JOSH.T. JAJIES. Editor & Prop, WIUll!fOTOn if. c T018UAY. JULY 13. mo. jrrzJUEX at tdc rosrorrtcx at WlLtiT. N. I, as 3eoosd-Ci.ab MATTKiU FOR PRESIDENT: XI. S. HMCOCK. OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-PRESIDPNT: 17. H. EMLM OF INDIANA. FOR GOVERNOR : THOMAS J. JARVIS, OF TITT. J FOR UEUTGOVKKNOR: OF MACON. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WXIil XASX Zi. flAUWDEHn OF WAKE ) FOR STATE TREASURER JOXXZ? IxX. W OUT IT. ;OF RANDOLPH. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL :, 7ZXOCZAO 0- HEWAWi QF W II SON. . FOR AUDITOR:" WILLI Alii P. 7&0 2X2XL78 OF GATES. . cotton, and on 8alurJay offered Ijt sale ia matket tbe first b!e of tb season. By meani of tbe electric clock now in position along tbe New York Central and lladson rirer railroad an operator in New York control tha bands of each clock ' without tbe interrentron of men connected with tbe depot. For a mo ment before noon tbe hand of each clock are agitated and atop 'exact! at tbe same Instant. Tha National Eepubl' calls lusti Ij for a weeping of tbe pnbfio depart ments, upon tbe theory that some of tbe clerks are Democrats. It speafcr bitterly of Secretary Schuiz, and rather despond ent of tbe posLroffice department ou which ia seen.a to think tbt 'erriug brother' Ke has left the imprepsu n of bis eril association. It Is understood in Washington that the- somewhat well-known authoress of a work on life In St Petersburg, which was published a ear or so ago at prussels and eupprtsjed b tbe police in Paris, has prepared for publication an account of the connection of Mr Jewe'l while minister in Ruvi with the too ctlelrated affairs of tbe Grand Duke Nicholas and tbe Em press jewels, which will be lead with great Interest at the present time. Tbe archives of the State Department contain sjme cuilous Information on the same subject, which may see the light before tbe close of the Presidential campaign One of the survivors of the Seatoanhaku disaster, Mrs. Ada Ward, by nam-, resid lag At be Cuff, L. I, tells a most J is graceful ttoiy ou Mr. Cuarltx A. Dana, editor of tbe New York Han, in connection with thata fulfl'iir. Accrdi"g t tLi young 1 1y, she was standing by Mr. Dans, with whom she was acquainted, When tbe tl iu4 bad spread so far that it was no longer psible to. rtiuaiu on tha esl ia h ! extreme peiil ajk-jd him if be rould swim 'Oh, yes, very well.' he re plied. Tli-u she aii., 'Please, Mr, Dana, Caui I g' with you, when you j;itrptvi? Ery oiefor himself,' she says was his brutal answer, ai.d immedia'.ely jumped ovt r board, "fating her to care entirely for nerstlf. Mr. Dana swam for th shore, which I e sor-u reaebvd wit'.out ditliculty, and Ward was finally saved, after a very hrd struggle, through the help, of another w man aud a boatman, who par liatly corroboiate her statement. . . THE GREEK BACKERS. General James B. Weaver, the Green- Foe Soperlutecdeut Public Instruction. K k candidaU for lhe Presidency, is - - JOXXZT O- DOAHHOHOUQH I inUe hopeful of success, lie will openj dinner, or to Coney Island for a flirta ion figures of tbe A merican will hardly af ford large crumb of consolation to its Radical readers, - m m m 'HANCOCK'S RESIGNATION. It is now stated upon the authority of the New York Herald, which is apt to tv mint afnut tinnal than correct, tbit General Hancock, in view ot his rosi t on aa the Presidential candidate of th Democratic part, will resign ' lis com mission in the army. It is also urged by the Iferald and other Dabers that he aVmlJ reeien. but we can see no re. on - o why he should. There is no prtceden for such a course, and we fail to see why he should be cal'ed ution to establish inch a precedent. General Tavlr did not resign from tbe army during bis cud didacy. GeneralJjcotl did not res'gn when ho was a candidate for the same office, but, on the other hand, continued in ifHce for many years after his defeat General Grant did not recign during the timeho was a candidate, nor until bi election was assur-d. And in i is case we have sometimes woudere. 1 that he nsigi ed at all, instead of giving himself a foiir year's furlough, and bad it extended four years longer whn his secoLdrelec tion was assured. Such a course would have been in harmony with many of bis other acts. . . .. . ... ft We hope Uaucctk , will not ree gn. of no n ssibi a benefit or tutrit, aiid if it oiildhive any effect it would l.e to the pie.Mb:e illmd T vantage of the party. HANCOCK'S CHIMES. Tiie thing ia bef tniiii; inter- Miux', the rliilAdriliihia Chronkle. i he ei.or- mlty of Gen. ck's ciiiuts .giibt his country is being ditcoveird and un folded at a creat rate. A New York letter in tha Chicago Tribune ri ci es that (ien. IIancock occupies on Govrnoi's hHi d sixiy-lour acres of land worth $15 000,000 if told for residei ets ; that Governor's I.Waiid has ceased (presii'Jiably since the Cin.Min.ati noininjiti.n) to be of any value ajad.iie c, heirg only used the resi dence of soma commanding General (Uinctck has always been a pit with the Republican party from Grant down) ; a gnu fired from the island at an enemy 's ship would go crashing thnrngh th-i he rt of Brooklyn ; that the taxpayers of America support General Uancock in lazy luxury on this $15,000,000 island ; that General Hancock is waited upon a if he were a king; that there id a seam yacht there to take him to Delrnonicd to OF JOHNSTON. JFOR CONGRESS:: (Third District.) JUUU.W. UAUXWUJJKA V AA.a- OF ONSLOW. For PmUentlal Elector, Third Dutrlct. D. U. HIcLH AIT. Of Hunef. YICtTSAXO BKVIEUS. tbe campaign in Alabama, wLich State he is coLfL'ent be will carry in the elec ton. He also claims tbit be will carry Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi, Wt,st Vir giuia, Missouri, and Arkansas, besides making heavy gtins In Maryland, Iowa Mich can and Minnesota. . xie is sure that tLo influence of Dennis Kearney, which is pledged to him, will give him California without a shadow of doubt. He Indulges in a hope which will never be realized, and before two mcntba have parsed oyer his head he will, unless we ereatlv mistake, have abundant reason to exclaim: f Oh, ever than from childhood' hour, I've keeu nay.. Xuu debt Xiupe decay!" The Greenback crazi has pasfed by, and General Weaver will have hard work - Col. Thomas JL Scott, the Hatrlsburg Pair lot a ijt, h a warm friend and ad- mlm of Gen. Hancock and will suppoitl to convince the people that there is any him for the Prtaideucy.' I necessity Lr introduciog this disturbing '- Tba twsoty-first triennial conclave of I element into tbe campaign. He will car tke QrandEoeaapsaent of Knlgbta Tem-l ry no State cannot by any possibility 1ar of tbe UalUd State, will meet in I and the only object be will be able to at Cbicagt, Aoguit tbe 12:b, and will con-1 tain in tbe contest will be to divert, to a tlane la seaslen three days. I certain extent, attention from the vital. Aa aooa aa Oeoffreai Keets In Novem re1 which are now fsirly before the W. ft bill will be presented removing all people taxse of evtrj kind on tobscco. Tbo tir- 15 aad laUraal revenue lavs will usqnes- tiooablj be tbe great subjects ef debafe for tbe csxt year. FORE0A8TINO THE RESULT. - Tbe Baltimore American, one of tbe abUst and most Influential of tke Repub I i: u. r m : - PrW.T. th Oih. viathe 125ih anniver- "caw'F-". u0..-tuw,U6 .trr of Braildork-a defeat. On the same " nowig the possible result In what day of the month, In 1S50, General may be called the certain States, by which Zwchary Taylor, who bad only been rresi It will Le teen that a majority of 1C elec dint a little over four months, died, and toral voUra is conceded to tbe Democrats: wu succeeded by Vice rreslJent AlUiara ntrucLicaN. Filmore. Illinois, Dr. Farrar, ef Brooklyn, says that cot Iwt lem than half a ton of pure gold, worth a?"8 21 11 6 ir.;n 7 half a million doUarf, U annually packed MMg4;husstt( . is Into people's tee la in ine uuiteu Mates, Michigan, 11 and that at thl rate all the gold In circa Minnesota, 5 lation will be bar ted In the earth In COO Nebraska. . 3 jtn. New Hampshire. G Tb Baltimore & Ohio Rallioad bare mj0 Wand 4 ordered twenty new. sleeping cart to be Vermont. 6 baltl at their ahope and to be ready for I Wisconsin. charge of the sleeping cars that ran ever their line, al tbe contract with the rull oajr Company expiree at that time. 8oena: White Balpkor. . A gentleman rjy tbe above Uble it will be seem that to a Kentack y belle; 'Will you allow me the American considers the following Q I1UWUOI MB J CMI 4IWU( Mil . J-L., I gg frees New yorkr.Keatack j belle; Thnk 10 V22 DEMOCRATIC Alabama, 10 Arkansas, 6 Delaware, 3 Florida, , 4 Georgia, - 11 Kentucky, 12 Louisiana, 8 Maryland, 8 Miasif sippi, 8 Missouri, 15 North Carolina, 10 South Carolina, 7 Tennessee, 12 Texas, w 8 Virginia, 11 Wet Virginia, 6 138 with the ladies ; that an armed soutiut l is on guard there day and mgh', in all sou of weather (always the same aeili tl brutally kpt at his post) ; and that it General Hancock were not a Maj .'-General he would be a couutry taveiu-keepe-. This, it must be contested, is a tenibl arraignment of General Hancock, and snows what a botdi the Oi'-ci- uati Con-i vention made of us work. FOR IDE CURIOUS. Tbe ore 60,000 eniofdes in Europe year!y. There are 43,000 poetofSces in this country. rew Orleans has nearly, 215,000 inhabitants. lian'an has a sister who can tall a' boat almost aa fast as he. North Carolina has a man eighty-dye years o.d who hoes corn all dy. The United States makes the best and iuieet glycerine in the market. Tbe Italian government is gcirjg to but d a still heavier Bbip than the Du no. The tltctrio light is aidiDg (-ic) to the glories of both Vesuvius tind Nia gra. 1 The are half a million of wolves in FraLOe.who kill about 1,000 men every jenr. The British Embassy in Constanti nopie bus received and protected i fugitive slave Domburg, H illaud, has 63 convent" aud miiivof cue .trench Jc-euits are going there Ia Fomt) p tr s of S n(h Carolina the Vti.ue ot iand has gone, in two years, f'nm S2 o 10 an i.ore. The grasshoppers in Keno, Nevada are no large aud numerous us to sen ouij n:darger the crops. Tot French government has order ed u.i Agricultural oour6e in every pri-. mary t-cnool in the country. In 3 ivfH this Year its largest yi Id of w..ol, 1 bC0 000 b lies of cotton, and an Ui u-u !lv large crop of corn. ilo; t cuiesin Sr:rglnia have t'.iileij sho. t oi public txpt oLations in ihe C i hu"; Hicurnoud h tving 7o,000. A lie'f t m G i.iri t. refused to be trmi . jury ou v, f :ch wus one of ins uu r -c--, b'Ciaoe ''he didu't want . . . . , , U' iiigK r 'O try mm lo u iiie. The -Orthodox Friends library in Germautosvu, ra, has 10,000 volumes, ciltcted during some titty years, without u novel or a pl.y amoDg them. A drug e'esk in Paris wh irapris- oued for three mouths tor killing a doctor's patient by put-sing up eight grammes instead of eight drops of ttudannm in a precripiion. A woman walked from Om La o S m Fiaiuieo in three month;, mat 'to ee if a womau could do it,' although she Ltd plenty of money and a hus band aud children at the end of her oute. 1 In London 58,460 womi n are em ploynl as millineis ai.d diessmakers, 26,373 as shirt makers and neamstres see, 11 780 as tailoresKet , 1C 724 as machinist, 5,272 as boi kiuders, 4,- 699 as bootmakers, 4 360 us artificial fljrijts. 3 71S aa boxmukerK, 2 8ol as npholfitert-rs, a d a larg - number in other industries. Misellaneons. Miscellaneous. Received this Day. JQ CASES BOEDFKVRCO. UY !iO ZV CHAM 1' A O.N K, FRFSU FKOM Bri. At Importer's Price. Hail RoadLirm i. F.O .M VISliS, Agent 2l,' CAROLINA CENTRAL RajI; Ornei Ommksit. Wilmington, 3. a, Jons ' Change op Scnm,' :l'N ON AND AFTER jrjfl' i ioing Schedule wiU "'l860.rlf, Passenger, Mail and Erp lLe.reWilminoa , 50 CASES FKE'CH BANIYt J From B nd this Day, - . - - I And for ea'.e at Importer' Price. Only $1.60 for a Bottle rf i .. . ' tmported Frnoh H randy, At CEO. MYERS. J " atCharlotteaV'-'I-4' ' Charlotte " ' 4 n. i. Ajrtre at Ban.letaL" f in d i No. ltriiVi, daily xcepV SftCl" lakes no connection KaleS?" , Sol 2 train is daily except S?ttn.dl 1 SO tJKNTrt A PuUMi, Choicest Orsse Butter. WINES AND, LIQUORS, of beergrade. At Popular Prices. GEO. MYERS, Nos- II, 13, 16 South Frout st. may 27 Shelby Dirision Mail, Freight . . Errreai: . No. 3.1 Charlotte t. 0. J ArriT at otielby a' , 4 So I X LatTe 8helby at. " h i So' Arrire at OfiarfeiiTt-1 rt ? Local Fre5rl . ' t i - O.CC fifty A rire at LaaricbDr "M - 1 Lf are Charlotte at.... AriiTe atLaurinbarg at.. S I v Leare Laurinhurg at (lf ' ArriTe at Charlotte at."." 5 v i Leave Laurirabarir at .r itc m ".umington at.. " These trains leare WiC7"'r""'"4jj l' lotte..Tuefldaji. Thawd 'cl ' avi. 'w-T ''tor . W .Wedaeid,,, ) Cloie connection at Btmi . Baleirh and at ChL1' 4 V. all nointRin WeBtern xZ. !hi AsherUle. - vw laroiun Alio, Tia 8Dartanhnr.r L tT rn.-t,, learineiltninton at 6 p M m 1 de,rin&bn at 7 P. M. next'div Stepping Car accommodations v ' Sr ,o 114 from ""' Miwis;.! Throuirh SlapnAra .1.. from Kaleigh and Charlotte. ma .j p Has f constant public for years, and preparation, ever in vented for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR D LIFE. June 7 General. auDeriatand. V AS1 f It St WILMINGTON WFir-v E AILRO AD COliPAKY, supplies the natu ral food and color to the hair, glands without staining the skin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of the hair, pre vent its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. DOUBTFCIi fcTATEa: 6 0 S S5 29 Colorado, I ad una. New Jersey, Oregon, 3 16 9 9 aajwi m 1a 7 etsy circrjo- Californi aU' at praaoat, and if b;s we.lth U bis OUiuccucut, Mlndpal dain lo distinclioa I do aot JJeTm C"10 110- ! Paaosjltaula, TteEUrkt (Fla) Ttltiwpb aaja that . ItaM UaUiujVva colored tnaaeaUioc On I . comber, V.HTlrdf0rdooQntT.aaaTTTyfiha fNeoeaaarj to elect. It acrrt. 6 am. oi" which 'Ererj IddicaUoo polnU to tha mulot j oca a gixtidj picked quantltj cf . Oonnectieat wUr go Democratic, and tba Trill tii . . -. : ' - I - . . 109 S69 15 TUB FALI-, TUAlilV The commercial papers of thr country are alretdy prt- lictiug a arge trade tbiK Fall, based VDou tbe geceral pios eri'y of tLe couD'.ry at.d the ui igtijti(.etit proa pects as regards tbis jtai'n t-rui s. The it is true, are U )t yet fully asiUre.l at though tbe promise is iudxed au txcelleut one. With a few mure weks cf bucb gooa seasons as we have bad tbe crops of cereals will be very large and with a late fall and a freedom from worms and rust and excessi?e raicscotton will do un usvally well. Tbia latter crop is, h ,w- erer, the most uncertain of all. Some time, up to August, tbe prospects are very bright and then will c&me tbe worm and tbe rust and after these early, frosts and the hopes of a fruition, are, rudely dashed. Commenting on tbe fall tbe New York liullttin saysr The purchasing ability of the country at large promt. ea to be exceptionally am pie. The grain crop and the cotton crop. so far as can be judged at this stage, may be expected to prove large beyond all pre cedent; and the large agricultural major ity of our people will have ample meana for supplying their wants. They havo had three successive years of uuutsual prosperity; during the first- two of whicti their savings were largely deroted to pay- log off their debts; and It is reasonable to suppose that tbe profits of the third will be liberally devoted to supplying the wauta of tbeir homes. Tbe iuduatnes are generally actively employed, and tbe large operative population will have more to spend than in any year since 1S73. Toe lull in prices within the last quarter will mcrtaae the demand for goods, which in. turn will give the more active emplo; - ment to labor. Indeed, there u no class of lb community nor any section of the country that can be pointed to aa likely to be exempt from 'a common prosperity Even tbe iron'trade, which has suffered so severely from tbe late breakdown in prices, can hardly fail to experience au early recovery when all classes of tbe community are in a position to want its products. It cures Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it is very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean. sweet and healthy, The State Assayer and Chemist of Mass. and j leading cmns endorse and it as a great triumph in medicine. Office Of (inn'r. Hrrs.o.. n iimingwn, a. u., June 12, 1 a CHANGE OFSQUEDUU..1. On tnd after Honda .Tn.. u.i .... Paawneer trains on th.,wT..":n! '3 doQ Railroad wiU run m foHow, . - DAY MAIL AND 'EXPRESS TRAIV -j. LeaTe Wiiminton, Front Kt. Depoi at.....................'... Arrive at Weldoaat...:r"' Leave Weldon '3 ?J J Arrive at Wilmington, Front Hu P 9 &J PI Passenger, and Freight Trafn, lht ( cept Wnndajs. Uare Wilmington, Front Si. , I Depot at 5J ft i y?v ii WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation it isr easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. arnro ai n eiaon at i i. i i Leare Weldon, ooxj Arrive at Wilmington, Fronts':." . wepoi-at... MJPI Trains on Tarboro limnnh ... i. RocirT Mount for Tarboro itil i'u and Tnesday. Thnradav A M. Ketar:une; leare Tarboro u .i.f A M dailj, and Mondar, Wod-- i. Friday at 8:30 P U The Uay Train maken . we.inon lor all Dointa North n. i ... dailt. (except Sunday) and dilT, U mono and all rail route . "Jhe -30 P At train makes eloi ;i Wo.-.- at Weldon for all liflintl n.,rl' tit fiichui jr U JOHN F. DIVINE, GeneMl Per-. )cne li . , . t rr -i- . Exhalatloni. ' From tha matter that creates malarial Fe? era Yelloir Fever ' and its ki udred ilmeats, are not cogtxuable bj tke senses, bat imperceptiblj locate ia tbe blood, poison it, and originate tbe dis eases named, - Warner s Sale Kidney and Llrer Care, nsed in connection witb War ner's Safe Pills, is tbe only blood pari ier knova. - ' - . . PREPARJEI RY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. Hot Weather is- Upon , Us ! - JOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. Euy your Shirts at bottom figures at the factory The "Congress" aid "Royal" still keep the Hostetter's 8tomach Bitters, the finest, the lead. Look at nrieca. 'nnTnrrt. tk most highly sanctioned, and the most popu-1 ' equai io any i omrt; "Koyal" 0 cents equal to any $L25 Shirt on the market. J. EL8BACH, Manufacturer, ie 24 ! No. 3. Market Berve an Injunction on Disease B? invizoratinfr a feeble constitution, reno- Tsituif ueuuuiiea tmaiu'ie. ana nricn- incathinand inutritioua circulation, with lar tonic and prerentire in existence. I V ..1. Ki -11 rks:ta -m.A I 1 - . IT IS CONFIDENTLY ASSERTED THAT T YELLOW FEVER Can be PREVENTED by the use of WARNERS HOPBITTERSi Safe l( Mney & Liver C ore, In conneotion with WARNER'S SAFE PILLS All autori its oa the eubiect declare Yel low Ferer to be a Blood Foiaon. Ta breath- ug rf a malarial infected atmosphere acting oirtcuy oa tne Diooa. It ia known and admitted, "ana. In writing roacbed for, tnat CA ftlediine, not n. Drink,) COXTAIXB HOPS, HCt'IIC- MASDItAKR. DAXDEL I O X, And thk Pvuest and Best Medical Quauties or ali. otiieb Bitters. All Diasea of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, LiTer ' viiiuuj unrang, riervou.snesa. KWn. amess and especlafl j Female Complaints. SlOOO IX GOID. ior a case tnev will not mnnr I r.- . . . i"'. iuihk impure or injurious round in them. Ask your drujrist for Hon Eiltera n. ( - J vuciu before you slot p. Take no other. nor Cough Cciujlatlje sweetest, safest and best. I 1 I A ..1. n. -i I The IIoP Tad for Stma, .V. T"l, i t- , . i ."viauu jkauney is I I ' """". unx oj absorption. Ask droggbt p. L C, salute arid irresiblecurefor drunk Hse or opium, tobacco and narcotics: bend for circular. CH0 0L-QF DRAWING. PAINTING' ETC, Warner's Safe Kiine? & Urn Cure in connect! n with WARNS.'J SAFE lllS K?TI. lV,lft Lepi FILLS, aciic, aitdo, directir cponthe in Watlt. T??' U;o. inUng- orjrana tbe Kidneys and Lirer that cleanse FhotoaDh7 t r---KT . Coloring andpurifrthe blood, U the bst and onlr vttll '?nbU r4te. effsctire blood purifier now known. hwi o ' .i,.acair .qmre at the For sale by all DrvgzUt,. . I etr nf V"rTl "l.f"5' "urr iti the 20 I I nurca- ,. nor.j'i LlW BAT-roraIl" kindaofFrintin Gers'I Sup'ts Office TILillNQTON. COLUMBIA AM' .1? GUSTA RAILROAD CO. V7Ilmincton, N. C, June 13, lt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE! ; On and after Monday, June 14th, U't the fo lowing schedule will btnnoti't road; . - Passerger, Expresa, Mail and Thronf Freignt Ti ain, Daily except 8oeIti. Leare Wilmington 4 WP J Leare Florence - J 401 1 Arrire at Columbia:..;. 8 15 A I Leare Columbia 5 COP J Leare Florence............... 4 50 A Arrire at Wilminjrton 11 3iA rJTIOHT EXPRESS TRAI5 (Vril Leare WUmInirton..........w M 13 f J Leare Florence............ 3 ,,,J Arrire at Camden Junction . ArriTA t PAlnmM. I1 8 14AI Leare Columbia. Leare Camden Junction...... - Leare Florence ' 39 ! Arrire at Wilmington............... 30 This Train stops only st BriclUA Wbiterille, Flenangton, Jsir Blnf, ' Marion. . Passengers for Columbia, ani tV pmb! O. A C. R. R. and in Western N'Tttt Cr na, ria Colombia and HparUnWK, d'1' take Night Kxpreea Train from H 'lailE Paaaenjrera for AujruBta ehoald tak' "'P Express Train, which connects rii C Junction. ? jer Through Bleeping Can i" tl trata for Charleston, and Aua!t. Train l.a.. UMtminfrtin tktan- nights making connection for Co'robis" rU Camden Junction aad Scn Railroad. , . JOHN F. DIYISE, G93rt june 14 k Cunard Steamship p THE OLDEST and moit reliable line of ttteamers afloat. Maila from v York aw a TIT J For Tbroutrh Tickets for Cabin or najiaavA frnm Tnrt n the prisT porta of E&rnpe and for farther ioforw y Apply to HKIUd Je 26-lm 1 Agents at Wilfflio Fresh Every DaJ' FLNE ASSORTMENT OF French and Domestic, just reotiTed ss'1 sale. THE fpOR HALE LOW. Bill Lading-, Charter ' . v I Persona r.Mu. . . ' Fartrs, Intpetor'a Certificate, Crop Liens thi. ZZtJZZ ,ne city can larel 0A.Y unLNUirt Rirer Steamers' ReecUts, Ae. VhTf reIallJ xate4 ana aasiled VT in the city, will De i'd K. 8.. WARBOCK. : I potw f day, freeh and sweet, three nV, (In RerUw BaUdiag) Jrt. FrinUr. I rn ttJI . WAKROCK, A "-MWUiXJ apl apl Job Printer the Foetoffice on Second street Raiaina. Fruit Ac- O. E. J'l'' jan23 Veu the Fottcfi :