u TUIH PAPER tft1 Baadays ti IU8H. T. JAMB. corro ajd roraiToa, ....uiiTio.s8.tnxrrAaK paid.? -Lr IS 00 His month, 1150 Tare ... 11 IS : Oae month, 60 eestl. r. paper will bedelifered by earrlsrt, SltZwl! P"of th.eity.stth. rat low and liberal -HuUribrt will plM report any aad ,.C.fNwri papers rorniarly. BROWN & 'RODDICK 45 Market Street. ,..i.u .loins Drawer, iiii.ufur, ants, regular fV.l and ex-unine. h .i ln-3 Mirt, $1, try Item oirfv atni you will use no other. Mi-iland Shaw la. Am ia twitallour Sletland Shaw'a i l; thoy are really wortli l. Nl!' tVml Summer Skirts, from COc tnl. A beautifal line. i.rtinted Eiiglisb Caaibric, 10 cents Hr jard regular pri 10 cvnts. l-rmtl rcifio Iawiu, Y2 cents pr yard, I 1 all over the country at 15c. BLACK CHAPES. We have just received a large inyolco of Trapes In Single, Double and Triple. Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings. NH.K AOESTS IS THIS CITY . for the WIDOW'S CUAPE, FOU TUE DEEP EST MOUUNLNG. A Ui Drive in Gents Linen Handker. chiefs, $1 CO per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. We bav ut received a new Corset to re tall at V cents a beauty. 3E0 WH & EODDICK, " 45 Market iSt. JT 17 A RABEIOPPORTUNITY FOR1 THE LADIES ! rt IRE 8SLL1XU at Reduced orlees Ladles. Mum and Children's Dree aad Uadewear, Trimmed and Un trimmed UaU aad Bonaeu, lateet itTlMU WewUl Mil r. a oar H toe k ofbve named aitielea at RfcDUUED PRICKtf to make ifcM for Fall tjada. iitir Work and stamping solicited. AlISEba KAUUEU McGOWAN. JyU For Rent. p&OU TIIE lit of October 1SS0, t rtildjBM at the Bonthwest e -raer of Hxta aad Market sta. Ipply t J0E5 L. OA NT WELL, jj tf boa 4)9, Port OfSee. CHEAP MEAT. A FEW HEROES REJECTED CANVASSED HAMS Will be sold at SIX Gents. Hall & Pearsall. iy n lllrs. S. 'J. Baker. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, WUmlofton, IT. a Ooraer Third aad Orange SlreU. - IANUY OOOPS, Hotloat, Uata, Uoaneta. FUt. Flovera. Feathers. Ornaments of all ttlada, Vf CI renew and work over all I iimi of old balr, traiu, com Din gi, Ac. root u M, w nw' A",, Ht aiade t- look Ukethev were rew. Call I aad my alme of wok, I ielO MRH.H J K KP. IMotice THJt USDK&aiUNKD wUI atteaJ at the I CvartUoaao oa Thmrsaj, 12th In it , to e. I amlas applleaatJ for Tea chert' Certificate. A. R. BLACK, tl.lw Fzamtner. The Lowest Prices i . t iioio nv niifVTiVfl At E.S. WARUOCKM Jb Uffica. G4 eatiii.ales at this office before having joor printing done elsewhere. (Office la Revlaw building.) r VOL. V. CHEAP BEADING 1 For tho Camp alga. The Daily Utnw; to Dec. lt, for ! $1.00! Tho WlLMIKQToN JoUUKAL tO DtC. 1st, for 60 touts I The Wilmingt Ji uhkal uubliabd orery Friday, aift-a of the newa of the week! . 'lho Daily Kkvikw, pnbltsnoil every afternoon, clvea tho news of the day and the iati-st market reports Addrceo Joan. T. Jakeui, Wilmington, N. O. Tbe btatto canvass. JOlSTjDISCUSlOX. There will bo joint diacassiona by Gov. oarvis ana juugo uuxiou, mo ioiuiri- t i .. t r . .1 r ic and Itepnbllcan candidate for Clover- "toJ nufStaSuy. 9th. Wilson, Tuesday, August lOih. Attr.rnpr fleneral Kenan will addreM tho people at I Grantham's, Wayne county, Saturday, August 14th. Meadow, Johnston county, Monday, August 16th. ! LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Clyde's New York Steamship Line ALTAvrss, Paici A 0o.Wire Nettinif T II McKot Good Grocsrle. Yatks Campaign Goods 1 L Bamuaas A Co For Breakfast 0 X Coin $S Beward alias Lou Btiwabt To the Ladlca P linaiaaaaia Planet and Organs J II llaaBi Brmhea, Ae. Window UUao-rfctt at AlUflor-A Price's. ,1 One tct ot charity is worth a century . . Tbln congregations in most of the I cbuichcs yesterday. Tho use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian I Hair Renewer will keep tbe hair solt and I glossy, I - To Ho to a child is to plant a weed in a garden of flowers. Don't Insult a poor man, his mnscks I may bo well dovelopod. I V.varvuv in trft iiltil uifliA. IiMkt Knife. alo Table CuUerv. at Jac3ti.x'a I Uardwaru Dopot- I Nothlnrf ia more danerjna than a . I friend without discietion. Tho rler Is dotted with trash and logs brought down on tho big freahet. Ho mast bo a thordugn fool who can learn aothlog from bis own folly. Save your money and buy your Iiuild Ing Supplies from Altafler & I'ricc A groat many pairs of shoes 'are worn oat before a nan docs all be says. Kick your corn through a window I glass, and the panels goae forever. I The way for a desolate old bachelor to secure better quarters la to take a better Full Alctal and Walnut Show Cases. a' stylt and &ze, at Altaffkk, I'iuck & Co's Every M wer. eteo tbo fairest, has ita shadow beneath it as it swini: in the sunlight. WindJV (tUis of aifsiei, ! t-, Sash and Ulinila, Uuilders' Uardwaro.Ao. Low eat prkva at JaudUI's. To'at Rainfall. i Tbe total amout of rainfall hre du rirg the month of July of th'a year, as we learn at tho Signal Oflli, was 9 2i) ichca, and in Auguat, during the Gist week. It baa been b.94 .Inches, a total oi io. i iQcnta. anomaximaa was in July oa theS3rd, wheu 1 87 Inches full, and in August, on tho 4th. when 2.04 Inches fell. Doling tbe months of July and August of latt year the total rainfall was 16 04 inches, of wh-ch more than one half. 8 04 'inches, fell in one day, August 18 b. With this one day alono If ft off It will heat-ea tht thsrs has bean nearly twice as much rainfall this year for tho period beiou'og Jaly 1st and endlog Augnat 9tb as there wu last ye-r. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, AUGUST Six equeeliDg porke-s were put n thai mui.d tl.i mornine. Tbe Grand Ld;e of Good Templar of tbla State will n ;t In Grabira to morrow. The lamps '(one buiuuvd in i.uuibc;) for the Hancock, English and J .rvis Club , arriTod Saturday. Th American Uniou Trletratih will hive their wires stretcher irom Atlauta to Augusta noxt week. fin mM),,r rnnn a, .M all maise I m - i f.. .1 I . . . - - i j r - f r iiany.ayrup; tor u i ine oet thing for Babies while Teething. Price 26 cents a bottle. To-morrow is the day set peremptorily for the trUl of Stephen KichardsoD, I charged with the murder of his mothei- 'n-law - Some very due peaches, as large a vnnr flat, hivn VwAn bmnirht hare within . a t a n v (ha nnf raw rina . nm I rtnaal I r ; ill n f""" ui Tbey sou, not fery reaauy.ior a pic, ; There is a quantity of drift wood in the river. U ail of it tbat bas passeu tins 2 iL. i t. ii e 1 cuy ouring wue iaHl, mrut- or lour JJD drifl3 out Bea out for rep0rtj from PW "!'h tbat &U town on tho North Carolina ooast has been washed off by a tidal wave. ue ia s uu ---. lr. ncess, mentioned in Fnday'a Rr . near rr ncess, menuoneu m rnuay s w . I view, received some attention from the I citv authorities this morning.' Instead of beinc a sprins, however, It was a choked I up waste pipe leading uo waste pipe leading to the river. The pipo was cleaned out and ho water, in - stead of oozing out through the cobble stones, now go uireci, to ine i.ver. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats Ins; Stoves at almost any price at jicoiun Hardware Deiou City Court. There was but one case to claim His Honor's attention this morning, that of a l .... .4 m.w. ' a. lallnflf : tAA uuu-iTuii ug louun nuv imwiivu frpelv on Satrrdav r'srht and was locked up .U. mcrAing. He was j3ScLd .1 V f Mil .1 .IV tnw oemg nis u.dt tuouwj. We Knew It. We knew that Tanner's successful fast of forty days would Incite otberj to try the f but we hardly suited thai tho first cc known would come fiom this city. There K a man rcsWng in Wil- mincion who has not tasted fcod for three Idava to-morrow, neit dav and the day i j after Happy Hearts. We scs by the Hickory papers that Mr. Bei.y Biifoid, formerly of this city, and Miss Hattio HarJio, daughter of Mr Thop, H. Hardin, a resident ot U mwton nrewus to the war. wero mar ried at me r.p scopai uauruu mu.,, mm t i r u x 0- A . n l 1 I fl V. on last wouneauay evening. auiyu.v cone to Nashulle. lenn-, to reside. M: BiDf0rd is now travelliDg for MoBbrs. Hancock & C., of Lrnchburg, Va. Ftfy-one Feet. One of the biggest freshets ever known is that now sweeping down tho Capo Foar to the 6ea. When tho North State left Fayetteville on Saturday there had been a rise of 51 feet and the tendency wrs still a p ward. The rise has been a rnpii on go rapid, in fact, that the farmers on the lowlands wcro unable to save any of "eir cropa. It doci seem a great pity Bucn mu' "ou' D""U1U I wasneu ou ana aestroyeu, a:mosi iu tue twlnkrigof an eye. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi hann been appiint ed airent fr the Atlas now, parties ii want of thw celewatfd Plow cn now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi s IIrd I . .l 1t &J I7..a ..a ware uepou tf. Coroner's Inquraf It ws reported tc Jay tnat a mm named Anderson had dropped dead on tl e streets somewhere in the Southestein ponion of the city. Immediately af'r taking a glass of beer. Following tht trail we stepped at a bouse on Castle, between Seventh and Eighth streets, and ascertained that a colored man, John An dorson," aged about GG years, had die-1 very suddenly about 10 o'clock this morning The dec sased wti .taken s!ck on Fridaj night last and though he had becu hiving fevers he waa.not con idered dangerously ill. Ho seemed somewhat better early this morning, though he dlduot leave Lis huae but about 10 o'clock complained of Intense pains In bis stomach and died almost Instantly. Cofoner Hewlett im pannelled a inry who returned a verdict el "death from natural causes. ' r Coaiderable sickness has been developed here within the rJast wek, a rem!, in the main, of tbe vreatber KEIIEW. Customer "Why Are 'Malt Bitten to popular? Drupgtst "Because, as a Food Medi- I cine, tbey eprich the blood, harden the muscles, quiet tbe nerve-, perfect diges jy iz aw Fk of Mature. Mr. 13. D. Baroett, of Albertson, 'n Duplin county, writes to a relative bete and ieil him of a lit' r of very peculiar pics orj hta farm. Two of them, he avM hai DQ fore j 'and oa the left side rm fcI,n of lew - w bile on the rlaht aide, where uo .ou:.i nave oeen, mere Were L. t- -I 1 J - - .- An .-all - .-v M V. m M 1. . a, A I ' f .uuc.u-., "u me .ze 01 a man s little finger. There are two others with f.ire ft m,.r lika a - -" - - ww w uu ca figa on siJes of which they walk. From tbe tenor of Mr. Barnett's letter we should lUclge tnat the two first named died, while 'he otbern are still alive. !To Hospital Needed. No palatial hotel needed for liop Bitters i Patients, nor largcalaried talented pufldrs ill.. .n . . . . . . ... u wnai uou liitters will door ome. as mey ien tneir own story by tbeir certaiu ana aosojnte cures at home. Neva York ''pendent. Br. barque Resolute Cant. Lawrence. .1 . fr0m Galveston to Massrs Alex Hnrnnt ( ond Qr fe O'aon. to M. Helde ue La Bella, & Co., aro re- I ported in below. Ron column, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with a banch of Grapea from hc With a bunch of Grap Speer 8 Port Grape Wine is made, that Is I so highly esteemed by the medical Dro- I fes810n for the use of invalids,, weakly Persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. 1 The Raleigh Observer says: We hrd the pieMU:e of a gIt on laur8day from Col. W. L. Smith, chairman of th IWrf I of County Comrr'ssioners of New Han over Able and enersetic. he has done i , . , . . . , much to bring about the impi iw unujj huuui vue improvement in the financial condition of his county. Tbe Pleasures of Hope; - When the bodv is bowed with Dain an I 2 I .x 1 1 . JT . l' r 1. . i iuicusc (iiuiug lui iv nn i unngs nope, I This may brighten the 'suflferinir but it -At . Ume u. : thi, how I .. . - ' - - w.v Kidney and' Liver Cure, brincinir hone ana nappiness ana tiie joys oi renewed me. auff 7 -J- i ' --ne aog aaya wD'.cn tagan on batur- y, July 7th, wMl eod on Wednesday, The 'dog days' which lagan on Satur the 11th inst. New Advertisements. $5 Reward. RUNAWAY FROM ME ON TUESDAY, Jnly 27th, HANDY HENRY, colored, aj;ed about 17 years, who Is lawfully bound to me. He is supposed to ba lurking: about Wilmington, Reeky Point or Caintack, All persons are hereby forewarned f -cm hai bor ing him. A reward of $5 will be paid for hie apprehensiw. aa 9-ltdAw C. Z. COSTDL : Brushes, &c.J AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT cf Hair, - Tooth V.ll. Rh.no. ' s Soap,, Toilet Fcwder, Pcrfomeries, Ac, can be found for sale low at HARDIN'S, Apothecary, au 9 HeJ Market. Pianos and Organs S OLD FOR CASH OR ON t Fasy Monthly and Weekly Instalment Plan, At HEINSBEROEU'd. Standard Works, TS BINGLE VOLUMES, L i . Or in Complete Bitta, For sale cheap at HEINBBERGER'. a 9 Wire Nettiner QUREEN8 For Doors and Windows. Good to keep out files aadjmoaqultoes. Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Liumoer, ana ouuoing owni venerauy i ALTAFFKR, PRICK & CO. Factorv: Offioe: Foot of Walnut st ffutt,- n' &d Cross au 9 Now is the Time. BUY I OUR CAMPAIUff GOODS AT 9 - BOOK STORK. pLAGS, BADQKS, and 21 x 30 itch Pie- tares of ;u.e cand.datei, only ifty cant each. O. W. Y1TE9. a 9 f XJYV 1 l O 11 Jm 0.4 New Advertisements. THO HAS H- ItlcKOY, 1 8U ; JliSSJS TO i Boat wrlght & MeKoy, i i . ! fc Deaires to congratulate kis Oountry Frionds on the pros , . - "... 1 pect of such fine crops. KrOm every quarter he learns that th. warmer IS m gOOd Spirits. He therefore looks forward to - LARGE TRADE, I and has therefore made hisarrange- ments to meet the large demands which necessarily must follow. I He will keep a large stock of 1 roceiroosS , , ... . . oi every description, ana no cnal- I ' lenges comparison for GOOD GOODS ! AND 1 ! ' : ' ' ' LOW PRICES 2 ! i ' . I THOS. II. TIcKOl , ! i Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 5&7FrontSt. au 9 For Breakfast p L Bridffers & Co- offer Houaekoepers. Masters .f Vea-als: Rail I poiil Vmnln... . P. en I n r 7,""ru'T'f "tulo" . roie. u'jd&i men ana wrocers, tne nnest and most 1 It'll ' - J wmm wr UIMlf. m rJ uu rsimuuiK BVYormgi wno nas not meo SridKers' Coffee, obtained from the Manufac turers, in he original package, and in quali- :j. irvmi ana ecanomr. warranted superior to anything now or ever offered for sale fn this market. i Breakfast Strips, the most delbrhtful relish of this civilized and civilizing meal ever of- tered ia aneient or modem daya. Flour that will rise while vou are Darin c roar uuer naiis. C 1 Butter that will cost like smoke,' unless you preier cneap gr ase or uuy uarganae wnieo we ao o aoep. For Dinner we eannot recommend our famous Springfield Hams "to the ponav-wise and pound f jolfkh." It goes further, and la the most popular dish we have. W ith a slice of Bread made of our Flour, a pieoe of thia Ham, and a little mustard, one may Tanner through the lontreat day from sunrise to sun set, and never feel hungry. Don't ferret to look at our Canned Beef and Tomatoes, when you eompiain oi tne new Sfaraet. yr ric Ies and other relishes, we have the greatest variety For Supper we recommend "me of omr Oo'ong anl Sngdsh Breakfast, Oreea aad Black, Imported. When the Government auoeeeds in introducing aad naturalixlig the Chineee plant at the outh, we will substi tute the domes tie article, but it must bo gen utae. , For Night, when work is done aad th 'amilv and frienis are assembled fer SMtr en(ra?eBent we hava the fineat Wiaea. Dried rruita, Weat India Ooods, Whiter. Rum. fTl T.r. Aa . in A MriK iU .1 ma. f0nable rates s ad warranted quality. P. L. BRIDGERS-& CO, 2 22, 24, 26 and 28 Front S reot. aa v . To the Ladies I ; 1 SHALL BE ABSEST from the City for a few weeki oa ay annual tocr in tho Wee tern part ot tho ritats, for the purpose of parehaalBf the aseessary stock of Hair for bt trade. When I rotara . I will open la a mors central aad ' desirable location, which III k J .2 M i J ' Will ftm MtTWUHH IB UU aa-3t Miss LOU STEWART. BAL&Maflstratrs Blaaas of im proved forms. E. 8. T7ARROCX, (Review BsildiazU iJob Frtstar. - 9, 1880. T PLXA8E JTOTIGE. We vill be glad to receive communications tnm ?LU4 oaujttd all. nbjetts o nit TU aaa of the writer mart always be ft to tae BUtor. OoaasslMtloej atast bo written; on oaly Fsnoaalltls cutn .voided. And It Is oopoeUUxjsapartieiiUrlr.'cadrr aVwwt tkil At.. DJl. . .. I com not always endoria I correspondents, unleu to eUt id la tts editorial oolamna.-. 17eT7 Advertigemonta. Steamer Passport UL SESDME ker reg- alar trips to Smith vill aad the ! 1 forts Jaae 10th, leaving h.r Wharf, foot of Market Btreat, at 9. SO A. M. J. W. UABPEK, e 31 oa-.Vo MuMr aad KrtrtL .H. CROA'tlT Audi oncer . BY CEONLY A UOIUUS. Commissioner's Sale, ! I 1 V VTUTTTL" nc npoDtio . .... .. I JJ VAUAbEi Ur iU4 Sapeiior Court i? the caas of ThcaiM f "J&SZifittffi; on aionaaj, Beptember 6h, lsO. at 14 o'olock, M., Hoot and Lot aitu it on tlt Third ttreeti, the Bame harioff k front of 40 reet on Hanover street and ronnln baet 165 feet to an allev. and r " " RtK,iJK5' S"".V . A. M W . . . " r Wilmington, N. o., Aug 3, lbSO. aaS'lawta Kl aim cock t OUR NEXT PRESIDENT! iris, Lift Siz8 Of our next Freiident i ' and Vice President! Maj. Gei'li W. S.1 HANCOCK, ' Hol f. H. ENGLISH. Elegant Specimen CodIop. 22 i 2KJ apDn neavy Plated Card Stack, sent by matt on receipt or 60c, and i your addreev, (Two copies f0 cents.) Ji THE HAN CO K PUBLISHING CO., ' I PLAISTOW, X. H. Ki tea. Those two Superb Portraits shouM adorn the Home of every honest citizen ot the land. Ed. M.CROJVJLY, Auctioneer; BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Ckmiiiissioncr's Salo ot: Valuable Ileal Estate, i "gr VIRTUS OF A DECREEjOF juu Superior Court, I will fell at public auJtioa on Monday, the 6th day of - Beptember nex. at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court Uouse door U this city, the following described propertr to wit t That larare and coxmodious brick dwelling. - containincr 14roonu, siruatddon rront stret c and well known as the residence of the latt Kli W. Hall, deceased. Size of lot C9 feet ou Front street, runr ins; back 160 feet. Also, that larre frame Dwelling contalninc 13 rooms, situated on the North side of Mar ket street, between Second and Th!'d streets Immediately West of and adjoining the DeRosaet corner, and at present ecoupic I K Dr. F. W. Potter, fiiza of Lot 40 ft ga irket street, running back 132 feet. Terms liberal aad made known at sale. ALEX. T. LONDON, Com'r. Wilmington, N. C, Ana;. J, 1880." au 3-te Kifluey I Um 0M 81.25 . PEE BOTTLE ! A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid- ney. Liver and Urinarv Trni4es of both Hale and Female! It saved my life.' E. B. Lakely, Selms, Ala. It Is the remedy that will cum tbn many diseases peculiar to women Mother's Magaxfr e It has passed severs tests and won e- W" tlorsement from some of tho bigh'ttt me.!; cal talent in tho country.' N. Y, Vurii. 'No remedy heretofore discovered cari beheld for one monicut io com par boa with it.' A. Harvey, D. D., WasbingtOD.D C i Thii Great Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists in all Parts of tfco World. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHEF.B H. H. WARNER & CO., i nochojttor, N. Y aa 7 JO W RATti For siC kinds of .Printicr, Pevsoas rmlilaz out of the eitr thalr priatiaf earsf ally executed ana mailed to them free of postaza; IS. O TARBOCS, (bCsTisfrlisSdlax) joti Frcwr?I Crayon For ffaraer's Safe