VfEAVI.NCTUG WEB. 1 ...IVK 111 w b" Khe said ro 1 i.-r loom lu mo rosy tv ur - rye- hopefully and ' f r the "'" . cd " . nrst l.ro done. ,;.."-;iu mh aud kUKutf." atd kWilov' flight. . . ."-are the beautiful web , i. u' " ' ...mu 10 uuud uui rue. v:u .. f will weave it lair. IUC kUj .:r.ii will I vcave toy . . . IM1IN1 OT BSS :c.ra . -Li inn ! fc a - a . it. . r - T rr i1n.t .r ul the.wftitlnR! loom; V3 UV n li nd full." she cried, - tuuugu lut uaya re Moive my beautlfal web, ".. iiHiv Line and -trout:." . ... I ' ... ' - .mi in me c.ouuiesa kk : ' - f lho jy i,o bore; .J tlallu r Hie cuu .ud Went. f "r A. . u t.- bi.y at iwrn," he aaid. "J"i ,,t i t umll eve JllJe. m..rlt.f the day la done. P'T" ,T rwclm lu the aiWuoe f HIV - - !, tr.f h ur pas-wd on. tS utuuw ud longer lufr-ti-ii blrJ" ta their ncsU had no I will weive my web." Bald . !"tumr! t. her loom ere set ofsun, .Ijt.r ta.ou the Milulnic UireaU . .. in ,.r,irr on lr oue. Wr . . ui..l lixarl WiU wpaIt. smhI the iJi t i-iuru u blurred, axul the cwlor l V - Arerr3 i trlit. or so t!r to sec! Wi:t. I think, till another morn: ;iicj uy r-1 w4Ul m wortc un- . - ZfZ'n tuMUrtc to weave! "she cried. it lower .sanit tho iun. rv, tae uultle, tuo loom Blood 'i.r lpt I" ihe twlll-bt crey. ;,r tt-U WUi Ue wavoQer beautiful I .!Jn Itht of a lonjrer day ? ' Brooklyn ktgle. Hl.VDSOUE H15C0CK. M he Ume lo be Called "ILc Superb " i nifUie ii nado by those who Kip tbt tua term 'aaparb as p- sri to llccx:t' betriDg as a i, vt first nsed bj Mr Daniel Ivt'g'wrtJ. tho I'ennijlTania orator, iij ot the Uecsral ia nomination at Cctmti f )z the rresidercy. Mr iMsgbcrtj, in bis terse and tbxiaent rtiMfiUtioa cf the el:ent features of Hcflock'i life and character, fceimp!j yxiel the word 'enperb as being Qied to deaiffnate Hancock's con- izct ca the field of battle. That ...I nr it a cnnirtlpnt nrnhahlr rw nriifd to thousands of soldiers wuo tiiieeo Hancock on the battlefield ici at the head of his men. An cn ttii:titio Teteran. in a conTeraation fubtbe writer recently, eatd: Dj hortaback. llanoock was the heet hmi jg mu the world perhaps rtf ii. U-9 atands six feet one in I j .ilnckin, a I am, said tho veteran, ki fret tLiee, but Hancock looked ukr tbau 1 when we were both on loncback, for he eat on bis horse as t&tight aa a ramrod. I remember re auuog to mj comrades, as tne Gen irI ped bj ns: VhaVa team they ire.' I meant the callant horse and iurd?r, for both, seemed fnll of the trnb e energies of war.' As applied L) iiaocock the term 'superb was; rrotub.'j, fir9t used bj Gen McOIellan utit report of the battle of Williams tar;, wbei e Hancock greatly distin pibed Jhimhelf. McClellan, ercr r acd generous in dealing with lie 8 under him, took ccsaston to mj in his report : Hancock was eplj aoperb Whether the term, ecce applied, 'stuck, as being appro- ft.ate.ur wueinerxc was anggesiea.as 4 nwt probably was, to others who Hncik on tha field, cannot cow Wdetrrmined. The author of the Viapaigna of the Army of the To toatc ' one of the very few brilliant vurka in which the tvents of onr civil r are recorded thus refers to Han after he had been pi need by G Jn O.uQt in command of the famous jod corpse one of tho divisions )uto which the Army of the Potomac hl b-tn organized by Grant on tak es' eoamnd. Tbe three corps coni- t:3Jt-r were men of a high order of bi:nj, though of dtTerse types of C2reier. Hancock may be charao ttnztd as the ideal of a soldier: gifted ;th magnetio rreaccod and a enperb proaal sallantrv. be was one of the lor J, j lenders who, upon the' actual ct battle, rnlethb hearts of troops 'tu a potent and irresistible mastery ' vta Swinton, the author of the !j'OQe referred to, was the army cor respondent of tho New York Times, ad ws preoeot with the army from battle of the Wilderness to the Juaa of Lie's nrrender He donbt a often saw Hancock ia actatl com otjn the battle field', and al js spekka of him in terms of the :sbrt commendation. U.nctck was deemed by his friend tJ bTe been unfairly treated during r. Poetical Generals were iu 'n?t, et-ecia.Jy in the Eist, aud Uncock was not a o!itical General, 4 he aonght no farors f:im thepol tt-citn at Washifston. Agiin and H . he saw men wno had eea little r ho sertioe placed nominally in 1 ir rank than that he hed. but he no complaint. Indeed, his pres et opponent, Mr Garfield, might be Ted as illnstrati? e of the injustice times in dealing with the sol who were rsctually in command a fild Qed Garfield wis in tue if we miuk nit. a little over a ttif air general, saw . to service. aod .a probaWy Jer nude, fire. Yet Gatfieid'a rank M as high as that of Hancock np to JJtiaeofths battlo of Gettysburg. 'wiflolo had a great deal of trouble the political generals. Ia order U1 PI,llcl sentiment at borne, hai to try to make geoerals out of prominent politicians. It is almnn forgotten, for instance, thatMr Secre tary Uchnrz was onca called Major General. He was provided for on Sherman's tafT for a while, and finally upon Get eril Slocum s. The chie dJUlculty then with the political gen erala ws to keep them at once idle and ont of xmchief. Piacing them on tbe etati of tLe actual Generala of the war was tue common contrivance to this end. But the history of the war recounts the de-ids of the real Gen erals, and Hancock won the titUhf.'su perb' long btfore he wts thought of a a canuidate for b:gb tol.tio d honors The Parson's Dream- Tbe pator of one of the up town churches in ew lork, eays the Woik log (JLurcli, 'icutes the following Bin gular dream: 'Some time ' ago, dreamed that I was nitched to a car risge, attempting to draw it througl a .a me mua wn.co coverea tne 6treet in front of my boasr. How, or why 1 had been aligned that position, SI m. -m couia not explain, duc tiif-re 1 ve,a?t pulling with all my might, as if I hau been the be?t, carriage horse in th towc. I bad reached a point not far TOroai the chu'0H,.when the mud seem ed to g-.t deeper nl detptr. aid tbe carriage iu dr iw noheuvily uat I gap ed for breath an 1 almost sunk down exhausted. Tun seemed tbe more in explicable, when, looking bck, I saw the entire congregation beLiud tht carriage, apparently pushing it along Bat the more I tried, the harder it be came, until final. y I was forced to stop and examine Hid difficulty. I went to the rear, whira I supposed was tbe oonffretration. bat .nobody could be u a w found. I cailed, bat no answer. repeated the call several timet, but still no rtply. .By-Mid-by a v4oe called ont Hallo!' and, looking up. whom should I see bat one of the dea oons'Jookng complacently out of the wluUOw.axiU. UU Ju kuiuk iue uuui of the carriage, what was my astonish meat to seo the who o cougregat'.on sitticc in3ide. There are many churchej wbo are far from thinking that it is their pi nee lo push. Their cal in.? and eleohou is to quite a diXerent pphere. , In fioe, t y nature and by grace, they win assure you, tuey are eminehiiy niieu to riae. m ft - a- mm m m w i If you reason with these people, they will tell yoa that you greatly mistake when you expect them to do the pas tor s work. Is be not expeoted to tafcc the burden of church work upon his own shoulders and bear it along ? Why, blef-s ycu, sir I that'd what we uive aim lor i 1 5otIcetMo. That th3 boy who is most afraid of the gun is the first to be corralled in matrimony. That the little boys pre fer boys to girls. They soon change, never to go back to their early love. That the little girls love the girls best. They don't get o?er their inferences so soon a tho boys do some of them never. That women love the men be cuuso they lovo tVtry.h Dg they take care of. That men lovo women because they can't help it. That the wife lovss her husband so well that she has no thought for other men. That the hus band so loves his wife that he loves all other women for her sake. That the girls who have given over all hope of matrimony, or who never had any, love to flirt) with the married men. That the married man is apt to think himself all-killing among the fair sex, because he has found one woman fool enough to marry him. That homely husbands are-tbe best; they never forget tbe compliment paid them by their wives in accepting them. That homely iives ore (he truest ; they know how to make the most of what they hzr That the woman who marries does well. That the who dpea not marry does bettor, ni ie times out of ten. Ba!e!?h News. The Supplement. We pablub herewith a supplement to the plan of organization adopted by the Ctu ral Executive Committee on the 2d inst. Tbia supplement consiats ot cer tain amendment to the original plan sogseated to the committee. ! Fire thou sand copies of tbe original plan and sup plement have been printed and arc now ready for distribution. TLe supplement reads aa follow: ' ' Hoc ms f Central Ex. Committee aa m aw aaaa m - 'w - f i Haleiqii, N. O , July 12. 1880. ) Ia obedience to tbd party sentiment from various parts of tbe State, express ed to this committee, tbe following addi lion a! rules are this day. adopted as -supplement tj the lIan of Organization aJopted ou tbe 2 fUy of duly, 18bO: 1. That aection 1 of 'County Organi zation' be amended by ad lingHhcreto tie following word: 'That - the Township Committer ehall In; elected at meeting of the Democratic voter. called by the Couutv Exccutio Committee for that purc3e. . . 1 hat D.Tnocr? of good standing alone hall vote iu lid meetingF; and that said mrctiogv sKa'.I U called aa aoou aa practi cable alter publicaiiin of these rules. , 2 That MHrtiuu l l-e amended ty making lb vo:e for Governor ia tbe last procing jtilxTnat rial election - the buMi ol the ioihip vite, instead of Hh? vote fr m-iuliers of l e lleueral Assembly. Each ti.wnshi; mav Bend as mat-y 'delegates aa it ma set? lit. . o. 'lliat in ca.t$ where town hips com. sisiof ruyj than bin waid or precinct, each cfX wrds or precii.es shall be enti leff lo snd d 1 g 'tea to county coih feBllon?, aud shall cast Ks proportionate part of ita tjwiiali'p's vote, oased upon the last preceding 'vote for Governor iu said township. 4. In cases wh-'re Township Executive Committees, or County Executive Com mittees have this year been appointed un der a form r system, tbe si l committees sh-dl c rtitiLUe n oflice for the term for which they wc:e jso elect etl, with as full pow'ers as u they were ek cied under this system; but sliad iu all other respects con fonn to this system asfar as prarticabla U. In cases where all the Township Ex ecutive Committers are required to meet for tbo purpoM of electing County Exec utive Committees, said mea tings shall be deemed to have a quorum when a ma jonty of anch townabips shall be repre - aented In said meetings In cases where county conventions havF met and vent their delegates to the differ ent conventions, tbe said delegates will act under their said apjHuuiiuent, hut will cast in th-ir respective cenventiou only tbe vit'-a prearrirtl by the pl'n ot organization adopted July 2d, 180 By order ot tb committee: jOcTAVius Coke, Chairman. J J. LiTciiFORD, Secretary. A REIGN OF TERR01. Tho Alarming Increase of . Heart Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It- Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check .Its Increase. -The Wondeiful Properties of "8ed&- tine -de-India ' and low to 1 Properly Uie It 1 Facts cf Importance fox All Regard ing a New Discovery. The mortality statistics of this country sh'w tbat ' a irreat nmnnrtinn r-f deth c r- i - &riaj from lieari Oiat-ase But aside from '.he fatality which attends it, the inconve nience and suffering which even the fir.t stages bring, make it necessary to take prompt measures for relief. Undoubtedly the greatest lemedy of modern times for curing diseases cf the Heart is 'Sedatine. de.Iudia," which is accomplishing such wonderful results and attracting so much a' tenf ion. This great remedy possesses ingredin's specially designed for all the numerous troubles of tho Heart. The combination Is the result of long and care ful experiment, aud it can be safely as serted tha" when taken in time it will cure in every case. Do you' ever have Night- mare, oppressed feeling In side and breast, Irregular Acuon, Throbbing, Jumping, Flutteiing, Momentary f Stopping, Slow Circulation of the Blood ? These are aft symptoms ot Heart Disease. Those who are suffering aud have never tried it do so at once ; those who have ever tried It do not nA.1 tn lw n rrru tn Hr Ort a m ! n . Tf -, - -e tour Druggist has not got it send one dol lar to our address and it will be mailed to you. ooie Ageuis in America, ijooaeu Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. je ll-ecd&w urn. When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central DepU. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to al parts ot the city. . ly Good Hotel to- Stop it Hotel accommodations for travelers are of the greatest importance to persons who have to move about the country on basi ness or pleasure. Just where to go is what every man wants to know when he leaves home. Tbe Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot, New York city, is a very popular resort, . because the at tendance there is prompt and satisfactory. he charges are reasonable and the me nagc complete. Persons arriving at or eaving New lork city by the Grand Central Depot will find the Grand Union Hotel very convenient. jY. 2. lelegram. may 15-lam8m. THE MAILS. Tbo mails clone and arrive at the City out OHice as follows : Northern through and way mails .....5:30 a. m. Uleigb......5.30 a.m.... and 5:00 p. m. Malls for tbe N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5;30 p. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 p. m. Western mails (CC Ry) daily (except Sunday) 5:00 p. m. Mail for Cueraw & .Darling tOO : T4o P tU Mails for points between JFlo rence and Charleston 7:45 p. m. rayetteville, and otuces on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays..: 1.00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 p. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thurndiy at COO a. m. f Smitbville mails, by steam, boat, daily, (except Sun days) 10 00 a m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, S C, every Mon day and Thursday at COO a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chnpel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 5:00 a. m.l OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way 'mails 7. -00 a m. Southern Mnils 7 SO a. m. jDaroI;n.i Central Railway 10 00 a. m. Stamp Oflice open from 8 a. m. to 12 31., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Orde- and lkgiter Department open same as stamp' oflice. Oeneral delivery open from fi.00 a. m to 6.S0 p. m., and ou Sundays from 8:30 to 0:30 a. m Stamps for sa'e at general delivery when stamp oflice is closeL Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. . C HAS, KLEIN, ; Oniertater ail! Calinst llater. Princeii Street, In Basement of th Journal Building;. TTILMI.N0T05, 5. G. a a Sue aaffrtment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Faraitore Repaired, Claaaed and Yaraiahad. Orders by tela graph er mail prosaptly Alle m ' Uiscdllaneona X $ CONFIDENTLY ASSERTED THAT - YELLOW far. be PREVFHTED by the ase of 'WARNER'S Safe K Liter C iiney & nre, In conneatioB with WARNER'S SAFE PILLS All antVori i.s on tbesabject deebve Y eN lo r reter to oe a uiooa fuuoa. The breath- iair of a malril infected atmosphere acting oirecujr on tne niooa. It is known and admitted, aad In to ached for, th&t rritisg j , Warner's Safe Kidney & iircrCire in connect! n with WAKN'Bk'd 8AKK PI Ll.H, aeiLg, aa it do i, direcUv upon the orsrans the Kidcevs and Liver that cleanse and purify the blood, is the beat and only effective blood purifier now known. For sale by all Druggist. mav 20 . TH lilT A S H . TfTnlC t V I - 7 GAIN APPEALS 'IO THOSE who are indebted to Boatwright & McKoy to come forward and make settlement. I need the money. ' You must all know that it is actually necessary that I should settle up the old business. Please don't delay. I trust that a duty you owe to yourselves will not allow this appeal to go unheeded. To one and all who owe the firm of Boat wright & McKoy, I ask. won't you please come forward and settle ? I have, and am receiving daily FRESH j v GROCERIES. Would be pleased to sup ply everybody. 'Will give prompt custom era all. the credit they require. On good turn deserves another; then, if I sell to yoa on a credit, and deliver your goods prompt. ly, I think yon should pay for them in a rcsouahle time, I appoal to yon. Am I right? THOMAS H. McKOY. F S It maybe that seme over sensitive persons may take exceptions at the above. If they do, I now bow and say( no oflence is intended, lam sure one and an, ii they v, ill throw aside prejudice and bring their better judgment to bear, will say McKoy I is right, and we ought to pay promptly our old acceunts one Boatwright & McK y- My desire (outside of my j interest) is to make friends. I have thrown my banner to the breeze, and if fair deal ings, small profits and ' treating my fellow man justly, will accomplish what I intend, . . . then I will continue to be as we nave neen THE LEADING GROCER YMAN IN . r , - . OUR CITY fin our special line.) Comei 1 and see me. ' THOJ?.:iT. McKOT, iuly 12 XoCCATO'S PAPTE06RAPH for the rapia pro-dactio&atiac-einxue copies of any Writ ing, Drawlag,or oth- t: ec won wiuca cn. be done wit .pea anaina. . AutographLetterSf dreulan, Music, Ae. are nrsi written up on a sheet of DSDer. In tbe usual war, and from th Is written sheet . . . ; .i . . . i. 500 COPIES PES HOUR 1 mar be printed upon any kind of dry paper, or other material, in a common Copying Press. This is the Host Simple, Sapid and Economi cal Process yet Giacoverec ThmiAfifls are alresdr to successful nselnOoT- arnment Omces, CoUegea, Academies, Public and Private Schools, . Kanway aaa ansursncv ensees. Aiso by business men, Uwyers, clergymen, Buaday achmi -ifiMhttMwUnfa. tniasiaBscifla. and others. - TheRimmoni Hardware Co of 8t. Louis. ssrsof It: "Onr Payyrogrspb, ptrrcbased sometime since, cires enti -a utl-fsctkm. Would not be without It tor $1,000 a yew." For specimens of work, pries lhrt, etc, sddreas, with sUmp, ,T tub papvuooxxaph CO., V U and 45 Shetucket Street, Venrieh, Cotuv ; LOCAL AQjrn wA-TTAvU. Cunard Steamflliip Co THE OlDKST and aott raliabla Dae of Steamers I.I afloat. Sails from Ifew York rerr Wednesdar. For Through Tlckata for Cabin er Btaefrnge .IT L passage from JTaw Tore to tne principal porta of Europe aad for farther laforttation, Apply to lillUKitU. e M-lsa Agents at Wlbniagton,IT. C. I FETTER Uiscellaneoas, ESTABLISHED 1853 - - 1853. SOL. BEAR & BROS. 18 z 20 Market St Wilminatpn. T$. C. WE HAVE JUST OPENED AND have on exhibition, the largest and most complete stock of AND FURNISHNIG GOODS! Sou h of Baltimore. SUITS FROM $2.50 UPVARDS. 100 BLUE MID DIESEX FLANNEL SUITS' At greatly reduced prices. A FULL LINE OF Children's, Boys' and Men's Straw and' Felt Hats. ! PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Come; One f Come All ! i j 1 ' - ' and examine our stock, and we will strive hard to merit your patronage, as we have I formerly done. may 6 CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDCINB TRAD- MARK- QkbatTRADE MARK English Rem edy. An tm- f fafliBg cure , for bemlaal i r i t V ., opermaaorr- bea,lmpoten-, ey.andalldis- IEF0IE TAUMB.eaaeathatfol-AFTEI TAI1MB, I low, as a sequence of Self-Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Universal L-assituae, rain in the JSacx, Dimness of Vision, Jrremature Old Are, and many other Diseases tk at lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Urava. . i . .. ' , ' Xv. Fall particulars in our pamphlet, whith we desire to send free by mail to every ond. The Speoifio Medicine is so Id, by all druggists at$l par package, or six pack ages for $5, or will be sent 1 free by mail op receipt or the mone-by addressing THE CRAY MEDICINE CO., MeAhanic! Block, Detroit, Mich. Boiain Wilmington, Wholesale and Retail, by Green A Flannel- and all drue gists everywhere. ct 11-dawly. Soldiers! ' J. A. THOMAS, Corner 9th and F stree , Washington, D. C. attends to Pension and Back Pay. Bounty Claims collected. Con tested Land Claims. Mineral and Agriculru- r 1, attended to before the Department of tbe Interior and Supreme Court. Land War rants purchased. . I . je 18 tf YOUNG MEN UES&SS M00R'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Atlanta. Ga 3 SI 00 covers total expemes for threegpontha. Send for Illus trated Circular. je 28-1 2 wd Aw. HOP BITTERS (A Medicine, not n Drink,) - cosTaixa UOP8, BUCI1U, HI A N D tt A K E, DAXDLIOX, ; . Ajtd tub Pvjc8T ajtd Best Hzmcn. QCAxmza os iU OTHKS BXTTXXa. 111 V cuius AH Diseases of -the StoOnsclCBcrveis. Blood. Ii-er. Kkt&bya, aad Urtnsry Organs. terroQaneas, Sleep lessness and especially Female Complaints. SI 000 T' GOLD. iWfilbapaXd Mrs case they will not core or help, 'roraaytianalSjpsrSor injuriouj found in them. I 4akyoordniegisS for Hop Bitten and try Bor Cocoa OcaalrCbsr i safest sad best. . , askC3UUxcn. TlnPA for StomalJw and Ddi IriTto sfl othrm Cores ftyatsorpttes. Ask arasviafe - - Xi7ITZZLii.i .i-.-. : "TeinesajttseoC spisirvtotjstocoaaarootlas: ', If -a " 'C,A .It. r mmmmmmamm3 illWwH JntXJ-m,W9 3 LOW BA.Tt3-For ail kinds of Printing Psrsoms resMLnsr out ef the eity eaa nave tneirrtntlng carafully axscutad ana sailed to tnsan free of postage. (Ia Barlsv Banding) M Pratasv - api p t or! Hums n ..... I Miscellaneous. The World for 1880. DeB-ocrati every wh ahould inform them selYes careful! ? alike f the action of thejr party throughout the country and of the movemeots of their Kepublican oppohetiti. A failure to do thi ii )86 contributed greaN y to the loss by the Democracy of tha fruita of thetictory fairly wsn at the oolla. Tr.e year 1 St 0 prolines to be oceofth most intereating and Lrporta t jeara of thi. crowded and eventual esntury. it ill nil neaaja rresidential elation which ti;ay result in reeatabliahinff the GtTertluet ,f country on the principles cf ita conptituti&ral founders, or in permanently charpin tfce re lasion of the Mates to ihe Federal power. Wo intelligent man can regard each aa elec tion with indifference. jne World, aa the only dailv Englijh newspaper pablihei ia the ctj of hew York which upholds tho doctrines of constitutional Democracy, will steadily represent the Jiemocratic party in this great canT&fs. It will do this in no spirit of servile partisanship, but tettperately end firmly. As a newspaper the .World, oc?io' the organ of no man, ro cliqne and no inter est, will present tbe fullest aid the firt picture it can make of each day's history in the ci'y, the State, the country and tie World. It will aim hereafter, as heretotore, at accuracy first of all things in all that it publishes. ATon an, tQwev.r tumble, (hall javerbe permitted truly to complain that ha a been unjustly deslt with in th columns (of The World, o interest, howerer power ful, Rhall ever.be permitttd truly to bojt ( that it can silence the fair criticums of The World. During the past year Tfce World ret n its daily circulation trebled and its wek!y circulation pushed far beyond thct rf any -other weekly newspaper in tbje ccuntry. Ibis great increase haw been won, as Tho World believes, by truthfulness, enterprise, ceaaeiesa activity in collecting news and un falterine loyalty to it?eif and to its readers in dealing with tbe questions bfthe day." "It A is our hope and it will be our endeavor tbat The WorlG'areeord for lf0 may be written in tbe approbation and the support of many thousands more of new readers is all parts ot this Indissoluble Union of Indestructible States. - 'KATES. . : v . Our rates of fUbscrDtion remain rr.phinv. . ed, and are as follows: ' Daily aad Sundays, one rear. flO: six months, $5.50; three months, $3 75. Daily, without Sundays, one vear, S8: six months, $4.-5; three months, $2.2; letz than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one year, 52. i The Monday World, contaLuDC tho Book Reviews and "College Chronicle, cao year. ai.f.0.: J . The Semi-Week' y World. (TucsJays and Fridays) Two "Dollars a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of tea; the Daily for club of twenty-fire. . The Weekly World (Wednesday Oca Dollar a year. To Club Agents Au cxtxa copy for e'.ub of ten, the Hemi-Weekiy for club of twenty, the Daily for club of hftV. Specimen numbers sent, free cn applica tion. - Terms Cash, inrariably in advasrc. Send post-office money order, b?nk" draft or registered letter. Bills tt risk of the Bend er. Address 1 Y'TIIE WOllXIV' 35 Park Row, I. IV A SPECIAL OFFER. "Subscribers who send $ I forayoar'a' rub scription before December 28 wili receive The Weekly Worli from the date o thir subscription To March .I, 288E. inn win icoiuaetne rresiaentiai cainpaign and the inauguration of tbe rext President. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 28; for a renewal of tteir wibfcrip tion for " 1880, will receive The Weekly World to March 5, 1881,-without rti sing a UUU1UQ1I j This Oiler will be W ith drawn Ieccmbcr JiO,' Takeadvantage of it at or ca. Buba ;r!be at once.Kenew at once. deolO . v NO MORE misimrjsViViHn OR GOUT ACUTEOft CtfRONJd A s Manufactured onlr under the cfjoro Trade Mark, by the EUROPEAN A LiVtlO MEDICINE CO., of Paris and Lciz:g. Immediate Relief W arrant'-;, i'crrr atien Cure Guaranteed. 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