lb Dfllv Newt wuu rrB.u iSQVS.te which is to take place on wmSjuI the ukin of tbe Baatile- . .r.ri hioh society is emu f If IBB u' .r,.rt,t the lead ox toe ftatigeo I. fn1lAll ff U.uloii. exbort rr.dr. not to il . t.-n.f thair Loo e or difpUj ng 1 an .5 4ioa. Tin opposition iran lalna the ardor cl the 11 publi- .nn to tiromole tbe district rrj-Jiciuga lUcb arroodits -menl will do ail it can inJi rSendeiily of tl e Alumo pai uua cil ut Paris. I'nv.te abriptioas .111 r;.. fnr thrt fllO-WOrS.8 AOd 1110 j--f7. ThB sretj6t festire .n.nP. will iM3 iu tb east end. wbere tbe i'lace da Cbatena d Eaea ;ti irnf.irmtd into a kind of ' .t.-.-i .ii.r. a DTr-niid ooTered with turf will be built over the foan nn thAt snot, mad on its inmmit 'will be paod m caat of Muriod'a col cm! sutoe of the tt-puolio. Tbe height from the ba of the pyramid to tne crown of tbeatatue Hi b ay enUen xtetrw. Aouud the pyramid there will t Ycncluu tna-u bearing theshlslda of tnecitj and tbe national flags. The outer rowa of mwU will connect festoons of six tbuuaud ga-. ieU and flfteeea bOLdrtd motors of iranrparent lantern. Tlje Puce dr Battue will be illumiuatod by elto tneitj alone. Tbe column of Julj wiiL be left in obacuriij.wLila l'ght will be projected on tbe tigure of Lnbertj on its summit. Ali tbe eastern boule- ards and avenues will be as bright as daj. A mouiter orchestra in the Gar 1 den of the Tuilleries will be led bj M Paadeloup. E:ectno lighU will be thrown on the fountaina playing in tbe Place de la Concorde. Tbe Palace of the Municipal Council will bn brill iantij illuminated and decorated with Bapabiieaa shields. The Arc dt Tnobpbe will be tbe scene of brilliant pyrotechnic One piece, repreeeut ing If orioe's Statue of tne I;- public, will cost 30.000 franca, and tbe pjru bh'n f nnntaina on each corner will im vlaihle for many leagues. Tbe other Doinls for duplavs of fireworks will be the llot-tmartre, the Bnttes de Ckaumont, the Pantheon, Ihe 13 jU de Boulegue and tbe Plaoe da I rone. Uu ihrlsttcr will be exhibited a piece representing the 13a tile, wbich will tumble down, and ou tbe ruina will rise the Jnljr Column and the Genius of Liberty. There will not be beds enough for half the provincial who will oonae here and thousands will pass ihe night in the streets. Forty thous and delegates from country com manes are to te housed by the officials of tbe city and arrondissements. Paxil July 10 The Chamber of Dsputiea to-dsy voted the Amnesty bill in Ihe form in wbich it was adopt ed yesterday by the Benate. liosnox, July 10 A Paris despatch to the Times ssys : Tne net result of the ro ting on the Amnesty bill is that the Senate, instead ox excluding an communists condemned for assasina tioa and incendiarism, makes excep tions in f sror of those condemned by dafan.lL cf those not aentenoed to death or hard labor. and of those who, though io aentenoed, hare had their aentsnoea commuted The Chamber of Deputies ought to make no difficulty in accepting tins compromise, lor it exoiutiee uocaeiori ana liiaLqai ana the rioffleadera who escaped. Those whoa'it exoludes will receire psrdon, - and be allowed to re-enter k ranee. though they will not be restored to cinl rights.' A Paris deep'ch to the Standard asys : Itie bill will bs tsken to tbe Benat ihdpassed as a mstter of course It ean be promulgated on Sonday, and theaxllee now awaiting the result at .Brawels, Qensta and Jjondon can turn to Paiit and attend the national feu on ihe 11th ius. Lojmox, July 10 A Paris despatch to ihe Tost ssys; The Gorerument eaeas disposed to suspend the execu tion of the an ti Jesuit decrees agtiust otksr rsligious orders until the legal iribucala hare decided on the case of .' Ike Jesuits. The question of jurisdio . lien has atill to be heard before the Tribunal dee Con flits, a mixed body composed of a Judge and members of ihe Council of State, under the Presi dency of the Minuter of Justice.' Washington Xotcs Wa mvoTov, July 10 TLe Preei dsnl yesterday appointed Albert Rhode, of the Dfitrict of Columbia, to be United States Consul at Kouen, ana uiwia xx omua, oi v irginia, to I be United States Consul at Naples. C W Blagls, of lows, Z IV Sturgis, of Iadiana, and Auris B Nichols, of PesnsylTania, were appointed com caiasionsra to examine and report upon one hundred miles of railroad con atrucied by the Northern Pacific Rail road west of Bismarck, Dak. Agant at Rouen,. Franco, denies the atatsaent that there is not sufficient water in that port for Teasels of heary toon age, lie aaya.that a number of Teaaela of OTer 1,700 tons burden hsre an tared and discharged at Rouen dur ing tha past year. the United 'BUtes Commercial m. aft -m -At -m k Agent ai uaxwsgma, uoiomoia, says thai Colombia preaenta a fine field for the, sale of agricultural implements. ne xaachlnea. glassware, household Bleasiis, buuders hardware, tools, prints .and soap. Coinage has been res urn td at all the 47niUd . SUiea mints whioh recently eloaed is order io mike their annual axaainaiiooa, excepting at the Phila delphia mint, where reptirs are ask ing This mint' wi?l bia ooiniug a?old and other coin about-Ju'y 15. Tb New Orleana and Carsoa mints are coining atandard do:lara. The San Franciaeo mint is coining atandard dollars and gold. coin. . I UZ. J. IL BIT Ed, Xivtpapar Adrsrtlj ax Art.iParkKor, (Tiaas BaiMaff), JUw lark, is aatkorUadto tea tract for e4 TttLM3ita U Us-Oailt Esriair aai. Tf it ; Kxxitsa Josiaii, at oar lowstt rstsu , Enllflcitlon In OncInnaiL Cijccisnati, Jnly 10 The Demo craU of this city and Ticinity ratified the Iianoock and English nomination to-night in a most enthuaiaatio meeting at the Muiie Rail. Between four and fire thousand people were present, and tbe deep interest takea in tbe can: pain was much more strongly marl ed than at ordinary gathering of, this nainre, Wm D Oroeebtck! pie ilea. Addrewes were made by Mr Groei btck 8jnator Pendleton, General Dnr- hin WArd.-Sam GireT. t e late Green back leader. General S t ilunt aca ntht-rm In tLe SDeecLes iiaDUrton.e allusions were made to Hancock a mil- t-m iir inn craaL airese was ia u WW o . m nnon his record as a statesman when . . . r. l rr I iii tirv finvHinor'or ine ooa-o. iu burden of all tbe speeches, LoweTer, was tbe great f ict tht tbe acceptai bT tbe North of this peaoe onenng from tbe Sutb oald do away with at. sectionalism. All the speakers sgreca that the united Dtm-cracy wou a De sure to carry tbe election SecreUry Scnurz on the Stump WasnixoTjx. July 10 Secretary Schurz proposes tofoilowrthe example of bis as-ioo atet in the Cabinet in at- t-r;y disrerJiog civil serr 03 order No. 1. It is auuounosd tlit he win 0 Et a tuoibr of sputcei for thc R public ju oue before election time lie ha accepted an invitation fr-tm thi Rpublican btatb Central CJomoiitt.e of Indiana to take an active part lb the campaign in that State aud will make his first speech on tbe 18 b oi July. It U said that he will devott himself especially to the Uak ox try ing to make the Indianians believe bat tbe country la only safe in the bands of tbe party that would be like- y lo keep the great Uerman reformer in office, secretaries oh3rman, lLoaip kou aud Kvrts aud 'Attorney .General Dovens are also preparing stamp speeches, and there i every indication bat aim )at the entire Administration will takj nart in the campaign this all. 5 rolltlcai ICTalra in the Antilles. Uavaxa, July 10 The French mail steamer has arrived here from St. Thomas July 5. She brings advioes cocfirmiae the report of tbe election of Meriuo as President of Santo Dom- Advices from Port au Prince, Hay ti. state that a conspiracy in favor of Boyer B.zjlais for tbe Presidency has been di6covered.'Alany of tbe conspir alors have been arrested. Some of tht m will be exiled and others execuN ed. A rising is apprehended in North ern llsyti and tbe Government evin ces great anxiety. C1B0L15A Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medicine. Malt Bitters." because more nourishing, strengthening anl purL ftinz than all other forms of malt or rnedi cine, while free from the objectiors urged against malt liquors. 1 riW o TUB A1A1CS. Tiie mails close and arrive at the City Pot Office as follows : Northern through aud way mail.,.... ..5:30 5;30 p. in 5:00 a- m. m. m p. m lUleigb 5 SO a. m. . . .and 5:00 j Mails for tbe N. C. lUilroil, and routes supplied there from, includiog A. ArfN. C Hiilroad, at Soutberu mails for all poiuts i South, daily..... 7:45 p. ni Weateru mails (0 C K'y) daily ! (rxcept 8unddT) Mail for Cberaw fc DarliDg- ton 7:45 Mpils for points between Flo- ! reuce and Cbarleston 7:45 Fayetteville, and officts on ,Cipe FearRiter, Tuetulajs, 'at.d Fridays 1:00 Fayettevi le via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays '5:00 OdsIovt C. 11 aud iotermedi- i ate t'Eces,every Friday C.00 a. m Smithville mails, by 6team. boat, daily, (except Sun days) Mails lor Esy Bill, Tou Creek aud Sballotte, ev ry Friday at Wilmingicn aud Black H:vor Chapel, Tuesdys and Fri- days at 9:30 a. m. Mails for North cf Richmond will cluse at 2 30 p. m. OPEN FOR DELIVERY . Northern through and way mails 7:00 a m Southern Mails 7.30 a. nu. Carolina Ontral Railway 9:15 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M.t aud- Irom 2 to 5:30 p m. Mouey Order dud Ktgister Uv-partment opto same aslstamp office. General delivery open Irom 6:00 a. m to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundajs froai 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for ea'e at geneial delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails Ciliected from sirewt boxed everjf 'day at 3:30 p. m. 9 00 a m 0:00 a. iu. COiUUSECIAL WLLMJUiQTON MARKET JULY 13-i F SC. -SPIRITS TD RPENTINE Quoted firm at 26 ceuts. Sales 609 casks at that figure. market closing firm with an advancing tendency. KOSIN-Quoted Arm at tl for Strained and f 1 07H for Good Strained. Sales 200 bbls Strafned at tl 02 and 350 bbls (M) Ple at t2 50 per bbl. TAK Quoted firm at tl "5 per bbl of 280 lbs, au advance of 15 cents on yester day's quotation. OKU 1K TURPENTINE Quoted steady at 51 70 for Soft and 12 50 for Virgin. COTTON Quoted quiet and steady. No titles reported. , The' following are the official quotations: Ordinary ............... . ......... 0bU. tfuod Ordinary. 9 Low Middling t... 10 7-18 ,iddlifir ........1... 11 o2 Middlin.......... DAILY IBOBIrTt 'Jottoti .'. 26 bale i. iriUt Turpestiae 847 caaks 4 ?lfi v - - t)t) 9 r J.. 42 " - oroen in 664 " MARINE NEWS. - 4.KKIVKI. Sterner Llllzaeth, Bisbee, Smithville PasMport, Harper, Smithville, Maste r 3Ujt.tier Mast r. i csituiner Wave. Roeson, Kelly's Cove, Williams A MurehUon. Steamer A P Hurt, worth. Fayetteville Worth Worth. Schr Mary litar, Chadwlck. New York, Hirriss A Howell ! CLEARED. Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smithville, Harper, Smithville. NewberiwVu Shell.' Mrs Mary E; Marpby, who resided on Hancock street, with her daughter. Mrs B F Stilly, has been confined to her bed for eeveral weeks, but on yesterday WiluilnKton District. Third round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South. Khzibeth, at Abbottsburg. ..July 10-11 Waccainaw miss, at Pine Log, July 14 15 Whiteville, at Peacocks, ...-.July 17-18 Brunswick, at Zion (District Coaler- ence July 22-25 Smithville, July 27-28 Wilmington, at Front St, July 81, Aug 1 Wilmington, at Fifth St, Aug...... 7-8 OdsIow . Aug 7-8 Topsail, at Herrings Chapel. Aug 10-11 Duplin Aua 14-15 Hteamer Mauler. uteaujer Passport, Ma-t9r. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. , Steamer Wavei Ilobeson, Fayetteville, Williams MurchLson. WKKKLY STATEMENT Or8Tv,t.Ki OK HAHD FOE THC TWKLVB BATS INDIMQ JULT 11, 1880. UotDQ ashore alicai.. Total ...... Spirits aahore.... M afloat Total &08ixt ubore... ........................ ......... afloat.... 984 46 1,029 3.4U M 3,424 79,370 AiiaceilaiieouB. THE DAILY REVIEW J JOSH.! T. J AMES EDITOR AND PUBLISHER IspubliBheil Every Alternooii (Soudays excepted). At the following rales, postage paid : One Year. . . . Six M ontlis .... ....S5 00 2 50 Thiee Months 1 25 One Month. . 50 f... ToUi.. 79,370 Tar ashore................. afloat. Total Grade ashore, afloat.;. 1,294 3'J 1,326 6f9 Total. BI0XIFIB FOE TBI TWBLTK DATS KM 3IH9 619 No UoBPital Needed. No palatial hospital needed for ate a beartj breakfast'and waa sitting Bitters patients, nor large salaried U 180. Hop tai- in a cbair wiping ner nanaa wita a wet racr. when she fell to tbe floor and died almost instantly, of heart dis tase. 1 lU'elRh Visitor; There are 57 white persons residing in Raleigh, the re epeotire aes of whom range from 70 to 95 Teais. 'Of this number 25 are males and 32 females. Col Junius eoted puffers to tell what 1 Hop Bitters will do or cure.aa tbey tell their own story by tbeir certiau and absolute cures at home. ' jv 2. Cotton Spirit.... Kosio Tar.. Crude A 129 3,613 10,031 860 3,835 Good Hotel to Stop At Hotel accommodations for travelers are of the greatest importance to persons who hare to more about the country on busi. I Scales, bjuator from Quilford conn- ness or pleasure. Just where to go is what ty, aiea ai ine rresojierian nospitai, every man wants to Know wnen ne leaves N Y, this mornipg. His remains will home. The Grand Union Hotel, opposite axroart roa thi twilvi oats bndihs jvly 12, 1380. l)ometio. a 187 1,428 l,8iT3 769 111 be taken to Greensboro and interred Wednesday. Gen A AI Scales, his brother, was with him at tbe time of bis death. Gjldsboro Messenger : The Demo crata of rtewbem will Live a grand Hanoook and English ratification on Thursday night, the 15th mst. - Intelligence his Deen received here of the death of Mr Josiah Butts, con victed of manslaughter in this county. about a year ago, for the killing of Jack Smith, lie died in tbe peniten tiary near Italeigh, Tuesday bight of last week, having served over one third of his time. Another defeat for Col Humphrey. At the Repnbli- o m aiaie uonvention nis name was plaoed in nominatoin for a plaoe cn the State Executive Committee. Ike V. 1 r n rr a nil A .1 rit Ara nlantAA o n.l Col Uampnrey was left out. We hope ' an .ditor d .nthor of n.tienal rutin- a a 1 m i j w " - r IO See lao UOlonei a memoer OI ID6 titlnn. tn ardent admirer of thm nnerh Uanoock and Jar vis Olub before this I soldier." Ibis work is complete, authentic, Cimpa'SQ doses. Col Waai t m J low-priced. Folly illuitrated. Poaitirelj Green, of Warren, and his esteemed 1th ""i0-1 r?iy ottcialwerk. - m I . a - 11.... fly. V m .i mn I . . Wl UiB. VBtuk. www. a kAtm m the Grand Central Depot, New York city, is a very popular resort, because the at tendance there Is prompt and satisfactory. tbe charges are reasonable and tne me nage complete. 'Persons arriving ator lea vine New York city . by the Grand Central Depot will find the Grand Union Hotel very convenient. V. Y, Telegram. may 15-lam3m. - j -v rn n nnniiln ua 11 oiuf unbano twer box ed and shipped, only $97 75 .tiew Piano, $105 to $l,GOO Midflummer offer j illustrated free. Address Daniel F. Bettty, Wajhiacton, N. J. joly 13 4w i Arents Want d to sell the 1 ir of GEN. HANCOCK, Cottoc.......MM..... Spirits... Tar Crude.. ! Foreign. i i Cotton............. spirits Tar Grade. The paper will be delivered by. carriers, free of charge, in any part of the cityat the uboye rates, "or 13 cents per week; The Daily Keview is now in the fourth year of its existence, is per- Migcellaneous. Used In the principal Ohurchei rnrn nioa pnrpoaes. , ExceUenf for ladies and Weak? Persons and the 7 -pSSAlC. JQ Speer's Port Grape vk; Fours Years Old. . rpHI8 CELEBRATED NATIYB ys?t is made from the juice of the Oportc Grin " rueuuuui country, iu inTaliubi, Tonic ani: SfreustteDiEi jroje mi are unflurpaaeed by any other-nitire Klt Being the pure juiee of the prape, prodo j under Mr. 8per's own personal BupmUi,,, iu purity , and enuineness are enarDte' The youngest Child may partake of it m-- use it to adTantae. It fa particularly d fieial to the meed and debi itatl. .i 1 .", itr v manently established, with a large increasing subserip and steadiiy tion list, and presents to merchants 1,600 8,300 and otliersVmost desirable medi- Best .mt? "ovy cloying qaick Addre3a, Hcbbabd Baos., Pubs., At- the refresbinpr sea-brer zi. We were delighted to treat CoIG.een for a few minutea in our offioe Thursday even ing, lie leeia quite entnusiaatio in politic, and confident of a routing victory State and National. The nomination of Gao Hancock he con siders the best and strongest that could have been mide. Col Green advocated and ' supported Gen Han cock's nomination at tbe Mew York convention in 1SGS, and again at St Iijuis in both of wbich he was a delegate from the State at large. A very severe storm of wind and rsin passed over ibis section yeiterday evening ai aDout 6 ociooK, aca we learn did much damage to growiog crops and;was particularly destructive to feLCsa. Ua tbe Haow Hill road. about two milos from this town, the torm seems to hsve takea the sbspe of a cyclone, and tbe family of Mr Dsvid McKinne had a very narrow es cape from instant death. The dwell ing house was struck with terrific force by a heavy gust of wind and rain snd completely wrecked wbile tbe xamuj wers all iu the house. Mrs McKinnt- waa sealed near, the back door and suc- o"dd iu making her escape, bat Mr McK nj aud ' three children were cauut under the falling timbers For tunately all escaped wita only a few alight bruises. The dwelling is a mass of debris; nothing remains but the sills and the floor,- and some of tbe heavy timbers, wet e hurled a ools dara bla distance. tanta, Ga. free. Jf 1 aw Save your money and bay your Build Ing Supplies from AhsXer & lUce. UNFERHENTED MALT BITTERS THADE MARK MALT AND HOP.ST TO i TV r rw List of Vessels Over 100 tons in Port July 12th, 1880-BRIGS. Am Fred B Rice. 227 tODS, Smalt, , EG Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Am Seventy-Six, 196 tons, Rebiuson, J Jfi Lippitt & Co Am Aiinewa. 21U tons, Falrcmld. Harriss & Howell Am Josiah N WLitehouse, 276 tons, Fun hinr, J U Uhad bourn & Co Go to VanOrsdell's BT GALLERY TO-DAY, if you wiah to see the most beautiful line of Fanoy Frames, Easels, Easel Frames, Papepaftouts, Matts, Mouldings for making fraaei, Cord and Tassels, SUver and Gold Wire, ke.t ever of- fered in this city. P 8 Parties sending babies to me by mail to be Photographed, will please mark on the envelope, handle carefully. O. M, VahORSDELL, Artist, maylT-tf Wilmington, N. O. MILTOfJilV. JOHNSON, Lymmbeii9 Conimission Mercliant, um for advertising. .v. ki vmwus iiiueuu amict the weik.f SPEER'S P. J. Sherrj, The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of SCM RIOR CHARACTER, and partake, of ti golden qualities of the grape from which b is made. For Purity, Kichnesg, Haror ir MEDICINAL. PROPERTIES, it will II found unexcelled. SPEER'S 'P. J. Brandy, This BRANDY stands unrira'ed in tirf Country, being far superior for ncedicalrur poses. IT 18 A PURE diitillatlon from the mpf and contains valuable medicinal proptnfii. It has a delicate flavor, imi!ar to that of the grapes from which it is distilled,, ud in great favor among firat-clasi families 'See that the signatujEe" o' Alfred Hpii. Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each ki tie. For sale by W. H. GREEN, J. C. KCMj, . Druggists, and P. Li BKIDUKlib t CO je 26-tf i COMMERCIAL HOTtL v WILMINGTON, N. a. Large Sample Koe in $ for Commercial Traveler. THE MliTON J008KAI. T7Oa ENfEEBLED DIGE9TfOS, Im- x povarisaed Blood, Weak Lungs, Kid-1 neva. aod Uriaary Ureans. CJonsumDtion. Emaciation, Mental and Physical Exhaust-1 Uoa, Delicate Females, Nursing Mothers, HickljChJir, mod Oebilttj of age. Malt HitTsas are warranted snore Jonrtstinp VtreecthMinr, Yitallxlar and Parifving bv i reason of their ricbneM tn Bone and if use! el Producing Material t! an all tier forms of malt or aaedieina, while f.e from the objec tions nrged against malt Honors Prepared by tne MALT UlTTKato UU.. rroaa Unfer tented Malt and Hop, gold erywhere MALT B iTTSRd CO., Boston, Maaa. jaijizir ; , : wL3Uinaiorx, d. c. mchl.S- YOU WILL FIND AT; O. VY. YATES', TYEBYTHIAQ CSUALL1 kept in a firs class Bok and Stationery Establishment. . O? ana on the iostalmest plan at Jjll BOOK STORC. Is published EVERY FRIDAY. ' At the following rates : une Year ...S2"00 ! bix Months i nn xnree Months 50 The Wilminqto Joubnaicitcu Us largely in ther.djoiiiingcoTm- tieg as well as in the Western nor K tions of the State and presents un- qualled facilities to merchants for making known what they have for . .. . ,..'" ' ' " tale? rjlUK PROPRIETOK having thorongb renovated this House and furnished it ectirt- i ! Iy new, Is prepared to give to' the trir la; public all the! oonvenienoies of a rlKT CLASS HOTEL. It is located In thewr oentre of the business part of the cit,iV convenient to the principal busicees boon Postofflce, Custom House, City; Hall Court' House. yA First-Class Bar and Billiard Pl . connected with this Hotel. BATES $2 PER DAY. ait 24 F. A. SCHUTTK. The Cosmopolitan Bar JS THE PLACE TO GET AS Y. A5D of the fancy, delicious, coolirc driokiofi Reason. Ice . cocl Lager alwajs on bi at this Bar. Ciirirs of the birt braaii c always be fou d at the Cosmopolitan. JOHN CARROLL, Prop-, Ho. 12 Market i'. Walter iConey, pEALEU IN rJIOBAOCO, IMPOHTED ANi l MESTIC CIGARS. Cifrareliea, SnuS Pipes of all descriptions. WALTER fju. " jy C Market stree The !New Hat Store- I ALL AND EXAMINE MX BV)tli Btyles of Straw and Felt Hats. The; pretty and cheap. J? 6 JOHN M. ROB1N805, " No. 13 Front Street NexttoPnreeUH open earlyTand conrinivfr THOSE WHO DO THEIR MARKKTll? -at nn early boor, and wishin to have scriptioa filled, or et a bottle Water, ConeTea WaUr or airy ? Zi Drnjr line, will And my Store court1 open. , ' J. II. UAKD1N. Dnif.