I PLEASE 501 ICE. . nME. SudATt w- ' - r We will be gfad to receive eoEuaictUoai from our friestfs on aay and mv,. general interest but : . "".ecu o The nam of the writer xsost alwajg be rar lushed to the' Editor. - Communication rxtui bs written ou ociy one ride of the paper. 1 Personalities must voided. And it is especially M t&rsttlarIv'uiIer -B7 T i 13. POSTAGE ThX jm' 5J o,. Boath,Moen1 oenta, rw f r . ... rt of thaeitv. attha .fxr wui kn. ' r v ' - . 17., rata I 4 VOL. V. WILMINGTON, X. C, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1880. stood that the Editor diets net alwayi enden e the viewa of correspondents, utile m o ftMcd in the editorial coluwn.v" "arib-rs will pleaa report u7 u4 u, rmlrmVh9ir papera regularly. NO. 134 t Da 1 IEIEW? & RODDICK 45 Market. Streets ; ., J. ans Drawer, .'.n mnfc nn, Ci'J cent, tegu'ar l " a p, I Cal 1 and exatnl or awl y will use no other.. .Mi-tlai.u Sbawla. m are f'-ii'S Hl1 our Shetland ohaws i $1; thy ar really worth $1. LadaV Colored Summer Skirts, froui 50c to f 1.73. A beautiful line. a,kV.I.-ted English Cambric, 10 cents per j it J regular price 15 cents. fruited Ic:tlc Iawm, 12, cents p r yard, a.UaUover the country at 15c. BLACK CKArKS. W Late jwt received a large iuyolco of Crapes la Single, Double and Tripl. Suitable lor Veilings and Trimmings. M).K AGENTS Itf TUIS CITY" for tho WIDOWS CllArE, FORTIIK DEEi EST MOUKN1NO. A Delta In Gents' Linen Handlcer. chiefs, $1 CO per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. W iiSTe ju i leoeivea a new voracw iu ru- UU at 1 n!-c-a beinty. 3R0WN & RODDICK, 45 market St. jf 17 Electric. QCOTTA ELSOt&IO HlIRBRUSH, the graat Ueadaehe an 4 Neara'gla eire, eaat f. iad at J. ILUiBDLV, Apolbeea-r, w Market. PrtaerlpUoea a apeclalty. Jy w Notice. 4 LL PKS4053 arfcrby V. forawaraed against harbor lac or trmstla aay of the erew oflh. Br Barqasctiae 11 ART r OMT. Caot. WUIUbj. aa bo drbu of th.ir eoetraetiaa will pe paid by Ue Captala or 'oaaIe ALkX. 8PRUNT A BOV, JyllSt 8Ur copy AfenU. The Lowest Prices JjOU ALL KISDS OF rBINTINO,' At E. S, WAR'JCK3 Job Office. Get estimates at this office before having your print log done elsewhere. (Officila Uetkw balMlng.) jyjcr For Rent. JROM TUS lit of October 1SS0. u. mUeaes at the Boathweet eraer of flats aa4 Market sts. ApoJy a J0H5 L. CAITTWELL, ij l tf Box 4i9,rot Ufliee. Cold 1 gJDA WATSK,wlth pare Fralt Hyraps. UaaMil WaUr, ApoUlaaris WaUr, Bath ora Water aaJ Goaxreae (C) WaUr. For aa'e by J4ME3 a MOND . Drerjrirf Jy Worth FroBtet ef. CHEAP MEAT. A FSW 11BIH.E3 (EJECTED CANVASSED HAMS, Wi:l U soli at SlXCeaU. BROVN 1BB Hall l Pearsall. ly . The H:at& Canvas'. Got. Jarris. Dsmocrallc caooidate forGorernor, will aJdreEs the people ss follows: At Clinton, Sunpann Cmaty, Satnr- dsy, July 31st. At Kenans?i!l-,DnpHn Coutty,. Tuts day, Augost 3 I At Ja.ksonviMo, Cnslow 0,niitv,Vel- nesday-Auxos' 4 ji. At Trenton, JueK 0juntt, Tlur8.1ay. August 5th. At Kicaton, ln'ir Ckuntyt Saturl.'.y, August 7th. I Some other of the St.ite C-iv.i&serfl will be with him at all of th?e appointments a- 1 Tilt: MAILS. Tne mails cloce ami arrive at the Citv Pot Office as follows : Northern through and way mails b:o0 a. m. Raleigh 6 20 a. m and 5.00 p. ra. Mails for the N. C. llulroa.1, ' and routes supplied thorfl from, including A. & N. C. lUilroad. at 0;:U p. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily.... i:i5p. m Western mails (G Gil y) daily (except Sunday) . 5:00 p ro. Mail for Cueraw x .Darling- ton . 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between I lo rence and Charleston 7:45 p. m Fayetteville, and offices on i .Cape Fear Kiver, lueeJajs, and Fridays ..J 1:00p.m. Fayettcville. via Lumberton, daily; except Sundays 5:00 p. ra. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursdiy at COO a. m. Smithville mails, by steam. boat, daily, (except" Sun days) 10.00 a m. Malls for E-sy Hill. Town Creek, Sballotte and Little River, S' O , every Mon day and Thursday at COO a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, (Wednes days and Fridays at.... 5:00 a, m "OPESjFOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails 7:00 a. m. Southern Mails - 7 30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway .10 00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. ro. to 12 M.f and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. i General delivery open frcm 6:00 a. m. to C:30 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. 'Stamps for sa!e at peneral delivery when stamp office Is closed. -. Mails collected from strwt boxes every dsy at 3:30 p. m. LOCAL NEWS. New Adveriisenients. J. loss For Beat. P Hsisissassa Who is yonr tVif ? Jobs A. OiLcnai t, Mortxajee flaable Land for dale. j Tath. a.bily IlibUs. J O ilfSD Drageut Cold I Save your money and buy jour BuiM. Ing iuppiis fiom AlutTer A lriw. Look ont buytl lots of alligators aro in the river. Bather early lor sweet potatoes, but they are here. Another blackfish excursion cn the Pcuiport Is talked of. Uany of our young married peop'e don't know what a blessing Dr. Hull's Uby Syrnp is until the youngster is able to yeh by the hcur. StaAmb jatmen reuort tho Cane Fear as flns yet slowly filling, but with wattr enough for good boating purposes. The orphaned infant of Mrs. Lumsden, who was killed by lightning at Dr. W W. Harms place, oa Masonboro Sound, a few days ago, !. getting along nicely. Ev.TVbkly can ger sultoi with a Pocle Kniie, aU- Tablo Cutlery, at Jscom's llanlvtaxo Det. ! j - There was another large shipment ol sturgeon this morning to the New York market. Mr. John Carroll sent cfT 75 of the big fish, aggregating 3,500 pounds la weight. ' Mr. NajuU Jacobi ban'iir been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Flow cm now have their orders filled at J a corn's Ilard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. losofflclcat Draiuace. Uucleaned cess-pools, filth of any char- scter. exhalations from masrby lands, all V. . . I lit 1 ! this, - poisooins me uioou, onug on Yellow Fever. The sole aal only reme dy that will wet directly npon the Kid- oeyd and Liver the cleanser of the bloo- U Warner'fl - Salt Kidney and Liver Care, used la connection with Warner Safe Tills. t jj 2. snakett .nak! A water moccasin was holding hl;hc'r nlval on Front street, in front of Mayor Flshblate's houn", on yesterday afu-rnoon. Ladies and children were put to the run by it, but Mr. Geo. A. Warren pu; in an appearatcein the bub: of time and dig patched bis snakasMp It is u up posed that the reptile came op out of the river to bake in the eonbhiue, but as th city ordinances d-j not allow anything of the kind be was dealt with rather summarily as be wa without a huckster' iceute. Voa cu buy .'. i CvAAi..g and Hftts Ui'i-'y ovesat a1ukIau piled at Jacoui'o Hardware De;ot. A Tine Prophet. Veneer is atrue prophet. Ue can dis c unt Tice and alt of the almanacs iu the country. lie promised cooler weatUer on and after the 20:h and spoke of snow up in the mountains of the North. We had easterly winds here yesterday and consequently a cooler atmosphere in fact it has been cooler during the e a tire W3ek and now the telegraph tells of snow on Mount Washington yesterday. We expect that the nights have b-jencool enougb. for overcoats and fires up among tho mountains in the Western part of this State. If your hair is coming out, or turning gray, do not murmur over a mistortune you can so easily avert. AYEU S I1AIU V1GOH will remove the causo of your grief by restoring your hair to its catura color, and therewith your good looks and good nature. Life of Hancock. - We are glad to know that the well known publishing house of Ilubbard Bros, of Atlanta, Ga., havtf in preparation atd willsoon Issue the Life of Gen. Hancock,' written by bia old time friend, Hon. John W. Forney. The career of the brilliaut soldier who is soon to be transferred to the White Uouse furnishes material for a volume which, in deep interest, has rare ly beencqualed in the annals of American biography. It is fortunate that its prepar. ation has been assigned to Col. Forney, who for twenty five j ears has been known as one of the ablest editors and most brilliant writers in America. 'His known ability .and his personal intimacy with Gen. Hancccs:, are a sufficient guaranty that the book will be full, complete and authoritative a volume of permanent value, and in this respect widely differ ent from ordinary campaign literature. It will be sold only by subscription, and must meet with a very large sale. Foreign Mony Order ixchange. In accordance with a recent arrange meut with the Post Department of Great Britain, all money ordera drawn in the United States on and after August 2d, 1880, for payment in the United King dom of Groat Britain and Ireland will be issued in British money instead cf United States money, as herctofcreIt is believed that this modiiicatlon will tecof to pro mote simplicity and accuracy in tbeisue of money orders on Great Britain. The value of the present pound eterling is fixed at $4.87. The exchai ge of money orders with Cinada has likewise been simplified which perfects the futire international money order business. Money orders can be sent to foreign countries as safely as within the Uni:ed States and at a very tmall ccst. The commissions charged for money orders are as follow: On orders not exceeding $l payable in Great Britain or Ireland,20 centra the GermanEaipire, France, Algeria and Can ada, 15 cents. Over $10 aud not exceed ing S20, In Great BriUin or Ireland, 40 cents; in German Eoopire, Algeria and Cacads, 30 cents. Over 20 and not ex ceeding $40 in Great Britain and Ireland. CO cents; in German Eaipire, France, Al geria and Canada, J5 cents. Oter $30 and not exceeding'$40, in Great Brita n and Ireland, 80 cents; in German Empire, France, Algeria and Canada, CO cents. Over $40 and not exce ding $50, in Great Britain and Ireland, $1; in Gernan Em pire, France, A'geria and Canada, 75 cents. Window Glass of allsU-, iJors, Sash and Blinds, Builders Dardware,A3 Low est prices at Jacobi's. Wlltnlncton District. Third round of quarterly meetiegs for the Wilmington. District, Methodist Church South'. Wilmington, at Front St, July SI, Aug 1 Wilmington, at Fifth St, Aug 7-8 Onslow....- - Aug 7-8 Topsail, st Herrings Chapel, Aug 10-11 Duplin, ...... Aug 14-15 Judge McKoy and family are e.t Cleave land Springs. The Grand L?dge KuighUi of Honor will meet in Asheville on the 24th of An gust Th ampler tne oul, the ferater tie nalva-ion. On account of the difficulty tf finding the Btnall s.id, wp presume. beu a nun seeps up to a fire extin uiu-r ai d trus. to get a dritk of ice wattr from it, he will bear watchin . 1 lu'J Metal an t Walnut Show Cases, ah vyus and, ssts, at Altafkb, Fiut jc The conitortab e aud commod ous of fices comer of Princess and Water streets, lately occupied by Messrs. Anderson & Lotb, a e offe e 1 for rent. A merchant may manage to grub alorg without advertising, and so may a man einfy a hogshead of water with a tea spoon, but both are decidedly tediocs undertakings. Uomallable. 1 The following un mailable postal matter remains in the postoffice in this city; Amey Carter, Dalton, S. C;- G. C. Moore, Nath Co. N. C; Sophie Newkirk, Uiekory, N. C. Flag Raising. A Weaver pole is to be erected in the First Ward. In November it will be in a weaving way. It will take more I than a Child to hold it upnd a King's ef fort will be futile. A Gardner can WaU ler in the hole it makes, and we Wooten be surprised if Nobles would have to Black the party. The whole thing will be wound up singing H(' )me(-), Sweet Ho(l)me(s) amlnd the Rassel(ing) of the Democratic wings. 'Good Crop Prospects. With deep interest in the success of our agriculturalists, we have taken especiaj pains to ascertain the condition of the crops in the surrounding counties, and without an isolated exception the response to inquiries has besn gratify ing in the ex treme. We questioned farmers of Bladen Cumberland, Sampson, Wayne, Duplin, Robeson, Onslow, Fender and New Han over, and iu every instance the reply has been that the crop prospects were never better. We rejoice at this prospect of suc cors to our agricultural people, and hope that no disaster may befall the crops be tween this and harvest time. A Regular windfall. We are rejoiced to learn tl'thegocd lortune wh'ch has fallen to the share of Mr. John London, recently of this city, but who was compelled, on account of his health, to remove to the great West. The good fortune we have alluded to comes in the shrpe of Mr. London's appointment as Post Trader at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory, 07 miles North of Cheyenne. The appointment is made by the Counci ot Administration of the Post, which is composed of the three ranking officers of the a?my stationed there at the time the appointment is made. The position was made vacant by the death of the previous incumbent, and it is worth about $10,000 a year. Mr. London does not take charge however, until October 1st., the interva1 1 being allowed to the administrators of the . i . . . . . estate of the late ineumuenc to continue the.business and settle up his affairs. i Customer "Why are 'Malt Bitters eo popular ? ' I I Druggist "Because, as a rood Medi cine, they enrich the blood, harden the muscles, quiet the nerves, perfect diges- iou." jy 12 4w Oeaih of 3tr. Gecr. It is with great regret that his muny friends in thi? city will regret to learn ot the death of Rev. .Edwin Geer, which took place in Baltimore, yesterday after noon, at 4 o'clock. 1 Mr. Ger was about 64 years of age and was a native of this city, his father Mr. Gilbert Geer, having at one time owned a large plantation on Mason bore Sound. The late Geo. Liwis H. Mars tellar, whom so many of our readers wilj ramember, irarried Rev. Edwin Geei's ster, and be himself married Miss Blcunt, a sister to Mrs. James A. . Wil- lard. The deceased gentleman was a reg ularly ordained Priest in the Protestant Episcopal Church and during his entire clerical life was attached to this diocese, although of late years be has not resided in North Carolina. During the war, daring the ears 18C3 and '64, we think, in was assigned to duty here as Post Chaplain and truly may it be said of him he filled the high and sacred and onerous daties of his position most worthily. Truly, has a good man gone to bis rest. DungT'us Driving After D rk. Now that the moon light nights are on ha wana and th Queen of the evening dots not ariso uttil the people In every com munity, or a majority of them, are wrap pel in the soand embrace of morpheus, we ili proceed togive cu a few practi cal hints as to how the dingers of road travel txt veen here aud the d fferent Sound may be obviated by pleasure seek era after dark. Bat not wishing to. take any undae credit to ourself for the originality of the idea, we. will ptfcmie by. saying that an elderly friend of our and If that be an ot jcctionable term, we will say that a friend of ours whom we esteem most highly, and who ia j!d enough to be a grandfather hes cdled our atten ion to the danger there is at tending parties who drive on the turn pike fcfter dark between hfre atd the Sound without lamps, or without lights of some kind to guard against a collision between two vehicles going in opposite, directions, and which are frequently being driven at a very rapid rate. Our Grandfather friend suggests, the officers of the Turnpike. Company re quire every Luggy which travels on the road after night to ba provided with lights so that its course can, be deter mined by those coming an opposite direc tion. Very frcqneBtly the noise of one buggy while driving rapidly drowns tie noiBe from the other so that the approach of a vebisle from a different direction cannot easily be discovered. Considering the number of buggies and carriages that are traveling over this road at this sea son, it is a mercy and a blessing that np such disaster as a collision between two vehicles, which mus result in serious in. jury to life and "limb, has not yet occur red. We will add another suggestion to to the one above,, viz: Why does not the Turnpike Company have a - lamp placed at the bridge jast two miles this side cf Wrightsville? the road is very narrow there and the danger if two bucreies or carriages should happento meet at that point is bad enough in the daytime when you have an opportunity of seeing everything; it would bi still worse at night if both drivers were travelling rap idly and there is no light to be seen on either vehicle. Newspapers are expected to do a great deal of good work for noth ing, and conseqpently we furnish) this advice gratuitously with the hope that it may be profited by. New Advertisements. For Rent ! l rpHE OFFICE LATELY occupied by Messrs. Anderson k Loeb, corner Water and 1 Pricceaa streets, Fosse-eion gtren immedi ately. Apply to J. L33,or, jy 30 3t Mesrs, Cronly & Morrissv Who is your Wife? J COMPLTX CONUNDRUM, i Colic qui ally Considered By Waldorf H. Phillif a. Published by E. J. Eale & 8 on. The work is fall of humor and kean satire. it is decidedly a most original and novel ad dition to the Amricin publications, and it is confidently believed will prove the literary sensation of the year. Price, iu t aper bind icg, 6oo, in cloth 75o. Can be had at jy 30 UcaNtfBaQ Vs. Notice. rpHE Bill N OLE AND TIMBER BUSI- AESS cf the la'e James Johnson will ba continued! by the undersigned. I can h found at Mr. J. H Strauss' dtore on the cor ner of Water and Chestnut streets. Liabilities not a turned. jy 30-d3t-wlm. M. IfcDONALD. Lost. JN BOABD STEAMER PASSPORT, cn tie 21st inst , a smaU (Ladies) GOLD NEl'K CHAIN AND LOCKET. Anyone fiadinc 1 ! the tame and returning it to W. H. Barr, at Kidder's Mill, or If aving it at the Bxviiw effiee, will be suitably rewarded, jy 17-3t i Fdmily Bibles JjANDSOMELT BOUND, mitabie for Presents, Ac Photographs, Albums, all six , Prang's Bunday School Cards, new and beautiful deaigna, j Fancy Writing Paper and Cards, ia boxes, Lateat sty lea, at UOKSTORB. IT 26 New Advortisomonts. Valuable Land for Sale. WBE3E1S OLVI.VBOAfK and wife. JTlor B. blick, of tbe coualv of ucb- e .n and ritate of yo til CAroIinj, on the lit aay or October, made a&d executed a mortg.e t the ob Carolina Mte Life Inmratca Uouioanv t f tho citv of iiaM.h ana ctate atoreitil. to 6tcurt t: reran bnndred j.- 1 - - dollara clue by note dated Octr.bt r . lt, 187., biariDjr, interen trt.m date at 8 per cent, in terest due on thi lstdirof pril and Ocf - tr dat wLaotc,fti-asttfVa duly rei-odid in the eeistePafinliStf ia tLa count r of Rob eson and atte aJoreaitl, ii hook Q, Q. p-K5oon me xUq dT it Octote, ibTf, which nid rnort,re with tha nnwer t,f ia ., therein contained, and ttid n w.i on :h . 6th dy of Jar.ory, 18'0 datj trmfrr-l and signed to the autweri er, nho i ro v the owner and holder thereof, ani tha full amount of tfce Mid rot3 ecar-d by the Mid mortsase i now da-, etceut to interest ni t tie let day ofOctyter, lt't8, and whe-fcti deUult has been inane ii tne uavuicnt ot tne eaid nota itcared by the eaid ruortT;c, the eid mortfiree will ba f.r lo I h m. eale of the said prtuiiies by- vinue of the piower cntaintd in tho iatd umrtgape, wh-ch sa'e will te made br the lublc-ibera at nnblio anctim, for cafh, at the Court Home door, in the town of Lumber on, county ind yt to aforesaid, on the 7tbday of iSeptexbsr, lSiC, at 12 o'clock, forenoon. The following ia a 'description rf the Bali mortgage premises : A tract of latd ljitg and beiDfi: in. the county of Itobeson ani Htata of Worth (Jaroi-na and bounded on the Xort!i by the lands of Nei 1 McNeill, ca the East by the lands of ii. McNeill, the heirs of lieory McNeill, decewed, and Daniel McCallum. on the South and Wei t by tho lands of Daniel Ale Arthur, J O. Menachin, Unh Johnson and Col. P. P. Smith, and containing ab mt eight hundred acra?, more or leas, the bound ariea of which will more fu'ly appear by re ference to the caid mortgage reoordei'ai aforesaid. i The said tract of Ian 1 will also be sold t , the same time and at the mts place and on ' the sane terms under a mortja.:e exrcu'cd by the said C Elict to John A. Gilchria, on theth dav of 8eotembor, 1877,' to secure a ncte of $679.92 which mort8 in now held and owned by J. C. McCaakilt,an"d ii tejord. ed in the same ofGce ia Book T. T , paa 945; on the 21st day ofFebruary 18TP. JOHN A. OILCUtildT, Mortgage. W. p. Fbbkch, Attorney. Lumberton, JV. C , Jaly 1C, If SO. jy 30 13 t IMotice- HAVING SOLD TO Hit. W. H. Etyroi my stock of Cigars, Tobacco, c , on Market Htreet, and while thanking ny friends and the publie generally for tSe very generous patronage beatjwei upon pe vhilo in the bueine:, I r.-Bfcct.'al' tar tL .t , - same bs given to llr. Styrcn iathsfumro. jy23tAl - WALTER cnxyy. Wire Hattin SCREENS For Doers aiii ;V lido T?. dood to keep out files ard m' ft ::.?. . i . Also, . . Sash, Doora, Blinds; Lumber, and JBuiidingMateriil Gener&Kr4 ALT AFFEK, mi OH & CO. actorv: Offiep: Foot of Walnut it Nutt, near lied Cross tK. Horner School, OXFORD, N. C. , THIS 80HOOL haa been unrfer its present management for the last TwentyNine Tears. It setd up no claim to pre-eminecce, but in the mental and moral training of boyp, it acknowledges no superior. This b?atis justified by the high standard the Students from this echool have maintained in the va rioua CTolleges and Unirereities of the cour try. We assure oor patrons that no pain s will be spared to fzrnih the school with tbo best Educational Advantflg'ea. Thj . ntxt ' Session begins the lC;h"of Auuit. j For Catalogue apply to July2-lm . j. n. HORV. The Cosmop 3iitan Bar JS THK PLACE TO GET ANY AND 'all of the fancy, delicious, cooling drtekj of the Season.' Ice cool Lager' always on hand None but the .very best of Lienors dralt oa t at this Bar. Cigars cf the ont bra ads, can always be foutd at the Cosmopolitan. I JOHN CAUKOLL, Prop., J6 No.12 Market.st. ' Hot Weather i 3 Upon ' 1 US ! ,: JJOiFN WITd HIGH PRICES. Ety year Shirts at bottom gurea at th9 factory T. a "Congreaa" and "Royal" atiirkeep tie . ead. Look at prices; "Congrcfa" 75 cttfa, equal to any $1 Btfrt; T.yl .'0:nfa equal to any L25 Shirt on the xcarku. J. ELSBACH, Manufacturer, Ie24 Nr. 3, 'Market ' Mrs.-8.' J- Baker9 FASHIONABLE MILLINER! WUailogton, N. C. ; CorntT Third and Cratga Etreeta. IANOY GOODS, Notions, IJata, Bonnet, L Klats, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments of all kinds. Will reaoar aod won over all kind ol eld hair, brfeiAs, oon biajs, Ac, root them and mate tea qiU ta saw. O'd -Hate made la look lice they were rew. Ca.1 and see my specimeca of wopk je 10 MRS. K. J. B VKEK. pOB bAJUs i.OW. BJU LidiAg, uarr Partya, laapeetor'a fJattiicata, Crop Iina Bivtr Jjtsamsri Kecipta, Ae. E.S,tWARSOCiT, (UKerlewBiild-Ei) . Jtb, Printer.