- TUI8 F1PIB Vutd trj afternooa. Bnadays IO M II T. J A M B ttfli piMiPUKTOJU tlI KiFTio.N8.mrrAaE paid. ,,r IS 00 BU montlu, SI 50 ; Three ,.vni.Sl ; Oae month, Menu. rt paper will b delivered byearriars, ' orator ntil"rwMk- ,-Sabaeribere will please report any aac . ri:ur f rwT their papn regularly . B80VYN .VRODDIOK 45 Market Street. Ofiit Jou Drawers, ,l!r !. in inufactur, -i cents, regu'ar !..'". Call and examine. pit Y.u' -mie Drevi ilirt, $1, try them ,,mv ai.il yu will use no other. Mih.Ui d Shawl. We . rising out all our Shetland fchaw!s at $1; t!j r i11? worth Coloral Summer Skirts, from COc to$:.T0. A beautiful line. Wide Printed English Caaxbric, 10 ccxls per j it J regular price 15 cents. Printed Pacific lawns, 12' cents p?r yard, sol 1 aH over tbe country at 15c. I) LACK CllATKS. We lave jus: received a large invoice o Crapes In Single, Double and 1 riple. Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings. MILK AUKNTS IX THIS CITY for tbo Vll(VS CHAPE, FORTIUS l)EEl' EST MOUKNINU. A Irhe in Gents Linen Handker cbiffa, $1 50 per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. We have just received a new Corset to re tail at 75 cents a beauty. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. JT 17 A RARE .OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LADIES ! WE ARE 8KLLING at Reduced ericas Ladle'. Him and Children'! Dretwe tad Uade wear. Trimmed and On trimmed Uata and Bonnet, latent styles. W will sell nQ oar Stock of above named aiticlM at RtDUOED PRICE to make room for fall tro'da. llalr Work aad Stamping solicited. MIS ESS KAUKKIt & McQOWAX. jvlT For Rent. pROU TUB 1st of October 18S0. tbe raald-ince at the Southwest eraer of Sixth aad Market its. apply to JOHN L. OA ITT WELL, jy Iftf Box 4 9, Port Offiee. CLYDE'S Mow York AND Wilmington. Steamship N. C. Line. THE STEAMER BENEFACTOR. CAPT. JOKES, WILL BAIL FROM JEW YORK 0 SATUBDAY, August 2L VV- Shippers eaa rely npoa the promt t f a 1 1 1 T JC of BtMatn as advertised. For Freight Eafefeaaats apply to XUOS. K. DO.tD, 8ap't, WUainl-, N. O. Til CO. O. EQIK, Freight Art. 3ew Yrk. WkL P. CLYDE A Oa. IS Broadway, New fork. am 17 Excursion. THK MET HO DIRT 8 OF FRONT BT ha cfe prrpnm tt havo thir pMtpoaed I leartLia dw Lb uivar t KaithvilU and U totU. oa WkD.NE.HU 1 Y AKXT per Btaaar PaMport Tickets iOe; childraa aader IS years and HTUtlUl. L.t, llAx.f riL. Dock AtHli o'eJock. a lirir VOL. V CHEAP BEADING! For the Campaign. The Daily Rxtnw, to Dec. M, i for $1.00! ' The WlLMINQTOM JoUttKAL to Dec. 1st, for 60 cental Tbe Wilmikotok J DQNAii, published rery Frl lay, give H of tbe now of tbe week! - The Dailt IUvucw, published every afternoon, gives tbe news of tbe day and f tbe latest market reports. 1 Address i Josn. T. Jaues, Wilmington, N. O. LOCAL NEWS. Nmw Advertisements. Williams A If eacHiaea. Bagfing , Tic, Twine, Floor, Bacon, Molasses, 8ngr,4c. T atm Attention Clubs P HaiaaiBaasa Bate Heliotrope Water Window Glass all aixea at. bluffer & Price'sJ 1 t Title of Tanner's lecture Vindication of tbe watermelon.' Save your money and , buy your Build log Supplies from Altafler& Price. If a man adjourns sine die when ho actually dies, he adjourns subjoct to call. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and a tees, at Ai.taffkb, Piuck & Co's The iteamship Regulator, Captain Doane, arrived here from WewYork this afternoon, j The river continues to fall, and now there is only ssven or eight feet of water on tbe shoals. : There will be a meeting of the Han cock, English and arvis Club at Mnnds' Ilall, to-morrow evening, at 8 o'clock. The city authorities are having the brick wa'ls above and around the Rock Spiing repaired. A much needed im prov.ment. We acknowledge tbe pleasure of a call towlsy from Frank D. Koonce, Esq., of Onslow, the prospective candidate for Congress on the Greenback ticket. Tbe PaMsjport took down this morn ing a goodly crowd of blackfishermen. There Is an' easterly wind to-day, how ever, and we fear tbat their-Inck will ncl be much to brag on. Bear in miod tbeexeursion to be given to-morrow on the steamer Passport by tha ladies of Front Stroet M. E. Charch. Tbe boat will lesve her wharf at 8 o'clock and will visit Smilhville and the Forts. By an order rtcently issued by rosj- master General Key, on aod after next October 1st no postal card mail matteis other than the card regularly prescribed by law, will be forwarded through the mails for less than letter rates. Window Glass of all sizes, Dow, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Dardware.&o Low eat prices at Jaoobi's. One of the recent rulings of the Post- office Departme at is as follows: 'An or der for goods is a document upon which suit may be maintained. It bas, there fore, a monetary value aod is snl ject to first claw rates of pnatage.' Whoever d:d a real kindness for another without feelicg a warm glow of satisfac tion creep into some shady corner of tbe beart and fill it with sweetnrss and peace" It is like .tying a kuot of violets and mignonette into tbe 'buttonhole, just where thtir perfume may rUe dellcious'y to oar sense all day. j Tbe Pleasures it Hope. When tie body ij bowed with pain an inleuse longing for relief brings hope. Tha may b igi.teu the suffering but it does txA cure. At a time bke this bow wrlomie is such a friend as "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, bringing hope aud h ppineas and the j ys of renewed life aug 7 It is said that a lot of men and brethren were engaged last night to carry the tr Apparencies from the p!ace where they wee stored. down to tbe rendezvous of Ibe GraenbAcker and that as they passed along tbe streets they cheered lustily for Gar field while the Wearer transpar encies shown abqo their beads. f LI WILMINGTON, N. TUESDAY, AUGUST The New Dridcji. We were slightly in error yesterday m tatiog tbat the new iron frame tri-lge t the passenger depot of toe W. & ! W. .no W C & A. IUilroaia on Front street w is not completed. We n-.Te sioce taken occasion to examiue the structure for our- nelf and we find tht evory.hioe in fiuish- el and completed and we will add, tbe truature is qui'e an ornamtnt to that part of tbe city. I'euder connty is pretty eU at;rreu op on political uettioLS. Tb- rej are lois oi MPpiranUon ootbsnteatl the hocpe v. no are out for evtijf olSce in tbe g it ot the poop.e ALU ww, are w.nng w.wniw tbenisoires tor ibc puu.ic goo i. in- ahriyJty seems to be the principal prize and tbe canUMatcs lor tuis trace may be counted by the score. Arrested for au A lira y. Jos phine Pkford and Ancie Jane Sherman, two sable-hued damsels, about the color of Shakespeare's Othello, tht Moor, ecg'ged in an altercation tLis morning on the corner of Third and Dock streets, which , resulted in an affray, during which the damsel Josephine re ceiveu a severe gash on the head from a brick In the hands of the damsel Annie Jane Sherm m. It ended i. e., the affray, la tbe two being arrested and carried to the Guard House when Josephine was discharged after Dr. Walker bad dressed her scalp wound, and the girl Annie Jane was held for a further hearing and locked up In a cell. The Greeubackers. The demonstration made by the Green backers last night was not by any means a very imposing affair. As a means cf affording amusement to outsiders it was much more of a success than as a political demonstration. The procession was fear fully slim, a dozen or so transparencies, with noma verv neenliar inscriptions, carried by and followed by about thirty voters, all headed by a fife and drum mus- ical orcnestra, being about tbe extent of the parade.- The principal speakers were Col. J. R. Winston, of the Greensboro B acon, a Greenback newspaper, Mr. A. R. Black, the Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, who occupied a very prominent seat on the stand, and Mr. FiankD. Koonce, of Ons low, who aspires to the Greenback comi nation for Conpref s and the elorv of a de- featbv Shackelford. The affair was ex ceedingly tame to all but those who stood .t -t5 i l ii i l in me ouisairis oi me tuuii urowu uu ho went there to fee amused. The speaking too place in front cf tbe old Market House. Everybody can get suited wiiba lckit Knife, also Table CQtlery, at Jacoui's Uardware Derxit- Bishop AtlUnsou's Health. From Ool. John W. Atkinson, who returned to this city last Light from the bwcet aprtaRS, va., we tesrn mas cisnop Atkinson's health is much improved from .... .1 n t I ii . wnatit was wnen ine uoiooei was caneu hence to bis father's bedside in Baltimore, some two weeks or more ago. We are delighted to learn from CulJ AtKinson's own lips that while in the very nature of u n- I uuuga iuo nently lecover bis "former health, still j there is a chance and even a prospect I of his being spared to bis family and friends In this Diocese several years; longer at least, although his accustomed Igor, we are sorry to learn, has depart ed fore?er. It is the L uhop s intention, we hear, to linger at tbe Springs Id Yir ginia until September to try and pa.hcr trength enough to journey to Asheville. in this State, where it is thought by his .irin thAt. owlmi to tbe salnbrions ayuj w - v climate of that locality, his health will be more bereSud than anywhere elfce. Good Hotels. Hqtel accemmodatious for travellers are oi the greatest importance to persons who bave to move about the country ou bus oes, or to viit Niagara, Saratoga, While Wounta-ns, Coney Island, L-mg Branch or other summer resort. 'Just where to go' U what every man wanU to know when be leaves homa. The Grand Union Hotel! T opposite Grand Central Depot; NewYoik C ty, U a very popular re- sort, because the attendance there is prompt aad aatUfactory. The charges tM reasonable and tbe menage couple:: tSramllieecaa ive better (of 1. moner at tbe Grand Union Hotel than g.j my otner nrvt-iasa uuv m mo city .. . U.I.I I. .1 r. Ba careful to see tbat Grand Union Hoi .-i i. K fm whpri vn enter. I ICI VU o you can. bay No Cooking and Heats Ingdtoves 'at almost any price at Jaeoura lUrdwaro Depot. REVIEW. Tbe Fast Mail Schedule. We "earn from Captahi Jno". F. Divine ine ccurteons Supertntendent of the'W w and W. C & A. Railroads, tht tQe notice of ibe proposed transfer of tarouun registered mail pouches tele grpni iirum Washington city on the l'J'b iaet-, to go int. effHct on' toe 23d of I tbis month, baa nothing whatever to do with the Jat mail in contemplation on thQ Atlantic Seaboard betv.e n New York anaooutbera cities. CJapt. Dmne says bis imDression is that the ft mail wiM t , f . mriAt,nff f the Southern PAilw4V Tim4 Con-ention. Thg conventioa wi!1 te oomnofied.of all tha AU u y. Eai rrtad SauerintendeLts, n, takes placi in New York city on the llth of Octob r. Between that date and tha lat of November, we are told, the probability is that the fast mail schedule wiu so into efft hi h , to rf th J newspapers in Wilmington on tbe night of the day on which they are published in iiew lork. Mutilated coin. People seem to forget that the treasury does not redeem mutilated coins at thefr valae. It simply buys them as bullion Take these coins to the nominal amount of $20, and if they are not mutilated the government will redeem tham at though ther actual Talae i.fio. il.iifftW a,. Qn mnua0A . , - - " vj mm a w tUUVtlSlliVU so as to be deprived in the aggregate or 5 per cent, of their valae, the govern ment will only take them as bullion and give about $15.70 for them. Of course, p ople will not sell these coins to the government at adiscouut of 20 per cent. or more from their face value, so long as they can pass them at par. But it is to tne,r merest to refuse bored and clipped fractional currency, when tendered, as tbey have a perfect tight to do. If those l i i f - . wnose Dusmcss involves an extensive use of fractional will make it an invariable rule to refuse tbe mutilated pieces, their example will be generally followed, and tne practice of Btealing silver by boring or otherwise mutilating coins will be "topped because it will no longer pay. August Meteors. During the past few nights, when the kies wear clear, an unusual tumber of uietecrs have been seen, some of them quite brilliant. These are the gAugust meteors. Generally the display reaches "a maximum about the middle of the month, a he August shooting stars are remarkable for the trains of light that manv larA trailing hh?nii thm to nrol! i j & a8 great 8 29 tbat they sometimes attain Unlike the November meteors, they do noi aispiay memseives in a nery snower, because they are more evenly distributed along their orbit. Like other meteor streams, they follow the track of a smai comet. Their radiant point is in the con- tellation Perseus, which is now low down in the northeast. In consequence of this poBitloQ of tbe radlank pointf th8e meteor8 may be 8een early in the evening,starting. apparentT Cfar the herizon, and shoot- " ' ingnoward through the zenith, The difficulty of administering medicine to young children is entirely overcome by asinS Vr Bil 8 Blby jrU?' tLe J8afeft m06t pleasant and efficient remedy for the little ones, frice 25 cents. The dryest boots have the biggest 'creek. Dif&cult lock to pics Coe from a bald bead. tvery 6umroer traveler abould bave a lioea duster and a happy disrasitioa. Under the rule of thermometers very bight the fan is mightier than the sword, Tbe man who commits suicide before next November is a recreant and a traitor to his party. The absence of debtors during the sum mer season mikes it imj ossible for their credi tors to sfford to leave town, The lady who goes into society to Sght tbe baU,e bfeoCcnt has great trouble to , . , S . M. he powder dry in warm weather, j lU. .. . . . , Everything in nature Indulges in amusement. The lightning i plays, the wind whistles, the thunder rolls, the snow flieg tbe wtve8 jp fieida emile. , . , . , : . - Evea the buds shoot ani the river, ran. See a woman on horseback in another u r A r JuiSt Speer's Fort Grape Wine ia made, tbat is - " I so highly esteemed by tbe medical pro tession for tha. use of invalids, weakly persona and tbe aged. Sold by Druggists. 17, 1880. NO. 149 1 Great Enterprise. The Hop Bitters Manufacturing Com- p iny is one of Rochester s greatest bust ness enterprises. Their Hop Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their way into almost every household in the Iao'1. Graphic. New Advertisements. BaggiDS, Ties, Twiuo, 1 400 Soils Cotton Baff i g, 4,500 hmndlea if aw aad Pieced Ifes, 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagging Twba. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,100 BbW 8apar to ?atra faadl-, 260 Boxes P rk Strips, Bi&oadd aad D S Bides, 210 Bhds aod Bb's Porto Rico, New Crop Cuba aad New Orleans Molaues, , Sugar, Coffee, &c. J00 Bbls Sugar, Cot Loaf, Oranulated Standard A, Kxtra U aad C. I 27ft Bags Coflee, Lagujra aad Java, : - f 100 Boxes Pure Assorted Candy, ltO Tubs Choiee Lear Lard, r 175 Boxes Starch, 200 Boxes Lye and Po'.aah, l?6 Boxes Laundry Soap,; Tobacco, Snaff, Paper, Matches, 8hot, vtjr.r, vuiKer, noop iron, Bpirit Barrels c. For aaie low by WILLIAMS A MURCHI80N, au IT Wholesale Groeer A Com Vffcr. House Wanted. SMALL HOUSE containing four or fite rooms. Address, terms. aulS3t statins; location and I TENANT, I p. a 213.1 Attention Clubs. ANOTHER LOT OF Campaign Goods JUST RECEIVED. Country Olubs (Dem- oeratio and Republican) will do well to rend In th.lr ,d.r. ,.oa for Were., Fl., (wilhn.mwofo.ndid.iM cTlnMc?"JZt"a aumgvuoiag fe.iorc. xf..tM. thie). Chinese Lanterns, Ae., at BOOK STORE. au 16 THOMAS H- iltlcKOY, , SUCCESSOR TO Boatwriglit & McKoy, Offers to the trade this week : gQQ. Barrels Flour, j ' .' i; " ' . .' : 50 000 Lbi Dfy8U r..B. Bides, jq Tierces Fairbanks Lard, . rf Tubs do dj, I ; Bbls Sugar, 100 Bblj MoUg8e8' 150 Bigs Coflee, ' 100 Pkages Cracker, 800 LM Cnnd Gocdi, ' . . 500 BoxM p - 100 BoM Htircj 1 CO IckTe, biqoor ' 100 Bcxaa Candy, Aad lets of other Goods too ntnun us to mention. Daily receipts of Fresh Go Is Stock always1 cqial to the demand. Ask your neighbors who have purchased from as. bow prices empire .ith other Heases. Ail umuiu. uoms udMene. Grocer aad Liqaor Dealer. ; aali FOR aaLJt LO W. Bills Lading Charter I Partvs.'Iaspeeior's Oertifieates. Groo lAm a 1 u. ut ' I S. . WARROCX, I (la Review BaBdiar) Job Friatar. apt PLEASE ffOTICE. ' '-. T We will begfad to receive eomxnnnicatloni from oar friends on aay and all snbjcets o C eaeral lateresi but t The name of the writer mutt alwsys be for ttlthedlo the Editor. ? Oomavnleatioaj aut be written: oa otly one side of theapar. Personalities mad -v voided. And It is especially m particularly .'under stood that the Editor feu not always sudors e the views of correspond w ti, unless so itat 4 in tha editorial eolaans. Kew Advertisemonts. Heliotrope Water I In Each Drop there is a Charm, A Flora! Eases c of EiquUita Fra grano, so highly concentrated that a ft w drops will leave its peculiar and delightful Perlume upon the Handkerchief for assy days. For sale at n U i HEI.VSBKRGER'S. TJleat, aieat. gQ do BELLIES, 20 dai STRIP?, gQ Bbls MES3 PORK, For sale bj Hall & Pearsall. au 13 Wire Nettinsr SCREENS For Dooriand Windows. Good to keep out flies and mo3quitoes. I Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and Bailding Material Generally I ALTAFFER, PRICi & CO. Faetorv: OSieei Foot of Walnut st. Natt, near Red Crosa et. au 16 . . Virginia Military Institute LEXINGTON) V I R G I F J 1 A . Session Opens 1st Scitre rriHE REPORT Af th Hnr!l T!a, 1 r I J- aminers for 187& oloei thus: In conelusioD, your Committee cannot too I uuuiBugo, ine a DDT combinminn r.f tha military system of instruction with tbe do partments of science and of 1 terar j culture, and the more ennobling culture of thelj3rt and souL Nowhere else hava n An ihi. combination so complete and ow'eet. We cannot s oeak of it too highly, ltiauch a svetem as fits a puoilfor life ani f.r deaili. Under its euidance he is aure to t d &I the path of duty, virtue and honor. IBigned) - i Chablks Oavibs, LL. D, Wm. F. Babbt, Maj-Oen. U. B. I. , D. H. Cochbabt, LU D. ) Brooklyn PoL Inatitute. J. Wabbih Obisbst, Kentucky. Address FBANCld U. bMlTB, an 11 -flt 8nperintndnt Mrs. S. iJ., Baker- FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, Wilmington, N. C. Corner Third and Orange Btreets.l TANOY GOODS, Notions, Hats, Bonnets, r lowers, reatneri. urn.mnti nf all kinds. Will renew and work over all kinda ot old hair, braids, combings, Ac, root them and make, tem equal to new. Old Hats made to look like thev were raw. Call and see my specimens of work. jeiO MRS. H. J. BAKER. M.CROHXY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLyI& ilOBKIS. Commissioner's Sale of , Valuable Real Estate. "g Y TIRTUE OF A DECREE.0 7 TBE Baperior Court, I will sell at public aneticn on If oaday, the 6th day of September next. at 12 o'clock. If., at the Court IIodm this city, the following described propertr. to wit : That larjre and commodious Mck dwellhijr, eontaining 14rooms, aituaf ed on ront stret and well known as the rrsfdanM of th lat VII W. Hall, deceased. Fize of lot 63 ft rn Front atreet, max Ing back 160 feet. ; I Uso. that Ixrtrm t . a.rn Dvallinir 13 rooms, situated on the North aid of Mar- i ket street, between Second and Third ,!r"tJr,li,imedj4tlT Wet of and adblain tbe LoBsMt corner, and at present occupied "7 r. . w . rotter. Size or Lot 40 fet On aa rktt street, running back 132 feet. xerms unerai and made known at aaie. m AL&X. T. LONDON. Wr. WUmlngton, N. C, Aug. 2, 1860.1 aaSts Meeting of Democratic Ward Clubs. TIT ACCORDANCE with a Besoluilcn adooted br tha nfl.rt- n r M- sr j - w ' w t washaaa m, asvis) lira IVttt the several W$xd ia meeting assembled, tbe several femocratie Ward Olubs are here) v requested to meet on TUUKsUAi rif ii, at tt o'elAelr. alraeli n!Aa mm tiav km.ri. bo designated by their repedve chairmen. earoeitMU in tha KaiiSMtlm uh.. k t . . . . ..7 wv w By ordr of the General Committee. F. 1L DARBY. Chiimmm. - Jau W. Knre Bscf y. i au 16.2t

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