,. ,oiutied every afternoon, 8andays w PLEASE NOTICE. r rPtJT JOSH- T. J A M K. COr-roB a id roaiKTO H u H8CK1PTI0N8. F06TAG E PAID. vr,fS 00 81 moat, S3 SO Three aoBthf. S I I Om month, 50 eats. ra oarer will be delivered by carriers, We will beg ad to receive eommaaicatlosi from our friends on aay and all tabjeeta a general latenit butt ' The name of the writer mut always be far alshed to the Editor. Oonunnnisatloai newt be written! on oaly oae side of thejaper. Personalities most .voided. And It is especially particularlyiuider tood that the Editor Joes not always endorse the views of eorrecpondes ks, nalesi io tUtee1 la the editorial column. of eherge, I part of tbe city, at the raws, or ilenta per v-t A jrertuinjr rates low and liberal er Subscribers will please report any aid fiilorMto receive their papers regularly. VOL; V WILMINGTON, N. , FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 J 1880. NO. 152 DAILY 1 .. , - 1 t KEFlEW.' V 4 BROVN & 'RODDICK 45 Market Street. (ieuU Jean Drawers, u, !i m inufACturt, Cj cents, regular piuvtl.2.. Call and examine. jl, Kuliuw Dress bhirt, $1, try them o:.-o aii you "ill use no other. hotTai.d bhawls. w at rkinoulall oar Shetland Shawls a: fl; thej ara really wortli $3. M li Colored Summer Skirts, from 50c to 11.73. A beautiful line. WW Printed English Cambric, 10 cents lr yard regular price 15 cents. Pr.nted Pacific iAwns, U cents p.-r yard, ul 1 all over the country at 15c. 11 LACK CRATES. W Lave just received a large inyoJce of Crip- s lu Single, Double and Trijtle. Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings. NU.K AGENTS IN THIS CITY for tho IWUOWS CRAPE, FOR THE DEEP EST MOURNING. A Drive In Gents' Linen Handker. chiefs, $1 CO per Dozen. HDIES' CORSETS. S" Lavrt just received a new Corset to re tail at 7 cents a beauty. 3R0WN & BODDICK,geo..h,n.. 45 EVlarket St. Jv 17 A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THEI LADIES ! I WE ARE 8KLLIXO at Reduced vrlc$ Llie. 11uj aad Children' DreMie HbVoVAs lazier w will Mil of! oar Htoek of bve named I iucies Kt n&uuuiu raiua to naie io for F1I ro-vfi. tltir Work and 8Umptn; sollcitdd. I1SESS KARRER McGOWAN. Jf IT For Rent. pKOU TUS lit of Otobr 18S0, tirMUonM at the Boatkwest rtr of Bith aad Market its. ipply u ij istf JOH2T L. CAJfTWELL, Bos 4. 9, Poit Of&ee. CLYDE'S 1 fn V7 I! AND Wilmington. Steamship ro. c. Line. TJE STEAMER BENEFACTOR, OAPT. JONES, WHX BAIL f&OU sTEW TURK Ol SATURDAY. August 2L . Shipper Aa rely npoo the prompt MllLnjr of Bteaeri ai advertieed. for Frelxbt Eaf s;Bat apply to T1IOS. E. DO.fD, Bap't, WUminrtoa, N. O. Til tO. O. EQKK. rrelbt Areat, iw York. WM. P. CLYDE A OO., li Brodwy, Hew York. 17 For Sale. APEREorLT NKW OFFICB 81 FE. I I iuuiuui inst. WIIIII iU. I I . . . 1.-. i rortAi encftn. ddit it CHEAP BEAMING! For tho Campaign. "The Dailt list aw? to Doc. 1st, for $1.00! The Wilminqtox Jouhxal to Dec. 1st, for 50 cents! Tbe Wilminotos JctjkkaIi publish d very Friday, gives dl of the new of the we!1 h Tho Daily Review, published every afternoon, gives the news of tbe day and the latent market reports. Address Josh. T. Jam ej, Wilmington, N C. "Local ne ws. Nmw Advertisements. Jahm Wilioh Don't Fay Bent: Yaiu-Attention Clubs 1 FHiiiiiiwii-imjOai; . Window Glass all sizes at ltafler A Trice's. . t Dr. Richardson calls a'cobol the devil In ulution. 1 Knocking a friend down is a sure way ol dropping an acquaintance. The man who steps over a small dog is likely to have his sblns barked. Save your money and buy your Build- ing supplies irom Aiianer iTice, Tho haVv vKaVa vA rpa.l Ahont are rocked la the cradle of the deep. As the' grandmother's slipper Is bent the youthful bad boy Is Inclined. Age is venerable in mac and would be in woman it she ever became old. It takes but little time and spate to turn man's laughter into manslaughter. - It was Edmund Yates who said that eocd dinners were seldom eaten in tor- Window Glass ol all sues, Doors, Sash and Blinds. Builders Hard ware.&o Low et prices at JacWs. ' . 8a' mfl g absecce, be would J probably become a very mouest man deed. Try to Cive nP your will and way , to others In trifles as well as in more impor- taut matters, except where principle is .nvolved. An advertiser aJvits people to save their hair while they have it. That's business. If 'your wife wants you to ktay in don't try to go cut. To lock upon a bright, beautful Baby onrl rumfrnknr tfiat ihn Ailu mmllfinn if. ever takes Is Dr. Bull's IUby , Syrup, certainly converts another family to the use of the remedy. . An old man of our acnuaiu tauce says he was born at the wrong time. When was young men.wcre of no account; and now that i am old. old men are of no account. I ' I a ..l - i ! 11.1 .1 I pmny oi "ne ineoos assemuieu luo ,ueDCT OI " I1S1Q evening wnere iney usienea w ueugm- fal music and otherwise ec j yed them SSlVTS. ' Col. Jao. W. Atkinson received this morning telegraphic information from his father, the veneiablo Bishop Atkinson. It gives ns great pleasure to announce that be is steadily improving. I Tno Hancock, Jarvts and Shackelford Club will meet at tbe City Hall this eve- ning.,8oVU,k..UJ ...I .ben prcJ inline to IIrris' News Stand where their lamps will be banned out to tnem. I Iurge out the morbid tumors of the bio. id, by a dose or two of Ayei: s Pills, and you will have clearer bed as well as bodies. Tbe girls are ntver satisfied. Already they say, plague take leap year. Pro posing is easy enough, but it puzzles - tike iue uiiscuici xo get me neces- sary aiamna ring to put on nis big wijr ,uruu6ci. The Charlotte Obsavcr savs: The Carolina Central' piaseogar trains will be opplied with air-brakea abortly, and the fast achela!e will be sury be put on this : rn. . . - ! . r.- -r u winter. This is only a few of tbe many IUIIIIUTWMvUM w v luuv-iutsu h ioA.i m i soon as practicable. Unmallable. The following unmailable matter r mains in the post flic in this cit) : 1 Isaac A. Sheppard & Co., Bil'imcre, Md : Pold Wilson, Biucswick, N C, Richard Williams Little Caterny, N C. Margannie G:aharn, H imp on county. N C. Everybody can g'tf s:iit u with Pckt Kmfe, aiso table Cutlery, at Jawi-i': Hardware Dit. Waid Meetings. Tbere w .a a go A atendauca of voters at the diffiret Ward .noting.- I -sr t night, hold fort he purpose uf ouipltt.ug the programme for !hj c:!ebra'i n ou Tuesday E-ich elub received it.8".ructior b, etc, and when they wheel into Hue 'on Taalay night bearing their torched and tranfrpa- rsnciea there wi I, iudtfed,be an immense turuout. r Sniveling Lous Creek. . A note from a friend at Long Creek tells us that a U. S. Engineer, with a surveying party, arrived at tbat place on Wednesday for the purpose of making a sirvey, of the cretk preparatory to clean ing it out, under an appropriation frim the general government. In tbe report it was printed Town Creek, instead of Long Creek, and we called attention at t e time to the manifest error. Point Caswell Defecation. The steamer John J)ruvso expects to briog down a large delegation of citizens from Point Caswell and that neighbor hood to attend the grand demonstration nere oeXf Tuesday night. The steamer i ... . p , - wp,i fthon nftftn an(1 I arrivo hereabout 5 o'clock. She will leave Wilmington tno next morning at a o clock on the return trip, thus affording ample opportunity for those who may desire to do so to spend the night here laud return home early the next day. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Pkick & Co'a Beautiful Transparency. The beautiful transparency spoken of by us yesterday, which is being prepared by Mr. C. E. Burr for the Grand Ratifi- ration MftAtlnrr fin Tnesdav niffht. 24th I. . , . ,'t m r ,D8r'' nas Deen P"naseu oy air. x. Ineinsoerger, Lnairman 01 ine oomraiiiet) on Pyrotechnics and Transparencies. The transparency is very handsome, though it is in-iDOt quite so large as the one executed bJ Mr, Burr "for the last Presidential cam.. paign and which was suspended acroea Market street. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having biien ppp mint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, pa-Lies in want of this celebrated flow cm uow have thyir orders filled at Jacoli's Hird ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. A V arnlnff to Ciffarette t-miliers. Borne of the cigarettes which are smoked to so large an extent, says an exchange, are said to be dangerous articles. A poysician oau one oi mem ana.jeu, auu the tobacco was fcund to be slrongly impregnated with opium, while the wrap Per which was warrantwl to be rice paper. was proved to be tlu most ordinary qual "7 of white PaPer. whitened with arseuie, hhe iwo poisons combined being present 1Q sumcient j quauiuiea 10 crcaiu iu iuo amoker the habit of usine ooium. with . fc M ftware of jt and wniah craving cln ony be satisfieJ by an incessant use if cjyarette8 Wlluiluctoii District Fourth round of quarterly meetings Lr the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South Cokesbnry, at Bethany .Aug 2S-) Baden, at Antiocb Sept 4 5 Elizibeth, at EMz.ibetbtown... Sept 11 12 Brunswick, atShalotte Ump .fcept J-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress CreeK. Sept 21 22 Smithville Sept 25-2G ';!'" " i ,2? Utt:. , Kii.h (ti.;.i7 I W LL I LC Til ICS. W"'V- - - w " ToDsai' at Union Oct 23.24 New River Oct!', Onslow, at Q iecn's Creek Oct SO 31 Dupliu, at Wesley JSov o Clinton, at Clinton Nov 11 14 Ooharie, at Newton G ove. . , .Nor 2021 Let EVEBS" OFFiCIAIi MEMBER b3 8Ure to be at the fourth quarterly conference nth rftn ,pt M FfiEja xnE DiTTLE wpr nutrirt and lodk to God T. H lir-RimrAD. fresiamg r.iusr. -fc 1 1 Magnolia, N. O , An 18, 1880. Ton can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing stoves at almostauy price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Tk. tn.4 tka Srwitn to uav ana A uo w I uu a wu www - consequently the atmosphere is warmer. j The Doomed Man- The time set for the execution of St pVu Kicbaidson, who was convicted of m irder at th last tenn of1 the Criminal C u:t, is fast corning to an end. The c n.demued man is confined in the middle cell, ou the 6oonti tl'vrf the same one from wlr'cu the burglar, Geo'geMjers, ap paren'11 esc ped about two months ago au'i u closely w'ched by an armed guard who triftps backward and forward hi front i f tLe prisoners d1!! all night long Iiichaidson asserts that old man Pniuney and his daughter, llaunah Miller, bad lied oj hinj dilrhig the trial and that their evidence ws damagir g to his case. He sienn to think more about thi evidence o Phruneyaud Miller than about what is to become ol bis eoul when ushered ito eteinUy. He has beea visited; by Revs Jos. P King, Cornelius Sampson and J.Ci. Frye, and prajs frequently during the day. His thoughts do not Beem to ,wander in the paths that almost any one thinks they should He does not seem at all resign ed to his fate or prepared for it, and seems unable to forget or forgive the State's wit nesses. His physical condition has un dergone a great change. He has lost about twenty pounds in weight since' his conviction. He is said to sleep well at nights, but of this no one can tell. His appetite is not good although he partakes of his rations when brought to him. He expressed a j desire a few days ago to ma&ehis will but as yet his lawyer Las not drawn up the document. Postal Matters. The practice of : permitting postal em ployes to change the address upon mis directed letters and other mail matter, has been found to be a hindrance rather than a help in the forwarding of matter to its destinat'on, and it is accordingly strictly forbidden under new regulations. This prohibition has compelled tbe De partment to make adeeided position upon a quest on which has for a long time oc cupied its attention, and which, pending the decision of the Department, , has been left to the discretion of tbe Postmaster and railway postal clerks, and that is, whether matter not addressed to a post office can be corsidered mailable. Upon the advice of the General Super" intendent of the .Railroad Mail Service, the Postmaster-General has decided that matter not addressed to any post office cannot be forwarded in the mails, but must be returned to the sender, if known for better direction, or else sent to the dead letter office. There are now over forty two thousand post offices, and from the data in tbe Post Office Department it is estimated that the number of places bavicg local names, but not post offices, to which matter is sometimes directed, is at least three times the number of pst offices, or 126,000. Pest d employes are required to know the location of tha post offices in tbe States for which tbey work or distribute mails, but it is impossible for them to know the direction in which matter not addressed to post offices should be sent Heretofore tbey have been permitted to 'guess' at the destination of such matter, but tbe results have convinced the De partment tbat in a matter of so much im portance as distribution and dispatch of mail matter, nothing should be guessed at. It in easier for the public to address their mail matter to a post office than it is for the Department to ascertain where matter not addressed to a post office s'roald be sent, and it is to the interest of the public than this new regulation should be strictly enforced, bacause it will be easier to trace missing letters. If none are admitted to the mails not prop erly addressed. Fewer losses .will cccur if postal employes aro prohibited from 'guessing' at tbe destination oi matter not aduressad to post offices. In order to prevent auy einbarras-soaent to 'tbe pub lie, it is desired that inquiry should be made at the post office, scould there be any doubt la taking this important step towards per'ecting the postal service, the Department hopes to receive the co operation and support of the public. Any information desired will be cheerfully g'uen by calling at the post office. Oa Jane 20, 1880, tbere we 42.125 post cilices in operation in the United States, or an increase of 1.C09 since De cember 1, 1879, or an iucreasa of 74 from December 1, 187a. The Bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Nerve quieting Hop, the superb Mal arial antidote Quinine, and other precious ingredients, combined without fermenta? lion, are the ingredients of 'Malt Bitters,' prepared by tbe Malt Bitten Company. The City Hall furnished us no items to-day. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office stood at 89 de grees. ' Th General Cominit.ee and the Com. mitttees from the different wards are work ing for a big time on the 24 -h instant. Last night was both as lovely and pleasaut as we have seen it in this local ity in many years Promenading couples were abroad on all. of the streets. See a woman on horseback In another column, ridiug near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is bo highly esteemed "by the medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and tbe aged. Sold by Druggists Q;uitea party of ladies and gentlemen, some of them passengers on the steamer A. P. Hurt last nyht, from Fayetteville, went down the river on the Passport this morning to get a whiff of sea breezj. A Great Enterprise. The Hop Bitters Manufacturing Com pany is one of Rochester's greatest busi ness enterprises. Their Hop Bitters have reached a sale j beyond : all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their way into almost every household in the land. Graphic. A Suggestion, j We respectfully suggest, at the sugges tion of a prominent commission house in this city, that the Produce Exchange agree to a general suspension of business on the wbarf on Tuesday next, tho 24th inst., from 2 o'clock in the afternoon un til thenext day. This, it is thought, will enable the Committee of Arrangements who have in charge tbe prograxme for the ratification meeting, to commence the order of the day,.inthe way of speaking, by 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and by so doing give all of the distinguished speak era who may honor us with their presence on that occasion a large audience and a fine opportunity to display their oratori cal powers, ' 1 Voice of the People- 1 HILLSDALE, Mich. R. V. Pierce, M. D : I had a serious dissase of the lungs. and was for a time confined t my bed I Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, tPir it Barrels and under the care of a physician. HislAe. For safe low by . prescriptions did not help me. I grew worse, coughing very severely. I com menced taking your Medical Discovery, j which helped me greatly. I have taken; several bottles, and am restored to good health. lours respectfully, JUDITH BURNETT. New Advertisements. Don't Pay Kent, S5RERA,S?MK,"d h-JAT k lora. ouiiaincr IjOU in uesireois wid ! aM,t Wilson, Eghth, Ninth, lickins.n. Woods, Tenth, Xlventn, Bar, Gwrnn, Bankia. tbe monthli to order. build. au 1U 1W J AMKa W1L.SUA. House Wanted. SMALL HOUSE oontaininic four or fire rooms. Address, stating location and terms. TENANT, au l-3t P. 0. 113. For Sale. A FINE PAIR of Cashmere Goaf, well . M broken to harne s, together .with a full set of harness and nobby Buggy. The turnout iscomplets. GEO. F. TILLS Y, I au 18 New Ma' ktt. I FIQU PISH. I New IV a eke re U BARRELS, HALVES and QUARTERS. For sale by Hall & Pearsall. avis I RUrs. S. J. Baker, FASHIONABLE MILLISERT, WilmlAf toa,' V. O. Corner Third and Orange fitreets.j them aad make tem equal to new Old Hats made to look like they were bow Call ee my spedmess or wors jtlO UBS. 8.V. BAB. EX r instalment plsn. Houses built i ri r... n.i.k... .ru Money loaned to those wishinir to V:.h7 In tZ V'.L '"".J" ppiy to 1 Tided by nature, and seeminirlv ordsined br Ml WWW VAaui uwuo. flouoBi, oaa. sonnets, transportation on all goods shipped by r Flats, Flowers, Feathers. Ornaments of - . - all kinds. Will renew and work orer all U QDinRllv V. i1;' kinds ut old hair, braids, eombiaga, Ae., root 1 Ofl lULl LlltJ lZi ill New Advertisements. Amy Oaklv- ! J 8I0RT Br FLOSELLA. Meynarcie. The UndltcoTerei f,nnifp. By W D Ho wells, r Tie Eutorj of North Carolina. By W J" Moore, New Edition In Tiro Volmrof. For tale at HEINSBERQER'S. Attention Clubs. ANOTHER LOT OF ' Campaign Goods I JUST RECEIVED. Country Clubs (Dem- 1 ocratio and Bepublican) will do well to send in their orders soon for Picture!, Badgec, , Flagf, (with namei of c&ndidatei printed on then). Chinese Lanterai, Ao., it book sTonr. an 16 BaggiDS, Ties Uio. 1.400 Bolls Cotton Baci 4,500 Bundles Hew and Piece! i s, 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagi3ir Twine. ' " Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,300 Bb!i flour, Bspar to Extra Faailj-, i '- ' . 250 Boxes Pork 8tripB. i Smoked and D S 8ide 200 Hhdtand Bb'i Porto Rico, New Crop Cuba and New Urleans Molasiea. Sugar, Coffee, &c, 200 Bbls Bugar, Cat Loaf, Oranulatod Standard A, Extra O and C. 275 Bagi Coffee, Kio, Lagujra and Java, 100 Boxes Pare Assorted Cahdr, 160 Tube Choice Leaf Lard, 1T5 Boxes Starch, 200 Boxes Lye and Potash, 125 Boxes Laundry Soap, Tobacco, Bnuff, Paper, Matcbos, Sfaot , WILLIAMS k MDRCIIItfOY. an IT Wholesale Grocer A Cora. Mi r. WATERMELONS," AS AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, having suddenly acq aired Drominne .inr the plueky New ork Doctor called for one, when his fast ended, P. L. Bridffers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St.,. , Wilmington, N. C ht ia roPPJy for the use of thIr cus- tnmn nf tha i "ai rarranted'Xper"? t?tfj"rfJi .applied Dr Tanner bv tbe Georgians. When T.rr,r fini.i, v,?. .Kv. " , nroTiilflKftA t. 4k.' of human life, and no where more abundant ly supplied than on the Retail (shelves of P. L. Bridgers & Co. 20, 22, 24, 26, and M North Front 8t, Wilmington, N. C. Jt is cenerally known, we supppse, that this delicious fruit owes its popularity to tiie fact that it holds in solution, besides Flavor, ing Fxtracts,8Urch,Huar, Water, Coloru.z Matter, and Malt. A ima.ll nerMntivn nf Al. cohol and other article-, kept constantly Pr ssle in separate parcels, ready to bs mlxod lor popular use, by p BridljerS & CO't" wnoiesaie ana detail Urocers, Wilmington, N C. i,i,i k-i v i u: w - y . vvuif HIS AllVIt I'J I UUKry, which is an Amerie&nl.m fnr tha Iri.K r..A DIrtQE the other word BAUUU beinr of this unparalleled product of the bora of Ireland. We keep Whisker in all shapes and packages from a gill tickler to a sixty gallons cask, and from ten cent to two hundred dollars. French Brandy, Gin. Tokar Wine. Ex cellent Ceuppernong, Victoria tfberrj, 11 a - eira wine, dbuh, ring and Leaf Tob&cc , igars, Canned and Dried Fruits. L z; Worcester ttauce, Condiments and rreervM. We are now reducinsr stock DreDarat 'rT to oar threatened removal to more el-K.bln aad roomy parteri In October, and will make it the interest of all concerned in tu use or tbe abase of the above menuo&ed Ij eall on P I. Bridgers & Co, , 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St., Wilmington. N. O . ' befora making their aelectio&s. NO CHARGE for showing goods, for packing or drat age, or for Tews Delivery, and we are perfecting; our arrangements with the Railroad Compa nies aad Steamboat lines to Hxitbville, P-j. etteville and Poiet C'aweil fur 'educed 20, 22, 24, 20 and 28 Fronts ;reot,- i Yjrti Tais.umcE.