7. i J JL M B tl IS S B0tb, M eata, r will be delivered byaafrferv n$ i.aar Prtof th eityi at tte r- ti Miu wea " fV ..u. low Md Ubrl lUr, trill pI- report uj mm rls thtr papers regttlarly. illrl - KAjmici - & RODDICK BROVN 45 Market 8treet. iuj0,nIU,uurM-.ins J onu, regu ar Call ami examlc TB.fci;'.ori lr" Miirt, $1, Uy Item r ill tio tin other. Mii!wi Shawls. - grt a.lru; nut all otir Slietland Shaw!a ai li; ih-'j r really worth,. Ulirt Ct'roa Summer Sklrta, from CCc toil A. beautiful line. Ul 1'riiitaJ Kngliah Cambric, 10 cents par yard regular pri.a 15 cents. rnutul Pacific Uwus, U'i cents pry aid, J1 all oier the country at 15c. DLACK CRAPES. Wa Lave Just recei fed a lare invoice of i Crapes la bingte, Double and Triple. Suitable for Veilings ami Trimmings. SOLE AQKNTS IS Till CITV for tho WIDOW'S CKAl'K, FORT1IK DEKT' EST MOUHNINCS. - 11 Drive la Genu Linen Handker-1 chiefs, $1 W per Dozen. LADIES' CORtiETS. Wa tare Just rccdtTl a new Corset to re Uil al 75 cents a beauty. BROWH & !E0DDICK, 45 Marketf.St. JT17 ; 8tamer Passport ILL RKUMK lar r alar Ulpa to PxalthfilU asl the forts Jasa lOta.leawlng' hr Wharf, foot of I Muiat BUNt, at 9.50 A. VI. J W. IIAKPSR, im llow-Uo Maator and Aint. 4BUZZ SflLW, 9 A FINE CHEWINtf TOBACCO. TRY IT. For aale by Hall & Pearsall. iy M The Lowest Prices ,1.U A!,L KIMD9 OF PIUNTINO, At K S. WA1UI CKS Job Oilico. Uet estimates at this ollic before laving your priutli.g ikne ehjewliere. (OfHtMla Kfvldw building.) jyja Wilmington Steam Laundry ! HO. 15 NORTH WATER STREET. JOfcl. B. WORTH, PxoprUtw Calu 2KXH, HaparintaadeoU PRICK LIST: OplorBaaUeaaKoaday, J.lj !. 160. Halrts (old) .l&e .la . . Drt!i. aei botaw 3 I CuIIara..... CI C4araklna UaadkareLWra.. 3c I UhluTeti 1 u lie Xlf at ita 10 tomg Mh'i Waar Ul b taXaabv the A fri liat ( La4Us Waar will be la i Qt tea 4 ay a. Hpaial ftatM for lamUy WaiMnf. if it-iw For Rent ua rtsLUaee a tka 8oaUwaat Jjjj U raaroUta aad Market ata, AfP'j U . JOBS U CAHTWELL, Jy ltT Bxz 4!t Port Offise. r 1 VOL. V. Tbc KtAtfc cantait. Got. Jrvia. Irmoc ratio candidate for Governor, will addreas the people, aa follows: At Clinton, Stinpaon G-unty, Satur- i ' 1 day, July Clbt , At KenauaviiU, Duplin Courty, lues- day Arnu8t 3 1 At JiUk nvf.'.j, Crmlow 0nntf, Wed nesday, Auua f At Trenton,-Jot. U..unty, Thursday, t Au-roat 5'h s At Klnston, Lmi-tr 0un'y, Saturday, Anjtwt 7tb. Some other of 'he State C;i v.isaora will i be with him at all of thee appointment. LOCAL NEWS." New Advertisement. O D Hs:di Notice. Yatb. aTlly Ulbl.s P Haiaaeaaeaa New UoW. Alex PraoT Fo Consignee otl&). gee ad Jnbl'ee Singers. Clyde's New York Steamship Lir.e A Lilt ft, Paica A Co. Wire Netting. T 11 McKov Oood Grocnles. Jobh Cowan, Beefy Meeting oftheJaa. tlees of the Pa ace. J O JJans, Drugs fot Cold I Wirdow Glass all sizes at AlUfler & lYice'a. . i The favoiite composer at the garden my beer. Bye Is tabooed la Gibr-ilter. Hooty of rock though. It Is said the bottle kills fifty persons where the sun kills one. This Is I Dcause the bottlo baa a chance day and night, while the sun gets lU work in only dur ing the day. lllfs Louise, daughter of Rov. Dr. Charles F. Deems, was married to Rev. John Paul Egbert, of San Jose, Califor nia, on tho 13th of the present month the father of the bride officiating. The Jnbileo Singers will give another entertainment at the new Market to night, on which occasion the gallery will bo reserved exclusively for wnite per sons. There la no charpe for adml3alou. Tbo streets have been badly washed ly the recent very heavy. rams. Daily oo.o new washout Is reparted at Police Head anarters. The city hands are hard at work repairiDS the damages. Tnn can Imv o. 1 Cnkilii: and IIats 4juoiovm at liiHJ.itny price- at J aroma Hardware Vflnl j Fur thf lOiivriueijCa aud comfort of the patroua ol thi PassjMtt, Capt. Uarper has erected a fino larjjo bath house at the ateamcr'i wharl at Smithvilir. 'IVs is move in tho right directum . . Rradnrlt'd' Paints, stric ly i ore White Iad. i 1 r, Lniah. s, W udow Ulass, Ac., at J Aeons' Read a hat a Kalcigii corrtf p.u.dcnt has to say about! Mr. W P. Car.aday's nomination and the pn-sptvta for tU nectioo and Sate. It i cu the fourth iai:e The bad little b.j a are all lu the rkdaik and whistle vry loud now t.. keep op each otber courage. Full Motal and Walmit Mm liases, all styk-s and l Ai.TAKKa, I kick Modern Iniprovcnicats. The work of erecting tbe new iron bridge over the rallrva.l tracks at the head of Front street hs bo u Imjui in oarnes. All the part of tho new bridge are hera and aa auon a tbe . bnluicuu have time to settle the iron a'riugtis wiil bo laid While woikzncii aro cng4gl on the br d'e thco n tbo yard bavo not been idle. . Ttw old tar aU.jm have been torn down aud a lare uew building is now belug erect cd at thj omet of Tbiid and llaaoter vtrovts J he improvement are amen i.eeam u m greAt rvue to the company. In the meantime prepaiawoua u5 " buiIj a ueW auj almost exhaustive round house on the aiteZot the Jd buildings which have been pulled down to make room for modem improvements. It is calculated that this new round bouse will bold all of tbo locomotives of tho road at one time, should such be necessary. It will be supplied with all things necessary ai.dco.e..ieut, among others a turn-table n he ceutre f 'h building. v.Arvtmdv CAiiE suiu-a with a Tockftt Kuifa, al. 'lbie Cutlery, al Jaojbi's lis 1 ware uepu. DULY WILMINGTON, N, C, Drowned. Saturday nUht Sergeant Green, of the police force, discovered several articles of wearing apparel on a rltt at the foot j of Market street At th time several boys wore In bathing but on passing about an hour afterwards he found the clotbes in tie same place. Lvory thing was qnie about the wharf and flat, and taking f r granted that the owner had been drown d he carrit! tbe elotbrs to the station house. Yeaterd.y they were Identified by tbc mother of DaTid Mallftt, as being 4be clotbes he wore. Ma Utl has been miss. lg biuoe Saturday night and persons are well satisfied that .'ho has me a watery grave. Mr. Nath'l jACobi baviut oeen appoint id agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this oolorated Plow cm now hac their orders filled at JAOni's II ird ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. City Conrt. Quite an array of cases awaited the c moderation of the Mayor this morning, at the usual court hour, all ot which with one exception were Saturday night fish, aud;the result, in most cases, of too much o lgjulce poison or 'kill-iae quick Jersey li:htuiiig. : The first case dJ-posed of was a sailor min, who bears the strange and unusual cognomen or John Smith. The charge ajr'nst him was assault rnd battery, pre ferred by the captain, who caused his sail oi's arrest for assaulting one of the other sailors yesterday on boaid of the British harouantine Marv Frost. An increase of $5 In the City. Treasury was the result of this Investigation, and tbe man who goes down to the sea in ships was sent aboard of his versel in a reflecting mood. Dan Watson and Jim Roan, two colored lads, aged respectively about ten and twelve years, weie arrosted Saturday night by officer Ned. Griffith, charged with throwing stones and watermelon rinds InU the market carts and stores r'ong Market street. The Mayor had a sentence of $5 tine or ten days in the City Prison, recorded against them, and the mischiev ous little brats were taken below. George Johnson, a man of suspicious looks and suspicious conduct, was arrest ei by Officer VVoebse on Saturday night, acting in a very peculiar and suspicious manner in the neighborhood of Washing ton's boarding house, on North Water street. The Major told the defendant he would give him two hours to leave the city. Tha next case called was George liry ant, colored, charged with disorderly con duct, on Saturday night, in the neigh hnrhrwl of tho now Market. Officer Walker testified that defendant used loud and boitderoua lauguae, applying several proIauM fi iteibs to another colored man, evidently so kiu a difficulty with him, and refused to cease his abuse after having been adniouUlud by the officer. His Honor said he was determined to brepk up thia habit of cursing on the streets ud ordered a sonlence oi siu one or wu days iu the City Prison to be entered acainst the defendant. Edward Stanley, colored, was arrested rm XAtiinlav nitfht on tho corner ot Iwtlfth and Market streets, charged with j threatening to kill his wile and bJs mother in-law. The foregoing waa I ho complaint made at Police Headnuaters by dekudant's brother-ln law Sheperd, who caused the mau's arrest, but the charge was after wards withdrawn and disorderly con duct substituted by the prosecutor. Offi 3r Ned Griffith iestified that be arrested the defendant on Saturday night about 111 o'clock undrr instruction of tbe Chiel of Police, that the pruouer at nisi said that he would die before he would allow any one mai to arrt him, but af terwards euccumUd an ' came a'oug very quiet'y. The drfrudaut mule au earnest appeal to tbe Curt fr clemency, urging that he never hi been guilty of any mis conduct nor brought before any court before. The Mayor remarked that as it was tbe Got o fiance be would imooe a fine of $5 or give thedefendaut the alter native of ten days in the City Prison. This closed the proceedings and tbe Court adjourned. Why suffer sleepless nights when your Babv is not wel ? You can bay Dr. Uall'r Baby Syrup at all Drug Stores for a cjnar- lor of a dollar, Mr. J. A. Springer, who has been ab sent from tbe city about a month past.re- turned here Saturday night. 'Lis boll day this year carried him far into the West away up into tbe Rocky Moun uios. We are glad to ee bim looking better and stronger than when be left here. REVIEW; MONDAY, JULY 26, Hon. A. M. Waddell on Wednesday ast addressed the Vermont Democratic i ! State Convention in session at Burling ton. the reports say that he ra doing plendid work for the party in that State. Cub omer 'Wny are 'Malt Bitters" so popular ? ' " Drupgwt "Because, as a FkxI Medi cine, they enrich the blood, harden the mnacles, quiet the nflrves, perfect diges- nou. J7 12 4 w ) The Raleigh ATeo; sajs: The Connect icut Fire Insuronce Company, through its general agents, W. L. Smith & Co , of Wilmington, has paid the semi-annual tax on gross receipts for ' the six ' months ending June 80. , ' The sunse t yesterday was simply grand. It 'was one that no artist co ;ld paint nor the skies of Italy could surpass . The tints were . innumerable and tbe picture will long be remembered by those whe noticed It. In our report on Thursday of the pro cefdings of the N C A P A ,on the previous evening, we etattdj that ilr. Josephus Daniels responded to tbe address of wel. come. This wn a mistake. Mr. uanieis s not a member of the Association, but delivered the annual address on an 'ivita tion to do so. We make this correction by request. I Judge Buxton has resigned his position as Judge in the Fourth district to ac. cept the nomination for Governor. It is in order now for Mr. Oanaday, who wants to go' to Congress from this district, to resign the Collectorship of this port. Those who know Mr. Oanaday best have uo doubt that he will immediately hold on. I We regret to learn of the death of Maria Mallett, a very worthy young colored women, resident in th's city, and a .' ;acher in D-stilct No. 1 colored 6chool of Wl'mlngton. The deceased, we learn, was an exemplar member of St. Lfrk's (colored) Episcopal Church and also a member of the choir !u that Church. To Return. Mr. R. F Eydea has received a letter from Capt. B. F. Latham , of the steam tug Blanch :t in which Capt. L. states that the tug is now Philadelphia where she will remain until the latter part tf August and then return to this city. Personal. Rev. Dr. Patterson, Rector of St. John's Parish, will leave here to night for Sewanee, Tenn., to attend a meeting of the Board of Trustees of tho Univer sity of the South, of which he :s a mem ber, to be held there in a few days. lie will be absent several weeks. A Remedy Worth Trying. 1 Those who have pet canaries or mock ing birds can well afford to try the follow ing experiment, which, it is said, has been successfully tried by a bird fancier in another part of the State: It is asserted that if you Keep iu your bedroom a can ary or mocking bird you will .not 1 3 disturbed by muequitoes, flies, fleas, roaches or rats. It has been found that no insect will disturb a sleeper while tbe birda aro singing. Try it for yourself. An alligator in the Hirer. . A large alligator, described as being some twelve leet long, as large as that brought down from Black River a few months ago by Capt. Paddison, is dow disporting himself in the festive wateis of the Cape Fear iu roni of th's city, lie wsn seen near Poiut- Peter ou Saturday, and was there "shot at, and ou yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, he wr fouud sunning himself on a raft 1 -g in'front of Mr. Tayloi'i m !1, loot of Walnut street. Tha boys should be cautious about bathing inthe river unil his gatorship disappears, and in a mauuer that can be accounted tor.. ' Good Uoatlna; V ater. Telegraphic advices from Fay etteville to day indicate that there have been good rains in the interior and state that there Is now a plenty of water in the river for boating purposes. For tbe first time in weeks, therefore, tbe steamers may bo expected to run on regular schedule We do not suppose that jthe freshet will be large enough to hurt any of the lowland crops in Bladen county, unless there should be continued rains. There was 2 inches of rain at Raleigh on Saturday and there were heavy rains also, we under stand, on that day, on Deep and Haw rivers.' Save yoor money and buy yew Bu,iW lng tkippliea from AltafTer $ Price. NO. 130 A Sit'k Man and a Hot sua. A man gTvtng his name as Charles Mc Koy, who wps oUce a sailor od the Br, barq ie George Davis , was brought ta thia city yesterday morning in a cart Lom Town Crerk, Brunswick county, des perately sick with a feyer and in a totally u iconucious condition. The act was in tended to be a humane one, no doubt, in sending the man to the city where he could receive medical attendance, but the time delected for conveying the invalid wis a mobt inopportune one as the sun was shining with all the intensity of a midsummer's sun, which, as a matter of c urse, fi8 there was no covering to the c xt, accelerated the d;seaae and increased the fever to a fearful extant, bo much so that the sick man's pu'sc register d one hundred ard forty when tLe car reached n the City UaII between ten arid eleven' o'clock yesterday mornlDg. Dr. Walker, the oity p hysl cian, was immediately sent for and. si, though the case seemed entirely hopeless, went to work with the same amount of assiduity that he would under any other circumstances for suffering humanity, and in the course of a few hours succeeded iu restoring the man to consciousness. Dr. Wood, Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Marine Ilospital, in the meantime was called also, and made arrangements to have the sick man transferred from the City Hall to the Marine Hospital, whjch was done this morning, and there are now strong hopes entertained, we hear, of his recovery. Capt. Jno. Cowan, Secretary of the Board of Maglstiates, gives notice in this issue that a mcsticg of the Magistrates of the county will be held at the Court House, on Monday, August 2d, at 10 o'clock, In accordance with the law, for the purpose of electing a Board of Com missioners for tho county for the ensuing two years. Neither failing teeth, nor the peeping wrnkles of time, so forcibly tell of ad vancing years, as yeur gray hair AYERS VIGOR . restores its color and makes your appearance more agreeable to others, as well as yourself. With fresh, luxuriant hair, the infirmiti es of age are far less noticeable. New Advertisements. Meeting of the Justices of tiie Peace. , JN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 5, Chapter Hi, Laws 1876-7, the Joaticea of the Peace for Xew Hanover County are hereby i notified to ensemble at the Court House on Monday, Auguet 2d, 1880, for the purpose of electing a Board of Commissioners 'for the County. The meeting is called at 10 o'clock, A. M. i - i By order of the Chairman. Hr JOHN COWAN, iy 26-at MAR wit Beefy. - Notice. ALL PERSONS arb hereby forewarned against harbor ing or trusting any of the orew of the Br Barquentine MARY FKOST, Capt. William, aa no debta of their contraction will pe paid by tte Captain or Concigneea ALEX 8PRUNT SON, jy 26 3t Star copy Agents. THE NEW MARKET TO-NIGHT. rpflE CELEBRATED JUBILEE SING ERS will, by reqaeat, repeat their Concert, so that tbe many white friends who were diappoiated on nanday, can have the pleas ure of hearing them. Tbe Gallery will be in reserve or White people only. Admission free. iy26li Cold I gODA WATER, with pure Fruit 8rupa. Hanyadi Water, Apollinaris Water, Ha1l orn Water and Congress (C) Water. For eal by J AMIS a UUND-. Draggist, Jy 8 j Worth Front street. Notice. rpHE BULL ADYERTI8ED in Sarurday's Ravisw was box killed, but I hare him tied up waitiag for the owner, who is requested to call for bim at once. Apnlston, near Wilmington, July 26, 1880. jy 26-lt O. H. HJC1DE. Electric. goon's ELECTRIC HilRBRUSH, the great Headache and Xeura'gia core, eaa be found at J. H. HARDIN'S, Aootheevry . t, " ' , Aew Jfaiket. Prescriptions a specialty. Jy 1880. PLEASE "OTIOE. ( We will beg? ad to receive eoxnmnslcatlonc from our friends on aay and all subjects o reneral Intaresl but : The naae of the writer xntut always be far alshed to the Editor. Oommnaiaatlons rcmat be written on only one aide of the. paper. 1 Personalities most a .voided. And it is especially aSa partlciilarlT.andej' Latcod that the Editor oe not always endorse the views of correspondents, unless so ttakd in the editorial columns.' New Advertisements. , Notice- HAV N'J 80LD TO HR. W. H. 8tyron my stock of Cigars, Tobacco,' Ao.f Ao , , on Market Street, and while thanking my Mends and tbe peblio jreneraliy for the rerr ge&erooa patronage best iweJ upon me bile in the business, I respectfully aak that the same bigirea to Mr. Htyron in the future. jy2M4l WALTER CONE V. New Books. rjiHia jflsw RACE, from the German, fcy A. L Wiater. Louisiana, by Burnett, ilij- ev, by the aathor of Butlede. The Tirgir ia Bohemians, by John Esten Cok.e. Crcma- tion,by an E?e-W!rness. A Tramo Abroad, by Mark T wain: Thought tbt Breathe, by Dean H tinier. Memoirs of Prinoa Mettor. Di h. Twenty Years Inside Life in Wall Street fctudies In the New Testament, by Charles 8. Robinson, D, D. -For sale at HEINSBERGER'8.2 jy 26 Family Bibles, rJJANDSOMELr BOUND, kultable for Presents, Ao. Photographs, Albums, all sizes. Prang's Sunday School Cards, new ..- i and beautiful designs, Fancy Writing Paper I - i and Cards, in boxes. Latest styles, at BUOK STOlK. jj 26 Wire Netting SCREENS j ' For Doors andWindor.-. Oood to keep oat flies and mosquitoes. - I 1 1 . Alio,. Sash, Doors, ! Blinds, Lumber, and .Building, Material Generally t ALTAFFEK, THICi & CO. Faotori Office: Foot of Walnut st Nutt, near Red Cross st. THOMAS H- HcKOY, SUCCESSOR TO l Boatwri&Iit & McKoy, Can sell you GOOD GROCERIES AS LOW As Any OUicr House m V tho Ci:y I trust those that know me won't for a moment think I am ruihin. Don't take my word' for what I have written. Come and examii o ! I ' Goods and Prices, and if I can't convince yon then I will promiso - l to retire from the Grocery busir ees. We are prepared to sell to Conn- j ! try Merchants as low as Le who sells lowest. I desire all our Country Frienda ' . when they visit our city, to como and see me. ; . i I - - Grocer' aud Liquor Dealer, iy 2q 5&7 Front St.' - r ... :(. 1

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