg ac d iiidie taf- fctiT .tti! his dehverr at WriirhfrfnalPwilffiintoi:, it founrf astray, or rvrntftDiAte , u,r ce.h- Soldfcti JA Tfl0iI12, Curaar Saad F strta , WMhIDirtjD, D, O.ratt Tendon and Baek.iar--,iJou.atrfiii..M.-f r-.n. tasted Land Claim- ifirrrTl i-d AimVnitn. rU attended titi beforeih mcarrrapat ,.f n i Interior and HDrea.e C'O jrt. -and- War. ' JeJ t lf 'h" " - aai . i . i j - Wire Jiettiner . til c X-l ii-rof)e4iaad Wi Also. ,. Sash? 11 1)QOTBSi LBiiiidE5 Lt?nbtrmMlIivlteiZB!ktiZAx GereraDv .v;iaf nl ,ydl - 4 teMK-ai9 LiU r,:;ti! aua An. m x cu. racta it: . r:.. Fiiteftratitutf.Usirllri n Crctf it. i mm iy ii mini it wm m-mm a. i - ..a.t: irijMv.u.M! vt rail. ras,fo tjja Lug dra,t:c, cathartic p4Jls ccmpo?ed of crud an ! bulky iuedici-f - -are quickly abandoned wi-.h the inrrod-c" i eiJets, which are snivr,,,',,.) . i it... - ai , . . .

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