ii THIS PI FEB PLEASE X07ICE. We win beg? ad to receive eommanJcatiottt from our IrleaoVon aay and all : subjects o feuaral Interest but: The name of the writer muetal wa jibe fur alahed lo the Editor. Oemmgnltatlopj xewt bo written; ca orly ae side of thejuper. Personalities nut t voided -ajid tt Is especially partienlarly.'ttnder stood that the Editor toes not always endorse the views of eorreepoaiests, nnleesso i tare 4 nu Tfr afternoon. Sundays Ml r 1 ... Daily Review .. T. AMB8. gliT ad raoraiwroa. , lCM rTIONH. iOBTAOE PAID. Ur 5 00 tflx month, 13 50 Three ",',,nth-.$l ; One month. 60 cents. . MPr will be delivered by carriers, Bt,t..orl3cnuperwec. . .Rising rt low and liberal Vrofceritri will please report aay aad ;;r-t" fiTetbetr papere regularly. BRGVtf & 'RODDICK 41 TJarket Street. 1 1 VOL. V , WILMINGTON. N. C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1880. NO. 150 Ui tae editorial ooluwn. i.s.u' .i.ans Drawer, . , ..if.miartiir, 'i centa, regu'ar j. i.- VI and e x-unhie. I.: ,v )' us0 no otner h-s.lanti Shawls. .' I ut all our Shetland Shawls : f I; th 'J r really worth $3. La!i' I'oloral Summer Skirts, from 50c to A beautifal line. y. Printed English Cambric, 10 cents , er yard regular. price 15 cents. 1'ii-itr.I Pacific I .awns, U ccnta pr yard, ll ill over the country at 15c, HLAIK CRAPES. Wh Lue just received a large invoice of iris la Sins"-', Double and Triple. Sui!aM! tor Vc'ilings and Trimmings. .SO.K AGENTS IS THIS CITV for tho rtWOWS CRAPE, FOR HI1C DEEP1 K"ST MOURNING. A Iiie in Cents' Linen Handker- chiefs, $1 50 per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. Ws have just received a new Corset to re tail at "5 cents a beauty. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. J7 17 A RARE. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LADIES ! WE ARE 8KLL15G at Reduced prices Ldi UIhoi and Children's Dreese aad Unde. wear. Trimmed and Untrlnuned tiiti end Unoet, Utett styles. W.will sell cH nar Htock nfbnve named i liclM at KLDUOED PRICE to make tom for Fall gtvd. Hair Work and Stamping solicited. MISES3 KARREU dr McUOWAN. jr!7 For Rente ROM THE lit of October 18 SO. t&e reiidjoes at the Southwest e.rser of BUth and Market its. Apply t JOHN L. OANTWELL, jy :tf Boa 4.9, Poet Offiee. CLYDE'S Mow York AND Wilmington. IM. C. Steamship Line. BE fJEF ACTOR. OAIT. JONES, WUl HAIL FROM HEW YOSK OX SATURDAY. August 2L Ey Shippers eaa rely vpoa the promt I alUnx of 8 teamen as advertised, "js, . 1 for Frelfht Kasf meats apply to' rilOS. K. CO.D, Sop't, I Wilmington, N. O. UKO. U. EQEK, Freight Area W flew Tork. wsl r. cltos a oa. IS Broadvsy, 5rw fork aa 17 House Wanted. A oM ALL UUUSK eontalnia I Iff foar er flie rooms. Addre, .alia loeatioa aa4 terms. kTKNANT, aalft P. 0.113. THE STEAMER i CHEAP BEADING! For tho Campaign. The Daily-Relew, to Due. 1st, fir $1.00! Tlie WiLiiiQT..N Journal to Dec. Imt, for 50 cents! The Vilminqt.,mJcURSAI. published very Friday, gives ill of the news of the week! The Daily Review, published every afternoon, gives the news of the day and - i the latest market reports. Address . Joph. T. JAUE.4, Wilmington, N. C. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. W P Oldham Attention Democrats I Yaras A ttention Clnbs Gio F Tiiiiv For Hale P L BaiDetas Co vV ate-melons F A Bcuotra, Manager Fe e Champetre Hall k Psakjall Fish. . 1 a'aiasssaesa Amy Oakly For other locals see fourth page, Wirdow Glass all sizes -at ltaffer &, lnc8J ; Where Is the man who is going forty days without a drink? Save your money and buy your Build ins Supplies from Altafler fc rnce. Beauty is but skin deep, be applied to a banana. This cannot Full Metal and Walnut Sho Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffkb, Piuck & CoTs 1 Fall and Winter goods are being c n- ..nt.lv ri.l hv our wholesale mar- nn n id - An English physician says a man caul stop his nose bleeding by crawling down I taira head first. ' I miuu vuxu. .uuu.jr w u,v I A - ,1 1 n a 1.aia a nnnlaaBlinllv I caueu tne garDage. . . I Ton can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats lng Stoves at almost any price at JACOiu s Hardware Depot. . I The pilot boat Ji. II Cowan baa been .k i .knf .Mr,f fAflt. Sha will ,a in uhnrt time iU A bO A J v. - - Weregrstto learn that Ospt. John .W. Harper is still suffering from the ef- feet of a fl some three weeks ago, It is claimed by some medical men that smoking weakens the eyesight. May be it Joes, but just see bow it strengthens the breath. lfil.... ..IUI o mMtlno of tub fil I and young children and the question put tovoteJ'who wastheir greatest binefao- tor. the loud and unanimous vote would 11 IUC.B "B - I be 'Dr. Bull for he gave us the 'Baby Syrup About the only thing an American ill co to any great trouble about is the J age of bis graodnaotber. He will make her older than anybody else's grandmother f lying can do It. I mu. k . .nm into nos- session of a new counterfeit one tf oiiar legl tender note. The counterfeit Is on the series of 1873. letter D, and with the signature of A. U. Wyman, Treasurer. It is an exceedingly poor counterfeit and is supposed to have h ul its origin in Cal- adi. ! A flock of giris is called a bevy; btvy of wolves a pack; a pack of thieves a gang; a gang of angels a bot; a hot of porpoise a shoal; a shual of buflAloea a berd; a herd o icniiurea rwj, mwjj ui ridgra a covey ; a covey . ul beau ties a galaxy ; a gilaxy. of ruf fians a hord; a horde of rubbish a heap; a heap of oxenja drove; a drove of black gnards a mo i a mQb of whales a school; a school of worshippers a congregation; a oongrt tion of engineers a corps; a corps of robbers a band; a. bind of locusts a swarm; and a swarm of people is calk da crowd. Tne Pleasures l lloje. When the body is bowed with pain an i i tense longing for relief brings hope. This miv b fcrlten the suffer I ne but it dues i c ire. At a time hke this bow wflaHue is such 4 friend as Warner's Safe Kidney and Idf-M" Cur, bringing hop aud utppiox aaa tw Jija oi reoewea life.. - S 1 The contest for nomination f r Judge ia the Fourth district seems to be princi pally between Mj JiS. C. McRae ai d Mr. Bart Fuller, of Cumberland, and Col. W Foster Freuch, of Robeson, although other names have twen mentioned Tie Hobtsonian savs hit Kot.etcn county is solid for GA Fiench. Black goose bive made iheir appear ance in this port. They are at least tif ty days in advance of their nsuil time of migration towards the Sutub tule. Tbev a a hsthioger of cold weath er and no doubt they have beard of Prof I Voncor'a prediction and have come South earlier than U8U:1. , I Anniversary of the Jio.in of 67 L. Today is the anniversary of the tre mendcus storm which occurred last year in oar sister city of Beaufort, causing an immense destruction of property there, in cluding the large hotel, which was swept entirely away by the high tide of the raging sea when a gallant young son. ot Major John Hughes, of Newbern, lost his life after risking it to save others Irom a watery grave. Gen Jas II. Lane. The many friends of General Ja?. II. Laue in this community will be lad to know that this bravo old veteran of the Army of Northern Virginia will arrive in this city in a few dsys. The surviving soldiers of Lane's brigade will be glad to I meet and to greet their old commander I once more. General Line, we hear, wil I be the guest of Major Thos. H. McKoy formerly of General Lane's staff, during his stay in this city. The First Bale. The first bale of the new crop of cotton of North Carolina growth was received here this morning over the Carolina Cen tral Railroad. It was raised by Mr. G. A Roper, of Laurinburg, and is consigned to Mr. . LLly. It is classed as strict low middling, and was weighed by Mr. Geo. H. e"J wuen 11 punea me Bcai3 uuwu l Iron 1 I. m t nnnto pouna We were advised yesterday of the ship ment of this cotton, but thought it best to withhold mention of it uu ll its arrival here to day. T.oof rraa-r Xfaccra Wi'lSama .fe Arnrrlil received the first bale ot new cotton. " and lh5a vear M. L ilv eet3 iu vear Mr. Lilly got the second new bale the day after the first was receivedj and thi3 year WjHicma & Mnrchison are advised of the shipment of the second bale a day atier Mr. iviuy cot tne nrsr. me secona bale comes from Sumter, S. C. We are also advised that Mr. E. P. Covington has d .to- dav of the shipment of a ba!e from Ladrei Hill, in Richmond county, Ithus making two second bales this year. These arrivals are ten days ahead of the arrivals last year. Fruit Groweis' Fair. 1 Mr. Natt Atkinson, president of the ,v" , . , . I IT- 1 aeaires ine puouc io uo reio.uucu association 'will bold its fair at Raleigh, aentember 8th. fith and .10th. A free , and coc pass going aod coming will be given one person frem each county, who will make a collection of fruits of his county and them there for exhibition. One oarrei 0f frujt also goes free. App'.ica'.ion mu8k mft0 me for 'passes. It i8 hoped that every county will be repressn- ted and the coireetion cf its iruits as com P".w Window Glass of all sizes, Do-rs, Sash and Blinds, Builders' nardware,&o Low est prices at Jaoobi's. , Clly Court Josephine Pigford and Annie "Jane Sherman, the two colored girls spofcen of in yesterday's Revisw who were ar rested for an affray, were arraigned this morning upon the foregoing charge. The smaller girl of the twj, whj was stricken with a brick, was discharged, and the older aud larger girl, Aouie Jne Soerman, was ordered locked up until this afttraoonf and then to be delivered to I er friends to be sent into the county. A white man who was drunk and down was arraigned upon the a lditioual charge of beiag 'disorderly. The Mayer ordered him to pay a fins of $10 or be impris oned for ten days. A Great Enterprise- The Hop Bitten Manufacturing Com pany is one of Rochester's greatest busi ness enterprises. Their Hop Bitters have reached a aale beyond all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their way into almost every household In the land. Graphic. - - I Scuppemong grapes were offered for sale lo market this morning. : :-. A pair of fine Caahmere goats, well hrokeo to harness, together with a com plete eet of double harness and a nobby buggy are t ffrred for sale by Mr. George F Trey. The turnout .is the nobbiest thin of the kir;d vpr in this otty. At Oak Grove. ; A Fi-te Chimpetre will be given at 0k Gr-ve, Wrihtsviile Sound, every Wedweeday t-v-ning during the season. Mr. F. A. Scnutte,the manager,' is deter mined to nuke his' Every Wednesday" a feature of the Sound and will guarantee a pleasant time to every one in attendance. See advertisement elsewhere. Larze Catch. The largest haul of fish made in thse parts at this season of the year, in the past twenty years, was made at Masonboio beach on Monday last, by the Hewlett seine. Fifteen thousand larg, fine mul lets vere! caught at one haul, ilost cf them were barreled up, but many weie brought to this city( and retailed in the market. Our informant further states that they did not catch one-half of the school. They hauled in the! seine until they grounded it and were then compelled to fctand and hold it until the tide fell, when they secured the mullets and bar relcd them. Sheriff Manning. General S. H. Manning, High Sheriff of this county, has just returned to this city from the land of his nativity in the great State of Maine, whither he has been on a six weeks' visit. The Sheriff i give a very Interesting account of his trip and says upon the whole his visit was a pleasant one. We tried to inter view the Sheriff upon the political ques tion and inquired if he found a Garfield man anywhere in his travels, and if so did not old P. T. Barnum have him on exhibition as a natural curiosity? Bat the sheriff declined to talk for the news papers although he claimed that the Solid South would be met by a Solid North. Of course we know that's go. Indiana, New Jersey, Connecticut and New York will all go for Garfield when tha klce come home, ana mat is always aittr sunset. The voting, we believe, is dote before that hour and the polls will clot e when the sun goes down on the 2nd day of November, Anno Domini, 1880. ta.t. Drane's Resignation. It is pleasant to us to know the esti mate in which old friends, and Wilming tonians at that, are held in the new r 1 homes, which so many of them seek. The fact that one cf these, Capt. H.M. Drate fcr many years past General Freight Ticket and PasseBger Agent on the Macon & Brunswick R R., has resigned bis po sition has been noted by us as well as the cordial regrets expressed by; ths Macon Telegvaph and Messenger, in which the announcement first appeared; Si&ce then we have found other notices in Georgia papers, all expressing the same real regret. We make no apology n quoting here from two of these. Ibe Brunswick Advertiser says? The news will be a surprise to his many friends here and along the line ol road. His unifjrm courtesy, great bust- aese tact unswerving devotion to the in te rests of the road and the section through which it runs, and thorough knowledge of the timber and naval store bvsiness and their needs nave endeared him to all those who have had business or social relations with him, and we know we are expressirg the universal. sentiment from here to Macon when we express our sincere recret at the action Col Drane ha determin d upon. Wj are notappi ed of tbe caute of his resignation, but sin cerely hope th it while a severe blow U the road and tne peopie, i; is induced oy the opportunity to better himself as a rail road man. t. The Scapott Appeal, another Bruns wick paper, has the following hanlsome expression of r.-gret: We are not apprized of the reasons foi his action, but take occasion to express our sincere regret at the proposed action of Col. Drane. He has been ao long iden tified with the Uoad. with the people aloog the line, with the interests through which it Diftses. and so tnorougniy ac quaioed by past experience with tbe lum ber and naval stores lnteresc, mat nis resignation will causa a feeling of regre not only among tbe business men along he una. bat with all classes oi tne rxopi. with whom "be has made his intercoms pleasant, and who appreciate his many fine qualities of head and heart. A gentleman of this city, who was re cently in Macon, says that the newspa pers do not exaggerate tbe general public sentiment on the subject. He abn tells ui that Capt. Drane resigned this posi tion for the purpose of taking one on at. other road. New Advertisements. For Sale. FINE PAIR if Cashmere Goat, well broken to hirae s, together with a fa!l set of h&rnesr and nobty Bnggj. The tarnout is consplet. QUO. F. TILLKY, ao 18 New Ma ket - FISHL FISH. New Mackerel. BARRELS, HALVES and , ' QUARTERS. For sale by JJall & Pearsall. FETE CHAMPETRE, Oak Grove Paris, WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, From 0 to 12 o'clock, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18;h, 1880. F, A. Schutte, Manager Table D'H.jte supplied with all the Del. icacies of the season.' Boats for Sailiug and Rowing. . 1 Still Wa'.erand Surf Bathing. Music by the Harpers. The Manager has spared no pains or expens3' in preparing for this 'occasion, i i - . ana can assure all who mav at. tend that evervthlnsr will be dono i to promote the pleasure and convenience of his guests, as it is his intention to make his "EVERY WEDNESDAY" a feature of the Sound. No objectionable persons allowed in the Park. I an 18-lt WATERMELONS, AB AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, having suddenly acq aired prominence, since the plucky Arew korjc Doctor cilled for one, P. L Bridge rs & Co., 20, 22, 21, 26 & 28 Front St., Wilmington, N, C, have laid in a supply for the use of their cus tomers of the largest and .finest ia this maraet, whica they are retailing at cost, and warranted superior to the article supplied Dr Tanner bv the Georgians. When lanner nnunea nis watermelon, he reramejd me use oi tsreaa ana latter, Ham and Mas tard, Bacoa and Cabbage, Fish, Flesh and Vegetables, in all tha wonderful variety'pro vided by nature, and seemingly erdaiaod by providence as necessarv to the maintenance of human life, and no where more abundant ly supplied than on the Retail Bhelves of j P. L. Bridgers & Co., 20, Z2,M, 28, and M Worth Front St, Wilmuigton, N. 0. .Tt is generally known, we suppose, that this delicious fiuit owes its pepulaiity to the fact that it holds ia solution, besides Flavor, ing Extracts, 8Ureh,8ujiar, Water, Coloring Blatter, and dalt, a small percentage of Al cohol and other articles, kept constantly fur sale ia separate parcels, ready to be mixed for popular use, by P. L. Bridgers & Co-, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Wilmington, Jf O. Ale .hoi being the Arabic for Whhker, which is an Americanism for the Irish word UIoQUE, the other word BAUGH bein sometimes added in virtue of the birth place of this unparalleled product of the bogs of ueland. We keep Whiskey in all sized shape and packages from a gill tickler to a sixty gallons caek, and from ten cents to two hundred dollars. French Brandy, Gin, Tokay Wine, Ex cellent Hcupperoong, Victoria B berry, Ha deira Winednuff, Plug and Ief Tobacco, Cigars, Canned and Pried Fruits, K g, Wo-ceeter 8auee, Condiments and Freer to. We are now reducing stock preparer n to our threatened removal te mora l iie and roomy qiarters in October, and will make it the iu teres t of all concerned in the use or the abuse of the abjve mentioned to call on P 'I. Bridgers & Co,. . 20, 22, 24,26 & 28 Front SS , , Wilmington, N. C, before making their aelectioas. NO CIIAIW3E for showing goods, for paeking or drai a&, or for Tewa Delivery, and we are perfecting our arrangements with the Railroad Compa nies and Steamboat lines o Sseithrillc, j etterille and Poiat Cavwell for reduced transportation on all goods shipped by P. L. BRIOGERS & GO, 23, 22, 24, 2G and 23 FrontJBrecV -. wiLniNGTUNjr, a t n Hew Advortisemonto. Attention Democrats I T-JEMOCRATS OF THE FOURTfl Ward are rrqneitel to meet at ihi Citr 1111 Tharsdv evening. 19th loit.. tft complete tke program me for e General Uatification oa th 24th init. busiaesa ot importance will be traaiacted. W. P. OLDlltlf fihm'n. Jinas Ksfsaicx, Sect'j. Amy Oakly. 810RT BY FL0BELLA. Meynardie. The Undiscovered Gonntrr. By W D How sll, I Tbe History of Worth Carolina, tiy W J Moore. New Edition kn Tiro Volume. For isle at sa 17 HEINSBERGER'3. Attention Clubs. j ANOTHER LOT OF Campaign Goods JUST RECEIVED. Country Clubs (Dem ocratio and Republican) will do well to send in their orders soon for Pictures, Badges. i - . Flags, (with names of candidates printed om them). Chinese Lanterns, Ao., at BUOK STORE. au 16 Bagging, Ties, Twine, 1,400 Rolls Cotton Bargbg, 1,600 Handles New and Pieced Tics, 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagging Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,700 Bbls flour, Beper to Extra Familj, 360 Boxes Pork Strips, Smoked and D & Sides, i ' - - i - (200 Hhdsand Bb'.s Porto Rico, New Crop ' Cuba and New Orleans Molasie'. Sngar, Coiree, &c. 200 Bbls Sugar, Cut Loaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra O and C. 276 Bags Coffee, Rio, Lagujra aad Java , i , . 100 Boxes Pure Assorted Candy, ltO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 1 1T6 Boxes Starch, 200 Boxes Lye and Potash, 126 Boxes Laundry Soap, ir.k.... a tr Tt if . qvai Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Ac Jror sale low by ! WILLIAMS k MURCHISON, au IT Wholesale Grocer k Com. Mtr. THOMAS B HcEOY, ... I SUCCESSOR TO Boatwright &DlcKoy, ; Offers to the trade this week : gQQ Barrels Flour, 5(3 Q00 Lbi Dry. Bait B. 8id.i, I 7 50 Tierces Fairbanks Lari, .1 de Bbls Sugar, a QQ Bbli afolasses, ': i IQQ Packages Crackers, 800 UM 4nnd4 Oeodr, 500 30X99 JQQ Boxes Starcl ' JQQ Packages Utaors, - ' jOO Boxm CAmij And Lots of ether Goods (o numerous to - - i mention. Daily receipts of Traih Ooeis St-ck alwsyi eqial to tte demand. Atk your neighbors who lave porcharel from us, bow prices compare with other nouses. Al X a k h triiL. Come and Me sac. xaoji. iT. sicKoy, .... Grocer as3 LfWrsr Deiler,

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