THIS 'PA FEB T . .. .rtameoB, 8adays , -KI tTIO'H. FbHTAQK PAID. l,B? is 00 Six month., S3 50 ; Tfhrw """"h II 5 One month, 50 oeDtfc - L wtiL be delivered by carriers, " iHJT rte. low an liberal , b.crirTwill pl" report any and reeerre their papers regularly. tow Advertisements. fill IHiS WiiEK. BROVM '& RODDICK AKE OKFK.RING SOME ' ' - - In ord-ir tocbse;dUt Some lots. - . . ' v i . . All (j1((fw who ar in want of, such will do well to give-us an -early-call. No. 1. ' "chilJrei.'d White Ho sj without Seam?, i?o cents a pair, worth 50 cents. . e no. , . -. . . Tacific Printed Lawns, 12 cents per yard. Tlise arc the best quality in the market. - - Nol;b 4 JYintHl Linen Lawn$, 15 and 20 cents, I 1. regnlar price 20 fand 2o cents. ,11.;- , : ?. No: 4. i .' . .. . ; f i 1 .. 200.sW.ea Gents Linen' Handke. chiefs, f $l.r.o a-, doz pn, j decidedly lha - cheapest lot li jEer ofiered in this! fcity,! r r in i i.N - - NoJIS. Linen Stair Covering, 15 to 25 cents. f No rhjiics; we are ofTeringsorhe rare bargains i-.iv- i i "in thisparticmlarjijeatment at . " iirrirfv ranninrr frnm Pr f n Afn' II-"- i" i f . -i 4. 1 Pnuled English Cambrics, 10 certs a yard, worth 15 cents, : ;.Lv: .' -Nlp- We have still a few left of Mode Colored Hose, at hose Black and 25c and P5.c, v Worth at least 50 cents. : ;.. Ndl a. A lot of Lace Buntings,' Uress Goods, 20c, worth' 57 c. BROWN & 'B0DDICK, u 45 Ellarket St. 7 '- --t Cunard Steamshin Co. rnHR OLDEST and moit ' reli&ble line of Htetmera HUf from ! New York rerr Wad 'aMdiT:l:i I I' - For Throaeh Tlckts for Cabin or Steerage ptfiage from. NeW iTorkjto Jthe principal pot U of Jfarope and for farther information, Apply tot I HKIDEACO., ! je26-lnv Agents at j Wilmington, :N.C. -4- JStockliblders5; Meeting. f . : -r. NOTICE 13 1 HKnEB Y that a . .i"i.i:.!f -M" . ji ' . J General Meeting of .the Stockholders off the - ,t'Mk -ir i j Carolina Central Bailroad Company, iuo. .oesior to theCarolira Central Railway Com pany, anaer the forecloiore sale, will be held ib the Town of WCLDOK, North Carolina, oa W KDNIS8D AT v thai 14th dar of July, , 1!0, for the eiectloStof Officers, the adoption of Bj-Lawt, and other pnrpesea. I i; A. V; olUUl, :' f. JKHrAJll, II iti:iA.' GRACES, l i :i V n f var W ni Ci I !! jJ. K. MUBCHISON, Je2S- 'n . TWO U1.NDSOM E 5EW STORE, Front street, aeeond door from Prince? itreeU My . : ' i i -a . .i i i - 'rieadf and the: public will find me prepared to serve them to-day and hereafter. ifJUlES a MUNDH, je 25 1 JV The Cosmopolitan Bar Ta tur rLics to ;okt, any and hq of the fancy 1 dtUcioru, eooling drinki of the ?on. lee ool Lager ! eiwaji on hand, .lone but the very best of Lie tori df alt oa t Removal . 1 . is. . " - k'ua par. agart i ue nest oranaj can uwaya be fouid at lhe Ooamopolitan. i jJUHM CAKROLL, Prop., ttay'14 t- ir Ao; 12 Market it. . ill. , Ill;- VOL. V. AL' NEWS. Nw Advertu ementg. : YATsa hlkhk Boois, Croquet Arcbery Oooda. " P Haivanv&evA IlAOjmocks.' A I SHRisa Bert UnUnnliied, Shirt In th city for f I. 4 . -r : : : i ." I Ganteloupes s re plentiful, but high. Gold dollar bracelets are all the rage 01 1 Wirdow frier. Plenty morniug. Uiasnali sizes at ItafTer & . - : '.-'- - t . t liTiumiera .in Ciarket thig Househunting is good the year round. Gam laws hare no effot upon itT ' i A geraniuDQ sixteen feet tall will per fame a house with one hundred rooms. Save your, ,riio'ney and buy your Build ing Supplies from Altafter & Price. A cruel husband calls his wife 'green fruit, because she never agrees with him. Ready mixed Paints, strictly ure While Lead, ,Cr 1 ors, Brushes, W ndow (jlass. OCC., at JACOB!" 3 , Fifty years ago mothers used to pnforce the you knit rule tpon their daughters, laad it worked well. j , , -Tou can buy N; 1 Cooking and neats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacoci's Hardware Depot. ! .j f ' Some people regard glass-blowing as difticult to compreheud, but we consider the construction of glass very easy to see through. - , U, ! ' i Lawns Lawns Lawns sevenjanda half cents at HAHN's, iS Market street- i yard .t This. weather is fine for 'the barbers; eyery man and boy must have h is hai cut 8horl; now. I Window Glass of allsizas, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Danlwaro,&c IiOW st plrcqps at Jagoiu's. - ! The days of knighthood- have passed away, yet about every tramp you meet is encased in a coat of alms. ' " .Beware f the water when it is iced in the eup, for at last it cooleth like an Ici cle and crampeth like a cucumber. on most like next to 1 your self? asks a cotempprary. A ganze un dershirt, if the weather is very hot.' i i 7 ' . ; ' - . : Fast men.iometimes 'sottle down just a. th ground above a coal .mine will set t'e alter the coal is all taken out. . . f . ; : 1 There is nothing which makes a man fee more happy and patriotic-OTrtho 4th of y uly than to have a lot of fireworks. And now we have another rise in eggs. why? Because the hens refuse te lay lin tne inermomeier np id; iu mutua. f .1 ' : : No remedy In tbi world ever came into such universal use, or has so fully won the confidence ot mankind as Ay&b's Chek by Tectoral lor the cur of Coughs, Colds and Consumption. 4 " . jy l Piquets'Piquets- Piquets' six cents per yarih; at Hahn's 38 Market street.? i , t I , -i-j ' ' j If the first hours of.s'umber are. the sweetest, then if ever a. man sleeps the sleep of the just, it is when he's just asleep. ' ; The Charlotte Press "learns that it is vdryprobable' that Bishop MarkS. GrosSj of Wilmington, will hiake Charlotte his headquarters. ! , ' , Hancock's Headquarters are, established for the i resent at Shrier's, on Market street, where Hancock Su its, Hancock Hats, Hancock CravatF, Hancock Collars and HancocK Handkerchiefs are dispensed freely and liberally, and almost gratui tously, so' Cheap are they all. j tL A dear- creature writes to a con t em- .rv ' f A. 1 ? porary; 'xne man ior me io iove is yastly my superior, not so much in ao complishment, nor even in intellect, but in irresistible force of character; a man who will compel my spirit to bend its knee to his; who will command my seal to stand still and shine upon him as 'Joshua commanded the sun; who can trample my will to the dust beneath the tread of .his irresistible and indomitable enerflry and fixity and courage. I require he should make me fear and worship him, and that instead of guiding and protecting me, -he should master me.' Lots of yonng women think like that. Many exietiencM wives, however after starting in on the ime lay as this em a. tional female, wind op by having their husbands arrested for assault and battery. LOG WhaVdo WILMINGTON N. N. C. Lawns Lawns. f Lawns seveDancLaJialf cen's per yard, r at Hahn'S,, 38 Market strftet ." f The Kace. ' The yacht race on the Fifth bids fair to be the most closely contested and inter esting one ever bad by the club. The chts Ripple, Carolina, Flirt, Iicxtles L'zzie, Fannie, Bessie Lee, Little .'Sister. 1 roue and others ate being gotttm 10 thorough ordfir. r Yackiing Aoies. We undgjBtand that Mr. H ,McL. Groen has ordered a fine yacht which wil bevone of the fleet of tha Carolina Yacht Club The new boat is expected to ar rive in the course of a week or to. The name of the yacht Rosa has been chang ed to that' of Flirt. . .Plows, Shovels, Pitehio:ks, Spades Rakes. Trace Chains. Plow Lines. &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacob rs, Change of Same.. We learn that by order of the Post master General, the name of the postofBce heretofore known as Black River Chapel has been " changedto I Delta, Sampson county, North. Carolina. Te change will go into effect on the 18th inst. ' Calicoes Calicoes, n Calicoes five cents per yard, at Hajin's, 3S Market street. s t luiproviuK. The soldier who was murderously as saulted at Smitbville a few days ago is said to be improving. The injuries sus taineJrojiot as serious ai was' at first thought, and the- attending physician how thinks amputation of the hand arm will not be necessary. and Personal. We are pleased to see on our streets Prof. C. Horner, who is so favorably known in our community as an instruct or in connection with the .Cape Fear Mili tary Academy some year or so ago. Mr. Horner is now connected with the Horner School, Oxford, N.' C, associated with bis respected father, the distinguish ed teacher, Mr. James H. Horner.- i Piquets Piquets. j Piquets six cents per yard, at HahnV 38 Market street . f t ' ; ' ' . . - '1 Everybody can get suited with a rocket Knife, also Table ' Cutlery, at Jacoei's Hardware Denot. . i Death of Joha Alalaiky. Mr. John Malarky, who is well known in this dity and who for a number of years post has been the keeper of the Oak Island Lighthouse, died at the Light house on yesterday afternoon ot pa ralysis. His body was brought to this city' for interment from -St.' Thomas' Catholic Church. Mr. Malarky. was well known and universally esteerlred.r' To Remove from Wilmington. We are sorry to learn that ' Mr. M. Ashley Curtis, of this city, has concluded to. remove with his family to "Winston where be'will engage in a. private enter prise. He has resigned his position in the WI, C. & A. R. R. freight office in this jcity and expects to leave here j on Saturday for his new ,hoiiie. We are sorry to partith him as there are few better men or more clever gentlemen or mose reliable citizens than is Ashley Cur tis. We wish him much success in bis new home. Fiae' Opportunity. The ladies of this city will no doubt be glad to know that Mr. Julius Haitn, SS Market street, has concluded to close cul his stock of Summer goods at prices tha1 will surprise every one. ' He will close out in order to mako room fcr an immense stock of Fall and Winter goods, whfch-fce will select iith Kis usua'i good taste; and judgment. It is very seklcm that such an opportunity as Mr. Habx oijer? is present ed to this community, and persons would do well to examine his slock. t. Hancock Banner. The schooner fktorm, Captain Napoleon Bonaparte Morse, tan Hancock banner to ber masUbead yes terday afternoon. Tbe banner was made to represent the trefoil of the Shamrock which was the badge of the Second Army Corps of which General Hancock was commander during the War. The fSjirtotr Storm will wear the flag at her mast head from here to Little River, thence to Charleston and back to this city and until after the election is over, and then she can sail It to her mast for four years sare.; ; j,r ; :::l'i'J.'..,v;-'.: : f. - Full Motal and Walnut Show Cases, ap styles and szed, at Altaffkb, PkiCk THURSDAY, JULY Call Goes Calicoes. Calicoes five cents per yard at Hahn's, 33 Market street. f . . The Rivrr. . The 8t0ar Hurt, whtah left Fayette ville .on Monday, -and the ' Mwrchison which It ft this city on tne same!. day, met on the Shoals, about five miles above EliZioetbtowiji,' on yesterday. Wh XX last seen mey were trying to pull over the Shoaip; and were n aking but slow head way. The steamer North State cracked her-34ijjder-head near the Shoals and wjII b brought to tlijs c itj. for repairs The liver is very low, but it "Is thought that the recent rains, which were; very general along the upper Cape Fear ai d Black rivers, will no doubt increase tLe depth of water on the Shoals before. the ciose o the week. Mr. Nath'l Jacobiliaviug been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parlies in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 Sj Front at. tf. Map of Gettysburg. - We were shewn yesterday by Sheriff Manning, three separate maps of eaeh day's battle at Gettysburg, commencing with the first engagement. on the 1st day of July, 1863, and ending on the night o the 3d of July, or the early morning of the 4th, when the Confederate treops with drew. The maps seem to be an accurate representation of (the ground occupied by each army,and are we presume in the main orrect, although in some minor details ia the disposition of troops on the Con federate side, there are a few slight inac curacies, which we discovered on a close examination. The maps . are drawn by Col. A. B. Bachelder, formerly of the Federal army, and were presented to Slieriff Manning, who was on 'tpther side during the war, by, his old orps com mander, General H. G. Wright, of the 6th Army Corps on the Federal side. Harbor Masters Report , " From Captain Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we have the following report of vessels arrived at this port during the month of June, 1880: . American. Tohnaze. 5teamers..t......5.......... .T...4.223 Schooners. . . ..15. . . .... .... . . .-. .3,820 Barques. 1. ..... . . ..600 Total. ;..,:4.i.21.- 8,643 Foreign.: Tonnage.. Brigs; . . .3.. .886 Barques.... ,14..;..:.'.. ........ . r 6,320 Total. ...17. ..6,200 Total number of vessels American and Foreign, 38. Total amount of tdnnagf American and Foreign, 14j749. . i pilots' ekport. '; The Pilots report the soundings In Bald Head Channel at mean lew tide dur iag the month of June at 12 feet; ; en Western Bar at mean low tide for the same period 12f feet; this with an average rise 4 to -5 feet on high tide tuakes the depth of water on our bar 17 to 17 J feet of water. County Executive Committee. Tbe Democratic Executive Comnnttet of New Hanover county met at the efflce of Messrs Dirby & Macks, yesterday af ternoon, for the purpose of effecting an organization. Present, W J Mott, Gar rett Waiktr, J W Perdew, P T Dicksey, li, W Price, F H Darby, JaslW King; A Adrian. . " Mr A Adrian was called to the cbair. .On motion, an election for permanent chairman was entered into, when F H Darby was elected. 1 Jas W King was elected 'permanent secretary and Ii W Price treasurer. On motion, the meeting proceeded to fill the vacancies from the 8econd Ward occasioned by " the resignation of Col Roger Moore andDr J E Durham, which resulted in the selection of Messrs 8 P Cojllier and W W Shaw. V J. W.' Perdew mored that the Execu tive; Committee request the, Denocratie voters of the different wards and .town ships to meet and organize next Tuesday evening, the hour and places to be bfrcu aTtTTbrgoaied to appoint Cree',fxom each ward and township to act iu cpncjert with the Executive Committee to take in to consideration the practicability of hav ing a grand ratification meeting it an ear iy oay, jtne comuui.cai1 ir0 r H44-?" wards and townships to meet with the recutrve Committee on Thursday, -the 8th' of July, at 4 o'clock, p. a1; it ; tbe City HalL. There being no farther boslnesa, the committee 'adjourned subject to tbe call of the Chairman. . ' . On Monday, the ttht thezft will be no New York mails recetr'or forwarded. 1, 1880. NO. 110 Progress or the Dnplin Canal. ' j . To? Directors of this company held' a meeting 6n the 30th, of June at Bn nerroan s Bridge, in Pender county!. There were present at the meeting. 'Mr; B G. Worth, President, and Messrs jW T Efanneroisn, W Li 1'uung at d William GUder. ' The directors went over the ground and closely inspected the work so far accomprished, wbich coLSidering the dif ficulties to be surmounted seems" considti able. Work jvasbejgun April ist, but a delay of six weeks was occasioned by the cutting away of tbe dam iu Holly Shelter Creek by some opponents of the work;" These parties have been restrained by the ceurts from further. interference, and l it Is hoped they are convinced thai the present inconvenience to a few is only a mattfri of ne'eessity in 1 prosecuting . plans that may result in great public good. Nut-, withstanding this intefrnption the canal way hag been opened sixty feet wide, and the sluice way cut for one and a quarter mile8,and three tide water creeks effect ually dammed, extending from the North East river across one end of Holly Shelter Creek, and within a short distance of tbe second bend. The engineer ia now ready to turn the water into the sluice way as soon as sufficient bealway is obtained; and, if favorable water continues, tb prospects are. flattering for obtaining.a navigable channel speedily; provided the efforts of the directors are -cordially sec onded by the stockholders. The section cat through is thought to be the : most difficult on the route, being heavily tim bered an4 having les3 fall : of water. It was determined to devote every energy to this section in order to test, the prac ticabilfy 6f the 'sluicing process, and to this end it was ordered that an assessment of five per cent, on the stock, should be collected each month. . . j The accounts of the Superintendent were examined, and the expenditures found to have been made as economically as possible. , ' ! ( . i ; ' .1 1 Those who puffer from nervous irrita tionb, itching 'uneasiness ahdM the dis comfort that follows from a'ri enfeebled and disordered state of the system, should take AXJEIi'S SAKSAPARILLA and cleanse the blood. Purge out the lurk ing distemper that undermines the health and constitutional vigor Will return. The case of the railroads vs. the Amer ican Union, Telegraph Company, which was to have been heard in. Chambers to day by Judge McKoy, has been postponed until next Thursday. i Wlien you visit or leave New Tork City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel j Opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan . Kooms reduced, to. 1.00 and upwarcw. Restaurant unsurpassed air moderate pricesi ail parts oi the city. j . ly1! -. ; . '; : ' .. j Wilmington District. . . y Third round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist. M Church bouth. . Ookeabury, atT5ehel, . . .........July 3-.4 Elizabeth, at Abbotbsburg, .July 10-11 Waccacaw miss, at Pine Log, July 14ll5 Whiteville, at Peacocks, . . . .July 17-18 Drunswick, at Ziion (District Confer- - eoce July. ......... .22-25 Smithvilre, July. f. .: ..........27-28 Wilmington, at Front St .July iBl.Aug 1 Wilmington, at Fifth St, Am:...... 7-8 Onslow.......... . . . . . . .......... Aug 7-8 Topsail, 'at- 'Herrings Chapel, Aug K) 11 DapUn, 7. Aug 14-15 - r . r ; . I Our Progress. 1 & m tarMa snH rf 4 rfa nnta' nnUVIv abandaned with the completion j of xail- roads, eo the huge, drastic, cathartic pills, composed of crude and bulky medicines, are quickly abandoned with the introdnc tion , of Dr. Pierce's . Pleasant Purgative PelleLs, which are sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard seeds," but composed of highly concentrated J vegetable i extracts and are warranted to cureaU irregularities of stomach, livei and bowels. Sold', by diuggists. ' , : v ;-:'-i (j The Frightful Scoursc ,. Yellow Fever can be prevented. ; by jthe use of Warner's Safe Kidney,, and Liver cure, and Warner's SafevPills. i Keep the. blood dean and pure, and Malarial Fevers will not ; be 'apparent. - These Remedies keep tha kidney, and. liver in perfect ac tion, and when they do their, duty the blood will be pure. : june 17 ; ; A iloasehold Seed. ' " A bock on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment, sent free. 'Incfudrng treatises upon Liver4 Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliipusneas, Headache, Constipation, . Dyspepsia, Malaria, etc. Addrers ut. DAsyoao. liroaawav Una lap (its motheia) for, a .weUBaby; in dav-Ume. About . 700 laps of the bed-' room floor at xnht for the happy 0 father carrying ue sicar uoj vo quiet iu nize allows hira to rest on his laurels and his bed, : f-?,wiU bK'd to receir. comaunirstioat from enr friends on aav.aad all rabjectf o ceneral Shterett' but f i a J I I . M U The name of the writer must aiw re be l Dished to the Editor. fjommnnicatioas must be wiila" oil oalr one side fUepapt ' Personalities A f ni it it efpeclAJIy ip?aiilar!y;njj4er rtriod that tire Editor does trfaliejft tdor.e the views of correfpondea iv, pzh i ro tt c" in the editorial coin trns. : '. ' Railroad. Jti important to Sirairpr 0N AS!) AFTER'Ta JIZl T'dU VLIL. Direct Connection' W Raleigh and 'raiisbury?, to UEVILLK, X, ; c. mcKOKV, y. f. ole:; klvisf, C, and all iut;ons ci: the Woetern Xorih Carolina RailrcsJ ja f ClpwftfxTjBjiTav mln-ton ,650 A,vll-., arifro at Balisbury 10.: 0 P. M:, and at Head of PT. X. C. 11, (threo .. miles from A'shevlUe) at$,:3 ATilr-1-; SLEEPING BUUY AND THE IIEAD' W Il.OAL ' i Thidis the UXLlf K'J'JTi. iaakiar direct connection wiili the Western North Cirr-Iiria F. it. ' ' .rv' W .TI .VI ti'O .L ' - tXCURHIUN TICi:kt'3'' at uii;orm r'atea. with all other Lines -on" eale U,-tCZ yrlnclptl .Summer' 'Resofti'lil Western S'oith Carolina.' je59 3t -' .r -I rrh'ra?a'r Aert;' ' Hammock A NOTHER UrPLT cf these good liam. mocks jfTCCaWed W i THERMUETEIiS ac5 IJaromctcfs. ' Another .'otjast in fit 1 SOLD FtiR nSTT,' o.v- Tr V j;r - Cheap at ie 2& - . , JUELVdBEi:pE:;'ti.- Wirelfeliin QOIiEENS KJ For Ioora and VitldoL. Good Ito keep oat-flies ad mosquitotf. .sash,t Jmfy.uv&sr Lumber, and nVuildicri Material aer&llT ""if T" UC ractorv: Oifire- ToAtlof Walifmtt4 JfatM aoir IMJQ-ect . ' 29 2? ..if .11 .... .j., A .' C.'WVATS i. Bchool Books 'aid 'Bla ttcicr. ' Country fichoos tii'pftrr'J at rwa2Sb!o p:icu;, Chromci , Vraxaeai v jj Organs sold on ttV ..Ini :i..v-.t. i",r J u -.1! . T Jr' il" vmr .jo-o t . r, f. : if. ini t ji ui ? . : I .I Watte r'MieA - f 11 pes oi ail dc-scr:ptEr?a. v:j ai ia,..' iu .... . ... I' a:, I t, i The!: ;New, ; CALIi A5D ' ' E X A M fN 15 1 M S Ull M E U 8t jles ot Straw. , atd; Ft It, tay i, are pretty aid chea;u U4-") " "i', Go ,to ydnQisdolV ST OALLEttYrTUDlff Twsmbkto xi,"j in ai -see the most beautifal line of FatcraraDfj Haebj, JSastei Prsmes, Pifrtrtcf tf&tty, Hooldings & j. , mau&2 fy a- J Tasselsi BUterairl vifclflfir'di evsr of. fared la, this jpif V U P 8 Parties endlsg'baKe MS tae f li&U to be Photcrrapaed. wiii pieasaynak otb en : i?t i .. Uitvijt M iBii iii If in,,u PUR SALEHSjiitraUsUaij cf im profed forms. ' -E. li. WAfctfUCiT. (In Review Biildlnjr) Job rttter. ' ' S N '

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