LIUNXG FROM MGII BRIDGE. th umrt-nt of U Ffft Safrly M-de bj a urS Stolcbman. v.. v..,i- i 111 U an- II.Mft Ml tiuC.UK U -lit f.IUVoU 11 eit UonaJd-on. a joaug Scotchman. would lP rom ibe Lridgu into tie titer. ontre oi me Long before - swarmed io from tuemrruuudug country and took f arorable poeitioLB from wuicu to view wk.,...aiur fi i.c!ck a man wa .n oamioff hcxo the bridge from tif Kt e'a cottage. A i-.i .wmnmnied biin. aLd togttber tbej walked rpidlj until tbej reach ed the centre of the bridge. Ibej idd'e aicnway. and lLo u""i o it to Lis corupauion, Ue was tntn dreesed in tiguu with co covericg on bis bead but with beay pair of aboes on. He climbeJ upon the par apet aud stood enct before the mul luude. mating i igo white bandker cbeeil. 'IbiH w tueMgnal for read iness and two uteainbout in tbemei below bUw tbeir whistles. The man paused lor a out entente longer and iu u rprang frota the bridge. Botu fet WHrebeld tigbtly together aud bi figafe waartot. baudnand rmi were flij-p -d. t a birda wmg are. In this xnaouer b cmtii.u-d cmil withm about fifteen of the s-nrf-od of the wa ter. wbn Lo drew bit arms to bis side acd threw hit bead forward, lie struck the wattr ou tue middle of his b-rk. There was a momett of suspense, in which the rtrcutoe held th-ir breaths, and ev. ry eye peared. In lesa than a tninnte be ome to the sur f ice struck out for the nearest craft. He waa Uken to the fboiet mud fiiende o irrird him to the hotel, wbtie a phy siciau rubbed him down with alcohol aud rolled him inblatkeU. Ills puie waa found to be at 13'J, aud ten min ute later it was reduced to 103 Donaldson is 30 years of and wu boru in Tain. Wueu 17 yearn of age be jumped from the But derlaud Bridge ou the Ware, England, a distance ot over seventy feet. A week ago he accomplished the same teat tbat he did yesterday, but only a few person saw him, and it war discredited. The height of the bridge above the high water mark is 116 feet. Candahar Safe London, Aug 19 -A Q ietlah dea patch to the Standard s-ja the ene my's fotce in the attack on the garri son at Kuch on Sunday night last is estimated at 2 000. Their loss it con eiderably higher than was at first sup posed, and is now estimated at 200 killed instead of eighty, as previously reported. The British loss is fifteen killed and twenty-five wouuded. A desDatch from Jiuila says that the last brigade of Gen Stewart's force ! has reaoacd GunJamuk unmolefcted. The Viceroy of India telegraphs to the Foreign Omoe that Mr Liepel 11 Urif&a dent the following from Gun- damuk tody: Trustworthy corres pondents report the situation in Cabu as generally satisfaoory, although aliclit disturbances have occurred in the city. The priest aiua-i amid is uiog all his influence in behalf of the A me t. The general feeliug is said to be friendly to the English, exoet among the lowest olaas of the popula tion of the city.' 1 Great Enterprise. The Hop Hitters Manufacturing Oom paoy is olo of Kocoester's greatest busi uejs enterprUea. Their Hop Bitters have reached a sale be food all precedent, bavins from tbair iutrinsic value found their way into almost every household in the lan J. Graphic. C1B0L151 Raleigh Sera: Col Cameron, editor of the Durham Recorder, is traveling ia the tobacco counties of the titate collecting statistics. It is his opinion that North Carolina will sell forty mil lion pounds of tobacco from tbisyear'e c.-op. lUle-gh Visitor.' The Rav Wm War rick, otored, w I. celebrate his gold en wedding tcau;ht at his residence ou Eit titreet. Beveral of his friends will be present to eci'iy his hospitali ty acd extend him the compliments cf the season. Atbeville Citizen: Daniel BrysOr, an excellent citizen of Swain county, died ou July 27, aged 93 years. Five ouildern born to him are all living at d ware present at bis death.' The eld est i CO, the youngest (our friend, ColTl Bryson, who represents Swain lu the House), 51 years, of age. Statesville Landmirli Wednesday night of last week the griat and & Hir ing mill of J W and D Re.lman, on Rocky Creek, in New Hope township, was destroyed by fi e. The fire is be lieved to have been of accidental ori gin, and to have caught from friction of the machinery. There was no in surance upon the property; the loss is total. Wilson Advance We were shown Wednesday by Mr J O Manning of Bailey's township, Nash county, a ma 11 rock weighing seventeen grains, which had been seven months in the windpipe of his little daughter aged sevau years. Daring thoss months she was unable to rest and could not sleep well. One dsy some time ago while abe was oooghicg it cam out. It is a nroootb rock, some larger than a navy bean. Rateigh Observer: Wj leiru tua a mejMog of the di eotois of the Western North Carolioa Rulroad. the first nnder the tew regim, will be ueld at Salisbury to morrow. A sufficient numoer of the magistrates have given their assent to the build log of the bridges over the - Neuse. Proposals for tue work will probably kxaj be invited. -General Oox and Attorney General Kenan will address the people at Fairport, GranTille county, on Tuesday, 3 1st August- YeaterJav nioriUQi aDOUt v ouiou. ome.otdoretl peop e found a dead in rano..r.Aiai titular the Dlanks over inino.i ihAMJi Wi'k. at the oouer .,r aud E-Jenton stieets. OIBoer Goodwin went to the fpot, and immediately notified the cororner. That official went to the spot witb a jury of inquest, and the county Sup erinteudeut of i, and maae an examination of th? remains. They weie found to be those of a white child and were wrapped in a newspaper. rharlf Ho Observer. The latest in telligence fiom Gen It D Johnston axd Dart v comen from thi-m lmmtdiateiy after their arrival in Home, and after their visit to N plea. While in IvJg- land Gen Johas ou visited and renew ed an aranaintauoe with Judah P Ban iamin. Secretary of tita;eof he to ith- ern Coattderacy, and at pieeui O leen a counsel Geu Johnston was treat d with distinguished considera tion by the great Eugluh lawyer, who showed him the nature oi his wotk. aodoouducted him through several of the Eigii'h courts, rxp'ainmg iheir methods and pecuuaruier AppareLt ly be has lose nothing of his interest tu the Uoutheru people, to whose cause he was mo devoted and 'valuable an adh'Ttnr. At laet we have some information 0 mcvrninff the Vir ginia Midi aud extension. It is report ed that arrangements long in coutem plation have about been consummated by which a new Did it to be built to connect the Virginia Midland road at Danville, with the Charlotte and At lanta AirLiine. which has extensive connections , throughout the! South. Survrjs for the line have been com pleted and rights of way secured: pri vate hubbcripticns to a considerable am mnt have been obtained, and it u Hldo said the friendi of the Virginia Mi llaud road have agreed to oOn trib ute liberally to the measure, so that its building is an assured faot. I TUB MAILS. T e mail cloce and arrive at the City IW Oitice as follows : N'ortbern through od way mute 5:30 a (Uleigh 5.30 a. m....and S';U0 p. Mails fur the N. G. lUilroai, and routes supplied there- trom, including A. &N. C. RiilroaJ, at 6;30 p Soutberu omUa for all 'points ! South, daily ; 7:45 p Western mails ((J C R'y) daily IB. m. m. m. (except Sanday) 5:00 Mail tor Cueraw & 'Darling ton 7:45 Mails for jioints between Flo rence and Charleston 7:45 Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays. m. P. m. p. m. and Fridays......... M 1:00 p. m. tayetteville, via Lumber ton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 p. m. Onslow C. 11. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6.00 a. m. bmitbville mails, by steam- I boat, dailyi (except Sun days) 10.00 a. m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. 0, every Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes-j dajs and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY . Northern through and way mails 7:00 a. m. Southern Mails M 7:30 a. m. Carolina Ceuiral Railway...... 10.00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and ' from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Depaitment open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for sa!e at general delivery when stamp office is dosed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. Church Serricei. : Worship in tho various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : SECOND PBESBYTKIUAN. CHU&CH cor Fourth aud CamDbell'sixeetj". llev. C. M. Tayue, Pa&tor. Services at 11 a. m. I 2ioue at night. first baptist CHURCH, J comer of Market and Fifth streets. Ker. J. 1J. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. a., conducted by Bev. W. T. Jjnes. bunuay bchool at 9:30 a. tn Urocklyn Sunday School at 4 p.m. Young Meu's 1'rayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8:15 o'c'ock. Church Prayer jMeeting inursaay night at &15 o cloclc ST. JAMES PARISH, corner Third and Market streets. 'Rev. A. A. Watson, 1). 1)., Hector. August 22 ud. thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. Celebra tion at 7 a. xn. Sunday School at 0:45 a m. Moraine Prayer at 11 o'clock. EveniD rrayer at o o ciocc. kt. johs's chubch, coruer Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. Geo. Patterson, D. D., Rector Aug. 22 iL Thirteenth Snnday after Trinity. Morning rrayer at n o ciock. ST. PAUL 8 EVANQ. LUTHERAN CHUBCH Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Her. G. JJ. Dernheim, D. D., Pastor. Sunday School at 9;30 a. m. English Seryioa at 11 a. m. No serrice at night. FIFTH 8THEET U. K. CHUBCH (SOUTH), on firth, between xiub and Church streets. Rev. T. P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 9J, a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eye PROT STREET M. K. CHUBCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. K. A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and T:-iO p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p ia., W. il. l'arker, aup'U lrajer Meeting and iTuschiug Weanesdaj erening at TsiO o dock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first and third Tuesday eTenings in each month. I ST. PAUL'S KPISCOPiX CHUBCH corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rer. T. M. Ambler, Re tor. Services at 11 a. to. and 70 p. m Sunday School at 330 p. m. - deals free. coimisiiciAL msx70 WIUCIUQTON MARKET I AuacsT 214 F M Hj'IRITiTTDRPKIfTlNlC Qtwted ateady at SO cents, an advanceof one cent on yes terday's RAlea. lie ported sales . of 250 caaka at that figure. . ' UUaiN Quoted firm at f 1 Q2A t j rained and tl 07U for Good Stxalned. aalea reported. TAB Quoted Arm at tl 70 per bbl of 280 Iba. a decline of 25 centaalnce yesterday's quotations. UKUDK TDKPKNTINE Quoted firm at fl 80 for Soft and $2 00 for Virgin. COTTON Quoted steady at an advance of H of a cent. Ho aalea reported. The following are the official quotations Ordiaary.., Ovate. (iood Ordinary............ Low Mld(UiaM.M. .. M a It uooa aiaoiuf n mail JIB Bal&T aacairta OottubM.m...MH...H.Hm.N.....MM 15 sale Spirit Turpaatina. 169 caik a ja0a swMnti m mm wmit mw aaTlv bD 9 iaM MMMMaatMMaiM : aVW Orode i srpBtiBi...M.H...M......M. 663 HAEIITE nW8. r AUU1VED. Steamer Ellxabetn. liiabee. Bmithvllle Faaaport, Harper, Bmlthvllle, Master ouMUiier Matter. feteamer John Dawron, Sherman, Point Caswell. It F Paddiaon. Hteamer 1 Murckiaon, Garrason, Fayette ville, William A Murchiwou. OLEA&XD. Hteameri Elizabeth. BUbee. SmlthvUle, Master. MUMtmer Passport. Harper. SmithTillev Master. Hteamer John Dawson. Sherman. Point Caswell. K P Paddisou. steamer D Murculaon. Garrason. Fayette- viiie. wiiii&madi uurrnuoD. . Mteamatiip KeKUiaton Doane. 2iew Yora. r E Kona. Brie David Owen. Chad bourn. Rio JaneU ro, n. Kiaaer kodi. - a. . . . " scar saruh is Douglass, DeMerrltt. Naasan K Kidder & Sons. Exports. O0A8TWISZ. New York SteaniBhlp Regulator 11 bbla peauuW, 142 bales cotton, '20 bbls pitch. 475 uo tar. l.uiU casKa spts turpi. JJ0.009 jir.- Ktes. 25.U-20 ft lumber. 782 bbls rosin. 100 do crud turpi, 75 bales pine utraw, 16 pkga indse. . voasiea. Ilio Jaaeiro-Brig David Owen-275.S88 ft lumber Naau-chr Sarah e jougieg-25 ooo ft mber. 60,000 ahinglea, 6S bdla laths. WEEKLY STATEMENT or TocKi oa aaD acacai 16; 1880. Cotton ashore, 332 afloat., 1 "sis I Total Spirit aihore.M afloat. Total.... M Roiia aahore. 10S.S79 afloat. 3,36 TotalM..M ....109,034 Tar aahere. p. ....... ............... wmwti 1.007 Total 1,001 Gride ashore. l Hi afloat... Totals.. M BBoairrt roa ths wnt iDOina acs Cotton-.... 33 2,fc0i SpiriU... ivoiui.. Tar...... ..... ..... ............... ............. .... ...... ............ 1,311 Crude... M. ..............M..M ... 2,238 azroaTi roa ths wkic aaoiss ap. 16. Doaasf tie Cotton 176 163 1.67S dpiriti....... KoaiaM..MMM. TarM 1,102 110 Grade- Yorelfn. OOttOnM..MM.....M....M........M.M .M...M. SpiriU.... 2,444 4,228 KOBu1m..m Tar.M...MMM.MM.M.M.. Crude I iMamawMS aa List of Vessels Over 100 tons in Port Ingest 17th, 1880- BARKS. Qer Lvdia Peschan. 403 tons. Bremen, B Peschaa & Westermain Br Arabella, 324 tons, Foster, Williams & Murchison Br Resolute. 419 tons, Lawrenoa, Alex Sprunt & Son Nor Sosterk, 306 tons, Guttermsen, Heide & Co Br Blue Bird, 410 tons, Barker, J R Blcssom & Evans I BRIGS, j '.. Br Geo S Berry, 230 tons, Howa i, Northrop & Cummlng Ger Bernhaxd, 234 tons, Bohn. Heide & Co Am David Owen. 383 tons. Chadbonrn, J H Neff Am E H Williams. 407 tons, Goula, Northrop & dimming Am Fred B Rloe, 227 tons. Small, E G Barker & Co r SCHOONERS. Br S S Donglass. 00 tons. Merritt, a i vn .,. EKi:de; 50118 Am K Ftrnwn. 17:1 tnm Armhmii I Noithrop t Cumming Am Lorelta Fish, 316 tons, Watts, S O Barker & Co Am Afarv K Van r!lpaf. trm. Twm-ti- dyko, i KG Barker & Co Am aiampeae, no tons, rcrry, K G Barker Co Am E H Drammond, 290 tons, Higgins, KG Barker & Co Am W F Cushing, 259 tons. Crammer, Harrifs A Howell 9 Fresh Every Day A FINM A880BTMKNT F OAJIDU8. rraaca aaa uoaaaatia, Juat neeivad aad for aaJa. . I ioa 'vnji't.uaxiuiia ouBb-HAUX Caady la the ettr. will aw fomad rr day, fraah add sweat, thr doora Mouth of I Uaiaiaa, Frail, AauTJI O. ML JETKAS. swm pajpnisa.ajj maw otjjsjausjaaA lUUVIv m iaTTTj J 3,330 1,107 16. jaau Elaat tn roatoCUaf Im18 Uificallaneoiis. THE ,3 daily mm j;OH. T. JAMES SDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is pabliahed Every ter noon (Sundays excepted). At the following rates, postage paid : One Year $5 00 Six Months "2 50 Tbiee Months. 1 25 One Month........ 50 T!he paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, m any part I J of the city at the kbove rates, mor 13 cents per, week. The Daily Bbyisw is now in the iourtn year oi its existence, is per- manently established, with a large I and steadily increasing subserip tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most detdrable medi- am for adrertising THE I'ILOIHIiTOH JOURNAL. Is published EVERY FRIDAY. At the foUowingrat68 : " One Year....: .....$2 00 i Six Months. 1 00 Three Month. .......... ...60 Tax WiLMiaaTOs Journal circa- tea l&relj in the adjoiig corin- tief " wel1 M m W6Rtem po Qf gUt6 qTialled facilities to. megchanU for maVing knOwH What they hate for Ilisellancous. TH0LIAS H- Bf cKOY, bUCt 1 SUR TO Boatwrlglit & McKdy, OSvtf to tbf trd this we k 600 Barrfla Hoor, 50 000 Lb-nr'!' i 6. R. hidea, 50 Tieroe Fairbc ikri Lard, Jfj Bb:a'ti.atar( ioo Brls llaeH, 1 50 B K c" a 100 ! ackiigea Ci ackar 300 a8e nne ocAt 500 Bo i-So i i- 00 "ed ,trchT I CO ac'Jt!8 4uoret jQQ Boxa Candy, . , ! And Lota of other Uoodi too Dtmon us to mention. Daily tec-iptd of F'.eah GodB Stock always eq al o the demacd. AsX your seighbora who have pa chased from up, hjw pricei compare with otler Boosos. Al ! I aak is a trial Come and see me. Til OS. II. iflcKOY, Grocer and L:quor Dealer, an 16 6 4 7 North Front 8t3 WATERMELONS. AS AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, having suddenly acq aired prominence, since the plucky Mew i or a D etor c tiled for one, when his fast ended, Pa Bridge rs & Co., 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St , WilmingtoD1, N. C., have laid in a supply for the use of tWr cus tomers of the largest and finest in this ma. ket, which thej are retailing at eot, and warranted superior to the article suppli d Dr Tanne: bi t e Georgians When Tanner finished his Watermelon, he resumed the use of Bieaa and Butter, tiaui and Mas tard, Bacon aad Cabbage, Fish, Flesh aLd Vegetables, i a all thi wonderful variety pro vided Dj nature, and seenmgly ordai-'-ed by as necessarv to the maintenance of human life, and no where more abundant ly supplied than on the Ketail bhelves of P. L. BridgerS & "'"'Co. 20, 22, M. 26. and M North Front St, Wilmington, N. 0. It is generally known, we suDDOse. that a j li . Z . m Z vum aeiioious nun owts its popularity to toe fact that it holds ia solution. b6siaes Flavor. ing i xtracts, Starch, .uk ar, Water, Coloring Matter, and Salt, a small percentage of Al. eohol and other articles, kept constantly for sale in sepa-ate parcels, ready to bd mixed tor popular use. oy P. L. Bridgers & Co.; i nri an... M nnoiesaie ana aeuu Urocers, ! Wilmington, NO. Alcohol being the Arabic for Whisks. which ia an Americanism for the Irish word in. iivvji a a t uiouua, uie omer word rJAUUU beinir sometimts added in virtue of the birth nlm. of this unparalleled product of the boes of nr n. t.:-i e. a gtuu, mm v n aiuej in ail sized snap and packages from a gill tickler to a hxij gauona ca, ana irom ten cents to two nandred dollars. jrrencn urandv, Oin. Tokar Wina. Ex cellent iccuppernonir. Victoria hharr. Ma fleira Wine, tinuff, Fiug and Leaf Tobacco, Cigars, Canned and Dried Fruits. Ercs. n urowaier ones, vnaiments and freserves. we are bow reducinsr stock Drmtrttnn co our tnreatened removal to mora AUvihi ruwnj quarters in vctooer, and will make it the interest of all concerned in the use or the abuse of the abova mentions! tn eaii on P- L Bridgers & 20, p. 24,26 & 28 Front ' Wilmington, N. O , before maki: g their aelecooos. Co,, St., NO i OH AUG E for showing BoodB. for Dackin nr Hrt. or for Tewa Delivery, and we are perfecting oar arrangements wiia the Hailroad Oompa- utMm uu Biwrnuiuvmi uues to Ho KO villa. FV tteville aad Foiat Cawll for reduced iraa'poriauoa oa all goods shipped by P. I, BRIDGERS & GO. zu, 24. 26 and 28 Front;streot. aa II iw j rs. S. . J . , B a foer 1 FASHIONABLE MILLINEBT, Vilmiagtoa, N. C. ; t' Corner Third and Urange Btreets.1 Ki?VY J?rS, otloa,Mats. Bonnets, L yiata. Flosrn. r..iK.M nM..... J, f", WW renew aad work over all Mads ot old hair, braids, combinga, ., root tnem aad raakn ii.m n w nu wmmon io ioosj uk tnj were new. Call aad ate BUT SMCimAM rif work mJ specimeM of work. Miscellaneous. SPEER's Pqrt Grape Wir Jsed la ths principal Churches for C, t nioa parpoeei. Excellent for ! ladies and Wu' : Persons and the Iced. Speer's Port GJraiie -? ( Fours Ycar Old. rpnia celebrated nativf v j 9 is made from the jnlce of the Oporu cI: t raised iathii countz-y'. Its invalut j Tonic ani' stisuDieiiiiE PrcpJi : .: are unsurpassed bv anv other natite , Being the pure juioe of" the grape, prr 1- ,v under Mr. Hpeer's own personal soperriu its purity and genuineness are guarant y . j ,tui.uco iuhu way priaKr oi 1U : , r ous qualities, and the weakest invalid m use it to advantage. It is particularly 1 i. fieial to the aged and debilitated, nnd . r.w to the various ailments tr,at afflict the vfu se. it is, in every respect. A WINE TO !if RELIED OH. SPEERS P. J Sherry, The P. J. 8HERRY U a Wine of I RIOR CHARACTER, acd partakes f golden qualities of the grape from w'.i is made. For Puritv, i;ichne6s, Mayi r MEDICINAL PROPERTIED, it will it found unexcelled, SPEEK'3 ' ! ii . tn am aranaj, This BRANDY stards unnn'e'l in Country, being far tuperiorfor n eiicil j ur poses. IT IS A PURE ditiIlatSr.D frr m the g -iyt and contains valuable meoicln&l iiopei in. It has a delicate flavor, similar to-titt of the grapes from which it is di:tilled, ltd u in girat favor among first-class familiafli 806 that the signature o Alfred Spe-r. Paesaic, N. J., is over the cork of each U t tie. For sale bj W. H. QBEEN,J. 0. yiVl'DA Druyetsta, acd P. L. BBIDOKKc A (-( je 26-tf COMMERCIAL HOm WILMINGTON, N. 0. Il-argc Sanaple Rooms fir Ccmiacrcial Traveler. fJlHE PROPRIETOR having thoroBjifclj renovated this Eonse and furnished it ei-tire- I-' lynew, is prepared to give to the trKver pablio allthe eonvenienoles of a IIIT GLASS HOTEL. It is located in the rer? centra of the business part of the city, Uif convenient to the principal business b3xea, Postofflce, Custom Eouse, City Ball iai Court Bouse. Firet-Class Bar and Billiard K.Uwo connected with this HoteL RATES $2 PER DAY. 94 F. A. SflfTITTT 5 The PoreHtand Bat Mtnliclne ever rMsJt!. J Ac imbination of Hons. Duchu jdrakleand Dandelion. h aUth;Nnt.j moHtca ura tive proix rtiea of all otlier IUU r.t, makethe gTetMeU Blood Purifier. LKtf esz u I w axor, ana iaib anu lictuux UtsMJtMf So c l an poesibl; long erlt whrre Ilor jIUtters are us I operatic keaKj varloa aud perfect an u -v h Tlej giTS new li t szl vircr to tis sd and tl To all whom e mployment cue1rTcjn.l-rl tyof the bowelsork. urinary organs, or wb re quire an AppcizeravTonic and mild 8tinaulf n uop Bitters are inval. uaUe, without Irrtcs- icatine Ko matter what your f ellnCT br syrmt- are what the dineaae cr ail 'fluent is Han Hit tera. Lon't wait nntn vnu a re tuck bat ix " only feel bad orm'ivnJJfl BQseUiem at " it may save has I saved nuocrvu 5 OO will b TULid tnr . il SB -t her wfl! cure or hf!rv Tin n onfTo a OT lotVOOr IT l soaerOiUt aaeandnnre tbem. w" rlOJ Remember. Hon Bitters la DoV VUe, mifW' drunken noetrumut the Purptaw a D d Medicine ever made : tlo "UTlLTDc and DOES' and no Dersca or r.rr.ii Buwuu ue witnoui loem. i . . ... . - O.I.C. Is an absolute and IrrpHtibte cure t IvAi f orUrunkenwe, umc of opium, tobacco and a Vvf narcotics. Ail stM by drugTri:t. fiend a- asm uituuir. aw lun .n, mm.. KwoeMi-ri.x ana Toronto, unt. Brushes, &c, ELEGANT ASSORTMENT cf Hair, Tooth, Nail 1 Flesh and Shaving Erc-Lcs. Soaps, Toilet Powder, Per ferneries, Cirf Ac, ean be found for sale low at I Hi RDIlS'5, Apothecai j., aa Aew UarUt. jslQ MBa. 8. J. B AXER. r

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