: . JT -" . f. "...'..." "' . ' V . .. -I!-' " i " Jl l" THIS PI FEB '.rfiihtf "fT ito00' Sunday! n- iSII. T. JAMES, g0TTO AD PROPHIKTOH. Ti5 riix math8' $i5 ; Thr-e "'.'out-. 11 " 5 a? month' 60 CenU p .ill b delivered by carriers , "Ifeharre, i "7 Pr f the city, at tbe . art A lihril ' i jftrtiiiBf r. -obicnberi will please report any and Trea to receive their papera regularly. CAL NEWsT er Advertisement. . H(Mu-Hmocki. IJiidi Canard Steamship Lint), j(Bir.,'MOr Lt " Notice. . KnoDici For thia Week. jjm"" " , . - yi) Pia.iAT -Ten Tons, i A f rr -ur and otbara Stockholders' Mot W.' Treas A Col Final Notice JJff HI v m ' ' j C Mcsds, Drujirist Removal. VATM.-Crcquet, Arcbery Oooda. A i l hHaiaii Best Unlaunt ied Hhirt nUcity for 'pfoiber .local see fourth page. jbe Jays are lowIT growing shorter. Uij'j length 14 hours and 32 minutes, 'lo-tuorrow U kuown as the Fifth Sun Jay ft".r Trinity. su;iset to-morrow afternoon at IS ruin B'.es p it o'clock. f, Religiouj servicea at Dudley's throve at to-morrow evening. v Window Glass all sizes at ltafTer & lYice'a. ' Tbe frog' is an emblem of bop1; be is eUrailly springing. " - Those pretty flower fans are called flirt iug fni in New York. - Three hundred and four dug badges have been sold to date. t Kross young ones should be treated with a slipper to-day, and kandy in the distance. . - , ' ' Three thousand six hundred and Cfty persons have -listed their State, County sdJ City TaxPB. There were two iotermenU in Oakdale this week, both children, butoue a still bora iufaut. , KfaJy mixed Paints, stricllypire White heat, Crbw, Brushes, W ndow Glass, Ac., at Jacobi's Tbere were six interments in Tine Forest Cemetety this week, four cbi! d en and two adults. Tbere was only one interment in 'Bell vue Cemetery this week, that of an infant brought here for interment. Dr. John Hall urges that ministers ought aot to expect. children to attend church unless there is something tbere for them to attend to. I Despite the very best attention bestow ed opon the Baby, it will grow sick and troublesome by. reason of Colic, Diar rbi, Teething, etc. Do not fail, then, to use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price 26 cents. i Uancock 'a Headquarters are established for the i resent at Shrier's, on Market .street,- where Hancock Suits, Hancock flat?. Hancock Cravatsl Hancock Collars and -Hancock Handkerchiefs are dispensed freely and liberally, and almost gratul vimjj, uurj iu lurjr an. ti 'uli Metal and Waluut Show Cases, all styles and sues, at Altaffeb, TiacE We are r quested to state that the fmily txcursion which was in prepara tion t)T thfl 'RniMinv Crnnftttoa nf Rt Luke's Methodist Cjiurch (cclored), to take place on Monday next, has been nccc6sarily postponed. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, With a Viimsik if Clriruta fmm wh'rh bpeer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro 'essiou for the use of invalids, weakly persona and the aged. Sold by Druggists. The Carolina Central. A meeting of the stockholders of the Carolina Central Railroad Company, sue cessors to the Carolina Central Railway Company under the late foreclosure sale, it called for Wednesday, the 14th prox imo, at the town Of Weldon, for the elec tioa of officers, the adoption of bj!aw aad other purposes.- Those who suffer f oca nervous irrita tiook, itching uneasiness, and the die comfort that follows from an enfeebled and disordered state of the system, should Uke AYEtt'S SARSAPARILLA and cloanae the blood. Pnrge oat the lurk ing distemper that undermines the health and constitutional vigor .will return. And rtiill Tney curat.' More cotton blossoms; this, time from w. u. ana ;i. su ruuruu, v Columbus county, and one from Mr. Charles Chancey, in Bladen. We saw the blossoms to-day, we hope the bojjs will beaa large and that the price of the cotton when it reaches market will be iftrgsalao. The VOL. V. The Crops. f.x. i :.sv i mi cropy every wuere are proiuitiug. A friend writirg us from ;Caintuck Linding, in P nder county, says that the prospects now are lor the largest crop of corn and potatoes which has been harvest, ed since the war. All that is wanted is a continuance o tay?good season. Plows, Shovels, Piuihtoiks, Spadrs, Kakes, Tra e Chains, Plow Lii es,.ic For the lowest prices, go to J A.coin's. Ctiarjcvri YItb Robbery. Alexander Covington, a train h.tnd on the (Carolina Central Railway, was ar rested at Liuriubur last ni'bt, charged with breaking open and robbing trunks. Covington was arrested as such as the train arrived in Liurinburg. We could not. ascertain the particulars but under stand that an eye was kept on Covington far some tiae before hie arrest Everybody can get suitf d with a I'uckpt Kniff, aLo Table Cutiery, at jACtm?s Hardware; Detmt. Postal Orders. From and after July 1, 1880, until further notice, the following fees will ie charged and exacted by postmasters f r interna! ion il money orders secured in ths United States, for payment in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to-wit: In turns not exceeding 10, 25c; cver$l0 and'not exceeding 20, 50c; over $20 and not exceeding $30, 70c; ovef $30 and not exceeding $40, 85c; over 40 and nbt exceeding 850, 6L Chafed With Uurclaiy. Virgil Hill and Clem 51 ill were arrested and tried ycttrJay. for the burglary of Mr. John Neimeyers residence on the corner of Sixth and Orange stroots, an ac count oi which appeared in the Review at the time. The evidence against Virgil Hill was very strong and he was commit ted to j.iil without bail, but Clem Hill was discharged. The boys are brothers of the notorious George and EJ Ilill, jvvho are now serving out terms in tho penitenti ary for Jobbery . The Cunartl Line.. The fact that Messrs. Heido & Co. have obtained the agency for this placo of the Cunard ateamship Company, will prove gratifying to many among us who may be inclined to visit the shores of the old world. There is no me reliabl6 line of steamers running to Europe than is the Cunard, a fact which is well aU tested by their long, and 'successful ser vices in this respect. Through tickets cabin or steerage, will be sold here and all information promptly furnished on ap plicationto Messrs. Ileide fc Co. City Court. A colored drayman was arraigned this morning Tor driving carelessly in the streets yesterday and running over the little child of Mr. J. C. Lumsdeu. In enneideration of tho good character prov ed by the defeudant, His Ilouor released him with a Goo of 5 and co ts. A case of.atfray was next c.illed and it appearing to the satisfaction. of the Court from the" testimony introduced,-that the provocation was . very agrayatinj', the Mayor BuppencoJ judgmsnt ind lJis-cHarg-ed the defendant. ' '- Has Left Us. Dr. C. H. Robert, for tome 3 ears past a Btceiver of the Carolina Central Kail way and previous to that time the. Presi dent of that road, left here- this morning on. his return to Poughkeepste.New York, where his family now are, and, whoie he will hereafter reside. Dr. Roberts has been a resident of this city for mo op than chht years past, during all of whicli,peiid he has held a control ling positioiTin 'the atniirs o! the Carolina Central, and has jsorked earnestly and h artily lor the benefit of his road. He r tires now to make room for the new- or ginizatijn, which is soon to be etrectcd. Our best washes go with him. , t Almost a Disaster,. An accident, which came near proving a sad disaster, occurred at Wrightsville S;und last Thursday. Two ladies and gentlemen, from this city, hired a small sail boat, mar nid by two men, to take them to the Bank and when in the Bank's Channel, and in very deep water, the boat, "being clumsily handled, cap sized. It was a grave predicament but fortunately the gentlemen could swim. They succtedtd in getting the ladies on the bottom of the upturned boat and then they harnessed themselves to thooat, by means of the painter, and together with the crew swam to the shore, towing - the boat along, where they succeeded in up righting it, WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE W t's Hare a Rip-Roaret ! It is on the tspis a rip-rearing a r.d rousing Ha;t Columbia oid. ratification Hancock and English meeting next weel . Our standarcl-bjarer in -this DisUict, Jno. W. Shackelfoid, Etq , will be invited, ai d all of the Democrats iu the couniirs ad j jiaing this. One feature of the occasion will be the preser.ee of Ho .A. M.Waddell and Maj r Chailes M. fctedmao, one a delegate lor the State at large and tb other from this Diatrict to the Ci: cim aLi Convention, aud these gpn'hmej ins!. nam3d,U i3 expected, willeJi ua alt about i ; how tho Hancock bo fitn staricd in Porkopyli?, together with the sentiment oi the people there. Friday next, the2i of July, Las een sugg-st-ed as an appropriate lime ; "vLa" do our fiieuds think abjut. it?" Lut us heai from them upon the subject. A Budilen lllneas and an Account. We regret to Icarn that Mr. John J. Fowler, Assistant Cleik and Treasurer a the City Hall, was suddenly taken quite sick a few days ago and had to be con veyed from" the City Hall to hi- resi dence in a buggy. Ns a faithful ch onLler of current evpats we are also compelled to say that Mr. Oscar f honipsou mot with quite a serious accident e&terday evening., about C o'clock, by wbicn he - suffered a dibloca tion ofjhis left shoulder. It seems that Mr. Thompson w-s climbing up to a pigeon house by means of a ladder, at home on his father's premises, in search of some pigeon fquabs, vh:n tho laddtr slipped and Mr: Thompson, seeing he wes about to fall with the ladder, sprang off and fell to the ground, striking his left shoulder with such force that it is feared that it is dislocated. Wejsincerely trustf 'however, that both of tha . young gentle men mentioned above will soon recover and beat their respective posts of duty in good health once more; Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want, of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacoiu's Hard, ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. The New IVortli Carolina System There is almost always some new de vplopments in regard to the new and famous North Carolina policy but it always seems to have but one tendency to ignore Wilmington and other North Carolina towns and cities and run every thing in the interests of Virginia. The la?est information which reaches us Is to the effect that the present schedule, hy which travelers may leave Wilmingtdn at night and- reach Ashevilla the next afternoon, has been changed and that the run ever the Western North Carolina R R. will en and after Sunday next be made at eight, reaching Asbeviile probably about daylight. Tha present schedule has been pronounced by both the Char lotte and Asheville papers to be just what the traveling community will require, close connection being made with Rich mond, Ralfeigh and Wilmington, and in view cf this fact it is difficult to under stand the motiva of the change, unlees it is to cause trouble and inconvenience to people of this section of tlj.e State. You can buy No. 1 Cookiog and Heats ingdtovesat almost any price at Jacoih's Hardware-Depot. Interesting Exercises. The closing exercises of St. Joseph's Male Academy were held yesterday under tho direction of the Sisters wf Mer cy, at their new and corjcm&dicus rchcol room on Fifth street. The exercises were not public, on'y the families and relations of the pupils and a few invited guests bsing preseut as auditors. It was a pleasurable hour to these who had th3 opportunity of beiug present to listen to the song-?, recitations and decla mations of thejoung gentlemen compos ing the school. TLut tbty have had the advantage of a thorough mental training, was evidenced in all the exercises. KV Father Wiigbt presented with appropriate remarks, premiums to the iJ lowing pupils: Master Willie Fl anagan, a gold medal, the glTt of Mr. L. Brown, for ex mplary conduct and the highest number of tickets of excellence, Miiter Mercer Cjuqct, receiving the second re'aiium in the same class. Premiums in the second class were awarded to Masters Thomas Dowl ing, John Barry, Wm. Miyo, Thomas Carroll, Danm Larktns and Mainn Winner. Premiums .were also awarded to some of the younger papL's for j profi ciency in arithmetic, writing, scholarship and good conduct. We are glad to learn that the institution is in a flourishing condition. Eeyiew. Cape Fear Military Academy. TLere was a very good aud lence present last ligbtiuthe City Hall to-attend the Commencement Exercises of the Cape Fear . ilitary Acdmy. Much inte es was manifested, not withstanding the fact tbatitwa diSi nih to har Oislir c ly, on acecuat of the weli-k'iowa peculiir aeons-' tic propel lies of the Hall. The. pKgtaiHui- was opened by the dc iivery hy JVof Vv,n Jiuund of an ac' niirible Kddie.-a on 'tieif-Culture ,. which ws i t" d an xe-l!ent 1 c?ure on a veiy i t pirtatit suj c. Tlid scholats ali acquittrd th.'raielves hind-omel, , as m ht have' been expected fioui tbe carelul handling they have had. Th val?diciory,deii?ered by blaster H. D. Thompson, andan original essay, on Ihe Adaptability of the Beauty of the Woild ti Mii.'d ithelic Nature weie v.-ry creditable J productions, both i Conception and in .delivery. Tbe young gentleman, in this, gives a prom isi of much future excellence. For want of space wo can but barely mention the programme in fuJJ. The declamation exercises wits as follows: A Boy's Pbilcsephy, by Josie Hanby; Na poleon's Grave, by DuB. Cutlar; Mon archy, cr Republic ? by R. D. Cronly; Marion's Men, by Geo. Huggtns; Concili ation Preferable to W&r,by4Robby Holmes". The Disloyalty of tbe South, by Gilbeit Greene; Mother, Home and Heaven, by J. C Heyer; Queer People, by Oscar Vollerp; Relief "for Ireland, by Douglass Cronly; Vacation Hymn, by Sammy Woody. Dialogues Boyi Meeting, by Frank Covington, Gilbert Green, Chas. Smith, Harry Beat wr'ght, Frank Huggins and Charles Myers. The Marseilles Hymn recited in French by R. D. Cronly; German Dialogue, be tween DouglassCronly andOcar Vollers; Valedictory, by H. D. Thompson. Capt. Catlett submitted a very inter esting report of the workings of the school during the past session. There were 58 pupils entered upon the ril and the average attendance was 63. His report evidences a fact of peculiar importance aad that is that a proper and eloper at tention is paid to the rudiments, there being, for instance, 60 in the class for arithmetic, 53 in Eagliah grammar, 63 in reading, 6G in geography, 56 in spelling aad 40 in history. The students who excelled, as per an nouncement, were R, D. Cronly and H. D. ,?mpson in the second class; Doug lass cronly and H. L. Fennell in the third class; Victor Grainger, Charles Smith, P. Taylor, Harry Beatwright, J. C. Heyer, Samuel Wocdy, and Albert Birdaey, in the fourth class; and Roger Moore and Joseph Hanby in the Intro ductory clasj. Petrified Oysters.. Laborers at work excavat'ng at tbe bead of Front 6treet for the foundation of the now iron bridge discovered a marl bed yesterday afternoon of unusual richs ness. Among other things were found petrified oysters and clams. The oysters are said to be as large as a manAs hand. Our Piojrress. As stages and stage routes are quickly abandoned with the completion of rail roads, to the huge, drastic, cathartic pills, composed of crude and bulky medicines, are quickly abandoned with the introduc tion of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, which are sugar-coated, and 1 ittle larger than mustard seeds, but composed of highly concentrated vegetable extracts and are warranted to cure al irregularities of stomach, livei and bowels. fciold by druggists. New Advertisements. Ten Tons QF GOOD COW OR HOO FEKD, DO US?, or BICE FLOUR, at 25 cant per bushel of 10 pounds. Call or sand your ordeato GEO. D. PARSLEY, je 26 2t Hilton Rice Mill. Canard Steamship Co. BE OLDEST and mcst I reliable line of Hteamers A sfl at. Hails from New York rerv Wedneaday. For Tbrougk Tickets for Cabin or Steerage pafsae from New York to the principal porta of Europe and for farther information, Apply to HE IDE A CO.. je61m Agents at Wilmiofrtoa, S. C, Removal rpo HANDSOME SEW 8T0RE, Front feueet, second door from Prineeu street. My friends and the public will fed me prepared to serve them to-day and heraftr. J1HES a MU3DS, jett Drargist, 26, 1880. NO. 107 New Advertisements. FOR THIS WEEK BROWN & RODDICK ARE OFFERING feOME iii order to close out sc me lots. All those who are in want i f suth do well to give us an early call. No. 1 Chil Iren's White Hos withant beams, 20 cents a pa r, wotlh GO cen'.s. : No. 2 Pacific Printed Lawns, 12 cents per y,ard. These are the best quality in the matket. No. 3. Fiinted Linen Lawn3, 15 and 20 cents, regular price 0 and 25 con's. No. 4. 200 dozen Gents Linen Haudke: chiefs, $l.t0 a dzon, decicelly tho cheapest lot ever ofierfd In this c'.ty. No 5. Linen Stair Covering, 15 to 25 cens. No. G. -A Piques; we are cflering some raro bargains in this particular department, at prices ranging from 8c to 49c, No. 7. Printed English Cambrics, 10 czi ts a yard, worth 15 cenf. No. 8. We have still a few lefc of those Biack and Mode Colored Hose, at 25c and 35c, Worth at least 50 cents. No. 9. A 'ot of Lace Bunting?, Dress Goods, 20c, worth 37 ic BROWN & 'RODDICK, 45 Market St. ie 26 Stockholders' Meeting. XJOTICE IS HEREBY G1TEN that a General Meeting; of the Stockholders of tbe Carolina Central Railroad Company, sue cessor to the Ca-ollra Central Railway Com pany, under the forecloiare sale, will be held in toe Town of WELDON. North Carolina. on WEDNESDAY, tbe 14th dar of Jnlj, ibv, ror tee e.ection or Officers, the adoption of By-Laws, and other purposes. A. V. STOUT, . F. O. FRENCH, A. B GRAVES, J. S. WHEDBEE, I. R. MURCHISON, je 25- Purchasing Committee. Office Treasurer & Collector, City of Wilmington; N- CV June 26. 1SS0. - - .. Final IVolicc. : fpUE PARTICULAR ATTE5TI0S or all persons li.b'e for the Monthly License Tax es, as inpoied by tbe General Tax Ordinance of the City, i called to Eeetiocs ONE and EIGHT cf said Ordinance. I am Instructed by tha Hoard of Aide; men and the Board of A adit a:d Finance, to atriet! enforce the same, WITHOUT EX CEPTI058. Am oSeer will commence aeiricg warrants oa all parties la arraars to July 1st, 18 JO, en Monday, li h last. JTo offence mast be taken by parCs who neglect this notice, if they are summoned to appear at the Mayor's Court. BEXkY SAVAGE, je 25-It Trail. 4 Collector. - ; 8Ur copy PLEASE A Oil CE. Wt wiUbet'i Hts!ti cMimiticaiioa; from oar friends on any asd a.H sabU a eeneral laUrest out : 1 ' ' . -v? : Kill ''- niai ot the wriUr s,u?t Aiwrba fur to thi dior . - : V, r CommunlcaUonssLtjib-' w.UUa oa on!' one aide of the p ape-. - Personalities raw - Tt '.ijd. . yL And it is especially apj , i'Iarir cr stood tUt the Editor dom tot ;Ars ezdjric tbe vieirs of correal, on v.ri, ir itn J? opt Gr3?sn Vuizsc Ixccllenf f jr- Lzfaz '! Xnzhly v i-ri i-";t :i" ukzy; ; ; Speer's ForfceropMnr-.j Fours Vcrrs Cl:5. rpnia cELEm:Tr:D :,"av;v is made from the yclc? ot th C . X2.T.r, raised In thi cunUy. IU v - . . i s' iiiuj Tonic CM Slrei)i!i3Eiu rrcrcrl: are unsarpapeJ bv any rt!icr r.silve Wire, Beinr tho pore juice of tu"j pi apt, product it under ilr. HFer'sr.wu pers jar.i ,auperTiiinrj, it3 purity , and g-esnintness ' p. no j;carantv?a . The youngest. chahrj ai f V. y) ttft -n -. cas qualities, and tLe -we?SeJt inrf.ll J "n "r use it to adTantse. It U x srticv.iarij b- n ficial to tha aged. and. debilitated, and" s--i4:-to the various aiiincots tat aL,"'. sex. It if, in every respect, 6. V KiK T) iiC BELIED UK. , The P. J. 8n Kill: T Is a.Wiso Tf ;j;iT. RIOK CDARACTEK, anl partakes f V.-v olden qualities of th? grar. f.t.ia' w!,Ic': is made. For Parity. Kichr crj. I Iit f r.-l MEDICINAL PROl E'tiiE v ha found unexcelled. p. TMa BiiANDV uDfira'cl ii to'.s Country, being fa- ttrperir i'vr client j ur IT IS A PURE ditillitIon frnm the frl f r aad contains valaa.blo mediclil i:oKf z. It has a delicate flavor, similar .t;fthM of the rapes from which it U diftilled, ai d i i in great favor amon- hrs?c!asi fatuftlvt;' oee tnai tne Rir&tnre o Aiir'.a .r5 Pauiic, N. J, U over the a ri ef iiclC-to-tie. Foraale by W. R. OIil?ST,.f r?. ?i tfH, Drug gists, and P. L BHlDOK& LU. je 26-tf . i. . : mi .if A MOTHER SUPPLY of tLc22 2.t9dLVa- moca jast reeaived ar4 for ssl chra . , r RUN jilk.fctUoh.'tH THERMOUETETtS and BVMicfofs. " ' Another ltja--ia ar t- . It r Pianos and Qn Sold Eor cash; op. ov t;: ijiv MONTHLY ISA iAC.MV?4 A?;, Chain at je 28 Last Tax E'csi-ic'' pEsaoys .waii iiAViiAiLiiJ u ice ule in their liati i'. C. llfuii orS City of Wilmiaitca Bwsdf, Xji'.ij& come axe rcqaitted to it;ad tLtir ik.j Lt fora mj report u cai- to .tue 2cvu ty Commiuiotrs., j rV amll j26.it ' - v-- Asitir Croquet, AroIiprSi. Pietire Frami, u 4 . -.f : if. P v ; t'lA&y fit' " : J. -