L PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg?ad to receive communications from oox friends on aay and all . snbjsots o ' f oneral inUreit but: . The name of the writer mnst always ba far nished to the Editor. Oommttnlcatlonsitwtba written' on on!f one side of the.pap9r Personalities mcrt roiJt-d. And it is especially wu pxticuIarly;aECer stood that the Edito does not always eadone the views of corregpondeoi. ua!si so.tMttd In the editorial eoluxns. T. J A M E t rsor&xxTOX. jTHl'H. POSTAGE PAID. ... 0j month, 60 etaU. r will' b.d.H byearrfasa, P 1 i.aay P"f theeity.attta fw.. or cat per week. "r ' ..-.u,w and liberal - VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1880. NO. 122 lri w - f - Tie . mlt . EEyiim A ' . . - . ... Seir Ad rtlsameptq. FOR THIS WEEK. i BROWN & RODDICK AUK 'OKKMIISW bOME in ori r U clo out Birne lota.. 0 w! ar " r 8UCn W4o ;i t. givf us an early call. No. 1. t ttJ!reu' WLit Ho s, without JemJ, .n cm s a pa.r, worth Wl cents. No. 2. ..... it - ii Mt.ttnrr rirJ. fk-.tK rniiu-u iMvvm,.. j 1 ... f. t.. molrlit I TV r uf r No. 3. i Uueii Iwns, U ana ::u ccnu, 1 1 - n-ular piice 10 and 25 cents. No. 4. u A-wu iieuU Linen llandke chit-fi, il a d. zon, dccidttlly lh ilteaiit lot cvor fUtr- d in this city. No. i. Um-u Slair Covering, l .to 155 c nts N6. C i; ae are offering some rare bargains En th s particular Department at prUvs ranging from Sc to -Irto, No. 7. h.a'ed Knlish Cambrics. lcei ts a yard, wcrth 15 cents. u I W.Lave still a few left of those Buck and hD Mle Cuiore.1 Flos, at 25c and 05c, WorUi at least 50 cents. A iot of Lace Bunting. Dress Goods. 20c, r worth 57 Jc BROWN & E0DDICK, u 45 IVIarket St. Horner School. OXFORD, 5. 0. 'PAIS SCHOOL has bean nne'er Its present I I BKirtrntsI for th. Ult TweBtT-Mn I irs. It Mts od bo claim to pre-emimucr, i btlitL.iAlafld moral trsininr of boys. Ii U Mksoltf in ao superior. TbU bsast i . Coll.... md CmlienlUe. of U co.r- y. , r w L .Tr bwt IdicsUsod Advaataffea. Ths next I wu rM iBir.,1 tn rural ill io. icoDViwiui iubi Fn PiltlnrB .ddIv to i!r 2.1. J. O. HORNER. Wanted Immediately- T?00 OOOl YOUNG WOMKIT TO L work la Stsam Laaadry. FoaiUos paucBt aad wages rood to eomrete&t Ubor. Call tur on. vnI. J. B. WORTH, 8-lwk 17 Worth Watsr Pt. For the Sound. - x r . nm sen n i r V.V arl 1 I . . m Leave um city comer niro u I Prise sirtets evry day at o'eloex. P.M. I iet cadajt). R.ta'Blns: leavs rinsy 0I rout, wrixbuvuia, at 7 a. au . I jjt T. J. BOUrHKRLAND. Family. Bibles, plUIR BOOKS aad Hymnals, Bcoii Wonnlp, Psalms and Hymns, Baptist ftt!aojy, Hymn Books, AM E Gharcb; Cay t Berta, Tns Bsrvies of Bon, Gospel QJBulTMtiaciUle.,l. Tor sals at lUSt Hi L1C. fUaond Haad Piano, la pr- 1 ft ordsr. has a rtr wt totw Bsrs 'kauala LriajoM wko wUbesa fod 1 jj li v J TZiiH aBIRGKR-S-B I In LOAL NEWS. New Advertisements. J.un L Cakiwill For Kent. J C llcxoa. Drugfbt Cold ! Yatb Books, Ptailoneiy, Organs. 1 Barasssaesa ally Bib! s. Wlrdow Glass ali sizes at ltafler & Price's, t Still hoi! O ily 95 degree in this office at 3 o'clock to-day. ; TU not your eecrrts in a cornf-eld : it Las thousand f Mi. The,an ho hRngeu him-lf died of hi own free will t d a conl. A man's klippera aretsaoe for conjfurt, and a won an to how her pretty slock ing. ' Keady mixed Paluls, strictly ure White Lead. O'Lrs, lirusbfs. w naow uiass, . . , . t t .kViab form us that the river is about 0 inches above low water mark. u.,n. knAnr him hnt tn lore him. none named him but to praise yet hi- friends w " . ' i . . .. .1 .1 vi . r..nn.i Um'A stncK an uie cueer wucu imj i"uu m A t m I'taldA . j : To ato water, in which potatoes have I - i beeu scrate.lt the water being allowed to acute, and ulterward s rained, is good ,or sponging dirt out of silk. f n;v Dr. Mendelsohn, of this city, is now in riiilade!.nbia, where be bas;i been on a visit for several weeks past, lie is txprctinl to leturn here about the first ot the Fa;l. -. J When von clean your lamp chimneys, hold them over the nose of the teakettle when it is boiling furiously. One or two rflnetitinbssf this process will make thin keamifullv clear., . ..,.-- Lus omer uny arc Dmist MIk"cau32. as a FoJ Medi cine,- tbet enrich the (blood, harden the muscles, n aiet. the nerves, perfect dlges- Uou. .jy!2 4 Yis'erday's lUlcigh Visitor siys: The I It IIIIIIDEIUU iuuiuai xuom.mmvw -j j i HlliUIUKtvu ' I . . I aettiea np lueir seuii-nuuuai j . I day, with the Secretary ot State, xnis is the first company to settle, i nn VeaeUble Sicilian Jlair Jle r- restores both the hair ana its cuU I or, increases and thickens Us growtD. . If vonr Babr il sunering witn inose i 1 1 rnbles that nearly always attend Teeth- don't delay,, but si at once Dr. I 8 u J oymp. r- Y.- . Y.,nc mnn should take warning from k .tnrv of the" Vatchful mother, who ii..t ,Pr danphter'a cuests had v lon enounh. walk out on the phi- ami asked if the morning paper had . I Wtnaow uiASS oi hsiwn, uuhi, ou i . a ll .i. a . t C .oil and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,. lxw est prices at Jacodi's. T 77 t A luuuu j ---"-"3w o-rf -- I ... mi i. "i.-.i,i i marks: "Ihe small ooy win soou 0 u- ing himself together-at the equator in acknqwiedgment of the subtle power of the green app!e Mr. Kath'l JaCoDi uavinc oeeu i'P"- . r. tK Atl llow. narUes in W4J? of ctilejratfid Plow cn now wra Uepot. No. 10 !. front at. u. nA n. for tnkmir stock D - ew weets the mercantile advance guard will take a trip North to Iotk up Fall I and Winter coods. Sound funny, to talk of Winter goods on such a sweltering July day as this, doesu t it? Disinfectants. An excellent disinfectant is a pound of sulphate of iron dissolved in a gallon of water It is mere economical, easier to reacb.aud just as coed, to have' a box fill ed wiih dry esrth. and use it freely daily . timt.a It mhanrbs the riSfifl w r i if m ka i etu v a v w b v chlorinated soda, a tluid ounce to a qaari , . , wawr, or carooiic oiu, wCuij b-.u Tint of water, w an excellent aeoaor ixcr. Vnn cm buv No. 1 Cooking and Heats lnsd:ovesat almost any price at jAtvma llardware Depou Moonlight Kxcunlon.. A moonlight party down the liver on the Vasriwrt Is on the tapis for Monday nicbt. Capu Harper InfoimJ iu that the steamer will go down as Isr as New Inlet and return at I o'clock sharp, fcufficieut time will b allowed excursioulsts to .Uke a bath tilwiultit and stroll about the beach. There ill be music for datclng lbos0 wbo 1ih?I lucli..ed can indnle the waltz. , TJumallablfi The following un mailable postal matter remains la the pot office in this city: Mrs. TnciciUFn-dget, care Jess Wilson. Brunswick Co : A. A. Johuson, Lacera tus, Ky.; Mm. A. F. Divis, Rock Hill. S. a; WUIey nWlts,Sumter,'8. a A Archery Club. We understand that a party of yooog Jadiea in this 6i y have organized a new archery club. A soon as they become experts in handling the bow and dr-w io a bead (and what youi g lady is there who cannot drawka beau or fcaudle a bad?) then let our' susceptible y 01104: bachelors look out for sqnall ahead. Everybody can get sulu-4 with a Pockt Knifrt. aio Table Gutlery: at Jacodi's Hardware Xetot- The Fire this Murnthff. The alarm of fire this morning, between 11 and 12 o'clock, was caused by the burning of a few shingles on the roof of a I house belonging to the estate of m. ! m f , M . . Merrick, (colored) deceased, and ocenpied by some of the descendants of the family, situated on Fifth, between .uladen and Brunswick street. The fire department I all turned out nromptly. but the nre was - ' . ... I ' ' engines turned back at Boney Bridge I , The damage was slight. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all a at ALIAFWMf P. & Co's. . KICK School Teachers Appointed. I a meeting of the School Committee, District No. 2, Wilmington township ney th moroing, the following teachers for the next school term were app.inced, to wit: ' Union (white) School-Miss M. E. Cook, principal; Mrs E. J. Fanning, Miss J. A. Leete, Miss A. S. JUeares. WilliBton (colored) School Eustace E Qen, principal; Isabella Howe. Mary W. llowe, Mary E. Norwood, Annie M. Taylor. The following the School Committee - n nhlbm. Chairman. Walker Meares, John Norwood. r, . i , C.,n mnryntr 1,1.1 hll T DriTir T 111 1 111 I 0D Vlllll IUUIKI auu lLriw jvv" in Supplies from Altaher & ITice. The U:tce S illed Yesterday TheFlirt, ree Rosa, Victorious. The challeneo race between the yachts I?estlcs8 and Fdrl and in which the Rip thc ana lizzie were pcnuuwu w pivt Dat wat gailed over the Wrightsviile ur8Q 0Q yesterday. The wind was rery Ught from the Southea3t at the Btart and until the race' was about half finished hm it died out, but in a rew minuwrs it shifted, to the SoutLwojt and continued a Udyg breeze for the balance or tn race. The attendance on ino neacn was targe. there being about nity oi .e iair sex aDd a smsrt sprinkling or tne oinersina , t u rii: meyacnis were .u Mv. order by il e J idges, aiessrs. ooo. j. Fowler and Jam js A. Berry: .... ok . liesiicSf 2h. . . . 16m. . . .38s Litzie 2h lGm... 41s Ripple 2a 18m......08s The race was sailed under the rules cf the yacht club. The position of ths-yachts . c.. nn jnn was cnangeu uunug i-uo u.a. . the channel, the Flirt and Ripple pass . bo jjg,. i w m " m There were no other changes in the posU tjong Q je yachts, they coming in in the followics order and time: F,:tt !.4h 19m 40s UippU..... ..4h 20m.... 20j Lizzie 40 5U8 Hetties s 4h. . . . . . .85s By a glance at the. tables it will be seen that the Ripp'e made up forty sec onds of the time given the Flirt oa the i'art on acccunt of length. The sctual sailing time made by the yachts is as loN low: yiirt 2b 3m 2s Riprfe"" 2h- 2m. . . . 12s Lizzie ....2h....5m....4ps Restlaa... b m....oos The race was a very close one as .be tween the two leading yachts, the Flirt beating the Ripple by only 50 seconds. . The result of the race yesterday dees not affect the right of" the Restless to wear the champion flag of the Club, which she bore off on the fifdi of July at the regular regatta, lit the rules of the Club, the champion flig can only be taken at a reg ular race.. ; . I The next Club regatta will be sailed some Ume between the i aou iujj oii August,but the exact aaie uas h j u.en decided upon. ": ITbwa, .bhoveto, ; Iltcblotka, Spades, Kakea, Trae Chains, Flow Lioea, &c For liM)kwest prices, go to Jacobi's. Disastrous Fire. The fire this afternoon, the alarm for which was sounded about halt past 4 o'clock, came Irom the residence of Mr. Jams C. Stevenson, coiner of Fifth sod Nun streets. - ' . We can learn no particulars other than that, just as we are compelled to close at 5.15 o'clock, to go to press, the kitchen has been destroyed and the house id now on fire The fire de partment is on the ground in force and every effort is being used to check the fl ima. r Tfie Last 8 Ad Bites The remains of the late Adolph Bear were escorted to their last , resting place yesterday afternoon Jry the family of the deceased and a long list of friends. The remains were taken from the residence rt his brother, Mr. Marcus Bear on Fifth between Market and Princess street!. direct to Oakdsle 0 metery. wbefe they were interred in the beautiful Hebrew en closure, where already many of the Jew ish faith peacefully sleep. The members of Germania Lodge No. 4. K , of P. and of Cornelius Harnett Council R. A.. of both of which deceased was a member accom'panied the remains to the grave where the last sad rites were performed by them. The funeral cortege was a yery lengthy one, and was confined to no ' particular creed and no particular sect; thereby tes tifying the high esteem in which the do- ceased was universally held. , Pic Nic and Target Shootinff. Oar friends of the Howard Belie! Steam Fire Engine Company pion iced it on Wrightsviile Sound on yesterday and in the afternoon indulged in a target prac tice. It was first intended that th practice should be bad on the mainland but owing to the fact that the bulkhead behind the target had not been finished they were compelled to cross the Sound and shoot down the beach. The distance of the, range was three hundred feet and the guns used are the same as are now in the possession of the State Guard. None of the contestants in the match were per mitted to praetiee before the shooting and taking everything into consideration the scores were very creditable. Three prizes were oflered by the - com pany and three by individuals.' The prizes, six in all, were as follows: A gold-headed cane, a silver castor, a silver butter dish, a handsome clock, a silver goblet, and a gold-liaed silver cup. The man who made the best score was allow ed first selection, second best second selec ti on ' and so on. The following gentle men were declared winners in the order in which they are name 1, they having scored the numbers opposite their names out of a possible 15: J ; John Ueichen, 11; D. Lietgen, 10; H. Rihtzen, 9; D. Dasher, 8; A. Leaaman, 6; a Machlles, 4. Mr. Geichen, we learn, has selected the gold-headed cane and Foreman Leit gan the handsome castor. ' We were un able to ascertain which of the prizes the other fortunate gentlemen selected, but as they are all so handsome (the prizes, we mean) there is but little difference be tween them. The Adrian boys' will long remember the. day, and Dine of them thiuk that the three masted schoon er out at sea, about two hundred yards to the left of the target, which ran op a white flag when oar friend jlenry Oblandt fired will 'alse remember it. 1 Go to Bed Karly. 7 To all young people, to students, to the sedentary and to invalids, the fulhsl sleep that the system will take without artificial means is the balm of life without it there can be no restoration to health ansl activity again. Never wake, up the sick or infirm, or young children, of a morning It is a barbarity ; let them wake of themselves ; let the care rather be to ea tabli.h an hour for retiring, so early that their fullest sleep may be out before sun rbe. Another item of very great importance is ; Dj not hurry np the young and . the weakly. .It is no advantage' to pull them out ot bed as soon as their eyes are open, nor is it best for the studious, or even for the well who have passed an unusually fatiguing day, jto jump put of bed the moment they wake up ; let them remain without going to sleep again, until the sense cf weariness passe from tLeir limbs.7 Nature abhors wo things violence and a vacuum. The san does not break out at once into the glare cf the meridian. The diurnal flowers unfold themselves by alow degrees ; nor fleetest . beast, nor sprigbtliest bird leapt at once from Its resting-place. By all of which we mean to say, that as no physiological troth is more demonstrable than that the brain, and with it the whole vervous sys tem, U recuperated by sleep, it is of the first importance, as to the well-being of the human system, that it have i s fullest measure of it; and to that end, the hab.t of retiring to bed early should be made imperative en all children, and no ordi nary event shoaid be allowed to interfere with it. Its moral healthfalness is cot less important than its physical. Many a youog man, many a young wtnun, haa made iha .first step-to wards degradation, and crime and disease, after tea o'clock at night, at which hour, the year round, the old, tho midJIeeaged, and the, young, should b? in bed; and then the early ris ing will take care of itself, with the incal culable accompaniment of a fully rested body and a renovated brain. We repeat t, there is neither wisdom nor health, in ,arly. rising in itself; but there is all ot them in the pirsistent practice of retiring te bed at any early hour, winter and summer.. New Advertisements. For Rent. rpHE RESIDENCE AT THE South west corner of Pixth and Market streets. Apply to JOHN L. CAN1WELL, jy 16-tf Box . 9, Post Ohloe. DEEP ROCK MINERAL SPRING WATER OF OSWEGO, If. Y- Vichy Water. SODA WATER. All sold on Draught, Ice Cold, by WM. H. GREEN, Drugist. jy 15 CHOOL OF DRAWING. PAINTING1 ETCil TNSTRUCTION GIVEN in Crayon, Lepia X and India Ink Drawing, also, Painting In Water Ooldrs, Oil, Pastel and Coloring rnotograpna, at reasonable rates. For -further partiealars inquire at the School Rooms or Misses Burr A James, in the ear or Wt. Jamas' Jburch. nor n Hot Weather is Upon Us ! TOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. Buy your Shirts at bottom figures at the faetory The "Congreso' and "Royal" still keep the lead. Look at prioes. "Congress" 75 bents, equal to any fl Shirt; "Royal" 90 cents equal to any$L25 Shirt on the market. J. EL8BACH, Manufacturer, ! 24 No. 3, Market st. Go to VanOrsdell's RT. GALLERY TO DAT,if yott wish to see the most beautiful line of Faney Frames, Easels, .Easel Frames, Papepartouts, MatU, Mouldings for making frames, Cord and Tassels, Silver and Gold Wire, Ac, ever of fered in this city. ' 1 , P 8 Parties sending babies to me by mail to be Photographed, will please mark oa the envelope, handle carefully. C. M, VauORSDELL, Artist, maylT-tf Wilmington, N. C. YOU WILIi FIND AT C. W. YATES', gVERYTHINQ USUALLY kept in a fint class Book and Stationery Establishment. Organs on the instalment plan at V BUOKSTOHE. if n A Word or Two pER8058 WflO APPRECIATE the bat f anything, and wjuld eat -r The Best Floor Mafle ! can procure that article, manafactartd , by tha most i sproved process, from Hall & Pearnall. jy 13 I MS. J. EL BATES, ffewspaoer A.dvartis as: Areait. 4l Park Bow. (Ttsaes BuUdarl. Sew York, is authorized to eon tract tor ad vertiaeaeuts la the Daitv Kaviaw aadL-Wxl suasjtea Josaaaiv at oar lowest rates t New Advertisements. Cold ! ; gODA WATER, with pare Fruit Byrori. Unnyaci Water Apolliaaris Wat--r," Bui- orn Water and Congress (C) Water. Fcr f&'e by J iMra a iiu.vn-'. 'v Vcrth Front it'ftt. J8 Wire Hetfinz . For loor WtfAn , Good to keep o at flies snJ ttosqnttoc. A!u,- Saeh, Doors, Biinds, Lumber, and Biiidiag llaterial Gen3.-aJly. ALTAFFER, rRICi & CO. Factors : 1 Office? Foot of Walnut it Xutt, near lied Croji bU Pour IVi anger. P. L. Bridge rs & Co.. Wholesale and Retail Grocors 20, 22. 24. 2G and 23 .Front Streot. WILMINGTON, N. C. THE YOUNGEST and least Exparlencod Grocers in the city, and considering tho immense and increasisfr busintefl, the BmIIeBt stock on exhibition 1 We eontinne our offers etlnst wtek to Families, bhip Maifen and Conn ry. Stores, Carced Goods, feat, Bnpars, : offees, Wbiakeys, Winee, Kice, Flour, Can sied Hami, Lard, Strios,' lltcoo, Moi. Fruits, Cigars, Candles, W hite Meat," Willow. Ware, Crackers, acd every other article to be found in a first class Grocery. We hare the largest, most proSUMs and successful Retail Grocery Bouoess in North Carolina. Our Sale Kooma are situated -ia-the centre of this growi'g city. VVrenlen ish stock weekly, mak cur own selctions ia r erson and from first hnd?, which enables us to save Ihe charges of intermediary agent?. We keeo nothing of In'erior Qaality. krerv article in the Store is' carefully and thnr oughly inspected every dr. We carry nothing ever from oce season to another. We order the vary smaUeet quantity re cn get along witn, to save waits and to keep Freeh Str ck. iltjpce our astonithingly low prices and immense trade. Honce ihe "wor derfal success we meet. This day we er a sell out the establishment for-inero ironcy thai! we have spent here or invested, lloa'e we continue to use all the.modern pli.-.ncf-n for trarsaotiBg a large and jroCttbio 1 cai ness. ... 'the FLMt Store in the city. Tho Trc?s the Telephone, and the TJegrrh wo an freoly. Hence our large rrofits anrt busine compared with th old fogy establuLments and small groceries on the back rtrcets. P. 1, BRIDGERS 00, 20, 22, 24, 26 A 28 front r't-- ?, WILMINGTON, N.'c. ' jyi2 a t IN US 17th VOLUME. THE RALEICH NEWS. P. M. Hale, Editor, L. L. P-oik, 'Cor. Fd. Edwabds, Bbouohtoh A Co., tui. Man'grr. A N. C. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. DAILY ANDj WEEKLY. . Term1 Daily, l'year, $7; G months, S'l.PO: 3 months.1.75. Weekly, one year, 52.00; six months, $1, Address, THE KAL2IGII NKW6, . JUleigh, N.C. jyll rn nr b'siew TOO . ' AND ' I Wilmington Steamship Lir Cm TilE STEAM EK - trv tsvw REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANL', WILL SAIL FROM KEW T'J' :. - S ATTJBDAY, July IT. Vr Shlpperi can rely upon the pr.,i; j MlUns; of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engtgements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, . 1 Wilmington, 2'. C THEO. O. EGER,2 Freight Agent, i ,ew York. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., ;Broa4way, ew:i'ork ' July n Commission Merchant,

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