,mly .ne withered blossoms Crumbling to dry decay : i inu uv naif lorn la. lwo iiy throw" away: ,.".1" i U art tUafa brcalnfC rVlt 1- rl could brk!E. U ( .mia Unflli, We, AU fjr wouiau'a bake, . only a few such tokens M"V " ..... - i..v-Miit.'k f.ioL ?."t.7 asw that strew the Wtuk?v' Lot flames grow cold. V.?t the Br.w w-u by Ipouwiiidi riJ dupe Of a er fllrl . sii fhe nt time u.at priceless lore Only la JokI You know It X,.w. tnough if. rather late; IUihrr too Hte t turn lu your life ...jt.evk another IaU. ... ....I . mu like thousands. vvitaahertthatwlll vw r and twirl Aid f.-l a Kl"w lDe worU "ua K'aUCe KiidliNl forever and done. v rn-krd ty a treachemo sml e, Kullowrd madly a wllI-o;-tbc-wbp. Happy. If but for awhile. Unly a heart that' broken i u t . If uearueau break, . o ily a iun adrift for life. All for a woman's tak. 8iiu.iiiin& Th und mm in a miustrel show nukfs oouiUjrbt noise. for one who x 'oork-d up.4 Yooker-i Siateaman. Tiie North T ile o mists of a resplen d,.ut til i4 of rain-jral, risjug 100- feet bve tho water, and glistening like lnbtd U- acoordiag to a Cnioag cuirvoyaot. who saw it plainly in o trauce. Tne cnsm operations in Georgia have rereaieJ the fact that in 1SG0. bj n.me carious error, everybody iu Oglethorpe county was pat down in in- oouud a black. There is no re cord of how Oglethorpe coauty liked it. The were walking in the fields, and Mary heiUtcd to pass through a lane that contained a pugnacious looking Koit. 'Why, 31 try, said Charles, coma aloug; thia is the first -time yon ever refused me when I asked yon to p88 the butter.' U W. Oriswell, formerly of tho Oil City Derrick, and lately of the Oincm nati Enquirer, has Parted a paper of hHowutn Titoaville the Itrolum Vrld.' Tue water in Cincinnati didn't agree with CriswelL lint how he as certained that fact is what his friends caonot comprehend. Boston Pjst. The teacher was questioning a class in the Sunday school on tbo Lord Tryer 'Oar Father whioh art iu hea ven. Wuy do we say 'whicu art in heaven, he adkedwhen we know that (Jjd is every where?4 A little drum mer boy ateppsd forward, his hand raised to salute. 'Because it is Ilia headquarters.' The Churchman. Bret II arte writes that he never sees in Europe a woman toiling in the hot fields that ho does not thans heaven thit he lives in a republic where there are men enough to plow and hoe and reap, and whioh has room enough on level cround for all the people. For a man who lives iu a republic, Bret dies a powerful amount of living out of it. New York Commercial Adver tiser. iJelh ! when did you return? asked Saopson of bis friend Bmns. whom he met oa the street. 'Why I haven't ben away replied the latter. You haven't?- incredulously asked Saopson. 'Why, you look so worn out and near dead that I positively thought yoa Lad been away to one of the watering p.aoea for a few weeks for the benefit uf your health.' No ristowu Herald. m m m A Word to our Readars. Wbca you read of a remedy thit will cure atl diseases beware of It; but when yt u read of a puro vet-ible compound which cUlm to cureouly certalu parts of the boiy, and furnishes high proof that it does this, yon can eafely try it acd with the assurance that it will help you Thit is just what Warner's Safe Kidtey and Liver Care does. It cured all troub le of tho lower portion of the body and cone others. It will not help the tooth ache, ear-ache nor consumption, but it will pm your body in a vigorous and healthy state where you can enjoy life and appreciate its g wd things.- Try it. - Loudon T:mes. The Lnw or Entail. Much misapprehension exists iu this country a to the present powers of rut ail in England. Thcrois no such thing aa a law of primogeniture, ex cept in so far that if a man die iuted tato his res! estate would pass to his rldeat son, except in Kent, whereit would be divided among ait his pods Up to the oio-reof the century, tbe power of entail was inimitable. It was curtailed in consrquencd of the extraordinary will made by a merchant named Tbelliweon, of Swiss origin, who accumulated a Tiit fortuae in London, partly by buying np jewels from French emigres at tha time of the great revolution. Mr Theltusson intended his money to accumulate nc ti. it would have reach d about $Ax). IXJ).000. The gaverumen deeming it nudeairablj that any subject shoulJ possoss wealth so co'opfal, introduced a bill liaiitiug entail to living pereoi anJ '21 year afterward. Tuia is not much greater than tho power of entail in New York, and almost ideutical with thai in MaaaachuietU. Many es tate iu and around New Yoik the LsJjrta, Kbinelander, .for example are entailed. In Eog-anJ hundreds of crreat properties ate completely unen tailed, and it is purely the cuatom, not tha law, of the oiuntry which wilt caua them to be transmitted to the eldeat aou. Men who are very liberal iu politics favor the custom, because they think that it keeps np the position of a family, aud that were au estate di vided up iu the next generation none would be better for such division. It i not generally understood here that the law iu E gland pormild a man to leave Lis property precisely as he please, and that a duke can leare all to bia footman. The great estates, for iatano, of the Bake of Hamilton uib marriage, aDsoIutely unentailed. This came out in some Iawprooeding ittendto This! All IUncock and'Encliah C.'amnaf.rT, Clubs, and other organizations which sup port the Democratic candidates, are re quested to send lo W. H. Baraum, Chair, man National Democratic Committee, 13tS Infill Aa....! T . t I ' . uiu aicuur, ,iew lOlK, ' 1st. The name arid location of their or, eanization. 2d. A statement ef the number of mem bers enrolled. . 31. The names of ofti3ers. 4th. Accounts of n.eetings held. o h. lieports, every two weeks during the Campaign, ol the number and iu- creas ot mrmbersLlp, with the condition and prospects of tbe. canvass. I When you vlait or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Iiotel, opposite itranu tmrai uepou .European plan. Kooins reducel U $1.00 and upwards I,staurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly Warner's Safe, i. . Kiise? ; Liver UG? SI 25 PER BOTTLE ! A Positive Ktrmedy for ALL Kid neyt Liver and TJrinafv Troubles of both Male and Female 'It saved my life.' E. B. Lakely, Selma, Ala. 'It Is the remedy tbat will cure the many diacaoea peculiar to women.' j Mother's Magazine. 'It has passed severe tests and won en dorsement from some of the highest medi cal talent in tho country ' N. Y. World 'No remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with lt. O. A. Harvey, D. D .Washlngton.D.O. This Great Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists in all Parts of the World. ' TRY IT AND TAE NO OTHER H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochoftor, N. Y. au 7 j flRPAKJQ 14 Stops, Pub Bass. Oct. Couj- wnuniiw ler. Vox Celeste, and Vox Hu mana. Henton trial warranted, only $6k l'ianss $125 op. Catalogue 'free. Addiess Daniel f.Ueatty, Washington, N. J. aull Agenti Wanted tor Hmith'e Bible Dictionary ""'"'PICTORIAL BIBLES Address, for Circulars, A J IIolmam A Co., PhUadelphia. . aull THE BONANlA FOR BOOK AGENTS is selling our splendidly - illustrated book Life of CERI. HANCOCK, written by his life-long friend, Bon. John W , rorner, an author or national fame and an ardent admirer of the snperb soldier" inclading the I ife or the Hon. WM. U. ESQLIaU. This work- Is officially endorsed, low-priced, immensely popular, and selling beyond precedent. Outfits 60c. Act quick and eoin money. For the best book, best terms, and full particulars, address HUB BARD B 03., Atlanta, Ua. j aull-aw I THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE T0 not confound this Matoblefs Benors- V-J tor of Feeble and Exhausted onstita ti"ns with violent cathartics, cheap decoc tions of rile draft, aad ruinous Inoxicaatj innrcentlj labe'led bi:trs." M ALT BIT TER appeal to popular confidence because rrparrd from TJnfermented Malt, Hop, and Qil-ine, and other preeiou ingredients, acoordtrg to tbe proeetg ot Liabif, and are richer in the elements tbat rrvtore to perm a nnt health tbe Weak, CooTa'eicent, Over workei, Nertous, SleepIM, DvspeDtic, Bil- ooi, aad Fictle In Appetite, than all other forms of Malt or Medicine. Tho rennine are plainly sttrneJ by the company Void every where. MiLTU TTEK8 COMPANY, Bos ton. Mass au ll-4w CHEAP RflEAT. A FEW T!Krti;3 REJECTED CANVASSED HAMS1 Will be sold at SIX Contn. Hall &'pearsall.' Go to VanOrsdeirs fcT OALLEBY TO-DAY, If j on wish to i the most beautiful line of Faaoy Frames. i : ' Easels, .Basal Frames, Papepartouts, Matts, Mouldings 'for making fra es, Cord and Tassels, PUver and Gold Wire, Ae., erer of fered in this city. f H Parties seading babies to me by mail to be Ihovr rath4. will pleaae mark on th envelope, handle earef ally. U, a, VaaUiwiUMjL Artist, nay.lT-tf WUmiswtcn, If. a 4 MiacollaneoTiF. The World for 1880. Democrats erery whet e hosld Infirm thtc selree carefullv alike of tue action of i;.w party throughout the country j and of b movements" of their Kepoblicaoi opponents. A fail are to do thia in 1874 ountributed rea y to the loss by the Democracy o. the fruit of the victory fairly woa at the ioils. The year 18fc0 proals- to be one of the most interesting and import t jein o thie crowded and eventual eentury. It ritl wit ness a Presidential election anich Uihj result in reestablishing the Government f tLLs country on the principle of iu c netitntional founders, or in permanently changing the re lation of the Mate to ihe Federal power. 'o intelligent man can regard such a i elec tion with indifference. lDe World, as the only daily English cewwpapor pabiish'Ml i' the city of ew York which uphiiios tht doctrines of coDiti:uti&al l'eioocracy, will steadily represent the licmocratic party in this.great canv&tu t wi. do tbia in no spirit ot servile parusanerjip, Dt temperately and firmly. As a newspaper the vtorid, beio the organ of no intn, d cliq ie and no inter est, will present the fulleet aod the fi-est f.ictare it can make ec daj'i hietorj ic the ci'y, the rUt6, the "count' y and "the world. It will aim cereal ter, a heretolore, at accuracy first of all things in il tut it publisher. 'uman, oer r huoib!, shali verbe perrt ittea truly to complain that he has been unjustly delt with :u th - columns ot The World. .No intereut, bowt r-r pnwr fal, ahall ever be permuted truly to bout that it can tilnce tne fair criticu'ns of The World. During tbe paat year The World seers its daily circulation trt.iu.ed atid its weekly circulation punhed far beyond thut of any other weekly newspaper in the oountry. This great increase has been won; as The World believes, by truhfulne, enterprise ceaseiess activity is collecting news and un faltering loyalty to ibetf and to its readers in dealing with the question of tha dy It is our hope and it will be our enaeav r tha The Worlu'sreeord for 1SS0 may be written in the approbation and th support of many thousands more of new reaiers in all prt-j of thia Indhsoluole Union of Indoetractibl- SUtes.: IBATE8, Our rates of subscription remain unohang ed, and are as follows : Daily and Sundays, one year, $10; six months, $5.60; three months, $2 75. Dally, without Hundays, one year, $8; six months, $4.25; three months, $i 2d; leea than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one ypa $2. The Monday World, containing the Book Reviews and College Chronicle," one year, $1.60. The Pernl-Week'y World (Tuesdays and Fridays) Two Dollars a year. To Clnb Agents An extra cipyfor club of ten; tho Daily for club of twenty-five. The Weekly World f Wednesdiy) One Dollar a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for c ub of ten, the hemi Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty. Specimen numbers sent free on applica tion. Terms Cash, invariably In advance. Bend post-othce money order, bnk draft or registered letter. Bills tt risk of the send er. Address "TIIE WOULD,?' 33 Park Row, IV. Y, A SPECIAL OFFER. Subscribers who send $i for a year's sub seription bbfore December 28 will receive The Weekly World from the date of their subscription To iTIarch 5, 1881. This will Include the Presidential campaign and the inauguration of tbe next President. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 28. for a renewal of their subscrip tion for " 1880, will receive The Weekly World to March 5, 1881, without missing a number. J This Oiler -will be With! drawn Icccmbcr 01 Takeadvantage of it at once, t Subscribe at ono.-.Kenew at once, dec 10 The CosinopDlitan Bar I 8 THK PLACE TO GET ANY AND ail of the fancy, delicious, cooling drinks ofthe Season, ice co 1 Lager las on hand. None but the very bent of Lia lors d-alt ou I at this Bar. t'izars of the o t briodj cia always bi frmd at the (Jooi. p3litan. jy .No. 12 ilarxf-t 6t. Soldiers ! A. TQO!4 1?, Corner 9th snd F stree , Washington, D. C attends to Ponsion and Back Pay. Bounty Claims collected. Con tested Land Claims, Mineral and Agricultu r-1, attended to before the Department of tie Interior and Supreme C urt.JLai War rants purchesed. je 18-tf IN, 17 h ViiLL'AlU. THE RALEICH NEWS. P. M. Halr, Editor, L. L. Po.k, Cor. Kd. Edwards, ubodoutjn A Ci., but. Ma&'gre. A":K. C. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. DAILY AND WEEKLY.' . Ter'm' Daily, 1 year, $7; 6 months, H.T.O; laionu.l.7.' Weekt, one year, $2.CC;"six months, $1. Ac dress. 4 TIIE HALEIG11 NEWS, Kaleigh, N. a Jy 13 If yuu arv a m.ui t bid.,u-., w tkn.t-d y ti.e t-train or n your dutkw, av.iiil tuii: your UuttuK, aviitil itiiiiuLuii.j atid ue U yoa n man of leW, tnilinp frpryonr rcliuLt worfc to ronton? bnuo m rrv and w ot-tv, xit ir ytw are yoant? and cffcrinjr from any ip-i- r. t!on or u.aiptin ; 11 yoa are marru-a or nrr". riii or mm roans, mulorine from poor health or Kciuah- wm 1 1 iiuroaabtl ot riikw, nlyrn j Wtkoe tpt ytm are, wherever yoa are. txnever you t tel VVVJ V W V V VWXVWB Gave tou r1vrer. kidnrt rr rnr cwvla't. rti. Tou will be cured tf you use If too are nlmpty we&k and low rrdri try Bay It. Myoarein7 Toar drajrjrtst ter i t. iifltuDoalfi. IS are immr tii It aave4 fcdrd. In. IX I. C t. mm ml.te i mrnktmU nrr TT Arwlrm-M. w of Miscellaneous. THE DAILY REVIEW, JOSH, T. J AJMES, EDITOU ANl) PUBLISHER Is published 1 I Every Alternoon (Sundays excepted). At tbe f jib wing rate, postage paid : One Tear. $5 00 Six M onths 2 50 Thiee Months ....... 1 1 25 One Month.' 60 The papar will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the Lbove rates, or 13cents per week. The Daily Keview is now in the fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadiiy increasing subscrip tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirable'medi- urn for advertising THE MI1T0H JOURNAL oosh. ;x. ;;james, Is pnbliRhe-I EVERY FRIDAY. i i - At the following rates : One Year $2 00 SixMontlis 1 00 Three Months 50 E&The WiLMisaToa Journal circa - tes largelyin the adjoining cotm- i ties'as'well as in the.Westenfpor tions of the State and presents nn qnalled facilities to merchants for making known what they have for sale; Miscellaneous, CRAY'S SPECIFIC MED CI NR. . iASIC-,, OasavTRAOE MARK English Kem dy, An un failing cure for tiemiBal Weak aees, 8 p rmatorr- nea,irapoten-cy.andalldia- BEFORE TAJUI8.eases thatfol AFTER TAIIIB. low, as a sequence of rielf-Abue;as jlkws of Memory, Universal Laxeitade, Pain in the tUck, Dimness of vision. Premature Old Age, and many other Hia eases .that lead to Insanity or Consumption .and a Premature rave. Aa Full particulars in our pamphlet, whifeh ws desire to send free by mall to every ne. The 8peci6c Medicine is sold by ail druggist at $1 per package, or six pack age for $5, or will be sent free by mail or receipt of the monev by addressing THE CQAY MEDICINE CO.. Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mien, "ia, Fold in Wilmington, Wholesale and detail, by ftreen A Flanner and a'l druggists everywhere. ect 11-dawly. NO MORE OR GOUT ACUTE OR OH RON JO A ALDCVILICN SURE CURE. 4 Manufactured only under the above Trsd Mark, by the EUROPEAN HALIOYL10 MEDICINE CO., of Paris and Leioiig. Immediate Relief W arranted. Per wan en Cure Guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated Physician of Europe and America, The highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures out of 100 eases within three days, i Secret The only disso'-ver of the poiso eus Uric Acid which exists in the Blood o Rbeumatie and Gouty Patients. CURED. CURED. CURED. H 8 Dewey, Esq., 201 Broadway, Inflam matory Rheumatism. J Leavey, Esq, 4M5 Washington Market, Chronic Rheumatism. Mrs fi T.- wne, 63 East Ninth street, fohalky formations in the joints), Chronio Kheuma tiszn. A M Prager, 74 Newark avenue, Jersey City. Chronio Rheumatism. John F Chamberlain, Esq, Washington Club, Washington! D C, Rheumatic Gout. Wm K Arnold, Efq, 12 Weybosset street, Piovidence, R I, of twenty years' Chronio Kneumatism. John B Tursgate, 100 Oanchea street. Ban Francisco, Neuralgia and Sciatica. For MalarialtIntennittent and Chronic Fevers, Chills, or Ague, 8ALICYLICA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Superseding entirely the use of Sulphate of Quinine, as it will not only cut the feven, but will achieve a RADICAL CURE, with out any of the inconveniences and troubles arising trom VI UliMlKfH'. Si a box, six boxes for $5. psent free by Mail on receipt of.money. ASK YCUEUDRUGGIST IFOR IT! but take no imitation or substitute, as our Salicylica (copyrighted) Is guaranteed to re lieve, or meney refunded, and will be deliv ered free on receipt of orders, by calling on or addressing Washburne & Co.. I SOLE AGENTS, 212 Broadway, cor. Fulton et. (KnoxiBulld ingj, W. i. feb28-lydAw. Is a compound of the virtues of sarsapa- rilla, stillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodideof notash and iron, all pow erful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and life-sustaining elements. It is the purest, safest, and in every way the most effectual alterative medicine known Or avauaoie to the cublic. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valua ble a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. An thony's Fire, Pimples and Face grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tu mors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, xh eu ralgia, Female WeaKnesses ana ir larities. Jaundice. Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation,! and General Debility, k Bv its searching and cleansing qualities it pv-ges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood, and cause de rangement and decay. It stimulates and fn1ivens the vital functions. It promotes fenergy and strength. It restores and pre serves healtn. it iniuses new nie auu vigor throughout the whole system jno whicharises from impurity of the blood need despair, who ill give AVER'S SABSAPABILLA a iair trial. Remember, the earlier tne tnai, the speedier the cure Its recipe has been furnished to physi cians everywhere; and they, recognizing its superior qualities, administer it in their practice. For nearlv fortr rear? Ayer s Sab- bap artlla has been widely used, and it timr nAcuncM tVit rrnfir!pnre (if million of people who- have experienced bene tits from its marvellous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemlstn, Lowell, Mass. a OU BT ILL DSC66ISTS KTXarWttEKa. . Fresh Every Day, FINK ASSORTMENT OT CANDIES, French aad DomastJo, just raodved and fur ale THB ONLY OSNU1NB HOME-MADF Candy In the eity, will be foaad everv day, fnah and tweet, three door Sooth of the iottoSee oa Beoood street. Also, Nuts BaiaiAa, Frmii, Ae.M I JEYKN8, jaa JB Nsar tbe Pottofflee i fV- v - Wbsjsjsbjsssijv Bail Road Lines, &c. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO , Otiici GuxaAL BcPBanmaDurr, S Wilmington, N. a, June 18, 1S80, Chang k of Schedulf, ON AND AFTER JOE 16, 18S0, the fol u ing Schedule will be operated on tnis Railwarx Faasenger, Mail asd Express Train. ) Leave Wilmington at.... :00 P 11 No. L Arrive at Hamlet at. i 1:25 A 3a. J " at Charlotte at...; 7.00 A 11 ) Leave Charlotte at. 8:20 P h. Ne. 2. Arrive at BanJetaU. 1:27 'A M ) ' at Wilmington at 9.0J A M No. 1 train Is daily e xceDt Pundars. bnt makes no connections to. Kaleigh on f alur days. No. 2 train is daily except Satu dajg. Shelbv Dirislnn' Mall. KrefM Pihah mm and xpress. W mrm ' V vjjjf l 4 No '8 I LT unariotte at....,...8:(H) A M Ve4 f .a . .a lil .ii -.. I ArriTc w oaexoj v li:v3 t U e na . '. T . Wa a I eave pnemy at 2.C0 V U i arnn at aarioiie at 6:t0 Jr M M ' - - 11 1 . . .. Local Freight and Accommodation. Leave Wilmington at..................f :45 a A. i rive at Lauriuburg, at ...5.10 P n i M M M M M M wave unariotte at 4. 15 A arrive at LauriBburir at. Leave Laurinborg at i I U 5.30 Arrive at Charlotte at 4.20 Leare Laurinbure at 5 00 A Ar. ire at Wilmington at..... 4.15 P These trains leave Wilmineton mnA Ph.- lotte, Tuesdays, Ihuredsys and haturdavs: Laurinburg. Mondays. WednAcd Fridays. I . Cle connection . rvTa V, M " ua'i uu II' Jia au points in Western North Carolina and te Aahevtlle. i (Also, via HmMirKnFn ita.. .-:ii. adjacent points and Asheville. Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 8 F. M. will arrive a t destination at 7 P. M. next day. Sleeping Car accommodations on TfTrcarh Trainj to and from Charlotte acd .Wilmington- . Through Bleepers will also be rnn to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. ' Yi u. jor. is lune 17 General Sur .- WILMINGTON &AILB0AD COMPANY, Omoa of Oas'n SrraaiHrairnvvT f Wilmington, N. 0., June 12, lfSOJ UxxATiCrx. OF HUllEi) U LK , , On tod after Monday .June'. 14th, 180 , Passenev trains on thn Wilmington A Wei don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily Leave WilmingtonFront St Depot at... a f.nk m Arrive at weidonat.,........,... Leee Weldon............ Arrive at Wilmington, Front BL Depet at. i.......... 12 60 P M1 3 40 PM 0 53 P Id Faasenger, and Freight Train, cept bundajs. Leave Wilmington, Front St. T . . . Daily ox- xvput BV..I.IIMH3 In .. S 81 V M arrive at Weldon at. , Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.M....M y...... J 40 A H 1 00 A M 1 30 P U Trains on Tarboro Branch Rosa leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P M daily, and Tuesday, Thursday and eJaturc 4y at 5 6 A M. Returning, leave Tarboro it lu.0( A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday aLC Friday at 80 P Mi The Day Train makes close eon Ction- st Weldon for all points North vi H&y Lite daily, (except 8unday) and dailj. rU Rich mond and all rail route . n 9 irt d vr : i. i tlona at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. 4 JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sari. June 14 Cen'ISup'ts Office 1fILIINGTON, COLCNBIA LSD I U ; GCBTA RAILROAD CO Wilmington, N. C.f Jure 12, hi 0 GHANOE OF , SCHEDULE J On and after Moodar. Jnne 14th. into the io) lowing schedule will be ran on thl road: t . Passenger, Fxpress, Ma?l and Throah Freigbt Ti stT, Daily excpt riutdf vs. Leave WIImiiigt)o........i...... . "4 00 PJP Leave Florence....... ... f 2 4h f M Arrive at Tolumbis 8 15 A II.. Leave Columbia - f. MP m" Leave Florence 4 30 A M Arrive at Wilrninjfton.... n 30 A K (NIGHT KXPRKSS TRAIN ' ( Daily). Leave Wilmington. in 13 PM Leave Florenee...... 2 2JA M. ! Arrive at Camden Junction......... 4.16 A M Arrive at Colombia............ 8 15 A 21 Leave Oolumhia. '5 CO P K Leave Camden Junction...... '2 00H Leave Florenoe............ 2 30 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 30 A M This Trals stops only at iBrlnkley's, Wbiteville, Flenungton Fair I Bluff, and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and si' point? on G. A C. R. R. and in Western North CsrSfi ns, via Columbia and Spartsnburg, shoutj take Night Kxprees Train from Wilmington. PasMngers for Augusta should tak Night Express Train, which connects via Camrfru J unction. Through Bleeping Cart on ell m' ; traus for Charleston, and Aug aU. Trains leaving Wilmington haiord nights making connection for Co:uocbia rr v via Camden Junction and SvUth laroli :- Kailroad. i JOHN F. DIYINE, Genrs! - t .. Jnne 14 r.1iiT0NW.J0HNS, D,ymriber Commission Merchant, WA3Xxxna?ox7, d. a 1 Keh2 J- Wtt BALE JLUV. Uiils Lsicr. Cl.rle- FartVlEr!oi V TtiCca, Cr v jtenp Kifer rtedif-ra Reipta, Ae. (In Kiew Lu2dl) I Job Printer.

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