TUIH PIPER PLEASE S0TI0E. We will ber fad to receive oommnicatloni , rJ ver a'tme.n, Hindayi ea- ,,MII. T. J A. M E M t (litTokANn rEorairroR. fi nionthn. $3 50 ; Three -: fl Oae month, 60 cents.' ,J ,,.r will be delivered bi aarriers, .i'.i lB nT Prtof treeity.'attht 1 ru". r cnt per wek. '.--if rets nd liberal -.crb-rs will pla report ary d t- reerivetbeir papers regularly. BROWN ft RODDICK 4) Market Strest. Daily fiEflEW. in from ow frWaJs on aay and all, subjects o fsaeral interest but x Tbe aaxae of the writer most always be for aitfced to the Editor. uonwTOl tlons ant be written: en only oae rid of tae paper. Personalities most voided. ' And It Is erpecUU M.patleularly; under stood that the Editor not always endort e the views of eorreepoadea U. U-lees so ttatetf VOL. V. 'WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1880. M NO. 139 ut ta editorial column.: r, .l -Aiis Drawt r. ,(. .... , .,, iiMf.a !iir - tvt t.tcpra' !.!- C.i 1 a'.'.A oxxui-.o. i -.? . !r.-s Miirt, 1. t.y them ... , ..i ; vu wi'.I uo no o!hr. Mr !ai HijwU- .-.tallour -jhctlaml Shawls t? rl; t!i-'j ar roally worth "M. l VIrol Summer Skirts, from 50c t,il A beaut if al line. Ut!- Printed Knclisli Cambric, 10 cents j.-r yanl regular prI!C V conts. I ituit 1 Paotic lawns, cents p r yard, .I i all ovit Uw country at l.V, BLACK CKAPKS. Wf haw just rti ivcl a larp invoice of Craj-'H In si;l.,l Dou'oi and Triple. .Suitable for Veilings anI Tiimiiiinf. ACKNTS IN THIS CI TV for the WIIHiW.S CUAPK, FOUT11K PEEP EST MO Ul UN INC A Iti Dm in (lent Linen Haiulker. chU-fs, l jr Dozen. I. A D I Kb CORSETS. U have juit rmivM a new Corset to re tail at 7". cents a beauty. 3R0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market .St. jV 17- ' Electric. gCOTTd ELECTRIC HAIRBRUSH, tbe ret Uradaehe aat Xeura'gU core, can be faod at J. H.HiKDINA, Apotheca'.r. New Market. IVaacriptijas a specialty. jy 23 The Lowest Prices li 7U)l; ALL KINDS OF PBINTING, At E. S. WAHIIOCK'4 Job Office. tit estimates at this otliee before liaving your print lug done elsewhere. ( it!v In Uevkw buiMlug.) jy For Rent lltOVlUlK latof October 13-4, t rraiJenc at the Southwest c raer of btith and Market eta. Apply t JOHX L. CANTWELL, jy 19 tf lo 119, ltOffiee, CH EAPIV1EAT A FEW HKtlCES REJECTED CANVASSED HAMS Will be no!.! at SIX Cents. Hall & Pearsall. ? Wire Kettinc: O For Doori and Window t:os! to keep oat fi n J.cuqaito Alto, Sash. Doors, Blinds, Latarmr, and Building Material Ueneralljk ALTAFFEK, IMUCfc A CO. Faetorv: Otliee: fo.t of Walnut C Nntt, Bear m4 Ore it. u2 OU DALb 4.0. bill 4jidjk-, ULarter I'artjf, Infptnr'a Certificate, Crop Lien Htmr ttuajsen Ueoeifta, Ma. S..H.,WABBOCK, (laKtiUw lUUJlat) J Jut frmidr. CHEAP BEADING! For t ho Campaiga. Tbe Daily Kr'w, to Dec. lt, lor $l.on Tl.e II.MI.Or . J. ir4;jjai. t Ik-c. lit, l.-r ot cciitw! Tie WlLUlNflT NJiUUNAb .ullisinl erery Fil ing, -U of tin nw of the wock! Tho Daily Kkwkw, pMbliahod every afierooon, gives tho new of the Iuy and the latent market reports. Address I Joe ii. T. Jamks, j Wilmington, N. O. The btate Canvass Gov. arvie. Democratic candidate for Governor, will address tho rHojde at At Trenton, Jocea Oitinty, Thursday, August 6'h At Kiuuton, L-jnolr Cn-unty, Saturday, Augnbt 7th. S)me other of tho State OaLv lasers will be with hiui at all of thu-e appointments JdIST discussion. Thero will le joint discussions br Gov faivU and Judge Buxton, the Democrat ic aud llepublican candidates fur Qover nor at the following places: Jacksonville, Onsbw county, August 1th. I Trenton', Jones county, August nth. Kinstou, Lenoir county, August 7ih. Snow Ilill, Monday, August 9th. Wilson, Tuesday, August lQ:h. Attorney Goneral Kenan will addreBs tie people at j Griflia's, Nah county, Thursday, Au gust 6th Nashville, Nash county, Friday, Au gust Ctb. i Grantham's, Wayne county, Situ-day, August 14th. J Meadow, Johnston county, M ndny. August ICth. , LOCAL- NEWS. New Advertisements. V IliisMia Ledger, Ac. Jobs Mkltom A Card W m Lab una, Beet' j Notice. Window Glass all sizca at Altafler & Vzlcc's. Self sacrifice is not always an act cf prudenco. Fbysicians say that tho city is not prop erly policed. Tho moro a woinau is idle the more her heart is occupied. To make tho true Ma;Use cross stroke his fur the wrong way. j No man ever looked on the d.itk siie of life without finding it. Chicken soup a la Tanner is tho uow namfor a familiar fluid. It is said in favor of politicians that they never bribe with their own money. Tho real lucky tishermau is the one who doesn't catch tho rheumatism. Save" your money and buy yo;r liuild ing Supplies from Altallcr !c Trice. Theso heavy aud frequent rains in ly do tho corn crop good, - but they are b id for cotton. ' The UM tf llall's Vegeuble Shil'.an Fair Heuewir will keep tbo hir stt ami sy. There is coudidorable Uut heat in ice cream. After-eating it the girls warm up considerably. Fun Mt-il and W'a'.u a tjh.iw Cases. aJl stKv aud suos, at Al.Xa.fkku, 1'hck A Go's. ' , . Thelaiupjor toreues, ne hundred in n itnter, lor tin Haucuck-Efurjsb and Jarvis Club will ar:ive vt N-w Yoik a e ttuor to-iuonuw . A number of cur people wt-nt up to IVut Caswell this eveuingon tl e steamer John Daws n, to at cud tii'o grand rally to htld thero to marrow The-man who loats arouud a une-horae grocery while his wife takes tin washing o support him can always tell yiu just what the country needs. ' WllniliiKtou District. Third round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmiugtoa 'District, Method it li Churca Snth. ! Wilmiiitoit, at Fifth St, Anj 7-8 Ooalow I Aug 7-8 Topsail, at llerruip. (,'hapel, Aug 10-11 Dui'.in, Aug H-15 A -atin- of the stockholders of the 0 Wilmington Market Company will be held at the new Market, on Front street, on Saturday afternoon. Thanks to Mr. L M. Long, the Sec retary, for a complimentary ticket to the eleventh annual exhibition ot the Roan oko and Tar lllvr Agricultural Society, to bo held at Weldun, October llih, 12th, 13th. 14fh, and 16th. 16S0. Mr. Nath'l .lac jbi having been ppoiut- t:d aeiit f r the Atlas Plow, pa :ies in . unt of this celejratud 1'iow cn now '.iav. tiudr ordtsis lilkd at JAO'iii's Herd vare Jeiott No. K) S. Frout st. tf. -- Arrived safely. The schooner Alary if ear, owned in th:s city by Messrs. Sol. Bear and . Bros and commanded by Captain Chad wick from this place, arrived safely in New York yesterday, after a storiny passage of about ten days. The Mary Bear cleared front this port one wwek 1 ago last Satur day. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Hrat Ingatovesat almost any price at Jacobi s Uardware Depot. The Street Car Case- In the Supreme Court the case of the State vs. S. II. Fishblate et al, the judg ment of the Court below was affirmed. This is the crso in which tbe Mayor aLi Board of Aldermen were indicted for not tearing up tho street car track. Tho case was quashed by his Honor Judgo Meares and Mr. Solicitor McDre appealed to tho Supremo Cou-t. Bee a woman on horseback in another column,, riding near Sneer's Vineyards, with a I bunch of Grapes from which Speer'8 Port Grape Wino is mace, that j'b so highly estoemod by tho medical pro fession for the use of iuvalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. Pharmaceutical Convention. Tho Committee of Druggists appoint od to mako arrangements for the Pharma ceutical Convention, have secured reduced rates on tho various rail roads of the Stato, also with the loadiug hotels of the city. The Convention will meet In theSenata Chamber in Raleigh on the 11th Inst., when we hopo a darge delegation will be present. f All tbe Druggists of the Stato are earn estly and cordially invited to attend. Found In the Sand. A pieco of brass supposed to be an ec centric 'strap to an engino, was found by officer Moore yesterday evening about 7 o'clock, embedded in the sand on Swann between Fourth and Fifth streets.. How the brass got there Is a mystery, though it is strongly surmited that some thief purloined it from the railroad and buried it with the expectation of getting It again when darkness had closed in all around Tbo brass Is at tbe City Ilall awaiting an owner who can prove bis proptrty. V ater Woiks. The committers on the part of tho ;city g.mruinei.t, Board of Audit, Produce Ex chaugf, Chamber of Commerce aud Board of Trade will meet at the City lla1! on Monday next to consider the proposition of Mr. A. Wilkins. to constxuetin this city a complete system of water works known ai the Iio'ly System. Mr. Wiliiams pre poses to erpend about fc-'OO.OOO in Wil mington in the consti ucllon of these woiks. We trust that Mr. Williams' proposition will m?et with favor aud that at an esrly date Wilmington" will be sup plied with hydrants, etc. II the chances of recovery for au adult be small when unnecessarily Btrong med icine be used, how much smaller must be tbo chance of a baby when dosed with opiates and other powerful medicines. Dr. Bull- Baby Syrup lathe remedy for the dieses of children. Price 25 ceutt a bottle, i Struck by L.lgUtuliir- U,i Wednesday nfgh tx ut 2 o'clock, during the preVideucuof the thunder storm, tb bouse ot Mr. Frank Kennedy, on Muso:ibro Sound, was t truck by light ning, but we are glad to learn that nr one was very seriously hurt. - At the timo f the sirofce the who'.e fj'iidy were in bed, which may account for the cc mparatively slight Injuries sustai. ?d. Mr. K.-unedy was badly stuuutd, and is still suffirlng from fcs trfr-cts. The ll -id also passed over the a: m of a young lady, a member of tbe family, bul lett no hurt save a slight burn. A treo standing in the yard was 5truck, and a dairy under it and near the' house was shattered, tbe dishes, milk, fcc beiug scattered all around. It is thought that the lightning passed irom ine dairy through an open window into the bouse. Vrindow Glass of all six w, U t ra, S isa and Blind, B.ulders' Uardware.Jfco. Low eat prices at Jacobus. Three Months' Hard Labor. Sarah Davis, the colored woman who used a knife on Minnie Loftin, olored. making an incision in the latter's arm, and oae on her neck besides, was to-day sen tenced by Judge Meares to the Housa of Correction for three months. Miuuie Lof tin who w s'si anaigned, having been bound over ' -tin the City Court Ibrjan at'ray, w s ditcharced. Will be Present We are glad to be uble to state that Gen. Ransom, Judge Fowle, Gov Jarvis, Gen. Leach and Mr. Fab. Baabee have promised to be with us on the crand rat ifi cation we- are to hava here thia muntb Gov. Vance has also responded, saying that he will be here on tbat happy occa sion if he can possibly so arrange bis en gagements. Coup's circus. Mr. A Haight1 representative of W. C. Coup's Circus is In the city trying, to effect arrangements by which be can show here on tbe 9 th of September. If the license tax r in be reduced from tbe present exorbitant figures. Mr. Ilalght wi'.l bill this city for two days, vizi Sep temtjr 9th and about January 12 tb, on return trip. If the l:cenie tax cannot be redund the great circus will be run right through aud we will not be allowed even to smell the saw.irst or see the animals, ilr People Get Sick. Eating too much and too fast ; swrMow ing imperfectly m- tticated food ; by tak ing too much flv'd at meals ; drinking poisonous wb'skey aud other intoxicating drinks ; repeatedly using poisons as medi c ues ; keeping late hours at night ; sleep ing late In the morning ; woaring c'othing too light; wearing thin shoes, neglecting to wash tbe body sufficiently to keep the. pores open ; exchanging tbe warm clothes worn in a warm room during the day for costumes.and exposure incident to evening parties ; compressing the stomach to gra i fy a vain, foolish passion for dress; keepirg up constant excitement ; fretting the mind with borrowed trouble; swallowing quack nostrums for every imaginary ill ; taking meals at irregular intervals, etc. : i n Customer "Why are 'Malt Bitters' so popular ? ' Druggist "Because, as a Food Medi cine, they enrich the blood, harden the muscles, quiet the nerves, perfect diges lon." jy 12 4w Bishop Atkinson. We rejoice to k"iow there is later and better news in regard to tbe venerable Bishop Atkinson's condition, which gives a decidedly more hopeful anticipation to his many friends throughout, this section all of whom are anxious to learn of this ven erable prelate's improved health. A letter from Col. AtHason written last Sunday t) his partner, Capt. Manning, in this city, says that his father's condition Is m-ich improved from what it was when be first reached Baltimore last Saturday. This, by-the-way, was the date of our In formation, published two days ago rela tive to tbe extreme illness of tbe Bishop and tbat in tbe event be suffers no re lapse, his physician says he can under take the journey to tbe White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, this week. This Is indeed cheering news for the Bishop's many friends in North Carolina. . ! Criminal court. The following cases were disposed of this morn lug. State vs George Myers. Bag'fry. Tbe prisoner having broke jail, case was con tinued. State vs Ella Shepherd. - Nuisance. Motion o quash. Motion granted. Ap peal by the State. State vs Fanny Brewington. Motkn to quash. Granted. . State vs Millie Jackson. Carrying con- ced weapocs. Judgment Nisi. State vs March Campbell. Injuring stock. Gulity. Judgment $5 and cost Bt ite vs Randl Jordaa. Assault and battery.' 'Guilty. Sentenced throe months inllousa of Correction. State vs Randal Jordan. Carrying conceaiel weapons. Defendent submits. Judgment suspended. State vs Minnie Loftin and Sarah ! - Davis. Affray. Guilty. Judgment sus pended as to Loftin, Sar-th Davis three months In the House of Correction. State ys Robert Burch. Assault and battery Not Guilty. , State vs E S Griffith. Fa'se arrest and assault and battery. Now on trial. . We are sorry to learn that Mr. L. B nuggios, oae lof our oldest citixens, is ttick in bed and it considers 1 quite 111. 1 Democratic Convention Called In 1 Pender. f At a meeting ot the ! Pender Cotjnty Demo-vatic Executive" Committee, held at Burgaw. lest Monday, it wen decided to call a Convention to nomiuate candidates for county offices, on tbe 10-h of Septen ber. Township meetings to eleot delegates to the Convftution were orden d to be held ou 'he 11th day of September. i The committee, we understand, passed a unanimous resolution biod'ng tbcm selves individually and collectively not to accept from tbe convention any candu dacy for any office whatever. Another resolution was also passkl denouncing a'J fndependen's and bolters. I The Cjmmittee after resolwug to car ry out irrplicitly the orders of the State Executive Committee as recently pub lished, adjourned to a wait the action of the County Convention which ascmbleg at Burgaw as above stated on the 16th day of September next. A Nuisance on the Sidewalk. We respectfully call the attention of tbe police authorities to the fact that whenever Criminal Court is in session bars the sidewalk in front of tbe Court Bouse is almost impassable, so much ro that ladies passing that way have to go out in the street in order to get along. We find it not altogether easy our self in our peregrinations in that neighborhood to get through tho crowd. Aud we would remark right here en passant that it is not a very pleasant thing, elbowing one's way through such a crowd ;t here is too many representatives from Paddy's HoI low and other classic precincts in certain localities in this city, to make it pleasant for a gentleman to force bis way through such a crowd. Uow much worse, then, must it be for a la ly ? Pier e attend to it Mr. Brocki The Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club meet at tbe City Hall this evening. at 8 o'clock,- 'and don't you forget it?' The I parade of the Howard Rslief Fire Engine Bompany which wai to bave ta ken place this afternoon has been post poned on account of ths weather. Exhalations. From the matter that creates malarial Fevers Yellow Fever and its kindred ailments, are not cognziable by the senses, but imperceptibly locate in tbe blood, poison it, and originate tbe dis eases named. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure; used In connection with War ner's Safe Pills, Is the only blood puri fier known. Hew Advertisements. & Card. JT HAYING BEEN REPORTED THAT 1 was on the Republican Speakers' staad, at their recent Ratlfioat'.on Meeting, I desire to deny the report, as I hare no inc'inatioa to mike myself conspicuous iathatwsy. aa6-lt JOHN MELTOW. Notice. MEETING OF THE Stockholders ' of the IWilmlngtoa Market Company, will be held at the Front Street Market next SAT URDAY, at 1 o'clock, P. M. i By order of the Board of Directors. au 6-It I wK. LARKIN8, Feet'y. Ledgero, JOURNALS, Gash Books, - Demy Books, Bill Bcoks, Trial Balances, Records, Letter Press Coping Books, ':ime tteoks, Faacj Memorandums, Pocket Books full of Money, Paper, Envelope!, Inks of . 1 all Colors, Muoilafe, Me., ic For tale cheap at au 6 HKINBBEKOE ' . Wot ice- r fpUE UNDERSIGNED will attend at the Court House on Thursday, 12th but., to ex amine applicants for Texcheri Certlfieatec A. B. BLa.CE, au 3lw Fzaniaer. For Rent - .- i rjlHB- OFFICE. LATELY occupied by Messrs. Anderson A Loeb, corner Water axd Princess streets. Possession (irea immedi. ataly. Aoply to J. L9EB, or jy30-3t Messrs, Cronly A Morriss. How Advertisements. Copartnership. NEW YORK, Autut 3, 1880. AjR. GEORGE W. BAILY BE0OME3 a member of our iirm this day. au3-lt HIN80N A OCMMIVO. For Rent, PROM lit OF OOTOBK NEXT the tjre'now ocaupied by Jaa. H. JV. Carraway on North Front ftrejt and one . . -i door next Nor'h of t.e underilgned. ; agS-tf R. M. McTNTITtK:. M.CROXY, Auclioncrr. BT CRONLY & MORRIS 1 Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Ileal Estate. Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE THE Superior Court, I will sell at public auetion on Monday, the 6th day of September next, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court House door in thhfcity, the following descrlbodj property,' to wit: That lare and commodious brick dwelling, containing ltrooma. tituated'on front itreet ana wen snown as tne residenoe or the late Eli W. Hall, deceaaed. Size of lot CO foet on Front street, running back 150 feet, j Also, that large frame Dwelling containing 13 rooms, situated on the North tide of Mar ket itreet, between Second and Third streets immediately West of and adjoining the DeRosaet eorner, and at present occupied by Dr. F W. Potter. Size of Lot 0 feet on Market itreet, running back 132 feet. Terms liberal and made known at rale. ALEX T. LONDON, Com'r. . Wilmington, N. C, Aug. a, 1880. an 3 ti Notice. . JAVING BOUGHT THE INTEREST of Messrs T H Johruon, H Hint ad, Geo F Til ley in the Butohen' Company, we will con tinue business at the N W corner 6f Market and Second itreeta,al.o Stall a Nob 1 and 3 Ww Market. We return thanks for the liberal patronage bee to wed upon us, and wlto on r advantages for carrying the largest stock of the Best the Market affords, with strict atten tion to business and fair dealings, we hope for a oontinuanoe of your liberal patronage. Thote having Books with Butchers' Com- Eanv will please take notice of our place of u'inees. We are alone authorized to collect and settle the business of the old firm. W. W. CAMPKN, JOHN H. MELTON, ' . i W. J. MOTT. au 2-tf Proprietors of Butchers' Co 1 BOOK. STOBK. E A D QUARTERS FOR UaMl'AlGN H Goods, Pictures of Hancock and English and Garfield aad Arthur, all sizas. Campaign! i - ' Badges and Flags in great variety. "The Undiscovered Country". By W. D. Howells. C. W. YATES, am 3 Valuable Land for Sale, WHEREAS 01LVIN BLACK and wife. Flora B. Black, of the eounty of Kob. esoa and State of North Carolina, on the ltt day of October, 1876, made aud executed a mortgage to the North Carolina btate Lif Insurance Company of the city of KaMgh and State aforesaid, to secure fifteen hundred dollars due by note dated October 1st, 1876, bearing interest from date at 8 per cent, in tereet due on the 1st day of April and Octo ber of each year, and payable two years af ter date, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Begister's Office in the county of Rob-' eson aad Btate aforesaid, ia Book Q, Q, page 78, on the 11th day of October, 1876, which said mortgage with the power of sal therein contained, and said Bote was on the 6th day of January, 18t0, duly transferred and asclgned to the subecrioer, who is now the owner aad holder theroef, an 1 the full amount of the laid note ecurd by the said mortgage is now due, except the ln'ereat up to tbo lpt day Of October, 1878, and wbe-eas default has been made in the pay meet of the said note secured by the said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the said premises by virtue of tho oover contained in the said mortgage, wn cb, ra'e will be made by the subscribers at , auction, for caab, at the Court Houe &o?rt in the town of Lumber on, eounty and Hut e'ctreaald. oa the 7th day of September, 180, at 11 o'clock, forenoon. The following is a description of thsId mortgage premises : tract of land Iji g and being in the countyof Robeson anl Htate of North Carol tna aad bounded on the North by the lands ef Nei l McNeill, on tbe East by the lands of M. MeNeU, tbe heirs of Henry McNeill, deceased, and Daniel McCallum. a tbe South and West by tbe lands of DatM Mearthur, J C- MekachJn, Hugh Johtson aad Col P.P. Smith, and containing about eight hundred aero, more or less, the bound aries of which will more fu'ly appear by re ference to thi said mortgage recorded as aforesaid be sail tract of land will also be sold at the same time aad at the same place aad ot the save terms under a mortgage executed by the said U Black to John A. GUcbri't, on theith day of deetember, 1877, to secure a aeteof 1679.93 which mortgage is now held aad owned by J.C ilcCakili,and is resord. d i the same offie in Book T. T., page Via, on the Jlet day ofFebraary 1878 JOHN A. GILCHRIST, Mo.frtgee. JT, F. Fasaca, Attorney. LuinbertoB, N. C f July IC, 1880. ij 30-13t

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