"V S - THIS Fi FIB Pf .Pior vnTTnp . ertTJ afternoon. Bmadayi pit I t f J tip I We win beg' ad liretjnWalionj from our friend on aaj and all ' subject o feneral lsterest but : - : .fj t I .1 .H.-u t ' Tbe came of the writer rtujt alwayi be fur niahed to the Editor. ; .' ' ; i .- i t Communication nut be wrhtealonjonii one aide of thepaftr nv.i.i Pertonalitles must xclded. And it Is especially su pruiariy. under, . fteod that the Editor doc not always eadcrsoi the viewa of corre?pondct, unieaa io ttd in the editorial colmosa. . , - Notf; : Advoitisomoiits. W Daily REVIEW; T. JiMBSi .2S" ITOB ASO PROPRIKTOB. .in'iO.VH.flTAOE PAII) 15 00 ix months, 2 50 ; Three .J j5;'(7ie mouth, 60 cents. rt;ie' -,!?' b delivered by carriers, r "7 partof thecit'atthe W 'r cents per wek. r " rtei low and liberal VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1880. NO. 108 . beriberi win . -r- tn Tea;ire ibeir papers regularly f1 - lltPj L A d vortisemen ts. f I HIS I bEK. gyN & RODDICK onW Uvcl-M out me lots. in who a:3 iu want 1 such will do II t give us au early call. No. 1. :i ' Ltj White Hos', without Seams, keen's a 'pair, worth U0 cents. 1 No. 2. ... . i I s rT . n 1 O 1 vr a nfli vT O vil No. 3 UfJf U'len Lawns, .15 and 20 cents, pillar, price SO and 2o cents. No. 4. l 10 Jozftn Genls Liuen llandke chiefs, $150 a di zen, decidedly the cheapest lot ever ottered iu this' city. No. 5. ILiiiea Stair Covering, 15 to 25 cents No. C. hues; we; are. ctl'eringsonie rare bargains inthis'particular department, at prices ranging from 8c to 40c, No. 7. u'ed Knglish Cambrics, 10 certs a yard, worth 15 centp. No. 8. iha?e still a few left of those Black and Mode Colored Hose, at 25c and 35c, Worth' at least 50 ceuts. No. 9. 'it of Lice Bnntirgs, Dress Goods, 20c, worth 37c. . ' ' R0WN & 'RODDICK, 45 Market St. Stockholders' Meetiug. OTICE IS HEBEBT G1YKN tht jne'tl MeeUng of the Stockholders of the Wln Central Railroad Company, sue r to tbeCa'oiira Central Railway Com- inier the Torecloiare sale, will be held tTown of WKLDON, North Carolina, WEDNKRHAY. thm lift A w f Jn 50, for tbe ;ection of Officers, the adoption ana otner purposes. A. V. STOUT, F. O. FRENCU, A. B. GRAVES, J. S. WIIEDBEE, II. R. WITRPniSflV kit- par d Steamship Co. f HE OLDEST and met yfsrsi reliable line of MtATnr U HiiU frr.m VV FT WednMd&v. r 1 H'onek TIckeia for Cabin or Steerage v - r irom ew York to the principa u of Ksrope and for farther information 51, Apply to HK1UK4UU.. A gen 6 at Wilmington, N. C Removal 0 HlNDSOME HEW -8T0RK, Front eoond door from Princeaa atreet. My and the public will find me prepared to-day and hereafter. ' J LUES C. MUNDS, 15 Drugiit. Ae Coiiuop litan Bar THK PLACE TO GET ANY AND lall he fancy, dtliciooj, eooling drinka of the r. lea f bl tne rwy beat of Ucoon dalt oat .7 sara f the beat braadj can m louvd t ihe Ooemopclitan. JOHN UAK&OL14, Prop., F HoCU Uarket at. LOCAL NEWS. .1 1 . . I I- INI.. -J Now Artvertiaements. Williams k Md&chiboh. Corn, Meal, Hay, Molasies, Coflee, Sugar, Flour, Ac: Clyde' New York Steamship Lioe. Altaffkr, Peick A Co. Wire Netting. T H McKc.t Lowest Prices. Yatm BUpk Books, Croquet, Archery O odj. ' i Jas W KiueSect'y Thir Ward Domt cratic Club. J W Hans-For the Rocks at JTew Inlet and the Black fish Grounds. 8re ad Moore's Buainos UniTerilty. J' , W HAhPaa, Agt Stmr Pa?sp rt. C Munds, Druggist Removal. F HiiHSBiaaaa QJhnmocks. A A I Fhrikr Beat LTnlaun nied Shirt in the city for $1. - i , For other locals see fourth page. i , : Windew Glass ali sizes at Altafl'er Price's. t I : Th 'sweet girl srAduateh have all ar rived at their homes. Many men, who "pass fur hor?st, are perfectly willing to hook a Osh. Cats have no fixed politicul belief. TLey are usually on the feoce. I . : - Tlows, dhovels, Pitehtoiks, Spades, Rakes, Trat e Chaius, l'low Liues, tc For the lowest prices, go to 3a.cobi's. : At 3 o'clock vfto-day the thermometer stood at OS-degrees in this ollice. 1 : : The ague tackles a man with a hearty 'Shake, old boy; glad to see ycu.' Save your money and bay j our Build ing Supplies from Altaffer &.Price. Full Metal and Walnut Showcases, all styles and szes, at Altaffeb, Frige & Co7s. The steamer Elizabeth, we learn, is to havean awning placed over her deck house in order to give passengers more comfort. Ready mixed. Paints, stric. ly ure White Lead,- Colors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, tec., at Jacobi's We are glad to see that Mr . John J. Fowldr is well enough to be out and is at his post again in the treasury department at the City Hall. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heals ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. That was a very pleasant little shower of rain we had this forenoon, but there wasn't enough to dp much good. From the appearance! of .the eloud3, we shou'd judga that there were goodrains elsewhere in this neighborhood. A few years since, at the celebration ef our national anniversary, a poor peddler who was present, being called upon for a toast, oflered the following: Here is health to poverty; iWticksto a man when all his friends forsake him.' It is not always that the parents can carry the Baby on a trip for the recovery of its health. But they can keep Dr. Bnll'f Baby Syrup in the house, and it will com pensate for the trip by its prompt relies and cure. Price only 25 cents a bottle. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent fir the Atlas Plow, pa lies in want of this' celebrated Plow cm now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. The censu3 enumerators for this city have been sitting at the Court House to day for the purpose of revising the enu meratioo of the city. The citizens will do wel' to drop in to-morrow and see that their families are properly eLumers ated. Hancock's Headquarters are established for the resent at Shrier's, on Mark X street, where Hancock Suits, Hanccck Hats, Hancock Cravat?, Haucock Collars and Hancocs Handkerchiefs are dispensed freely and liberally, and almost gratui tously, so cheap are they all. tf ij LiUly a gentleman 6at dowu to write a dee!, and began with 'Know, one wo man, by these presents.' You are wrong,' said a bystander, 'it ought to be know all men.' 'Very well,' answered the other, if one woman knows it, all men will of course.' , Typhoid fever creeps into the lhoue through the ce'.lar. Decaying vegetas blesand accumulations of. debris and dirt are the seeds of miasm tic diseases. It is now time, as the warm weather has set in, for every cellar to be thoroughly cleaned and limed. ' Those wh f.uffsr f om nervous irrita tioDb, itching UDeasines, and the dis comfort that follows fn m an enfeebled and disordered state of the system, should take AYElVS SAHSAPARILLA and cleanse the blood. Purge out tho lurk ing distemper that undermines tbo health and constitutional vigor will return.- Fond or Fishing! The steam yacht Passport will leave her wharf to morrew morning, at 6 o'clock, for the rocks at New Inlet and for the Black fi h Grounds. In such weather as this there will be found plen ty of fiih and those wbto are ford f the sport will find this an excellent opportu nity. It is announced that only a limited nnmber of tickets will L sold to t e B I ack.fi. 8h Grounds. f ..v.. . . 1 . . Window GldAS of all sizes, o np S isu and Blinds. Builders' Hardware,&o Low -t pireces si .Jacwbi's. Journalistic iroperltjr. The Monroe Enquirtr enters upon is eighth volume with this weeks' iBgue, en Urged and improved. It has secured a new cylinder press,-nd enters upoa the new volume with bright prospects. It is a bright, newsy sheet, thoroughly Dem ocratic, tdited with ability and; we re joice at the success it has already attain d and at the glowiDg prospects of its future, Everybody can ger suited with a Pocket Knife",1 also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Deoot- 7 he Wilmington Light Infantry. We are pleased to learn that the Wil mington Light lufintry are now in a ver5jj flourishing condition. At the last meeting of the Company tea new mem bers were received and we understand that in addition to these a number of new applications are now pending. The strength of the Company is now about seventy active Members. They will go to Wrightsville Sound next Monday, the 5th, in uniform and there is considerable talk among them about attending the King's Mountain Celebration. About a Wlluiiugtontan, We learn from Sheriff Manning that while he was in Washington City, a few days since, he met with our young towns man, Mr. John C. Cant well, sou of Hon. Edward Cantwell, of this city, who was then standing bis examination for promo-, tion to a cadetship in the Revenue Marine Ssrvice. -Sheriff Manning says that Mr Cantwell exhibited to him a fine gold chain and. Match which an old gentleman whose life he had saved by rescu'iHg him from the dark billows of the Potomac river, had presented.to his deliverer as a testimonial of gratitude. We also hear Irom a different source that Mr. Cantwell passed quite a creditable examination and is now on bis way to Gibraltar on the sohoolship Chase, as a cadet in j the Ma rine Revenue service of Ihe United States. A Good Order. His Honor, Mayor Fishblate, has given positive orders to Captain Brock to have arrested and brought to trial any parson who. is guiltjof loud and boisterous swearing on the streets. It is the deter mination of the Mayor lo put a stop to Lthe habit that is getting to be so common among a certain class of late to use loud and offens ive epithets jnst when they are pasaiDg ladies, and gentlemen on the streets. It has been the case too of late in certain localities, we learn where ladies cannot sit out upon the piazzas without hearing such offjnsive langaage. We hope the Mayor meant to include in his order all indecent and obscene language also, for if there is one thing in the world calculated to shock the moral sensibilities of refined ears, it is indecency and vulgarity. We can endure hearing a iew cuss worus sometimes, butvulgarity we do despise in any shape or for ui. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Sneer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grapa Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by tne meuicai pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. CUj Court. David S. Martin, a colored individual, was pretty drunk on Saturday night and qiite loud and boisterous in his manner, besides cursing-anJ swearing. The May or told him $ij(?r ten days. The defen dant took the benefit of the ten days. Liza N xon and John Hagett, twe more indjvidua's of the colored persua sion, were arraigned for an affray, which tok place on Third, between Walnut and Red Cross streets, last Saturday nigbt Officer Robert Green happening along about that time took the pair under hig official wing and escorted, them safely to the lock-up, and this morning the Mayor imposed a fine of $10 ox tea day im prisonment upoa Haggett and $5 fine or five day's imprisonment upoa the omia. In default of payment of the fines both parties went below. One drunk and down was released, it beiog the first oflince. This codid the docket and the Court adjourned. Depa ture of the Lunatic Sliver- thoru. Oing to the letter which Chief of Police Brock wrote some weeks ago to the Sheriff of Warren county, New Jersey, in regard to the n u fortunate lunatic Silver- hou, (mention of whom has several times bea made in the Review) recently, Dr. Wm. N Baird. a orotherinlaw ef the n n compos mentis man, arrived here tst eight with a letter from Mr. Wm. Silwt horn, his fathersin-law who is rui lent of CelvidJre, N J, to the Chief of Police, concerning his deranged soa, Pjter Silrerthorn. Dr. Baird came :or the purpose of taking the unfortunate man home where he could be entered in a unatic asylum and receive the proper treatment for his disease. Every assist ance was rendered by Captain Brock, and Dr. Walker, the superintendent of healtl; the latter named sen tie man took Dr. B lird out to the Poor House this morn a g at 5 o'clock, where Silverthorn was s mfined, in his buggy, and in this wy made easy and cemhrtable Dr. . Bs. de- ir tare with his charge on the Northern bound traip at 7 o'clock. Some amusing things transpired durlrg Silvertborn's confinement in jail here, firtt for sa fe keeping and afterwards in the Poor House. Xathan Graham, colored. who is known by every one most as Crazy Nathan, has his epells of insanity only periodically, and was at the time of Silver thorn's entry intojil all right, Siiver thorn, however, was very violent, and proceeded, though hs is a man with only one arm, to weed out the whole batch of prisoners, but Crazy Nathan gave him a left-hander over the left eye, which settled him for the time, and then with the as 8istance of the other prisoners in the jai1 h3 was rolled into a cell and the key turned oi himl This act of Nathan's, singular to say, made an impression upen Silver thorn and he remembered it to th3 credit of Crazy Nathan, who by this act had won the unfortunate lunatic's admiration and he would frequently point to his left eye and remark, it took a man t? do that!' Subsequently they were both trans ferred to the Insane department at the Poor House, and one day Silver thcrn climbed to the top of the house and ainused himself by running all around on the roof. How to get him down no one knew; argument and entreaties were of no avail, when at last Crazy Nathan was sent up after him; the two then sat down on the roof and chatted pleasantly for a while and finally came dowu together very quietly. But afterwards Silver- thern fell out with Crazy Nathau and pitched into him and whipped him out, and ever after that Nathan's in fluence in that direction was cone forever, and from all accounts Nathan didn't try to exert any more in fluence there, either, preferring to give his quondam friend a very wide berth ever afterwards. Then it was that old Maum Tena, a colored woman, said to be nearly 100 years old, who is an inmate in the Poor House, took charge of and con trolled the poor lunatic, and it is said that if he didn't mind what she said to him the old woman would take a switch to him and whip him like?a child, and the poor unfortunate would submit to it in the most docile manner. We hear that Mr. Wm. Silverthorn, the f ither of the deranged man, is a very prominent citizjn in bis section of New Jersey and is spoken of as a candidate for Congress in bis district. We hope the un for tuna tojnan may reach bis home and friends Ju safety and soon ba restored to reason. i Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medicine, Malt Bitters, n because more nourishing. strtrnTthenin? an. I nurL. fying than all other forms of malt or inedi a :n 1 r i - X" . I i ? t ; . , tmc, wuiuj tree irmu iuo uujciiotiS urgtu ajiiust malt liquors. - 4 Alafflstratet Court. The two policemen who were charged with an assault audi battery upon Nathxn Jones, colored, while arresting him and taking bim to the guard house cne night last week, were before Justice MiQairg today. The defendant demanded a jury, and after a hearing in the case tbty were fined 25 each by the justice. Frcm this they appealed, to the text term of the Crimbal Ccurt for this county. It teeaaa that upon thev night in question, Jones was very disorderly, and. n fused to go with the officer who arres'ed bim to the uard bouse. The assistance cf another officer was secured, and the trni ted efforts of the t wo were required to get hTm into confinement, and then only after thej had tird him and placed t(io urjnadray. . . K 1 . - - Oor Belezates. Major Charles tf, Sednian, delegate from this District to tha Cincinnati Con vention, returned bere last Saturday niLt sufle i: g, we are sorry to learn, from a severe a cold. Col. Waddell, a de'gate from the State at larg,- has gone cn to New York, but will possibly return next week. It is therefore thought best by many to postpone the proposed graud rati fi cation meeting uutll next week, when CoL Wdd:ll will probably have returned and Maj. Stedman. will be able to t peak- Mr. Shackelford, our nominee for Con- gress'from this District, will, we trmt be present on that occasion. Our Piojrress. As stages and stage routes are oTiieklv abandoned? with the completion of rail roads, so the huge, drastic, cathartic pill?, composed of crude and bulky medicines, are quickly abandoned with the introduc tion of Dr. Phirce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, which are sugar-coated, and little farcer than mustard seeds, but comnospit of highly concentrated vegetable extracts and are warranted to cureal. irregularities of stomach, livei and bowels. Sold by aruggists. New Advertisements. Third Ward Democratic Club. THERE WILL BEa MeetiDgoftheThi d Ward Democratic Club, at the City Hall, MONDAY 'NIGHT, Jute 28 h, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of Ratifying the District, State and Rational nominations. A full at tend ate a requested. By order of the President. je281t JAS. W. KIN(i,8ect'y. For the Rocks at the Inlet AND THE OUTER Blackfish Grounds. fTIHE 8TE1MER "PASSPORT" will leave J. her wharf at o clock. Tuesday moraine. for the above fishing points. A limited num- fter of tickets only, for the 13 LICK Find GROUNDS, will be sold, which can be ob tained at the Store of Mr. H. Burkhimer, on Monday. Fare to Inlet and return 50 cents. To Blackfish Grounds $1. J. W. HARPER, je 28 It Agent and, Master. Wire Netting 4 Q0REEN8 roT ioors ana winaowp. Good to keep out flies and mosquitoes. Aleo, x Sash, Doors, Btinds,' Lumber, and IBoilding Material Generally Foot of Walnut at. ATutt, near Red Cross st. je w O. W. YATES. OLA5K BOOK3, School Bool a and Stationery, ; Country Schools supplied at reasonable j rice?. Chromoa, Frames, Arohery Goods, Crcqiet, ac. Oraaa told on the Instalment Plan, at BOOK.STORE. j58 Corn, Heal, Hay. 15,000 Bush Prime White Corn, OUU Uushs Water Ground Meal, 5O0 Bales Hay, Flour9liIolasses,Sugar 1200 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 500 Hhds and Bbls Syrup, New Orleans, New Crop Cuba and Porto Bico Molasses. 350 Bbls Sugar,Cut Iibaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra O and C, Bacon .Lard, Fc rk, &c. 20O Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, ISO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 125 Bbls City Mess Pork, 235 Bags Coffee, Bio, Laguyra and Java ISO Boxes Starch, 300 Boxes Lye and Potash, 175 Boxes Laundry Soap, ICQ Boxes pure Assorted Candy, SnuiL Tobacco, Paper. Matches. Shot, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, Hoop iron, spirit isarrels, sc. tor sale low by '.. "f.T.,.- ' WILLIAlia A MDRCHrSOaT, f 18 Whalesale Grocer A Com Her. MB. J. H- BATES, if ewtpaper 'AdterMi i m ii u rs mv, iuia aauaafjL Hew York, la aathoriiedto eortraet for tdt verUaa-aeuta ia the Daily. Rxviaw and 7ii aiajstc jovaaat, at oar.loweat rater, g THOMAS H UcKOY, SUCCESSOR 'TO Is lucpa rcil to funiish you witli y EVERYiRfCLE. in the At tho" -V:- " ?' LOWESf PRIGEM- Rfl y S t o c k i s L a rg e . We Replenish Daily, Therefore, all .yon .buy from us . will be :t j ; j Wo guarantee every ad klo iimi , leaves our Store, My lato partnery Cnpt. JOHNT' TiM i BOAT WRIG AT, will Ic pleaPr l to see all hi3 friend?, at invv Stores, Nos. -5 & 7 Nort'i Front' Street. TflOS. II. IcKOT; u 1 Grocer and Liquor Dealer, rlu je 28 is w vcnuoi ui 1 jr Lho time MOD RE'S BUSINESS UNI VERSltV," ' ' Atlanta. f?n. arcina - I r ,3 j c. D WUI expenjes for three months. Hend for lUne- iraiea uxrcuiar T 3a 23-I2wdAw. Ten Tons . i -J . u QF GOOD COW OR UOG TEED, j ; DOU3F, or B I CE FLO UR, at 25 cnt per 1 V bushel cf 10 pounds. Call .or1 send jdir " ordcato GEO. D. rARSLSV. , je 26 3t UmonRice Mill. , , ; MISSES KARRER- & McOOWAlf, ' pEALER8 IN H1LLI5ERY " ' Are jaet in receipt of a freth ioroiceot 1 Ladies' Linen Ulsters acd Suits. ATart.HIic Childrena' and Infanta' Clothing. Now itla In MllliaerT ltut in atid OJienad. hitiirftM t ttfr ttf lee of Hair Gooda. jut re9tiTd,ato. U Konth yrnnt Rtf ' ' - ' may 51 . .: . ' . -? UIffJ W.' Hammocks,;:;:. "' A KOTHER HDPPf.V r t:.J-- mode joat reeaired and far a! ch-wp'it' npHEBMOMETERS and BifbtteteTi J ? A . Another 'ot iat in at i Pianos and O rganr i f SOLDER C1HH. OR OS THE KaiV,' MOMTHLY I5RTALME?lT.H.l,i ; ' Cheap at ...... JTiI2fdliBGLji.'ii, . M je 26 . Steamer Passport - n WILL BE3UiIE ler tegS 1 J filar trips to Bmithville axd tU W33Vl f . : - Terta Jsue 20th, tearing her 'Wharf fdHt bfJ s . , ilarxet BtreeVatSO ATM. J J-7 I J. w. UAr.PE3 . J XVjaw-JIoa . Master tsd Attt, $ " '

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