Tkllfl PAPES aft-rnoon. Bunds ys j ,.ned every 9f -nm-. ap rorMoa. sa J AM B8t rm "Kl 1TI0NH, Otf TAGK PAID. G :' .ino 8U months. 13 W ; Three !. II ISJ One month. 60 eents. . -ill be delivered by earriere, H daily I KEYiEWi 1 1 Anta rr flk ..ui.(r ' - ,.riU4 I ' ... i - mwtm mnA j. s-erib-ri win pio"' -"J ..t-iow aediiDern A!T.ri6 J. KlffibTI Wl '.Ltn papers regularly. a S VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. AUGUST 6, 1880. - FLSUSE ffOTICE ; We win bef Ad to receive-eonmwdcatious from or Mn4a on tiy aad U nbjosta o tDOtl of the writer mast always be far sdsaedte the Editor. Onromiraleattooe mist be written; on only oMside of the.pef, PrtosAll ties must voided. And It l especially uaaCpartlcmlarlylunder stood thai the Editor does not alwevs endorse 14.0 I the vUws of correspondent, udessso stated ta we editorial columns.; I & 'RODDICK 45 Market Btroet. BROWN CHEAT BEAlDING! i ; ans Drawers, lfc4...-- .na.mfactur', J cents, tcgu'ar pfl.viI.-'V Call and exami KvMuie Drew SSlUrt, $1, try tbem For tho Campaign. t f i The Daily Rcitw. tr lXc. lt, lor $1.00! El i.l you will use no other. Mi-tUnu Shawls. We e cMetaS out aJ our Sltland Shaw!a n i; they an nCaiiy worth Tho WlLMlXJT'N Jouhnal to Dec. Ut( for CO com si i Tue Vilmict K J CUSAI published every r li 1 . gv 11 of the uew of the week! Transparencies. tv. rr rw,b-V -icrlh nd Jarvls Club U - - The circus U coming. THE MAILS. The mails cloee and arrive at the City See advertisement la this lue of Han- Po-t Office as followi : of this citv have ordered two hundred , Ewrtlah oortralta. I Northern through and way inMmronrnM 0 1 wniCD Will LKJ wrc- malle... ......6:30 a. ra. a ... a. ma .ma. 1 r ,f K rf n.Tt rident and Vice Wow leoK our lor timoer ram. mej rUletgb......o.u . m.. . .a o.w p. p.m.iuov. . - . . I :i- . j. uu. - i MaIU for the N. O. Bailroaa. Mr,iA-it of the Unted States W. Hancock and W. H. English- nili com dewo cojthe MWf feeh." aod route supplied there Mecklnz Birds The Daily Keview, published every afternoon, givee the news of the day and ;v?-t. from 50c the-laiCBt market reports. , .hrt- c.luroa bummer bkirta, from wjc A bcautiliil line. Jo?n. T. Jameu, i WilmiDRton, N. O. UlenintcdEngll3h Cambric, 10 ccnta j . i.,-rL 15 nta. I The Wtatfc CauYasi. rru",lb 4 i.5a n.moorAtic candidate ill a.idret, the people -aa . t i , - .nnte.irciliclJiwns,iccP"r follows: ! . ,tiMSt At Trenton, Joce. Cunty, Thursday, 41aovcr w Animt f, h. - At Kinston, Lenoir Ouuniy, Saturday, " w I f tkn Hhito Oaiivftssers will V bavo just received a large invoice ot I wjtb him at all of tbwao appoiutmLats i:rpi In iisK Ioxbie and Triple. Muiuble for Veilings and Trimmings. To-morrow is the dy set for the trial J from, including A. & N. O.. of Virgi: Hid, chs-;ed with bu-glar?. 1 lUilrtwi, at 6;30 p.m. I northern mails for all DOlntfl At the least calculation there has heen The streeU are badly washed and when Sooth, daily... 7:45 p. m. broucht to this city within the past two the weitber settle the street force will be Western mails (C C By) daily m0Dfh. two ,bo..aa jouag mcckic kept b,., m.., ,.p. TfoiT birds. If the praoUoe 6f capturing tne9 of njw y & m&il wgm . 7;45 p i . 1 V.a afk wili . . ... aril, r young war Die rs cquhouo w "w ' I on wm-broken to lay. This win cause i aaaiia wr yvwm v,anatA.l and a mocklDjr bird in I u ... . , , rr rence and Charleston 7:46 p. m the forests will ne a ramy. I day or two i Tue ctrcoa. It is now a settled fact that tbe w. o a mftn to oommnnicate wnn spirits, i daUj except 8undays...L.. 6:00 p. m. Coup New United Monster Show will however, poetess the power ef cast- Ooalow O. H. and intermedi- Wetwo performrnces In this city on lng them oat, especially If they be In ate offleea, every' Monday e.,..nfK Th-hf'lBoa. Ka-h., crrrnld rve. d Thursday at...... .... 6.00 a. m. laumajr, p"'"' - " " IBmithvllle mails,, by s team- ters are epeoted to arrive in this city in PTChanffa aava that the eirl of the! boat, daily, (except Sun- about a week when they will Immediate- oq ttamU dnM r---"-:'r-100 ' m ,y presto derate the bill boards with a jbrena.aud a nevel. This I tHttta wld Little ' pictures, etc. Look out jlor tnem ooys. .g ht- , The girl of the perlcJ BiverV 8. C.. every Mon- i - 17ew Advertisements. - Copartnership HEW YORK, Aaiut 3,1880. jyjB, GEORGE W. BALLY BSCOMES a .ember of oar firm Uds day. . u3-lt HINSON A CUMMISO. For Rent. 17K0M 1st OF OfJTOBB BSII JWA the stre now occupied by Jas. H. Carraway on fforth Front street and on door next North of the undersigned. af Sf R. M. kfcTNTIRE. Favettevllle, and offices on Ckne Fear River. Tuesdays; ft I. a rommen thn. now a days, for I naay. ..... x.w F. - ju.VttWUlii, iauvuuuuvi . BY CBONLY & MORRIS. Comiulssloner's Sale of Yaluable Ileal Estate. T T VIRTUE OF A DEGREE OF THE Superior Court, I will sell at public auction day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. I on Monday, the 6th day of Beptexnber next, at 12 o'clock. If., at the Court House door in l-.v. i nthfr should be brouffht to a full stop. Bee a woman on nor - : v WUmlngton and Black River column, riding near Sneers VroeyMos.i The Ulltefrjed wiDg 0f the great Na-I ChaDeL Mondays. Wednee- with , a buncn oi urapes iruLu y-.w , . Rflnni1ttr-n stalwarta located in this I .n .nH ffrtrlav. at 6:00 a. m.l thli citv. tha foUowln dMcribed property. ap,PorGr8P? hvD6th! I pr" city nd Icinity are piling to buc up ofkk fob delivkby. . so highly ed teemed by the medical pro- " jr vthpm thmnh and wav I -TlV, v.v .nt. f- fnr nse of inTalldS. weaaxy I againBl in custom uouto tiuft. n- . I in ivgaua commuuiuBB BHv un.u.Ki fesaion lor tne ' '"'"u ..l I man.. 7)0 a. m. I ..tin utrnAn,. .itnii'nn ront treit persona and tho aged. Sold by urxxg- that is wbat our auw man in green says I-y..-.. 7:30 a. m. "ii Ttnew aTthe rVsideVoe of the lata IS tne latest teiepuune wuip. i r. rVmtral Rail wav 10n)0 a. m I KU w. xiail, aeoeaiea. pe oi ioi cvi va luaronnauentrai rwauway , I Front rtreet.ruMinir back 160 feet. n-iM4. rt nral M . P. Taylor has When Gen. J. M.L ach comes down m Stamp umce open from . Urge frame DweUinr contaialn,: ..fa - i - n I l fK- vo .3 ya h.i nmm. Mi ana irom wj o.ou p. i is rooms, situated on tne rrortii sias ei war- ecelved Intormatlon from Col. A. U. here to talk to the boys as He nss prom-1 qj Register Department open I ket 'eet, between Second and Third tt.u k fWfc that over company laed to do on the 24th Inst., you may make I aa stamn office. I streets ijamediately West of and s Ijolnine , uuu w .u , I .... , .Jlxl.-I . , J, SOI.K Xgknts is this city for tho WIDOWS CUArE, FOR 1 1I rJ DEE1' KST MOURNING. JOIXT DISCUSSION. I I .... : I O .... I There will be joint uiscussiou u7 mu.. , v - - - - - ,i . . u,nw jq nnon frnm ft:00 a. tn. I the DeRosset eqrner, and at present eocupiea JarvU and Judge Buxton, the Democrat- tQ his. the Second Regiment, win aivuu Up yon ui.m w - V J aV,T from 830 by Dr. F. W. Potter. Blze of Lot to reet on i,0"TdH,pub.i?.c Canute, for Gov. . K',Qg.. Monntaln leb,.ioo. Tho of Gov. Vance, whea th. relat.og .1 . to 6:80 p. m.. Sunday. .b J0 W-jNjJJj "Wj- T. A..-.6.V rntbaUbeCapeFiarnUof ' .fe MotiCe Klutw. Lonoi, oouuty, Aoku-I lhia city wU1 be ther, to fir. a few Halve. h. ,noient ,tbr. We 8'. P' WOtlCCS. "ilLKfXn "till-,. : 3. to be ab!e to Uy before MiSf'.r Ri f- 1 lIBVUi A www m m O I A i: Drlte in Cents' Linen llandker. chiefs, f 1 CO per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. Full Metal and Walnut Show Oases, aU Attorney General Kenan will address 8tylea s'at Altaffkb, Puck the people at & CO's Grifiiu'd, Nash county, Thursday, Au- . . WagU 0ut. gUSt 6th j l.i A n . l n. n Uoaw r.ina in the Nashville. iNasn coumy, Ki-jt xnere nas uwu yvij u; . gu?t Cth. . , . I nn country and a culvert near unarioite, Grantham s. Wayne County, oaiurua j, - n Pntrftl Railroad, was - i n i mm. l iHiuima - :pect nowever to oe aoie to -j- Tmbla Cutlerv. our readers tc .morrow a tun account o i Hardware Depot. the meeting, n the Review is ably rep resented there on this occjislon. 1 Messrs T H Johnson, H Blntze, Geo F Til ley in the Butchers' Company, we will con tinue business at the N W corner of Market ... . ..... 1 a .intrr fV)Tft tf ft?" I Auniiut 14th- We ju , ' , . - . . M,.nilftV. Meauow, juubBtvu lvuuj , j - on nht tar an Item. . . land Second streets, also BtallsNos land 2 New Hewsl news J at . tme pnui wi. Mmva1 w. rem thanks for the liberal PfMaonal. n m to a wonld c vfl an eusllsn I natronare bestowed noon US. and witn our Mr. W. A.' Brown, illtagte . l ''ve Ii ' g2SSaS?JSR ot this city, but now of New York, U on eW M ratBOr We!should fay, we would tlon to bojineu and fair dealings, we hop visit to his family and friends. We are twlc9 the amouut above mentioned I Suui' Com- tail at cent a beauty.. m BROWN & RODDICK, 45 IVlarketjSt. jy n . August ICth. LOCAL1 NEWS. washed up on yesteraay. AUO learn 'that Mr. B. is sufier- f eaiteal upon which we could spin out Mv wiU pase Uke noUce of our place of ,u mnmin? did not leave Charlotte ,W . 1 u xn buitness. Ve are alone authorized to collect iV V on account of the wash-out Hence we -. i .... ..anal moil from alonff are witnout our udu e i f 1 I ntlnr? it. a wnoie coiumu iu uwi. would !do all this for the benefit of our Mew Advertisements. P naiKSBiaasa Automatio I encils, . Hee ad Hancock 1 J U lixasiii Brushes, &o. .. . I i runu nknr Via mnrfl nnsel ... .r- We are informed attantlon of his Honor waacalltd reare. j me iuw " . I a .I 9 . ,i1 v . K . .c AIT n7allra anil A I MiUlTl I ubu. that the damage win no ssyv i i to tne case vi am and settle the business of the old firm. W. W. CAMl'JCJV, JOHN R. MELTON, ! W. J. MOTT. au 2-tf Proprietors of Butchers' Co A RAREIQPPORTUMTY FOR THE LADIES ! WE ARE SELLING at Reduced nrlces Udlee. iiiMes and Children's Prewe and Underwear, Trimmed and Untrimmed Uu aad Bunnets, latevt stjlM. . u'.-ni fl nnr Htoel of absve named aiUclee at REDUCED FRIGES to make rom for Fall goods. . Ualr Work and KUmpla solicited. AliaESS KAUKElt & MuOOWAN JflT, For Rent. IROHTUK lit of October ii&u, tie reiluonoe at the Southwest orser of bUth and Market its. Apply trt J 005 L. CANTWELL, jy ta tf Box 4.9. FoitOSee. CHEAP Wl E AT. . . . s -mm . vinrV this afternoon and that there will MoFarland. two small boys, cnarKeu Exhalations. V W.w - 1 . .. . be no further interruption of travel. I with an affray. Judgment was SBspena- i From the creates majanai This wound l v" How Fever and its kindred You can buy No, 105-: " ' e coi coable by tbe . . AHufTor Mnrritovesat aimosxany pn up tuo iu.j - ... I , irrntihlv locate in tne o. c.n., C.url. mST d, .tbe ; IlliWl .; CAMPAIGN BOOK STORE. Tne Storm Signal was again hoistod this morning. out of market yesterday. Egshavo iiz. They now retiil at twenty cents per iczw. x.v;.. K,n done today up to 'e eases named. . Warner s oaie V A-& I I tVAW ne of our going to press, except m ujo of Stephen Richardson, reported else, here. Witnesses and the regular jury la .u TWlav. because of all oasea except the capital cases, wc nnTiiiiiiir..i uuiu -a a--j " . . th. absence of materia. for the "iSI defence. Tb, defendant, couna.1 moveu tna, u e " - for the term. Tbe tne triai m w tMmina8 neen uuue wu, ..r . uu ir.r-l a 'Richardson , - in nmsa excent in the I Liver Uure, usea m wubbuiwu " i ooods. Pictures of Hancock ana ungiuo The trial of Stephen liicbarason t,me of g0iDg to press, except u tu , af piiu jg the only blood puri-1 w ' aral with the murder of hia mother- oase of Slephen Richardson, xeported else- f l I T7T,. .u ant h- K,vh" wa set for tc day has where. Witnesses and the regular jury in Fifty bunches oi spo "V4W " . .riuy t .iJi ntll Tiieadav. because of all oa Hew Advertlgemeiitfl s.1 moved that theen'.lre day would be consumed in BrUSHCS. &,C.n Qarfield aad Arthur, all Isizjs. Camps ign Badges and Flags ia great variety! to continue the case was tc nnderstand that tbe roads in this motion w83 Dot granted and the case vicinity are completely eubnurged. peremptorily sot for Tuesday. The pris n Hnanltal IfAAdfid. I A vfl palatial hotel needed for Hop Bitters Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Shaving Soaps, Toil "The Undisoovered Country". By W. D. N BLEOAVT ASSORTMENT of HlBowells. 0. W. TATE 3. ami jaiiai nM5i uwuw - - , - - . - T" ,,.,ta r.;hot.a mnl.ttom.aof .bout 40 P'tien",. --j Ciga. M.mM IVU.UUmO TZZ 1-r c.;; and yeaof age Into tbe Curt S t.wn .toryby to V SalC rci,ictv j ir.. ir aAemed some, .rid ahsolnte cures at home. -iveio xori v.l I ! HAttUlfl d, apgwwsrj, ,TrnBBEA80ALTI5BLACK and wife, . I w w..w(. I W vura B. Black, of tne countv of Kot The airer. I 1 "ow . I . HtatA of North Carolina, on the lit The rains have undoubtedly extended . UTQMAT10 PBN0IL8f with Moveable U.y nsf ' Iffi-tflsSi ?S u There Is a boilh-g fr'S iu of Water stiect Chesnut. n hml cnCfcd. He seemed some. and absolute cures what nervous and his eyes wandered rap- Independent The use of Uall's Vegetable ,dl tQ different portions of the room. iiair i.euwwc -vr but mvariable 'feli when he detected any uim aftftr the continu r.n WBICU UK uiiaa. I " . . ..t . - When i a pickpocket - pulls at J r I DC0 of the the prisoner was carried celved In this city about W o c oca, tc- globsy. fa. into the intsrior. By telegram, rea vfiJ In this city at . I ance oi tne ctnw r " . . V . ... - f twPn7.l w aaa. Tha best Pencil ia use now. watch, toll him plainly tuat yu back band-cuffed to J-U lonowea uy a aay we ieara - - - nUiMM to the North Carolina rotate Lift V. , .... Heads for I Insurance Company of the city oflialfi&h JUeads, for Copy lag; also, Extra ueaos iqt i tf mrm fifteen hundred dollars dae by note dated uctooer itt, 1910, A FEW TIERCES REJECTED CANVASSED HAMS Will bo sold at SIX Cents. Hall & Pearsall. Jy it Wire Netfinc: gORSKS Voon windows Ood to keep oat files aaioqutA. Asn, Saslis Doors, Blinds, Umber, and Building Materia Oeneral.yi Al.TAFFER, PRICfc A CO. Yaetticvt OSee; Foot of Walaat iU Matt, nar Oros it nl Notice- time to spare. Dr. BulKs Baby Syrup U In deoanJ; 0ld n ery bcly sjeaks well of it. lho aJ everr is ouly '2b cent. .. .v at Favettevllle since j I two ieei iu vuo largecrowa. . . I a fh water h stUl rlf-l man phinney,hlsJatber-m-iaw,wno yesieraay leged, was also murderously ss- hv Rlchardton. and who is tne eauitvu j - Just received aaotherlot at BEIN8BEH0 ER'S. hArino- latreit from date at 8 per cenC in terest due on the 1st day or April ana veto- ber of each year, and payaoie iwe years ai- in the Register's Office in the county of B log. " J . . . ter date, which mortgage was duly reoorara,, Don't Read This 1 ... i I .ine. fnr the nrOBeCUtiOD. Wa9 "nn't lin what VOU don't wat. The market was better auppae- - pnnc.p- -. ' . n -1 ' : " ' , mUfv whatever veiietablo and fruit tbia mornlng than it carried to tne txurt uuW - - 0n t BpuU , . ( hM becnvevI -ce. a Room. He DoaU scold children or servants If you This has been the duU:, drearies, uay rmitfe,! to lie down on a want to Ret ood out of them. j :.. aavr tl. la5t 811. I "" . ,1 " I . 1 U iV. siuca om au:u , 1. a . thH Commissioners l.oom aa- nont think .swearing wm maao ning patii.rch go down and tne " Uouge uu grev heAd carDet fit the rooms in your new houe. iu,u B . .. . i.. .v. -I J .nlAnt rrn was bandaged up in clean wnite niuauu Uon't imagine . '.Ml I I 1 It MA all nnil Atl f" and his left band is stui in bkuS. on as usual u " The scars n his right hand show con Don't cut up your neavy ciowung lor lusively that he received some heavy carpet rags, they may come in nanoy nc blows. Mach interest is - year. ,u ,1(fl Richardson s wife will not bel Don.t leave businets affairs; altogether wash over h;m. Nature's laws alw.ys move In a circle. Corn is fed to cattle, c.ittle we get leather of leatusr wo mke' hrs, f:om shoes we get cort.8. ' Cieop&tra never had anythiug to uo with the obelisk which is now in New York, aud it might as well De called some uther woman's needle. A man In this city his nmod I his dog Haves. There is an old proverd which . . . .. do-' a bad nanie and you .tvnvQui.iNEl) will attend at the says, sue a ' VUM ' misht s3 well kill him. Overt Home on Thursday, "ta- mn , .. .. a. r?jrtlfieates. amlae appucanti ior - A. B. BLACK,- aa JOVL WAvLsi i.uW.-V Lading Charter A rntleiran who bri rtently uavellcd through Maine and who is in this city tc. day. gfres R as his unb is ed opinion that thAtSiAte will cost Us electoral vele tor Uancock t nd Erglish Rah, three times ! r- v4ti,M JacobI havinc been appolnt- - . .... n I IW AUU A inW. I'KMW Wf nuu-rf i'nBocE. J "orders fi tied at Jacobi's can now a ww a . .iMm fl Itod at JACOBi s iiaru- t ADT'8 HISTORICAL LIBEABY. AJ comprUiair . . Memoirs of the Xsprees Jesepbiee, Memoirs of Mary Antoiaette, . Memoirs of Mary, Queen ef Beets, Memoirs of the queens or ranee, Memoirs of Anne Beleyn. For sale at g, 6 . HBINSBERQEB'8. tm ami cock m& OUR 11 EXT PRESIDENT S .... i .; w tr tho cava aa the law I .UrVa or household affairs to servants. I ti IT ifn Uinn permitteu iu ----- ;f . I ,a tikfl arHPUUnil Pn 1 "ri MX I.l H II I. 11 et I 111 HI Ull 1 Ul 11 UlUif AJaaw mi" does not admit of the evidence of wife for or s gainst her huabapd. Mr. O. P. Moody, ot the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, ia meeting with good success in canvass ing tbe city. Ue says he finds people very favorably impressed with the "Law System," aod th'nks he -will be ready to commence putting in the new instruments eme time next week. joke in good part if you Aire up for neth- ing. I ' Don't try to suit all your relatives when you name the baby; salt youaelf and atop thee. 1 Dont imag'oe tbe harmony of the so lar system will be upaet if there's a wriDkle in the back of your new coat. Don't commit suicide if the girl yon want won1 son aad State aforesaid, la Book q, u. page Ti. on ! the 11th day of October, 17, which said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained, and said note was on the 6th day of January, I860, duly transferred and assigned to the subscriber, who is now the owner aad holder thereof, and the full amount of the said note secured by the said mortsrasre is now due, exoept the interest up to tbe 1st day ef October, 1878, and whereas default has been made in . the payment of the said note secured by the said mortgage. the said mortgage wtu oe rereeiosea mj a r tbe said premises ny virtue oi mm con tallied in the said mortgage, wheb will be made bv the subscribers at public auction, for cash, at the Court Uoudoor, ia the town of Lumber on, county aad tftat aforesaid, on the 7th day of September, 18o0, at 13 o'eloak, forenoon. ! - Tbe following is a description of the said mortgage premises : A tract of land .ri g and being In the eouatv of Kobeson ani Hute ef Jf orth Carolt&a aad bounded on tne North by the lands ef Weill McNeill, oa the East by the lands ef M. McNeill, the heirs of Henry w.wm iM.u4t. anil Daniel MeCallum. oa the South and West by the lands or Daniel t have yon; she wouldn't care I (Two copies Of our next President : " - and Vice President rMe Arthur, J a MeKachin, Ungn Jonnson i and VlC rrewaenv. jl gmithf M ecmtalning about Hai.Cll W. S. HANCOCK, jlriJfwMchwmI , IlUiL W. a. "ribeTail tract of land will also be sold at o t-.. rvUa. M M. the same time and at the same place and on qm rwwpi ' I Tc. .. Am ttt tiMwttjmhttr . 1877. to secure tail ta.) Customer popular ? Why are 'Malt Bitters" so L fig and you might be sorry too late. 7l liAHCOK PUBLISJIIHQ CO, Dont expect to do a thriving business PLAISTOW, X. H. lyiUKnU' " . . . L cine, they enrich .the U'',, what you have UeSWfla. of every neeest cUUeft .f i a A f gVA iou " 31 " 4W to sell. tne laacVHEd. ate of 119 wnion " -v- lid corned by J. O. MeCaskiiUnd is reeord. adla the same effiee la Boek T. T., page 91K iu lAeJlsiday ofFebruary 187 JOttsT A OILCHEI3T, Mortgagee t XT- Wm Faaacw, Attorney. Z&Ji, . 0 , July 1C, 1880. i jy-m (la Kevtew Building) JoDfcrnaw. m are Depot, ro.

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