llt; ,r ,i.r tI r to roe " inn. will make u i ' t L-r rritfiioVr t. r t. ture of dyeing. Ill lll kUIt A -Jit huouM pr. t- i . l- . ... .r rti t. t-ach blht out meat ,! .ri-Ju- mjiu alone. ami 1' wiii Him ituwtrs. It leave " . .. r Wrrt-t-iiimiic reacbcU i.: iur laic. Hi; Work on the Wires. ..t tuieBraDbiDK done a Iti- i 1 ; u - w - ' T Cjnveniioa weex 1 "fc:::.7au. Frotaihe 19 b to the ii.Maaive. the Western trAoemitted 1410.147 lirr.tr.:.,,!one. the Atlantic m IV i n..;d A.a mtnntpfl ull&r Liu dui .1.-. --,inn . -inn mant in uw vua.-. tt tue French cable. - A Urrat tnttrprhc r... II. Hitter Manufacturing Cjui- i'e bfToud all irucHetit tut - . . . r...... ihf-ir ii.tr nnic aliit luUfnl ;.c.r wiy it.fo almost every bftwelioM in 'e York Herald. The Stfltlle rs for Hancork AniraiMttin political movement n ,1 r t. curuprcuewuog me orgau iiit.oQ of the veteran eoldieri ol the l awa nd Ujnfexlerate armie?, irre p-iTe of 4ohtic, iuto a nolid supi .rt of General Hancock for P.ei dent. Tue new organization is called the LUnck Veteran Associ&t on, and it. nruoiuterd ay that the movement is ratulv removed iroai political asao v ASionot the control of politicians. Ata ng tbosrt who are ictivo in taking U luitutory 8tfp oi wuat is desigu rJ to bo an iutluential and powerful fiti jutl urauizUin, having the ad- v Aiits 'meut of Ujneral llaasocks in- tttU wj!i'Iv iu view, are General Wil inia I' boiith. Otfueral William 15 rrLLIm. General Slocam and Geu tr.I Vuolard iludqtiarters have lru tut iblihrd at tho Uflion Square U -t-l. whero the central committee ill te iu da.lv Bct-sion during the ecjiifrn. A ruseting will bs held t-xt vitk for the purpose of electing t-- uit'oibers of the latter. Tnrre art. yesterday aid (oneral U'tltHiu V m;th, wLo turned aide at th ihj km central olllce. from the ji4blte g iug on over the com mis .uarrdbip to rxp!tu the ecope of the cc political body, 'thrtlsauds of boI- tlters who fongtit on loth tides who 1j ct beloLg to either existing po litic! ptrty.orwho oro ILpablicans by iro'.ication, bni who intend toenp purtttnerl HancocX for 1 resident, h x utcisary tcfoter thi3 spirit ahd rov;J a beajquarters for these per ou free from ii intrasions of poli t ei i4 or the o i fl 3'iug aims of party ru c! i terv. This is th3 aim of the litc -ck Veteran Association, and we iprctto perform great work in or gu tbis formidable phalanx of !Jirr voters. We aba!l have a com plcts orgn:2ttion in every tJtate and ail tbe branches will bo in constant ciaraunioition with the central corn tut t, wboe heaJquarters will be in i'A a quare. Darirg the cmpaign e exct the ojmmittes will bi in fff'ia.nt consnltatiou with General Uueck at the headquarters, aud that or work will bj greatly facilitated by tUe tlritft or nggest ons that bo will foci time to time give. tnakes us Lire Destroyers. Tle Ui vl life in India due to the ri?gn t.f nrnomnu sjakes is a'mot iieJiMv-. Yt t tb disease which is as ily and deadly as the deadliest IudU "iV. is wiud:n i's coil arouud lhoU.- w J if jvoplc while th-i victims are uu f taous of its presence. It has lonj lvk a bi'bby with incoropelcnt pbjsi turn to.ui.uraj tbtt consumption is In fifibV alter the formation of tubercles l b tu.;aLd in every cie they fail to " cure, of cotiro tuWercles had to form and tbey were Incurable, fbj rcords of medical sriohce disprove -J uch theory Oa the contrary, in cs if luni; disease which had been ful aud tb patients lived forty and C,'J )ears in rubut bealth, p:s: tnorttrn Miiiia-ions showed Ure ccatriccs tt) wbere the tubercles bad been turned sud remoTed. The tubercles are rak'trd by absorption into the blood. fieient alterative. Dr. l'ierces Gold e Misl-.cal l)!jic.very, must be ued to tlw4W. th bK-.d oi tbe crfuKus im Iritiei. Ftr tubercular c'numption is lj a form of acrotulcAjs ciscase. Golden Wdk-ai Discovery U a sovereign remedy all forms of scrofulous disease, or ,nt's tiI. sncbas tnmors, white swell lnC, fever-ires, scrofuloas sore eyes, as U as fr other blood and skin dU- r r T; tur. lime fMMi a!!. " i .. . runt." my wru , t: -i- rt-uiiuer "right," 11. ' a.,.uve f iK decline. rrj: therlf at all t . . 1 lre of. Hv I -r .V,-B won. ,','',IIH"II,1I,JU; . Uul - Wren Mtf-fa':-V ' lorth m iiprlns. r . . e t - - Vie tio Tclegrsph Company G8G.-. clpVujCCil words. One of he f a.f th bulletin department of the Li w-Llioned CJCipiuy w9 to post tv j,nn .,f General Ilnccok in The Flan rroposed. Rooms ok Ckstral Ex. Com., DEM. I'ABTT CF NOKTH CaEOLISA. Ualeioh, K. C, Jaly 2, 18 SO. In pursuance of authority vested in this Committee, the following rules are this day sd ptH fr the organizition of the Democratic pirty of North Carolina: COC.HTT OBUAN'IZaTlOh. 1 The unit of county organization shall be tbe township. In each township there shall be an Executive Committee to consist of five active Democrats. who shall be elected by tbe Democratic voter? of tbe several township, and tbeBaid committee to elf-cted shall elect one of its number as chairman, who shall preside at all said committee roeetiugi". 2. The several township executive committees tball eouvene at tbe meetings of tbe several county conventions, or at tny other time and place tbat a majority of tbem may elect, and shall elect County Kxetative Commirce, to contist of not lees than hve members, one of whom Bball te de!-nated as chairman. who shall prei!e at all. of said committee mceings. 3. In case there shall be a failure en the part ot any township to elect its Ex ecutive Committee for tbeperi-dof thirty days, the County Executive Gmmitteo shall timx'int siid committee fioin the Democratic voters of said townohip 4. Tbe members of the township com- mil tecs hall elect to any vacancy occur ring in said committees. - 5 The County Executive Committees shall call ail nece sary Cmnty L'onven tions by ivin t iesst ten days notice by public adver.iemcnt in three public places in t-ch township, at too court housa door and iu any Democratic news paper that may be pubiisbeJ iu said county, nuuea-in" all Democrats o the county to meet iu Convention in their re spective townships, on a common day therein fctaled, which sdd day shall not be less than three da s before tbe meet ing of jtbe County Convention, for the purpo o if electing their delegates to the County Conventions; that thereupon tbe said Couvent:ons so held shall elect their delegates to represent tbe townships in the County Conventions, from the voters of the resjicctive townships, which dele gates, it such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Democratic strength of their rets(cctive townships, on- ques lions that may come before the said Uounty uonveution. J hat in case no Convention shall be held in any township in purstnnco of sa'd call, or no election fhail I e made, the Township Executive Committee shall appoint such delegates. C. Etch township shall GeN entitled to east, in tbe Couuty Convention, one vote lor every oue hundred Democratic votes, and one vote for fractious over fifty Democratic votes cast by tbat township at the last preceding election lor rnem beri of tho General Assembly, j JroriJtd, That every township shall bo cntillud to cast at least one vote. 7 That for the purine of fully inaug nrating this svsteui tbe present County Executive C 'inmiitco shall continue in ollico until their succ ssors are elected under this syt-tem, and shall exercise all the functions ruining to said ollico un der this system of organization. S lhe chairman of township commit tees shall preside at all township conven tions: in his absence any Vther member of said committee may preside. COUNTT CONVENTIONS. ' The several County Conventions shall bo entitled to elect to . their respective Senatorial, Judicial and Congressional Conventions, one deegatc for every one hundred Democratic voters, and one for fractions over fifty Democratic votos cast at the last preceding Gubernatorial elec tion iu tbe respective counties. And if such delegate shall te unable to attend sach conventions, be shall be authorized to appoint his own alternate, in writing. approved by tbe chairman of his County Convention or by the chairmau of bis County Executive Committee, and none but dwleizates r alternates so provided for cr appoiutcd shall be entitled to seats in saiJ Convention. Provided that every countv shall have a. least one vote in each of said Conventions. . The chairman, or in his absence any member of the C juutv Executive Com mittee, shall call to order all County Oon ventiots. and bold tbe cnairmansnip ... a thereof untd the Convention shall elect its chairman. The Executive Committees of tha Sen atorial, Congressional and Judicial Dis tricts respectively shall,, at the call of heir respect ve chairmen, meet at some time and place in tbeir respective ais ricts designated in said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the' time and place for tbe holding of conventions . ... . a n their respective districts, and toe cnair- men of s iid resjective committees shall im mediately notify the chairman of tbe till- erentCounty Executive (Jommttfecs o! said appointmeui; and the said Couaty Exe cutive Committees shall forthwith call conventions of their nspective counties u conformity to paid sppointmeut, for he purpose jol sending delegates to said respciiv Diet net Conventions. tTATK CONVENTIONS. 1. Th bute Convention alia!! be com aed 61 delegates .ippUuted by the bever! c unty convention-. lUcb county shall Ik- entilied to elect oue de'egatc for evry tnreo hunUreu Democratic votes, and oue dclcgite for fractions ovtr one hundred votes cast therein at tho last preceding Guiernatorul election. In cic any de egate shall tail to attend, be may, by litin, sigued by himself and Attested by the Cn unnan of bis County Executiva Ci.uimittee, ,or the Chairman ot bis Couuty Convention, appoint his own alternate ; and none but delegates or alternates sj appointed or proviJtd, shall tie entitled to teats in said Convention, l'rovidell always, tbat such delegates as may be present at any Democratic Con vention shall be allowed to cast tbe whole vote to which their township or county may be entitled. 2. In all conventions thus provided for by this ytem after a vote has- been cast.there shall be no change in such vote until the final result of the ballot shall be announced by I the chairman of said con- renlion. That all committee shall have tho occurring in their respective bodies. 1 That for the purpose of more thorough organization, tbe several county commit tees are requested to p!ace them.elVen iu frequent communication who this com mittee. -By order of the rommitte Octavii's Coke, Cu-iiriuir. J. J. LlTciiF jCD; Secretary. 11 IIO lb Hi. It y A corns'alk d'f!-rs from a Cnio-go man in that it i-n't abhamtd of having big ears.' Commissioner L Dac, in Lis crop repoHe, never mfntina the hop ai the seaside. Oar esiecm-d contemporary, the Graphio, ,has hoc jcup q lire buv-a Graphic in its te-.ddLoiea. Nw Y rk Commercial Ad ve.tiser. The Ujited States army chews up balf a million pounds of tobicoo find two Indian every year. This is the average. D ;roit Free Preep. Monopolists have got possession of the cork trade and have raised tLu pries of corks immensely. This is a tenible blow to the miu-?trel baiut'SF. Every Evening. When Mr Evarts bgins to write, the Spaniards will wiah they had net amused themselves by shojtjug at thw American fl..g N Y World. The fact that nature only pat o..e. elbow in - man s arm is scllieient to indicate tbat she never intended him to fasten the c;llur button on the back of his neck, Conscientious. Conductor (declin ing a tract which was offered him with bia fare) : 'Very much obliged, mum, but we ain't allowed to tsko any peiquisites whatever, mam.' A Troy man has made a will be queathing his body after death to a medical college, aud bis friends claim that he shows insanity. Certainly. He has given himself dead away. E7jry Evening. , W have room for only one stanza of 'Bursting Buds." Wa have Been worse poetry in the waste basket: The dad leaves cling to the boughs till spring, But the beautiful buds are under, swelling And a thousand thi:i; w ith legs and wings,- Now wait for spring, in the woods out yonder. Well, Father Brown, how did you like my sermon yesterday ?' asked a young preacher. Yo Bee, parson,' was the reply,' I haven't a fair chance at tbem sermons of yours. I'm an old man now, aud have to set pretty well back by the stove ; and there's old Miss Sniitbivv Widder Tafif 'n Bylan's daters n Nabbv li rt 'n all the rest setting.' iu frout of ms with their mouths wido open a ewallerin' down all the best of it 'n what gets down to me it is pooty poor stuff, pareon, pooty poor BtulT. IRON BITTERS, IHtrhlv reeom mended to tbe-public for all dis eases requinnjr a cenai n A Great Tonic ami etiK'ient io.f especially in Jirfir. IRON BITTERS, rrm. It ant f A. t A Sure Appetizer. 1 t i t r , I.unt of Strength, lAtcte of JXnrgy, etc. It "en riches the blood. IRON BITTERS, strengthens the mus cles, aud pives new lite A CocDlelc SlrrDthnr. r v me nerves, jo tue aeed. ladies, and ruil dreii reauiriuK recuper IRON BITTERS, ation, this valuable remedy can not le too niKuly rfcoiuinetioea A ValttAbU Medicine. It artm lifce n eltart on the digestive organs. A teaspoonful before IRON BITTERS, hot SolJ u a Br.f e. IRON BITTERS, Tor DUctt FccuaUt. meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT. Stfd by a!l Dngists. THEES0I5CHTJIICALC0. BALTIMORE, Mi. c Soldiers ! A. THOU If, Corner 9th and F etree , Waahinton, D. O.. attends to Tension and Back Pay. Bounty Claims collected. Con tested Land Claims, Mineral and Afcricoltn-r-1. attend jd to before tha Department of ti e Interior and Hupreaie Court. Land War raits par chased. ' je 18 tf r-1fTTs'l IPV 1 The let practical iUtilLr dlrii clioal for the times is MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Atlanta. Ga., .100 cavers total expenses for tbne months. Mnd for IUqs tratsd Circular. i fa 2S-12wdAw. A1LY" GTO- Superior to all Others. SEXD FOB CATALOGUE. SCHOYERLIN&, DALY ft. GALES, ( 84 &, 80 Chambers St.,1 - - NEW YOWL For Sale. A PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE SAFE, Mosler, Bahmaaa Co., manofactarers, eomblnaUon lock, weight 1,5001b. power to fill any vacancy mm For sals cheap, saoa S Apply at THIS OFFICE The following aotanooa rDrmats wholssals price 8nrl.r. Ib maJdsr id imall ordan hiuh- pries bars to be ch arret m- . . r m . v Lcab!o JLnebor. Doable Ancho "A." I I 11 O 11 11 10 O II 6 6 12 O 13 6 IK W sundard Uoajfnc...... j JACOX Sort Carolina, i-imi, E.... Bhotld, f B .Hides, Jt ID--,.......... Wtjetern 8moked Hami . Hides, y -b....N.............M HhooJdera. Dry Salted Hides, y ........ ............ Hhoalders, BEEF Live weihf ; AiiKJtits Hpiriu Turpentine Heoond Hand, eaori....... New York,aek, new 1 85 60 00 11 dl.fc.HWAX V B 20 BtilCKH Wilmiagrton,!? M 8 00' Northern 00 BUT! E.'i North Carolina fi 11 Northern, lb 18 (JANDLEH Sperm B....M 15 010 00 eu ot 0 0 18 25 40 11 14 15 11 SO 10 10 80 60 7 I 20 Tallow, Ib............. Adamfcatuie, V et........M CHEKHJi Northern Factory, f &.u Dairy cream, V B. ......... 9 O 13 O 1 14 0 10 0 ' 18 0 130 18 0 770 1 75 O 3 HUU, E. COFFEE Java, V B- K:o, m Lagnyra, tt COHN MEAL bushel.... fJOYTOW TIES bdl. DOMESTIC 8L8tinif, 4-4 yard....... Yarn, bun eh 1 10 Maakerel, No. 1, bbl.ie 00 No. 1, V bbl 8 76, Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....ll 60 ?f o. 1, X bbl 6 00 1 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL..k.OO 00 Mullets, bbl 1 26 N. C. Herriae, Vkee 6 60 Dry Cod, ? ....... T FLOUR Fine, bbl 0 00 Buper, Northern, yp bbl.'.. 6 00 Extra do " bbl... 6 00 family " bbl... 7 00 Olty MillEx,.8uper bbl... 7 00 " FamL'vVbbl... 7 60 " Ex. FamUy V bbl... 8 00 1EETILIZER8 Herurian Quano, 2000 lbs . 55 00 Carolina Fertiliser " 00 00 Narassa Guano, " " q0 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 Wiloox, Oibb A Co., ma-' nipulated Ouano.......M.00 00 GLUE V lb 8 GRAIN Corn, tors, 5COs 75 Corn, cargo, V 56 lbs...... 68 O 0 J OH) 00 0 9 00 000 00 o o 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 6 60 8 60 1 50 6 00 0 4 00 5 50 6 60 8 60 7 15 7 75 8 25 O0 00 041 00 041 00 67 00 042 00 42 00 OAS 00 0 U a o Corn.yaL, V busheL. None. . Oats, V bushel . Peai, oow, " bushel.. M. 62KO 60 0 O 10 o io o 00 0 00 o 65 12 25 05 HIDES Green, yf fl ......... Dry, lb... M HAY- Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 North Riyar, 100 lbs.... 1 HOOP IRON y 'ton 1 LARD Northern TO lb 1XO 8 North Carolina f fi 11 LIME V bbL LUMBER City steam sa'wd 8bipstuflr,resawad,,Mft.l8 00 Rough edge plank, 1? M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? M ft.,.13 00 Dressed flcoring,seasoned. 15 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, M ft 11 00 o o 12 00 30 00 018 00 16 00 015 00 14 00 0 o MOLAoHJi-o Cuba,hhdVgl 3T Cuba, bbls., V gal..... Sugar house, nnds. l gal. " bbls. V gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gaL NAILS Cut, 10dto4d, k'g 39 .72 35 45 0 0 55 25 0 1 45 0 1 10 0 20 OILS Kerosene, V gal...... 9 Lard, V gal 1 10 Linseed, V gal 1 00 Rosin, V gal 11 PEANUTS busheL 90 POTATOES -Sweet, bus. 00 Irish, Northern, bbL.... 1 15 PORK Northern,citymess.l4 00 Thin, V bbl ......00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra) 00 00 Hump, bbl 00 00 BICE Carolina, V 7 0 1 36 0 60 0 1 60 014 60 000 00 000 00 O00 00 7 Eastladia, Jb.... .......... 00 O &ough, busheL 1 10 0 RAGS Country, V lb ....... 1H City, lb VA ROPE-., - Hemp ' 130 Manilla 14 SALT Alum, ? sack 70 & Liverpool, sack...... 80 0 00 50 1 1 00 00 00 40 00 10 00 11 10 American V s&ck 00 0 Marshal's fine, V sackM..M Cadis V sack 0 70 0 90 100 100 SUGAR Cuba, W lb Porto Rico. r 2). A- Coffee, Jb...i a B " 0 C " fi. O 8 c Crushed li fl.... o o 0 0 7 O 2 9 11 T BOAP Northern, V fi...... 5 SHINGLES Contract, Vi 6 00 Common, "9 M.... ..... 1 60 STAVES W. O. bbl. M.10 00 R O hhd. V E. ...00 00 TALLOW V lb 8 TIMBER Shipping 9 U...10 00 Mill, extra per M ............ 8 50 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M ............... 6 00 Common, per M 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 15 North Caroina. per gal... 2 00 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... It Washed. xer fi 30 Burrv wool, per fl 18 60 25 15 00 00 00 o 00 on oo 010 75 O 8 00 O 6 50 0 4 50 4 00 O 6 00 O 2 50 O oo 0 31 & 29 ISCCATO'S PAPYROGRAPH is a new mreauon for the rapid pro duction ef f ac-eimile copiea of any Writ ing, Drawtag.or oth er work which cap. be done wi& pea andlnk. 'Autograph Letters, Circulars, Mueic.&c. are first written up on a eheet of paper, In tbo usual way, and frota this written 6heet 1 500 COPIES PES. HOUR may be printed upon any kind of dry Pper, ot other material, in a common Copying Preaa. This is the Most Simple, Bapid and Economi cal Process yet discovered. TVnftTifl are already in rnecemful neinOor- srument Offices, CoUepea, Academies, Public and Private SchoolB, Railway ana insurance utncec a lart hv rmidnefia mea. lawyers, clerjnrmen, Sunday- school ruperinttndenta, mifwionariea, and others. Tho Simmona Hardware Co.. of St. LoniB, aaya of it Our Papyrograph, purchased aoooetiine ainc, gives entire eatiaf action. Would not bo without lt lor $1,000 a year." I Tot ppecimeiia of work, p-ioo list, etc., addreee with stamp, THE PAPYROGBAPn CO,, 43 and 45 Shetueket Street, Norwich, Conn. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. Mrs. S. J. Baker9 FASHIONABLE MILLINER Yf ' Wilmington, N. C Corner Third and Orange . Streets. FANCY GOODS, Notions, Hats. Bonnets, Flats, Flowers, Feathers. Oraameats of all kinds. Will renew and work over all kinds ot old hair, braids, combings, Ac, root them and make tem equal to atw. Old Hat made to look like they wera caw. Call and say tpeciaieas of work. - : jelO MR8. 8, J. BAKES Zliscollaneou:. :ESTABLISHED 1853 - - - - 1853. SOL BEAR & BROS. 18 a 2G Market St., Wilmington, Pd. C. WE HAVE JliST OPENED AND have on exhibition, the largest I . ' and most complete stock of AND, FURNISHNIG GOODS! Sou h of Baltimore. SUITS FROM $2.50 UPWARDS. 100 BLUE MIDDLESEX 1 FLANNEL SUI1S At greatly reduced prices," A FULL LINE OF ' Children's, Boys' and ' Men's Straw andU Felt Hats. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Come One ! I Come All ! and examine onr stock, and we will strive hard to merit your patronage, as we hove formerly donei , may 6 " Corn. Meal, Hay. lo,000 BtosIi Prime WMte Corn, GOO Bushs Water Ground Meal, OOO Bales Hay, Flour.MoI asses, Sugar 1200 Bbls Flour, Snper to Extra Family, 500 Hhds and Bbls Syrup, New ' Orleans, New Crop Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses. 250 Bbls Sugar,Cut Loaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra O and O, BaconjLard, Pork. &c. 200 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, OO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 125 Bbls City Mess Pork, 225 Bags Coffee, Bio, . - Lagnyra and JavaV 15 Boxes Starch, i 1 30 O Boxes Lye and Potash, 175 Boxes Laundry Soap, 1 1 O Boxes pure Assorted Candy, Snuf Tobacco, i Paper, Matches, Shot, Spice, Gincrer. Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, &c. For sale lowbj WILLIAM8 A MURCHISOff, 28 Wholesale Orceer A Con. M er. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDCINE TRADE MARK- OrcitTRAOC MARK ffsiES English Rem edy, An nn- f faiUEg euro for Hernia si . W a k n ess, B p nnatorr- hea,impota-ev.andalldis- BEFCRE TAIIIB. eases that fol-lTI TAIIIG. low, as a sequence of Helf-A base; as Lots of memory, uniTersaj i-aniiiue, rain mm um Bck. . DimoMS of Vision, Prematura Old Are, and many other Diseases tftat lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Pressatare I rave. v Xa, Full particulars In our pamphlet. whieh we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Mpoeine uedidae tt, sola Dy all drugrists at $1 per package, or six pack ages for $6, or will be sent free by mail or receipt of the monev by addreseinjj THE CAYMEDICIWE CO,. MeffhaBie Block, Detroit, Mieh. a. 8oM in Wilmington, Wholesale and Retail, bv Oreen A P lanner and all drug gists ererj wbere. oct U-dawly. . CHAS. KLEIN, dnieitaler aii CaM Msti I " - ! Princeifl Street, In Basement of th - Journal Bunding', VILB IjHOTOJ, N. a A fiae assortment of tofins and Cas- ket wmatantlyon hand. Farniture Repaired9 Caaaaa.aad-varnuaea. vraart by tela craaa ar inxil prosptl J : sot MiacolIanoouB. The World for 1880. Democrats everywhere should inform tbem selves carefully alike of tbe action ef their party throughout the country and of tbo movanents of their Republican opponents. A failure to do this in 1876 contributed greau y to the loss by tbe Democracy of the fiults of the tictory fairly wen at the noils. Tne year 18S0 promise to be one of tbe most interesting and isoporta' t years of this crowded and eventual century. It will wit ness a Presidential election which may result in reestablishing tbe Government f thi country on tbe principles of its constitutions! founders, or in permanently changing tbe re lation of the rotates to the Federal power. Wo intelligent man can regard such an elec tion with indifference. Ine World, as the oalj daily English newspaper published in tbe city of flew York wLicb upholds the doctrine of constitutional Democracy, will steadily represent the Democratic party in this great canvass. 1 1 will do this in no spirit of servile partisanship, but temperately and firmly. As a newspaper the World, beiog tbe organ of no man, no clique and no inter est, will present tbe fullest and th fairest picture it can make of each day's history in the ci'j, tbe rotate, the country and tbe world. It will aim hereafter, as beretolot.e, at accuracy first of all things in all that it publishes. No man, howevtr bumble, shall ever be permitted trnlj to complain that be has been unjustly dealt with in the columns of The World. No. interest, however power fal, aball ever be permitted truly to tout that it can bilenoe tbe fair criticises of The World. During the past year The World Las sen its daily circulation trebled and its weekly circulation pushed far beyond thtt of acy other weekly newspaper in the'dountry. This great increase has been won, as Tbe World believes, by truthfulness, enii?rprufj ceaseiess activity in collecting news and un faltering loyalty to itself and to its 'Veadera in dealing with the questions of tbe diy. It is our hope and it will be our endearor tbat The Worla'sreeord for 1880 may be written . in tbe approbation and the rapport of many thousands more bf new readers in all part of this indissoluble Union of Indestructible State. - JlRATES. Our rates of subscription remain unchaDg ed, and are as follows:. , Daily and Sundays, one year, $10 j six months, $5.50; three months, $2 75. Daily, without Sundays, one year, $8; six months, $4.25; three months, $2.25; lees than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one. year, $2. Tbe Monday World, containing tne Book Reviews and "College Chronicle," one year. $i.6o : I t The 8eml-Week'v World (Tuesdiys and Fridays) Two Dollars a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of .ten; the Daily for club cf twenty-fire. The Weekly World (Wednesday )-0ne Dollar a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten, the Hetni-Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty Specimen numbers sent free on applica tion. Terms Cash, Invariably in advance, . Send post-oihee money order, bf nk drsft or registered letter. Bills 1 1 risk of the l end er. Address! j i "THE WORLD," 35 Park Bow, IV.VY A SPECIAL OFFER. Subscribers j who send $1 for a year's' sub scrip tion btfore December 28 willrreeeivo The Weekly World from, tho date of thir subscription '.. To Jlafrcli 5, IS81. This will include the Presidential campaign and the inauguration of the rett President. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 29 for a renewal of their subrcrip tion for ' 1880, will receive The Weeky World to March 6, 1881, without miesing a number. . . 1 This Oiler will be W iUi drawn December 20. Takeadvantage of it at ones. ( Subscribe at once. Renew at once, dec 10 , NO MORE :WiAn OR GOUT iiTOn CHROMJ ACUTEOR GHROHJO Pi ' surf cunr f a mi 3? I 1 1 9 mm w w mmm r Manufactured only under the above Trade Mark, by tbo EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., of Paris and Leipzig, i Immediate Relief W arranted. Ifer a ahen Care Guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated Physician of Europe ; and America. The bighect Medical AcRoerayof Pari reports 95 cures out of 100 cases within three days. ' ' Secret The only. diaaoTver cf tho potso eus Uric Acid which exists in the lilood o , Rbeumatioi and Gouty Patients. CURED. 1 ClKED. r CUBED. - H 8 Dewey, Eq., 201 liroadway, Inflsni matory Rheumatism. w , J Leavey, Esq, 45C Wasbington Market, Chronic Rheumatism. 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ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. .FOR ' ITS. bat take no imitation or substitute, as our Salicylica (copyrighted) ig8arantee4t' re lieve, or mny refunded, and will be deliv ered free on reeeipt of order, by ' calling en or addresing -' i .- Washburne &.LCdm. I SOLE AGZXT5. ' 312 Broadway, oorj Fulton it. Ztxrz VuttL. lnr).N.T. i:' feb!8-lydAw . - : MISSES KARREH & McGUVAIJ, -pvElLERa IN MlLLlJESr-; " a ; r " A5D FAN0Y OOODrl Are jnrt la receipt of a- freah invoice of Ladies' Linen Ulster and Bolts. Also,Misee, Child ran and Infants' Clothing. New stjles in Millinery fust in and opened, besides sewer atrles of Hair Goods jost received at No. -South yroat Street. , . -