TUI8 PAPER neollthed every afternoon, Sundays pt by H8II. T. JAMES, . UrrOH AWO PKOPKIVTOB. BUa -C'HIPTIOa.OHTAaE PAID. PLEASE ffOTIGE. r Inr W will begad to receive eomrmalcationj ffiMn M..i. m ... . . tt ti r , wiiui va mj aau mix. raojecis o ceMrallaasreas butt The name of the writer saart al ji be far7 akhedto tke Editor. OommrniltttoM gait be written' on 0 oae side of the .paper. PexKtuIltlef nut rv voided, j J -Aiid it b eepeelallj ASMpartienlarlyiiaer Stood that the Edltnrti nA .1-... . WW tfne year,S& 00 8lx monUs, S3 50 ; Three months, SI 15 ; One month, 50 cents. rhs paper will be delivered by carriers, re of eharge, la any pert of the city, at the .bove rtui, or IS cents per week. kdrertisiag rates low and liberal 7StT '7 Jsr8abeerlberB will pleasereport any audi YUJj V WILMINGTON, N. C-THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1880. NO. 151 - i " tTlst Tsiw nsf n 1 1 1 1 1 . Is the editorial eolrans. " - wtinuuiiuaiiia. BZiw mn SfVM WS1 CI failures to reeetve their papers regularly. DA EE? LY BROWN & 'RODDICK 45 Market Street. GenU Jean Drawers, v nr own minufactuiv, C ants, regular pi io $ 125. Call and ex unlne. 1 h Elghmie Dress Shirt, $1, try tLem oi va and yoa will use no other. li-xlaiid Shawls. We are rlmlug tnit all our Shetland Shawls at $1; they are really worth $3. Lad Us' Co loco! Summer Skirts, from 50c to $1.75. A beautiful line. WlJe Trlnted English Cambric, 10 cents j er j ard regular price 15 cents. Printed Pacific lawns, 12 J cents pr yard, sol 1 all over the country at 15c, BLACK CRAPES. We have just received a largo invoico of Crapes In Single, Double and Triple. Suilable for Veilings and Trimmings. ' SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITV for the WIDOW'S CRArE, FOR'lUE DEEP EST MOURNING. A KL DrUe la Gents' Linen Ilandkcr. chiefs, $1 00 per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. Ws have Just received a new Corset to ro I i ..II . . m kit.nt I l3TnT17liI JPr "DflTITITnTr AH.hJ II J.V m MViaavai w 7 45 Market St. Jv 17 i disc nnnnDTiiuiTv rno TUClforthe rurnose of uniting in marriage A nnnfc urr un luilll l awn HI.. LADIES ! rt ARB 8KLLI!fO atRedaeed crloes v v Ladiec. UUsec and Children's Dresee aad Undwear, Trimmed and Untrimmed uU d Bnneu, lttet stjlv. We will Mil ofl oar Htock of bove named aiUelee at ItKUUOCD PBICE to make loom for Fall ffO'Kls. Uilr Work aad Mumping solicited. MI3ES3 KAUREU McGOWAN. JvlT For Rent. JEOM TUE lit of Ootober 1850, tbe rMldjnoe at the Soutswest - eoraer of 6Ut& aad UarketsU. Apply to J0B5 L. CANT WELL, iy I? tf , Box 4T9, Port OflSee. CLYDE'S Klevv York AND Wilmineon. M. C. Steamship Line, TUK STEAMER BENEFACTOR, 1APT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM HEW TUSK 0 SATURDAY. Augnst 2U fcau Skippers eaa rely opoa the promj t ailing of 8uAen as advertised. for FreLxht Cactfemeata apply to TUOS. E. BO.IU, Bap't, Wllmlaftoa, N. O. TUIO. a XOCK, Frelxat ArBt, fork. ' WM. P CLYDE A CXX. SA Broadway, Sew fork. at 17 House Wanted. SMALL BOUSK eooulnln tonr or Ate rooAS..AdJree etatlsf locatiea aad term. fcTK5ANT, as Il-Jt P. O. J13. J B 1 CHEAP BEADING! For the Campaign. The Daily Review, to Dec. 1st, fcr $1.00! The WiLMikQToN Jouunal to Dec. 1st, for 60ceutsl Tbo Wilmisqt s Journal published very Fri by, gives ll of tbo news of the week I The Dailt Review, published every afternoon, gives the news of the day and the latest market reports. Address Josh. T. James, Wilmington, N O. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. EG BiBKia 4 Co Fresh Lime Jso L Pi es't First Ward: Demo i critic Club f JisWKisa, eeetV-Tb!rd Ward D em o- cratie Club P T Dicxssr, President Tifih Ward Dem ooratie Club. 1 Yatbs Attention Clubs P Usisisiassa Amy Oakly Magisterial circles are dull. Window Glass all sizes at'ltafier & Price's. t Full mcon to-night at 4 minutes past 12 o'clock. Save your money and buy your Build" Ing Supplies from Alt tier & Price. Mr. C. E. Burr is engaged In getting np very handsome transparencies for the Grand Ratification meeting neat Tuesday night. Full Metal and Walnut Sh w Cases, all styles and szea, at Altaffkh, Piuck as t o s The Fayetteville Banner has decided I ' ... . ..... MMnoa r l.inrlnhlirs t f I'U rtlt hi IRhMl I L. , u Tl t. L . i i icero unuer auuiuer unmo. xi to v.w 1" point and we wish it success in its new field. I Rev. Dr. -Mendelsohn, of this city, was I In Charlotte on Tuesday, whither he went .. ....... tt.7i- Mr. iewis uerwaneer ana jjjiss uanuaui Frankenthal. of that city. " I and remember that the Only medicine It AO JWK UUUU tt UHKUI,. uoamiui '"J I ever Ukes Is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, certain! v converts anothsr family to the I use of the remedy. - 1 One old drunk and down and one on . - - 1 snsDicion were the two arrests last night, The first is held to get sober While the last was discharged. All of which was done without the formality of a court. Yesterday's Charlotte Press sayf . About a thousand olickens came down to day on the Statesville road by express - for Wilmington to-night. They areond of chicken : pie down by tbe sea. 'In the sweet bye aod bye. We'll eat chicken pie, chicken p!e.M ' Everybody can get suiud witha rocket iife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacoui's Knife s i Hardware Denot. Two Uales. I Messrs Newbury . & Chasten are deter- mined not to be behind. They received advias to-day of the Bhfpraent of two I bales of ne cotton lrom Mount uuve, iu Wayno county, which was expected here to day. Ibis is the first new cotton bear J from North of Wilmiogton. J To Fill Up- After U day the month of August, 1880, leaves btr teens andenUrs tbe twen ties; pretty soon summer win be gone. and then we will have the U I anu au- tumn, our harvut season in this section. May wo all be enabled jto , re.p a good harvest of Votes thi ear, too, lor honest cona;Uutional governaieut. fTbe only way to do this, however, is for every man to do bis doty between now and sundown un the 2 1 day of November. You must ta k to your indifferent neighbor and get him interested; give him jjood political documents to read, and if he can't read tbem, read U him UaucockV reply to n .-n 1 Governor Pease, ot Texas, and his letter c. , , , ... toOeoSbermAnlnlS.G . and we will guarantee If he Is Southern born and not political office setker, he will be a Hancock man before ycu get half way tnrongh the last named document. Work! 6 .... .1 . work I! work III must be ' our motto from now until the polls close. The Rtvcr : A slight rise of two and a half feet i reported in the ilvir, which lnei eases the demh of- water on the Shoals to ten or twelve feet. It will soon fall off again however, as the river is again fal I :s All this we learn from those on the North State. Purge out the morbid Luniors of the blood, by a dose or two of Aykk s Pij ls and you will have cleuer heads as ell a? bodies. i ! New fclyauiettes We raw this morning tin epaulette ordered for t he drum corps of theVYilming I ton Light Infantry. Tliey are deci ledly the handsomest we bve sson aud wifl add much totthe app.irance cf . the corps. In addition to the epaulettes the corps are to receive very handsome vizor'ees raps, trimmed with gold lace. Yesterday's Kxcursion. A large c?owd of ladies and gentlemen totk advantage of the opportunity offir ed for an excursion down the rivej yes terday cn the Passport under the aus- pleeaof the Ladies of the Front Street Methodist Church. A good time was had and the excursionists expressed theme salves well pleased with their trip. The Second Bale. The bale of cotton spoken of by us yes terday as received by Mr. E. P. Coving ton, was shipped by Mr. Jeptha Gibson, of Laurel LI ill . in RicLmond county. It i was classed as rxiddling at,d sold for 11 J cents. Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros, also received a new bale to day. It was from jjr. E. L. McCormac, of Shoe Heel, was classed as middling, and sold for 13 cents. The weight of the bale received by Mr. Covington was 490 pounds and that re ceived by Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros was 636 pounds. The loans: Democrats. The meeting of the Young Men's Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club, held last night at the City Hall, was largely attended and was in every way a . , , . i mer leaiure oi me evenins was an aaarcs delivered by Mr. E. A. O'dham vihich . , a havA hnaril viirm 7 rnmmflnnft hv minv. Thfl fllnh ment fun tn.mnrrnw : r 4i .: rangements for tbe parade on Tuesday nght. Pri-IMno nn TnrnnllfA "i o v.. uw -i""- r n n rt Til iiT 11 aiessrs. ii. r . uamsne, nooc. u. uewen and S. W. Roberts were on the 1 urnpi ke , -. t . . . i i l rni U18UI Wlfcu lucir ""i? gentlemen went aoout nve mues wnen -1 1 "ii they retraced their way back to this - c,ty. They can make the trip from Wil - - mington to the riound in abcut forty-five minutes. Xhey were much please i with the speed of their "horses" and will, we undeistand, make a test of their speed at " tij date. You can buy .No 1 Cookiug and Hats m m. A ! v W V LIpi)lncou' Haazine For September opens with a well-illus trated paper on the lake region of Florida, 'EkoUah Scrub,' which,lying cut of tbe line of ordinary travel, is but lhlle known, though its natural features and scattered settlements are cunous and in teresting. The c ncluding paper of A. H. ilofrfriVa lParrui5nT nn till. Hih IVfisSSiq- & " " Vlll.u,lirlk 5n Aiisl , bv lKa an;h2r of L. Mona?dinr8 ykce, u a charminslv 1UeQ .coeunt of a summer passed in a auaiut TUlian town, the resort of plkrlms ffom eyery quarler, and the scene of some of the most striking ct nmoLies and :e lh-ious practices VkLich have discenetd from med ire al times Newport a Hun- drid Years Ago, by Frances Pieriepont North, is an article which calh up vividly the period when this chkf am )i g Ameri oan watering places was occ. pied by a yreuch army ai.d 11 et. seut to aid the caUia of Americin i'ldeei-denie, and WM even more gay and biiilui t thn ii is at the present day, H;ise-Uacing in France,' tbe first two papers by L. Le. jeuue, is full ol details that show a famiL. twity with the subjjet in all its relations, The fifth chapter of 'Studies iu tbe Slum by Helen Campbell, treats of 'Diet and iis Doing.' 'Slort Studies in the Picturesque,' b WUlim oaD! f T w f8 close observation of the choice but char. acteristic features of American scenery. ,. i,,lllim aTli, VrD , aj The continuation of Udam and Eve, sev- era, suort ies and poems, the 'Monthly wbicn unusually full, and the literature of the Day complete the numbcr . ; , . 77 c. . Window Glass of all sues, Do wr, Sash aQJ BUnJjh Builders' Hard ware,&o L,iw est prices at Jacobi's. Disastrous' Fire 'at Long Creek. We regret very much to learn of a dis astrouc fire which occurred this mornirg at Long Cretk, in Eecder&ounty. Aboa 2 o'clock the alarm was given when it was discovered that tbe largest and hand somest residence in the, town was on fire. It wus known as the Satchwwll houee and was owned by Messrs. Bell & Bro., who occupied one portion aod Mr. W. T ewtJi the othtr. Toe citizens turned -ut pronjp-ij but the fire had obtained B'ich tie day when the alarm was sound d ih.u it was found to be impossible to H1VH Mlf In-. rflr (T hniMinn I'lir.nrh U i if otle oi the citizens Messrs. Bell & Bro javed all of their furniture but Dir. New. ell lost everything, his wife and family barely escaping! in their night clothes without having had time to save even an outside garment. Indeed, Mrs. Newell and her little granddaughter made a very narrow escape from a fiery death. The fire is supposed to have been accidental, and to have originated in the dining room around the stove. There ancejon anything. was no msur- A Good Joke on SioinuDody. Because a man's hair is. tinged with gray or contains a silver lock here and there, there is no reason tbat be should always appear as sober a9 a Judge about to pass tbe death sentence upon a prison er. At least, that must have been tbe opinion of some of oar grave and reverend seigneurs on Change this morning when one, a younger member f the Produce Exchange.offered twenty-five cents to an other to black his shoes. The offer was immediately accepted bya third party ,who is a member of one of the oldest commis eion houses on the wharf, which counts its commission account away up among the thousands. Entering into the spirit of the joke another member of the Ex change stepped out and soon brought back a boy with a shoe box, blacking andbrusb. All that was needed now to perform the job was a little nerve and resolution on the part of the party who accepted the offer, and this was not lack ing, for taking a seat directly in front of his patron he commenced tbe job while all stood around to see tbe operation. The shoe blacker our grave and reverend Seigneur, must pardon us for the time be ing in designating him thus performed his contract Worthily, gave a good shine and got bis quarter amidst vociferous ap plause and laughter by all present. The money, bowever, went to the genuine boot black finally, who thought it a cap ital joke and an e&sy paying job for him. Mora'. Never be too proud, young reader, to earn an bonest quarter of a dollar by a little labor or bard work. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent fur the Atlas Plow, parties in want 01 tnis eelejratea now can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 Si Front st. tf. Knights of Honor. A letter udjr date of Aug. 15, from Grand Dictator Theo. F. Kluttz, at Salis bury, to the Charlotte Observer, makes the following announcement authorita tivcly. - I Tha Grand Lodge Knights of Honor will be called to order in Asbeville, Tues day, August 24th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Speciil cars hava been chartered to con vey reprfsantatives, their families and friends, from Salisbury to Asbeville ana return at $3 for the round trip, tickets good to return on any regular train for five days. Cars will be attached to regu lar Western' North Carolina Railroad trains, leaving Salisbury at 10.30 Mon day night, August 23rd. Eistem dele gates arriving at Salisbury too late for this arrangement will be passed ever 'tbe WesUrn North Carolina Railroad at 3 cents per mile each way. The Raleigh & Gaston and Wilmington & Weldon roads will pass representatives for 3 cent8 per mile each way. The Atlantic & North CaroHua and .Richmond & Dac viller N. C. Division 6 cents per mile for round trip. Representatives on the Caroliua Central road unless directed otherwise will buy round trip excursion tickets to Asbeville, via Charlotte and Statesville. Charlotte 'and Concord members will come via Salisbary. Spe cial arrangements have been made with the proprietors of the Female College in in Asbeville fcr hotel accommodations at reduced rates. . .... Tbe Bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Nerve quieting Hop. the superb Mal arial antid ote Qainine, and otbor precious ingredients, combined without fermenta tion, are the ingredients of 'Malt Bitters prepared by the Malt Bitters Company. GRAXD U1SSMEETIXU OF THE DEE 0CRATIC PARTY Tnere will be a Grand Mass Meeting and Porch light Procession of the Demo cratic Party on Tuesday, August 24th, 1880, at Wilmington, N O. i The following named gentlemen have accepted invitations and will be present and address the meeting: Hon. T. J Jarvis, Uon. Z B. Vanc, Hon. M. W Raxkm, Uon. D. G. Fow'le, Hon. J M. Lkach, F. H.Bu bbk. Esq.. D. Hi McLean, Esq., Col. D K .iicRae, Mf j. G M Btedman, Maj. D. J. D.SVAXE And the following have also been in vited and it is hoped will be pr sent: Hon. A. O- MEBRIijoN. J. W. ShACKELFoBD, Eeq , Hon. A. M. Waddell, Capt. Oct. Cvxe. The Wilmington I & Weldon and WiU mington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads will iesue tickets good for three days at two cents a mila each war. and th Carolina Gmtral Railway will issue re turn ticxets at greatly reduoed rates, for which see circular. The Fayette!! . Smithviile and Black River boats will is sue tickets.1 of the round trip for one fare. lv democrats are invited to partici pate. By the General Committee, F. H. Dakbt, Chairman. James W. King, Secretary. New Advertisements. Fresh Lime. 1AQ0 BARRELS JUST LAN n ING, Aad for sale by an 19-lt E. G. BARKlSR k CO. First Ward to the Front. TO ALLY TO THE DEMOCRATIC Bngle jl v uau. v ictory lies witfiin jour Urup I Yen are hereby notified to meet promptly TO NIGHT, ai8 o'clock. Business pertain ing to toe urana Batm cation Meeting, An. gnst 24th, is to be transacted, A fall attend ance is requested. -JOHN L. DUDLEY, Pres't. W. H. Stbauss, Beet'y. - an 19-lt Tlilrd Ward Democratic 1 Club. 1 THERE WILL B3 A MEETING of the Club TO-NIGHT, I at Munds' Hall, to make arrangements for the Ratification Meet in? on the 24th. A f all attendance is de tired. JAS. W. KING, au!9-Jt 1 Bectfy. Fifth Ward Democratic Club. 1 ALL DEMOCRATS In this Ward are re qaested to attend a meeting ot the Club at the Stedman Fire Company Mouse, corner of Fifth and Nan streets, on Thursday Eve nicg, 19th instant, at 8 o'clock. Business of importance to be attetded to. P. T. DIOKSET, Ft et'lt JTBlSK WlLI.ia.MS9H, DSCt J. au 19 It ! Attention Democrats I TiBMOCRATS OF THE FOURTH Ward are requested to meet at ths -Citv Hall on Thursday evening, 19 th Inst., at 8 o'clock:, to. complete tae programme for tee General Ratification oa the 24th Inst. Business ot importance will be transacted. W. P. OLDHAM, Chm'n. Jambs Kivdbick, Bect'y. au 18-at For Sale. FINE PAIR of Cashmere Goat?, well broken to htrne s, together with a fall set ofharnejf and nobby Buggy. The turnout is complete GEO. F. TILLEY, au 18 New Ma kct FISH. FISH. New TJlackerel. I 1 ' .-. : 1:' BARRELS, 1 HALVES and 1 QUART. I;. For sale by Hall Sl Pearsall. an 18 rJlrs. S. J. Baker. FASHIONABLE MILLI5ERY, I Wilmlngion, If. C Corner Third and Orange Street TANOT GOODS, H otions, Hats, Bonnets, A? Flats, Flowers, Feathers, Ornameats of all kinds. Will renew aad work oyer all kinds ot old hair, braids, combings, Ae., root them and make ttetn equal to new. Old Hats nude to look like they were sew Call aad see my specimen of work. jelO MRS. B.J. BAKES. Hew Advertisemonts. Amy Oaklv. 8TOBT BY FLOMLLA Afjyiariie. The Undiscovered fjonntrv. P xxr r a, .n. ' -j " V TT BUS, The History of Worth Carolina. Py W J Moore. lw Edition In Two Volames, 1 For sale at HEIWSBETIOER-s. aa 17 Attention CIuj! ANOTHER LOT OF Campaififn Good IS JUST RECEITED. Country dobs (Dem- ocraUe aad Bepublican) will do well to send in their orders soon for Pictures, Badges , Flags, (with names of candidates printed cn" their). Chinese Lanterns, Ae., at I BVOK STORE. I an io Baggin Tics, Tino. 1.400 Rolls Cotton Bagig, 4,500 Bundles Stw and Pieced Ties, 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagging Twine. F 1 lour, Bacon, Molasses. '1 200 Bbls flour, Bsper to Extra Family, 2:0 Boxes Pork StripgJ Smoked aad D S Sid, 200 Hhda and Bb's Porto Rico, New Cro p Cuba and New Orleans Molasces. Sugar, Coffee, Ac, 200 Bbls Hugtr, Cut Loaf, Granulated Standard A, Extra O and C. 275 Bags Coffee, Kio, Laguyra snd Java, 100 Boxes Pure Assorted Caady, 160 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 176 Boxes Starch, 200 Boxes.Lye and PoJaih, 125 Boxes Laundry Boap,; Tobacco, SnafF, Paper, Match ea, Shot, Pepper, Ginger, Hoop lion, Spirit Barrels . Ac For sale low by j WILLIAMS A MURCHTFON, au IT Wholesale Grocer A Coat. Mt r. WATERMELONS, AB AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, having suddenly acquired prominence, since the plucky i Mew sork Doctor called for one, when his fast ended. P. L. Bridffers & Co. 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St., Wilmington, N. O., have laid in a supply for the are of their cus tomers of .the largest and fined in this market, which they are retailing- at ooet, ana warranted superior to u e article supplied Dr Tanner bv tbe Georgians. When Tanner finished his Watermelon, ho returned the use of Bread and Butter, Ham and Mus tard, Bacon aad Cabbage, Fish, Flesh and Vegetables, ii all the wonderful variety pro vided by nature, and seemingly ordained by providence as necessary to the malatenancj of human life, and no where more abundant ly supplied than on the Retail Shelves of F. L. Bridgers & Co., 20 22, 24, 26, and M North Front St, Wilmington, N. C. 1 H is generally known, we suppose, that this delicious fruit owts its populai itr to the -fact that it holds in solution, besides Flavor, ing Extracts, 8tarch,ugar, Water, Coloring Matter, and Halt, a small percent g of Al cohol and other articles, kept constantly far sale in separate parcels, read to bsnaxsd lor popular use, by P. L, Bridgers & Co; Wholesale and Retail Groctrs, Wilmington, If C. Alcohol being the Arabic for Whiskey, which is an Americanism for the Jrih word O It) QUE, the other word tt AU 311 beins: sometimes added in virtue of the birth place of this unparalleled produet of the bogs of Ireland. We keep Whiskey in all s!z:d v shapes and packages from a gill tickler to a sixty gallons caskj and from ten cents to two hundred dollars. French Brandy, Gin, Tokay Wine, Ex c3lUnt fevppernone, Victoria Bhvry, Ma ira Wine, dnuff. Plug and Leaf Tobacco, -iars, Canned and Dried Fruits, E g, w oroeeter ttaace, Condiments aod Preserves. We are now reducing stock pref arat ry to our threatened removal to more elegile and roomy qiarters in October, and will make it the iu teres t of all concsrnsd in the use or the abuse of the above mentioned to eaUon .- P- L. Bridgers & Co., 20, 22, 24,26 4 28 Front BS., Wilmington, N. O . before makicg their aelections. NO CHARGE for showing goods, for packing or drayaze, or tor Town iseiivery, and we are prrcung our arrangements with the Kailroad Compa nies and Steamboat lines to8sithT0Ie, Fy- -etteville and Poiat Canrrll for redaced trausportatkm ou all goods shipped by P. 1. BBIDGERi a C3, 20. 22. 24. 26 a J 23 Front tftmu. j VV1LMLNOT ,:. ;. u 18