riiia PAPER . Bt0'Uhed .W . Sundays JOSH. T. JAMES, iurroa AND FKOFRIXTOR- - . .. k-cBIFTIONH. POHTAGE PAID. ' 8L 15 00 rUx month., $i W ; Three ,y? J, i W; One month, 60 cent. BB.prr b. delivered by carriers, Jir..iy Ptof.theeity.atth. u' rtinr.t. and liberal !Sab.cr;befJ t please report any and - , ,ri t reerfvo thf ir papers regularly. 1,00 A U NEWS. ir Advertisements. " jos KoiiMoii Th Xe nt ' tore. w!tn CotT-Tobacco, Cigas, 4c. . gfrAiatL Coaaopolittn Bar ; . TTU.-Bk, Ptadoueiy, Crax.a. PH , HtBtnoks. .... w.- Vnrk Steamship Lire. V itT.M. P-c Co.-Wire Netting !H fclK.T -ibeviIorly fourth ! f L B n 'A" Fet-U Ocerj IfUb'uLmdnt- . .J '. Ce,Wt 1 Hoisis -Sound Plare for Rent, j j Q Vcvks Druirvl't Constantly Be- Vi: .!,. IJlaw 'J ses at lUfier & jYic's- . When a i&io draws an inference he ,huuU Jrawjt oAlL It's a soar disappointment to angel wo n tLit fcbfl ca'ouot fly. When lig tree tejjin to shoot itVabont time for little bmha to leave. Hparkiug aeross a garden fence admits tf a good deal being laid on both sides. Ttis would be aplendid weather to dii cut the authorship of beautiful enow. One dog was shot in this city jester thy, iipposeJ to be mad, and another died from the effects of the weather. If joa want to bare your Baby healthy and beautiful, four things are necessary. Kreb air, good food, bright sunshine and . Dr. Bull's liaby Syrup, j Tbe regular monthly 'tneetlng of the Board of Aldermen fell due- yesterday, lat it was adpurned until Thursday after roun a. 4 o'clock. TLe bowling alley at Mr. Scbutte's place, on WrigbtSTillo riound, has been completed and the dancing hall is fast approaching completion. indications. FvV the South Atlantic States partly couJy weatber, local rales, winds mostly westerly, stationary temperature and ba rometer. Messr. Cronly & Mori Is will rent to morrow, at public auction, until next November 1st., the Ellis plac, on Wrights- ville Sound. No renWy iu the world ever came - into such universal use, or has so fully won the cmtiJence of mankind, as Ayeb's Chee ky I'kctoijai. lor the cure of Coughs, CuMs aud Consumption. " jy" 1 We acknowledge the courtesy of a call from O Hunter, Jr., Editor of tic Raleigh Journal of Industry, lie is here in tie surest both of his paper and of the Il ilastrial Fair which opens this year Sep- tember 27tb," continuing throagh tte wtk. Tvon)A.1ir nil mil stlitfd with A Pocket KM", aUo Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's 1 1 aru w axe D erot- The Congressional Canvass. John W. SbackelforJ, Esq., the nomi tee f jt Congress from this district, will orea thi campaign at Snatchett, Duplin county, on the 10th inst. Mr. Hhackel f rd goes thus euly to wotk with the de termination of making a thorough and vigorous canvass of the entire district We will put 2.000 majority opposite his tame in November. Bee if we don t. i i Window Glass of allsias, loor, Sash and Blinds, Binders Dardware,Ao .Low s: pireoes at Jacobi's. tii fourth at 13 urea w. We have no report of the Fourth of Jalv e!ebralion Yesterdar at Burgaw, al , 0 . t!wB?h Ktnl nn&d reason toexpect cne. t rum a passenger wno came cown me . 1 it. roadjeserday on the 1.S0 P. M. train, we learn that there was a "rery large at tetdance and that Got. Jar via was there. true to his promise. There is no doubt of ibere having been a good time yester dj at Durgaw. Fire. Yesterd ay morning, about 3 o'clock, a kerosene oil lamp exploded in the nea roomnrihAwiliAnM of Mr. John Wil lies, on Wooster, "between Ninth and Tenth streets. The flames Ignited .the bidding and thm fir was well under way beu discovMed. No general alarm was m. -Kiaded but there wu considerable anx kty in the neighborhood. Mr. .Wiltins' loss is about thirty dollars, but had net thd fire been extinguished as promptly as it via the loss not only to Mr. WiiKint bat others In the neighborhood would bave been g:et. rhyalclans freely prc ib the new Food Medicine, Malt U liters,' because toore nourishing, strengthening an.1 pari. fling than all other forms of malt or medi cine, while free from tbt objections urged lastmalt llq-jors, w . r H VOL. V. . - t Pic rlcald Tarjrt Practice. The Howard Relief Fire Engine Com pany decided at a meeting held last night to indulge in a'plc nic and target prac tice on the 15th inst. o undentand that they contemplate spending the day at Mr.-Schutte place, on Wrigbtsville Sound, Mr. Natli'l -Ucjbi hai'i Iweu appoint eil agent f-r the - Atlas Plow, pa ties in vant of trai-i c iratid ' Plw cn now have thrtir orders ri!lHi at Uacbi's H ird ware Deiot, No. W S. Front st.l tf. - . V ..! Dropped Dead. A horse wh.oh btjloDged to J irncf Dry, colored, aud wi one of a pair h-irncssed to an old fashioned shop waou, was V aT.1r tto tr J xv mnrnln bttortlv af ia&cu oivn jvvv..j o ter leaving the sUbie and dr pped dead on the corner of Seventh aud.Matket streets. The wagtsn was loaded with ladies and gentlemen who a: ticipated a pleasant day at the Sjucd but who were deprived from going on acco nt of the death of the horse, as it was impossible then to procure another. Full Metal and j Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sz( s,1 at Altaffkb, IVacE & Co's. cny cun. Jvhu Urown and Henry llowaid, col ored, were arraigued this luorning upon the eSarge of being disorderly and using loud and boisteroui .language on the streets, the first xiained being also charged with cursing and swesring. This all happened on the comer of Sixth and Mulberry streets, according to Sergeant Davis tes timony, who made the arrest, on Saturday night about 10 o'clock. The Mayor, after listening to the evidence, remarked that he was determined to enforce the order recently given to the Chief of Police in reference to this matter of loud and bois terous conduct and cutting and swearing on the streets, and he would therefore impose a 'iko of $10 on John Brown or ten days' imprisonment, and $5 fine or five days imprisonment, upon Henry Howard. This cleared the docket and tlie CjuiI aurned. I Plows, . Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Rakes, Trae Chains, Plow Li:je3,V:c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. ... A Prolific Yield.. : R. W. Collins, Esq., living near Bur- gaw, iu Pender county, planted last ysar an ordinary filed pea which he found in the road, from which ho raised and gath ered the extraordinary number of 2,310 peas. The pea is what has been1 known, hsretofore, as the "Tennessee Crowder," but in view of te .enormous yield, to gether with the big Democratic majority which will be rolled up I in tho Stato in November it will, hereafter, be known as tho '-Hancock and s Jarvis pea." We must not omit to state that the fowls bad gathered a portion of ths peas beforS Mr. Collins wa3 ' aware that ( they were' ripe enough for harvesting; but the numbV which we have stated as gathered by him can be vouched ..for by some of tho beat citizens of Fender county. i COUNT U03IMlSSlONEltS. The Board of County" Commissioners met yesterday afternoon at2J o'clock. Present.'Col Wm L Smith, Chairman, Commissioners II A Baggs, A J .Grady, Ja A Montgomery and B G Worth. !' The County Treasurer submitted his monthly reportshowing bal ance genera fund to bo S12.751.70 and balance of School Fund on hand $Gf 475. 13, of which last amount $837.04 remains undistri buted, rieport of Special Fund shows a balance due the Treasurer of $328.21. Application of 1 G Cberry to reUil piritous liquors was granted." f The Kegister of Deeds was authorized to list delinquent Toll Tax as provided for in Sec 18, Chapter 71, Laws of 1879. Thomas Hunt was released from Poll Tax cn account of bting a cripple. I The following named p rsons were drawn to serve as jurors at the August term of the Criminal Court, to wit: John A Farmer, Thos U Mclvoy, N A Pogers, C W. Sukely, S Sneeden, . Jno II Thees, Geo A Peck. Harry Loeb, Ephriam Bishop; Daniel M Yates, R W Chad wick Geo Honnett, Bobert E Lee, Geo F Tilley, Henry Middleton, Benj-Farrow, Wm U Wadde'.I, Jos. B-Worth, Thos Ennett,U McL Green, Isaac B Northrop, John D Nixon, Jesse Ives, Antoin Iluah. David Walsh. David Cooper, B F Tur lington, Jno M Robinson. I Oa 'motion the Board adjourned to meet on tBe 2nd Monday cf thia month (Jul) ) t 2 j o'clock. Save your money and bayjcarBuUd- Io2 SuppUss from Allayer & Prico. . A BlIII WILMINGTON, N. C, The Race Yesterday-Restless Carries - the Champion Flag- Yesterday Wrigbtsville Sound and beach was tbrorged, with! persons drawn thither by the boat rac,j which was an nounced to. have start dj at 12 o'clock, but which-bean on a falling tide at or about 2 o'clock. There were q lite a num ber of ladies present and the race, was very interesting, if from no. olhjr cause from the drawbacks, fouls and casualtit-s' The wind was fair from the Soui beast ai d the yachts started in the follow iug order 2h ltn 30s lleslle&t . Spraj Fli t Lizzie. 'Ripple i . . ....2h lm 45s ,...2b....lm....4?s ....2h 3m 23i ...2h 3ui 2tJs . .lh... 4m....u3s The run down ih4 -channel' was i ter eating and the relative poai ions of the yachts weie cha:g :d and rtchanged. When the race was hall run the Uessie Lee was withdrawn on account of a foul, which disarranged some of her rigging. We have been unable to learn anything satisfactory to any one relative to the race. The Lizzie claims to have been; jammed against the banks and had to come about to avoid a collision while she hai the right of way. The nipple claims almost the same, aid on account of the low water while coming about the was caught in the 'pocket' near the London buoy, and dwggtd for seven minutes before she could get out. The .RestltsJ claims a foul and was mad3 to come about whili the yacht ordering her failed to follow, a3 prescribed by the laws of T the Club. The Hi t .did not like to be ruled out and claims that the fouls were not her fault. The yachts came in at the finish in the following order: Jlestle88. .. ... ...:.....3h. . . .49m.. . .20s Spray 3h... 55s..:. 42s Mitt 8b1 46aa Lizzie. i.3b. . . .49m.. . .23s Ripple. 3hL . . .50m . By an unanimous votejef tho Judges, Messrs. W. L. Jewett, A. R. Cambbell and Wm. Latimer, .and the. Regatta Gom mittee the Flirt was ruled out for fouls and non compliance with the rules of the Club, and the Champion flag was given to the Restless, she being the. second boat in at the finish. The time actually taken to sail the race is as follows: Flirt. . I lh j. . .42m 37 Jiestless lh.... 47m.... 85s Lizzie lh......46sa 67s Ripple..". lh.1...45m 7s Sprty ....lb.!. . .3m......54s - Toe yachts sailed beautifully and it is regretted by all that the accidents, fouls, etc., occurred. Persons in ' whose jud ment we have great confidence, tell us that it would ba a Tery difficult matter to find four yachts of their class that are smarter and swifter than he Flirt, Rest- lets, Ripple and Lizzie. I Dishop Atkinson. We greatly regret to learn that Biahop Atkinson is cow ssriously ill at the resi dence of his son, Dr. Robert Atkinson, in Baltimore. The Bishop,! it will be re membered, fiuding his health very much improved, went to Baltimore, about two months ago, in the hope of receiving a benefit in the change. There was a mark ed benefit in the course of a month or so, so marked, indeed, that the Bishop was locking forward to a return to North Carolina, and a summer among the mountains, when be was again prostrated?') On last Friday night Col.! John W. At kinson received a telegram from , his brother telling him that the Bishop was much worse and sinking rapidly and urging him to leave at once for . Balti more. This was impossible as there was no train at night and Ooli Atkinson pro posed leaving the next morning, at 6:50 In the meantime he teiegrarhed for fun ther information and early cn Saturday morning,' before train time, came the re ply, that the Bishop was better and that CoL Atkinson had best wait until Tuesday morning before- leaving, jbis morning therefore.Col. A. left here for Baltimore. There has been no farther information relative to Bishop Atkinson's condition and these facts leads us to believe; what we so ardently bore, that there is a still further improvement. in his condition. Wilmington District. Third round of quarterly meetings for the' Wilmington District, Methodist Church South. Elizabeth, at Abbottsburg....July 10-11 Waccaoaw miss, at Pine Log. July 14-15 Whiteville, at Peacocks, ....July 17-18 Brunswick, at Zion (District Confer ence July...- -22-25 SmithTille, July...v...-..rr-27-28 Wilmington, at Front St, July 31, Aug 1 Wilmington, at Fifth St, Aug. 7-8 Onslow......... Ang 7-8 Topsail, at Herrir-s Chapel, Au 10-11 Duplin,-..-.- Acj 14-15 V i. TUESDAY, JULY 6, . Across the Water. We learn that our worthy townsman Alex Sprunt, Esq., sailed jtiom New York yesterday on the steamer MDfconia, of the Anchor Line, en route for the bills of his own native Scotland, where we learn our friend proposes spending the remainder of this warns season. Mr S , we believp, will make his first halt after his disembarka tlon, t Edinboiro town. - You carrbuy No. 1 Cooking and Hea' in;:,o ovest utmost an j price at JaCOBI s U aid afel epot. ' .On the Passpurt The excursion given yesterday on board the Passport by the Young Oatho" Sic Friends' Society was one of the most successful on record. The boat was full, but not too full. for enjoyment. The run down the river was a very pleasant one and while some of the excursionists stop red at Smithville, others went to For' Caswell and still others went to sea. The beafreturned here late in the afternoon with a tired but happy crowd. The Fourth la Wlluitnfton. Yesterday, celebrated here as the Fourth, passed off in a remarkably quiet snd orderly manner. There was no pub- He display yet everybody enjoyrd the day. ,801216 went to Smithville, some to the Sounds, tome te the Lake and some stayed at heme and drank let water and kept cool. We have yet to hear jf a dis aster of an accident to mar the enjoyment of the day. Good Crop Prospects. Mr. David S. William's, of Bock fish township, in Duplin county, was in our 0ffice for a few moments this afternoon, and he', reports the cotton crop in Lis neighborhood as being unprecedentedly good. He is a practical farmer and he says that he has. never seen better cotton crops than new flourish in his vicinity. He reports the corn crop as having been stunted by the continued dry weather, but that it is now doing well. I- : : State Republican convention. The State Republican Convention meets In Raleigh to-morrow and H Scott, Jos E Sampson, S H Manning, W P Canaday and Geo W Price, delegate! from this county, lft here this morning for attendance. The car case we mean caucus it will be a carcase in I NcTember -will shake and rattle its dry bones tomorrow. they meet at high noon and a high old time they will hare of it getting the burial clothes ready for the funeral of all of their hopes, which is appointed for the second day of next November. List, ef letters. The following Is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Posloffice Wednesday, July 7th: 2 B Virgil Burns, R H Bills, R B Branch, Ned Breadburst, M E Blood good, Jno Henry Bryant, John Baker, Hager Barney, Henry Bramer, Calvin Blond, Rebecca Bradley, Clara Bryant, Elsie Brantley, Alice Beatty. . n I T Gulbretb. Abram Clark. Hac nah Crawford, H M Cornish. D Amelia Davis, ttettie uavis, Aiaria Dudley. Matilda Dougherty. . JGJJ Ellis. F W HFarrar. G Lloyd Grames. George Graham, Katie Gause. H Annie Hall. Maria Ann Hawkins, Ohaney Hall, Clara Holland, Ann Hall, Philia Hall. fcoL.1 Charles B HowelL Rev Jno Hill.Jean Hay nesworth, Johanna Holt, Jno W llewett, j no Howard, 0 ames Hewett, Thos Harrell. JV orN Johnson, Ellen Jones, i-euy K Joeeph Kelly, Mary Jane Kenegay. L E M Lues, Harry Lee, W A Line han. . M Jas Mclntire, Richard Madden, Randal Maybo, R P Melvin, Fannie Mel ton, miss Louie Moorhsad, miss L'zzle Martin, Susan Mclntire. . N Joshua Nicholson. P Ha tie Pearce. R B, F Rhoads. S David Sterlin, Washington Stanford, SamI Stewart, E Skipper, Salljr Smith, LnclUa Smith. T Anthony Toomr, Mack J Taylor, John H Turner, miss Lula Thompson. V Lizzie Yan. W Goo D Wad dell, Columbus Wil liamson, Wm White, John Waddell, Fan nie Woodard, Khz White. Persons calling for letters in1 above list will please say 'advertised'; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Ofiace, Washington, D. C. , E. R. BRINK, P.M. Wilmington1, N. C., New Hanover County, N. C 1 ' . The Br. barque Jlaltic 2L, frcxa Nova Scotia, with a cargo of land plaster, Is reported In below. Tna vessel, we bo Here, comes to Ilesxra. J. R. Blcsjoa & Evans. . ' ! NO. 113 CALL OF THK DEMOCRATIC COUNTY FX KCCTITE COMMIT TEE. . The Democratic voters of the several Wards in the eity and of the Townships jn the county, are hereby requested to meet 00 Tuesday, July 6th, 1880, and or ganize c'nba for the political campaign about to commence, and to appoint a committee of three from each Ward and Townahlp to meet with the County Ex ecutive Committee on Thursday after noon, July 8th, at 4 o'clock, at the City Hall, for the purpose of considering tbe practicability of having a ratification meeting. For the purposes, above stated the Democratic voters of the First Ward will meet at Brooklyn Hall; those of the Second Ward at the Cen t I House, those of the1 Third Ward at the Hall on Third street over the former Ptore of James C. Munds; those ef the Fourth Ward in the City Court Room in the City Hall building, and those of the Fifth Ward at the Truck House, corner of Fourth and Nun streets The Ward meetings will take place at 8 o clock r. M., and. tbe Townships will meet at their respective polliag places at 4 o'clock P. M. I It is the earnest desire of the Commit tee that there should be a full and prompt attendance of the several Wards and Townships, and that thorough organiza tions may be effected. By 'order of the County Executive Com mittee. 1 F. H. Dabby, Chairman. : Jakes W. King, Sec'y. i 2t Ready mixed- Paints, strictly f are White Lead, Colors, Brashes, W ndow Glass, dec at Jaqobi's . Hew Advertisements. Constantly Receiving, FRESH SUPPLIES of Psrfamery, foQet and Fancy Articles, Drugs, Medieiaea, Ac, whieh added to my large stock makes as complete an assortment as there is in the city; J1MKS a MUNDS, Druggist, jy 6 North Front street. DWELLING ON VRIQHTJYIILE SOUND FOR RENT AT AUCTION. OV TaifOSRO W, Wednesday, at 13 o'clock, M, we will rent at Exchange Corner, from this time to the 1st of Vovem beraxt, the ELL'S PLACE on Wrights ville Bound. .CRONLY MOklBiS, jf 6 It Btajr copy. 'Aact'r Hammocks- YOU WILL Fini the Beat Msxiean Grass Bammoeks at HEINBBEBOER'S. BAROMETERS and Thermometers. What will the weatber he to-morrow T This article is perfectly reliable, and shoal be ia every house, and is ia valuable to farmers, for sale at HEINSBERQER'8. PIANOS AND ORGANS, Chromos and Steel EnaTaviors. For sale cheap at f. TTKlVflRRRnKR'fl. JJ - . The Glorious 4th Day of July ! LILT TLE MORE THAN A CENTUM ago, when freedem could ssareely find a hldiaf place ia this eountry, it was PAT RICK BENRT, agood Groceryman, a Me ehaiie, a Horsyhanded Son of tll, who cared to look the British Lioa ia the face and proclaim it. Bully for Patrick. Be was a true patriot, u all f ood Groeerjmea are. I htve been is pired by the meaory of the eminent and II- lajtriooa Patriot and Grfreeryman, on this OUR FOURTB DAT OF JULT. . I Hill now add that I will try and emulate his ood example by selling yoa ; Good Croceriec '1 Lower than yea caa bay them from any ! " i ' t House U the State. Gome aad see me, cae aad alL Tiioo. n. iacKOY, : - Creeer cad Uxct Dcslcr -Jy 6&Trcr:i Trr-ttt. 1880. PLEASE NOTICE. We will bef 'ad to receive oommuaicatlocj from our frianda on any aad all subject o ffeaeraliaterest butx l The aaae of the writer must always be fur Bished to the Editor. Commmileatlons mult be written oa only oae side of tfce.paptfr Persoaailtief must -voided. And it il MDeJIr iAa nri7rliT stood that the Editor does not always ejfdorae the views of eorrerpon den ti, unless so itata 4 ia the editorial columns. Hew Advertiaomonts. . The Cosmop Dlitan Bar J8 TBE PLACE TOGBT ANY AND fall of the fancy, delicious, cooling drinks of the Season; Ice cool Lager always on hand. None hut the Yrv ht nf .laann AH nn at this Bar. Chiara of the bitt brands can jy6 . No. 12 Market iC Walter iConey, N-' tTurwr tvr tDKALER IN pOBAOCO, lilTORTED ' AND DOi MESTIC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snuff- fnd Pipes of all descriptions. . WALTER CONKY jy g Market street. The ;New Hat Store. VlALL AND EXAMINE MY SUMMER 8tyles of Straw ard Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap, j . JOHN M. ROBINSON, I No. IS Froat street, ' Next to Purcell House. Jy 6 I YOU WILL FIND. AT C. W. YATES', -gVERYTHING USUALLY kept in a first class Book and Stationery EstablUhment. Organs on the instalment plan at' j BOOK STORE. Wire Nettiner ( . SCREENS' ' ' For Doors and.Window I ' Good to keep oat flios and mosquitoes. ' :' Alio, l ... . . I Sash, Doors, Blinds. Lumber, and Building Material Generally! ALT AFFER, TRICE & CO. Factory: Office: Foot of Walnut it Nutt, near Red Crou it. P. L Bridge rs & Co. 20, 2224, 26 and 28 Front Strcdt. WILMINGTON, N. C, THE YOUNGE8T ESTABLISHED Grc bery House in Wilmington I Commerc iag busineii only a few years sgo, in the midst of the moit terrible panio ever kuorrn ; in this oouhtry, in the course of tiree years only, by economy in the use of our invest ments, and skid in buaineis, we have built up one of the best Retail Grocery Ertablhh meats south of the Potomac, witn a reputa tion for fair dealing, inelligence, liberality in business, choice teleoted articles in our line, and success in trade, that are the envy and the astonishment of the "old and expe - dollar we have now inreeted, amounting to thousands and thousands of dollars, it tbe iruitoi eur own unaiaea cxeruons. we nave not had to borrow money to meet 1opbi. We have no bad debts. WE PA'Y GAbll fdr all our purchases and - trust anybody, that ean make us safe. The stock of Groceries and the good will at L. Bridners & Co's, one of the most extensive, the best and moit carefully selected and costly, is held for sale ia the Finest Grocery Store ia the city, built and all paid ter out of tb profits of our bus! N nets during three year ot (t-rrible pecuniary , distress, ft is a lasting a&d palpable monu ment to the batlnea energr and ' intcllicence'. and industry of P. L.BRlDGR3,the found er 01 our Mtaoxianmens. "The poet's eye in a fins frenzf rolling heaven, , Aad as imagination bodies Torth fie forms of . things uaseen, Gives to airy nothings a local habitation and a name 1" Years ago, a mere stripling Wilmington boy, we ooac sired the design of this Grand Establishment, and to-day, if you doubt oar advertisement. Come and Hoe. We have created it from nothing. This store itself, so neat, ao well appointed, and well filled, and well eond acted, is a grand poem, in glass and wood aad willow ware, suggestf re of more pleasant emotions and causing more real hap- tnees man all tbe worxe or unaxespeare or ryeea. " We keep NO OLD STOCK. We bare no surplus room. We renew our assortment fy personal solicitation weekly, so as to have everything in our line FRESH AND GOOO. and sell everything off as rapidly and cheat ly aspeealble Money U not made by hoardlnx it er by waiting far big profits, it is mad by taraing over the investment often and keeping it la eonstaat moti . . If you want Lard we have La-d. If ton wut ooiwr we evi smwr. ; " Sugar, we sell Sugar. If you want Glucose, youmaatenqoirelor itat vie Bas'l Orccer issj. We dot keep the article. We war rant our Flour, Whiskey, Crackers, Mea, Bacoa, Tobacco and Cigars, ?ugars, 1ztr, Caadlee, Eatables, Drinkables. Potables, Caaaahles, Edibles, Sociables, tbe most di gestible, nicest, freshest, aad mjrt econoavi mI in the South. P, L. DRIDGERS & GO, pOZ BXLZ-Utz'jlTiU'i JJlankj cf la r-l 0 -