The Daily ResrwF. J 0S1L T. Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. If. c tflTUKDst. AUQUrtT T, 188. i T.un a- THK tXTuWTtCM XT W.rwtsaras. X. U. A SCOSIrCr-AB Wattc.! FOB PRESIDENT: 17. s. ham OF PENNSYLVANIA. J FOB VICK-PBESiDKJtT: W. H. BIJGLISH, The latest acceaai in to the Ilancock lpporUrsand w write now far more io grief than lo auger Is General Un . ..... j Sickle. We hd ratber sucto catue oaa rtmaloedio tbtlr ova fold; tbej sua not wanUd on lb! slda of the fcoasa. We next fear that Bob Iogersoll or Judson ffpatrick, tbe champion bmrnmer, or erea old ma a Grant may "pent htsself ' and want to be taken oat of the vet. Oen. Sickle, who ! perbsps tbe best of thoae we hare named and that ii not earing very much for him loat a leg at Gsttysbarg, bat had parted company mlth hi aoal long before that proba bly about the time he killed Key for eeduc- lag hU wHe and .then hrsd with tbe woman afterward. The others we hare named, according 1 a popular belief, nerer t any aoal. We' are heartily sorry that Sickles did not remain with airfield. OF IXDIAXA. FOB GOVERKOK ; THOMAS J. JARVIS, OF PITT. FOR LIEUT-GOVERNOR: OF MAOOK. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE : CTXXsX.XA2 Zi. 0 AiraDXJILB QV WAKE- FOR STATE TREASURER J OXZ 17 EX. WORTH, OF BAKDOLHi. HEALTH OP N 8W ORLEANS. The New Yur Bulletin gays: The health ot the Southern cities this season, on the Mississippi as we'1 as on the sea coast. Is thus far unexceptionable, and there Is reason now to expect that the summer will pass without a recurrence of epidemic of any kind- The I president of the New Orleans board of health mates tbe gratifying announcement that 'after a careful Inspection of the Charity Hoe pitol, IloUl Dleu, and other charitable in stitatlons, not a case of fever could b8 found amongst the seamen ' He, more o'er, emphatically aMerta Chat 'New Or Ieins is absolutely free from epidemic aid bss as low a death rate as any eity of tbe same or smaller or largtr size within the bounds of the Ur'ted States.' In Tiew or tnese it n, ce declares mat me 'quarantines against New Orleans end Louisiana by tbe physicisns of Tencess- Ai-d Memphis mvtt be regarded as ro nec essary, rnwise, rmenerous and unconstL tutional. WHAT IS A FOR ATTORNEY OKN'EKAL 0. OF WILSON. FOR AUDITOR: arxX.X.XA3 7. ZLOSZULTO OF GATES. I m 1 . I , n 4 Tl - a T A f-v rt .... - m . ! IIMI1II III 9mm III I LI I rHIMMr mm. Wt I I k I. I.VIUV riVlllLL.'KUO A. W v acquisition as an eascn-r pan ox --7 h Vt are aufforln and have never tried it do so a: oc of a lady or a gentleman, an I i .v f ul w 4 at nno : those who have ever tried it do . . - uotwovu ucui. jlvb, rug uiu&o.iu 1 ' ------ . . T , and refined ,o of the mother ha it i f ih .nrt that a. in not ne-ui to be urged to do so again; If For baerintecdeet Pabllo Instractlco joxzrx o. ooAZLiioxionaxx OF JOUNSTON. - 'FOR 00XGRES8 : (TUrd BUklct,) zona X7. oriAOiLni.roiLD, OF ONSLOW. Fur IWdeatlal Elector, Third District. 0 IlarneO. LIBKRAL EDUCA TION 1 In ti address recently delivered by IVsiJent Eliot, of lis. r-d, before Smith College at Northampton, he said; "1 inar as well abjplly avow the result of my read'og rid observation i the matter of education, that I recognize but one mental the educ accurate tongue. Greek, Latin, French, German, mathematics, natural and physical science metaphysics, history and us the'Jce are all profitable and dePght al, both as training and acquisitions, to him who studies them with diligence and love ; but not one of ibem has the least claim to be called an acquisition essenti; to a liberal educaiion, or an essontlal part of a sound (tTain?ng. A thorough 1 low ledge of one or two ot them obtained ii co'tege, added to a vet elc mentary knowledge of sever1, of them ob. tr'ned la school, makes a riche , stronge and more ' aitful mind than a superficial acquaintance with each and all of them. Tbe fruit ot liberal ' lucition Is not learn not I tow ledge, but powe BUU5SIII9B- 'Tvo for assent a bridtl ' mpl Biaok aa your ha Darhnoaa tha may be felt. Another Grant goirg abroad bis name ia Olire Lo an. ( It la not so difficult to take A'ghaL'ie tan as it is to let go of it. Don't despise the lowly. The an der jaw does all the work.' Musicians ate knowa by the 'acoom payments they keep.' Dr. Tanner orrtainly has more pa tienoe torn moat doctors. New 'York World. Bythist'-ne Dr. Tanner onght to know as much about true mwtadnees as Henry Ward Beecher. Every Eve aing. The De Golyeritea have adopted sx. a oampaign badge a gilt uoorn.4 We sappose u means Oukee. Every Eve ning 1 No photographer can carry on his brjamess without a (little eon. New York World, That's so, sonny. The horseshoe is supposed to brirv: good loch. The little horseshoe o'ock are considered lucky il they ktep time. A man froze to death on the hotted day this summer at Carroll, la. lie got into a refrigerator oar while diark, and wss locked in. Give a hes'thy man a ftn, a rocking chair, a hydrant and nothing to do, and he may live 30 days. This val uable fact most now be reoognfz :d. 'Go oat, young man, she's not here! said a preacher in the midst of h s nermon. to a youth whom he tw standing hesitatingly at he partal. Berry Bradford, at O.'uoh ooooty, Ga,, was found dead at his plough handles recently, tie is 'he third brother that has d ed f nddenly at the plongb. If Spa n doesn't apologize for insult ing toe American nig .we can rvn the Havana cigar indestry by refusing to send brown paper end Cabbage leaves to Cuba. Pigeons have been so thick in North ern Michigan that they could be knock ed down with fish poles.. Fish have at the same frme been so wild that they haa to be killed Don't blame the rooster for brag ging over every egg that is laid in the family. " Only human nature, .nothing more. Yon remember when that bouD- o;ng boy arrived at yt nr hou,:3 it wasn't the mother who went about doing the crow'sg. Boston Trans. . At dinner she had a doctor at either merits Iho Ustii gratitui'." of bis country ai:d hia party. 1 10th. Kn t) ships ai.ii a li'-iikt; chnc for American cvuniuerce on the seas and or: the w. No discrirulnat.on in favor ol transportaliou law s, cof poratioiiS or mc -uopolies. ll'h. An amendment of the Burllngame trta'y. No more Chinese immigration except for travel, education aid foreign conimerc and thprein carefully guardei. 12tK Pur'ic money and public credit for public purposes solely, and thu pub lic ' wid for at-ual settlers. 13tn The Demcciatic party is the frier-d of labor and the laboring man. and pltdjjei iteelf to protect him alike egainst cormorants and the commune. Hth, We congratulate the c-untry upou the honesty and thii't of the Domo o at:c Cor gres, which ban reduced tb public expendi;ure forty millions a year ; upou the continuation of . proeirlty a home, and the national honor abroad, and above all, upon tbe promise of such h change in the administration of the gov ernment aa shall insure us a genuine and lasting reform ij every department of thi public service. A -HEIGH OF TEBftOa. The Alarming Increase of Heart .Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It- Miscellaneous j Leading lo Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check Its Increase. , The Wonderful Properties of "3eds tine de-India" and how to Properly Use It- Facts rf Importance for All Regard ing a jxew uiseovery. The World for 1880. Demociata rrotj wheio thoxiid inform them selves carefully alike of the action of their party throughout the country and of tn moTementa of their Hepublican opponentg. A fiiimre to do th'ein :8'6 c mtributed great y to tha Iom by the Ueiu;f acy of the fxuih of the victory fairly won at the oollr. . .The-year 18p0 prosoia-'f to bo one of the moet interesting and import t yean of thi? crowded and erentaal century. It will wit ness a PrecidentUl election whioh may result In reeatabliahin the GoTarnment f thb countr? on the principle of it conetltntional fiiunders, or in permanently changing the re lauon of the Htatea to 'he Federal power. No btelligent'inan CAn regard such a u flec tion with indifference., Tne Worl4k M tbe only daily Knglish tewppaper published in the city of New VorK which uphold, the doctrines of encsUtational Democracy, will steadily represent the Democratic party in this great can t Arid. I t will do this in no eplrit of eervil iartiaai?hlp, but temperately and firmly. Aa newspaper Uie World, beln the organ of no inn, no cliqae and no inter est, wiijl prcse&t the fullect and the firect uiciure it can make of eaois day's history in tht 'A y. the 8tate, the aantry and the world. It will aim here.ltHr, as heretolore, at accuracy tiret of all, tilings in all that it fiblLshe. 1N0 Tian. hovov-r tiumble, shall r.-rbe pern itte-i tralj to 0 ompiaLn that he h5 been unjastlj delt with in th' column! The World. No iatertxt, howTjr power-' The foiio wiTrrrrr rhoUtal nri- ""-vl"u-uoni if U u t 1 10 9 12 nMlmk . J ' ID fttk ioudio Ancnur. Double Anchof -Standard Domettlo "" BAOON-North OarolinT" llama, lb.......... Hhouldrt, V ft.. sida., b We tern Smoked Hunt,,,,,,,,,,, Hide. V ft "" Shouidara.. J.'.'.'.Z'' Dry halted Bide. lb ahouiders, V BEKF-Liyeeight..;", SAUBBIniAuTurp 8oond Hand, each XT X'v W k. . iiRC8WAX lb.. EUICK8 Wllaujvifii S Northern BDTTEJt-Iforth Oaroani"fi northern, TB fi.... OANDLKpennV.: Tallow, O. Adamantine. V aet. 0HEK8X 7X 1: 1a1 u 2i 1; ful, Rhali ever be per ittKi ttuIj to boart The luortnlity siatisucs of tliis country show thst a great proportion of deaths aris from Heart Disf-a.0 Bat aside from the fatality which attends It, the .inconve nience and suffering which even thefirat stages bring, make it necessary to take DroniDt measures for relief. Undoubtedly the greatest lemedy of modern times for curing diseases of the Heart la "seaaiine. de-India," which is accomplishing such wonderful results and attracting so much attention. This great remedy possesses with shot una. ingredients specially designed for all the numerous troubles ot, tne 1 tiearc. lue combiuation is the result of long and care experiment, and it can be safely as 9erted that when taken in t ime it Mill cure in every case. Do you ever have Night mare, oppressed feeling in side ai d breast, Irresu'ar Action, Throbbing, Jumping, Fluttering, Momentary Slopping, Slow Circulation of the Blood ? 'Ihese are all Those who flashes 'and I am between quacks.' Taen eilence fe' Savannah Record. . your Druggist has not got it send one, dot, u lar to our address and it will be mailed u you. iSole Agents in Ainrica, ljbdoll Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Our g oo4 Mend of w IUlelgh Xews l rizht, as r.- hij m. We doal know bow we came to m coavukrm that hef jut supplied the Cedartown VAI.UK OF IMMIGRANTS. lion. Frrnc't FonUloe, commlasiOBor of land anil 'Tmitratiou for Georgia. aye tne Uolumbus inquirer -2ut has ircn works had charged f 10,000 tea much aalrst Vi Hiasnr. but this WO do know, he wf 1 ht and we were j' T- Tlr Tumir h au2ceaa lllv mple -d hU task ; of that there can be k doub lie wr ' s 1' st night, rid be Is prob bly alfw now and h pLs' d bT -elf ou' Ith nearly one hundred yeuDg men from g I UJiMUvuauw w auwaaw uaauy uvokj ca, Qermany, and expecU soon to bring one National, and a tariff for revenue only. OUU PLATFORM. The following is the Platform of tbe Democratic party adopted at the Natior al Convention held recently at Cincinnati 1st. We pledge ourselves anew to the constitutional doctrines and traditions cf tne Democratic party, aa illustrated by the teaching and example ol tbe long line of Democratic statesmen and patriots, and embodied in tbe platform of the last tiooal Convection 01 the party. 2d. Opposition to centralization and to that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to the consolidated powers of all tbe departments in one, and thus to create, whatever be the form ot govern- meat, a real despot Urn; no enmptuary laws; separation of church and State for I . .1 I L. .. -t ilS toe gouu 04 eacu: ct jiiuou pcuoois losiereu and protected. 3d. Homo rule, honest money, a strict maintanance ef public faith; a currency consisting of gold and silver, and paper convertible into coin on demand; strict maintenance cf publio 'faith. State and je ll-eod&w Cm. Mi: sllanoous. hundred more for the same place, as he has obtalaed a contract for so doing. s. timiUng their value at one hundred dol lars, Mr. Fontaine says in one week le has brought teal thousand dollars lno aid of that bi watermelon. Tbe j no I Georgia, but takiog the western valuation question as to the fast for forty days hat leg I of one thousand dollars each, be has ln- to conducted h1 f'lJ. I troduced inU the state one hundred In the Xsw Sngland States the to 1 am rro!n tnrmi d and ear lL t bar - ward. Thert -will soon be more factoiy I haTe neVr hearJ ofi Gr. 'f they 4tb. The subordination of tbe military to tbe civil powers, and a general and thorough reform of tbe civil service. 5tb. Tne right to a free ballot is a right preservative of all rights, and must and shall be maintained In every part ol the United States. Cth. The existing administration la the representative of conspiracy only, and its claim of rb?bt to surround the ballot thousand dollars. This is rerj good fcr boxes with troops and deputy marshals. beg'nnlrg. Isamigranls, rs a clsss. I to intimidate , and obstruct electors, and 0 Cf US3ATEB that It can til once the fair criticidins of The VTorld. During the paat year The Werld hw seen its daily circulation trebied and ita weekly circulation pushed far beyond, that of any other weeklf newspaper -in the country. This rreat ir.creae Laa been won, aa The World believe, by truthfulness, enterprise, ceaaeiesfl acflvity in collecting news and un faltering lovaltv to itself and to ita readeru in dealing with the Questions of the day. It ie our hope and it will be our endeavor that The Wrrlii'fl record for 1S0 may be written In the approbation an6 thf support of many thousands Dmre -f new readers in all parts of this Indissoluble Union of Indeetructible HtateeJ RATES. Our ratee o' rubscHptlon remain unchang ed, ard are ad follows Daily aad Hnndays, one year, $10; tlx month?. 4.V50: three months, $1 75. Daily, without .-undayf, one year $8; six months, $4. 25 thee months, $2 2&j lese than three months, fi a month. 1 he Sunday Wo Id, one y ar, 2. j The Monday World," containing the Book Reviews and "College Ohroniole," one year, 81.60. The Semi-Week' v World ( Tuesdays and Fridays) Two DolUfS a yar. To Club AgentsAn extra opy for club of ten; the Daily for club of twenty-nvo. The Weekly World ( Wednesday) One Dollar a year. 7 (:ln' Agent -An extra copy for c ub ol ten, ih? Hemi Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for c.'ub of fifty. (Specimen numbars ent fi on applica tion. Terms Cash, invariably i; advance. Bend post-otiice money order, buk draft or registered! letter. Bills at risk of the tend er. Address UTIJE WOULD," 33 Park Row, I. Y 1 S SPECIAL OFFER. Subscribers who send $1 for a. year's sub scription before December 28 will receive The Weekly World from the data of their 13 U t 10 I ; is 1 1 i V ', Northern Fartory ? fi S7 ciim' ' HtaU, V ft Rio, V ft Laguyra, V lb . CORK MEAL ? bushel DOMKtiTIC W 1 75 Sheeting, 4-4 yard. ...... risiS .bon,h 1 t W P OOl ki i 2 v. bbi--- 00 c MulleU. V bbl.. j 25 Nr C. herring, Vkeg....!' 5 w) Super, Nortnern, f bbl... 5 00 Extra do . bbl... 6 00 Family " ubL Ton City IllHxSupe? bbi... 7 00 t V Family bbl... 7 M " Ex. Family V bbl... 8 00 ERTILIZERti W Perurlan Guano. JO00 ft,. 55 qo Carolina Fertiliser " " 00 00 Navagja Ouano, " " nO 00 Complete Manure rt 00 00 Whann's Phosphate ' " 00 00 nipulated Quano 00 00 GLUK ft h GRAIN Oornt()reVo6fti 75 Corn, cargo, y 66 Ha 68 nllT'iTZ' , "'"cu xT)ne. Oats,busnel.. 62)9 dt7,$ ft .:. iJ J ntr-fi"rn, 10C fti... 1 10 j LARD Northern ft 7kS . North Carolina ft U J, 1 LIME bbl g. I C He 0 h e it C it, -5 4C. i ; 9 K 6 T 0 7 00 m Oil ( en -, 42 1 42 ('. 045 0 0 1. I! .Bh2Pstuir,resawed,;Mft.l8 W z, V 00 cw I, wis U abecription To JSarch 0, 1881. This will inclnde the Preeidnntlal campaign and the inauguration of tbe next President. .Old subscribers whe send $1 betore D comber 28 for a renewal of their Bubgcrip- tion for 180, will receive The Weekly World to March 6, 1881, without missing a numoer. Tli in Offer will be TTith drawn December 5iO, Takeadvantage of it at once. Hnbticribf: Stor.c. Renew at once. deo 10. ' T 00 10 1H haods than farm laborers In that part ol the onion. This Is a prependerance that wmII be dlartliori If U were not correct ed bv the distribution of labor In beUer balanced states. The ilslne Democrats have 'fvsed' with the Green backers on tie electorr1 tlctet. The O mo back era have nominated font ef the seven candidates, and the Demi crate Uis tbe other three. There Is a Vi ehaaos, at lea it, that the combination V.ll caxrr the BU'e. wtch wi'l l ve teur votes to Weaver and thit 9 to Hancock. bave, imagine it located In 8outh Asaar lea. The effort to obts'n the better class of the foreign element as citizens of or state, is commendable, on such' an objoct U putting it where It ill do the most good. Certs'nly tbe ex periment is worth a fair trial, O'Vr states have sucoeeded, why not ours? the unprecedented use of the veto to main tain Its corrupt and despotic power, in Bcrve an' Injunction on Disease Bv invigorating a feeble constitution, reno vating a debilitated phulqje, and enrich ing a thin and inutritioua oircaiation with Uoetetter'8 tttomach Bitterfl, the fir eat, the moet highly sanctioned, and the moet popu lar tonic and preventive la existence. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen- erallv. jy 2 IN ITS 17th VOLUME. ;uthepaop...odimril8 tbe.r.oBti. THE RLEICH iKEWS. Frem the report cJ the stetUticsl d partment ef the centos bureau It tlaaed thai the total Indebtedness of counties, cities and towns In the United States aggregates about $850,000,000. The 8u Indebtedness is now placed at f 2C6,6S8,OOt, se that tbe entire leal dsbu ef the country wl'l exceed $1,1 00, 000,000. . ' The New York World aavr. -Of tbe six New England 8teU not more than ne la reelLT eaie lor Uarneid. wt'ie in a mcoch! the chr act are stroogiy and io i third slightly In his Uwr. As fur the ressaloisg three, Connecticut U rsasona. Uy sore fee Hancock, New Uampshlre belostgt the party which flghUhirdect. end In Ualne, according to the 'JTcraiX corTseporhUrvw, 'the sltaai'on U decided ly nafarorable to the RutMcan. X Drop of Joy in Every Word.1 FixMiyoTOK, Hunterdon Co., N. J, Dr. R. V. Piebck, Buffalo, N. Y.: . Three months ago 1 was Oroken out tutions. 7th. The great fraud of 1876 "77, by Man.. 1 which, upon a false count of tbe electoral, Two n wu umksi lira wiuuiuaui ueieab ed at the polls was declared to be the President, and for tbe first time in Amors . hi .1 Kin nutory toe win 01 ine people was set aside, under a threat of ml.'itary vlo lence, struck a deadly blow at our system of representative government. The .Dem ocratic party, to preserve the countrv from civil war, submitted for the time, in with large oleers and sores on my body, firm nd ,lrcWthtlt the rjo limbs and face. I procured yen r Golden I Jrnf: PQ punUh thw ,crlme l? 1880' iiui utiuo preoeaes ana awaris every otner. it impoeea a more sacred dutv - pre cured yeu Medical Discovery and Purgative Pellets, aod have taken els bottkj, and to day I am In good health, all those ugly ulcers bavtnsr healed and left my skin la a eaU mral, healthy condition, 1 thought at ooe time I coold not be cured. Although A V . 1. m . r r . UWUIUO PWDWOI LAO UDIOQ ID-ill WAD ever addressed to.the conscience of a ua. tion .01 Iroemen. 8th. We execrate the course of this ad I can but pr!y express my gra.ltnde to .7, Dg T 1D. DO c,vl too Tt tre ia a dm of iov In' r I Tr . ,ow"u ,ur Iuwcai crime, ana word I write. Yours truly. I TT. .7 7 , J IV , "urU11" e James O lrit'a uio lorerer impowiD e lor a ueieated Good Uotel to fitop At . Uoel accommodations fer travelers are of the g re teat importance te persons who have to more about tne country on busi ness or pleasure. Just whereto go is what every man wants to know when he leaves aft a . m . toe usurper, dv DUieiioz villains unnn tne peopie. 0th. The resolution of Samuel J, Tilden not again to be a candidate for the exi ei place to be wws elected by a major ity of his coontrjtnen, and from which he was excluded by tbe leaders of the Kepub home. The Grand Union Hotel, opposite I lican party, is received by the Democrat the Grand Central Depot, New York city, f the Uniuxl States w ith sensibility, arnl la a .very popular resort, because the at- they declare their coufidence m bis wisdom, teodance there Is prompt and satisfactory. Pom and Integrity, unshaken by the reasonable and the me-M1" a coomou erny, and they the charfiee are leaving Mew York city by the Grand Mtpe complete. Peraone arrivingal or relireaieilt for h hv twi tvmiulkv B.ri1 ro.uul rt Kla ..n Central Depot will find the Grand Union ci W, Vrrard hhai onT who by uoui very oeuveooQi.jv. z. 4cugrtm. me elevating standard of public morality may I&lamlm. I and adorning and purify lug public service Pi M. Hale, Editor, L. L. Pock, Or. Ed. Edwards, ttaouaHToa A Co., lius. Man'gra. A n. C. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL DAILT AND WEEKLY. Terra Daily, 1 year, $7; 8 month, H CO; 3 monthi',1.7a. Weekly, one year, $2.00; eix months, $1. Acdreas, jy IS T11E KALKIGU NEWS, Halelgh, N. f Go to VanOrsdeirs RT GALLEUY TO-DAY, if you ib to me tbe m- et beautiful line of Fanoy Frames, Easels, 4ael Frames, Papepartouts, MatU), Mouldings for making fraae, Cord and Taasels, Sliver and Ood Wire, Ac., ever of fered in this city. P 8 Parties sending babies to me by mail to be Photographed, will please mark on th envelope, handle carefully. U. Jtt, VAsOKlltLL. Artist, may lT-tf Wilmington, .V C. a TO 9 WO 10X01 0 Oniertator and Caaiiiot Maicr. Princeai Street, In Baaement of th Journal Building, W I L M IjN O T O M. O. 1 A line asfertment of Coffina and Cai kett eonatantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by alm graph er mail promptly d!ie ' ,no 'Cathartic Pills friilrirM' tlwi cbrkvt cathartic irlrvoiplertf 111 umtiioik.'v m i'itornons accurarx-ij" adjtirttfd U txHiiTti activity, certuiiity, aiu imiftnnity of elYt.ct. Tlw;y an; the result rf jnars 01 carrful Htruly anl rracti-al ox jxiriincnt, and art tin? most cfloctual r-m-tl.V yet dtsHWcrwl for'disetisoH, caueMl ly dcRtngwunt of the fttomar.h, Uvor, and lxrtlH, which require prompt and errc-tii-al tr rttjjieiit. Ayeh'.s I'icls are Fvpoolally applicable to Uiis clana of diise. They a-t dirtx-tly on the diKetive'and awsim ilatlve proef-s-Kt. aud rcjtort) regular healthy tvcticfi. Tlicir extensive us; by physivianrt in their pnw-tice, arid Iry all civiliziil nationa, i one of Him many proofs of their vakie art a safe, sure, and "perfectly rella))hi pirtratirft ineilieine. JlHng eoLupfninll of the concentrateti virtues of purely vegetable sulwtancett. tln'v RYi positively free from calomel, or nti.r injjjrKrus itrorwTties, and can le ad- mniim reI to children with perfect safety V! tj's Pnxs are an effectrral cure fcT roiibtiatloii or Costlveuess, Indig:'9 tion. Dyspepsia, Losh of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Memory. Numb ness, Biliousness, 'Jaundice, Kheuma- Tism, Eruptions and Skin Discuses, Iropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural. Kla, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, (Jout, Piles, I Disorders of the Ijiver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the dilative apparatus. . As a ifrinner Pill they Lave no equal. While genrlo in their action, these Pills are tlm mot thorough arnl search ing cathartic that can le employed, and never give jmin unless the bowels ari intlamd, and then their influence Is henl iug. Tliey stimulate the apjH-tite and digestive orirans; they operate to purify and urich th.e blood, and impart renewed health ami vigor to the wlmle system. y Ayer &. Co Prepared by Dr. J. C I'racttcal and .Analytical Cheuilets, ! Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT ALL. DRrcJIiTS ETEHTTBEnS. YOUNflllt P! f Tne v Pticrtl , v UalWJlE4A.l ischool for. the times is MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Atlanta. Gr., -5.100 covers total expenses for thre months. Htnd tor Illu trawd Circulars 2 je 2U-Uwdiw. Rough edge plank West India cargo, aoeord ing to quality, M ft..l3 00 DreeaedtiooringjBeasoned.ia 00 Bcantling andardj, com- mon, M ft..... 11 m MOLASSES Ouba.hhdygl 3T Cuba, bbls., V gal 3K ougar nouse, hhds. V gal. It " " bbls. iral... 3?. Orleans Choice bbls. W gaL 15 KAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k?g OILS Kerosene, V gal. " 9 ra, gai 1 10 Linseed, j? gal....w.....M 1 00 Rosin, " gaL 11 PEANUTS D bushel........ o POTATOE8-8weet. bus. 00 Irish, Northern. V bbl 1 as FORK Northom.citTmeis.W on Thin, V bbl. .. 00 00 Prime, i bbl (extra) .00 00 Rump, V bbl.... ...00 00 RICK Carolina. V lb KsTat India, fi) Rough. busheL 1 BAGS Coantry, V Tb OitT,Vifi .... HOPJS Hemp Manilla HALT Alum, & saok Liverpool, sack Ainericau "V sack , Marshal's hue, V rack oUtiAK Cuba, V fl).. Porto Rloo, V m.........M A- Oorfwe, V fl B " t B 0 " m) ft) W Rz O-iB ft Crushed lb BOAP Northern, V H ...... 6 8HINOLKS Contract, 6 00 Common, V M M 1 50 HTAVE3 W. O. bbl. ? M.10 00 R O hhd. V JR.... 00 00 TALLOW J lb... 8 TIMBER Shipping V M .10 00 011 C Mill, extra per 1 8 60 010 15 Mill, prime per M f 00 0 8 ft MU1, fair per M .. 6 00 0 6 IC Common, per M:. i 00 0 4 Inferior to OrdinaVytr M 3 00 0 i K WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 15 0 6 0 North Oaro ina. per gal ... 3 00 0 J V WOOL Unwashed, per fl... U 0 Cf Washed. Der Ib..... 30 0 i j Burr r wool, oer ft 18 0 Hot Weather is Upta us j TN f 1 !l? B M'flifi fti nn niitICJ 111 your Shirts at bottom figures at the -facte ;r Tbe "Congress" aud "Royal" sUllikwp lead. -j,Look at pricoe; "Conrofs" 15 ' equal to any $1 Shirt; "Iteyal" eual t.) adT$1.25 Shirt oa the msrkU J. KLQBAQU, Mar nfctore fe 24 No. 3, Market" till i. s 9 6 r. o 0 1 4! 0 11' 0 ii. f I S 1 0 f.:. 0 I lh eu ti- ID(XI I' ' 0'KJ l" 0001 0 Vi 0 I, 0 1 11 It 1330 70 ' 0 .00 HO 0 M 00 0 W 0 HO 1) w 11 u o 0 0 n 0 2 JS 015 CO 000 OC 0 HI Fresh Every Day. n:.Ti AfciSCRTMENT OF CAII: French and Domestic, just recdied THE ON LT GENUINE H0ME-X'A! ! Candy In the city, will be found ' ( day, fresh and swert, three dcrs-, tbe roetorCce on second street. Raisins. Fruit, lo. O. E. JEV. ian23 . Near the Postnff mum tvJOHrrf. : Lumber riCoiiuiilssIon Merclianl? I WAonxnoiow, P inch! 2-

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