THI8 PAPER i every afternoon, T. .1 A M E 8 !)fTOH ANI. HKOPKIKTOK. Vl' 1 PT 1 0S. POSTAGE PAID. 's oo -r months, f2 50 ; Three ''"I i 1f- O ie month, 60 cents. ti'tuS, 1 ii k.. AaMvrfd bv camera. r)tr .'- will i - v n.f? n' the citvat ihe - , , . or"T:i cents per -wsek. .-..-n'-n rates " w nni liberal .H-1 rf'-iv i"hfcr papers regularly. j'ew Ad vertisenients. FQPl THIS WtiBK HHgWN & RODDICK j , mil r t. c!oe out me lotn. ., ;t , . ....i ar ; mi wa it f s-teh'will do ivH us an early call. , No. 1. i . " White No s, wi.hout Seam", jii c-m'-s a pa:r, worth 50 cents. No. 2. IVi lie Tin 'ted Lawns, lii.Jjcents per yard, jj, ., 'aro ll ui best quality in t ho market. No. 3, ViwAcA . Linen Lawns, L and 20 cents, r-yihv price CO and 2-" con's. ' No. i. - tW.n dents' Linen Handkerchiefs, a dtzen, decidedly tho - cheapest iot ever ottered In this city, . " No. 5. I.inii Stair Covering, 1" to 2." cents. T No. G. 1 i-jin ; we are etloriiigsome rare bargains . iji ih s particular Department at N p'Uvs ranging from St to -10c,. - - - -: ..'-..'" No. 7. ruiiVcl English CambrTcs, locerts a yard, worth 15 cent?. No. 8. We have still a few left of those Black and Mthle Colored Hose, at 25c and 05c, Worth at h as. 50 cents. No. 1). A t'd f Lace Bmiti"g3, Dress Good.'?, 20c, worth 37 Ic 3R0WN & 'ftODDICK, 45 Market St. stockholders'.- Mcetiii irr T01ICB 13 HEREBY GIVEN that a Oene-al Meeting of the Stockholders of tbe - I Carolina Central Kailroad CompaDj,' buo - ' , - cessor to theCa-olira Central Railway Com- roy, under the foreclogore sale, will be held o trie Town of WELDON. North Carolina, n 'WKDNEHDAY, the 14th dayof July, 10, for tbe election of Officers, the adoption oj-Lwf, and other purpose. A. V. STOUT, F. O. FUEXCU, A. B. G HAVES, J. S. WIIKDBEE, J). K. MUBClifSON, Purchasing: Committee. Cunard Steamship Co. rpHK OLDEST and most yfiTTt ' reliable line of Hteamers yff ts, A t, 8ai!s from New York Tery Wedoesday. csc-5j3i 'or Throuet Tickets for Cabin or Steerage P8e from New York to the principal pi'tta of EuroDe and for further information Apply to t HEIDE4C0.. ia"C Im Aeents'at Wilmineton. N. C Removal rpo UANDSOME NEW STORE, Front street, seoond door from Princess street. My fiends and the public will find me prepared to eerTe them to-day and hereafter. J1MES C. MUND je 25 Dragist. The Cosmopalitan Bar i p THK PLACE TO aET ANY AND lal ' the fancy, dvlicieus, cooliDg d.inks of the ajon. jce cool Lteer always on hand lon bat the yery best of Lienors d' alt on I Hr. Cigars of the bist brands can "tjsbtt foqijUuia Cosmopolitan. JOON CARROLL, Prop , r 34 . fto. 12 Market st. I' ' Till? VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advertisements. YATE-.-r-hliTik liooia, Croquet, Arc-ery Goods. ' . r P iiKissBBaaia UaaimocKB. A A I t?HRiE Beat Uclaunu ied Hhirt. in th9 city for $1. J Window ( rlais- -all sizes at llafler & Priced. " . The ciliiil , n-poit Wilmington is 17,002'.' correct fiure. t ot the cet.sus pt These are the Win 1 G;i r it! rii-s, j ri S s'i and liiiiK 5s Uuil iers' iJ ar'.i .varej Eow ' st iln-ci5,HL.!ACoiu's. . "Texas' Jck, 'wbono re.l name was J. B. Omohundro, a famous Siout of the plaiue, died at Ls'.idville, Col., last Mon-. day. He will be remembered by many of our readers aa having accompanied .Buf falo Bill on bib first appearance Lure some three years ago and aa his .ight bower" on the stage . Those' who sutler f orn nervous irrita tionbf itchinc uncasineps, and the dis comfort that follows from an enfeebled and disordered fetate of the svsterh. should I AYF.Ii'Si SA RSAPA IITLLA and cleanse the blood. Purge out the lurk ing distemper that undermines the health and constitutional vigor vali return. fcUone trail Lode?. At a regular meeting of Stonewall Lodge No. l,K.of I, held Monday evening, the following ".facers were 'elected for the eusuii g teim ; C. U S. (Jr. Hall. V. C 1J, W. Trice. I. J. W. Zimmerman. ' Tho following Lave bet n appointed to fid the offices named : M. of A. W.B. Orr. 1. Arthur Trempert. O. G. II. H. Gerhardt. 1 . . ; r If your Baby is sick, suffering and cry ing with pain of cutting teeth, soothe it with Dr. Bull s Baby Syrup, which does not contaiu opium or anything injurious. rice 26 cents a bottlo. 7 See a woman on horseback in another columD, riding near r peer s ineyarus, with a Jmuch.ot Grapes trom. Hpeer s Port Grapo Wine is made, is so highly esteeme. by the medical pro-. tessiorr for the"-use of luvalids, weakly persons jud tbe aged. Sold by Druggists. Thai 100 counterfeit. "A If Ihe $100 counteifeits on the National Exchange Bank of Baltimore thould come around this way they may be detected by the following points : In the genuine bills there is "a black dot under the letter 's' in the abbreviated 'word 'cashier,' while in the counterfeit there is none. Further, the etter .-'J' in 'July' strikes the shading of the 'n' in 'Rational' m the cpunterieit note,'Whileriu the genuine they aro the thiny-secondlh of an inch apart. In the heart-shaped figures in the left end of the nanel cotitainiTg tie word 'Baltimore' . w eight lines appear in the spurious? note whereas only, seven are in the genuine. The border Of the gouuino note containing tho WQ4 d and ligures 'hucdred' is square jointed at the corners and poorly, executed, while in the other note ro joint is seen an.r iho workmanship is smooth. As a sure test for all genuine $100 bank notes place a straightedge at the bottom cf the words 'with the U. S. Treasurer at Wash ington,' and allow ing the eilgo to extend to the figure of liberty, it will ttr&e the lir.s of the figure, while applied to a counterfeit it strikes the" bso cf the chin. Personal Col. L L.Polk, lately Commissioner ( AnHn turn nthlS S (I P,' WtllCn.lOSl tion. it will bo remembered, he resigned a few weeks ago, called to see us today He is now connected with the Raleigh Win and u travelini? in the interests cf that paper. F.Mr. Morton, District Sujiofintendent ef the American Union line, is in the city tc- lav, and favored us v. itli a visi. He talk ,-, ti.nt if tbe i:-iuhction sued out ieu 113 ' r,i vhPrP against his eoir.pai-y, spoken of elsew here, s decided in favor ot' them, a strong force will be at once put jjto worK erecting, the lines, and that ti.oy will cc-rtaiidy open an cfiiee here by the first of September. Thsy are r ow at Petersburg ami it will not take Hum veiy long to reach Wilmington. Skilled woikmen w ill be put or, and the poles tJ be crecteoTare of chestnut wood, which is said to be more durable 'than any other. JSXf were very much interested in Mr. Moitou'a descripliou of a little instru ment, the right of which ia vested in Lis company, which i3 to be put up ia the oilice or residence -of every subscriber, whereby, simply by turning a crask, a message boy can be instantly summoLed from hvzd'jMarters.for the purpose, of car ry ing up a telfcram for transmiasion. Full Metal and Waluui SIdw Crcs, all styles aud i'aws, at Altafkkb, Pkick & Co's. Bffll WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, JUNE Closing Exiicisesorst. James' Sem inary, UUsies Burr & Jauier, Prin- ; i cipals. , The closing exercisf s of the infltituticnf or perhaps t would be proper to say tbe girce, by the pupils of this Seminary cimeorl last evening. A3 is usual on an such occasions the rooms were crowded aad everybody seemed delighted and happy. Aud they had reas m to -feel so ffr the entertiomeut was certainly Stie of very high order of merit, reflecting great credit not only upon the pupiU but upon the . accomplished priLcipals whVise creative touch, and whesd re markable ki!l in forminj; teautiful corr. biuatious have givtn it em tsuch a bih reputation, not only here at home but" in other portions of the State also. j r. The exercises commenced with a salii tory address by Miss Bessie Ledford which was exceedingly appropriate, eloquently expressed aud gracefully de livered. She bore 'a banner with that strange device, Excelsior which is also the motto of the school, indicative of that high standard of perfection which. has been the determination of the man agement to attain. This was followed by a sentimental trio on the piano by Misses And. rscn, Barlow and Murray - ' -. 11 - . J 'i V m. and was wen execuicti; men came a citative, the Death of Little Nell, by Miss Annie Mearcs. Tbe song, 'Grandfather's Chair by Misses Wood, Barlow and llardwick,! was beautifully rendered and loudlv annlauded. The instrumental solo by Miss Lulu Agostinl displayed great skill and brilliancy of touch for bo youthful a performer, and the Bame is applicable to Misses lleinsborger, Barlow and Flummer. Wo must confess to a weakness for ballard music and therefore were delighted with t,he simple Scotch song by Miss Athalia Lipnitt. She sang it well, in deed, charmingly, and we felt the better from hearing it. TheJtTwo Cousins', by Mi3ses French and Von Glahn, was not by any means the least attractive piece that was rendered; on the contrary, it received as it deserved the warmest encomiums on all sides. But the most amusing and certainly the mcst admiran bly executed pieco upon the programme was the "Death of Cock Robin", by lit tle Jimmy Watson and other little ones. It was so true to nature, snd the little fel low seemed so heart broken at the death of poor "'Robin' that he could scarcely make the enquiries so familiar to us in nursery rhyme as to tbe manner of hia death for the sobs that almost choked bis utterance. We hesitate not to say that our sympathies were much excited and we almost wished that we were a child acain to mingle our tears with' his. By request of tho audience the beautiful soDg 'Drilcing with the Tide closed the first part of tbe performance. The prizes were then distributed by ATr Thomas W. Stranze. Mr. Strange was very happy in his preparatory re marks, and alluded with much feeling to the fact that nearly twenty years ago he bad mounted the first round of the ladder of Knowledge under the tutelage of the lady principals of this school, in. whose nresence he now stood. Oia: address r . though necessarily b ief,was.welkconceiv ed and wqll expressed and delivered. The Excelsior Medal, the highest prize of the school, and most difficult to attain, was awarded to Mis3 Johnnie Quince. In the first class Miss Kate Barlow received the prize,. Miss Mary VanOrsdell in the thi-d class.Miss Lucy Moore iu the fourth, Miss Augusta McPbe'rcon in the fifth, Miss Salhe Grab! in in the fctxthMaster Charlie Grainier in the seventh, and Master Sand ford Birdsey in , the eighth In composition, Mis$ Ledford and Misa Qnicce were awarded prizes. After a most thorough preparatory ex- . Aue. . -v . , t i amination Miss L,odfcrd and Miss Barlow received their diplomas as graduates of the institution, and right here we must congratulate those young ladies at having so successfully pasted through so trying an ordeal. The second part was equally as enttr taining as the first but our limits forbid an extended notice. Where & did eq well it were invidious perhaps to particu larise, but wb cannot refrain from comb mending id the warmest terms the recita tion, the 'Mauiac by Miss Ilinton. She certainly displayedelccutionary powers of a very high order ia one so young. She had a very difficult part to -sustain, and did it' well. A very pleasing inci dent near the cloaa "cf the ,perfotmance was the appearance upon the ' stae of ttra of the more youthful papils.each bear- Review. ing a bouquet f flowers and forming-a certain number of letters in the alphabet which upon being joined together formed he sentence 'Coma unto Me ' It was a happy thought and. happiiy expressed. The valedictory was sr jken by Miss Led ford and was ahke creditable to her bead and heart, and the exercises terminated with a medley chorus by tbe school which brought djwn the house and sent every body home in the best possible humor. One word uow in conclusion. For reas ons which will be readily understood by the 'public we Lave heretotore, in all . of. our notices cf this school, coutented our selves with a simple statement of its gen eral merit, but we cannot let this occasion pass (even if wa lay ourselves open to the charge of violating some of the propria-- Xiea by doing so) without g ving expres sion to our opinion of the admirable man ner in which it is conducted. The. stan idard of scholarship is high, the discipline lirm yet gentle. The lady principals are known to be thoroughly competent and their heart is In their work. It is scarce ly necessary to speak of the department of music in connection with the school. The simple fact that Mrs. Cushing pre sides there is a sufficient guaranty of faithfulness in the discharge of duty and of success on the part of the pupil. We do not know when we have passed a more enjoyable evening than at the Soiree last night, nor do we know which to admire most, the ability shown by the accom piished principals in all the arrangements of the occasion or the skill and accuracy displayed by the pupils in carrying out their instructions. It was an entertain ment at which we doubt not every one felt that 'it was gool te b there.' Ready mixed Paints, strictly f ure White Lead, Cclors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, &C, at Jacobi's News From SmlthYille. , Capt. Robert Lock wood, the late com mander of the ill-fated steamship Champ ontbound from Charleston for New York which collided with the sailing ship Oc tavio, cfi the Capes of Delaware, some five or six months ago, was on a viai yesterday to his old home at Smithville where he received a most cordial welcome Captain Lockwcod made his entry over the bar and into the bay at Smithville, in command of a U. S. Lighthouse supply ship, yesterday with a coast on board under Goi Hayne, of the U. S.- Service. We learn from a gentleman just up from Smithville that the object of the surveying party is to make a survey of the Frying Fan Shoals, to sound for a solid rock foundation with a view ef sup planting the Frying Pan Lightship with a Lighthouse on tho shoals. T Capt. Lockwocd, we areglal to know was in the enjoyment of excellent' health ancj expects shortly to take charge of an other larga steamship now in course of construction, which is to ply between Charleston and New York. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Is It Correct 1 Some one has furnished our neighbor. of the iSlar with a list of the pastors of Front Street M. E. Church, for the past thirty years. In it'Dr. Deems is placed at 1857 and 1858 and Be v. Thos. W. Guthrie at 1861 and 1862. Is this en tirely correct ? And was not Dr. Deems here in 186 1 -and 1862? Ye distinctly re member hearing him preach here on more than one occasion during the firstyear of the war. We are satisfied, too, that Dr. Deems' family was at that time resi ling in Wil mington and his eldest son, Theodore, an accomplished youth who afterwards died in hospital, first entered the service from 4 " this city. Rev. T. B. Ricaud should Iso, we think, have a place somewhere in (he list We write merely as we remember and from an interest in the subject. If the gentleman who furnished the information to our neighbor has it from the record, then we subside. Everybody can get sulte4 wiih a Pocket Knife, aiao Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's llardware Donot. v Hancock's Headquarters are established for the i resent at Shriera, on Market street, where Hancock Suits, Hancock Hats, Hancock Cravats, Hancock Collars and Hancocs Handkerchiefs are dispensed freely and liberally, and almost gratuU tously, so cheap are they all. ti When you visit or leave New York Cityr stop t tbe Uranu union jaotei, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsiirpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city. J 30, 1880. NO. 110 The Storm Thunder and Lfhtnlns This section was visited la6t evening with heavy gusts of wind and later in tbe night with a heavy rain accompanied by vivid flashes of lightning, followed by harp peals of , thunder; quintities ojl rain tell frcm midnight uutil about 6 or 7 o'clock this morning, and the parched earth eagerly drank in the cooling drops as rapidly as they reaehed the ground. The atmosphere was consiaeTably cooler during the night but the temperature o! the early moruing.air was close and sultry- '!.': Oa Wrighl8ville Sound; the 3ieLtniug and thunder was even- more sharp 8lu severe than here, and at Capt. Cnaa. D. Myers'summer residence on Wrights viile tbe branches of a hickory tree in the yard were shivered, but without damage to tLe truukof the tree. The flash of the liht ning, we -are told, resembled a ball of Cre ia the air and the discharge of the elec tricity sounded like the report of a. can non, while the sulphurous odors of the air suggested a climate of which the ghost of Hamlet's father gives a better description than we can ever hope to bo able7 to narrate at least from est3- rience. j .-I Master Charlie, Capt. Myers" eldest son, a lad of some! ten or twclvesummers was knocked to the ground while out on tbe turnpike some fifty yards from bis father's house, but wo are happy to stato sustained no serious injuries. At this writing, past the meridian time of day the clouds are still dark and loweriug.and we apprehend that we will not want for rain now for some time to come. LATER. The Btorm godvis not yet appeased. About halkpast 12 o'clock to.-day tho clouds began to gather in the West and sxm the city was overshadowed; The wind blew for a timjj at a feartu rate and the rain fell in torrents.' There was also a pretty good sprinkling of hai which fell lor a few moments only. An Interesting Suit. A very important herding, one ot much interest to our people, 5s to be heard in Chambers to-morrow before JudgeMcKoy The Wilmington & Weldon li. R. and the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. are the parties applying for the injunction and the American Union Telegraph Co. are tneijetenaants. it is lor tue purpose of restraining the American Union from erecting their lines along the railroad routfs. This is the basiaof the suit, and it Is the same obstruction which the Amer ican Union ia daily contending agalns't. The railroad ccmpanies are compelled to become the plaintiff In the suit, because ot the , agreement in force between them and the Western Union, which is, of course, the party most in terested In securing an injunction. The Western Union Company, dt is said, pay the railroad lines throughout the coun try $14 per mile per annum, which amount is about absorbed by the compfcv nies in the use of the lines. The difficult ty with the American Union rs that the railroad companies, while willing that the telegraphic wires should be put up at the seme rental paid bythe Western Union, are yet not willing to absorb the amount in dispatches, as they do by contract with the Western Union. The case, as we havo said, will be heard to-merrow before Judge McKoy. Hen George Davis and Messrs. Stedman k Latimer appear for the roads and Messrs Russell & Ricaud for the American Union. Probable Fatal Affray. A soldier, one of .the garrison at Smithville, was assaulted on the evening of the 27th inst., at a house of ill fame in that town, by two colored men named re spectively Sam Kelly and Joe Myers, with possibly fatal results. The colored men tried to gain admittance to the house, which we learn is kept by a form er denizen of Paddy's Hollow, but were refused and the door fastened against them. They then burst open the door and struck the soldier, whom they, found there, with a piece of slab, which knocked him down and cut a deep gash In his head. They then bit him so badly upon the hand that amputation became necessary and at the last reports wo have ben able to receive it was feared that tetanus would tet in. The assassins escaped and were In this city yesterday. We were unable to obtain the name of the soldier, but at the very latest reports be was but juf t alive. Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medicine, Malt Bitters, " because more nourishing, strengthening and part. fying than all other forms of malt or medi cine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors, Jw PLEASE NOTICE. We will be g'ad to receive communication t from our friene'e on any and all f subjects o , general interest but : . The name of the writer must always ts far nished to the Editor. : -1 Communications must s written', on only one e!de of the. paper. , .- ' Personalities nanr - Toidd., f ' And it i$ especially Ftlarly.'trader stood that the Editor deep cot slrays endorse the views of correipondertt. nn!ers;so jtattd in the editorial columns. ' Plows, Shovel?,- Pitc;;t:. ..., ira e Oban.?, Plow Lii '.-.Fcr i J ri ' f v. t'i I Jii The Work vf Co'vuieuhl V. a learn lrm -Captiiu V. J at a. it i i Tcttir of tho American Tract S iuai me. wcrs fi.c .p ' turago ucict is rtii)g success ully prcsec.uted, in tlt lUiup.M IV.acds by a young man who i a u.uiecf the Islands and who. has been cnimiit'ioncd, upon Captain Potter's rfarA-ndalion,-, as a regular colporteur y tho Tract llo cieiy Captain LViter rkse-itsho-field-in that leca-ity as a good or e' fir n:eh work, and speaks qnire 'hnp'cfu'lly' clothe, bucceesful operatLii8 cf tauso, who have undertaken the go'x! worl:. Capt.-ii:i P. expects to return to the Iau Ja w.ix lal.i winter and labor iu tLo fitno canto uuiii ' the lateness of the son compels Lii re turn ouce raoi'o to In 3 shorrs of America. ' 'J!jFgg,jyy rjwwagawgang . .)uiim.-';i UuliiiC cuaty. oa til. niht of the 2'J:h icst , .'at I c'clccV, KaOHEL, ire of vViley T. Johnson, daUzL- ter of the lata Ta is. 0. Ora't. aeed 37 ve.trs. The reai&ins will arrive hjro to-nijrhtatd the faceral notice will appear in to-motro V Star. Now AdvcrtiscHionts. Vilmington o CI WeldGll v Railrc WilM.ix(;ton,:-:.C., J.uric2i, h. Important to Sumnier Tourists. QN AND AFTEI1 THIS DATS, .Direct Connection will bj male, via Goldiboro, Raleigh and? alusbury, to ''ASflKYI'LLE, 11. C UICK3RV, .X. C, OLUN' ALPiNE, N. Ci,.and all stations cn the Western Xcrlh Carolina Railroad as folic ws : Lonve Vt'il min'gton 6 60 A.M., arrive atF.iur 10.'-0' P. M , and at Bead of vr. Z.'V;lV-fl'. (three ; j mileB from Ashevllle) at 6,23 A. M. . SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN. iAEl--BURY AND HlVA&M)' OF ROAD. This is the ONLY HUUTE makiaj: direct connection with tbe Western Not tV Oart Una F.u. "':' IXCURSION TICELT3 ,at uniform rates with all other Lines cn eale to all principrl Summer Refiorti in Western A'orth Carolins. V A,POPE, Gen'l Paas'r-Apnt. je 29-3t JJX OTHER SUPPLY or aapd, Jiam mocks jaat recalled Rd for pale rV a THERMOMETKkc an 1 Hro Another ;otjjui iu at . . v in i.NsuEr.urrf). . v, ;..; -' s Pianos f;nd 0r5z S OLD Fiiii f k ON' TfIM"JAK V t. '. "IKVT ' LAN, MONTULV IN.: Cheap et ' je 26 Wir O viv - u I Lj..i 4 gCREEN? k lo.r ar-4 V j. Iojtj. Good to tv'p olt flies ncJ unjUie." . . ' ' - Saeh, Ddorti, Bunds Lumber, and IBuildin ilaterUl C -eraJlyt ALTAiFEit, I'KKJiS & iX. Factory: ' Oilico: . , .f Foot of Walnut t. ifuit, near Eed C;oji it. je 16 ; " O. W. -Y ATE Si gLA.NK BOOKS, -; . ' V School Cools and Stationvy, -' Country Echools tu:i'IU3 V ?. atr JioaaVo i rlcc4 Chromos, Frainet, . j -Archery Goodi : Crcqaet, Ac. ' , Oranj told on- the Instalment Plan, at a je 28 For Sale. PERFECTLY N W FFICE 8 AFE, ilbsler, Bahmann A. - Co.,'.iaamifaxtrtrf eombinatioii lock, w!gM l,t00ltr v For tale cheap, : A rr-1 at ' saeh 3 OFFICE