a Till PAP Sk T. JAMES. ?DlToi a!d ruoruirron. .R-KTXONS.WTAGE PAID, is W Hi mofltfc. ; Three f 1 : Oee month, 60 cents. 'f will be delivered by carriers, S .1 ineav part of the city, at the ,;r b r. U'. J report any and " V, fviihr papyri rtguUrtj. " yew Advertisements. lofTIUS VfiEK. BROWN & RODDICK . Ffi KINO ME i.f.! r ! cf O'tt N.ine lots. ...t-r- V ar :i. wrt t f such vill do Vit' g' s an eaily call. No. 1. Ciitrvu's White Ho s, wihout Scam?, o il's a pa"r, worth ."VI ants. No. 2. IVit:c Piinta Lawns, 12 cents per yard tin bt quality in the market No. 3. p,;a!sl 1 jiiij lawns, 15 and 0 cents rnl.tr i rice 10 and ccns. No. 4. y d. -n IJomV Linen Handkerchiefs, $1 rn a d. z n, docidelly the cheapest iot ever ottVrrd in this city. No. 5. lian MiJ Cover irg. 15 to 2.". cMi!?. No. C. r-p s are Hering some rare bargains in this particular Department at pri.vs ranging from to 40c, No. 7. h.nV.J Kii.ulish Camhrics, lee ts a yaid, worth 15 centr. No. 8. WeLave still a few left of those lllack and M .l Colorvd Hose, at 25c and :W, Woilh at least 50 cnts. No. 9. A i ,t (.f Iacc Duntl -gs Dress (Jood, 20c, worth 37 J c. BROWN & RODDICK, L 45 Wlarket St. Hammocks. rou WILL Find the Beit Mexican Grass Hammocks at a , I1EIN83ERQEK'3. : T)iROUETERS and Thermometer!. What J the weather be to -morrow ? Thia article ii perftctlf reliable, and should be ia erj bouie, and is iaralaable to farmers, l or sale at ilhlNdULKULk'S. 4 ' IJUX03 AND ORGANS, Chromes and Hteel En?ra?inS. For sale cheao at Ijt UEINSBEROEk'8. Horner School, OXFORD, N. C. TUIS SCHOOL has been under its present management for the last Twentj-Nine f. It sets no no claim to pre-eminence, bt i- the mental and moral training of boys, it acknowlee no superior. This baftis unified by the. high standard the Stadents Irom this school have maintained in the va rioaa C'oliejf i and Dnlrersities of the conr lfy. We atsur oar patrons that no pains iU be spared to farnih the school with the t sdceatisnal Adrantaes. The stxt ion begins the 16th of Aagtst. .-' For Catalorve applr to July 2.1b ... J. C. HORNER. Stockholders' Mcetiuj;. JOIICK IS HEREBY G1YEX that a uaeal Meeting of the Btoeiholders of the Carollaa Central Railroad Company, sue- cor to tbCaollra Central Railway Com laj, anier the foreclosare sale, will be held ttiToBof WSLDON, North Carolina, WKDXKrtUAY, tne Uh dar of July, ""O, for tie e.ecUonof OQlcrs, the adoption (Bj-Larf and ether parpss. A. V. STOUT, K. O. FRENCH, A. B. GRAVES, , J. S. WIIEDBEE, ; 1. R. MURCUtSON, hit- ParchaiLag Committee, - - - - . 1 i - r-imf - " " 1 .""-v- '- 'i ; ""'" ir i n t i i i . t ' The 1 BiiiT ; 1e view. ' - - . ! - v . ' - ;- ; -" VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. , Xevr Advertisements. T J SocTHEfcLAno For the Bound. YATM-B-Kks, rtaUoneiy, l)race. J C ilcwps, Drugcist Constantly De ceiving. . i TLe fish market U pooily supplied. Wir.dow Gijjw -ait aiZes i lUfier & lice's. - I t Political uitittiUy i iLe ujuther'of Con ventions Va nini l.ina' and ci.taluu;s arr. com ing in frttrl), i ' piice rare- hih. Sve you money cd buy our Ituilc in csupplu-s lion, AlTafier lt Priivs. Full Vftl aiil W.iiiiut Mi.. t:fts. all styles and b'zs, a: Altaffku, 1'iuce & Co s. . There iuut barj bn ' f:j.n three to four hundred vthicles ou the Turnpike on Monday last. 1 The 'Lamb pLce,"' on thej old plank road, was sold this morning for $ 500. Mr. Thos. II. Mpnk became the purchaser. Itr.adv mixed Paints, stiietlv t lire White Lead, Crl-rs, Brushes, W uJow Glass, Ac., at JACOBI'S , We 'learn that the Turnpike paid 40 per I " cent, dividend ust year and will probably pay '0 per cent, this year. Why would not a railroad to theionnd pay ? Ai infaUible sign of physical decay is slccplessoe?!; if this is darjgeroBS in an adult, it is deadly in early childhood. Dr. . Bull a Baby Syrup will always assist in comforting the baby without stupefying it. rriceonly Zb cents a Dot It is said bird tiug their best songs at 5 o'clock in the morniDg. That is the hour when nen, going home from com mittcc meetings, slog their worst. It is estimated that there were at least one thou3a1id people at Wrightsville Sour, d onMonday,wbo were drawn thither to sniff a little salt air and witness the P.egatta at the same time. , i ' Vegetation here ai.d hereabouts is suf- ferii g for want of rain. Farmers tell hs that things are parchiug.and unless there is some rainfall at an early dale the various crops will b3 more or less shortened. ; i No remedy in the world ever came into such universal use, or has so fully won the . . ....... . conuuence oi maiiKinu, as aikk vuu? kt I'kctokai. lor the cure of Cough?, a I at neiiTTinf irtrt 1 M 1 Come Alons! , "And tbe cry is, still they comcl W. A. Guthrie, of Fayetteville, a.Ieading Ke- pub'icau light, has, it is faid, conn out for Hancock as has also Judge IiodmaD, of Beau 'ort county, a Ilopublican, aod an cx-Judgo of the Supreme Cjurt. There t also a whisper to the effect that Judge Kuisell, of this eity, present" member in Congress, has expressed the opinion that Hancock will be elected. I Atf Asrefablc Duly. MajirCbas. M, Stednian, the delegate from North Carolina to the Cincinnati Convention appointed to wait upon Gen eral Harcock to inform him officially of his nomination, leaves berepn Friday morning next to meet the otbir members i of the Committee in New l'oik. The Committee is camposed of one dolegate from each State; 33 in all. 1 They will meet on Saturday evening next, at the New York Hotel, fer conference, and on the Menday following, the 12lh iccr., will wait upon General Hancock and tfflilally, inform him of his ncraina- Im by the Democracy of the country as heir candidate fur the next Presidency. Te suggest t&at Major Stedman whisper in the. General s car that tho Old North State is sure for h'ual with 20.000 majority. The ( ongresalonal Committee. From ilrfjor C W McCIamroy, Chair man of tho Ute Democratic Congressional Cjnventia", who vris authoriztsd to make the appoiu me.Jts. wa have obtained tbe following list If the members of the Executive Committee fer this, t he Third Concre.-sioual District. There has been some delay in famishing the list lor pub lication, but this was because cf the tar iicesi of several counties ia recommend iag their members: ' Columbus Capt V V Richardson. Blades Majn T D Lore. BrunswickA W Rieger. Carteret W F Howland. Cumberland Capt E P Powers. Duplin D B Nicholson. Harnett Col K Murchison. Moore James A Worthy. . Ouslow A JC Huggtos. Sampson J A Ferrell. render Tho William. New Hanover Major D J Devane, . WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 BEM0CB1TS IX C0U5C L- Meetings lasi Xisht or the Yarlous Ward Clubs. Pursuant to the caU of the County F.x ecutive Committee the Democrats ot the. various w"ards in the city met . last night to organize for the epproachir g Pi'n. cam- I FIRT WARD j On motion Mr. Jno. L. Daliey was called to tbe chair, and Mr. W. II. S.rauss was appointed temporary Secre tary. 1 j Tbe clab was then, organized ,by the election of the following ofioers: Presi dent, Jno. L. Dudley; ,V ce President, L L. Bood; Secretary, W. H. Strauss; Treas urerj A. B Persee. Messrs. Jno. L. Dudley, L. L. Boon and Archie Alderman were appointed a committee to confer with the County Ex ecutive Committee on Thursday, the 8tb init , to arracge for tbe ratification meeting- I ' 1 The old 'constitution aad by-laws of the First Ward Democratic Club of 1876 were adopted. j On motion the Club adjourned to meet at the call of the President. The Democrats of the Second Ward met at the Court House, and after consul tation decided to adjourn until to-night at 8 o'clock, when it is hoped every Demo crat in the ward who can possibly attend will do so., , THIRD WARD. 'The Third 'Ward Democratic Club met at their hall on Third street, President W J Yopp in the chair, James W. King Secretary, and F. G. Robinson Treas-. urer. . On motion of H. A. Bagg all the offi cers of the club were reelected viva voce anl Messrs. L. H. Bowden, John D. Taylor, T. Dnlan, E, A. Maffitt and W. M. I'oisBon were appointed Vice Presi dents. I - Messrs. Walsor MearesJ John D.Tay lor and F. G. Robinson were appointed a committee to confer with the County Ex ecutive Committee. j Speeches were made by Messrs Bowden and B gg, after which tho club adjourned to meet at the call of the President.' i FOURTH WARD. Tha Fourth Ward Club-was organized by. the election of W. P. Oldham as Pre siJent, R. V. Price, Vice President, 1 Jas. Kendrick. Secretary, and J- J. Fowler i Treasurer. i 1 Messrs. A. L. DaRsse W. W. Price and J D. Bellamy, Jr., were appointed a committee to revise the old constitution and by laws of tho former club and report at the next meeting. At the request of the President, Mr. Bellamy read the plan of organizition proposed by the Stale Executive Commit tee. ' " ; On motion, the President was requested to confer with the officers of other ward8 and towns 'aips In regard to any proposed action on said plan. j Cn motion, the President was author ized to appoint an Executive Committee of five members. j Messrs S. H. Fishblate, J. D. Bellamy Jr., 'and M. Cronly were appointed a committee to confer with the County Lx ecutive Committee. ' ! The Club adjourned subj- ct to the call of the President. ' j FIFTH WARD. ( The Fifth Ward Democratic Club was called to order by'Mr.j u. uarby, member of the Executive Committee, hen Capt P.T. Dicksey was called to the chair and Mr. Frank Wilkinson was re quested to act as secretary. Cipt. Dicksey was elected Permanent President of the Club, Maj. G. W. Fergus Vice President, Mr. Fran V UK inson Secretary, and Mr. W. U Griffith Treas' surer. The following committee was appointed S - ... - ' "t a T & t to cooler with toe uouniy uiecuuve Comnfitte: Maj Fergus, Messrs W. H. Griffith and G. W. W. Davis. The meeting then adj mroed subject to the call of the President. Wimlnw Glass of all sizes, Dor, Sisb and Blinds, Builders' Bardware.&o low st plreces at Jaoobi3.( Prisoner from Pender- An officer from Pender brought to this city to-day Julia Miller, colored, arrested on a capias from the Criminal Ccurt ot th!s' county, upon the charge of assault upon tlichael Hooper, with a deadly wea pon This all happened as long ago as Nor. 11,1879. The prisoner was locked p to await ber triaL ( New Enterprise A Strain L uadry ae m m Aimodi aauy we near oi some new enterprise being started in this city. Bosi ness men are branching oat and are get ting out of the old grooves they have been trudging in for many years past. Mr. Jcs. B. Worth has established a steam laundry in the building next adjoining his present Htore. The engine used' in his pea out business will furbish steam and power f -r tbe laundry. Iu order to make the enterprise a complete success, Mr, Worth hb 6ent North and has brongbt out improved macmnery and nas em ployed skilled lab-r. The foreman f his lauudry has beeu for seven years past foreman of one of the most exteurlre Una dries in New York City. The stationary wash and steam tubs, ironer and starcher are In position and ready fer use. Th drying room Is about 10x12 feet and will be sufficiently heated to dry clothes in from one to two hours. All that is now wauting to complete the establishment are the hot and cold water, steam and gas pipes, and loroa pump. The pipes are being laid today and the lorce pump Is expected to arrive to-day or to-morrow. A large water tank of twenty-five barrel capacity has been erected and also, two smaller ones, through which tbe water will pass and be thoroughly filtered before it Is turned into the tubs. Mr. Worth s help has arrived and they are busily engaged in getting everything in readiness. We caw the machinsry used in the 'establish ment in motion this morning. The en terprise, we doubt not, will be apprscl ated by the public and will supply i need felt in any city of tho 'size of Wil mington. In the Fall Mr. Worth will embark in the manufacture of shirts, col lars and cuffs. . " I Plows, . Shovels, Pitchforks. 1 Snades. Rakes' Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For me 10 wesi prices, go to Jacob i 's. An Interestlnff Historical Incident. One pleasing though sad incident of the battle of Williamsburg on tbe pe. ninsular, in i May, 18C2, has just come to our knowledge, and we think it worth relating here. The battle had been fought and lost to our side, and many of the dead and wounded left upon the fieldi Among the former was Captain Snow, tit Halifax, in this State, and among the latter Captain Henry Mullins, from Fayetteville, both heroic members ef tbe gallant Fifth i N. C. regiment. Captain Snow's brilliant conduct was noticed by the enemy, and his dead body was found almost within ten yards of the redoubt he was charging, while Captain Mullins fell mortally wounded in nearly the same locality. Three days later Col. D. K. McRae, the commander of the Fifth N. C, received by flag of trupe from General Hancock, who commanded the opposing forces, a letter, with two others eu closed, one of which was written to the mother, of the brave soldier Snow, by Hancock himse!f,commending the aoble and heroic conduct ef her son on the bat tle field; tbe other was directed to the mother of Captain Mullins, and contain ed the last! words of her dying . son, which that chivalrous foeman, the illus trious Hancock, conveyed in these words over his own signature, 'tell my mother I died a true soldier and a gentleman.' These facts have been given to us by Ooh McRae, and that gentleman has further informed us that he had positive informa tion that' on the night succeeding the day of the battle, which was a bleak, dreary, rainy and stormy night, that General Hancock pereonally supervised tbe remo val of and attention to the wounded pris oners. And now maybe these Kads think the survivors ot the Fifth North Carolina 'ain't a going' to vote for Hancock. Wei1, all we have to say upon t ha subject is just let them keep on thinking so, and wait until the sun goes down on i the 2d day of November next, and maybe then they 11 think, when the result is known, that not only tbe Fifth N. C , but a good many other 'old Rsbe' besides, voted to put this illustrious and humane soldier in the p ace that was once filled by the father of his country; and so mote it be, say we Them's oar sentiments, and, we are the strongest sort of a double-dyedin-tht-wool 'old Rb at that. Yon can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing ci loves at almost any price ai Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . There is a probabili.y of having several challenge boat races in a lew days. Each yacht thinks if, etcn etc, that aha would have won the race on the Fifth, and to prove it wants to sail It orer; 7, 1880. NO. 114 RoU'ein Up ! From a gentleman from Onslow,Sampn son, Carteret, Duplin and Pender coun ties, we learn that tbe enthusiasm for Hancock and the Democratic nominees is intense and that those counties will roll up a big majority In1 November. Roll Jjbrdan, roll ! Will Take the stamp. We understand that MsjJ C. W. Mc CIammyy of Pender county, will stump the district for the Democratic ticket during the present campaign. He will open soon in Onslow and expects to speak in every coiinty in; the district. . Major McClammy is a forcible' and earnest and graceful speaker, and when be goes Into this cam paign let somebody stand from under. A Fast Sontkern Mall. Here is something more about the pro spective fast mail. The New York Bulle tin states that tbe arrangements for a fast mail from New York to New Orleans and the Southern seaboard and gulf cities, will not be completed until some time in Oc tober. , Unlike the North, where negotia tions for a thousand or fifteen hundred miles of route may be made with a single individual, many interests must be cori suited in the South, When the arrrnge ment is completed trains leaving New Yoik at 4:35 a, ro., will reach Washington not later than 11 a. m. Mails will reach Jack sonville in less than thirty-six hours from New York, and one day will be saved on the present schedule to New Orleans. DIED. In Pender eosnty, July 4, 1680, VAIL, wife of John R. Bolton, aed 28 vears. Deceased was'a consistent member of the Baptist Church from aa etrly see to her death. As a wife she was amiable, affection ate and in every relation of life her Christ ian virtues shone with that bright and shin iag lustre known only t the Christian. 8he leaves a kind, sorrowing husband and many relatives and friends who;mourn and sorrow at ber death and their irreparable los but tieir loss is her eternal strain. Bhe bore her sad afflictions and sufferings as only those wheat the Lord is their eternal shepherd can do. We believe that 1 1 She Is where the 8 a aits of all ages in harmo - bt meet - - i Their Baviour and brethren, transported to greet Whi'e anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, Axd the smile of the lord is the feast ef her souL- ' -' Best in Peaee. f Kkox. ; New Advertisements. For the Sound. OH AND AFTER TO-DA x ! a hack will run between the City and Wriehtsville Bourd. Leave the city corner Third and Princeis streets every day, at 6 o'clock, P.M. (except Sundays). Returning leave Piney Point, en Wrightsville, at 7 A. M. Fare lor the Bound Trip Si. ! jy7 ' T. J. BOUrHERLAND , Constantly Receiving, FRESH SUPPLIES of Perfumery Toilet and Fancy Articles, Drugs. Medicines, Ac. whieh added to my large stock makes as complete an assortment as tnere is in tne city. JAMES C. MUND8, 1 Druggist, '.'! North Front street The Glorious 4th Day of July ! A LILT TLE MORE THAN A CENTURx ago, when freedom could scarcely find a hiding place in this country. it was PAT RICK HENRY, a good Oroceryman, a Me- l : . .': chanic, a Horsy-handed Son of Toll, who dared to look the British Lion In1 the face i - . and proclaim it. Bully for Patrick. He was a true patriot, as all good Grocery men are. I ht re been in - t pired by the oceaaory of the eminent and il lus'rioue Patriot and Groceryman, on this OUR FOURTH DAY OF JULY. - :.- . ' : ; . ; . . ; , ' IVwill now add that I will try and emulate his good example by selling you Good Grocer ieo Lower .than you can buy them from aay House lathe State. Come and see me, oae and alL THOS. H. IOcKO Y, Greoer aad Liquor Dealer, )7 a ATITorthFrentft. PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg? ad to receive ccaununlcatloat from oar friends on aay and all subject o foaeraliaUrest but : The nans of the writer must always be far nished to the Editor. 6mmTmIetIons tttut be written' on only ' one side of the paper. Personalities mnsj .voided! 1 , And It is especially particularly; under stood that the Editor does not always endori e the views of correspond dot, wdet io ttatctf in the editorial columns. Now Advertisoinonta. The Cosmopolitan Bar J8 THR PLAGE TO GET ANY. A5D a!l of the fancy, dliciooaj cooling drinks of the Reason. Ice cool Lager always on hand, fOBe hut the TCr ht r.f (.ionnri at this Bar. Cigars of the bst brands can always be foud at the Ooamrpolitan. JOHN CAUROJjL, 1'rop,, JJ Jo, 12 Markotst. Walter Coney, DEALER IN rjlOBACCO, IAIPOllTED AND 1)0 MESTIC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snuff and Pipesof all descriptions. , WALTER CONEY, : jy 6 " .. Market str t. The .New Eat Store. QALL AND EXAMINE Ml" SUilMEK Styles of Btraw and Felt Hats. TLey are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROB1N80N, No. 13 Froat street, Next to Purcell House. jv 6 YOU WILL FIND AT C. W. YATES'i JVERYTHINQ USUALLY kept ia a Qrti class Book and Stationery Establtehmcnt. Organs on the instalment plan at BOOK STORE. Wire Netting i SCREENS For Doors and .Windows ' Good to keep oat flies acd mosquitoes. - I ' ' ' - . . , A'so, ... . , Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, . and Building M ater i&l Generally: ' ALTAFFER, PRICfi & CO. .- . i ' Factorv: Office: Foot of Walnut st Nutt, near lied Ocss et. J7 P. L. Bridge rs &Hio.m 20, 22, 24, 2G and 28 Front S-trcoC WILMINGTON, N. C. - ? THE YOUNGEST ESTABLISHED Gro cery House in Wilmington I Commend iag business only a few years ago, in the midst of the most terrible panic ever known in this oountry, in' the coarse of tnree years only, by eoonomy in the use tof our invest ments, and skill in business, we have built up one of . the best Retail Grocery Eetablih mentssouth of the Potomac, wita a reputa tion for fair dealing, in elligenco, liberality in business, choice selected articles in our line, and success in trade, that are the envy and the astonishment of tbe "old and expe rienced Groceries," our competitors. Every dollar we have now invested, amounting to thousands and thousands of dollar, it tbe fruit of our own unaided txertions. We havt not had to borrow money to meetloaee. Wo have no bad debts. WE PAY C&.UU for all our purchases and trust anybody that can make us safe. Tbe stock oi Groceries and the good will at P. L. BridfferSj: Co's one of the most extensive, the beat and mo?t carefully selected and costly, is held for sale in the. lines t Grocery Htore in the citr, built expressly for ns, and adapted to our trade, and all paid tor out of t: j,r Aits of enr buI ness during three years of terrible pecuniary distress. It is s?lasting and palpable monu ment to the butineM energy aad intell'enco and industry of P.L.BKIDGER3,thc found er of our establishment. "The poet's eye in a fine frenz r rolling Glanoes from Heaven ts earth, from earth fo heaven, And as imagination bodies fqrth fie forms of things usseen, Gves toA airy nothings a local habitation and a name 1". ' Years ago, a mere ttriplta? Wilmington boy, we conceived the design of tMj Grand Establishment, and to-day, if you dVabt our advertisement, Come and Bee. We have created it from nothing. This store itself, so neat, bo well appointed, and . well filled, and well eondueted, is a grand poem, in las and wood and willow ware, sag restive of more pleasant emotions and-causicg more real hap- Elnees than all the worke of Uhakeepe&re or ryden. i We keep NO OLD STOCK. Wo brevr surplus room We renew oar assortment try personal solicitation weekkr, so a to have everything in our line FREoH A 00000, and sell everything off as rapidly and cheaply as possible 1 Monaw is not made by boarding it or by waiting for biz profits; It is made by turning over the loreULent often and keeping it in constant moti n. If you want Lard we have Lad. If yon want Batter we sell Bu-ter. If you wnt Sugar, we sell Sugar. Ironjwant Glaeos, Jou mast enquire for it at the hmail lrccr-, m. We don't keep the article. We war rant our Flour, W hi key, Crackers, Ilea', Bacon, Tobacco and Cigars, Sugars, Lager, Candles, Eatables, Drinkables. Potables, Cannablee, Edibles, Sociables, the mott di gestible, nicest, freshest, aad m.t economi cal in the bouth. r - P. L. SRID6ERS & GO. Jy pORaALE. Magistrate's Blanks of im nrredfohas. E. B. WARROCS, (U Reviw:BaildIrig) obPrln e. jy e' : 'A i 1 . :