raw rtrt I. T. JAMES. ,pr;O.VH.fOSTAUE PAID. ! jl J5- Uae month, 60 wttl. i'r .,:' be delivered by carriers, r priof,theeity, anae !"H.r-ntt", end liberal ., rf-iTeileir papers regularly. ,.- I1 " . $e1r Advertisement. FOK THIS Ml. ( - ! rnnivu & RODDICK i ! ,.j a.v i.i want .f such will do i v-.v.- us an early call. No. 1. ,u r..:3 White Ho s, without Seam?, ivu'j a fa r, woith fo cents. No. 2. j iv.u !iitt.I Lawns, 14 cents per yard II, Uk- boat iuality hi lho ma-kct. No O. o. IW-I lawns, Inland 20 con! s, r-julir prioe and 2" con's. No. 4. 7 J,. .'II Mi U Linen II and ke: chiefs, II a d zn, decidedly tho rhfj'k'st lot ever ouVred In this city, No. i. I.!: ."i Stair Covering, 15 to 25 cents. No. 0. r;'t. s c are Ufer ins some rare bargains tit th's particular Department at f priivs ranging from So to iOc, No. 7. IWfd Knh.1 Cambrics, lOcotts ayaid, worth 15 contr. I No. S. UV luv still a fcw left of tliose Black and M.d Colored Hos, at 25c and :15c, Wojth at Iras'. 50 cents. .No. D. A of lace Bunting. Dress Cxd?, 20c, ! worth 37 Jc. ! 2R0WN & EODDICK, 45 Market St. Horner School, OXFORD, N. O. rmA 8C1I00L hu been uner its present 1 ma-agement for the Uit Twenty-Nine Years, It tU up no claim to pre-eminence, hat i i the mental and moral training of boys, it acieowlrfgee do auperior. This b at is .uufid by the high standard the Students irwoi thia school have maintained ia the ris t'-ollegrs and Universities of the cour ts. We iiiara oar petrona that no paint Ul be parrd to farolth the aehocl with the brt ideational Advantagea. The next feuion begins the ICth of AnuiU For Catalogue epplv to iIri-l J. G. HORNER, A Word or Two. I )i'R80.NS WHO Al'iUEClAT the beet f aajthiair, ani w ulJ eat The Best Flour Mado I i ciapiocare thai article, manafactured by i th nitit i proTJ pfoc, from Hall & Pearsall. iy 2 1 Wanted Immediately, VOU OOOO T0D50 WOME. TO I work la Steam Laandry. FoeiUen ateat aad waes Ood to competent u&or. Call lor one week. 'J. B. WOKTU, U "nrth Water Ft. iy 8-lk For llid Itoiind. o ,1 A!D AFTKR TO-DAF a kaek will ' raa betweea the CI t aad WricbtsvUle era. Lea re the- city eoraer Third aad y riaee atreeu erry day at C o'clock, P.M. (seept Haedaja). Kata'aiacleere Flaey "Ut. a WrUhuTlUa, all A M Fare fr the Xo4 Trie SI. iri t. J. cournruLiND. 1 VOL. V. LOCAL NEW?. 5ew Advertisements. -J O ilciBt. Drajglit Cold I J W HaarBa For the Rockj at5ew Inlet and the black -h Ground. Clyde' Neii York Hteamahip 1 oe ALTarria, I-ici A Co. Wire Nttin T H McSot An Appeal V L Baiaota A Cc Poar Master. Varu Book, hta-lnnety, Or am. F UiiBMaasi ilj liiblct Job IiIah, Jr U. ward Belief V v Co bee ad fcU Hitt"9 lii .RkD La.e - zdU Wanttd- Daa'L K Biiitt -top vrg r K P CovisOioa 100 Tube , C M dtedmaa Fire Ce, No 1, icartiun Wirdow Ula&3 ah sizes at lutftr & t lricea. 1 The tberruuineier ood ai U4 d-g'ees in this office to-day at 3 o'clock. Save yonr money and buy jour Build ing Supplies from Ahatl'er & lrice. This section was visiied with a delight ful rain last night, which provtd a blessing to the farmers. Salt truvuioQS of whatever kind are eai 1 to loae more of their salloess by being soaked in sea water th in in fresh. Dip a ntw broom in hot water to make it durable. To keep a brcom from gettirjg stiff and hard, haDg it in ' tie cellar way. We are informed that the Hancock, English and Shackelford Club ot this city now numbers 4 5. members. Good I Keep tb j ball rolliDg! Everybody can cer suited Willi a Focket Kuife, als Table Cutlery, at jAcom's Hardware Deixit, i ( The County Comuiieaioucrd are in ses a ion this evening for the purpose of hear ing complaints in regard to tax assess ment.-'. Tou can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing stoves at almost any price at Jacoei's Hardware Depot. H ' ,a A special meeting of Howard Relief Fire Engine Company, wbicL the honor ary members are particularly invited to attend, will be held this evening, at 8 o'clock. , Cus'omer "Why are Malt Bitters' so popular? Druggist "Because, as a Food Medl cine, tber enrich the blood, harden the muscles, quiet the nerves, perfect diges UCU. Nobody likes to be nobody; but every body is pleased to think himself some- bodr. And every body is somebody but - m m w when everybody thinks himself somebody he eenerallv thinks everybody e!oe is nobody. Sleep and plenty of it must'be had by the Babv;and it its rest be broken or prevent ed by attacks of Colic, Stemachor Bow el Disorders give at once Dr. Bull Baby Syrup, which will rolieve the pain, in duce rcireebiag slumber and consequent health. ' ' fctruck by LishliiintT. Salcrday noon the residence of Mr. W. P. Canaday, on the corner of Market and Sjventeenth streets, was struck by light nrng. The telephone, wire leading into h's house wai severed in two places and Dtr.eof the wood woik of an unfinished rxm cacght firo. No damage was done either to life or property. We also learn that a telephone at the residence of Mr. F. W. Foeter wa9 burned out by light ning about the sime time. When you visitor leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite (.rand Central Deprt. European plan. Booms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Kestaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city.. ly aii Opinion of Ours While In GoMsboro a few days since we stopped at tte Bonilz House, which is a well kept hotel of which Mr. William Bonitz. brother of J. A. Bonitz. E-q., of the Mctsevijcr, is the proprietor. The house is large, commodious asd airy, and our young friend, Mr. R L. Piempert son of our townsman, Mr. II. C Prem- pfirt, is ever in readiness to attend to the ants and comfort of thoee who may mike the bcuae their home while in Goldsboro.. , A Valuable Horse huoU A valuable horse, belonging, to Mr. W. P. Oldham, had the misfortune on Thurt dsy last to get one of his legs broken. It mas set and the animal kept In a sling and applications of ice made to the wounded part until the swelling and fever seemed to have materially mitigated but today there were such evidences of suffering that be was shot to put him oat of hli misery. f Baili ! J WILMINGTON, N: C, Tearlnc Down. i The cookiDg stalls ar.d b oths at the weetern end of the old forty leg, alias o!d Market, were torn down order of the Mayor. Ber tYu morning by int Dsv'n b b charge of the woik of dem. lebing the old disgrace. j Window Giss " NsiZ i) r, S s'a; ire.&A; Is and Blinda, Build j' Dari t pireccs at jAcyni's. ; City touru Mayor FLihbl had oi ly one case for h i cuusiJeraik . :1- rnn;iu 'hat of a w Iore J man tro: . - s-islKre, who was arraigned upon tte thaig-i of selling unsound tisb. llis Uonor pronounced a judgment oi $10 fine. This fi dshed the business on the dock -tj and the alsyor stenDed down aud out of the Cou t Room. i JoIdi Special Meetl nz. The Board of Aldermen and Board Audit are to meet to -morrow morniDg ot at 10 o'clock in joint session. We under. stand that several prominent citizens are invited to meet with them. The objei i of the meeting, we understand, is to con fer relative to a proposition that the city should subscribe a certain amount to the stock of the Carolina Central KailroaJ. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all at v lea aud &zes. at Altaf FEB. l'lUCK & Co's. . m ' Personal. Capts. II. Brown and J. T. Patrick of Wadesboro, are here remain here se'veral days o-day and will for the purpose of canvassing the city in aid of the Dixie Floral Fair, to be held at Wadesboro on the 28th and 29th inst. jWe bespeak for theie gentlemen the kind consideration of our people. Mr. Jerome C. Horner, of Oxford, who has been in our city for a week past in the interest of his excellent school, will leave here to-morrow morning on his re turn home. While in the city he hti been the guest of Colonel B. R. Moore. Zj 4 Old Friends. . Mr. E A. Brown, amative of Wil mington, but for many years past Agent of the ' Southern Express Company at Columbia, is here to-day on one of his short and raro visits to his old home. Mr. John Banks, also a Wilmington b)y, but now doing business in Georgia, on the line cf the Macon & Brunswick R. R . is also here on a short visit to bis rel atives and friends and feYored us with a call this morning. Plows, Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines,. tc For the lowest prices, go to J acorn s. Interesting Decision. The State Treasurer baa just rendered a decision to the effect that 'if a paity i owns United States Treasury notes, not placed in bac& to his general credit, they are not taxable, but national bank notes so held are taxable, and should be listed as money on hand.' The case of the Su. preme Court of North Carolina in Ruffia vs. the tJommissioners oi jorango, ai me June term, 1873, is cited. The Treas urer maintains that the opinion of the court, as rendered by Justice Reade, clear. Iy sets forth that money, whether na tional bank bills or United States Treas. ury notes, deposited in baiA to the gen- al credit of the owner, assumes the na ture of a solvent crediV and must be listed as such, i Ready mixed Paints, stricily j ure White Lead, Colors, Brushes, W uJow Glass, fcc., at JACOBl'S Some Heavy Mementoes. It will be remembered that some time last December a gentleman by the name of Buck, from ,'Baltimore, who was an agent for the Bush Hill Iron Works (roll ing mills), of Philadelphia; appeired here and went to Foit Caswell, jvhere be ix amined the old guns at th; t point. Find ing them made of such material as would woik in a rolling mill he purchased 26 fguns and 2 mcrtars from the Govern ment. Alterwards, these 26 guns were put on a lighter, when she capsizsd and 19 of them were lost overboard. R,ec?rot ly 17 of these were recovered and those, together mith 2 mortars, hive been ship, pod to Philadelphia on the schooner Imogcne Divcrty, which cleared to day for that port by Mcssrr. Harris & Howell. The gans were taken rom Fort Caswell spiked just as they rere left by the Confederates when they evacuated and blew np the fort. They are very heavy and average C tons of 2,240 pounds each or 13,410 pounds. Tbe sunken gnoe were raised bj Mr. R. Q. Ross, nnder a contract' with the Bush UU1 Iron Works, j -He view. 1 i - - MONDAY, JULY 12, 1880. Death of Mr. pricce. We regret to tearn of the death of a venerable resident ef this section, Mr George Prigge. He died last night at Faiifield, a plantation a fw miles North of th- city, which Mr. Prigge has culti vated for several jesrs pwt. lie was il only a day or two, butwe have net learned the exact nature of the disease of which he died, although it is reported that it was owing lo -xpare in the sun. Mr. Pr:gg! was probably b tween' '0 and 05 years or age. He was at one I'me a merchant in Wiim-ngfon ar.d did a large na Drosoepoas uasiuess. oui met viiin r ver-es a few yea s previous to the wir. Ha ?ras a kir d, genial man, and there aie many here who wiilgrieetn learn of l: d-ath. I I . i--- ' , yot Bpcauseof ink Republicanlsir 1 Our friend. Capt. Ashe, of the Raleigh Observer, is informed that our strictures against Ggv. Holden were not on account of the politics he has professed' since tl e war, ncr yet of the traitorous part he played towards the people of this State, and of the Confederacy, during the last days of the war but because of the fact that he is what he is. a man who has tvtftn dlptrror.pil tinA Aacri aclaA from t.Vin u- i u a? . . r hignest cfhC3 In the State and forever debarred from holdmg office thereunder. r,. , . . , His crime was against the people of the whole State: he conspired I - - against the dignity, peace and welfare of luouw,re ttUVA WB iiYca uu vivyvitj the people; be suspended the writ oi habeas corpus and placed the lives of men and the virtue of women at the mercy of uu C,BU, o bandln-g!ove with John Pool and Llnd say and. was doubtless a fellow in the scheme by which Governor Graham was to be "lost"; he took one of the purest and ablest and best of men, Judge Kerr, now gune to his rest, and threw him into a dungeon to be companoniedaby negro thieves and barn b'. rners, and Gcd 1 only knows what elaO he would have done, with habeas corpus suspended, the ' r r right of a trial by jury refused, the Ju diciarv exhanstod and drnm-hfid conrt- martials the order of the day had net Judge Brocks, a Federal Judge, stood in the gipto ward cfif his unrighteous wrath frcm the people of this State. This is but a part of the record of the I man who has been highly honored by the N. C. Press Association. Any one of the Republican editors of the State might have been selected to fill this position and the Review would have opened not its mouth. Fur other locals see fourth page. Now Advertisements. For the Outer Blackflsh Grounds ND THE ROCKS at New IlIoL The PASSPORT will leave Tuesday morn ing, (13th inst) at 5 o'clock, tor the above nchinc points, rarues desiring to nave an all day's fi b. at the Inlet, will have a nice opportunity. ' , ' Fare to B'ackfieh Grounds. 91. To Inlet and Return, 50 cents. ' JOHN W. HARP R, jy 12 Master and Agent. THE C. M. STEOMAN FIRE COM 1 PANY NO. 1, YX7ILL GIVK THKIR EXCURSION for V v the benefit of the Company, on the i 21st of July Instead c f to the Ijake as first an ticipated. The trio will extend to Fort fisher, eroithrille. Fort Caswell and the Blackfish Rocks. The Boat to leave the city at 7.30 A. M. The Italian Band will furaian the Music for the Dancing, jy 12 l PRESIDENT. lOO Tubs QLEOMAIiQARINE, On CenaigniEent, And for sale cheap by E. P. CSTINGT05. iy 12 It Howard Relief 8. F. E. Company. SPECIAL MEE INU of this Company ill be held MONDAY evening, the Hth inst, at 8 o clock. Honorary Mearers are especially requested to attend jy 12-lt JOHN HAAB, Jr.. Prea't. YOU WILL FIND AT C. W. YATES', 7BYTfll3fG USUALLY kept in a firs: class Book and Stationery Establishment. - i Organs on the instalment plan at as BOOK STORE. .Jyia NO. 118 New Advertisements. Pour IVIan&er. P. L. Bridge rs & Co., Wholeaale and Retail Grrcere, 20. 22. 24. 26 and 28 Front Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. THK TOHNOKST and least Experienced Grncera in the city, and considering the immense and increasi g basineas.the Smallest tack on xbibition t W eontiane oar offers SortftX;?! Be, wntsaeys. wines, tilce. Flour, Can aaed Kasu.1,1 Lard. titrtD. 'Bacon. Meal. Fruits. Cigars, Candles, White Vea. Wil'ow Ware, Cra kers. ed every other article to be found in a first claw Grocery. We bin the largest, most profitable and successful Retail Grocery Business in North Carolina. Oar Sale Rooms are situated in the centre of this jrrowi city. We reolen ish stock weekly, make oar own selections in erson and from first hands, which enables na to save )he charges of intermediary agents. We keen nothing of Inferior Qaalitr. Krery article in the Store is carefully and thor oughly inspected ' every day. We carry nothing over from one season to another. We order the very smallest quantity we can get along with, to save waite and to keep Fresh 8 trek. Hence oar astonishingly low prices and immense trade. Hence the woa derful success we meet. This day we can sell out the establishment for mere money loan we nave spent nere or invested. Henre we continue to use all the modern 'appliances . i . . r. . for transacting a large and rrofit-ble busi Bess. ; v he Fine? t Store m the city. The Press, th Telephone, and the: Telegraph we use fredr. Hence our large profits and business I comped with the old fogy establishments P( , DnlDuERu Ul uOl 1 1 20, 22, 24, 26 A 28 FrontStreet, j WILMINGTON, .N. X". I JJ 12 1 "I PTnn nnnitin Bub-Bass and II OlUr Unilna Coupler box- I ed and shipped, only $97 75 o. Sew Pianos, Midsummer offer I $i5 to $,i,GOO. Illustrated free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Vvasmngton, a. J. " July 12 4w Agents Wanted to sell the Life of GEN. HANCOCK. Rv hi lifA.lnna' friTH Rati. jntin: TV Vn-r. ney, an editor and author of national repu- toftjn n rdent d.mirer of the "superb soldier." 1 his work is comolete. authentic. lew-priced. Fully illustrated. Positirely ffl?lefiA?fitr?i7 0 uCia!,w?rk vB3 terms. Outfit, fiOc. Particular free. Act quick. Address, Hvbbard Baos., Pubs., At - 1at J7 1 w r-1 rV o UN FERMENTED MALT- BITTERS TRADEMARK MALT AND HORS FOR ENFEEBLED DIGESTION, Im poverished Blood, Weak Lungs, Kid neys, aud Urinary Organs, Consumption, Kmaciatlon, Mental and Physical Kxhaust- tion, Delicate Females, Nursing Mothers, Sickly Children, and Debility of Age, Matt mrrxRs are warranted more xiourisQing. Strengthening, Titalizing and , Purifying by reason of their richness in Bone and Muscle Producing Material tian all other forms of malt or medicine, while fi ee from the objec tions urged against malt liquors. Prepared by the MALT BITTERS CO., from Unfer- mented Malt and Hops. Sold ererywhere. M4LT BITTERS CO., Boston, Mass. juiy l4w Wire Netting SCREENS . For Doors and.Windews. Good to keep oat flies and mosquitoes. 1 Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds. Lumber, and Building Material Generally! ALTAFFER, PRICi & CO. Factory: Office: Foot of Walnut st Nutt, near lied Cross st. Family Bibles, 7 pa ATE S BOOKS and Hymnals, Bcoks of Worship, . Psalms and Hymns, Baptist Psalmody, Hyaan Books, A II E Church; Key of Heaven, The Service of Song, Gospel Hymas, Testaments, Ac, Ae. For sale at HJIAdBEaGhd. FOR SALE, a 8eeond-Hand Fiaao, ia per fect order, has a very sweet- tote. Here is a bargain for amy one who wishes a food Piano cheap. Call toon at jy IS HEUTSB ERG E E'8. MB. J. H. BATES, ffewrpaper Adrertis aT Agent, 41 Park Bow, (Times Builds g). Hew York, is sjsthoriaedtojeontract for a4 vertiaemeuu ia the Dailt Ravnw and. Wit xatToa Jovaaaiy at oar lowest rater s MS ' . PLEASE IfOTICK. We will be glad to receive eommunicatloni S!Jii2? aijand all subject o reaeral interest but t The name of the writer must always be for aiahed te the Editor. , i , i ammwdetioM ajt be written on only"! one side of the paper. , Personalities must -voided. And it Is especially asn partlmlarly-ander stoodthat the Editor oe not always endorse the views of correspondents, u&lees so tab d in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. Cofd I gODA WATER, with pure Fruit 8yrur.. Hunyadi Water, Apollinaris WaW, HatA orn Vater and Corres8 (C) Water. For ea'e by JlIflES C. MDND- ' . DruggUt, -, orth Front street.? JJ8 THOMAS H- McKOy, CALV APPEALS TO THOE who are indebted to Boatwiiffht & McKw to come forwaid and make sn!ti.mr,,t i i n. need the money. You must all knowtha't i . , - it is actually necessary that! should jsettle bp the old business. Ple:se dont deiav I trust that a duly you owe to yourselves, will not allow this appeal to go unheeded, po one and all who owe the firm of Boat I wright &McKoy, Iask won't you please come forwa'dand settle? I have, and am receivrng daily FRESH GROCERIES. Would' be pleased to sup. ply everybody. Will give prompt c istouv ers all the credit they require. Cue good turn deserves another; then, if I sclltoryou on a credit, and deliver your goods prompt-. ly, I think you should pay for them in1 a resenable lime, I appeal to you. Am I right?. THOMAS H. McKOY. ; P S It may be that some over sonsitive persons may take exceptions at the above. If they do, I now bow and say, no oflei ce is intended. Iam sure one acd all, if they will throw aside prejudice andbrirg their better judgment to bear, will say McKoy is right,- and we ought to pay' promptly our old accounts due Boat wright & McK V. Mv delr (nniaidt of mv. interest) is lomake friends. I liave thrown my banner to the breeze, and If fair deal- ings, small profits and treating my fellow man justly, will accomplish wl at I intend then I will continue to be as we have be'6n THE LEADING C.ROCJSRYMA IS OUR CITY (in our special line.) Come and see me. i . THOiS. XI. .11c KOI.', July 12 ' ' . CLYDE'S AND ' 1 Wilmington, k O, Steamship Line THE STEAMER REGULATOR, CAPr. DOANE, , WILL BAIL JROJf JTEW YORK C3f SATLTEDAYjJuly 17. ta. Shippers can rely upon the proxrpt tailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. . BOIID,; Sap'V ' ' 1 WCmUgton, V, . THIO. G. EGEBjS Freight Ageat, . lw York, fTM. P. CLYDE A CO.,1 v; U 4roa4wiyjrtw2roik. pOS. SALE sf sgisaatr! Blaau of . m proiirormi. - . Y. g, WARROCK. (URevUw.linildiiii) .Job.Priater. . F!P York

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