this Fir Ttrr afUraoon, Btadayi c- jon. T. J A MBi rrom ajio wrmiKT. - - H-CKIPTIONB. PCWTAUK PAID. il S 00 Si month. S2 50 ; Three "'s.ll S On. month. Woeata. Dr be delivered by carrier, L-?oNKribrf will please report f;y and ifZir r ir paperarejralarty. BROWN & RODDiGIC 4 5 Market Street. KnCut iti Drawers, Oaron nianuta-un 't vr:te, resu'ar pi li-e $ 1 Cal 1 &tul e x am inc. one ami J'" 1130 uo thcr. Mitlanu Shawl. W ar ckwing out all orr Sbetlaud Shawls at $1; they ar really worth $C. l.itV Colored Summer Skirts, from GOc tol 75. A beautiful line- WiJe ItlntcJ English Cambric, 10 cents per j or J regular prioo 13 onts. Fruit! Facic lawns, 12 J cents p r yard soil ail over Uie country at 13r.- BLACK CILirES. We have just rtcrtveU a largo invoice of (Trap In Sir.sK Iubie and Triple. Suitable lor Veiling anil Trimmings. SOI.K AC1KNTS IN THIS CITY - forlho WIDOW'S CHAFE, FOU THE 1)EF EST MOU11MXU. A Fig Drhe in OenU' Linen Handker chiefs, $1 W) per Dozen. LADIES' CORbETS. V have Jmt received a new Corset 4o rc tail at 73 cent a beauty. BROWN & 'RODDICK, 45 MarketSt. Jr n For the Sound. 0 T AD AFTK1 TO-DAT a aek will ran hlM tha Ct T afad WrifhtSVille Lar tne city corner loiro uu )'riae streets eviry day at o'clock, P.M. f aept Saadajs). Returning Leve Finey Mi Fi 1! - . m.l-A A vlt, OA WrlLUTUI. IU&.A. rare rr tM fcoanJ Trip I. JjT T. J BOnrUEKLAND. 8teamer Passport W ILL RUUUti aer re uiar tries ia Pmitnviue ata tne wr'i'm torts Jeee 0th, leaving hr Wharf, foot of Mart Street, at 9 SO A. IL J. W. HARPER, ) 11 oaw-Vee Master and Agent DEEP ROCK. MINERAL SPRING WATER OF 0IWEG0, M. Y. Vichy Water, SODA WATfcK. All oli oa Draught, Ice Cold, by WM. IL URKEX. J, IS ' DrurfflKt. Hot Weather is Upon Us ! - qowh wit.1 man rKioM. uuy yoer Shirts at bottom figures at the factory Ti "Ooare" aad Royal" 111 keep tb Uad. Lookatpriea. "Congrea" IS cent, eqal to any $V Rblrt; "Royal" 10 cent 4d to any SL1& Hhirt on th wkr. J. KL-HACU, ManufacUrer, i Ji 5o. 3. Market fC Family Bibles, JJAND30MKLT BOUND, mlub! for Vnmu, Aa. , Fbotoraph, AibnmJ, all alt- Fraat'a Buday School Cardt, new a4batifaldM!xna, Faaey WrldjgFaper aad Carda, U boxM, Lateat tjlu, at liUOhl STOUB. irl O BA LKL ItafUtraia'a MUaaa of 1m prarad fot C &)VARROa c (fa Kariaw KalUU) Job'Frimtar. H VOL. V: TUT MAI L. The matliclofc ind arrive at the City Pct OlSce aa fullu? : Northern through and wajj mails i G:."0 a m. Ilileigh 6.30 a..m.. . .and 6:T)0 p. m. ilai!s for tho I. C. U..ilroad, aqd routra euptplied thcr?v- from, includiug; A. & N. C. -Ilaili ood, at....... 6;30 p.m. Southern mails for nil riii.lM South, dai!y 7:45 p. ntffl (pxcept 3anday7. P 00 Mail fur Chera A: . Darlicg- ton 7:45 p. m. Mail lor 'iatf bttweon Flu" renct and CharI:iton.. .... . 7:16 p. m Fayettevilio, arid oCiutt ou Caie FcarJUvi r. Tut.das', aud Fridajrf. 1.00 p. m. Faycttevillo, ilLumberton, daily, except Subdaya 5:00 p. in. Onslow C. U. and intermedi ate cfiice?, every Monday aad Thurad;)' ut.... 0.00 a. m Smithvillo ruaib, by btcani. boat, daily, (-xc.'j't Sun days)..... i 10 00 a m. Mails lor lUy Hill, Town Crock, Shallotte anl Little Kiver.-S C , every Mon day and Thursday at COO a. m. Wilmingtcn and Hlack Kivor Chapel, Mui.daya, Wedncd dajs and Fridays ot 0:00 a. in Ol'KX KOIl DKUVEUY . Northern through and way mills 7:00 a m. SoutWrn Mails 7:0 a. m. Carolina Qntral liailway 10:00 a. m Sump Ofilco ojK'n from H a. m. to 12 M., and from '2 to 6:0 p. m. Money Order and lirpfctcr Department open same as stamp-ofJco. General delivery open from 0:00 a. m to fi:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to t;30 a. m Stamps fcr ea'o at general delivery when stamp ofilec is close 1. Malls collected from btiet Kxca every day at 3:30 .,tn. LOCAL NEWS. ; fS'ew AitTeriisement. J II Ha ms Elect r.c. Waltkh Costv Noiico. Notice Fifth Ward Market. 11 all A F-au all buz Haw. F llaimsiaoa Ooapel llmn. Yatbs fatally lUblt. J O iltsDs. DtuzaUl Cold I Vindowlilais all eiZjs at ZlUlTcr tV; r rice's. t Pull down tne old forty-lf aia9 mar- i kct bouso- I Sallow have a bara time of It; thcy'ro always io a mcs. . The manufactu-cr of umbrclU niikca a pp. cad in tho world. -j A man torn to column nd is different r.-oni one roado to order. If you are" out in a driving storm den't attempt to ho!d the rains. Men who I'.ro' rn glr a hou&cs should be conservatory in tbrir opinions. Wheu you k-c tbc thunder cloud.sjt is the tirxo to drink up tho in ilk A bartouder can tell tho value of a smile bettor than any other p'-rs-.m. . Save iriv .'1 Ouy yur UniM Ing Suppli -s fi m Ailatl?r V lrtct. The hhoo is grduaily roplaciu-; tho boot for outdoor wear, cspeciu:y in Kuroie. j The fi dow who pukiil up the hot p nny origineted tho rtmark: All that glitters is n t cold. Fi.ll Mtal and V-.!nui ou w ras s, a 1 st)!rs and s5, at AxrArKK, ri.lCE A Co'?. - .. 4- Siuco the " intr-uctiou i f faW tn-th tie ratio of good 1 -Lmi;: womvu h is in creased CO per cent. I The ixn'iu hoigbt of misery is a sinTT boy with auvw pa:r ot rul b?r b-jotj, ail no mudwor b'ua "i reach. The man vth.j moMs h.s crying baby and nt to nvivt -o trra lu bottloof Dr. Ilulis U.oySyrnp, bo divot Mi should Jiuks nys tha. tho only chant ho hat for c.o!ne jut at present is wheu his wife and becao got up a httle breeze bo twetn tlfin. , Mr. Natti't Jat jbi haxiui; h: m appoint ed ageat for Alias Flow, parlies in want of thw ct'le uated can now have Uvir orduis ti'Vl at's Hard - ware le.:. . ltJ 'rout m. v.. The lUleigh Nticj sayt: 'lhe Connec ticut Mutual Life Iusuranco .Company ha jest paid a policy of $ 1,000 on tb life of Adolphu D?ar, of Wilmington. P If the in tbe ocean should spread ovr the t would cover u to toe depth of yoO feot, but it would ki'l buii- nos. o i:; JJl W411 rert)P w leave it where it fa. Daily WILMINGTON, N. C The Editor of the Fayettvllle Exam iner finds it ' convenient to ue matr ter from the Review but inconvenient to give credit for bis axtracts. Window Gliss -f ill sized, !)(, Sash end Blinds, BiuUlrs Uardware,&o Low est prices at Jacobi's. The Wilmington Market Company, we understand, claim to have filled their con traet with the city and ww ill now expf-c1 tho city to tulin Its prtTof the agree mcnt We don't otten have to complain of th Charlotte Obscrvzr but in this instance we muct call liro. Joiios' attention to the fact that the article in bis editorial col umns ytaterday in referooce to the battle of Williambburg appeared originally In tue tEv:Ew. , Dot Little Vt ater. Capt. Worth, of tho steamer A. P. Hurt, reports the river aa very low atd yet falling, tho rains which have been bo frequent and copious In this Bcction not having extended farther up the Cape Fear than Whitehall. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ino.oves at almost any price at Jacoiu'b Hardware DeioU k Quick Ucsponso 'Mr C. W. Yates, photographer in this city, wrote a letter to General Hancock under date of the 17th inst., making en quiry as to what houBo in New York had tho best likeness of himself. This morn ing the reply came from Jnc S. Wharton, Sccrotary, in a courteous reply giving the desired information. Floral Fair llop. Thanks for an invitation to atteud the Floral Fair Hop, to be given In Crowd era Hall, Wadesboro, next" Wednesday ovoninf, tho 28th inst. Messrs. W. L. Steele, O. M. Little, r! E. Little, Jno. Darguinn, and Saml. C. Alexander, Jr., are tho Committee of Invitation and Messrs. W. O. Hardison, W. L. Parsons and J. A. Leak. Jr.. are the, Floor Man agcr8. Military Matters. We learn, through General M. P.4Taj lor, that th Adjutant-General of tbe State has determined not to desigcato any special compat ies as the escort ot His Excellency Gov. Jarvis, to King's Moun tain. General Jones thinks the whole corps should bo his escort, as they un doubtedly wnl be on that occasion. His Excellency w"l meet the troops at King's Mountain, becsnse ho will be on his can vass of the State at that time, and could n-"t d-senate where ho would be the day tho troops start. Kta ly mixed I'aiiiia.Btrieily i lire White IiOat, C 1 r, linxshus, V u.low (Jlass, dee., at Jacoui's I) rnocrats In Aims. Furenant to notice a large and enthu- H.i6iic mt-fting of the youug Democracy of tL city was held at tho City Hall, last u'ght at 8 o', lor tho purport f perfecting the oriiization if the Voung Men's Hancock, Jar? in and Shackelford Cub." ' Mr. F. Heiubberger was called upon to act aa ti iujorBry chairm. u, and, takiug tho cl-air, t-xplnintd the object of the meeting, after which th following per manent i Hirers of the club were elected, viz: President J. L. Itobcrts. Vice President Geo. Hairdo, Jr. Sccrotary J. A. Taylor. Assistant Si-cretary W. N. Jacobs. Treasurer A. II. Z H.ller. Captain- -C. II. Keen. Committco to draft by-laws Messrs J. D. Kelley, J. N. Anderson, J. P. Mun son. II. ILMcIlhonny, J. T. Shelley atd C. U. Keen. Messrs. F. IIiiinstKrg8r and Josh T. Jam were elected iionoraiy m mbcis of tho club. The piirpn." for which th uie ting wrs callel havi .g bti'ii accomplished, the club then ai'j 'uroed, afu-r giving three rousing cheers lor Uauc,ck, Jarv ad Shackel ford. The clab is comf osed of excellent ma terial young men who wi ' work most heartily for the success of tbe party in November. The membership is already Urge, but we trttst that it will rank among the hundreds at tbe next meeting. Wllruingtou District Third round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church Sooth. Smithville, July 27-23 Wilmington, at Front St, July 81, Aug 1 Wilmington, at Fifth St, Aug. 7-8 Onalow Aug 7-8 Topsail, at Herring Chapel, Aug 10-11 Dnplln,... -'- Aug U-16 FRIDAY, JULY 23, Coloiubui o. K. - We had the pleasure ol a very brief hat witii Capt. V. V. Ifccbardsan. of Co lumbus county, today, and . he informs MS that the crops in his county are as flourishing ri could be reasonably desired and tbat the true-hearted people are wide awake to the importance of the present political campaign and that Co lumbus, always a strong Democratic oraty is goiog to a ton tab somebody with the big majority she will poll 'ib November lor U-ncock, Jaryis and Shack elford. I See a woman on horseback In another column, riuiug near Spoer's Vineyards, witn a bunch of Grapes from wr ch Speer's Port Grape Wino is, made, that is so highly esteemed by the! medical pro fession tor the use of invalids, weakly persons and tbe aged. Sold by Druggists. City Court. Cain Washington, colored, and Mary Susan Franks, who was of tbe same deli cate hue, were arraigned this morning before His Honor upon the charge of d orderly conduct and eagaging in a dis turbance on tbe streets If n nieht. The Mayor gave the colored 'gemmen' fifteen days in theC.P.,to cogitate upon the ways that are dark, and told the sable hued damsel she could be released upon pay ment of costs, in default of which, how ever, she went below, and the Court ada journed. ' y 1 Growing Enterprise. Yesterday afternoon the steamer Eliza, beth towed np to this city five large shad boats loaded with dressed sturgeon. Tbey were consigned to Mr. John Carroll who had them carried to his packing house and packed In ice for northern shipment Two tons of ice were need in packing the sturgeon and the shipment is said to be the largest ever made from this city. The season is fully a month in advance of last year, and we are told that between now and the first of November at least $5,000 will bo paid out to fishermen en gaged in capturing and slaughtering the aturgeon. The fisheries are an industry worked up in this city in the past three years, and U one which brings a revenue to those who engage in it of at least $12,000 dur lag one season. No money sent away but on the other hand, is brought here and finds its way into circulation. There are but few persons in this city who have the slightest idea of the magnitude of the en terprise and how much good it does the working classes of the community. Magistrate's Court. Randall Jordan, colored was brought before Justice A. J. Qrady, of Cape Fear township, charged with carrying, coLcealed weapons, and upon the test! mony was fouud ; guilty. In default of bail he was committed to jail to await his trial- at the next term of . the Criminal Court.- He was also arraignrd before the same tribunal upon a charge of assault and bat tery upon his wife with a slungehot. TLe charge was proven, and in this cabo io de fault of bail he was committed to await his trial at the next term of the Crimii nal Court. . Jordan is the culprit whose arrest upon another charge was attempted several months ago by Officer Schriver, which resulted in the accidental k illiog by the officer of William Jones, colored, who at the time was assisting in securing Jon d in'a captu re( the melancholy Incidents of which were published in thj Review at the time of tl o o-currence. a Viil for Love. Rai brd Bryant, colored, waseut here to-day upon a commitment issued by jos tice K. F. Powers, ot Holly tewnship, Pender county, upoa a charge of larceny. It seems that Bryant felt a strong dtsiie to 'go a courting,', and riot having a ward- robe sufficiently extensive from 'which to select a 'scrumptious' suit, he went to tha bouse of a neighbor, (who was absent at th9 time) and finding the door locked with the key in tbe lock on the inside, he to 3k a slick and pushed the key oi t upon the floor. He then inserted the stick undeiaeath the door, and air some little trouble, succeeded in getting it outside the door. After getting the key in his poss a slons, be unlocked the door, entered the house, donned the bast suit of clothes be could find, then went to tbe stable, saddled and. mounted a horse, aid rode off to see his Glory Ann. After br sking for awhile in tbe sunshine of love and enjjying the fragrant odoraWequited affection, be re turned with tberbeat and the clothinf, . . . r- a A nut in uie meanume roe party irom woom they bad been stolen had returned, dis covered tne loss ana tasen otu a warrani for the arrest of the lover, and now Raifortf is aad while bis johukey moorns in her desolation. . . r 1880. NO. : 128 It is said that a good article of cider can be made from the mato. .Too much rain for the balanoe of the watermelon crop The Fifth Ward Market, on he corner of Fifth and Castle streets was 0 ned tc day. .1' . ' , i At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer In this fSoe registered- 81 di grees. Sweet ialhe breath of praise when giv en by those whose own high merit claim the Dralse thev eie That 'buzz-saw' tobacco advertised in this issue by Messrs. HaH'& Pearsall is a fine article, as we happen to know from having tried it. The law against carrying concealed weapons does not. apply to bycicle.i They are revolvers, but they avoid car' ridges, arid never go off to themselves. Neither failing teeth, nor the peeping wrinkles ofrtime, so forcibly tell of ad vancing years, as yeur gray hair AYERS VIGOR restores its color and makes your appearance more agreeable to others, as well as yourself. With fresh, luxuriant hair, tbe infirmities of age are far less noticeable. Amclern' philosopher says;1 Never climb so high that you cannot get down without falling. On the other h and none should keep so low that they cannot fa'l. Capt. Coney, in a card in this issue, makes a regular announcement of the fact that be hrs sold out to Mr. W. H. Styron h's sck of goods and bespeaks for him the public favor. Exhalations. From the matter that creates malarial Fevers Yellow Fever and its kindred llments, are not cognziable by the senses, but imperceptibly locate in tbe blood, poison it, and originate the dis eases named. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, used In connection with War ner's Safe Pills, is the only blood puri fier known. I ' The steamer Regulator, Capt, Doane, is expected here early to-morrow morning. She did not leave New York until the Wednesday of this wreek, instead of on last Saturday, the regular day. Customer "Why are 'Malt Bitters' so popular? ' Druggist "Because, as a Food Medi cine, they enrich the blood, harden the muscles, quiet the nerves, perfect diges tion." jy 12 4w Business is now j about at its dullest stage. Nevertheless, the merchants don't look at all blue, for the good news of the crops tells them that the fall trade is goiog to be the best we ever had. Iusufflclent Drainage. Uncleaned cess-pools, filth of any char acter, exhalations from masrhy lands, all this, poisoning the blood, bring on Yellow lever. TLe sole and only reme dy that will act directly upon the Kid neys and Liver the clean, ir of the bloo- is Warner's Safe Kidaey and Liver Cure, used in connection with Warner s Safe. Pills. jy 2. New Advertisements. Notice. rpHE FIFTH WARD MARKET, on the corner of Fifth asd Castle streets, will be opened I RID AY, July 23d. The public are respectfully invited. Be f. Mutton, Yegeta blea, Ac., for sale. j jy 23 It Electric. gCdTT'S ELECTRIC HAIRBRUSH, the great Headache and Neuralgia care, can be found at J. H. HARD IN '8, Apothecary, New Market. f PtiPtlo a specialty, jj 23 Notice- HV;N(1 80LD TO MR. W. H. Styron my stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, Ae , on Market Bt-eet, and while thanking my friend and the public generally for the very generous patronage bestowed upon me hile in the business, 1 respectfully aak that the same ba given to Mr. wtyron in the future. Jy23-tAl WALTER CONEY. "BUZZ SAW," A FINE CHEWItftf TOBACCO. . : - -TJ1Y IT. :, For tale by : Mall &, Pearball. PLEASE NOTICE. . ' win oegiaa to receive communication from our friend on aay and all subjects o (Tiaermi interest but : V Bashed to the Editor. W fJomjaOIllMtloni Unit Ha wrlttnn oae ride of the japr . Personalities men . voided. And It U especially Mnfpartiealarly.'txrdex stood that tbe Editor dc not always endorse the views of correspond!) 1 unless so stated In the editorial coin Tins. . New Adverticomonts. The Lowest Prices pOIl ALL r NDS OF PRINTING, At E. S. WARRUCK'S Job Omcc. Get estimates at this oflica before having your printing done elsewhere. (Office in Review building.) ' ' i jy 22 i Gospel Hymns, AND 8CBED 80NGF, eraSracnrVoi amea 1, 3 and 3, bouuJ ia Ooa.o.i. elthL-r sieg e or all three io : one. PORE GOLD, fjr the gacdiiT or: new conec on ot Bocgs a Lew i t just u ceived and for sals at . i . HELVSUERGau'iJ aECOXD-RAND PIANO, Feven Octaves, in perfect order, For sale cheap at jy 23 IIEIN8BERG Eli'i?. Cold 1 i gOD A WATER, with pure Fruit Bjrups. Hunyadi Water, Apollinaria Wat-. r, Hath orn Water and Congress (C) Water. For ea'e by JaMES C. lilJSD.. jy 8 Worth Front tt-ewt. 1 Wire Hettiriir SCREENS , For Doors and;Windowj. Good to keep out flies and mosqaitoe?. Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and Building Material Generally. ALTAFFER, PRICK & CO. Factorv: Office Foot of Walnut st Wutt, near liod Cross at. Jri9 . Great Secret. P.' L. Bridffers & Co., ' Wholesale and Retail Orocorc, 20, 22. 24. 2G and 28 Fotrt. Strcot. WILMINGTON, N. C. , DI8C0YERED VERY SOd.V afjer tlry commenced their reainrlrib1.'; t er that success in the Grocery Lme ml ni t coosist in ha?ing and hoid a U-4AVY STOCK, as 6.000 Barrels Flour, j 1,600 Hhds Bacon,' 1 20,000 Backs Meal, 10,000 llatDt, 7.00J Lbs Butter. W.000 Lbs LaroV 40,000 Casks Whiskey, 6,C00 Hhds Molasses, 1,000 Saoks Colieo, j 80000 Bscon Bides, requiring an immense and unreceir outlay of capital aud expf-ntxy x&4 u ire house and storeroom, extniiin crer'tt", a long list of employees, toox-lt'epcrH, c erks Ac The plan wm to open rtin-.-t n-.4j1.nal communication with tiie ir. i ..2-.-a-'eri, . where these articles were'ke-t ia List hnr and immense quantities, out ff : t ernat;: . expectation ot being nedtd h-: :n.s ar rangements with the Failro&d :niapr.i-ii o transportatioo; connect the r f-'torvB by te'ci ' graph with the leading' G'rocery .-iwrcs cf the world; keep a Small bat relict Mrrtt ment; put prices down to the Hittorn V. :n-f , have Small Frofits and Big r&lz, wal'.ii t " . markets for Specialties, gunrr.riti o c-vrry j artice sold, make prompt (Mirery. rpen 1 time and money ia the Northernr n.ji'Jtcu m personal selections, and await returns 'ihti result justifies our i"st anticipat'ons snd vindicates our judgment. Oarfctorc3 each "GRAND SAMPLE ROOM;" not packed with urele?s lumber asi stale goods, but small neat pa'k a. of everr rticg needed to make up a full and comp'M as sortment of things in our line- Jo Jittn minutes we can hare on the way, rejfvr delivery to our customers, the dcr or dr, fresh from the manufacturer "id Q the original unbroken packages Jn fwiTif r four hours we can have thete (JooJ. oa tL-ir shelves, and aoc&mpanied whtn.r.ccjs any br a special delirery c erk. 'Ibis ij tfce a'crct of success at- j P. L. BRIDGEBS :& 00. 20, 22, 24, 26 'A 24 -r.,i.t trt, WLLillNGTON. N. . jj 21 j For Rent. P&OM THE lit of October IS 80, the residence at the SoctLwest corner of Sixth and Market sts. i Apply to JOH.V L. CAN'l V'.iLJi, i jy 19 tf Pox :9, Pest QZc. Wilmington &team Laundry! NO. 15 NORTH WATER STREET. JOS. B. WORTH, Proprietor. E2IU Buperiatendeat. 1 PRICE LIST : Open tor Business Monday, July 10, 160. Shirts (old).......lCc I (wt).. .l"e Collars..... m-m. tc Oat. 2e Undaraiurta . 6c Bight M....S to 10e Young Men's Wear If oath at S3. Drawers. ............ Ic bocir.. ....... ........ 3o To W6f ......... 3c Hacdkerchisfs .... to WUwj YestJ IS to 26s will be taken by the A Price List ofLadlet Wear will be Lssed in about ten days. Special Katet for FamSy Washia;. . jyl-lw; . - r

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