X. Y. World f US XIT10X1L cihphu- Urse Dirmocnulc tllc 3cxl UOBM Xxpected The National Democratic Commit Ua sabcommitt on documenUi and printing bad a noting t bjd- 2ien praint were Senator Wallace, o f Pennftltani. ; Abram 8 Hewitt ot Uew York ; W Lttcott and Mr Boy". 5 PennslVanta. A partial arrange Sent wM made for the escalation of SawM deesded to distribute al onoe 6 nvugn ext book for pee iSdoampaignhveeofthe ojnddUfc , The yinanoe Oommittoe held m ion in the efeniiig. . General Duncan B Walker. Sccre Urr of the Commitue. returned yes terday from Washington, where be bsa bLn attending to the Congressional Coram Uee, The Gen eVsl s.y. that new. of the progreea o the Presidential cemitvga Washington continues to be extreme iVflTorfble and that account from the doubtful Congressional districts Indicate a large Democratic gain in tna next Houe. The Democrat of the Twentieth Ohio District rxp-ct to leot their candidate in the pis of Townsend. the present member, wno U a'rongly opposed in bia own p my ard strong hopes are entertamed of seating a Democrat in pUoe of Uen eral Wester in Iowa, where a ooali tionhaa keen effcted between the D?mooraU and Independents. TheDemocra lo Congressional Com mittee met at the Gilsey Uouee , teeter day. There were present Sen10 McDonald, of Indiana; Sentor Wal las, of Pennsylvania; Senator Whyte, of Maryland; Representatives Hun ton, of Virginia, and Singleton, of H linoia, and General Walker, the- fcko ratary of the Committee. The re ports aa to Congressional contests re cently receded at Waab:ngtoo were read to the committee, and much gratification was expressed at the pro pect for the nut Congress nd at the entirely unanimous worWig of the Presidential cxujpr gn rid the hoprty nrtmuif alion exiainff between the Nat inr.Ii and Congressional oomuv.tteea. The Faneralof Mrs. John G. Sixo Kmw Yom. Aoi 4tb 18S0 Mr JohD n n.. tK wlfa of th toet. died ot RatnrdaY nisht at her reel dnco No 23 Firrt p ace, Brooklyn, and ... htfrfari Mtrdiv afternoon. The fu rwr which occurred. at the house, were attended by near relatlTt of the family oqly. Mr 3axe, who has him self been loog an la? slid, was not able to I mit his bedroom. The death of his wifs has ailed his frleud with serious appre hensions far him. John D Saxo and Charles G Sale, his two oldest socs, who axe la badness in Albany, came lo Brook i.nvn Mandav to attend the funeral. MUsSaxe, the only lirlng daughter, is t aa InTalid and coma not ooms w ae city. The eemces began at 2 o'clock. The Est Dr Bancroft, of Christ's Chapel, read the lessons and mads a short prayer. The Ret George G Baxe, a Methodist clergyman end cousin of Mr Saxs, made a brisf addrees praising the unselfishness aad daroUon of the lady who is dead. Mr Baxe. he said. In aeTeial of his works bad drawn his bust woman, buth as to loveli es of person and beauty of moral char. acUr.eo plainly aftsr his wife that friends always recognized the portraits. Among those present at the Harrises were Judge B a-a-ell, a cousin of Mrs Saxs. Dr Dieod good. of the nary, and K W Keyes. The burial was at Ureen wood. Jklx Saxe was fiity nine years old snd was a naUre of Bridgeport, Vt. Before morlng to Brooklyn, eiuht years sgo, she lUed in Albany. In 18T8 Mr Saxe dedi cated to his wife his edition of poems pub lished by Osgood & Co. la this paxs irsph: ro my best friend ( diamond edit. on oi a woman) I Inscribe this diamond edi tion of the poems of her hubnd, J G S. Brooklyn. K Y, September 1, 1873 - Th fodowing sonnet was writ eo by the post to nis wife oo ber birthday: V?hail -ytaxs? X nerer could bate txeaacdit By any token writ upon your brow. Or other test of time had you not BOW, Jost to surprise ma, foolishly confessed it. Well, on your word, of course, I must y cool to ft Althoegh (to say the Uutb) It is. In desd. As proselyte sometimes accept a creed, While In taelr hearts they really dou'i belters h! While all around Is caaoged, no change appears. My darling Sopbie, to these eyes of mine. In aught of :he- tkit I hare drcmc J di rlne. To mark the number of the ranlihod Tba klodly y&us that on that' face of thine Hare spent their no algnl' life, aad Mylng make WAnrsasox, Aug. i Admiral Wy man, who went to Santiago de Cuba to inreetigate the alleged in dignities offered the America Uag in Cuba wa ters by the Spanish gunboat Canto, rtsched Washington this afternoon. After celling upon Commodore JeUer, Acting HecreUrr of the Nary, the Amdiral rial ted Mr. EraxU and ex plained to him in dets'lthe poeition of the Canto et the time of the intercep tion of the American schooners Mer ritt andNewoembe, a laid down upon the charts prep area by the ofScers of the Canto. ; Admiral Wyman says that tit bpanlsa authorities made no secret of the matter, but freely extended to bio the pririlege of examinitg the report of the commander of the Cato. and unequirt cally diaarowed any lo ts itlonai insalt to our 11 g or the com tuisaioa oi any act at rarianoe with the usage) of cirilised oonntriea. Sare your money and bay your Build in Supplies from AJufler & lite& m m BBS tm 1 BSBBBBSB BSaBBBSBBI SBS1 BBBBB1 BBBBBBB1 MM cj- TVn.ccimin Ancnit t An 1m- perial decree Is puo'ished wtboeuwng thefoimtionof Hot ! la of rerenne cutiere in the B.Uio I j-m eeseU will belong to the nary..but in uae of peace will be rnder the direatloc i of . the Minuter of Fmsnoe. A oorTette and two dippers are ' PfPPV"f " Oronstadt. for eerrioa in the Mediler- raneea. CUWL131 i AnlWiona fa Rle!gh oo Wednesday amounted to 4,251.73. r?iih nt.jvrtr ; There ome nAr hmxna a serious acc'.dent in front of the larboro yeeterdsy. A newsboy lev. under a carnage, ma ws a complete wreck, everything baring been mashed or torn exoept nis dwu. Watermelon are eel c J t Z cents apiece u Raieigb. Eiizibeth Oty EcononuU: Jroo lor the E C k X R It has arrlfea a ae( Nork end of the Una. Ihia locxs iae it. E ter.ton is me nex oojw;vo .i-. 1s t our old friends aDd fellow cltitens holrf un their heals, for the day ot inir rejuvenescence drsweth nigh. MnrfrMvhnro Eaouircr: Oar friena. Mr C T Vaiubau, wno is one of the boat fanners in this s -c'iou of the country, in font us that ne hi a su.'k of corn that roeurea eleven fuet from tba ground lo the first ear of corn on tne staia, ana seventeen leet from the ground to the tp of the ussel. Who can beat it? Chatham litcord: Chatham m aeier- mlned to keep up with the times, so wo must tell of one c f our hens It Is owned by a son of Mr Q W BialocJc, snd. although on'y one year oia, uas its tecond brood of chickens. Its first brood numbered twentyure, and the present brood has twenty. Ana wua is more wonderful, Mr uiaioc enj that the hen will get into his son s lap and when told to sing, will make a noise as if tiiug to s cg. Next 1 Ntwborn XulShell: A State war rant b4B been sworn out before Jus tice Thoa Stanly, of this city, by Tjouisa Western, Adelia Hi'l and Francis Hill colored, against one Lizzie Hl!l, alias Ltwreaoe, also colored, for the muidcr of a man in Edgecombe tounty 1R7R. The ot se wan va wa a q j - - " " r Haws tVtrnA Tl O for trial yesterdsy tu ra V n HtanlT. bnt owinff to the tent witnesses and iha j.ta.int'a Arnev. W E Clarke E q. It was continued until Saturday, Aaaust 7to. at 3 o ciocx r nx. nhiOiAm Tlfirnrd : The wife Of niron; hrinff at HnoW Camp, AlamannA mnntT. WaS kiudllUff A fire Lm nrpnarA breekfast for two of their friends whom (they were expecting, hhr nvn fmilv havinff eaten and her hnsband gone to bis work. Very soon ho hpirrt her Bcreams and oriea for help. Returning aa quickly w possi ble he found herproatrato oo the floor .... w a with ber clothing Durnea Bimoe ca tirel? off. She was conscious, howerer, and told how it happened. She had nonru1 knrosena oil on some wood in the store from a tin oan, the whole of which exploded in her hands. She lired in creat agony for about six hours. Tarboro Southerner. At the real denoa of the bride's father, la Pitt Aonntr. on the 28th of J air. Mr Wil. liam Smith was married to Miss lie tia Dapree by Benjamin Bryant, Esq. Mr John EL timith aad si las JuUa Belcher, were a couple of the waiters. Tnese two oonoluded while the thing was going on that they had as well splice np. so they went out to the cider barrel and called in the other waiters and without the formality of license were joined in bonds matrimonial by same magistrate. Banners were sent forward to smooth it down with the bride's mother and it is all well. A daily line of mail and passenger steamers hare been put on the Roan oke rirer to run between Elizabeth City and Williams ton. This is' a line that has. been long needed. Nags liead, one of the most desirable water ing plaoee on the North Carolina coast is now get-at-able. Raleigh Nctct: The Beor&tary of State receired sq application from Jots W Girdou Us Bro, of Wilming ton, for the. neoeesary blanks for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, of Maine, to enter and do business in this State. E B Engelhard, the clerk to the Secretary of State, is get ting up an abstract of polling .places in this State preparatory to sending out the election laws and blanks for election returns. lie has receired re turns from 01 counties, which show 770 polling plaoee. Counties whioh hare as yet not sent in their returns are re quested to do so immediately, as the necessary blanks, laws, fco, cannot be sent tit! all are heard from. Wake oounty has twenty four voting places. But few of the ocuut!c3 hare sent in their oounty Democratic Executive Committees to the State Central Com mittee. This is an important feature of the party organizat'on, and should reeeire the immediate attention of- the Demosratsfn erery oounty. Oorgrese iooal District Committees should alio bs forwarded to Democratic State Headquarters, uo not delay longer. Send tnem in., Insufficient Drainage.' Uccieaoed cess-pools, filth of any char acter, exhalations from masrhy lands, all this, poisoning the blood, bring on Yellow Kerer. The sole and only reme dy that will act directly up n the Kld nejs and Liver the cleanser of the bloo- u Warner's 6af Kidney and Uver Cure, used la connection with Warner's Safe PUls. jy 2. A Great Enterprise The llvp Bitters Manufacturing Com pany is ui.e of Rochester's greatest busl iN enterpilsea. Toelr ilop Bitters hare reached a aala beyond ! all preceded, baring from their Intrinsic raise found their way in to almost every household in the land. Qiapkic. Window Glass of all atxe Da jts, Sash and Blinds, Builders Hardware,&c. Low eat prices at jAOoiii'a. I coumaioiAL mro o WIltSilSKJTOIV MAKBLET f AUGUST 9-4 F M.I BFIULTH TO RPE3TTIN U Oooted firm at 27ce&ls. Bmail asvle reported U tfcaft figure. KOHLH Qaoted dull a H 05 for BtrUMq aru firm at W 10 for QotxJ BtraloeiL Xiq aolea reported, TAB Quota! -firm M W per bni of 2m Urn. CBUDB TURPKCTnrc Qpoted Urm- 1 fi 80 fcw Boft aod S3 23 ft Vlrgiu. COTTOol Quoted steady. i0 se4re. ported. Toe ftUow toe are tte offit-UI (jootooooiij Ortflaary 1H ltt Oeeta. Bood OHteary...... Low UUliUmc ..... sfkklllAX... - Gwi BUddUac saiar uowm baW 'Di eats; - 118 n 118 - 8plrif Tarpeotls... Koia.M. TsTmm..- Grade Tarpeaslaa-. UA&IilJB HEWS. ARK1YKD. Steamer Elizabeth, Blebee. Smttbrllto Master ' aveamer Paasoort. aarrer. wnwivuw, Master. . . 8te&mer wave, itobeteD. raytiwvi WUtoms A Murcnteon. H learner A r iiurt, w or la, jt bjxiujviiw Worth & Worth. . v itr rnmnA Klufl Bird. Barker. Windsor. ft. with iaud plaster to J U Blobeuia A Evans. CLEABD. Steamer EfiaabetK. fllsbee, SmJUivill?. Master. steamer Fasspon. tiarper, esnuwivxuw. Master. Steamer Wave. Robeeon, Foyettevlll. W.illamaA MuretotBoa.- Steamer A P Hurt, worm, jraywieviHe, MMkawswawawswswswswsBBSwswawsa MONTHLY STATEMENT o sroo n aaso cecsr 1. 1880. Ottoo asbors...M................M.M.n. 643 lflOltnHimniMH.miNHIilW 61 Total......."," Spirits aitu)re....M.... - 5,631 133 Total i.tiit .... 5.865 Kosla arbyre.MM....M.M...M. ...... 0638S lAOl(mnHn.iiumm.nnt.MiMH ljllw Tar astkore. Allotttuaisttts mm a iSsh Totals. - - mir iit 454 Orads astoTS.............w..M. 1181 Total... .a 1 181 aaoarrrs roa roa uour sMiia Act 1. 4? 12,454 91,768 1,721 ia,8e Spirits, Bostn Tar OrsdSmwi ioa wss aosxa bomi I, Pomastto Ootton.... Spirits.. .i RoHa.w.. Tar..M, 8M 4,11T .2,510 139 Grade... fore!. 8pirULUUHUMHaiWMU UUUIJUUUM. 0 j i 4 ftOfSn . t .t".-"TTT--r-- W.0O0 Tar mi it iri - " OnHVl...Mv-ti-rrrm" "" List of Teaaela Qv 100 tons in Port July 30t& X88Q. DARK 8. Gor Victoria, 431 tons, resnow, B Peschau A Weatermann Ger Eintracht, WQ tons, Moswlockf a Paichau Weetermann Br Armaria, 323 tons, Mcliaa, Paterson, Downing & Co ot Brockka, iba tons, IJeilsirj. Ik Mary Frost, S05 tons, Williams, 4 Alex Spruat Son Am Fred 8 IUc4 Small, rotumpd tooklnf, j KG Barker Ui ! BCOOONERa Am Jhoo 8 Beacbam, 183 tona, Wood land, Harris & Howell Am B F Cabada, 200 eons, Swain. Harxiss Howell Btta M BarterJ 213 tous, Barter, . BO Barber & Cfci CLYDE'S Klew Voirk AND Wilmington, ft. C. Steamohlp Line. TUB &TBAMBB BENEFACTOR. CAPT. JONES, WILL BAIL FROM VEW..TO&K O 8ATXTEDAT. August 7. - Btdppsrt oca rry opoa the prompt smlUns; of Btsaaen as adrertlssd. for Trtlzht E&racsmseti apply to TIIOS. E DOlfD, Bmp't, j WDmlnjrtoo, N. C TBEO. a KQKB,TreLjht Areat, ffsw York. w-M. P. CLYDE st CO., U Broaiway, Vsw York. a S CH00LOF D2AWIHQ. PAldTIUQ' ITCi IKBTRUCTIOsT OITKJTta Oaro, LapU and lodla Ink Drawing, also, PIaUm ta Water Oalora, OIL Pa-tl aod Oaloriog itoarap&a, at raasoaaou rasea. For ftnNr particular taqolrf al sha Behool Rooms of Misses Barr Jaas,ta ihs ear sfHt. Jaass Ctiarch. aor 11 THE DAILY REVIEW, JOSH. T, JIStE rHDITOil AHD rUDLISHER lpubiiebed Every Altemoon At the fbirowing rat io8tuffe paM : One Year ...$5 00 Sii Moatlis-. . 2 50 Thiee Months 1 25 One Month 50 The paper will tje delivered ,by I (Sarrrerei free of eharge in any port ! of the ciiy at thr tboverate :br t8 oente per week. Xhp Daily IIbview is now n tho fourth, year of ite esrstence, is per- maneiitiy established, with a large and steadily increasing subscrip tion Mflt, and presents to merohantB and others a most desirable medi um for advertising. WILMINGTON JOURNAL Ii 'published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following ratee One Year. ....... .62;00 Six Months. .,.... 1 00 Ihree Month. OP Thb Wxlhjstotoi j0OQJCALCirCQ" tea largely in the adjoinilig"ootur ties as well as in Jthe Western por tionfl of the State and presents un qoafied taWtttSes to merchants for making known what the; have for ! . sale. New Advertisements. Trial of Skill 1 Most of the Businaas Men 70a meet are D ohio as of the Future, bat P. L Bridge rs & Co. Wholesale aad Retail Grocer, 2Q, 23, 34, 26 and 28 Front Street. WILMINGTON. N. C. Looking a4 the returns of omp prospects, end oiher unfailing signs of prosperity, unoiLjf wblcb 1 tbe certainty ot Haoock's eleetioBvfrov nearly fur months sheel, pre diot ti-.at a larfrr baeioe wi l Come Id the ttrorery line th-n wTer before knowu this coming FelL We vnt more rorm I More room in the Retail Department. More room for our country friends, and more reoxn for teir carpetbags and satchels. More room for our dj friend. More room for Fare - Artie' es. Tumay condense and pack away such things as Paeon, Whiskey, 8u gars, Mlasfies, Wines, !t Fish, Bice, Hmoked MeAts, andles, Chrapsgne. Orack ers rbeese, Leger, Ficklee, and the like, but when it cmes to the disrosi".on of Fancy Arric'es. soch a Candi, rocry Drugs Fino oaps, &lBlkie "febaooo. FiToring Extract, Blu ing. Cimed floods, Confec ieri , Jellies, c , everybody kn-w these gv-- a Wg eourh, or as lagi elope by. and so we mt be forced t- build elsewhere. Instead of adding another f;e wagon and horses, with additionil drive's to reach our curtonere, we hire deeidtd t get closer to them.. After October lt, we shallbe found, a' usasJ, at the hea J. of thd iroce'- Business rn this ahole 6ectir ft of country, and within 4 few hundred yards of oar present location. Any further an vuriCem'tnt will be premature Be assured, howerer, that we are hayips" pre pared the plans and specifications of a larger businbss. We shall hare more room and moresystem. , ... . , Our Country Friends will nna aaaea to our present accommodations, a Uoom and Desk especially deroted to tieir use, where they can leave their satchels, and lunch, write their letters,' meet th ir friends, riad the Daily Revibw and the Morning 8tar,and reat themselves. This koom will be , in com mnmication wl'h erery part of the city and the Bounds. L. BBiDGEBS & CO. Wholesale and Hetr'l Grocers, WILMINGTON. N. C. au 2 THOMAS H- McKOY, S-UCESSOR TO l Boatwright & MeKoy, Respectfully and earnestly Calls the attention of the public generally, to the large and varied assortment of roceoies I That he keeps in Stock. He is prepared at all times to execute promptly all orders. Fresh Goods arriving da'ly. Guarantees every article sold by him. Is sat isfied jto- make small profits. Deals only in the best of Goods. CalJ and see him; you will meet polite reception, TIIOS, II. McKOI, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, j ; 5 & 7 Front St. & AU our bills are made up to date, both Boatwright & Mc Koy'flfind my own. Don't forgot mo. an 2 THOSH. McKOY. HOP BITTERS. (A ModiHms not 11 Drink.) C)TA1N8 mt, nmMiu, MAM)ianr, DANDELION, AJW TUB PVfeSPT AXD CSMT STEPICAI. QC1XJTXE3 ALL OTUZB CCTICId All Dfcwuw ot the Stomacb, Dowels, IMoud, Livor, KVlncysv fend IMiuiry tHwtia. Nrvou4ViH, Bloer 91000 ik c;old. Will be do VI for a cae ther will nof cnn or hi4n lor anything Impure or Injurious t ounl In tbem. AA your drub4 tor Hop Bitten and try thuxn Deforc yoa sleep. TMe no otbert Dor Owon ftmi tB tire sweetest, aatt aad beee. Tlie UTF tAD for SComach, LlrtT .rxi KHiieyln .op. D. I C Ib an ttootate and lrreMlbft cure for drunk- enneBBv one of ttytum, tolico ami narcotioar &nd for :irfulr. ti The Hew Hat Store. ALL AND Eil.MlN MT SUMsIES Bijlet ol Btraw and Fait Hats. .Tbsytrs prott aod.ohmp. v ! ! JOJUH m. ROBiirsoir, ' B(K 13 troAt street, y 9 Aext to Pnroell House. Miscellaneous. nloa purpose P. ExceUent for leJIm' Persons and the Aeei. Speer's Fort Grape Wiu Fours Years Old. fJIHIS OELEBB1TED 3TAT1VB jj is made from the Juice of the Oporto Giv railed in thii country. Its inyaluabk' ' Tonic ana: streuftt'iiiu ftojntj are unaurpassed br sny ather natire W , Being the pure juioe of the jjripe, prwJu.Vj under Mr. Spear's own personal superTia u its purity and genuineness are (rnaractc - The youngest child may partake of its em , t oue qualities, and the weakest Invalid u r '9 it to advantage. It Is particularly 1. . fieial to the agt 1 and debiliUted, and mi -i to the Various ailments tLat afllict the wet- 1 sex. It is, in erery respeet. A WINE TO ). RELIED UN., SPEEltS P. J- Sherry, The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of SIJ) k BIOR CHARACTER, and partakes of t . golden qualities of the grape from vhie. is made. For Purity, Kichnees, Flavor m. i MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it Will U found unexcelled. . SPEER'S BP. J. Brandy, This BRANDY etands unrivaU'd in t .if Country, being far superior for medical ui posesT IT 18 AfPURE distillation from the grr and contains valuable medicinal ptoptrti i It has a delicate flavor, similar to that n the grapes from which it h distilled, aoili in great faver among tirst-claee tatuiliesi i " - ""See that the signature o' AlfrM Hprr Frualo. N. J., is over the cork of each Ik tie. " I For sale by W. H. GREEN, J. 0. MCNi Druggists, and .P. L BRIDUEUti k CO je 26-tf 1 Received this Day. CASE8R0EDERER AlOO. DRY BOWZY CHAMl'AUM- FRKh'H FKOMBOND, At Importer' s.I'jico. GEO.iMYEIU5.ARen: 0 CASEri FREftCH BRANDY, J From Bond thlf.Da; And for sale at Importer! Prices. Only;fl.0 for BotUe of Imported Frnoh Bttti At GEO. MYKKS. 25 Tubs GILT EDGE BDTTEK, 80.OENTB APOUAD, Choicest GraM Butt WINES AND LIQUORS, of beetgradea, At Popular Prl GEO.' MYERS, Nos. 11, 13, 16 SoutblFrontst. may 27 - WCCATO'S.PAPYROOEAPB I S w.t toe tn "pw 1 ry,in (,f icy a'' worK " fjo doue lt 1 audiuk. mrilar6.MurtC,J v a rut wrltt a 1 00 a sheet of pepo, in the vhtuiI way, utd frwut- Vrtteo sheet - 600 COPIE8 PER BOUB oay be printed upon any kind of other material, la a oommon Oopin I'm. This is the Most Simple, Eapid and Ecocw cal Process yet discovered. Thousands axe already In " f wnment Offices, Collev Academiee, Vu wi Also by bualneeB men, lawyera, clfcrgymn, Hui school euperlntendenta, ntfaMonarwB, It "Our PapyToirraph,puivbaowUn BiTee entire aatlfatUoii. Would not bo wlthou Tor epecUaens of work, price etc., fcWxw Mth stamp, 1 TUB PAPIBOCBAPn 0., 43 &m4 45 Shetucket 8treet, Norwich, Cw LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. J For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW .OFFICE BAF llosler, Bahmana A Co., manoaotam combination look, weight 1,600 lbs. For sale cheap. Apply at ' , saohS rTUl8.0FFlC. aw m w