' THIS "PAPER .,isiied afternoon. Sandayi i . e- . 1 1 Nil T. J AMES KOrTOK A WD PROPRIETOR. ..;w.CR!lTIOJIH.rtSTAGK PAID. eir $ 5 00 Six month, S2 SO J Three "'louth-. i 36 ; oae month 60 oentJU ,fc oper wilfbi. delivered by carrier!, (Lrze, in any part of the city, at the mr-s.orUcenttperwk.' .rtising rates low and liberal nr-tibicribers will pleaHereport any and 'iurri to receive -tneir. paperg regularly, flow Advertisements. Fflli THlS -WiiEK. BSOW WiJ .& RODDICK AUK 'OrVl-.KINU bOMKr ;,; o'l-r to cloae out w ine lets. A,i -1, ari in want i f s ich will do !! t'-iv us an eaily call. , No. 1. Ho with vit Seam?, s, i Whin- (Icon's a pair, worth ;"0 cen'.s. No. 2. lVirio !Viit-l Lawns, 12?. cents per yard. 'Ill''' tM ')0S rl1ia'fy in' the maiket. No r.mt.'.I l.ini Lawns, l." and 20 cents, r.ejuUr price lO and 2o cents. No. 1. ;'K) 'J.i.en (itMi' a' Linen llandke chief, il ;.() a d zmi, dtcidedly 'the t Jii'aiv'st iot over ottered in this city. No! 5. Linen. Stair Covering, 1") to 2" ceiits. No. G. . li-jip s we are tU'eringsonie rare bargains in tliis particular p'iv'es ranging from b'c to -10c, No. 7. l'niitM Knglish Cambrics, Kc.rts a yard, worth 15 cenff. No. 8. ; We hive still a few left ofitho Made Colored Hose, at 2oc and P"e, Worth at least 50 cents. No. 9. A iot ,f ij3ce Dtmtings, Dress Goods, 20c, t i worth CTaj, 3R0WN & 'RODDICK, 45 Market St. fctoekholder' Mcetiu I or TOTICE 13 . HEREBY GI YEN that a Uect'al Meeting of the Stockholders of the t'aruUna Central Railroad Company, sue CMor ta tbeCa-olira Central Railway Com l'y, under the foreclosure; sale, will be held mtbeTownof W ELDON. North Carolina. WKU.NKSUAT. the Hth day of July, w, lor tte election of OfficaTs. the adoption oj-bftwf, and other purp8e. A. V. til OUT, F. O. FRENCH, A. B liUAVKS, J. S. WHEDBKE, d. u. murohisox, -iJf Purchasing Committee.' Cunard Steamship Co. 'pus oldest ,nd moit - nun u nietmers at. 8ai!i from New York er WedtipadT. i or i hrough Tickets tor Cabin or Steerage PMsge from New York to the principal PJtU of Europe and for farther information, . . j , Apply to liKIDE A CO.. 1 .G lm Agents at Wilmington, N. C. Removal i 1 handsome new storf, Front t;eet, lecond door from Prince'B street. My and the public will find me prepared 4 ' ' JIMESiC. MUND V Drnpgist, The Co cinop iitan Bar 1 8 T1IK PLACE TO GET AN Y AMD all K the-, fancy, dlicioust cooling drinka of the J1. Ice cool Lager always on hand. Lienors dalt oa t Ci- Bar. Ciar f tho Dt brand ean f "ajs b foaid at he ooamopolitan. m. JOUf CARUOLL, Prop ' mT 34 lo. 12 Market V It H 1 VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. A, I'cpk, ien Pasa Agt Important to Summer Tou'ista. ' J L Du.blet, cct'y Notice. Yatb?. HUnk. Books, Croquet, Arebery Goods. . " . 3 P HTSSBKRaa H ammocks. A A I rHRiKR Best Unlaunnied Bhirt in the city for $1. " Wirdow T!ass ah sizes at ltaffer A i'riO; ...-. r Shrirnpd ludd uu lovingly to 10 cents a quart. : - .' The man who it his baiaijce wis out of his weih. ! Oakes Ames 16 dead, hiit lU note book yet speaketK. ' Peaches aDd watermelons continue scarce and high. You cannot hear a linger rii g, no mat ter how loud it is. Will wager a bean-fhooter that Wil mington is the coolest place Id North Carolina. - A large crowd of lovers of the sport piscatorial went down this morning cn the Passport, .v Window (Jlass of all siz ;.s, lo vt Sash and Blinds, Builders' IJardvare,fco Low st plreces at' Jacoiji's. Mothers, yoUfglaii relieve your Baby of its discomfort, without administering opium, that deadly drug, by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office stood at 9u degree?, the same as yesterday. The semi-annual election of (llices of Orion-l4dge, No. 07, 1. O. O. F., will take place to morrow evening. The Preys Association metta at Ashe ville to-day . The Editor of the Preview thinks of leaving ht re' to-morrow morn ing lor tho purpose of attending. It has been excesfively warm here tonday in the sun but the steady breeze which has prevailed all day loDg has beeu a genuine luxury. ', i i ? Can dogs find their way home from a long distance? atks an exchange. It's according' to ibe dog. If Jt's one you want to get rid of, be can find his way bick fromMissouri. If it's a good one be'i liable to get lost if he ocs around the cirner. Hancock's Headquarters are established for the i resent at Shrier's, - on Market street, where Hancock Suits, Hancock Hats, Hancock Cravat?, Hancock Collars and HancocK Handkerchiefs are.dispenscd freely and liberally, and almost gratui tously, so cheap jare they all. tf We understand that the C. M. Sled man Fire. Company propose having an excursion to Waccamaw TTake some time about the middle of the month. If they do, it will be "done up in style" and we knew that the gallant salamanders will have a good time of it. Hee a woman ojn horseback in another column, riding near Spcer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speef's Port Grap-3 Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the tieo of invalids, weakly persous and the aged. Soldl3y Druggists. . i . Those who.. Buffer f otn nervous irrita tions, itching uneasiness, and the dig comlort that follows from an enfeebled and disordered state.of the system, should take AYEH'S iSAllSAPAllILLA. and cleanse the b!ood Purge out the lurk ing distemper that undermines the. health and constitutional vigor will return. Anoilier slcaiiiboat Uorror. We are thocked ..to hear of another steamboat disaster (the third within three weeks) in tha vie time it was the 6 nily of New York. This earner Seatcqrhafca, off College Point, L- I.f which took fire and . j buraed to the water's ede. She wa crowded with passengers at the time, it being abcut 4 30 o'clock p. m., and 40 or o0 of theai were either burned to death or drowned. Assistance was promptly at hand, but with ail their exertions the loss of life waa appalling. While the South has "suflerel manv calamities, she has reason for profound gratitude to God for the watchful care that has kept her thus far from the ex perience of such heart-rending horrors as have recently been visited upoa the North. Physicuns freely prescribe the new Food Medicine, Malt Bitters, because more nourishing, strengthening aud purL fyiug than aUjotbef forms of malt or medi cine, while free from Ihe tbj.ctioLS urged gainst malt liquors, T -w r WILMINGTON, N. C, Off on Leave. Wo UDderstand thU Mr. D. P. Crmen, manager of the telephone exchange in this city, left on leave of absence for bia home in Washington City, yesterday morniog. Mr. W. H. Sterlia.', general manager of tha Western Union telegraph office in thia city, will, we bear, bo in charge of the telephone exchange during Mr. Ormea absoDce. Plows, ;cihovel9, Pitchtorks, 8p'les, liake.s, Tra e Chains, Plow Lires, &c Fo.' the lowest prices, g to J ACom'd. Worthily Be&uiwed. We are glad to note that our fellow townsman, M; j r Chas. M. Stedman, bas been appointed by the other members of the State delegation to Cincinnati, as their choice to represent North Carolina on the Committee which is to tender the nomi n if ion to General Hancock. It is but miet and proper that so distinguished and gallint a soldier, who has been sent many times before to meet Hancock, when the d ity was anything but pleasant,9hould now i i these piping times of peace be honored with this agreeable mission. We congrat" ulate the delegation upon the selection, for it is an honor worthily bestowed. Fail Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and svzes, at Altaffeb, Pkice Rocky Point Academy The closing exercises of the present term of this institution wil tate place at the Academy building on Wednesday, the 30th inat. Most of the day will be occupied in a public examination of the pupils in the presence of the Board of Trustees and patrons, of the school. At night a concert will be given of music, dialogues, speaking, &c , by the pupils anl others selected. The school is under tha charge of Miss Jennie Durham, as superintendent. The public are invited to attend both the examination in the day and the concert at night. A pleasing and interesting time may be expected Ready mixed Paints, strictly p ure White Lead, Ccbrs, Brushes, W ndow Glass, fcc., at Jacobi's The Fifth at Burlaw. The true-hearted yeomanry of Pender county will celebrate the 104th anniver sary of our independence at Burgaw on Monday next (tne 6th, inst.) George A. Ramsay,- Esq., will deliver the oration. Major C. W. McCUmmy will read the Mecklenburg 'Declaration of Indepen dence, and John R. Faddison, Esq., will read the National Declaration of Indepen dence. During the day a Democratic club will b3 formed. The public is cordially invited to be present, end it is hoped that every lady and gentleman of Pender will attend. The committee of arrangements is com posed of Dr. W. T. Eonett, and Messrs. A. H. Paddiso'n, W. T. Bannerman and J. W. Cowan. You can bay No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Fire in Brunswick. From a gentleman who was in the neighborhood at tho time, we learn that the dwelling house of Mr. A. W. Reiger, on his rice plantation in Brunswick coun ty, some three miles distant from Wil mington, was destroyed by fire yesterday, about 6 o'clock in the morning. We aho learn that very little if anything was saved from the building. We understand that Mr. Reiger supposes the fire must have come from ignited paper which a servant had kindled the fire in the stove of the cook room with, by the draft car rying the paper through the pipe into the air, and then another current of air strik ing it and blowing it into a bed room adjoining, among the covering on the bed. We do not know Mr Ketger s esti mate of his loss, bat we understand the buildicg was insured for $2,000 with Messrs. DeRosset 4? Northrop of this city, in tha Niagara Fire Insurance Cjmpany, of New York. ; Save your money and bay jour Build ing Supplies from Altatier A Price. Therraometricat. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this mom- ing at 6:56 o clerk : Atlan'a, Ga...,MM.T8 Mobile, AIa.M.M....78 Montgomery Ala...76 Nash riile ..........78 New Orleana .77 New York.i...74 Punta Rasa,Ha81 Savannah, Ga.....H85 Bhrereport. 7 8L Louis Mo.MMWC4 St. Marks, Fla-,Oq Vickaburir, MlssM..T7 Waahington..MM.M.80 Augusta. GaM....S0 Cairo,Ill ....68 Charleston, S. C..-83 Cincinnati... ...... ...71 Corsicana, Tex....T0 Fort Gibson, I. T.76 G al veetoa.MM..M..T7 lndianola.w.......78 Jacksonville, Fla79 H noz villeMMM...M7 Lynchbnrg. ........ feO Memphis. Tens..7 S WiImisgton.M.821 Reyiew. TUESDAY, JUNE 29, Prisoners from Pender. An c Hicer from Pender county brought here to-day and delivered to Sheriff Man ning for safe keeping two pr soner-f both of wh,m are colored Henry Boey is the name of the one who seems to have been charged with the most grievous of feuce and he was cofmitted by Justice T J Armstroug in default of one thou sand dollars surety, for breaking Into a houw. The other prisoner, Aaron Tate by name, was committed by Justice Jno f) Powers, npoo the charge of larcerpy. For AshevillP. The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad makes close connection at Goldsboro with the North Carolina R. R and pas sengers fcr Asheville and the West, un der the new scbedale on the Western North Carolina' R. R. will be able to reach Asheville in but little more than twenty-four hours by this route. Leav logWilmingtOQ at 6 50 a.m. they arrive at the head of the Western N. C. R. .H. the next morning at 8 20. 'Sleepers are run between Salisbury and the head of the road. Kor further particulars see adver tisement in-this issue.! ! - . - - ' j r AckDowledgment. Mr. Alex. Sprunt,! British Vice-Coa-sul, has received from Mr. J. H. Wright, Assistant-Secretary of the Mansion House Committee, in Dublin, a formal receipt for 15s 5p. sterling acknowiedged as from a little North Carolina girl. This, it will be remembered, 3 the sum of $4 raised by Oapt. Wj J. Calais' ; little daughter, at Old FoA a short time pre vious to her decease, which amount was turned over to Mr. Sprunt by the Editor of the Review, to whom it had been fo warded, for transmission to Ireland. Mr. Wright's letter, covering the receipt, is asfoll6ws: J AfANtioH House CcIimittee for the Belief of Distress in Ireland. Dublin,1 June 14. 1880. Alexander Sprunt, Esq , Wilmington, JX. u. Dear Sir: ! am directed by the Lcrd Mayor to acknowledge with thanks, your favor of the 2nd inst., twith P. O. Order for 15s 5p, official receipt for which I herewith enclose. I Youia faithfully, J. H. Wright, Asa'c-Sec. i i 1 j Mr. Nath'l Jacob i baying been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow,' parties in want of this celeoratied Plow can now have their orders filled; at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Third Warh Club. I i '' Pursuant to notice, a meeting of the Third Ward Democraic Club was held last evening at the City Hallfor the pur po3e of ratifying the bo.nihations of th5 Pty. The President of 4he Club not beirg present, Mr. L. n. BoWden was called to the Chair. Mr. Jas. King, the Secret tary of the Club, was the Secretary of the I meeting. On motion, a committee of three was appointed to draft suitable resolutions, and after consultation offeed the following, which were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Dstrict, State and National Democratic Conventions have severally met and bave ffdred to the people the candidates for the representative offices to be filled at the next lending electio i ; now, therefore, i We, the members of the Third Ward Democratic Club of Wilmington, do re solve, that we heartily endorse and ratify the action and nominations of the District, State and National Conventions of the Democratic party, and 'we hereby pledge ourselves to support wijh z9al and fidelity the several nominees foist 'the offices pro posed by the said Contentions ; that we regard them as good and true meD, worthy exponents of the great principles of the Democratic party. f Resolved, That we regard the action of the National Democratic Convention as worthy of all praise ; asf displaying a noble and patriotic disposition to ignore all sec tional cr personal preferences and to act for tne good of the cJuntry the whole country. ; j j j Reiolvzd, That we apit heartily ratify and approve and endorse the nominations made by that Convention for President and Vice President; that we regard Han cock as the persouificatjon of all that is pure and honorable ih the man, haroic and noble in the soldier; one who in peace and war has ever been actvafcsd by the purest sentiments of patriotism, and acted for the safety, honor and welfare of our institutions, and wljio will tsrely lead us on to political victory, and redeem our country froaa the scourge of Repub lican rule; that in Eoglish we behold a man pure in character, Wise and experi enced in council, and a statesman worthy the high position for which hi has been so gloriously named. , j Mr. EL A. Bagg then introduced Mr. E A. Martin, who entertained the Club with a short hut eloquent speech, . which was received wlt many manifestations of hearty sympathy and approval. ' The meeting then adjourned, subject to the call of the President os the Club. NO. 1Q) By Georee ! That is what more than one of cur readers will exclaim when he has read this. Whtm tha through freight train which arrived here at 1 .30 this after noon was within a rni'e and a half ot Bargiw, a box car next to the.tender was found to be on fire on the roof, It hiving been ascertained subsequently that the car caught from burning wood on the tender, which had in turn caught froiK a spark from 'the locomotive. As soon as the fire was discovered the train wpb stopped and engineer, fireman, coLductor ana tram hands went '.vigGrdu.lv TO work the and put the fire out, WLn train reached Burcriw il, o car wasdpeiel to see if any eft hi contents had been injured by the fire when imag ine the surprise and conBtercatiou of every one when it was seen that the car.was loaded with rowDEn! It was, indeed, a remarkable and a Previdential escape. I Had jtho nature of the contents been known it is probable that the fire would most probably have been allowed to work its own will and trie 'entire train might have been destroyed, as no one would have dared, to remain near it. Think of men fighting fife on top of a thinly planked car with twenty thousand , pounds of powder under their feet! The Population of WJlinlnston The enumsrators of this city have foot ed up their lists as revised aad corrected. The figures fall far below what was ex pected. The population of Wilmington will be known to the world at large as 17, 579 persons, while the enumerators think there are at least 20,000 inhabitants in this pity. The heads of many families in giving in their Households have often forgotten to give thenames'of boarders, relatives and servants. In this way quite a number have been adssed and we will, for the next ten years, be underrated as to populations. Every body can get suited with a Pocket Knife; also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Deoot- I i : : : i When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street! carsj stages and elevated railroad to' all parts of the city, j ... ly. DIED. RULFS In this oity, ADELINA CATH ABINA, youngest daughter of J. F. and C. A. Bulfs, aged 7 years, 11 months and 13 days. . "The maid is not dead, but sleepetb." The! funeral will take place to-morrow morning, 30th inst., at 9 o'clock, from the residence of the parents ;nn Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth, thence to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. The friends and acquaintances of the f.niily are respectfully invited to at tjnd the faneral New Advertisements. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, N. C, June 23, 180. Important to Summer Tourists. QN AND AFTER THIS DATE, Direct Connection will ba made, via Goldboro, Raleigh and Salisbury, to ASHLTILLE, N. C, BICK9RY, JT.' C, GLE!f ALPINE, 5. a, and all stations on the Western Xorth Carolina Railroad as follows : Leave Wil mington 6 50 A, M., arrive at Salisbury 10.20 P. M , and at Bead of W. N. C. R. R. (three miles from Asheville) st 8,20 A.M. i ! ' - ' ' 1 ,; . '' . SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN' S A LLS- 13URY AND THE HEAL) V OF ROAD. This is the ONLY ROUTE making direct ' - ' -1-connection with the Western Forth Carolina B.R. EXCURSION TICKETS at otifurm rates with all other Lines on sale to all principal Bummer Resorts in Western Sorih Carolina. A. POPE, JeJ9:3t Gea'l Paas'r Agent. 1880. - . i ' , r't) PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE SAFE, Mosler, Bahmann A Co., aanafaetarers, ombinatioa look, weight 1,500 lbs. ' : For sale cheap. Applj'at meh 5 TQI3 07FICE, - r, PLEABS50TICiA W"e will beg? ad to receive coramudcatlonj from our friends on any and all sufijecti o general interest but : The name of the writer tn.net always ba fur waned to the Editor Communications rrxrt te Trritten', on only one side of the paper - Personalities ecst ". toiJtd, And it is especially an. paiUcalarij'crder stood that the Editor does roi sUajs endorse the views of correfj-oadoav; utlcsj so itattd In teStntial eolf fa. fXf-f Wow Advertisements. -Ftiotice- rpUL MLliIBS3 OF OBIO.V LOU OF, No. 67, I. O. O. F., are cctifitULat tho Setfei-A&aual Iiecti?n of Vtff zzs taUiT li.e to-xorrow, ( Wednesday) ci-ht at S o'cork. Full attendance rcquesu THOMAS K-:mpKOY, t: t SUCCESSOIl TO Boalwright & McKoy, Is prepared, fo "furnish von Xvith EVERY ARTS C LE in the I At'tlio mmimn Myl; Stock fsXaVge. We Heplenish Daily. Therefore, -all vou hwy rrcin n ."vill be HTTO ?!a rttt " 4' f$TJ 1 : . - - 4- i ' , . leaves our Store - t . ,i i ti r. i " n r My late parser, Capj.,jgJIX L. BOATWIUGUT, will be plcal ' A : -j V to 'see all hi j friend.', at fnr ' ' I '. ' Stores, Noa. . r, & 1 North " Front Street. 'U .'i. Grocer and Liquor Joalai'r. je 28 . .-. -!'." i .- U NOTHER HUl'I'L. u; -:. mocis jaet recaived a- l fo? a-iLftvtpV'. Uhl . M)'iLii.Oj; ' -J. mHERilOUKTI F.c ani 1 jnJo.f ter; ,1 Another lot ju-t in at iin.vjiJEiicn. Piauos and Orgur- SOLD FtfR CABLT, OR Off T . " 7'. MO.NTBLY LVdTALME. a iCheapat BElXdBEBU EL'o. je 6 - ' - - ; "Wire Nettiu SCREENS,- : '! ' -'. : -Fpt 'Jjgqu and. W iMas. . , Good to keep oat fifes asd tPftalte.C' !.. 1 Sash, Doors vJ3Unds Lumber, aad IBvitdintr Material 0r!wt ALTAITFEli, Piil Ct A; UO. . Factory Foot T Walnut tt. Nutt, near K4 Cro'sJ t. C. W. YAX?S: gLASKBOOKP, i; " Eehool Boots and Stationery, ' ' Country Schools lied . at reudnalo rca0 ( Cbromoe, Frames - v- ! ? Archery Ooodl,''.1. tli '' ' OrraJUfoldon the Iwtalment n,at LOW! BOOKSTORE. ; A - :'"7 is 23