JOtll.T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. MaTCKU AUOUHT 11. 1880. k vT.Hkii t thu oerorrtci at W11.MI.NBT..X. N. ., a SKCOXir-CLAJ MattkkI FOU rUESIDKN'T V. S.. HANCOCK OF PENNSYLVANIA, J FOR VICE PRESIDENT: W. II. ENGLI&H, OF INDIANA! FOR GOVERNOR ; THOMAS J. JARVIS, OF TITT. FOR LIEUT-GOVERNOR : jArava uodinaon,: OF MACON. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE : WIIiLIAM Ii. gAUKDEUB OF WAKE. FOR STATE TREASURER JOHN ax. WORTH, OF RANDOLl'lI. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL : THOMAS s nnra'Arr. OFjl ILSON. FOR AUDITOR: CTXXiI.XA.aX P. ROBERTS OF GATES. of the editor of the lAndmark as a Mslib erate falsification for partian purposes Mr rtope is a FunJer and Col. Lamb bfi been electi d major of Norfolk, a poaitior fii! Lv h's f.ither. noon the Reac" ju-trr's ticket. J -trues Barron Hope: ocfce tnight a. duel with Captain Pembroke Jocea, at one time a resident of tbia city but now a citirtn of Virginia, in which thfl Utter was sliehtlv woutded. The oistols used on this occasion were the i same Commodore Barron and Commodore SteDhen Decatur Used in ibe duel in - r which thegaMant Decatur was killed. TUB ION ING BU IN1SS SEA ' SON. j Utidtr the aWjte caution the New York Woild ref.ra to the approaching Fall trade aud hays: At this season o the year, when men of business are pre paring to paw from the relaxtation of nmmer to the activity of autumn, the cooditious of the vaiirg markets are ex amined with freih interest for the scfb cient reason that the business jear really begins with the harvesting of the crops. a d not with New Year's Day. The nrerieut season has Leeu one in which al- - most all reports were 'better than before, an I the general feeling t-s to tbe pre spects of business appears to bo correspondingly hbpefol. Th-i feeling Is a reasonable one, but should be reasonably entertained, and one cauo for caution in estimating tbe coaiibg season's bubines can be found iu ti.e ell kn.wn fact that the specula tior.8 of the past twelvemonth have left in every market an appreciable remind er which could not yet be sold without loe. Upon tbe surlace it might seem that tbe l eiLuing-of gold imports from Europe even earlier than latt year proms I ... . rt . . J it-a a repetition ci last year a eicucu iu the various markets Rut there is too much property carried foiw.ii ii frtro last ear awaitiDg favora ble t portunilies of a'e to permit a wild aivafne in trices such as that which For Su-eriutocdent Public Instruction J Oil IT C SCAXmOHOTJQXX OF JOUNSTON. FOR CONGRESS: (Third District.) j on iff ct, siiAciriiLroiiD OF ONSLOW. Fr Prwidentlal Elector. Third District. X. XX. XsXcXs23AX7. Of Haroe't. Tbe Indiana Demccrats carried things with a boom on last Saturday eight, holding meetings all ever the State, and arousing the enthusiasm of the party at all points. The campaign in that State is now under full headway. Senator Thurman u in New York. In terviewed by an hxp ess reporter, he aiyt ba believes Ooio will be a Demo critic State this fall, that there is no doubt about Indiana, and that Hancock will be elected beyond a doubt. Last year, in Great Britain, ICO p senders were killed on railways and 1,307 wouaded. Of the killed 73 perished by tbaTsy disaster. Thar were, at the same.pericd 452 employes of tbe roads killed and 1,951 injured. Of these, it is stated that 420 killed and 255 injured were trespassing on the roads or commit ted suicide" or were ran over at grade croaaioga. General Judson Kilpatrlck, tbe- man who raided through the South during the war. and foisted a woman of ill fara, his paramour, upon respectable families wher ever he chose to establish his headquart ers, and who afterwards was accompanied by the same sort of character when be was sent by a Republican admicisttation as Minister from the United States to Peru, has just been defeated in tbe State Republican Convention as the Radi cal candidate for Governor of New Jersey. Tbo Radicals are now trying to aalve bim over by piomising a nomination for Con fires. Pistols ami coffee Col. m. Lamb, well known to our ci,;zens as one of tbe gallant defenders of Foil Fisher, and Mr. Jame lUrroo llojt etlitor of the Norfolk LadMark,s re ported to have left Norfolk to have a hos tile meeting, or In other words to engage in a duel. It is presumed that Mr Uop eat the challenge on account of the pub lication of a card by Col. Lamb last Sat urday, characterizing a published letter! such as marked iasl j ear's speculation, and those upon wb"i tbe duty falls of furnishing 1 19 troooy for current business transac tions afe well aware of this, and tbey are, therefore, iu a position to enforce their o vn views of what ia prudent. It is not necessary, however, that business should advance iu two consecutive years in the vehement and impulsive manner which teems unavoidable when it revives after a loog prostration, apd it is now so long since the revival was universally recog nized that a more "steady-going progress will be generally accepted as sufficient for the timei. It ia tho juJm mtof the experts in each branch of trade that our large surplus ot irraiu and cotton can be marketed in Eu 3 t . . i ... . roj e at paying prices ; we ao not- say at prices which will reward 'speculators, but a, prices which will encourage the pro dicer to deal liberally with bis land next year. The calculation rests upon the ne csaitios cf Europe, and therefore includes the replenishing of European storehouses a$ well as the-tilling of European immediate and daily wau's- That tihs is the opinion there as -well as here is shown by the read 1 iess with which arrangements have been made in Europe to ship'gold to New Tfork; tbe oulfl iv of gold does rot frighten France or England when articles of first necessity are in question. It is, of course, natural that the banks of France and Ecgland' should advance tbeir rates of discjubt if the outflow of gold threatens to interfere with their working reserve,' especially as their experience of fi iSncial freedom shows that this is tbe way. to attract fresh resources; while it ( from the Few To k World. Aag. 1. 1880.) The nomination of Mr. James E. English and a strongState ticket makes Connecticut safe for the Democrat this Fall so far as t le presidential elestora and the S'ate administration are concerned, and make the work ul securing tbeunitedStateHSeuatorebtp and gaining at least one Congressman; oomparatively easy. Mr English is a most euooefsfnl and nublio spirited hnainftfl man. liberal. DODular and staunchly Democratic and bis name i a tower of strength iu Conneo'icut. It was under bis leadership that K-publican power, omnipotent since 1854, was broken in tbe campaigus of 1866 and 1867, and it is proper that now, when tbe Lorainee of the national ticket is tbe antbor of Order No. 40. tbe Democraotio candidate in tbe State should be tbe governor who de olared in bis first annual message against Federal usurpations in ' time of peace and bayonet rule at tbe South and rightly characterized martial law as 'tbe creature of necessity existing only where no munioipal law is in foro, or where tbe success of military operations renders it for tbe time being nece sary.' A mosquito always settles before be presents bis bill. A mn cushions his seat iu cburcb witb pew rest motives. Tbe last census 6bows that Rhode Island is entitled to uuotuer. a!djrman in both wards. Beecher says be honors tbe man who slops over. Some people are awfully self satisfied. And still another youth is here, With frerzy in his eye. Behold bis yellow seated panU! Behold that custard pit I the firm and patriotic faith that tbe peo- 1- '.1 :u .MmA in 1 RRrt pio wuu.u puuiau vuo -w w - This isane nrecedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred duty uDon the people of the Union tb in was ever .ald rested to the comcience of a na tion of freemerr. . 8th . We execrate the course ot this ad ministration in making places in the civil onrvir a reward for tjolitical crime.! and demand a reform by a statute which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candidate to bribe bis way; to the seat ol the usurper, by billeting villains upon the people ! I , 9Lh. Tbe reaolutiou of Samuel J. TiMen hot again to be a candidate for the exalted place lo which he was elected by a major ity of h s countrymen, and from which he was excluded by the leaders ot the Repub lican party, is received by the Democrat of the Uuited States with sensibility, ai d thej declare tbeir confidence in his wisdom, patriotism aud integrity, unshaken by the assaults of a connion enemy, and they further assure him tht he is followed iu o the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fellow citizen;5, who regard him as oue who by the elevating standard of public morali'y and adorning and puiilyiug public servie-, ineria.the lasting gratitude of bis count ry and his party. 10th. Free ships and -a living chancn for American commerce on tbe seas and on ibe land. No discrimination in tavor ot Mi'colittiiuous. 11 t? 10 b 10 12 6 e Defensive Medication a necation which iihoald -ev r jmall orders higheT VSll' x makf BAOGIlfQo " Save to b. , Doable AnK.I 7 -1 " Double Anchor T" I n Standard DomMtic 1 Bhoulders, TO ft""'" - Sides, fbl.. " w-estern Smoked- Bams. Sides, y Shoulders......" Dry Salted Sidei. fr B., Shoulders. 7 ih"" BEEF Live weitht. "' Saeond HaiihXuriJeaQ New York,eAckf new , r Northern, lb.. 0ANDLKS Sperm ) 2"''" AdmantIne:;4a;;:: a.llC OHEESJv r t? Northern Factory, ft Dairy cream, fc? lb.M ' Btate, D.....T... UVIXAD WITI, m 7No Hi 12 25 ill w .1 ' I' wo, yib Lauyra, lb... ...... ;..V l1 OBN MEAL y buiheJ. 77 V 1. a D-eca'ition which thoald r.ev -r b nz 'octed whe da per is present snd therefore a eoume of th- Bittern a th'B Benon is par- ticularlv detirab e. expect iJv f" te feeble ) COB ai-d eictilf. As a remedy for billiousneta, COTTON TIE8 f? bdl.. XvanAnata Tl AY Vitn VittQ . And M WA I COTT1 Til tLl Tk ' 1 UUnrinillL- I w uci.-'H " " " - - " I -1 1 " ft . i v-k o.wi oilMi li r-a rvMa t vsti .a "41" V TT1 k I I . . . i i 'jmishiuouuu inno, wnwiauui.o ui u.- jj, y sot)lnr CO npiaOle tO (HU WQ0I8 nopoiies. i flome retoratire 11th. An amendment of the liurnngame prr sale by all Dra?guts and Dealers pen trail j. au 14 U U 1; 2b J.' J 1 75 Sbeetinflr, 4- Tard. .. ii .( tray. No more Chinese immigration I'xeept for travel, education ai d foreign com mere and therein carefully guarded. 12th Public money and public credit for public purposes solely, and the pub lic land for actual settlers. 18tb The Democratic party is the friend of labor and tbe laboring man, and pledges itself to protect bim alike against cormorants and the communed. Hth. We congratulate the country upon the honesty and thrift of the Demo ESTABLISHED i i ; 1853 - - - - 1853. Tbe Detroit Free Preas man is writ- c atic Congress, which has reduced the ing a series of articles entitlfcd 'Erly D iys in Btate Prison- Very few people are so frank about tbeir early experiences Peck's bun. An exchange says 'Sara Bernhardt s style of dressing. is her own. In clas sic plays where a Roman dress is re quired, ber dress is a very broad strip of cloth. We bardly know how to understand this statement. BICYCLING Genteel, On my wheels I sit, Tbe vulgar mob may flit Below; They go Unheeded by. And, as tbe fly, I. Mounted high, Sit, Turning with toe or heel My wheel. Oh? finer far Than fame or riches are The caracolings of this airy cail Why Should I ' Weep wail or sigh? public expenditure forty millions a year ; upon tbe continuation of prosperity at home, and the national honor abroad, and above all. upon the promise ot such a w a change in the administration of the gov ernment as shall insure us a genuine and lasting reform in every department of the public service. A REIGN OF TERROR. The Alarming Increase of Heart Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check Its Increase. SOL, BEAR &BR0S... 18 s 20 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. WE HAVE JUST OPENED AND have on exhibition, the largest and most comp! ff- stock of .111 T 00 bbl... 6 oo bbl... 6 00 bl... 7 00 bbl... 7 00 'bbl... 7 60 1 bbl... 8 00 AND The Wonderful Properties of "Seda- tine-de -India" and tow to Properly Use It- Facts cf Importance for All Regard- in anew uiscovery. FURNISHNIG GOODS! South of Baltimore. 1 V X bbl g 76 Mackerel, No. 3, a?.bbl....l2 60 X- ?K hbl 6 00 Mackerel No 3 ? bbL....00 00 Mullet ft bbl. . a H N. C. flerruig, fkeg....... 5 60 urjuoc. m FLOUR Fine, ? bbl Z 0 ouper, wortUern, ' Extra do " " Family " City KillEx,.8npef ' " FamL'y " Ex. FamUj Peruvian Qaano, 3000 Bi.S5 00 varuuna x eruiiaer " 00 00 Navasia Gnano, " 0o 00 Oompleta Manure " " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Photphate, " " 00 00 Wilcox, Qibb A Co., ma nipulated Gnano ' on nn GLUE y lb .;V I waia-lorn,itors,f? Sfllbs 76 worn, cargo, ? 56 lbs...... 68 Oorn.ycL. IB baiheL Nnn Oats, V bushel 6iKe Peas, cow. bushel fin HIDES Green, V B i. 4 Dry, Ir lb j in HAY Em tern. V 100 1 lo u i North RiTer. V 100 lb.. 1 00 a HOOP IRON- ton........ ion i LARD Northern lb.. 7k North Carolina lb....... 11 a LIME bbl.......... Z LUMBER City steam ta'wd Otip stuff, resawed,LMrt. 18 00 CK Rough edge plank. V M ft. 16 00 c ft tw vet inuia cargo, acoord- X . ,9. m ( 1 to. V i- i) v Of e e 1 Vf ( CO .'i ft. tfl'i v Cl' w tc i i 5 1 The mortality statistics of this countrj show that a great proportion of deaths What if a ha .iiuimed mv eve? arise trom Heart Disease But aside from What if I'm truly said Not to be worth a red? Stufll I've enoBghl My steed of steel My wheel. Go, whining youth. Forsooth! Travel by rail; Fish or shoot quail; Weave melancholy rhymes Oo the old times, Whose sports to memory now ap jveal; But leave to me my wheel. Wealth melts like show; Love leads to woe; So, It I tread my troubles down, Without a frown. A FULL the fatality which attends it, tbe ii.conve, nience and suffering which even the fird stages bring, make It necessary to take prompt measures tor reli-f. undoubtedly tbe greatest lemedy of modern times tor curing diseases f the Heart is ''Sedatine. de-India, which is accomplishing such wonderful results and attracting so much attention. This great remedy possesses ingredients specially designed for all the numerous troubles of in Jieart. ine 1 Ifuif J combination Is tbe result of long and care I vH' IQlt II By t il experiment, and it can be safely as serted tha when taken in time it will cure in every case. Do you ever have Night mare, oppressed feeling in side a d breast, Irregular Action, Throbbing, j Jumping, Klutte ing, Momentary Stopping, Slow Circulation of tbe Blood ? These are all symptoms of Heart Disease. Those who are suffering and have never tried it do so at once ; those who have ever tried it do not ne d to be urged to do so again. If SUITS FROM $2.50 UPWARD ?. i ' 1 ' I ' 100 BLUE MIDDiESEX FLANNEL SUITS' At greatly reduced prices. injr to Quality. V M ft...l3 00 Dressed floor ing,te8oned. 16 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, V M ft 12 00 MOLA88E8 Cuba,hhd?gl 37 uuoa, DDis., gal sj 8ugar hoaiehhdj. rjal. 11 " " bbls.Vgl... 26 Orleans Choice bbls. H cral. 46 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d.SkV OILH Kerosene, ft gal. 9 jara, gal 1 10 Linseed, V gal 1 00 Rosin, iral 12 PEANUTS V bushel. 90 POTATOES -Sweet, bus. 00 Irish, Northern, y bbl 1 'J6 PORK. Northern,city mess.14 00 Tnin, y DDI 00 00 Prime, "fr bbl (extra) 00 00 ttump, y DDI.. 00 00 LINE OF Eovs7 and Men's Straw and 1 Felt Hats. SICE Carolina, lb . East India, ? fi Rough, busheL.... 1 RAGS Country, V H Oity, V A i ROPE - . Hemp...... Manilla . SALT Alum. sack Liverpool, JO sack. American $r sack ,M Marshal's fine, V mcLnm U&diz y iaci...... 7 00 10 IK iy Cl: & 9 9 O L e 1 is 1 10 Q 'JO e 1 1' G 2 &0 k o ffO) w aj O'j i tOO DO a (Hi 0 1 '0 flilUKH TO SUIT EVERYBODY. SUGAR Cuba, lb M ID... 70, Om 60 ' a I Q 1 70 9 9XV iox lo speeding on from town to town, your D.uggUt has not got it send one dol lar to our address and it will be mailed to you. sole Agents in America, LoodeiJ Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. je ll-ecd&w-om. Then do I wear tbe crown With wheel or whoa! CHAS. KLEIN, Oniertater :ani Cabinet Mater, OUR PLATFOHM. The following is the Platform of the needs notxperiecce to show that an ad- I Democratic party adopted at the Nation vanceiu tbe rate of money will decrease aI WBwD0Dlb?1 recently at Uinnnnati: me uemauu .w wuwu aiere.y specu- constitutional doctrines and traditions of lati?e. o are already in receipt of over the Democratic party, as illustrated by two millions gold irotn Europe, with the teacmog ana example oitne long line prf- StlfiaL in Basement of th some eiiht millions on the wav. and ex. 01 democratic statesmen ana pauiois.ana change at the point where a minute ques. tionaianTenUooftb art wuuxnw nwuaS tiouol exptnse aeiermines turtner ship 21. Opposition to centralization and w I L M ItN OTON, JN. O. mints of gold; our customary exports will I to that dangerous spirit of encroachment I A fine assortment of Oons aad Cas therefore bring iu more gold, unlesa the tends to the consolidated powers of ciedVar ... .w vK-. l crab rmailDromptlv fl'io , Qot 6 create, whatever b the form of govern- - meat, a real despotism; no sumptuary I CH00L OF 0RAWIHQ, PAI I1TINQ lawn; etruiriiuu ui tuuruu auu oiai iur I : 1 III Come One ! t i Come All Porto Bico, V A Coffee, V fi)..... M B- fl) 5 U " II tt... Kz O fl V Crushed?? fi) SOAP Northern. V fi) SHINGLES Contract, 6 00 O 7 50 uommon. ja.....M 1 60 O 'I is BTAVEt! W. O. bbl. 1? M.10 00 16 00 U. O hhd. V E. M J0O 00 00 00 and examine our etocfe, and we will strive TALLOW gr fi)....... ........ 8 ft 00 1 Aunjpaifc Dnipping ? Jtt ...10 00 13 W hard to merit voor Datronaa. as w havpl mi h exira per b& ............ 8 ou , &n; .0 : o o o 5 cs 00 CO 00 4J vo 10 00 11 10 UK 7X ? formerly done. naay (5 Mill, prime per M..........M 7 00 Mill, fair per M 6 00 Common, per MM ....i...4 00 Inferiorto Ordinary. DerM S 00 WHISKEY North'n, per zl I 15 M.CRO,L,Y, Aiielioncer. ImooivlZ u w sanao. ier n 30 BY CBOXLY & MORRISl Burrv wool, er lb.......... 18 .B 00 4 60 Si 00 6 Ot) 3 fO CO 31 O 70- retarn movement of American securities becomes so large as to make it unneces sary, hich seems unlikely. the good ot each; common schools fostered I TN8TRUCTION QIYENin Crayon, Lepia and protected. I na Jaaia inx ur awing, also, rain tan a: 3d. Homo rule. honest money.a strict ph!tor '?l7 Uil Jn-l Coloring ,, e ... Photographs, at reasonable rates. )!ic faith; a currency For further particular, inquire at the J From Forney a Prepress. It is aa true now. as it has been in -ii 1 ik.t r ii . I r 1 mil ii.n l Liiiinji 1 1 1 .l 1111H ill iih mfui I iiiKii Ljtii xrifH in nnn'in 1 fl 1 1 n u r irrpiirw wm . . - i - 1 - r v w - i - . w , 1 m or iBruiM nirtiAi in in11 vital principles of government is the consisting of gold and sliver, and paper School Rooms of Misses Burr A James, in tha art ol being noneat. ana. the man who I convertible into coin on demand: strict I r or tst. Jaras 'Jnurch nor it cannot thoroughly staLd this tet de-1 maintenance of public faith. State and serves to be hurled with indignant I National, -and a tariff for revenue only. aoorn into obscurity when he mounts I 4th. The subordination of tbe military such A pinnacle as the presidential I to the civil powers, and a general and canaiaata 01 one ox me leading par I thorough reform of the civil service. Ski S? m, W - . . 4 mtm a a m a .! I I m - 1 mt m . ues 01 iuo ouumrjr ucocowuiiy uooai oin. xoe ngnt. to a. free nallot is a pies. I right preservative of all rights, and must and shall be maintained in everv Dart ni From tbe Albany Argus. the United States. Ex Congressman H A Reevea, of I 6th. The existing administration Is the The New Hat Store. i JAI.L AND EXAMINE MY SUMMER Styles of Straw and Felt Hats. Tbey are pretty and cheap: :jofn m. robins ox, No. 13 Froat street. Next to Pureeli House. SulTolk. an experienced observer andl representative of conspiracy only, and its a staunch Democrat, well sajs; 'One I claim of rigLt to surround the ballot of the i features of tbe present cam-1 boxes with troops and deputy marshals. usiku in iuo libthuuk uispcwiuou I miiBiKUH" sou ooiraci eieaan. aoa -nni i i rrvn r,TTrr. among the young TOtersJ who have the unprecedented use of tbevetoto main- H '" ouriauiiab, The Lowest Prices At E. s. WaRROCKS Job Office. Get estimates at this office before having your printing done elsewhere. (Office in Keview building.) Jy22 come upon the stage of political action I tain its-oorrupt and despotic power, in since 1876, to cast their initial preai I suits tha people and imjrila their insti dential vote for General Hancock. The! tutions. i ienea embodied iu bis candidacy have! 7th. The great fraud of 1876- 77. by Mmtbiu attractive and weloome to wtich. upon a false count of tbe electoral at " a t at I - ' tut o.ajMi oi vomtb, wnua me oia scc-l vote of two States, tbe candidal defeat tiooal iasuea under .which tha Bepub-led at tbe polls was declare ! to be the lioaoa aek to rallv tbeir forces are re-1 President. aid forth first tim in A mm pellant and irksome. It ia aaid there I ican hUtory tbe will of tbe people was) YOUNO MRN LIhe.b?st Pal ue over 1000.000 of thee vounirl .et aaid- nnd. a thri nf mr. j VJW JXriil ool fcr tLe times voterv: and. lihatcver the number be. I lence.atruc ka dekdlv blow at all the that a U m.ior; of rnenti am '.aZr BM,II UMlfUlWIf. ity of 'them wi'lbeamoog ibe support-1 ocratic party,' to prerv the coantrvlUanla CW W lOO eoven total era oi Lbe srallant soldiers lateeman. I fr, .nK;i r.- iw. I xpc&m tor mrt montaa.. Head for Ilia. . . " tratsd Orealaj ; re-UirdAir. Commissioner's Sale ot Valuable Real Estate. T Y VIRTUE OF A DECREFaOF THE superior Ccurt, I will sell at public auction on Monday, the 6th day of September next, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court House door in this city, the following described propertr, MJ Wit i That large and cooamodious brick dwellinir. coctainiog lirooma, aimated on root street ana well Known as the residence of the late Kli W. Hall, deceased. Sue of lot 69 feet on rront street mar ing back 150 feet. Also, that large f ame Dwelling containing 13 rooms, situated on the North sidi of Mar ket s teet, between Second and Third streets immediately West of and adjoining the DeRosset corner, and at present occupied wj ur. r, .;i-otter. Bije ot Lot 40 feet on aaraet street, runnmg back 132 feet. TeraiS liberal and made known at sale. ALfcX.T. LONDON, Com'r. WUmington, N. C, Aug. 2, 1880. au 3 U Wire Nettin? Q GREENS or Doors and Windows. Good to keep oat fi:e and mosquitoea.' Sash. Doora, Blinds, Lamber, and Bkiidinsr Material Oeiuirallv. AITAFFEIt, PRICI6 & CO. Faetorvt r Foot of Walnut si. arBtt, near kki Croaa $X. Received this Da v. - I . CASES BOEDSRER A;C0. DRYtBOWZY CHAMPiO.NK, FiE8i PROM BOKD, - At Importer's Price. GEO. MVKKS, A:,.t 50 CAHEo FRENCH BKAIKDY, From Bond t! if And for gale at Importer's Prices.! j ' , Only fl.60 for a Bottle of Imported Jrtnch l r . lJv, At GEO.MYKI n 23 Tabs GILT EDGE BUTrKR S0.OEJTTS AP0U5U, Choicest Grass Btttr. WINES AND LIQUORS, of best gru'w, At Popular Pr -fc GEO. MYERS ! . Nos.;il, 13, 16 Soutli'Froi.t st. may 27 ' r