TU18 PA Pia . ..ede'try afternoon, Bsadsyi w ,OSfI. T. JAMES, ' -..hjukipt:o.n.iwtage paid. r "f5 CO mootha, JS0 Tbr r"J'ctbt.fI ; Oae month, 60 cents. . pr be delivered by carriers, JlferaUiai'7 Ptof the city, at the . ,TUM3g rates ow and liberal . t -aberib-r will pleaaereport any and '.fail rM, rewive their papers regularly. jiew Advortlseraont&. FOR THIS mi BROWN & RODDICK AUK OKKi KINr, b M2 in n tj. r to close i ut s me loU. All ho r- a it f such 'ill do rill" yive us au early call. No. 1. ,V,lr.'a'i White Ho s, without Seam? j'l ecu's a pair, vorth oU cculs. No. 2. IVtt.? Piintrd Lawns, 12; cents per yard 1 1- are th best quality In tho market No. 3. VnuUA linen Lawns, 15 and 20 cent r -sular price 20 and 2" ecu's. No. 4. n) d,.-n (IrnU Linen Handkerchiefs Sl.r a dt zen, decidedly the rlwaryat iot ever offered I In this city. No. 5. I ji.n Stair Covcrirg, 15 to 25 cnts. No. 0. l"nu; we are tllerinssome rare bargains in this particular Department at "prices ranging fromirc to 10c, No. 7. I'nn'tsl Englbh Cambrics, Hcerts a yard, worth 15 ceutr. Na 8. We lure still a few left of those Black and Mod Colored Hose, at 25c and :-c, Worth at least 50 cents. No. U. A iot of Iace Bunting?, Dress (Jcodj, 20c, worth CTJc. 3R0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Hammocks. VOO WILL Find the Beit Mexican On I Hat LsimMti at HEI5SBERGEk'S. BAROMKTEiW and Thermometer. What will the Mtlir ba to-morrow ? This article it parfectlv reliable, and should bo ia every nonse.aad la iavaluaDietoiartBerw. lor aalo at HIlNSBEKOEU'iL I)UXOS AND OROANS, Cbromoe and A 8tl Eni-ravia s. For sale cneap at jji ' UKINriBKHOLk'ri. Horner School, OXFORD, 2. C. TUIS SCHOOL bu been under its present matagameat for tbo hut Twenty-Moe Year. It Mil o bo claim to pre-eminence, bat ia the mental and moral training of boys. It ackaowtodraa bo saperior. ThU biutii :tifiod by tho high standard tho Students from thia acbool bao maintained ia the va rious College and Universities of tho cour tly. Wo iHar oor patron that no pains ill bo tparwd to faraUa tho aehool with the bt kdaeatlaaJ Advantages. Tho scat tfeaelon begins tho 16ib of Augaat. Ior Catalogue applv to Ialr2-Im J. G. HORNER. A Word or Two. pKR058 WHO APPRECIATE the beat aajthiajr, and w aid eat ' - Tho Bet Flour Maila I ciaprostro that article, maaafaciared by tho moat i aproTod proeoat from ,HaII-& Pearsall. r VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. Naw Advertisement. J O Hcsaa. Drugjlit Cold I IYatu. Books, Ftatlonety, Organs. P Haiassasesa Hammocks. Window Glass all sizes at lufler & Price's. t TLe oldest lly ever known was the obe from the ark. The potato for perch. jU caakes excellent bait "To atop crr.Au ;g biogej ol doora, put soap cu i hem. Deans are exceedingly healthful a.. d uu- tritous, but bJ for djspeptics- In this conutry thers are nftyffour newtpape s edi'ed by o lorcd men. ' lllnbarb, stewed aud btraiccd with wa ter and sugar, makts a' pleasant drink. Most of the market carts took up their stand on Market street thi morning. To 6mooth rough or clean soiled flat trona rub them in salt on a: flit surface, Save your money aud buy your Build infe Supplies from Altailer & Price. A voun man in nressiog bid own suit a m should be careful not to wrinklothe girl's Full Motal and Walaut Sh-w Caes, all atvh-a and s'zes. at ALTAFFKU, I'lUCK & Co's. f Kissing by telephone in about as satis factory as scratching your head with i sunbeam. Advice to candidates:' ''Do as adver uaries do in law: strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends." Plows, "Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Rakes, Tra. e Chains, How Lines, &c. For tho lowest prices, go to JAConi s. The milk ef human kindness swells np from the heart, but cow's milk ccmes from the udder place. . Charcoal laid In the folds of clothes which have been laid away a long time will remove tho odor. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for tho Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacoei's Hard. ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Thero have been good rains ia the In terior and a private telegram received here to day from Fayettevillo states that the river bad risen 15 inches at that point t ! I mis muruiuk;. A note from Messrs. Mctiao Bros., of Snoe Heel, tells of the raising at mat Dlace. Weduesdav evenioc. of a monster Hancock and English 11 ig. The pole is ----- w- I 1C5 feet Ligh and the flag is 20 feet long. We are indebted to Capt. John T. Patrick, of the Pee Dec Herald, for a complimentary ticket to attend the Floral Fair of the Dixio Agricultural & Me:hanl cal Association, to bo held at Wadcsboro, N. O., on July 23th and 29Vb. Capt. II. C. Brock, Chief of Talice, re ceived intelligence yesterday by telegram from Philadelphia, of the death in that city of his elder brother, Mr. Jonathan Brock. Capt. 13. left on the Northern bound train this morning to attend the funeral. i , 1 Easily answered If a strong man, who has frequently suffered paioj grows im Datient and rebellious, how much more impatient should be the Baby who does not know what suffering means. For the pains of Colic, Teething, etc , Dr. Bull.s Baby Syrup is the sovereign remedy. Price 25 cents. licportcd Drtwned. 1 It b reported on the streets to-day that a colored man was drowned at Wrights, ville Soud on yesterday. We have been unable fo ascertain the name, but learn that the man, who was la a jsin, .drifted out to a throu'i Mooro Inlet. Everybody canger suitrd.witha Pocket Kuifr, Tablo CuUery, at jAOoiiia Uaidware Depot- A .arrow Escape Yeaterday, about noon time, or short y thereafter, Mr. McDermott, in the em ploy cf thd Wilmington Qa Company weetdown into the cellar, beneath Messrs. Worth k. Worth's office, to ascertain the whereabouts of a huge leak in the gas pipes, the odor being 'so strong that it permeated the entire building. Af:er reaching the cellar the old man Mac found it too dark to see anything without a light, and having no lantern sear bj proceeded to strike a match, when, pre. tol chaug I tho dirkneas was turned Into ight the gas- caught fire aad the old man csc'ped with sieged eyebrows and a scorched nose jost ia lime to call help and bare Iho fire exllognisbed. BAIL! WILMINGTON, N. C Heavy storm. We.learn that a very heavy rain stcrm, accompanied by severe thunder and, light ning, passed over Abbottsburg en yebter day. The storm came from the nortb wet and was one of the mcst violent that has paused over that country in a number of years pst About a Fire Captain Goodman, oi the night pi!iw force, reports a fire last night on his morn ing repoit this morning said fire havhug occurred, as Captain jj Goodman state, K)ut 1 o'clock in ti e night-time, on the corner of Srtoud and Marsteller streets, in a house occupied by York Elkins; and the report also add?, no .damage d .'ue. This is the extent of our informatiop upon the sub) -ct alur diligent Inquiry in regard to the matter, and we give our readers the benefit of our labors and research. Ready mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead, Cclors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, &c at J a corn's , i - Citj Court. Jacob Thompson and John Lewis, tfro colored men, became invjlved in an af fray last night, between 9 and 10 o'clock, on Market street, when they were escort ed safely to the Guard House by an offi cer of the law and this morning arraigned upon the foregoing charge. The Mayor, after listening to the testimony, adjudged Thompson, the more guilty of the two.and imposed a fine of $10 in his case and re leased Lewis upon payment of the costs Thompson at first declared his intention of taking an appeal, but afterwards re. considered the matter and peniednp the ten dollars, whereupon ha was permitted to depart in peace. The Court then ad journed, j - Window Glass of all sizes, D oon, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Uardware,&3 Low st plreces at Jacobi's. j imtallallom of Olliceis. Last evening D. G. D., N. -Jacobi, s. sisted by D.G. Guide, T. R. J?oat, D. G. Guardian, Jesse Ives ani D. G. Sen" tinel, A. G. Hankins, installed the fol-. lowing cfi3cer8 of .Carolina Lodge No. 434, Knights of Honor: j T. D. Walter Coney. DJr A. Springer, j V.D.N. W. Schenck. A. D. Clayton Giles! R. Geo.N. Harriss. j F. R. Jno. Lj. Dudley. Chap. Rev. O. M. Payne. Treas. W. A. WilUon. Guide U.B. Willis, j Guardian R. M. Houston. Bent. J. M. McGowan. We learn that the Ldge is in. a very flourishing and prosperous condition and that its membervi'n is rapidly increasing Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medicine. 'Malt Bitters, rcause more nourishing, strengthening aud purL fvioz than all other forms or malt or medi cine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors, J 4w l . . The Ratiflcatl.il Boom. i We bear that the committee appointed to ?elect a time and also to decide upon a ratification meeting, have determined up on Tuesday, the 24th day, of August, as a fining time to start the boom, and. put the ball in motion. Governor Jarv is and other distinguished speakers, besides our own talented orators . ... r . J . at nome wuj, we learn, do invitea u par ticipate and address the Democracy of New Hanover and adjoining counties. Our friends from the adjoining counties will all be expected to be present, while our standard-bearer In this district, Jco. W. Shackelford, will also be honored with a special invitation to be present. Hurrah or Hancock! Hurrah for our whole ticket!! Three times hurrah for the noble prospect of a return to constitutional government and an honest administration cf national affairs once morr Tier ? 1 1 1 t lialle nee Race. The yacht Flirt, nee 7?o?z, has chal lenged the Jicstiesa to sail a race orer th? Wrightsville course for the championship of the Carolina YaohJ Clubt. The Rcttless has accepted the challenge and by consent of the challenger and challenged the yachts Hippie and Lizzie will be permitted to enter the race. Per agreement it will be sailed oa Thursday nedt at 2 o'clock thus giving two hour' rising tide to the larger yachts. As we have before stated none cf the yachts of the club are satisfied with! the results of the legalar July race and "the challenge is tiot a surprise to any or.e. The four yachts aboye named each claim to be the fastest of the fleet and are not satisfied to wait nntil the next regnlar regatta to de c Ida as to their speed. J . RETIEW. FRIDAY, JULY 9, Th America Union. Ia addition to the decision of Judj.-e McKoy, in Chambers yesterday, in favor of the American Union Telegraph Com pany, and the determination of their op ponents in the case to carry it to the Supreme Cmrt, as reported by us yes terday a committee of three, consisting f Meters. D. McRae, M Cron'y and John D. Taylor were appointed to assess tLe compensation which should be paid to the W. & W. and W. O. k A Roads, "by the American Union. A report front this committee, we understand, may be lock ed for in about ten days There is a very general ! ntertet felt in the matter because everybody longs to welcome the American Union line to this 'city. This new company bas during its short existence of only a little more than a year, constructed and now control, over 70,000 miles of wire within the United States. The opposition they bave to contend with originates,f course, with their.opponents, the Western Union. They have but seldom had to pay, we are iaformed, for securiBg a right of way and as a rule the compensation has been nom inal. Over the Western Rail Road, from Atlanta to Chattanooga, a dlstance'of 138 miles", we understand that they were as sessed bat $100 and over the Mobile & Montgomery road. 180 mll.,.bt $50. The former is said to be the largest as sessment they have yet had to pay South of Baltimore. The best preparation known in market for restoring gray hair to its original color ia Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hajb Reneweb. Try it 1 ! .Hancock and Jarvis. At tho meeting of the County Execu tive Committee, and committees from the various Ward Committees, held at the City Hall yesterday afternoon. Mr F H Darby, Chairman of the County Commit tee, presided, with Mr. Jas. W, King, County Secretary, at the desk. On motion of J D Bellamy, Jr, it was declared the sense of the Committe that there should be a grand Democratic ralifi- cation meeting at an early day. . on motion ;0f Major j w Dunham, it n as uiacim iuai a vwuiuiitKa ot tuica appointed by the Chairman, to consist of one member of the Executive Committee and two from the Ward delegations, on each of the following subjects i connected with the proposed ratification meeting: 1. Time and place of meeting. Com mittee: WC Fergus, S H Fishblate, J WPerdew. 2. Subscriptions. Committee R W Price, Jno D Taylor, G J Boney. 3. Music. Committee: J D Bellamy, Jr, L L Boon, W W Sbaw. 4. Speakers. Committee: J W Dun ham, Walker Meares, James W King. 5. Pvrotechnlces. procession, etc. Com mittee: J h Dudley. W J Mott. W H Griffith. The above committees to convene at i a general meeting to be hereafter, called by the Chairman of the Executive Com-I mittee. - 1 It was moved and seconded that the chairman of each of the above snVcom mitteea shall report to the Chairman ot the Executive Committee when the duties of his committee have been discharged, in order that he may know when to con vene the committees in general meeting. There beinz no further business, the meeting adjourned. i , . , Board of Aldermen. We gave yesterday all that we could of the proceedings of the Board of Alder men, in session then, and to-day publisjj herewith the remainder: A ccmmunicaticn from the Board of Audit and Finance, appropriating $200 for making deeds to the city for proper ty sold for back taxes, was concurred in. A petition frcm .the Little Giant Fire Engine Co., for repairs to engine bouse, was referred to committee on I alnc Building'. A petition to have Front street opened between Marsteller and Martin streets was referred. Street lamps were ordered to be placed at tbe corner of Second and Woostcr, Second and Qaeen, Second and Dawson, and Beatty's alley and Brunswick street. Alderman Foster moved to call a meet ing of the Board of Aldermen to-morrtw at 4 P.M. to receive propositions relative to subscriptions to the stock of the Caro Una Central Railroad Company. Alderman Divine moved to amend so I thatth.rn.lUr b. defmrf until . fall statement of the matter bo made to thelDnMrliaa, will Cad my 8 tor convenient and Mayor: and tho latter to call a meeting 1 1880. NO 116 when satisfied that the Board have au thority to act. Adopted. rue attention or tne uommittee on Streets was called to the condition of Fourth street bridge. Alderman Bowden moved to repeal the ordinance relating to msrket carts and hucksters, passed June 7 tb, 1 880. Alderman Voilers moved as an amend. me ut that the said ordinnze be su.cpended. Tbe motoiu as amended was adopted. Alderman Bowden offered tne followji g ordinance, which was adopted, viz : Whereas, the Wilmington Market Com pauy has fail-id to comply with its contract iu several pailiculars, and has failed to rxe cute aud deliver a bond as provided for by the said con ract; therefore, be it ordained, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and it is hereby ordained by the author ny of the same, that the City Clerk aud Treas urer be required to notify the Wilmington Market Company at once that unless all the provisions of the said contract ara complied with in accordance with said contract within fifteen days from this date, that the city will not consider itself anj further bound by the said contract. The Board theh adjourned . When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand i Central , Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ol the city. ly " No Hospital Needed. Biitw "TJZ .X. M ented puffers to tell what Hop Bitters I will do or cure.as they tell their own story by their certtan and absolute cures at home. i jy 2. MARRIED. At Bargaw, Pender county, on the ljst inst , by the Bar. O. D. Bersheim, D. D Mr. OKO. A. BSHSAY to Jdiaa HAYDEE COWAN, both of Bargaw. No cards. Cold I gODA WATER, with pure Fruit Syrups. Hanyadi Water, Apolliaaris Water, Hath- orn Water aad CoBrees (C) Water, 1 For sa'e by ' JAMES C. MUND3, Drajrgist, JVorth Front street. JJ8 Wanted Immediately, I J work in Steam Laundry. Position nnna nnnn vnnun vnumv to permanent and wages good to competent labor. Call for one week. J, B. WORTH, 17 North Water St. jy 8-lwk For the Sound ON AND AFTER TO-DAY a hack will run between the City i and Wrights ville Bound; Leave the city corner Third and Princeis streets every day at i o'clock, P.M. f exeeot Bnndavsl. Returning leare Pinev Point, on Wrightsville, at 7 A. M. . i iar tor u aonaa inpsi. jy7 T. J. SOUTHERLAND The Glorious 4th Day of July ! LILT TLE MORE THAN A CENTURY ago, when freedom could scarcely find a hiding place in this country, it was PAT- RICK BENRY, a good Groceryman, a Me chaalc, a Horny-handed Son of Toil, who ; " - I 1 - dared to look the British Lion In the face and proclaim it. Bully for Patrick, He was a true patriot, ! . ' : as all good Grocerjmen are. I htve been Ia plred by the memory of the eminent and LU " ' i Irutrioas Patriot and Groceryman, on this - i OUR FOURTH DAY OF JULY. I will now add that I will try and emulate his good example by selling you J - ' - Good Grocer iec Lower than you can buy them from any House in the State. Come and see me, one aad alL TITOS. H. McKOY, . GroMr aad Liquor Dealer, j6 SAT North Front st. 0PEH EARLY AMD CONVENIENT. rjlHOSE WHO DO THED1 1IARKETDIG at aa early bear, and wiahiag to hare a Pre- 7tcvEi Z ZTZlZ jTjj . New UxxttU PLXA8E 30TXCE. We will beg? aid to receive communications from our frieaf on any aad all subject o ceaeraliaUrect bat: The name of the writer nituit slwayi be far Biahed to the Editor. i Gonunnaicatlona axut be , written) on onlj one sfde of the paper. ' Personalities masr voided. And it Is especially ua pa.tlcalarly.'tnder stood that the Editor doos not always endorse tho viowa of corroFpondosto, sxiaj so rtated in the editorial colutana. New Advertisomontg. " The Cosmopolitan Bar J8 TBI? PLACE TO GET AXY AJTD a;l of the fancy, deliciouj, ccolirg driaks of the Reason. Ice cool Laper always on hand Hone but tho very best of L-vaora dt alt ou t at this Bar. Clears-of tho bet b'raadi can alwaya be fourd at the Coatbopolitin. JOHN CARROLL, Prop., JJ 6 . o!2 Afartetat. ' Walter :Goneyf iDEALEU IN - ; pOBACCO, IMPOUTLD AND DO MESTIC CIGAllS, Cigaroltes, SnuiT aud Iipes of all descriptions. WALTER C'JNEY, jy 0 Mar'Kfl sttvt. . The New Hat Store. (JALL AND EXAMINE S1Y BCilMEi; 8tylefl of Sti;aw and Felt Bat. Ttevare prutty and cheap. JOHN U. : ROBINSON, No. 13 Front street, Next to I'urcellllotue. jv 6 YOU WILL FIND AT d. W.- YATES', pYERYTniNO USUALLY kept la a fint class Book and Stationery Establishment. Organs on the instalment plan at . BUOK STORE. jj Wire Netting gOREENS For Doors and. Windows. I Good to keep out Mies and mosquitoes. I -Alio, Sash, Doors, BUnds, Lumber, and Building Material Generally t ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. Factory: .. Office; , Foot of Walnut st. Nutt, near Rod 'Cross at. J7 P. L. Bridge rs & Co., 20, 22, 24, 2G and 23 Front Sircot.'. WILMINGTON, X. C. THE YOUNGEST ESTABLISHED Gro cery House in Wilmington I, Commesc' iag business only a few yearr ago, in tba midst of the most terrible panic erer known in this country, in the course of taree years only, by economy in tha use of oar invest ments, and skill in buiioess, wo liaTe built up one of the best Rotail Grocery Eetablitb meats south of the Potomac, witn a reputa--tion for fair dealing, in elligence, liberality in business, choioe eelected trtieles in oxlp une, ana success in trade, that are tho envy and the astonishment of the "old and expe rienced Groceries," our competitors. Every dollar we have now Inreeted, amounting Ut thousands and thousands of dnil&r. it th fruit of our own unaided txertiocs. We bare not had to borrow money to meet lofK4v We have no bad. debts. WE PAY Cbii for all our purchases and trust anybody that can make us safe. The stock of Groceries and the good will at, P. I. Bridsrers & Go's, one of the moat extecsivr?,1 1', 3 beetaodmoct carefully selected and.c si! ia held lor sale in the tinea t Grocery htore ia the citr, built expressly for us, and adapted to otr trae, and all paid for out of toe profits of our distress. It is a lasting and pa!pbio i&otrG menttn tho bu'inea energy and intiiUgenco and industry of P.L.BiDOEUS.ii:6 found er of our establishment. "The poet's eye in a fine freozr roiliag Glanees from Heaven t3 earth, from i&rth to I heaven, ' And as imagination bodies forth tie forms of things unseen, Gives to airy nothings a local habitation acd- m. n km M t" Years ago, a mere stripling WilaingteH boy, we conceited the deeign of this Grand ' Eaubliahment, and to-day, if you doubt pur advertisement, Come and bee. We hare . created it from nothing. This store itself, so neat, so well appointed, and well filled, and well oonducted, is a grand poem, in glass and wood and willow ware, suge'are of more pleasant emotions and cansing more real hap- loess than all the woxke of Shakespa:e r iryden. We keep NO OLD ETOCC We have no surplus room We ranew our aaaortment cy personal solicitation weekly, ao aa to bave every thing in oar lin KREnli AMt GOOD, and sell everything off as rapidly and eheaHy as possible Money ia not made bv hoarding it or by waiting for big profits, ft ia made by turning over the investment often cuud keeping it In constant moti jb. ' If you want Lard we Lave Lard. If ioa . want Butter we sell Butter. If you want Sugar, we sell dogar. If you want Glocoie, vom ataatecaalre for it at ihe fcma'l irccer- ies. . We don't keep the article. 17 o war rant our Flour, Whbkey, Crackers, ilaaf, Bacon, Tobacco and Cigars, fogaxs, Lager, Candles. Eatable, " Drinkable j. foUblcr, Caanablea, Edible, Sociables, the mrst di gestible, Bieeet, freahes?, aad nt economi cal ia the Boutlu ' P. L BBIOBEBS &:C0. if- E OR BALE. lligistrate's BUaxa of im roved form. r, B. TYARSOCK, (Ia SeTisw:Bnild:ng . xJoIr Printer.

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