-.'"Vri f MIS m r .niicRirrxoic. footage paid. T,L 11 11 1 U6 mOBth, M OefitS. ThTM " Mr wiU b-dafivered by earrien, ttt I- I" of t city, at th. report u; tad ti ff ta r" their papftrrUriy. RODDICX 45 Market Street. G-iiU J. a- Drawers, ! 0 Wu,iifeiir C'J crnta, regular jakv $!.- Call aid x.mlue. n i h'm lri Milrt $1, ty Ucra v r sr- J-ai -ill no thor. Mi tlai tl Sua Is. He aw cfc i"3 itd orr Shetland Shaw's ! tl; U7 really worth $'. IjfcJe" CoUra4 Summer Skirts, from CCc Uifl.w. A beautiful line. WUaP.mtedKngUab Cambric, 10 cents .iu,rt i.i IViuled Pacific Lawns, 12 cents pr yaid, a 41 all of ex the country at 15c. iiLArK crapes. We have just received a large Invoice or Suitable for Veilirgs and Trimmings. .MUX AtiKKTS X THIS CITY for tha ttllMiW.S CUAI'K, FOIL 'I UK DKEP EST MOUUXIN'O. A i:. Driie In Oonts' Linen Haudkcr. chiefs II 50 per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. Wa la? Ju t rfvelted a new Corset to re tail at 7 centf x beauty. BR0WH & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. Jtn . Electric. " ooorra elsotrio haibbru8U, the t rstt UsaiMlm aal Nearatgla care, eante fiaai at ' ' J. ILHIBDIN'ri, AiM)tbeearT, JNew UarkeL l'rcripUoB a speU1ty. Jy 23 Notice. ALL PSRSONS a', fcsrrby fortwarasJ aaiMt hatbor ! or trutlar aar of tba rr f th Br buqawtlaa MART -r-HT. CsdI. WlUlatas. as no bu of thir soatrMtla will p. paid by Ue valuta or i ouirifM ALX. 8PBUNT A BON, Jj SI St Htar copy AgenU. The Lowest Prices JjOU AIX KINDS OF PRIXTLVO, Al E. S. WARKUCK3 Job Oflice. ttt estimates at this office before having yur print tag done elsewhere. nmMin Revlrw building.) For Rent. pKOU THE lit of OstoWr 18SC, tarsldae at tbo BomUwest corr of Hzlh aad Market its. ApJlyto J0H5 L. OAIfTWKLU jj la-if Box 47 f. Post Oilier Cold 1 g D1WATSK, with paro Fruit Byropa. U.ajadi W.Ur. lpotliaHa W.tr, Hath era Water aal Q ipai (C) WJr. mmS F. r iao by J4MaS a MVHO. - DnrttiL Worth Frottt. CHEAP A FEW 11Ki;K3 REJECTED CAKYASSED HAMS, Wi l U sold at SIX OenU. BROYH & MEAT. .Hall & Pearsall. it H 1 ft' a VOL. V. 1 h Htatfe C'ja'vas. Got. Jarvia. Democratic candidate for Governor, will addreea the people as follows: At Clinton, S.mtuinn (Jointy. Satur day, July 3 lt. At Kcnativi!lr,DupHii Cm.ty, lues day, August 3 1 At Jacksonville. Cntdow fjourty. Wed ocsday. An, o Jt j th. At Trento;i, .hme.s O.untjr, Thaisday, Au Ufct 6th. At Kintiton, Laiu.tr County, Saturday August 7tb. Some other of the St itc Oanvansers wil be with him at all of th-w appointments ; .. .. TUB MAIL.!. The malls cloee and arrive at the City pt office an follows : Northern through and way mails o.T.O a. m. Raleigh 5 30 a. m and :00 p. tu. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. A; N. O. Ilallroad, at D;30 p. m Southern mails for all puinia South, daily..... nib p. in. Western mails (0 G Ry) daily 0:00 p- m Mail fur Cueraw & , iDarhog ton 7:45 p. m. Mails fur toirta between r lo- rence and Charleston :45 p. m. Fayctteville, and ofGccs on Capo Fear River, luoeuays, aud Fridays......... 1:00 p. m Fayctteville, Ia Lumbcrtou, daily, except Sundays 0:00 p. ta, Onslow O. II. and intermedi ate efficea, every Monday and Thursdiv at COO a. m. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) I0:00 a. m Mail for l-Usy Hill, Town Greek, Shat lotto and Little Kiver, 3 O , every Mon day and Thursday at COO a. m. Wilrningtcn and BUck River Chapel, Mondays" eUiies- dava and Fridiivs at 0:00 a. m. Ol'EN FOR DELIVERY. i Northern through and way ( mails ....L ,7:00 a. m. Southern Maila.t J 7:30 a. tu. Cariina Central Railway 10:00 a. m Stamp Ofhco open from 8 a. m. to 14 M., and from 2 to 0:30 p. m. Money Order and Iteplster Department open same as stamp oilice. General delivery oncn from f:00 ft. m to C:30 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m- . I Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Malls colloctcd from etreat twice every day at 3:30 p. m. LOCAL NEWS New Advertisements. riTM.-Kaa.Uy Uibh. P lliiHiBitoim ew Boukt. J O Mbsdii, Drtijrffiit C1J 1 Another hard rain tc day , - Who said b.ack6h excurbion? The froth of July Ugor borr. Motquiioes lead a hum drum life. Tanner is maKiog the fastest timo on record. J Always cut oil In us piimt An inter" est coupon. ? I WIrdow O lass all sizes at AlUfTer A f Trice's. 1 Too much raio by something more than a a jugiui. July, 1SS0, will kick the bucket in three more Jajs Bicamship llcntfa'J-jr, Gapt. Jones, arrived hero last evening from New York. Is it ovidsne of a loir tate when a man gits on h;s knees to chink from aj rrook7 Alld buv Tout Build" ,ng Suprlica finm A'tatler A rrice. , lb(J aat lom - o day and the temper tore has consequent ly been rruch cooler. Full 3Ial and Walnut zlw Cass, all stvh-9 aud aui-s, al altaffkb, j ul A Go's. An unhappy, marriage is like an electric machiDe It makes one dance, dui you can't let go. A man is supposed to bo in his prime at 40 unlcsa he knocks his piiming out before that tlma. . Voi i can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats liur voveaat almost any price at Jacodi's IIidar i'epo. ( At 3 o'clock this aiieroooa the tber moaeter in this effice, registered 82 de gree as against 83 degree at 11 o'clock f this forenoon i DAILY WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY Uoat Oul'dlnc . Master John Muoson, a lad of fourteen' son ot Mr. II. H Munaon, ta built a sk ff. which boat builders say reflec ts much credit upou the ama'eur bnildor. The model i9 said to be mrfect and so ac curate were his cticu!a.ious reitive to the amount ot lumber, nails, etc , that there! was no waste. The young lientlemin has been warmly complimented oa bis sue cess. lieu. IVlcltae Ut-Clines. - i As was fi arcd by mauy , when he was with lb a few das ago, Gen. William MacRae has definitely declined th posi tion which was fiered him as Genernl Manager of the Caroliua Central RV.lroad. Ue;is buwSuperiutendeut of the VVTestern & Atlantic R. K., of Georgia aud his en gagements there art pieaded as his rea sons fordecllulng hero. IJ is decision will be regretted by many of our readers Murchlsou and Mac Rao would made a strong team in working for the Interests of Wilmington. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi haviug been appoint- e l arent for the Atlas Plow, parlies in waut of this celebrated Plow f cm uow have Uieir orders .filled at Jacoiu's Hard. ware Deiot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. llome Aain. M . M. F. Mann ins. of whoso return we tpjke yesterday, arrived here 1'st evenir.tr on the steamahio Benefactor. He o Is accompanied by a professional friend, Mr. II. C. Depeu, also of Mahu's English Opera Company. Capt, Mauning was id waiting at the wharf with conveyances and within a few moments after the wharf had been touched, the Messrs. Manning, pcre it ills, with their guest, were en route for Capt. Manning's place at Wrights vi!lo. The via i'-is will probably spend a month here. Mr. W. Fred. II trgrave, formerly of this city, but now of New York, was also a passenger on the Benefactor, lie re ceived a hearty hand-shake from ny frier.? who met him at the wharf. Cua'omer "Why are Mt'alt Bitters' 10 popular ? - Druggibt "Because, as a rood Meal cine, they enrich the blood,, harden tbe muscles, quiet tho nerves, perfect diges tion." jy 12 4 The Daalh Stroke from Lightning We learn TViim a gentleman just from Masonboro Sound some ad&itional parb ticulars in regard to the doath by light ning of the wie of Mr. Henry Lumsden at that place yesterday. There was no rm si the tliro of the lightning stroke nor was there during the whole day. any sprinkle fiom the clouds at all. At the timi of the aooklent, tbe sun was shining bright and the shock which was so sud d :n tnd cnexpec' -d came almost Jike a clp;f tLuader from a clear sky, theje hiving been no sharp poals of thunder up to that t:mi. Only a low rumbling of distant thunder had been heard, conee- qien If tho bhock was more surprUing aad ferriac than if a thunder storm had be in raging. Tue house in which the mfoitunatd womm was liviog is on the premises of Dr. W. W. Harriss, and is situated about two hundred yards from that gentleman's summer residence, under tho shade of a tall oak tree, a limb o which overhangs a window in the house where the doceased lived. This window unfortunately was open at the time and he sick woman lay oa her bed with ber ittle three weeks old infant close by her aide near the window, while ber nve other children were playing in the yard rcar the house under the shade of the trej. This wa3 the position and condition of things about the house at o'clock when the fatal bolt struck tho tree aud from the overnatgmg branches cntored the room through the window, dtstroying.the li.e of the mother while the infant oa the same couch re mained untouched. One of the children in tho yard was s ightly ir jurcd and a d g Ijjng at tbe loot of the tree was Ued The children bein? friLteuui nearly to death yelled and screamed, which bruugbt the neighbors running over, who found the woman beyond the halp of human aid, with both hands raised as though feeling for her babe. The husband and father was absent at the tfme from home, or perhaps the motherless children, would have been deprived of both parents at once The bed on which the woman lay remained standing until some one of the gentlemen commenced to see what he could do and jarred the couch, when it all fell to pieces, and our informant states that man with an axe in his hands couldnt lo ten minutes time break a beJ, stead Into, as many piece fa tbis one was ahatUrod into. KEYIEW. City Court ( Quite a ler.gthy, docket awaited the Mayor this morning at theusual Ccuri hour. The first case called was Liu R?ye;s and Jane Blackmai ; charge, die oruorly cond ict; sentence of the Gurt b fi ie or five dys for the firt uamed aud $li fine. or ten da8 o the last nabifd d lendant Saucer Fai. on aud G. VV. Hersey, two colored youtts, were arraigned for in dulgiag in a free fight in Brooklyn, on Monday n'g' ; sentence of the Court $" fi ie or five das in the C. V for each do fend ant. 1 Wm. Fhinney, colored, the redoubtable and chronic disturber of the peace, one cf tbe regular attendants on the Mayor's; levees, was brought up on the charge of assault and battery. The Hay or gave but a short meter sentence, but it was long meter time for the prisoner, who was sent bolow for thirty days in default of pay ment of a fine of $30. Laura Taylor and Frances Outlaw, two colored women who have passed over the hill and entered upon the declining years of life, were arretted and arraigned upon an affidavit made that defendants were guilty of violating Sec. 8 of the Gen eral Ordinance of the I Cityj by keeping a disorderly house and using and allowing to be used boisterous cursing and ' swear ing and other obscene language. Quite an airay of witnesses were on hand to testify, all of whom were colored, and all of whom were likewise of the feminine genler. f Keziah Butler was the first to .take the stand to testify as she did in tau) -stance after the following fashion: I couldn't s!eep;' there is uo chance to rest nor take any peace either day or night. I think 'Miss' Outlaw is de 'casion ob de confusion, which de Lord knows dere is plenty ob all de time. I'se agwiue ter tell it just as it happened; de truth must shine. I'se got ter go r Judgment when I die. I tb:Dk 'Miss' Outlaw is de most ter blame tor Miss' Taylor is all de t;me ' begging her to let her aloue, beia' she'd got her work to do.' Did you hear any cursing and swearing?' asked the Court. Did 1 he' - any cussing ; should think I did, and sich language as I'm not gwine to repteatfbut you want the truth, and I'm gwine to tell jer, the t.ath must shine. I'se got to go to judgment. iliss' j Outlaw is de one to blame more 'n Miss Taylor.' Stand aside,' said ythe Court. 'Call Ann Fulford,' and Ann Fulford took 'ie stand. I think 'Miss Outlaw is the mosest to blame ; this thing has been going on for three months or better. The cussing and lusstng is going on 'fore people get out of bed.' 1 ( Jr ie Fulford, another wilner, corrobor ated Ann Fulford 's statement, and Eliza Singleton corroborated all the foregoing testimony, except that she told Miss' Out law to tiy and pray. 7 Agnes Crocker blamed Frances Outlaw and thoightsbe was a uui ience on the hill Kate Johnson was the last witness called and she corroborated evei thing everybody else had said. Frances Outlaw, one of the defendants, now sought and obtained permission jfrom the Court to speak in her own defence, when she opened her mouth and spoke! as follows: 'Laura Taylor gives all dese wo men 'rotgut' to drink and dej cum here and talk for hit. She and sis Taylor fout Sunday, aad de floor was washe 1 in blood add I called a policem in to look at it. Liura gits drunk and buses we. I had to go to the Jidge about her and she told me things I wouldn't say here.' From Frances Outlaw's statement it did look like the thing was a put up job on her by L.ura Taylor and her friends, but tbe Mayor could only take cogatzance of the evidence in the ease, and as the wit nesses all swore one way. Tbe Court sentenced Frances Outlaw to thirty days' imprisonment in tbe City Prison. This ended the docket and the Court adjourned1 Neither failing teeth, nDr the peeping wrnkles of time, so forcibly tell of ad vancing years, as yeur gray bair AYERS VIGOR raatorei its color and makes your appearance more agreeable to others, as well as yourself. With fresh, luxuriant hair, the infirmitl es o f ae are far leas noti eable. I liyou want a correct information about any kind of business, ask the indmduaj who has never engaged in it. We often wondered what induced Dr, Bull to Invent his celebrated Baby Syrup, but we voders Land now. that be was a married man. 28, 1880. NO. 132 Lot I.Terj Tax. Payer Bead This! an a matter oi interest to ail ot our realers we publish herewith some facts connected with the county finances. The eompr:non between the years of Dtmo craticru'e and Radical misrule is a re maskable one. Beginning with the year 1874, when there was a lull Republican Board, and closing with this year we find t t the exi-euses of the countv have .. . ... - - actually been rtduod much more than oue-half. Here is an exhibit of the ex penses for the pa6t seven years ; In 1874 the running expenses of the oounty were $57,907 16; in 1875 they were $55,808' 98; in 1876 theywere $45, 668 52; in 1877 they were $40,442 53 in 1878 they were $4,037.37;- n 1879 they were $31 516 95; and . in 1880 they will be about $24,862 97, a difference between 1874, when there was a full ReL. publican Board, and 1880, when there is a I full Democratic Board, of $33,044.17. The estimate for 1880 is made by taking tbe actual expenses for the past ten months, $20,637 60 and adding thereto tbe expenses last year fcr July and Aug, ust. The fiscal year, be it understood, ends August 31st. In 1874 a floating debt of $35,000 was funded and in 1876 Mr. B. G. Worth and Capt. 1, B. Grainger, who were put on the board, found not only this bond d debt of $85,000 but a floating debt of $33,000, which they succeeded in funding for $30 200. These gentlemen were called to the Board by the Republicans themselves who had got everything Into such a perfect snarl and waste tint they could neitner d'sentangle nor rconc miza. Messrs Worth and Gra inger sue ceeded in reducing the expenses of tbe county Borne $10,000 during the first year they were on the Board and during the second year they reduced them $5,000 more. In 1878, it was increied about $500 over 1877. In 1879, when tth present Board went into office, that being the first year of the full DemocraticBoard, the expensypf. the county were still further reduced $9,500 and this year the same Board have brought them down still further and to the extent of $7,000. But this is not all. Not only have the expenses of the couity been redu'sd by a wholesale process but the present Board have paid $30,500 of thd $35,000 debt contracted in 1871. The tax levy this year, jt is estimated, will be but 63 cents 24 cents less than that of last year, and of th:i 63 cents 10 per cent is to be set aside for a sinking fund to be created to pay ofi; the balance of the bonded debt, which will mature in 1887. We are indebted to Col. Jno. D. Tay lor, Clerk of the Board of Commissicners, for these figures, and it is with peculiar pleasure that we give them publication. We doubt if there is j a county in j me state wmcn can maae as good a sho.'ig ; Jfyaere is, we would rke to hear from it. This is Democratic work, and it is a pract'eal and cheerful instance wherein the promts to the per pie have been fuelled. All honor j to Mr. Worth, and to the memory of the lamented papt. Grainger, and to the pre "int Chairman and Board, for this nagni5cent demonstration of what hon-' esty, capacity rnd integrity in office an accompiisn ior me Denent oi me peopie. I ; ; ' Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Deoot.- y Fine Pictures. Mr. C. W. Yates has gotten up mag nigcent crayon pictures of Hancock and English which are said to be marvels of artistic skill and i taste. Mr, A. M. Car- ' i " ter is canvassing the city for their sale and will undoubtedly meet with an abun dant success . as every Democrat will desire to have a good picture of the next President snd Vice President. De bra also pictures of Garfield and Arthur, got ten up by tbe same srtitt in the same excel ent style; which Republicans will undoubtedly purchase and dress in mourning to remind them of days depart ed never to return. r New Advertisements.! Lost. QN BOABD STEAMER PASSPORT, on the 31it iait , a small (Ladica) GOLD HECK CHADJT A VD LOCKET. Anyone fiadlnr theaame and returning it to W. H. Barr, at Kidder's Mill; or leaving it at the Bavuw cfiSee, will be suitably rewarded. jy J7-3 J - " ! PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive eommuxdcatlom from our friends on aay and all subjects "o Ceaerall&taratt bat: Tbe nam of the writer must always be fur niahed to the Editor. . Oomnatxnloatlonj nruit be written on onl j one side of the paper. Personalities nut ? voided. And it is especially u particalarly 'under ' stood thai the Editor tioe net always endors e the views of oorrespondeats, unlets so stated hi the editorial oolatsna.' New Advertisements. IMotice- HSTIX' SOl.n TO MR. W. H. Styron my stock of Cijfars, Tobacco, Ac, lc , on Market Btreet, and while thanking- wy friend and the public Generally for tho reir generona patron are bestowed upon m hile in the btuineaa. I rpercctfullT tik that th same ba jriren to Mr. Htyron In th future. JJ WALTJfiK CONEY. Wew Books. rjlHE NEW RACE, from the German, by A..)L. Wiiter. Louisiana, by Burnett MiV by, by the author of Eutledga. The Yirgioia i Bohemians, by John Eaten Cooke. Crema- tion.by an Eye-Witneea. A Tramo Abroad, by Mark Twain; Thought tht Breathe, by lean 8tanley. Memoirs, of Prince Alettor- ni h. Twenty Veara Inaile Life in Wall Street, todies in the New Teat a oi on t, by Charles 8. Kobinaon, D. D. Foraaleat HEINSBERGEB'S.S if 26 (Family Bibles, JJANDSOMELT BOUND; Suitable for Presents, Ac. Photographs, Albums, all sizes, Prang's Bunday Bchool Card, new and beautiful designs, Fancy Writing Paper and Cards, In boxes, latest styles, at BGOK STORK. jj 26 . Wire Netting SCREENS -For Doon aadWindowi. Good to keep out flies and mosquUoes. Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and Building' Material Geneja'Iy t ALTAFFER, PR1CI5 & CO. I . i Factor: Office: Foot of Walnut at. Nutt, near Red Croat at. THOMAS 3- McZOY, SUCCESSOR TO Iloatwriglit & McKoy, Can soli you GOOD GROG AS LOW As Any . "()tli.-r Hon-c in tho City. I trust those that know mo won t for a moment think I am uahinfjf havo written. Como and eianiiEai Goods and Prices, and if I can't convince you then I will promise i i -j . to retire from the Grocery businces. We are prepared to sell to Conn- try Merchants as low as ho who ' ' i soils lowest. I desire all our Ccuntry Fi lends when they visit our city to conic and see me. ' TH05. II, HIcKOX,, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, -32a ' 5 &7 Front St lEIES

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