this Pr Bandayi " J0MII. T. JAMES. orroa ad ruornisrron, ....rinrt.POHTAGE rAlD,!? "' 'TiSOO HU -oaths, SJSO ' ' .. t. Ob. month. dO C iijf nil - - w . - i loent. -i'l be delivered by earrtsrt. lLn..i"J part of the city at the . ,.rtt't or r ...frlowandUUfU oMcrib" will plene report any tf M u receive their paper regularly. BROWN & RODDIGIC 45 Market Street- t;.M.tV J ans Drawer, , ,,,, mti.ufcfurn, ciits, repular p t.v !.-.'." Call ami exnis. ar..l you will uso no tHhr. Sh -t!and 4niwls. He ar .-!is .utaJour Shetland Shawls at f 1; tliT ara really worth U'!i' Adored Summer Skirts, from 00c mil. 75. A boautifal line. Vi.lo l'lintcd English Cambric, 10 cents jwr yard regular prlco 15 cents. rrmtr.l l'acliic I.awns, 12 cents p r yard, mil all over Uio couutry at 15c. HI.Al'K crapes. Lava just received a largo lnyuieo of Cup 1" Siuglo, Double and Triple. Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings. MU.K AGENTS IX THIS CITY for tho WIDOWS CRAPE, FOR 'iHK DEEl EST MOURNING. A Pig Drlte In Gents' Linen Handker chiefs, il W) per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. We hare just received a new Corset to re tail at 75 cents a beauty. BROWN & EODpICK, 45 Market .St. j? 17 Electric. gCOTTd ELECTRIC HAIRBRUSH, the t rsat Uadache and Neuralgia care, can be foini at J. U.UaRDIN'S, Apothecary. New Market. Prescriptions a specialty, jy 23 L The Lowest Prices JjOU ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, At E. S. WARROCK'S Job Office (Jet estimates at this office before having your printing done elsewhere. (Office la Review building.) jyi For Rent. 1 rR0M THE lit of October 1S80, tke residence at the Southwest c-raer of Blith aad Market its. Ipplj to JOHN L. CANTWELL, jy 1 8 tf Boa 4: 9, Pott Qiao. CHEAP MEAT. A FEW HKKCES REJECTED CANVASSED HAMS Will bo cold at SIX Gents. Hall Sl Pearsali. iy " Wire Netting: , SCREEN n For Doom andlndows. Uo4 to keep oat fliee and. moequl toes. Also, . Sash. Doors. t Blinds, Lember, aad Baldlnf Malerlal Generally ALTAFFFR, PRICi & CO. Ketort Oflioe: root of tt'elnat tU ner IU4 Or.e aal JOli KALK LOW. blllj LAding, Qbarler fartyt, IajpMtnre flertlfieaUe, Crop Lleaa hif DUutn' KoipU Ae. HLgWlBROCk, (taBefUv BaUdlaf)- JoAfriaUr. apt 9 r i VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1880. NO. 138 The Hiaifc canrai. Got. Jarvii. Dmocratlc candidate for Oorernor, will aldrea the people as follow: At KenaneTlllerbaplin CouLty. Tuea day, August 31. At JkBonvillH, I iipjow U'tinty. (1 needav. Aucost 4tK v At Trenton. .fui:es Ouuuty, Thursday, AugURt b'-n At Klniton, Lmolr C urty, Saturday, Angnst 7th. Some other of th Htnte Oaiiv tsrs will be with biro at all of th-c appointments JOIXT I'fecrs.-icK. i I Thre will br- joint diaHoionH b G,v JarvU and Jutige- lmxton, tiie lK nj.xrriit- iC-aTwt RepubUrtfcairdidatini for fjwer nor at the folio placra: Jacksonville, ()..ljw c'Untv, August 4th. j Trenton, Jones "onnty, August ; frh. Kinbton, Lenoir county Auuh 7th. Know Hill, Monday, August 9ih. Wilson, Tuesday, Auguet 10tb. Attorney General Kenan will uddreei the people at GrifTm'a, Kabh county,, Thursday. Au gust 6th Nanhvllle, Nosh coun pupt Gth. iy, Friday, Au- Grantham's,. Wayne county, Saturday, August 14 h. Meadow, Johnston county, Mindny. Augut lGth. LOCAL! NEWS. New Advertisements- P lIiiiBBiieia bummer Ketdicg Never kick a thermbmoter when It in down. I The cattle nuisauca dtrs uoi fum to abate. Wlrdow Glass all sizes at lUiTer & ITice's. f The wife boater is a maa of a hr.u-like disposition. ; Tho peanut crop in this bcc'Jon ie Cue and flourishing. There is nothing lika rain, when you can ge enough 'of It. . j Ginger pop la the temperance frubfetl- tuto for strong drluk. The markst was poorly supplied with vegetables this morning. Fifty braches of Hah ware condemned anduent eut of market this morning. We understand that tho woods on the opposite side of the river ard full tf dead woodcock 8. Goak! Fishing Is a very exhllaratiug sport in the summer time. If tho finny creatures won't bite, the mosquitoes will. The Uancock-Eogliah and Jar vis Club will hold a meeting at the City Holl to morrow evening at 8 o'clock. 1 The mosquito has six legs and only one mouth. Let us therefore bo thakfnl that if It does bite It doesn'nt kick. Knll Metal and Walnut Show Cas, a'l styles and sicea, at Aivtaffru, Piftt & Go's. The storm signal iwas not up ;i vain yesterday afternoon We have had heavy rams this morning, and With the promise of moro tQ come. j j Seme of the weather prophets are as- . a V a ertinc tuat August wm no wht wi-u July was. Thus far, thn piediclion has not been fulfl lied. Tho open air conrrt to le given by the Cirnet Concert C!ub at Bchutte'i place on Wrightsvil e Sound to-niht will hardly Uko plafS on'acc-lint of the Inclemency of the weathor- Everybody cangut sulti-u wit ha lckct Knif., ab Table Cutler), at Jagoiu's fjardware.l)nt. j " Moultkes can Ik; entin ly got rid of, It Is declared in Harper's Uazr by burn iog in a room a toapooaful of pyrctbrum roeurn or Persian chamomile, a:i innoc uous drug, which cm b? purchiScxl all ready for nso of any apothecary at seven ty centa a pound. The eham-imil- wai 1 to be alo an enomy to tln houHttiy. It U Hflirmed that if you put the p retbrum into a cloio, watin room, where flies most love to swarm, just after dark, in thirty minutes you will find them all dead or dying." But the drug must be pure. Tho tetts of its purity are to have a bright btfl color, be light, readily burno l and live a pleasant tea lite fragrance. One pinch should kill at once a dto tliesccn flaedln a bottle. If these proper ties are licking it is adulterated. 1 If ronr hair U coming out, or turning prav do not murmur over a misfortune tlJ' auliv avert. AVER'S HAIR VIGOB will remove the; cause of your erUf by restoring yournair to iw naiuriM color, and therewith your gool loois aud golnatara. j Daily Tho bycicle fever has broken ont in tMs city. Tber are now some half doz en or so of the 'skittish critter?' hrre ar d others are expecu-d. A private ex.-ursiorj pA.y. iimposod of the mombers cf Jsu Thorn' CathcUc Church, went dawn the rivt-r on th Paw- port this moininir. It is now tbuiiut the regular A'icupt regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club will take place on Friday, the 18'b iLst. Tho date has not yet bren d -finitely settled upon. The erktclatTclr's of 160 men for tr e trial of Stephen Richar ieon arnl Virgil Hill, charged respectively witb mnro'.r au4 burglary, were iK.'hig pmmor.rd to day. Yon'can buy No. 1 Cooking and Hat lug Stoves at almost any price at Jauoei's llardware Deixt. 1 Tho Champion licet 'We are Indebted to Mr. Joseph T Foy, of Scott's Ilill. for a monster beet weighing 6 pounds and 1 ounce. It was grown by him ot his piece at Scott's Hill aud was pulled by mistaKO. Had it re malned a few weeks longer, in the ground it might have run up to 10 pounds. As it is it is tho biggest thing of the kind out this season. I Columbus County. A correspondent at. Whiteville sends us a list of the new Board of County Com missioners, for Columbus Couuty, elected Monday, by the Magistrates. They are Messrs Melton Campbell, Jonathan Gore, John J Long, U B Colyer and J P Stanly. We republish the above so as to get it right. It appeared yesterday as Bruns icick county. Aud it was'nt the printer this time, either. Ho liospltal Needed. No palatial hotel needMi for Hop Bitters patients, nor larg-salaried talented pullers to tell what Hop Bitters will do or erne, as they tell their own story by their certain and absolute cures at home. Neto York Independent, The Law Systeim Mr. G. Fred Moody, tho Supcriutena dent of tho Law System in tolophorlng. arrived here last night for tho purpose of making arrangements for the introduction hcre'of tho the new system. He ; will call upon our citizens, those who are not subscribers now to the Exchange as well as those who are, and explain to them tho many advantages to bo derived from the adoption ot the now plan. Widow Glass of allsizrti, Domm, Sish and Blinds, Builders' llardware,&o Low et prices at Jacoei's. linne on a Ciutse. Let go the main sheet and port your helm slack up the gib sheet, there ! and lot's round to, wl"'e all hands splice the mam brace.' These are the oiders, we imagine, that Captain Joseph Prke, our worthy Haibor Master, will give to the crew of his Bonnie Lassie' yacht on Wrigbtsvlllo Sound to-day. For, be it known that Captain Wal er Coney is now aciiug Harbor Master while the latter, with his Bou:ia Lassie,' is plowing the water hi tho Banks Clwnnel tacking here and there, and o'herwise rustica ing and takirs it rouh-aiul-!umbl, in jast the style that suits nn old s.Ut. Captain Coney wt" act as Harbor Ma.i ter lor about a mon!h, or unt Captain Pike returns fiom hi r? -ss When you wake up in tho night and hear the Baby crying, look out for dau ger there's a reck ahead. Dr. Bulls Syrup wi I assist you in isaftly posing this rock. CUT Court- Edward Herring, ensued with being drunk and disorderly, was ordered to pay 5 fine or be imprisoned for five days. S.irah Davia and Minnie L 'ftin, h- two colored womei ari-ate 1 jeaierJay for uu atfrny, ere Arra'gued thi morning U:on the foregoing charge The testi mony proved that the first named Tfonc in uxed a knife aud inil cted wounds up n the other in . the arm and on the neck while the lat uamed assailed h-r antag onist witb a large Btone, striking her on the head, which caused Sarah Davis to measure her length upon the ground The parties were bound over for thedr ap peirance at the Criminal Court in the sum of $50 and committed into the cus tody of the SheriiT, who, in turn, com. mittod them to jail in default of sur.ty foe their appearance as above stated. Customer "Why are 'Malt Bitters" so Drngist "Because, as a Food Medi cine tbey enrich the blood, harden the muscles, qui"1 tbo ner7ee Perfact die i jy 12 4w Review. 1 A Xtw Hotel. Mr. R. M. Oroom is erecting a fine large building at Burgaw, to be used as a hotel. It will be a very handsome adds tion to the little town, when completed He ca!c-lu ro have It ready and fur nished and open for guest g by the Fall terra of Superior Court for Pander coun ty. We wish him success. Atlelillou Needed. KcKk Spiing, at the toot of Chestnut street, ne"ar this flice, is very much in need of attention.1 fiome of tha brick fame work has on broken down, and in a heavy rain, lika that of ibis afteinoon, the muddy water t-om the street pours freely into the bain of the spring. As it supplies so much drinking water to our people the city authorities should see to its immediate repair. Back. Again. tie Mr. D. P. Orme8, Superint3ndent of the Wilmington Telephone Exchange, who has been absent for a. month or so at the North, returned home last night after having 'done' many of the principal points of interest at the North. He has entered upoa the discharge of his dutlles relieving Mr. Sterling, Manager of the Western Utiou Telegraph office, who baa very acceptably attended to the duties during Mr. Ormes' absence. ! t Tanner's Fast. f. i . Mr. J. M. Forshee, of this city, who has recently returned from a visit to New York, showed us this morning two pho tographs of Dr Tanner, the renowned faster, one taken before entering on his prolonged fast and the other while in the mldet of it. As Mr. Forshee remarked, neither of them is the photograph of a fool. Mr. Forshee saw Dr. Tanner and gave ns a very intarestlng account of bis appearance and his habits. There are less than three days now intervening be tween Tanner and that 'watermilllon ' Board of J Mermen. The BDard of Aldeimen met in regular monthly r nion at the City Hall yesterday afternoor The Ordinance Committee reported fa vorably on the petition of DrNorcom, and theeport was received and adopted. The Committee on Public Buildings, i the matter ot repairs for LitttJ Giant En gine Company, were granted fenher time. The Mayor announced Alderman Divine as committeeman on all oir nittees where vacancies existed. The Mayor presented the contract and bond of the Wilmington Market Company, and des'redto know If the bond was satis factory to the Board, and it the contract had beencarried outJ Mei man Divine ottered the following, which was adopted, z: I Whereas, The 'Wilmington Marke1 Company' have tendered certain market8 to this Board as the markets provided for by the contract of the said market com pany with the. city of W mington ; and whereas, they cla'm that they nave ful filled the other provisions of the said on tract ; and whereas, the Board of Alder men are not fr y satisfied that all the provisions of the said contract are complied with ; therefore, be it licsolced, That the consideration of the performance of the said contract on the part of the 'Wilmington Market Com pany' bo postponed to the next regular meeting ot this Board, and in the mean time the said markets be examined by a committee of this Board, and the City At torney be required to examine iato all the legal questions involved in the said contract, and report to this Board. On motion, the Mayor appointed the following aldermen as a committee to act with himself in accordance with the above resolution, V.z: Aldermen B owden, Di vine, Hill and King. Alderman Foster offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved That bis Honor, S. H. Fisn blate, appoint a eommttteeof two on the part of the Board of Aldermen, and re quest that the B ard of Audit and Fi nance, Board of Underwriters, Board of Trade, and the Chamber of Commerce ap point a liKe committee to confer with Mr. A. Wilkias, who proposes to construct in our city a complete system of water works works known as the Molly ays tern. Said com aiitteea are requested to report to this Board at the next meeting Aiderman Foster offered the following rosolatlon which was adopted: Lctolvtd That the ordinance in regard to collecting taxes, on Page 199, Minutes of the Board of Aldermen, be strictly en forced, j . The report of the Chief of the Fire D pirtment for the month of July was re celved and ordered on file. The Board then adjourned. Mr Vathl Jar-obi having been appoint ed agent f.r the Atlas How, parties in nt .f thii odearated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacoiu's Hard ware Depot, 2o. 10 S. Front st. u. 1 he Paint CaswellMeettDC. We trust that there will be fair weather for the g aid rally which is to be had at Point Caswellon Friday, ne good folks up there are 'making extensive prepara tions for a ;big turn-out, and we trust thit they will not be dh appointed. TLe sttiatae John Dawson will, we under stand, leave here to morrow and return on Knday s'ter the speaking, and thus ac commodate thse who wish to go up from the cay. Criminal court. The attention of the Court to-day was consumed in disposing of aci fa and the following case; State vs. O H. Grant, assault and bat i tery. Guilty. Judgment, fine of six pence and cost, of Court. State vs Aioa Boston, assaalt and battery. Discharged at defendant's cost. State vs. Sam Smith, nuisance. Guilty. Sentence, of Court six months in work house. I The greater portion of the morning session was consumed in hearing the above cases. Democracy 4m Duplin: There was a large gathering at Kenans- ville, Duplin county, yesterday, ths 8d Inst., to listen to the speeches of Govern. r Jarvls and Attorney General Kenan, in behalf of Democracy, and exJudge Bux ton and R. M. Norment, on the Radical side. It was estimated that there were at least 1,500 persons present, a large ma jority of whom were, of course, Demo crats. Gov. J arris opened the br!l in an able, exhaustive and convincing argament in favor c! Democratic principles.' He was follawed by Judge Brtton, who attacked the Governor's record relative to the secrecy with which the sale of the West era North Carolina Railroad was effected. To this the Governor replied n such a way as to completely annihilate every position taken by the Judge, Dr. R. M. Norment, the Republican candidate for Secretary of State, followed in a sho:- speech, which had no other effijet than to disgust his hearers and to secure for himself a scathing, withering rebuke from Attorney-General Kenan, who made the closing speech of the day.' The effort of the Colonel was truly grand and won for him a host of friends. There is no lukewaimness in good old Democrat ic Duplin and at the November election she will poll a larger vo'e and a larger majority than ever. Messrs. Herring & Moore, at Burgaw, are doing a big root and herb business. As an instance of the amount they are actually doing, we will state that on last Saturday, the 31st ult., they bought $100 worth of herbs. t The Cape Fear Is ver j low. The steam er D, Murchi8in, from Fayettevllle, did not arrive here until 9 o'cloek this morn ing. The rains we had here met her at a point about fifty miles above the city. The thermometer In this ofpee register ed 83 degrees at 3 o'clock to-day. At 10 o'clock It stood at 86. ! There Is some hope that It will . clear np toemoirow; the almanac promises rain for that day. lue sun will set to morrow evening at exactly 7 o'clock. I New Advertisements. Copartnership NEW YORK, August ( 2, 1880. GEORGE W. BaILY BECOMES M8- a member of our firm this day. au 3-2t HINSON A OUMMITG. For Rent. 'ROM 1st OF OOrOBE NEXT the stre now occupied by Jav H. J?r; Carraway on North Front streot aud uae door next Nor h of the undersigned, aug 3 tf R. M. MctHTIRR. Notice- rpHE UNDERSIGNED will attend at the Court House on Thu'say, 12th init , to ex amine applicants for Teachers' Certificates A. B. BL1CK, "i au 3-lw Examiner. For Rent- rpHE OFFICE LATELY occupied by Messrs. Anderson A Loeb, corner Water aad Priseest streets. Possession given immedi ately. Apply to J. L9EB, or jy 30 -3t Messrs. Cronly A Morrijf. PLZAS S OTIOE. . . w"a will btglad to receive eommttaleatloaj Cross cmr frUndj on aav aad all sabjeotj o ffenJ Interest bat: ' flW name of the writer most always be for ishedto the Editor. poaatsaleattoiM uit be written: on only oaedde of the paper. Personalities mast r avoided. I And It Is especially at particular ly.'nader stood that the Editor toxm not always endorse the views of oorrespon feats, unices to tette' la tie editorial eolumna.! Hew Advertisements. Commissioner's Saio of Valuable Ileal Estate. gT VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THal 8aperior Court, I will sell at public auction on Moaday, the 6th day of September next, at 1J o'clock, M., t the Court Uoune door in thi city, the following daecribed property. to wit: - , That larreaad co-iiaodiooariek dwelHnp, cootetalQfr U"room, lituatedoa ront tret well kewa m the midenoe of. the Ute ii . omit, aeoewea. Mie or lot 68 feet t o FroBtftreet, runi ing back ISO feet. AlflO. thai lror f , am a DwnllU f.l. ,13 roomi, situated on the North iid of Mar. - - vw .p w.nwu KTW'UU uu imru treta Immediately Wet of and adjoining the DeRofeet eonerf and at preceat eccupied by Dr. F. W. Potter. Size of Lot 40 feet on w-i.n.irwi, ranmnr oca xJi ieeu Tavma I J i . i I ' maa mtae s do wo at taie. ; ALEX T. LONDON, Com'r. WUmington, N. U., Auf. 2, 1880. au 3 ta Summer Beading JN LARGE VARIETT, UP TO THE rery Lateit FabUcaUons.' For sale at BEINSBEUQEU'S., Family Bibles gEAUTJFULLY BOUND WITH AND without Gold Clasps, juat received at -au! HELYHBEROER'S. rjotice. ? JLJAVINO BOUGHT THE INTEREST of Mefsrs T H Johnson, H Hintza, Geo F Tll Iey in the Butchers Company, we will con tinue business at the N W corner of Market and Second street, alao Stall sNosl and 2 New Market. We return thanks for the liberal patronaf-e bestowed upon us, and with our ad van tagas for carrying; the largest stock of, the Best the Market affords, with Strict atten tion to business and fair dealings, we hope fer a oontinuance of your liberal patronage. Thote having; Books with Butchers' Con.- Eany will please take notice of pur placd i f uviness. We are alone authorized to collect and settle the business of the old firm. I V. W. CAMPKN, JOHN R. MELTON, W. J. MOTT. I au 2-tf Proprietors of Butchers' Co BOOK STORK. i ' J - JTJE1.DQUARTER3 FOR (JaMl'&lON Goods, Pictures of Hancock and English ard Garfield aad Arthur, all jslzes. Campaign Badges and Flags in great variety. "The Undiscovered Country". By W. D. L Howell, aua O. W. YATES. Valuable Land for Sale. WHEREA8 CALVIN BLACK and wife, Flora B. Black, of the county of Kob eson and State of North Carolina, on the 1st day of October, 1876, made and executed a mortgage to the North Carolina btate Life Insurance Company of the city of Kelflfc h and State aforesaid, to secure fit teen hundred dollars due by note dated October 1st, 1875, bearing Interest from date at 8 per cent, in terest due on the 1st day ot a pril and Octo ber of each year, and payable two years af ter date, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Register's Office in the county of Rob eson aad State aforesaid, la Book Q, Q, page Tf, on the 11th day of October, tb7, which said mortgage with the power of sle therein contained, and said note was on the 6th day of January, 1860, duly transferred and assigned to the subscriber, who is now the owner aad holder thereof, and the full, amount of the said note secured br the said mortgage is now due, except the interest up to the 1st day of October, 1878. and whereas default has been made in trie payment of the said note secured by the said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the said premises by virtue of the power contained in the said mortgage, wh'ch sale will be made by the subscribers at pobno auction, for cash, at the Court Houe door, in the town ofLumberon, county and hut a oresaid, on the 7th day of September, 18',, t 1 2 o'clock, forenoon. The following is a description r.f th sidd mortgage premises : A tract of land Iji g aad being la the county of Bobeeor mi Miate of North Carolina and bounded on the North by the lands ef Nei l f cVeill, on the East by the lands f M. MeNeiil, the heirs of Henry McNeill, deceased, an- puM McCallum. on the South and West by the lands of Daniel Me arthur, J O. MeKachin, Hugh Johnson and Col P. P ' Smith, and containing about ight hundred acre, more or less, the bguno ariee of which will more fully appear by re ference to the aali mortgage record ei aa aforesaid. I I The said tract of land will also be sold at the same time aad at the sae place and on the sa te terms under a mortgae exeu:ed by the said O black to John A. Gltchri.t, on thesth dav r f eoteraber, 1877, to secure a Miteof $679:92 whieh mortape is now held and owned by J. a MeCasxili,and is resord. 91 in the same office in Book T. T., page 9 IS, on he llet day of February 1878, JOHN A. OILGHJEU8T, Mortgagee. W.F. Faucv, Attorney. Lumberton, N. U , July 16, 1890. Jy3041t MB. J. H. BATKS, Newspaper Adraitl ng Areat, 41 Park Row, (Times Builds g). New York, Is aathorixedto contract for ad rertieemeciU in the Datlt Rsvaaw and Wii. nxasrwiJosaju.t, at our lowest ratee lijr4