t i a 3 ( TII3 P1FXB . PldtlSBSOnCE.;; i We wCl be glad to receive eoxamvolcatiost from oar Meads on aay and all subjects d geaeraltatsmt tmtt ; i , The name of the writer nut alwayi be for aUbed to the Editor. f Conunnnlcatlo-s awl be written; cb onlf one side of the.psper ' " Personalities cms? voided. F 1 jOf. T. JAMES, ono0 rorxroB. And It 1 eepedally ana parUexlarly;endir stood that the Editor o not alwsys eadorse tbe vie wi of correspond estc, a&lessso itatd VOL. V.f.V: WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1880. NO. 126 tt"k n pUireport any an , r paper regularly. Daily ftlPiaN.WTAaE paid. V? HU -ostks. SI W ; Three ft4r fl 3 . on mo A, M cents. - n be delivered by carrier, & RODDICK 45 Hariet S.treet. U !. J1 Drawer, num-Ja;--ur, C. J cuts, regular $! Call and examine. iH.Dde Miirti . Hem and yt t will use' no other. "si SI. !.ud Shawls. K, cUing all our Shetland Shaw" ,41 Si; th jora really worth $3. I! CoU)red fcummer Skirt, from GOcI u$175. A boautifal line. fkleriiuKnr: Cambric, '10 cccts p.r jirJ ra-uUr price 15 cynta.. frAtfd racfic La was, l.a cen r yaru, i J 1 all over the country at 15c. DLACK CKArES. ff tare just irc- ived a large inyoico ofj Cri?4 hi Suk;1', Double and Triple. Nui'able lor Veilings and Trimmings. sni.K AUENIS IS THIS CITY fr the H'IDUW'd CU.U'K, TOR TUE DEEi EST 110UUN1NG. AHiDrite In Gents' Linen Handker chiefs, $1 CO per Dozen. LADH2 CORETS. ffs hare Ju.it rec 4vd a new Corset to rt tail at 75 cents a besuty. BROWN & lE0DDICK, 45 Markers t. jT 17 For tlie Sound. AD APT-nt TO-DAT a kaek will W ria bte taa Ti y ud WritchUvjlla fw d. Lavs tn city Frias itrU tv xxi dtv eornr Third and ' at 8 o'clock, P.M. rTin 1pt Piney (tiopt Haadait). KtturBing 1pt Piney rUtv na WrlibutilU, ttTA.JL far. r.f t W nn I Trim 1- J7 7 T. J. BOUTOERLaNP. 8teamer Passport ILL RK3DMI ksrrejr- r-K.rv a!r tripi to Froith rille asd the lMt.j... ifl,s wha,r. foot of 3 Mwka hue-t, at 3.10 A II. I J W. UARPKB, Muter and Afrnt ltloiwUoa A Word or Two. IUK.S0V8 WllO APPK ClATrf tbe best 1 t si)Uijr, and wclJ eit Tho Bot Flour Maclo I a p mr taat article, manafaetared by tA Btett improved roeMf, from Hall & Pearsall. b u DEEP ROCK lUrlERAL SPRING WATER OF D1WEG0, 11. Y. Vichy Water, SODA WAT1R. ' AU soU ea Draaxht, Ice Cold, by WM. 1L ORKEIT, Drejrctit. Mi Kftf. WnotliOT ia UniYn US I rvo ws WITS Uian PBIOaS. By I lr BUrt at bottca figmr at th fsetery I i T-Ooms-aU-'Roysr sUUkwp tbtl Ui. Lvviri. - mramW tsmbU. tl to aay fl Flirt; "Eoyal- 10 cent HI li ai j SLx& Bklrt ea th markc. J. 1 LoBlCIl, Uaasfallmnr, Mpm 3Markcttt. SALIC BUI Ladiag, cbarter BROVM fit 'tjs, Ufr$ Orttfieate, Crop IJcni 'r BiNawr lUoeits, .' (UasrkwBanilaf) JobfcFriaur. Sfl V LOCAL1 NEWS. Hew Advertisements. Bee ad JabUee Biager. PL Bii.bsa a r.c Oreat Fecret Wm L DaRf met, Jr Mercanti'e Job l'rint ing tec. Tata r airily BibUs. P HnvaistVaa If joa Win. J O Ucbdi. Drugsitt Cold I Window ULs ah sizes ai ItafTer lYiccs. t Full'iu iiu tu alioruuua at An inmates past 3 olork; 'Ucn. Allan KutLcrtord is tu tLc city on J a snort midsummer visit. The theiniuiueier .u this olhce register cd 86 degrees todiy at 3 o'clock. That was a f na rcfreshm" shower which yasridoTer us this noon. Fine cantcloupca fold inmarket tbia morn'og at l and 2 cents apicco. The Jubilee Singsrs will hold forth agal - i to night at the New Market. See adver . a!jU Table C'utlerj, at Jacxuu's llardMr r.' Uei t- floc-lha Mv. a mnn must be either ' an anvil or a Limmerr vet how m.Uf are nothinc but bellow. . that sermon did me good, said one tnend to anoth-r alter Hearing an eloquent The Bpcaker( after 8omc mnutes of labor preacher 'We shall sec,' was the reply. i0U8 (ffort got dowQ to' thQ level of the You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats g&ove at almostanj price at Jacoui' In Uardware DeiH)ti The reason more umbrellas than water melons re stolen is thought to be becaus0 the thief decsn't bate to plug the umbrel la Ifla always ripa. j Thoeeasons could not have been moie :ti...v.n w Kn ri.m. f'"" " cd with tLus Lr and no wou-ler that the cro are po proroUin?. Your Bibies will always be good if yen cive them Dr. Hull's Uaby Syrup while Teething. It is a reliable aud sure I remedy and cos's only 25 cents The condition of the old mau Pbinney. who was so badly bcit'm on Monday night and whose life is despaired of, remains unchanged up to the hour of our going to press. Window OUss of all sizM, DnwRisa and Blind. Builders' Dardware,A:o Low est prices at JAConrs. Mind what you run after. Never bo coatcnted with a bubble that will burst, t nor with a C rework that will end In smoko and darkness. Got that which is worth keeping, and that you can keep. There is an uomallable letter at tho nvsttice in this city addressed to Cop ncr Pavlc. Tender, C-j. N. O. There i hvn lirn trceirrd several P.iran'e Pckiges of coff.-c which have no address, Strpbcn llichardson, tbe colored mur dcrer. who is till confined in a cell in tho City Trison, ni;d In irous, it, wo learn, auite uncommuucative. lie eats nut lit- tlo and talks. less. 1 co way of the trans a grcsror is hard. , Uiadv mixtxl l'alnts. strictly iwre WLite Lead. -Cr I rs, BruMus, W ndow Glass, Ac., at Jacoui a. The l).ui-cratic General C-ommiUee, including al the sub comni Uce, are re quested by tho Cliai.iuan oi the County Ex-cutive Committee to meet Ir mtrrow (Tljursda) jf'i-rnoon at 4 o'c!r at the City Hal' TbemnrJcrcjmmiftedMoaday night ra j calU tbo fact to mind th it it was just I one year and one wc.k ago Monday night rhen Jsmes lieaton rouidercd Mary Kad- cliffo and-thrn ehotn'rasc'.f to death. j i .i i Full fcij aad Walnut S!. Cases, all stvUs aad azrs, at Altajfuu, I'uicb A CoV. There were but sixteen white R?pub- Hems in th Convention yesterday n Smithville which DdminaTSd W, P. Can dy. Collector of Customs, for Congress I from this district. And of tloteeiglt just no'half, were Custom House em ploye. Mr. Cansday's subordinates. jjr. Nath'l Jacbl having bcn appoint- . r .i . 1 . . IHift n..s. Z I of w)nnXd Plow can now have theirorders fi'kd at Jacori' Hard-1 ware DepcU,No. 10 S. Front sU tf. For the Clackflsh Grounds. j The C M. Stedman Fire Company ex- curted' rJTthe Ptt3.ior to Smithv! .e, the Forii and lh Blackfish Grounds to-day.! a There wai a la crow a, and we nope i they wL'I all have a gond time. Hall VcacUlU Sicilian Hair RoXol tAboth the hair and its coU U ... .r-.l Mtfn Its rmwth I IUE (mTS "aULLZ- The Republicans Hold their Cons reg ional CoDTcntlon -Canada j far Con? gress and Watts far Elretor. Tne Republican Congrerain! Nomi- nat'ng Convection met in Smithviile yes terday and nominated W. P. Canaday for Congress and 8. W Watt for Eitct or. Many of the delegate left this city yesterday morning on the steamer Pass pcit, accompanied by a ban!, wbicb ground out its music to the intelligent bvdy" of meni who were beet on nonii Latin:' a candidate to be dfcf&atfid in No- I , . n : I v ember. I ho f li.vpntton was held in I . f , i n e vuurt xiouse auu w tl e Court House and was called to order by Capt. O. II. BlockHr. W. K. Price waa elected temporary Secretary, while Capt. Blocker acted as Chairman until a Ccmmittee on Credentials made their, re port. While the committee were out Jadeo Watt was called upon lor a speech n reaponse he mounted the stand and be gn to expound, aa he said, orthodox ie' publicanism. In the start the speaker reminded us of a fourth- rate "star trad' : i- l it J rJ ranted and made many facial delineationsi I much to the amusement of a sahle brother. Wlll'.a louS "CQ "r on, irom i-uo : . 1 f l : 1 4 t il.. 8""c Ul i' iUlut- uvuer seemed somewhat amused and when the Judge a'fuded to the 119th psalm there Wftij Bcm9 faint api)iaU40 from the crowd. I understanding of moat of the meznbera of toe Convention and ended his puppet show In a grand Punch and Judy style. Urewingtou mevexl three ch era fcr Watt anCl the band struck up "We'll put John 0n thi Island." - ' , H. E. Scott, "our'' Scot was lcx called on. Scott made a speech, a big peo.h. He rolled bis rs until tney He rolled his r's until I I t , : l - 1 ! 1 4 A V . .3 "ounuea ie uisiaui. -uuu uu .uu up with a grand flourish. One of the brother moved that the UnrPn.;,m tato a reCftfla until after im, n . . S ner He stated that he was hungry and wanted his dinner. The delegates couldn't i y stand two more such speeches on an empty stomach, and they all voted t take a recess. j At 2:30 o'clock tho Cunventlon again met and - the committee on Credentials reported. Bill Moore and his delegates were not permitted to take pirt in the Convention, but the Convention didn t seem able to keep Bill down. Brndder Gcrken tnckled Bill, but couldn't reach bich enough to make 1 im - understand that be had "no rights " SiAfter tho committee had reported Gen Abbott wi- made petmanont Cbairman and was escorted to the Chair by Utn. Price and Hill. The MI" evidently bad if and the '! were run aud control!. ed bv the Custom ilouso rinir. Ihere were only elgtt attaches of tho Custom ilouso present anl Price, the ostensible leader, arose and placed in nomination W. P. Cauoday for Cungress, who was nomi nated by acclamation. Price s talk was of the real old-fashioned obiter dictum civil right, no parlor end no kitchen or. der. The next business was the nomina tionofan elector. Then was the time when tbe fun began Price ranted, Ger ken pummelcd the top of a table, Hill norted and Bill Moore auDg out fot the Sergeant-at-Arms t take Price. A Tab lican, named Smith, - from the country, wanted to be beard, and the Chairman rammed and hammered the desk with the eaj f his pocket knife. Hill was finally mada to sit down and was tell he was out 0f order. Thornton, from Fayette- ille. tried te cet in a word and tcott came to the fnnt again "ice bad the strong lungs nd could holler tbe loudeiU ixo sep' on lanurg The Chair threatened to send the Sergeant at - i w at him. 'Send him along, and r.'i use are w u .j. General Abbott vacated the Chair and came down iu the body to pouj oil on the troubled waters. His euorts Dad .some and he leiiioied the Chair. Piice abandoned his f -st position and shots; hinds with Scott, who placed Vfa'ts in nomination for Elect Drnd made the con- .. !- 1 m nor Ti lVl 9 msTt in fpile of wbal CoU Blorker tnd General , t. .,rw Abtbtt hsd said. Mabson waa called up on and mado the only dignified and tens! bie apeech delivered in the convention. There were only sixteen wnite iiepnoit- cns in the house, the balancd being ul- bleached citizens. Tbe nomination did not give entire satisfaion,buttheproceedinga were fulj fun for the outsiders, and in that Bght wrs the best imng8:u uc:cu.,u. u .luun-u. THE A1IATETJB 1. The Hofth Carolina Amateur Press AssociaUon Xow in Ses-ion in this Cil i ... . Tl.. f...il. ..-.I .. u .uvu .uuui, uitvuxig oi mis aso- ciatiou convened in thia city this morning, J "-"Jt5l m V.4MCU wurua uj me irresiaeni, I .-.., . M 1 . . . . . Gtwrge M. Carr, ot Kose Hill, at 10 o'clock a. m. Arer casing the meeting to order,' Pres - i i i-l i a i . . meal varr reau nu aiicu! message to ue aSSOClallOI). " a . - atat",of tins city, was submitted, anuaiier a onei discussion, was adopted. 1 r. ..... . An clmn r . .u ensuing year, was then held, with the , following results: Phil. Holland, Newbern, President. G. iL Carr, Kose Hill, First Yice President. ) O. O. Vollers, .Ptlnt Caswell, Second Vice President. J. M. Satchwell, Rcky Po'nt,' Third Vice President. W. E. Peterson, Wi'miugton, Secretary. J. R. Griffin, Goldsboro, Treasurer. ' B. A. Southerland,. Wallace, Official Editor. George M. Carr, r-se HiU, Histoiian. Robert A. Southerland, J. R. Griffin and VCT a - a n . ... I w. a rowed, executive uommittee. Ten new members were admitted. The association is now In a prosperoas cendi- . ! 1 2 1 - 1 . uuU,iiaYiug memoersnipox aoout wiy. aue luiiowiug geniiemen were eieciea honorary members of the association: His Honor, Mayor Fishblate, and! MessrsT. B. Kingsbury and Josh. T. James, of Wilmington; S. A. Ashe, of Raleigh; John A. Woodard, of Wilson; J. R. Tillery, of Rocky (Mount; J. A, uonitz, ox uoidsDoro and jpjossey uattle, of Tarboro. The association 211 give a Literary Entertainment at the rooms of the Wil mlngton Library Association ' this (Wedx. nesday) evening, commencing at 8:30 o'clock, to consist cf 'the following pro o ! pram me. Address of Welcome, by W.E.Peterson. of this city. Annual Address by Joeenbus Daniels, of the Wilson Advance Subject The training necessary to the highest success in iournalism: Oration, bv E. A. Oldham, of th s city. Subiec, -'The Past, Present and Future ef Nen-profes- stonal Journalism;' Essay, by George M. Carr Snbi-ct 'The Utilitv of Liter - ary Culture;' Poem, by Robert Nixon, 0f Scott's Hill Sabject A Morningfs Ramble;' Essay, by J. R. Griffin Sub sf n v.,n,. raa h.a n rail The public is respectfully and cordial ly invtcd te attend. Picnic at the sound The Cornet Concert Club leave here n,ia oa; aer,in,v;n ih wamn- ette for Wright.riHe Seed where they will discourse come excellent music ;om caoice selection irom a piaviutu preset ed for them in Mr, Schuf3fa yard at the Druggist 'Because as a Food - Medi .o. w.,u. wt-K cine, they enrich the blood, harden the . oe mere. Magistrate's Com t. Justice Hail disposed of tbe following cases today: Winnie Rhode, colored, charged with assault and battery, was ordered commit- . . . .... . . . . . I ted to jail for trial, in default of costs. Andrew Laspeyre, colored, commonly known as 'Dr. Laspeyre, arraigned fo assault and battery on his sister md alB on a peace warrant sued out by her, was also committed in default of bail. , " 0 Poslponed The conftie -co committee, composed of three members each from the Board of 1 lU..mm n 1 Rvird ff Anit rtn ilia narf 1 m i of the city, and three members of the Wilmington Market Company, were to have met yesterday afternoon to consider further the proposition to purchase tbe new markets, but the meeting was post poned until Mr. Norwood Giles, who is at present confined to bin boose from in juries received recently, shall have re covered suulciently to attend. The Verdict. The jury called by Coroner Hewlett to hold an inquest yesterday over tbe body of Lucy Phinney, met at the . Court Uoose yesterday afternoon, pursuant to adjournment, when Drs. Walker and Wright, who had made a post mortem examination, made their report. The verdict of tbe jury was to tbe effect that the deceased, Lucy Phinney, came to her death from wound on the head, inflicted by a spade or .shovel in the band of Stephen Richardson. Lightning's Freaks. D "ing the storm this afternoon the eIcUic di6cbarS8 played very uncere mofl,ously w,th the telephone wire I our omce, cractmg and enr'ttng sparks i iojir 1 4 to, nu start i ok me croca I wire nearly a foot from its original rf8tin I ' " 7 DimC8, TherB waa ftnn ntt. t,tafftt ir. .l. . 4. . . . - I in IhA I Til at fh hma anti ha faff o.n I " w - OU'l I Mew Job Office 1 We Invite attention to the advertise- I - - - I oent of 3Ir. Wo L DsUosset Jr LaUanniiiraintl.u ina VC. lA.n. ,.1 has! established himself at N si.th I " v ww Water street, with a , ,na.,i4 I u.uurjuit tt.aoPtm.llt of illh vnA ani, . I ; ' I ail Inn naaf n roc a nn-t ia . do all kinds of job work. He eoiicits a trial snd will guarantee satisfaction in all ces. Struck by Llhtnliis:. Tne chimney to the residence of Mr. D' Brown' n,Fiftb. between Orajige I ana Ann streets, wa,s strucK by nghtniDg this afternoon. The electric fluid ran lown the chimney and stunned Mr. Brown's houtekeeper and cook. The sit I tine room of the dwelling? was haAW hdamaged.- The plritertng was knocked off ma- a 1 j and tbe cornices oyer the windows burnt to a coal. Mr. Brown waa a'so affecrsd b7 the fluid but not as badly as the others 8Doken cf It was ' narrow e3cane both I ' of property and life. I : r : I i Time Healeth all Tilings. To day is the anniverrary of the first . . I battle of Manassas, fought on Sunday:, I July the 21st, 1861 nineteen years ago, j and now the good and true men of this J country who on that day were opposed to eacn otnerm nostue array, are striv I lug together in earnest for reconcilia I tlon between the sections, which we 8 re i happy to say is at last about to be ac I complished by the election of Genera j Winfield S. Hancock,the "superb" soldier I of the Federal army, to the presi dency. I mi.. . cnyoun,. Joon ttonertson, a colored tramp, all I T a T"ft t a a - tne wa Irom lorida rouve to Vir Umia, ,waa arraigned before the Mayor lD1B morning, ior rrespass. ine Mayor lom n m 11 DG wouia turn C18 lr'5e t0 wards the ea8t and h!s back BPOQ Wil- gwn, ana move rapiuiy, wttnm an 1 hour'8 tIme that he S1' a peace. The defendant appeared only too glad to v kUOBO WUUIUWUB urawjno mu ulB w V"" m i j v: il. mi j. i i ,iexitirom tne woun neom wiinouc lur See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards , with a bunch of Grapes from which I Speer s Port Grape Wine is made, that is highly esteemed by the medical pro i lessioii lur me -use oi lnva'ia. weaaiy e i . .L t i P"ocaand the aged, bold b. Drug. I Customer "Why are 'Malt Bitters' so' u.uww.vs, tauten IrUB UCllCO J1 1UV H va.qm ition," iv 12 4w Now Advertisements. Jubilee Singers- TE NEW ORLEANS Jubilee Stagers, (colored), will rive a Vocal and Instru mental Concert at the New Market House this cretin g. Gallery exclusively for the Whites Performance to commence at 8 P. M. No charge for admission, bat a collec tion will be taken up. jr 21 It Mercantile Job Printing Office 1 AM PREPARED TO FXEC0TE EVERY iiMirin(lnn nr "r W MERCANTILE JOB FEINTING, j aad will be pleased to have my friends ealL New Machinery I New and latest styles type 1 Satisfaction guaranteed I WM. L. DaROSSET, Jr., jy 31 No. 6 N. Water at, up stairs Family Bibles 4 JJANDSOMELr BOUND, suitable for Freeents, Ac Photographs, Album, all sixf, Prang' Sunday School Card, new and beantifal designs, Fancy Writing Paper and Cards, fa boxes, Latest styles, at BUOK STORE. jyl9 Few Advertisofnonti V C re at Secret P. L. Bridff ers cS Co., Wholetale and Eetail Grocers, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 23 Front Street. WILMINGTON. N. l O DISCOVERED VERT 800JT after tUj commenced thir remark &bla earr. that saocaM U the Grocer Line did1 not " STOCK i0 kTia 40(1 to ? n8 HEAVY 6 000 Barrels Floor, l.lCOnbds BaeoD, zu.uu acii AlezI, can.;, .000 Li Lard; " 40(0O0 Otska Whisker, 4 - e,oo iihds Wola cci, 1,000 8a-ka CofiTee, 80,000 Btcn Sides, requiring n iaimense and onnecefearv oatlar Of CtDitnl and (iineniA. mil vim. hPne and itore room, eitrarajrant credit?, a long- ii3 or employees, too keepers, clertr. Ac. ThepUnwasto open direct personal communication wlh-tae. Head Qrartors, where theee articles were kept in r3t hands ana immense quantities, oat of all reasonable expectation oi be'njr needed here; male ar rangements with the Bailroad Companies for transportation; connect their Btores by tele graph with the leading Grocery Htores of ' ihe world; keep a Small but Select Aaeor'. ' uivut; u prices aown io xce iiDliom r icor; have Small Profits and Big gales, watch ti markets for Specialties, goaranteo every artice sold, make prompt delivery, epen-l time and monev in the Northern markets in persons1 selections, and await returns. The resilt justifies our r ichest anticipations and vindicates our judgment. Our Ktores aro each a ' "GRAND SAMPLE ROOM," not packed with-useless lumber enl stole goods, but small neat packages of every thiDf. needed to make up a full and complete i aortment of things in our lino. In liftecn minutes we can have on the way, ready for delivery to our cmtomers, tbo Ooos ihey of dar, fresh from the reinufActurcre, and in theofiioal unbroken package?. 'In twenty four hours we can hare these G 0013 oa tht jr shelves, and aocompanied when necessary bv a special delivery e'erk. This Ib the secret of success at P, L BRIDGERS & GO, 20, 22, 24, 26-4 .23 front fitrtet, AX7TT XTT VTlIT1 1 V I TkT - Notice- fJlHE HAN0O0K, ENGLISH AND 8UACKELFORD CLUB will meet at the City Hall Court Room on Thursday evening next at 8 o'clock. By order of tho jy 20 . PRESIDENT. Cold I v gODA WATER, with pure Fruit Synijs. Hunyadl Water, Apolllnaris Water, Utih- orn Water and Congress (C) Water, For sa'e by James c. iiundh,- Druggisr, I or th Front street. jy8 Wire Nettingr O0REEN8 i For Doors acd.Windows. Good to keep oct flies and mosquitoes. Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and B tiding Material Genor&llfk ALTArFHK, lTJCi & CO. Factory: Office:" ! Foot of Walnut et Nuttr.-Wr lied' Grow st. For Rent- -rROM THE 1st of October 1830, 1830, let eta. Tt the residence at the Boutin . , . i - corner of Eixth asd Uarki Apply to JOHN L. CANIWELL, i jy 19 tf Box Post Office. Wilmington Steam Laundry ! HQ. 15 NORTH YYATER STREET. ;. JOS. B, WORTH, Proprietor. EMIL ZENS, Superintendent. PRICE" LIST : I Open for Business Monday, Js'j Is 8- Shirt (old);......lCc Drawd's. 6c (new).... ic pock................ 3c Collars 9 Towels......... ..M c lUndkercLiefi.... 3c WLite Vests IVto 15c will be taken ty the Cuffs Undershirt ......... 6c Night f'....5 to 10c Young Men's Wear Montn at S3. A FTice Lit of Ladles' Wear will be Ued in about ten days. XST- 8peoiti Rate for Family Waging. jyl-lw If You Want A rpHE LATf ST aid Beit EaJirg call at JL , . nEIN33IROSK'J. ledgero,Day Books, QASH BOOKS aad Beeord of - til siic and styles, at ths LIVE BOOK STORE PIANOS, OEQiNS, Chromos and Sicel - Engravings, jsor rale at ' jyi8 - Hsurssrsans's. .