J 1 pleS . t we will oegaa w rexive eoinmwiicauoni from our frientfg on ujttd ill w,- . general iaUrest but : ( .0 Tbe name of the writer must alwa yi te fcr nished to the Editor. Commimleatloss zest be written' ca oclj one side of the panr. Personalities must v -voided. And it is especially um ijarticlariyjunder stood that the Editor cot t not alirays endone the views of correspocdeotJ. crle;j f 3 rUted in the editorial colaDDs." r I: H gorro ap raorit. 00 Six S3 50 ; Thr. " . 'r will be daUvtrW bytrrirt, 3f,rw ,w itDlMMrtDOrtuTuI VOL. VJ WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1880. iVO. 135 Di i Review, oaniVM & RODLIGK yin - v. 45 Market Street i;.tiu J ans Drawers ,.n wM.ufaeiif, ci conta, regu'tr pii,vfl.i: Call and examl.. ;j n lj'i U1 uao uoother- Mi aland Sha.rU. are cfc'-U'S "uta'Jour Slietland Shawls & $1; thy ar really worth $3. lAilrt Colors! Summer Skirts, from 50c tu 11.75. A beautifal line. Printed English Cambric, 10 cents per j sr J regular price 15 cents. pr.uted Pacific Lawns, 12; cents p r yard, 41 all oTcr tbe country at 15c 1 J LACK CIUrES. V Late Just received a large invoice of Cf? la Singly Double and TriiI. Suitable for Veiling and Tiiinmings. MILK AGENTS IX THIS C1TV for the WIDOWS CRAPE, FOUHIK DKRV KST MOUKXIN'G. A DiUe lu Gents Linen Ilandter. chiefs, 1 W) per Dozen. LADIES' CORBET3. We hate just received a new Corset to re tail at 75 cents a beauty. BR0WK & RODDICK, 45 Market .St. Jt 17 Electric. gCOTTi KLSOIRIO HURBRUSH, tha it t QeaJasaa aal Xsura'gla care, can be fa4 at J. B.U'BDIN'd, Apotheca-v. New Market. rVsscrlpUoas a specialty. Jy 23 The Lowest Prices JjV)R ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, At E. S, WARUCCK'S Job Office. Get estltnatea at this office before having yuur printing done elsewhere. (umola ItevLw building.) J J ti For Rent. L0U THK lit of OctoUr 1880. osrssideAM at tha Boatkwest ' iUV crar ore lata aaa aiaristsis. ApVy to U II if John l. cantwkll, bxt:t, Pot osa. Cold 1 gODl WATSUwlia par Fralt Syrups. Haajail Water, AsUlaarfs Water, Hath. ora WaUr aad CoarrM (O) WaUr. Por sa't ky JaMKd a iIDND". Er-:lt, jj t ITorih FroB t t. CHEAP H7EAT. A FEW-llKUOES REJECTED CAUVASSED HAL1S, Will U sold at SIX CenU. Hall & Pearsall. Jj 17 Notice. 'pax suiaaue asd timber bcsi- o(Ui U JaaM Johasoa will b totiam by U u4tn pL 1 aa bj a4 at Mr. J. U. Htraaaa dtore oa tb eor WaiM aa4 Caasuat itmu. UatUltUa aot aasasaad. l7sUirla. 1L MoDOVALD. The State Canvas. Got.- J Arris. Democratic candidate for Governor, will addreta the people as xollows: At Olio ton, Sampson County, Satur day. July 31st. ! At KenacfviHe.UopIm Uoarty, lues- day, August 31 At Jacksonville. Cuslow Cotu.ty, ed- nesday, August 4 th j At Trenton, Jute County, Ibursuay, August 5 b At rTTston, LnUr O unly, Saturday, August Ttb. 8 me o'her if the State Carr will bo wi.b but l! of th e pp u1tCL.eu, joint iiscui n Thra will be i.jiot dis DSolom br Go. Jaivia and Jnde Buxton, the D-nn-crat-ic and Uepubiirai: candidal s lor Gover nor at tbe lol.oinjj pluces: JackBonville, Onalaw county, Au-us. 4th. I Trenton, Jones county, Aoguat 6 h. Kinstoo, Leuoir county. Aukusj 7ih . Snow Hill, Monday, August 9 h. Wilson, Tuesday, August 10 h. Attorney General Kecan will uddriBa the rx'ople at Griffin's, Nash county, Thursday, Au- ecst 5h Nabviile, Nosh c-unfy, Fri.'ay, Au eoft Cth. Grantham's, Wayne c.unty, Satu:dayf August 14 h Mradow, JchLfcton ccunty, Mvi.day. August 1G h. TUB MAILS. Tne mails clofe and arrivo at the City - m a i. I Pet Umcu as loiiows : Northern through and way mails 5:20 a. m. ilaleigb 5 30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p. ni. Mails for the N. C. H.ulroa I, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. G. IUilroad, at 5;30 p. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily.! 7:15 p. m. Westeru mails (C City) daily (except Sunday) 5:00 p. m. Mail for Cheraw fc .Darling ton 7:45 pi m. Mails for points between rip- rence and Charleston.. ...... 7:15 p. p. nv Fayetteville, and 6ujcra on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays LOO p. in. Fayetteville. via Lumbcrton, . daily, except Sundays 15:00 p. m. Onslow C. H. and iatermedi- ( ate edees, every Monday and Thursday at.' COO 'a. m. 8mithville mails, by steam . boat, daily, (except Sun- . days) 10:00 a. m. Mails . for Easy llill. Town' Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. 0., every Mon day and Thursday at COO a. m. Wilmiogtcn and Blsck.River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays at 5:00 a, m. " OPEN rOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way m.iia .... 7:00 a m. Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway 10:00 a. m Sump Office open from 8 a. m. to-12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open aame as stam p office. General delivery open from f:00 TO to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a, m. . - Sumps for ra'e at general delivery when sump office is closed. 1 Mails collected from streat boiei every day at 3:30 p. m. , t LOCAL! NEWS. Hew AdTertisements. P Hsiaisaaaaa Who Is your Wife? Tatbs -Family BibU s. J C Usids, Druggist Cold 1 Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Dy length IS hours and 5G minutes. There wer no interments in O-kdale this week. 1 July, tbe midsummer month, steps down and out to-day. sv vour monev and bay voar Build" log Supplies froin Alutler & I'rice. There was only one interment in CoUe-vue- ct me'ery tbis week that of an In fant; There were three chiUIieuandone adult Interred in Pine Foreit cemetery (colored) this week. Iter. Alex, tiriuut will preach la tbe Second Presbjtnan church to-morrow evening. Rat. Lr. Watson will preach at St Mark Church to-morrow eveniBg, at 8J ,'clock.- V,i rn bur No. 1 Cooking and Heats ingdlovea at mlmostauy price at Jacoiu'b ilardware liepou Tf rmr hair is comtnz out. or turning Tav do not murmur over a wisiortune im canso ewuy aver. Aiuuauaii winii rmnnre the cause of your crkf by restoring yuur hair toiu natural color, ana toere.uu jum t ,wv gocJ nature. , , Tbe days sre growing shorter They are now'an hour shorter than they were on the 21at of Jnre The moon change on Thursday dcx1 and the old folks say that we wi l not have any more rain until then. Everybody cm get saltM vritu a P ?k Knife, al laatda Cutlery, at Jaoodi's Hardware Den-.r. f he cool weitber ot tt?e past two or three daya has considerably leaded tto nuuiber of bathers iu the rivvr. "IVtya, as a jieoral rule, dcot take freely lo clil'y water. Tha sctrnirg sky at retent is ui usual ly rich in brilliant objects. Between tbe hours of 2 and 3 no les than eUht out f twenty first magni'ude stars may le seen at once. Mr. Nath'l Jacjbi bavin? been pp;int ed agent for tbe Atlas Plow, pa ties ir. want of this'celejrated Plow CAn now have their orders filled at J A cod's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Tbe matrimonial fever" In this city is evidently at a low ebb. The Register t f Deeds has not issued a si gle marriage license during the week. It is not the fashionable season, we suppose. Evening bats are the first game rf the season to fall before the huntsman's aim. They are beginning to fly about pretty freely, and the bojs are getting their guns and ammunition ready. Next month rice birds will be in order, and the fields in this section, as usual, will furnish fine sport to good marksmen. Music They had been to tbe epera and heard the finest music by the leading talent. They went home to hear the Baby wild solo until it was quieted with a dose of Dr. Bull's Biby Syrup, which at once removed the Flatulence. Inmallable. The following unmailable postal matter remains lu tbe prstoffice in this city; Capt. W. N. Elsworth, Wallace, N.C.; G. O. Moore, Nath Co., N. CV; .Amy Carter, Dolton. S. O. Ihe Vacant Judgeship. The Raleigh AVics hears many names suggested for jbe Judgeship made vacant by Judge Buxtoo'e resignation, among tiem! those of Maj. Jas. C. McRae and C. W. Broadfoot, of Cumberland, John D Shaw, of Richmond, Capt. Jno. W. Ellis, of Columbus, Col. W. Uostcr French, of ItobesoD, and L R. Waddell, of Johnston. There is no dearth ot gooa material among tie Democracy, of the Fourth district. Full MeUl and Walnut Show Case?, all styles and sues, at Altai? FEit, Pjuce & Co's. I . The New Bowlnff -A cny.". The fashionable bowing style.as adopt ed and practice d by the 3 oung men of tie d ay, and which has struck our city, and is daily executed upon our streets, is thu? described by one who, after closo obssr vation, has detected all the motions: It is one time and four motions. The hat, by a rbbt hand grasp, is lifted from tbe head, brought forward on a line with the ncse and then suddenly lowered to tho pit of the stomach, then, as suddenly, the bat is returned to its p'ace, following the same angular route. The head, at the ssme time, must be bobbed forward about three inches, and immediately sprung back to iU natural position. Tbe beauty and per fection of the salutation depends upon tbe rapidity of the execution of its move ments. It is known as tbe Darwm jerk, because hand organ monkejs puton and take off their little caps with tbe same celerity of motion.' liozs, Dogs and Cow J. IIos, dogs, cows and cats run at large ad lib'.tuml this city. Th:, too notwithstanding the fact that th re is an ordinance prohibiting cattle trom , certain localities, and one prohibiting hogs alto gether from the street, and one also requiring every dog to be baJed cr Uken up; yet every day we can hear th tinkle of the cow bell, and see hogs by tha dreve (small drove) on tha streets, and dogs, too, and the latter without the. lawful badges, plenty of them. Whose fault Is it that the ordinances aie not en forced? Is any particalar officer charg. ed with the enforcement of them? If not, then abolish the ordinances and display a little consistency in the matter. Don't make an ordinance to be laughed at or to remain a dead letUr on tbe books. We wriU in earnest and there are other ciii sens in this city io earnest too about this matter. There is a limit gool nature even. : - . . , . Quarterly rreeting is in progress to day, and will continue to-morrow, at Frnt street M. E. Cha ch. Rev Dr. Bnrkhrad, the Presiding Elder, is pie -?nt and conducts the services. Customer "W'ny are 'Malt Bitters" so popnUr? ' Dr.issgiat -Because, as a Food Medi cine, thev eurich the blood, harden tbe muscles qniet tbe nervta, perfect diges iou." jy -12 4 - The Columbus Democrats The Democrats in Columbus county hve determined to have a grand rally rn Suurday, August 21st, at Whiteville. It wi I he unT ihn. auspices of the Ha acock aid Jar via Ciub which, we arep'eised to ie-un, is strong in numbers and flourish ing in coniithn. Great preparations will be made and a special train from this city is t.lked of for the occasion. The Duplin canal J A letter from Mr. W. T. Bannerman, of Burgaw, io Mr. B. G. Worth, Presi dent of the Duplin Canal Company, re ceived to-day, contains some Very en couraging information relative to' the pro gress made. in that important work, Mr. Bannermau says that he saw a boat go through from the blockade on Shelter Creek to North East river. Mr. B. wen from the river on a fldt about 7 feet wide' half through to Shelter Creek, The wa ter was from four to five feet deep and as far as they went iu tbe flat the canal was about fiff en feot wide. The sluicing process seems to be working well. There is aplenty of water now in fact, the river is a little too high but it is running off and as soon as it falls a few inches more the current through the canal will bo much stronger and more effective. Tbe ditch beyond the blockade in the direc" tion 4of Meeks seem? to be - caving and sluicing wider and deeper, which is just what was desired. Mr. Bannerman adds that Maj. Young seems much encouraged and that the wcrsia begin to look like a canal. lusulllctent Drainage. Uncloaned ceea-pools, filth of any char acter, exhalations from masrhy lands, all tbis, poisoning the blood, bring on Yellow Fever. The sole an! only reme dy that will act directly upon the Kid neys and Liver the cleanser of tbe bloo- is . Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, used in connection with Warner's Safe Pills. jy 2. City Court. Quite an array of cases awaited the Mayer's consideration thlb morning. The frit called was C. H. Grant, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting the policp. $10 fine or ten days in the City Prison was the judgment of the Court in this instance and defendant ,wen be low. 1. Itobert Jones, a colored lad about 12 or 13 years of age, was arraigned for an assaultupon Thomas McKenzie, another colored lad apparently about the same age, with a deaiftx weapon a pocket knife inflicting a wound iu the left arm ot the last named boy. The evidence in tho case was o the effect that tbe wound- ed boy, who is in the employ of Mr. U. C Prempert, on South Front street, told the boy not to stand in front of his Boss's" door and crowd the sidewalk; that for this tbe defendant drew his knife aad stabbed McKenzie in the arm. The My or bound defendant over in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next tarm of the Criminal Court. Jno. Burnett, Jno. H. Cowan and H. King, hucksters, were next arraigned for failing to pay license tax. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the back tax and costs. ! G. Herring was the next case caUed. Thi charge in this case was selling fish and neglecting to pay Ux when called up on by the Clerk of. Market. Judmei-t similar to the precedirg cases was render ed in this insUnce also. G. Mitchell, coloreJ, was arraigned for selilng vegetables without a license, and judgment was su:p2nlod oa payment of tax'and costs. Sam Merrick, colored, charged with sell ing vegetables without paying the Ux and also reuiliog fresh meat without a license from h!s bu'eher shop, was the next case lo claim the attention of the Court. The defendant was repiesented by counsel in the person of Jno. L. Uolmes, Esq., who argued the legality of the tax with the CourLjbut finally submitted to a judgment of the oasts in the case and the Ux and license due ty defendant. i i Bee a woman on horseback io another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and tbe aged. Sold by Druggists. The Banker' Convention The annual convention of the American Bankers' Asoc'ation will be held at Sar atoga, N. Y , commencing August 11th, and continning three days.- Every bank tng firm, national bank, State bank, trust company and savings bsnk in the Uuited Stages is entitled to one delegate, and it is exptcted the attendance this year will beuooui!ly large. Secretary 'Sherman lias premise 1 to ad Iress the convention upD resumption and refunding.-' Among the special topics announced' aro thft sil ver question, tha banking and indnstral development of the las year, with its ciuscs and prospective results, the pre vention of panics, the mischiefs of ill di rected tixatinn, the clearing h ue Bys- terns at home r.nl abroad, aDd the fiaan cial condi'i na which prornota back'ng stability, ccraoicrsial progress and indus trial prosperity. - So fari as is known now there will be no one in attendance this year from this city. Mr. James Diwson has been in the habit of attending but he is in Europe now. Church Services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows ; Tenth Sunday after TrinityAugust 1st. Joint Services in St. James and St. John's Parishes. Morning Prayer and Communion at St. James' Church at 11 a. m. Evening Prayer at St. John's Church at G p. m. 8T. PAUL S EVANG. LUTHERAN CaUKCTI, Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Berriheim, D. D., Pastor. Sunday School at 9;30 a. ni. Preparatory Service ai 10:30. German Service and Communion at 11 a. m. Noseivice at night. FIEST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor., Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. The Lord's Supper will be administered after the sermon. Brooklyn Sunday School at 4. p. m. Church Meeting fir Business Monday night at 8:15 o'clock. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8:15 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 8:15 o'clock! SECOND PEES3YTERIAN CHUBCK cor Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. No services at 11 a. m. Services at 8:15 p. m,,, by Rev. Alexan der Sprunt. I Wilmington District - Third round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South. Wilmington, at Front St, July 31, Aug 1 Wilmington, at I'ifth St, Aug...... 7-8 Onslow Aug 7-8 Topsail, at Herrings Chapel, Aug 10-11 Duplin........ Aug 14-15 New Advertisements. Meeting of the Justices of the Peace. JN ACCORDANCE WITH 8ECT10N 5, Chapter 141, Laws 1876-7, the Justices of the Peacs for New Hanover Ccunty are hereby noti&ed to assemble at the Court House on I ! Monday, August 2d, 1880, for the purpose of electing a Board of Com niaeionen for the County. 1 The meetiog is called at 10 o'clock, A. M. By order of the Chairman. JOHN COWAN, jj 26-2t MA3 wit Sect'y. For Rent rpHE OFFICE LATELY occapisd by Messrs. Anderson A Loeb, corner Water axd Fricce&s streets, Fossessioa given immedi ately. Apply to J. L 9B, or , jy 30 3t Mersrs, Cronly A Morrisa. Who is vour Wife? A COMPLEX CONUNDRUM, Collrquially Considered. By Waldoif H. Phil'i;s. Published by E. J. Hale A Sen. 1 ha work is fall of hamor and keen sitii e, it is declded'y a most original and novel ad dition to the Amine in pub'Jeationj, and it is confidently believed will prove the literary sensation of the year. Price, in r aper bind ine. Wc. in cloth 76e. Can be had at j j 20 H KIN S B SBOEK'd. Family Bibles JjAHDSOMELTfOUND, nitbla for Presents, Ac Photographs, Albums, all sixes, Praag's Sanday Behopl Cardi, new and beautiful designs, Fancy Writing Paper aad Cards, la boxes, Latest styles, at 1 STORE. jyw New Advertisements. Valuable Land 'for - Sale. WUSKEtH OILVIN UljA' K and wife, Jrlor li. Blue, of .the couatv of hob- ei.n and HtAte o "ott& Carcliaa, on tbe lt a ay or October, 1S75.. icac aud exacuud - t&Oi crt f.i tha N'ri'th Ctrnlini m(a I. if Insurance Company (f tLo city of KaM.li and Bute aforesaid, to secure ttteea bund rod dollars due by not dated Oct-.bt r 1st, 1675, bjarinjr interest from data at 8 per cent, iu trest due on th 1st d.iy of A pril and Octo ber of each jer;j and payabS two jeara af- wr ui wi.ica HiOMtfae vrai uUj reroul'U id the feeister's Of ice ij tee rouutf of Hob esoq and bUte nJortaaiJ, i i hook Q. (j, pKp 78, 00 tbe 11th dy t,f Octote-, lislf, which aid mortja e with tbe p.er of aAi ' tharin contained, and tid , t-jvmoQ ilii 6th dAy of Ja&tury, IBiO duly irauKferrf.l and aesitfoeii to tha nubici er, who 11 ro the ovuer and holder thtivrf, anl the fu'l amount of the slid nota fecund, by tha ea.d mom&ze iacow dua, except the interest ui to the 1st day of OctoLer. 7S. and default has baen ma:e ii tbe payment of iioeaiu lacqrea 07 tne paid raort?gf, te said mortitge will be f ..retlosal by a sale of the said premises by virtue of the Dower cantained :n tK kaiH mn....i.A vk , -v - wv'i ljr7, nu vu if a. e will be madebf the eubjc.-ibers at public auunuii, iur catn, at toe-Court Home door, in the town of Lumber on, county and Htate aforesaidj on the 7thday of September, Itfbf', at 12 o'clock, forenoon. m l - r 1 1 - . .... . . mortgage premiss : A trsct of land hir g and being in. the county of Krbeson an 1 Htata of North Carol-na and bounded on the North by the lands of NeM; McNeill, cn the East by the lands of M. McNeill, tho heirs of Uenrj McNeill, deceased, tna Daniel ilctJallum, oa " the South ad West ty the lan is of Uaniei Mc arthur, J C. Alciiachin, liuh Johnson and Col P. P. gmith, and containing about eijht hundred acre, mors or less, the p'und. aries of which will more fu ly appear by re ference to the sail mortgage reoordoi as aforesaid. 1 The said tract of lani wiil alas, be, Pali' fit the came time and at thj pa re p'lace as,d on , the B&ne terms nndor a mortjjae ez-cu ed by the said U Elact to John A. Oilchti-t, 021 the 4th day of fieotembr, 1877, to secure a note of $673.92 which mot tzzo 13 now Le!d and owned by J. C. McCaskiii.and 11 roiord. edia the same office in liook l T , zs'Jib, on the 21st day ofFebruary 187P, JOdN A. (JILCUttlST, Mo tga-?,3. W. P. Fbekch, Attarrey. 1 J - J ) ly 30 13t 1 . Of5C TTlVlVil UOI n rffx v VJ rr i: XJL my stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Af--A .,' on Market Btreet, and while tbankii-fc.j ' friends and the peblia generally for tic Vftry generous patronage bct f'wei upon me while in iup uutnnesr, i rfcci;ai y-.ijix in i ir.o same bayiven to Mr. Htyron In-trTJTTutare. jy 23-tAi WALTElt CO.iKV. . Wire-Rctlia . SCREENS ' For Doors an indov.-. - Good to keep oat flies ard mfsaitocs. A!so, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and Building.Material Uenorali k ' ALTAPFER, PEICHi & CO. Faetorv: Office Foot of Walnut st Nutt, near Hed Cross ct. Jy f Horner Schoo!. OXFORD, N. C. THIS SCHOOL has been under its present management for the last Tweaty-Mire Tears,1 It sets up no claim to pre-eminence, bat la the mental and moral training r.f boj., it acknowledges no .superior. I bis bjat is justified by the high standard the btucicnta from this school have maintained in tlie va. rious Colleges and Univerrities tf the conr try. We ssfure orr pf-trons. that no pains will be spared to furnish t'&e ecliwl vith the best Kdocational Atfrantafires. Tho ctzt Session begins the ICth -of August. . For Catalogue apply to fnly2-ln J n nnnyrP. The Cosmopalitaii Ear JS THE PLACE TO QET ANY AND 'all of the fancy, delicious, coo!ir drinks of tie Reason. Ice cool Lsger always on band. None bat the very best of L'aaors d.alt ou t at this Bar. Cigars f the o'vit braads can always be fou-.d at the 0o4mnpo!itan. , JOHN OAKKOLL, Prop., i jy 6 No. 12 ilartetst. V Hot Weather u Upon-. mi : -QOWN WIT3 HI QH PiiI03. tiy your Shirts at bottom figures at the factory -T: e "Congress" aid "Royal" still.keo? tl a lead. Look at pripes; 'fCongrerY' 75 cet't, equal to any $1 Etirt; "Royal" i0 .n:s squal to ary'$L25 Shirt on tbe markt'. J. ELSBACU, ilanofacturer, fe 11 Nr. 3, 'Market s. KJrs. S. Baker, FASHIONABLE MILLINERV, Wilmington, N. C. Corner Third and Orange Streets. I IANOY GOODS, Notions, Hats, Bonnet", , I. yiats. Flowers, Feathers. Ornamjnti t f ail kinds. Will reae od work ovsr ail kinds of old hair, braid, eoxa&iijs, Ac, root them and mase fea eqaal to new. Old Hats made ta look Uk they were reiv. Call and st my epeimes of work. jelO MRS. 8. J. BAKER. pOB BALK LOrrV-BUIa Lidii", ctarur Partys, Inspector's Certifies Vu, Crop LT ni Rlrar Ststaaen' BsipU, Ao. HWAEROCK. (URevlewTJailg) - Jttiaft.