PLKARR wnnnK Hi We will beg? ad to receive coiamunieatlons from ow friends on aay and all subjects o i-eaeral interest but: Tae name of the writer must always be far waned to the Editor. Oommunleations irtut be written; eu only one side of the. paper. j . Personalities mur ?v .voided. j And it Is eepeeUUy e.n iirtlmlarly.'uudfr JOSH. T. J.AMB-. t0rro ako roFmiro. '...t,iiM-lONTAOK PAI1. r will d""1 bT r ..Mir.uMrwNi. ... rtU. r . i ,w and liberal VOL. V. . WILMINGXON, N. C TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1880. NO. 131 rtood that the Editor Con not always endorse the views of eorrespondeau, uales so etstd la the editorial oolnmcs." ' .t-cnlKr. will 1,1-a report auy aad rsc-i ' r -r ;.iitir Bioirf rtn iriTt jt, nnnmni 45 Market Street i..i..ufa.-nns c-iit, rt-gu'ar Call aiul examine. Mi tUnti Shawl. w r i ...m4 wit a ! Mir Shetland Shaw's i !; tlt-y r- really worth 1. UUV !-! rti Summer Skirts, from 5Cc A beautiful line. tUMYmUsl Kiiglbh Ca.abric, 10 cents jarl regular prii 15 cents. mated IVHic lawns, l-'J cen3 p-r yard, 41 all over the country at 15?. DLACK CRAPES. IV Lve just received a largo invoice of t!rp- In Nngl'N Double and Triple. Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings.- NH.K AGENTS IN THIS CITY for the WIDOWS CUAPE, FOll 1 HE DEEP EST MOUUMNG. XV.ig l)rie In Gents' Linen Handker. chk'fa, II LO per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. ii i.arrt nut KwirfHi a new uorsci io ro i tail at T centf a beauty. BROWN & EODDICK, 45 Markot'.St. jr IT tieCtriC I CC0TT3 ELECTRIC UAIRBBU81I, the irt UeaJache aai Neura'i:! care, can bo Lt4 at J. U.U-RDIN', Apotbecarv, .New ilarkft. ffttcrlptiotn a specialty. Jy 23 Notice. t LL PKRSO.t 8 a hereby iV furewaraed axaiast harbor iCr trajtla aar of the crew t& Br BaxqaectUe HkKY -FOST. Cant. Kttllini. am cf their eontratioa will paid by tie vtui or l oaif ne ALtX. A BOS, JyJUl ttur copy Ateats. Th6 LOWOSt PriCGS JjVIi ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, At E. S. W ARROCK'S Job Office t. t f silmitcs at this oflica before liaving Jur printing done elsewhere. OhJicj la Review baild ng.) WHmineton Steam Laundry I 10. 15 NORTH WATER STREET. JO. B, WORTH, Proprietor. KXIL Hmperiateadeci. PRICK LIdT: OpeaforBtlaeeMoB(!ay, Jaly 19, 1F6C 8ns (ol4).10 " (sew) 1e 3e Je LJrWu Ic " S U 10 Drawers. hocU..w.w.. eeeeteee 3c I Towel 3c IlajtdkercLiefe 3c White Tests IS to lie Wear will be taken by the aia nix. , frUe Lbt cf U tUs Wear will be Urte4 HpiU RAlee for Family Waihlajr. Jfl-lw For Rent. pHOM THE l.t of Octotr l&0. rv'deaee at the BoaUwest -trof buih aad Market its. to JOH5 L. CANTWELL, V Mf Bozi:f, PoeiOJSe. Cold I V 'Ol i, wita para Kreit Hyrnps. HJl W.ur, ApoiUnarU Wtr, Hath W.ue ta4 Cnarreee (C) Water. JaMES a MD5D. , JJM Korta JroatetreeL B30VN Tim Hiatc Canvas. Gov. Jarvis. Democratic canrii.lato i for Governor, wilt aMre?s the people aj follows: i i At Clinton, Simpson G unty, Satur day, July olst At Kci.anavi!lt,l)npr.u CULty, luos- i lay. Annual 31 1 At Jsi.-konvi!K, Cnslow OunU, Wol nclay, Aiij'.u1 4!h. At Trenton, .! fVunty, Thursday, August 5?h. At Kington. iJn. ir County, Saturday. t August 7ih. Some otLcr ol tho St;ite Cnwihscrs wil bo with hlra at all of those appointments LOCAL NKWS. .New Advertisements. Pee ad Lot . I IIall A 1'gXRf all Cheap Mat. YiTi. family Hiblca. 1 IiHWitaaaia ew Bookc. J 0 iltNP, Drujrsist ('old I Window Glass all faizea at kaifrr '& Price's. I , t A calt tonguo is to l-o prulerni to a bee's atung. Watermelons acd canUlcucs aro atil plentiful. ' Shrimps havo been scarce for tho pas two or three days. Q.ianlities of fish aro bvii g caught a thotsheries at Now Inlet, No Citv Court tc-dav. owir'j; to the Mayor's absence from the cily. ' Save your money and buy yourPuild Ing Supplies from AlUtler & l'nce. i , When the world comes to an end, what whl be done with it? The tnd, we mtan.jBt One hundred and- eeventv-five hunches . 0I ugu M,ri) et.ul 0Ul D niarKei U11s muru- , . . r . .u ' Ing. RaLlog a structure is like raising baby great c&re should bo used hi tho underpinning. ; You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats Im; Stoves at almost any price at Jacoiu s UArdwATO Depot. Ths market was well supplied with watermelons and cantaloupes this morn- ing DUl Vt'gt' wire bcil.x Tbcro were a gpod many pears, peaches and apples in market this morning. Who was it that predicted this would bo a bad fruit TeaK? a People talk of moneyed rcsponabiilityl There is no responsibility like a Baby. How important th?n that its health be maintained by tho use of Dr. liuu s Jiary Syrup. Trice '25 rents a bottle. Are the private premises iu this city properly poiieod 7 Wd take it they are not, judging Irom he stench which is emitted fwm some of them. The resular August rcuatta is the lhcmo !n yachting circles. There wils o V fc doubtless bo at least two regattas next month and possibly two or throe challenge races. Cus'omer "Vny aro 'Malt liitters'so popular ? ' i Drucrridt ''Decause, as a Food Med I cine, tbt?y curich the b!ood, harden the muscli-s, quiet tho nerves, i-erfect digcs- lIou., JI P 4w African Parrot- ! Air. S. Jewell has at hist store on Front-street, a grey African pirrot. The bird is very pretty, bctndt-s being able to Ujk and sings nic ly. This species are said to be much nKTu apt than the corx- mou gr e:i parri-t. T Make a left. We. understand that Mr. Fletcher Manain,:, who has .-been traveliirg with the Mahn Opera tronpa as bass-, is ex- pected in this city iu a few days on a vialt to Lis family. Mr. Mauniog ba8 achieved a refutation for himself wu:ch any y ooi g mau might feci honored to wear. Uo ;o a mtrobcr of the celebrated Orpheus Quartette.1 Aew City Hospital. We saw this morning a very band- some design for a new City UospiUl. drawn by Mr. J. lirVaUghan.archltect of the new Market House. If tho building is ever erected it will be ouito an addU t!ou totneuty. Tho ground p'an pro vides for all th' modcru Improvementi and,;."d tbt roof will be rhat In architectural circles Is termxl;a ventilation roof. Got Jarvis at Clinton. Mr. Ed. T. Boykin, Chairman of tl e Sampson County IVnncratio Committee, informs us that the Democrats of Simpson will hold a . grand ratifi atiou meeting s t Clinton on Saturday, July 31st. 1-S0-Governor Jarvis and otht-r ajwiakers have leen invited and are exp ced to be pres ent. I Ready mixtni l'lnis,LricU are White Ijea, C I t, Dniahes, W n l Glass, at .lAConi's Arrested. Lou Myers, a colored damsc', was ar r. s:el and tak-ou to the Guaid House last night, charged wil.h disorderly conduct. Spem er Faian and G. W. ILrsy, two colored "gemmw,'' were also tahf n under ho protecting vings of a policeman and given a night's loJgi' g in the C. P., for engaging in an a Hi ay on ths streets last night. They will have an audience with the-Mayor to-morrow morning. Full Supply. Tho scarcity of sugar-cured meats iu this city, which was painfully evident on Saturday, exists do longer. The New York Hteamer which arrived on Saturday u'.ght brought In a full supply and Id, stalments have been received fey rail. We learn that tho pri jcs of meats have ad vanced in the northern and western mar kets. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and szes, at Altaffkb, Pb:ck & Co'a. A Commendable Undertaking. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion, conpected with St. Paul's Evangelt cal Lutheran church, of which tho late uaprain w. -a. .iDn w ."the Review to the effect that tbe body o F.ry uicoiucr, u., - - I.CO W uuu iub wua.uwDB - city to solicit funds with which, added to the amount already donated by the Firel I lepartmens 01 me cuy. w view a cm- I . v . . t .t ; a a ft M if. able monument over his remains. The . a1 -i ft I. H M n . Utni aa UAaapa I .rtu u- t?ot?,5 F. E. Dashagan, Chairman, E. P. Bai- ley, Secretary,! H. L. Vollers, G, W. Rorneman. C. II. Stemmerman and Charles VanKampen. The people of Wilmington remember the sad incidonfs connected with the death of Cap1:. EUcrbrook; how with un flinching heroism he stood-at the post of danger and duty until he fell a victim to his own devotion, and it will bo a mourn-1 ful satisfaction to our people to perpet-1 uate his memory and heroic death in en-1 during marble. Evervbod v can cer suite with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaooui's Hardware Depot- Good fur I'olnt caswell. A friend at Point Caswell sends ua the following report of a Democratic rally and the formation of a club at that p'acel on Sa'urday last: At a largo and enthusiastic mooting of I the Democrats of Caswell Township. I hoM here to-dav. a Hancock. Jarvis and B. Croom. Lu Vollers: Secretary. J. N I Rnnrf Troaanrcr. Tl. A. Colvin. Tbe Club has a beautiful banner and a I fine long pole, bat owing to tbe mclem- ... . . fti.- I ency or ine weaiuer me raiemg vi me pole was postponed until the 7th day of Au-ust, at which time a large, crowd is expected, and as good speakers will be on hand to entertain and" enlighten tbe peo- .. . . . r pie on tbe Important political issues ol the day it is hoped that all will attend WhO Can I The popular and efficient Sheriff. A. H. Faddison, being present, was called on or a speech, and responded in a few we I timed remarks, urging the importance of WnWchnr,.ftnir.vtIon and medictin" ft iuviwkj- v- m . e triumphant victory for th nominee of the Democratic party on the 2d day of No vember next. Thus tbe good work goes brave y on. Tbe alley running tnrou,;h from Front to Second streets, between jilarket and Dock, was covered with water to the depth. In some places, cf nearly two feet during tbe rain this afternoon, in co-sequence of the drain which carries it be coming choked. . It soon ran off. however. and there was no damage done to any of tho adjacent premises. Wllintnxtoit District Third round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South. Smlthville, .July. 27-28 Wilmington, at Front St, July 31, Aug l Wilmington, at Fifth St, Aug. 7-8 Onslow..... - Aug -5 Topsail, at Herrings Chapel, Aug 10-11 Duplin.......... s following officers: PresideLt, J. R. Pad- AmnS prisoners undergoing sen dison; Vice-Presidents. J. C. Stuckey, tot disorderly cnduot in the City Thus. H. Woodcock. E. A. Llawes. J. Prison are two women, one white and the Uniuallahicg. The. following unmailable postal mat ter remains at the poatoffice in this city: Mrs. Ruth B. Kelly, AdaMne Kenneday, Blakwell Lucas, Johr BIcLaoghlin, acd Harry Moore. Death by Lightning. During the thuoder storm which pre vailed this afternxm Mrs Lnmsdm, wife of Mr. James Lumsden, in a wnall house on Dr. W. W;. Harrituj' place, on Mason tor o Sousd, waa kille! by light ning. Mrs Lumsden was iu bed with her infant only a few days old, ben the lightning struck the house and tore tbe bed1 to pieces and killed Mrs. Lumsden bat withoutiujury to the child. These par ticulars were reraived here by telephone this afternoon. . A Moore's Creek. Melon. Our young friend, Mr. I, Newton AU derman, sends us a large aud luscious watermelon, weighing .41 pounds, which was raised on Mr. Owen Aldeman's plan tation, on Moore's Creek It is of the rattlesnake variety,1 considered now, next to the Cuba, as the best melons that aie grown. Mr. Alderman tells us that it was grown upon sandy soil, with a clay foun dation, and manured with ashes from the fireplace, yard litter and kitchen slops, which he considers ea among the' best of fertilizers. Mr. Alderman further tells us thaUhey hive been having fine rains in that section of late, and that the crops are looking very well, especially corn and potatoes. The Drowned Man. The statement snblished vegferdav in the man who was drowned in front of I Afartrftt fWlr on PatnnUir rilif wKIln . ' , that nt Ilavld Mdllfttr ft TOAllknrrn nnl- I f , , , I man hna a'nrfl hppn nrnsn t ho r body m as found floating in the river, op- . . taken into the dock foot of Orange street, where it was fully identified as that of David Mallett. A jury was empannel- ed to-day and a verdict rendered of ac cidental drowning. The Campaign Club. There will be a called meeting of tbe Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club at the City Hall on Thursday evening, on which occasion it Is hoped that there will J be a full attendance. The Club now nambe about one hundred members and J they are making active arrangements for l a narticlnfttlon in the ereat events of the r , 1 B - " (campaign hereabouts. They have sue- J ceeded In securing the necessary funds wkerewith to purchase a full supply of the new lights and they will make an lm- posmg show in the grand torchlight pro- cession we are to-have here the latter part of next month. 1"er oiaca, ootn 01 tnem weu auowu ior .1 . hi t I a. i fi e J r a li lQeir '"-'fl ana "equeu aueauauto at ine Par 01 ine wlJ uouri- . JJla T ! . I 2 ft I i: ft . 1 " ftU "lwJ " lBO wu u-uo nrpd HimBfil And Alien Kellev that of the wnit creature. j.ney were ensconcea m tolerably good quarters in what is known .aa the woman's room yesterday, when owing to the pugnacious tendencies of the mtiUa avi-imin ha .Tan f Mr folt rftnafrain - - w prison ner iu a ceu. mtn nave legmat fcftftj uftftftftftg .vu.ft. ift vuv Sot the Presen3e and wace ot the 7 amiorf wuo muamperea. moaeet ync6 maD UQU1 7ou Be5 nim usea, n wno is uoiaenougn w aeparaw iwo women C31- ligerents must ba the incarnation of fear leasness and , courage. Strange to sayi the Janitor came off without a scratch. The New Orleans Jubilee Singers give their farewell entertainment this evening at Brooklyn Hall. The thermometer in this effie at 3 o'clock to-day, during the prevalence of the rain storm, registered onlv 84 degrees . We were visited this afternoon with another hsavy rain-storm which, although very pleasant to the feelings and cooling to tho atmosphere, is yet bad for the cot 'on crop. Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon the rain fall at this place to day Is reported from the Signal Office at 1.10 inches. There la no report of the fall since 3 o'clock, but we think that, as Home of the hardest rain was since that hour, it will approximate in all some 1 Inches. List of Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postofhee Wednesday, July 28th: A George AjniS-ong. R- Uo llarnet, Isam Boon, Jno W Borr hiilLQ Baton, Adline E Brown. L.ury petsi, dames tJowser. j C Jbizzie Canneday, L'.zzie Campbell, Kate Cowans. Mag&'.e Gotten, Mary Jane 0nner, Chas R Cook. ( D Polly Dttvarje, Amelia Dav s, Bat sey Davis, Ii R Daniels, Jno Dunn, J H Daviubon, Archie Davis. F-Bertha Purges"' n. Max:e:e Franklin: Hannah F-x, Thomas Forput, F A For dou, mr liarry Franklin. G Isabel. a Ganse, C W Grandv. Ida Green. Jno V Galloway (co ), V R tiiUe. H-Al eu IIu'I, Ahin U'ill. Jno Holt. T D Harrisa. J A Hiirman. Autia .Ian. Hogins, Cheney Hh-1, VV 11 Uowe. Haeer Henderson, Janie R liall, miss Iatella Housten. " , . J Jennie Jovce, Maria Jones. Eadv Jackson, Robert Jackson! Willie Joyner, t. i iversuaw, m limy on. L Isaac jLane. M Carrie McDootle, Georce McRae. Hannah Merrick, Julia Morgan, Maggie moniague, riftscuia Martin, Sophia Mc Fariand, W D Mitchell, James Murray, Orange McKoy, Warren Mitchell. Np-Charlotte Newkirk, Josephine New hoffj P Wm P Pope, M M Parker, Ben J Poimaier, Ema';ne Pidam, Richard Price, Laura A Price. R Thos Reed, Henry Robeson. S Henry Sweat, Joseph Scott, R J SmithJ J D Sampson, Lamb Smith. W P Stovalj Elizabeth Sampson, Lou. bmith, juanay onrtn. ,. . T John Thompson. W Jesse Weatheriy, J K Williams, Robert Williams, Sandy Williams, Dr in os wimanason. Peraons calling for letters iu above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. 1 ' E.R. BRINK, P.M.-' Avilmington, N. C, New Hanover County, N. C. Iusufficient Drainage. Uncieaned cess-pbols, filth of any char acter, exhalations from masrhy lands, all this, poisoning the blood, bring on Yellow Fever. The sole and only reme dy that will act directly upon1 tho Kid neys and Liver the cleanser of the bloo- is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, used in connection with Warner's Safe Pills. jy 2. Neither failing teeth, nor thetpeeping wrnkles of time, so forcibly tell of, ad - vancing years, as your gray hair AYERS VIGOR restores its color and makes your appearance more agreeable to others, as well as yourself. With fresh. luxuriant hair, the infirmitl es of age are far less noticeable. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a meeting of Cornelias Harnett Conned No. 231, Royal Arcanum, held on the even' ing of the 38th itst , the following report was unanimously aaoptea : W HE&Big, The infinitely wise and Merciful Creator, tne Mapreme Kegent of the universe, " " ftftiftWftJ BUIFUUII hsseea fit to remove, by death, from all earthly scenes and associations, our beloved brother, Adolpb Bear; and, whereas it is meet, neat and proper, that we gire exnres sion to the feelings this sad dispensation 1 of rTOTiaenoe nasiEspired, therefore Resolved. That in the death of Brother Ber, this Council realizes the n sinful truth that a seat has been made vacant in eur fra ternal circle that can never be filled, and that as a memorial of the melancholy event,a page in the Journal bedeeignated which shall bear the inscription of his same and the date of his decease. Resolved, That we share in the affliotion that has thus overtaken the relatives of the deces ed and offer them tbe assurance of our sympathy and condolence in this hour of their bereavement and distress. Resolved. That as a further mark of re spect.we will Wear the usual badge of mourn ing for thirty days. liesolved, mat a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased. and thrt the Rsvisw and the Star be each furniihed with a copy for publication. ; Respectfully submitted in -V. M. O R. W. CHADWICK, ROGER MOORE, V Com. J. L MACKS. J jily 23, 1E60. New Advertisements. Lost. QN BOABD STEAMER PASSPORT, cn the 21st Inst , a em ill (Ladies) GOLD NEUK CHAIN AND LOCKET. Anyone fi ad Id r the same end returning it to W. H. Barr, at Kidder's Mill, or h-aviog it at the bivnw cf5ce, wilt be suitably rewarded. . jy l7-3t 1 CHEAP tVJEAT. A FEW 1IERCE3 REJECTED CANVASSED HAMS, Will be sold at SIX Cents. Hall & Pearsall. iy w New Advertisements. IMotice- HAViNO SOLD TO MR. W. n. Styrrn mj atock of Cifare. Tnbaco- Ae.. A . on Market Street, and while thankia mr friend and the pnblie irenerellv for tbe verV generooe patronage bostweJ upon rue hil la the basineM. I rpipeetfnllr aik tht th same b3 friven to Mr. Htyron in the fatnro. 1 WALTlSlt CONEY. Mew Books. rpHE NEW RACE, from the German, by A. L. Winter. Loainina, by Harnett, bin ey, by the aotlior of lUUWye. ' Tne YIrgUia i. Bohemians, by John Esten Cooke. Crcmi- an Eye-Wltness. A Trump Abroid, by Mark 1 wain." Thoughts that Breathe, br Ueaa ritanler. Memoire i-f 1'rinoe ..Matter. nkh. Twenty Years 'Inside Life in Wall 8tret. Studies In the New Testament, by Charles 8. Hobinson, D. D. For sale at HEIN8BEUGEi;'8.2 jy 26 Family Bibles, JTjANDSOMELY BODNP, iuiUble for Freeents, Ac Photographs, Albums, all eizae, Prang's Bundayj School Cards, now and beautiful dsaigns, Fancy .Writing Paper and Cards, in boxes, la tles, BOOK STORE. jy 26 Wire Netting O0REEN8 O For Doors and.Windows. Good to keep oat Hies and mosquitoes. , j Alio, Sash, Doors, Blinds Lumber, and ;Building" Materisl Generally! ALTAFFER, PRICi & CO. Factory: Offioe: ' k . Foot of Walnut et. Nult, near Red Cross el. jy . . .. j . THOMAS H- McEOY, SUCCESSOR TO Boalwriglit cS; -McKoy, Can sell you - GOOD GROCERIES AS LOW As Any Otlip Ho:isfj in tho I trust those that know rnc won't for a moment think I amj gushing. Don't take my wortl for what I hare written. Come and examine Goods and Prices, and if I can't convinco you thcix.1 will prcmiso to retire from the Grocery buslncrs. I ..' i ' We are prepared to sell to Conn try Blerchants as low as he who sells lowest. , ' I desire all our Country Friends when they -visit our city to come and see me. THOS. II. IttcKOV, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, jy2G C&7FrontS(J

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