THia fipeb .,..a .pt afternoon. 8nndyf lOSIl. T. J1ME9, rnlTOK A!D rMPWKTO. , ... -'KlFTIONS.OHTAaE VAID. . i' 00 rfii iikimtHe, 11 SO ; Three - --h., II 15; On month, 50 cents. ue' plpir w.ll b delivered by carriers, ofebwct.U any Prtof 0ellj.ttt v,e rate, or 13 cent per weak. AlT.rtWatr ratei l0 Bd llbertl ir-HofcMritHjrt wiil pleasareporl Any aaa1 ,;,,iln to r9lr ibeir papert-eyalarly. BROWN & 'R0D3ICK 4) Market Street. uU' J ans Drawers, .,!! nii-nrc"Iiroi r,"-J cent-, regular p,j.s. i. " Call ai.d examiic. tl, KU'miie lna Shirt, $1, try tLetn ,,: an.l yMf will usfl no ot'.vcr. t w .-io-iiu; tit all our Shells! J Shawls t f I; ih'-y ar really worth t J. -.!iV Colored Summer Skirts, Ctcm COc tol.T. A beautiful line Y.!" rented English Caaibric, 10 cents er yard regular price 15 cants. I rini d Pacific Iawns, 12 cents per yard, all over tho country at 13c. ilLACK CRAPES. We have just received a large h.y ico of t'rap-s In Single, Double and Tiiple. Suitable for Veilings and Tiinimings. sni.K AUKNTS IN THIS tl TY for tho WIDOW'S CRAPE, FOR HIE 1KEI' EST MOURNING. A I'.iij Drhe In Gents' Linen Ilandker chiefs, H TA) per Dozen; LADIES CORSETS. W liavft just received a new Corsol to re if tail at 7" cents a bemty. MtOWN & EODDICK, 45 Market St. FISH. FISH. New Mackerel. IUURELS. HALVES and . QUARTERS. For ia!e by Hall & Pearsall. aa IS A LARGE STOCK' OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND AIL KIHDSOF MILL WORK, LUMBER LATHS. &c. For sale very cbcap, at ALTAFFER, PRICE & LO. Factor: Ofiee: Foot or Walnut it fntt, near UdCroa it. aa 32 n. CKOMLY, Auclioitccr. 11 Y CRONLY & MORRIS. Commissioner's Sale. JJY VlkTOK OF A DECREE OF THE KapeH r Comrt, la tho caae of TLomaj X irholi, et aL,fr ata o" Land for partition, 1 will tell at tb Ccurt Uoue door Id t ilt city m Monday, Heptoaibrr f h, 180, at l'J elok, M., Uoua aad Lot situated ca the North aid of ilanover btwea bcond and third ttreeti, the time baTlnf a, fraut 6( ft oa Haaartr itiMt aad rannloj back III ft in aa altar, ard kuowo ai a ja't of lota J, 4 aad & in Birwk 161 Trma O-iih. Wl KKH MORKIH, C a.'r. WUciaf tn, N. O , Aar 3, iBtiO. aa Vlawtt Cape Fear Academy, A CLA8S1C1L, 8CIEXTIFI0 AND XI Coa-narcjal fcSlol. 'Hartioa oia rpUibr IT, 10. Comraodiaaa asi eoo vtaUat room, wita all liU improTtxsta, vitaated oa Tnird etreot, oppotita City Hall. Ibt'raeiloca tboroafh. PrparM for Cni TottiUa. ipcial atUntloa alao to FarlUb. all corp of Jattraetora. Taa Frlac ! detrmiad o male thLi a firt e!aaa t ehooL W. OATLKTI, aalCoawTl woa Frinripd. For Sale. I'KRFEOTLT HKW ;OFFICE HAFF, McIr, Hhn M Co., niaaafaetarera, a..aVUaaUo 1ok, wlkt l,6i01ba. Wot aal chaap. Apply at lU Til It) OFFICE. 1 H !1 VOLJ V LOCAL NEWS. New ldrirtlicmnti. Clyde's New York Bteamibip Line ALvarraa, Paica A Go. Huh, Doon,c T U McKot PTbionj Tana Attention Clubs . b Jiwarr Notle. B FMikbul 4 Boa Sew Flour Beit Bolted Meal ' V Haiaiiaaoia Mmical lturramnts A Bchatte Fete Champetre Window Glaaa ah sizes ai Altaffer & I'rice'a. , j t Th adv-rtiafbg car of (Joup'a Circu arrived in thia city last eight It is very bandsomo atxt ta 2Uy oroametited with scenes Id the jiioglrs of India, etc. Save your money aud buy your Build ing Supplies from Altafl'er lrice- . Mr. P. Heinsberger, Chairman of the Committee on TraoBpareucies and Pyro thetnics. received this morning a large quantity of Roman cannons aud rockets which will be nsed to-moirow night. You can buy Ho. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at JaC'Obi's liardware vepou Those members of the Hancock, Jarvi and Shackelford Club who have not re ccived their lamps can get them by calling on the Treasurer, Mr. August . Hjila, at Mr. P. IleinBberger'a store. I "Everybody can get suiu.i witha Poo ket Knife, also .Table Cutlery, at Jaoobi'j liardware Depot. The only casa before His Honor Mayor FishbUCe this morning was that of James QarJen charged 'with assault and battery lie was fined $5 and cost or 10 days the C. P. De anted up and departed. In Turge out themorbid humors of ths blood, by a dose or two of Aver s Pills, and you will have clearer heds as well ai bodies. " 1 A colored man in trying to swing around the corner ot the ebed on the wharf of the New York stoamer's wharf on yesterday, caught hold of a sliding door which rah out tho groove and per cepitated him into the water. lie came out a wetter, sadJer and wiser man. Tho'Baby'sRest Friend' is the most ap- proprlaU title for Dr. Uull.s Baby feyrup It ia abaolnteiv free from C&um. Mor nhiaand other powerfal agents,' is per- fectly sate and reliable uuaer au circum tancM aud bv allavins the uiual Stom ach and Bowel Disorders of babyhood keeps the child from fretting and crying; - m . . fta so injurious to Itsoll ana annoying w an. Price 25 cents. Mr. Georjre Myers. It Is with deep regret wo publish the very serious illness of Mr. Gebrgo Myers He has been confined to his house for the past fortnight And at tho. hour of our go log to press his physicians despair of say ing his life. ) . The Fourth Judicial Convention. To-morrow the Democrats of the 4th Judicial District assemble in Lumberton to make known their wishes in regard to the vacancy on the -Superior Court bench. and to name the candidate whom they desire to fill the place. Hon. Bart Fuller, Maj. J. O. McRae, of Cumberland, Col; W. Foster French, pi Robeson and Capt. Jdo. W. Ellis, of Columbus, are the most prominent Lames mentioned thus far in connection with the vacancy. But the man whom we think would rather bj right there now than any other person in the State, is the late incumbent, Capt. Kalph P. Buxton, of salt petre fame. Whn you visitor laveNew York City, stop at the Grand ! Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Dep-t. European pln. Rooms minced to $1.00 and upard3. I ALAurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. .f Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly ' Wilmlnjctoii District. Fourth round jof quarterly meetings for the ViImington District, Methodist E Church South' Cokesbnry, at Hythaay I.. Aug 23-20 Bladen, jat Autioch bept 4 6 Elizibeth, at Eiibethtown... Sept 11-12 Brunswick, atSbalotte C tmp .Sept 1819 Waccamaw, at Cypres Creek. Sept 21 22 Smlthville . Sept 25-2U Wi niiogton, at Front S; Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at Fifth St, ....... Oct 9 1Q White vi lie, at Sbilob i.... Oct 1617 Topsail, at Union...i .... Oct 23-24 New River Oct 27 Oaslow, at Queen's Creek Oct SO 31 Dupliu, at 'Wesley Not 6-7 Clinton, at Clinton Not 13-14 Coharie, at Newton Q ore Not 20-21 1Jt KfKBT OFFICIAL MEMBER be fUre to be at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us rasa the battle all over the District and look to Gop FOR YICTOBT. I V L. 8. BUBKBCAD, 1 . Presiding Elder. MagQlia. N. O ,,Aog 18, 1880. - i . Da WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, AUGUST The tieneral Comcaitteo of tbe grand ratification tc morrow evsning reques that the retail dealers in this city wilj close tkeir store to-mrrow afternoon, at 6 o'clock sharp, in orJer that clei ks and employes can have an opportunity to get their supper and fill in tbe proceseiou. Mayor Fihblate has been asked, uJ lns Cinsented, to have the market bell wrun2 at 6 o'clock at which time it s ein es ly requested that the stores will clot'. Crushed tt Death Yesterday morning, about 7 o clock George Williams, colored, t down cn the rai'road track ncir Smith's Creek about a mile from this city on the Wd mirgton and Weldon railroad, and drop ped to sleep. A few minutes &fterardi the northern bourd train thundered along and before it cou'd be stopped the unfor tunate man hid been crushed under its weight. He was carried to the Toor Bouse and a physician sent for but the unhappy creature was relieved of his suffering by death before medical aid could be pro cured. He lived only about thre ehoure after tbe accident. Coroner Hewlett em pannelled a jury on yesterday and held antnquest over the body. We under stand that tbe yerdict was, deceased came to his keath by being run over by a train. The social Event or the Season. Uneer the above caption the Asheville CUizen refers to tbe ball given in that place last week by several young WJ mingtonians, in the following s'yle : It was a graceful act upon the part of Messrs. Preston Bridgers, S P Shotter and Thos H McKoy, of Wilmington, in ten. dering to tbe young ladies from Georgia, visitors to Asbevi.le, a complimentary G .rman at the Eagle Hotel Tuesday even ing. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the commodious ball room was filled with one of the most pleasant crowds ev r assembled in "Asheville. It was a recherche affair throughout, in every appointment. The dancing continued un til a late hour. At twelve, refreshments were served, and greatly enjoyed. The favors were admirably selected, and added to tbe pleasure of the party. I Prominent among the ladi- 8 upon the fl.oc were MUs s Dun'ap, VUson. Nutting and Greer, ot Georgia ; A'.drich anl l'ick en, of South Carolina ; Ellis,1 cf New bern ; Myers, of Chailotte ; Breaux, Le Sassier and Kennedy, of New Orleans ; Mrs J O Martin and Misses Penniman, or Asheville ; Miss Needles, of I hlladelphia. Miss Rufflo, of Hillsboro. Tbe costumes were elegant, and of course all were most charming hi all respects. Mr McKoy led the dance and proved himself, as in all his efforts, au fait. Attention, Democrats! Fall In old Guard. j Let every Democratic citizen in this city both old and young of all ages who can set up a shout for Hancock and Ecg lUh, Jarvis and the State ticket, and is able to bear a torch or crry a banner, turn out to-morrow and to morrow even ng and welcome our d!stinguished visi tors. Frpm all indications the Ratifica tion Mass Meeting to-morrow will be tbe largest and grandest affair of the kind which baa happened here since the wsr The greatest number of distinguished men who haye honored us with their presence at any one time will be with us to morrow evening. The Governor and both of our distinguished Senators in Con gresa, the Hon. D. G. Fowle the silver tongued orator of Wake, and General James Madison Leach, the old war-horse who participates in every campaign, be sides Messrs. Fab, H. Busbce and Dan'i H. MoLean, th3 first Elector for tbe State at Large and tbe last named for this district, will all be here. Lat us give them a wclcomo worthy of this glorious old Cape Fear section. The retail merchants it is thought will close their stores by 6 o'clcck to-morrow evening and the Commission Merchants and the majority of the members of the Produce Exchango on the wharf have &1 ready signified tbeir willingness to sns pend business from 2 o'clock to morrcw afternoon in order to - enable tbemselvts and their employes to attend tbe speak ng in front of tho Telegraph office on Freut street at 4. o'clock, at which hour tls now thought, the. committee, yielding to tbe great desire cxpresaed on all sides, will commence the order of tha day. There will hi lots of fun, good order and good speaking. There will be salvoi of artillery in the afternoon, and music and fiie works at night. Come one, come all, and help to swell the crowd. Hurrah f jr Hancock 1 Hurrah lor Jarvis 1 1 Hurrah for the grand old uuterrified Democracy ! ! ! TigirUl! Window Glass of all sizes, Dort ,Sish and Blinds, Builders i Dardware.Ao Low eat prices at Jacobi's. Eeview. How to Pack, cotton. c The New York cotton exchange, tbe law on euch matters, has adopted tbe following: The usual side pUees not to be considered unnecessary bagging. Side-pieces sh"uld each consist of no more than a single half width bagging runnir g the whole leiith of the bale, cor shall the full widths of bagging be considered necessary, provided they only run the length of the bale, the heads be ing protected by head pieces of a single tbicknesa of cloth; but three full widths of bagging lapping each other at the heads, sbatlsubjct the bale to deduction of two pounds. Unnecessary ' bagging shall be understood to mean all bagging not absolutely essential to cover and pro tect the contents of 'the bale in a proper manner. My life was saved by Warner's Safe Kldrey and Liver Cure. E, B Lakdy, Sel?na, Ala. Death of Mr. McLaughlin It is with deep regret that we feal call ed upon here to chronicle the death of Mr. Wm; McLaughlin, a young gentle man well and favorably known in this city and surrounding; country. On Sat urday evening while in a moment of des pair and depression he drank nearly two ounces of laudanum and refused to have antidotes aJministered as long as he was conscious.. Doctors Wood, Walker and B urban k labored unceasingly from tbe time they were called in until this morn ing at 4 o'clock, when the unfortunate young man gisped .his last breath and ex pired. Yesterday afternoon the deceased regained his consciousness for a few mil utes when there was a change for the worse in his condition. He had been in very poor health for the past two years which culminated a few months ago In a severe attack of typhoid fever which left him in.adepreseed state of mind besides leaving his nervous system completely shattered He was naturally a gentleman of buoyant disposition and of genial and honorable impulses. His last act was committed, we are compelled to believe, in a moment when the mind and senses i were clouded and unsettled, the result of a long and protracted fever. The funeral services' took placo ai4 o'clock this after, noon. The remains were escorted to Oak dale Cemetery by the Knights of Pythias of which order he was a member. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Pkiue ACo's GRIND MISS MEETING OF THE DEM OCRATIC PARTY, i There will be a Grand Mass Meeting and Torchlight Procession of the Demo cratic Party on Tuesday, August 24th, 1880, at Wilmington, N. O. The following named gentlemen have accepted invitations and will be present and address the meeting: 1 Hon. T, J. Jaevis, Hon. Z B. vance, Hon, M. W. Ransom, . Hon. D. G. Fowlk, Hon. J M. Leach, F. Hi Bobee, Eq., D. H. McLean, Esq., Col. D. K McRae, M? j. C. M. Stedman, Maj. D. J. Devane. And the following have also been in vited and it is hoped will be prt sent: Hon. A. S. Mebrimon, J. W. Shackelford. Esq., Hon. A. M. Waddell, Capt. Oct. Coke. The Wilmington & Weldon and Wil mington, Columbia & Augusta Kail roads will iesue tickets good for three days at two cents a mils each way, and the Carolina Central Railway will issue re turn tickets at greatly reduced rates, for which see circular. The Fayettevil e, Smithvide and Black River boats will is sue tickets of the round trip for one fare. All Democrats are invited to partici pate. . By the General Committee, F. H. Darby, Chairman. Janes W. King, Secretary. i A Word to our Keadsrt. When you read of a remedj that will cure all diseases beware of it; but when ycu read of a pure vegetable ; compound which claims to cure only certain parts of the body, and furnishes high proof that it does this, you can safely try it and with tbe assurance that it will help you. Tbif is just what Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure does. It cures all troub lee of the lower portion of the body and none others. It will not help tbe tooth ache, ear-ache nor' consumption bat it will put your body la a vigorous and healthy state where you can enjoy life and appreciate its good things Try it. See a woman on horseback ia another column, riding near Speeds Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes' from which Speer's Port Grape Wine U made, that Is se highly esteemed by tbe medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persona and the aged. Sold by Drug&ista. 23 1880. NO. 154 Programme for the Democratic Rati fixation Meeting. Democratic Headquarters, ) Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 21. For tbe Democratic procession on Tues day evening, he 24-h instant, the follow, ing programme will be observed, and the following appointments have been made ; ASiiSTAHT MARSHAL? First Ward Capt. O. A. WiggiDS. Second Ward Mr. L. Tale Bowden. Third Ward Capt. Walter Coney. Fourth Ward tfr. Joseph Watters. Fifth Ward Maj. W. C. Fergus. SIVCIAL AIDS TO CHIEF MARSHAL. Maj jr James Railiy. Mr. Henry Ohlandt, -Mr. Josiah Merritt. The Artillery will be served by a detach ment of the Cape Fear L'ght Artillery unaer me airection oi Uapt. R. W. Price. The music ,will be furnished bv the Light Infantry Drum Corps and Cornet ijonceriUiUD. The Assistant Marshals with their re spective Clubs will start promptly at 7:15, and form as follows: First Ward Club, on Market street, right on Third. Second Ward Club, on Third, ri-ht on Princess street. 1 Third Ward Club, on Princess, light on Third street. ( I Fourth Ward Club, will form in front of City Hall. Fifth Ward Club, on Chestnut, right on Third street. ' The Young America Hancock. Jarvis and Shackelford Club, under command of Capt jKeene, will form on Third street right on Market. The music in wagon will report at the junction of Market and Third street. IN8IQNIA. The Marshals and Staff will wear a scarf of white cotton, with red rosettes for Assistant Marshals, and buff rosettes for Chief Marshal and Staff. The procession will move at 7:45 sharp. ORDER OF PROCESSION. Chief Marshal and Staff. Music. Young America Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club. Speakers with Reception Committee in carriages. First Ward Democratic Club, Assistant . Marshal Wiggins. Second Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Bowden. Third Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Coney. I . Fourth Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Watters. Fifth WarV Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Fergus. 1 1 line of march. ! . Down Chestnut to Front, down Front to Nun, up Nun to Third, 'down Third to Speakers' stand, between Dock and Or ange streets. Visitors from the country are respect fully invited to join the procession. It is confidently hoped that every true-hearted Cape Fear Democrat will come out to 8wellthe throng whose greatest pride will be to honor North Carolina's most dis tinguished sons,, our quests. i By order of the General Committee, Jno. J. Hedrice, , i Chief Marshal. Tbe Bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Nerve quieting Hop. the superb Mal arial antidote Quinine, and other precious ingredients, combined without fermenta tion, are the ingredients of 'Malt Bitters,' prepared by the Malt Bitters Company. New Advertisements. New FlourNew Flour 1 FROM, CHOICE SELECTED WHEAT S Best Bolted Meal Id the City from Prime White Milling Corn gronnd daily by our old established Merchant Mills, In any quantity to suit buyers, at ve, I lowest prices, " - B. F. Mitchell & Sod. an 23-3t Ilnsical Instruments. LiKQK ASD VERY CHEAP LOT of Violins, Aeeordeoai Guitars, Plates, Fife, kc. Yor thle at i BEIff8BESQE&'3. Paper and Envelopes. SEW LOT Of PAPER and Eavclciea ia Boxes. Jatt reedved at . am 33 THE LIVE B00S8T02E. FLKASS 50TI0E. We will barf ad to receive oommaalcatloni fross emr frWadc on aay aad all, subjects o luwmi wis v am writer aun uwayi oo lax nlsaed to the Editor. I OoaaultttJoas mast be written on only oaa side of thjapr. Personalties are tt molded. And It in MTwk4.71 J, - J trmm v J , iumi ct stood that the Editor flow not always endorse the Tiews of eorreeponAsats, nnlan so itati la tie editorial eolaans. iioTy AQvertisements. Notice. O AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, tbe 25th iastant, persons travelling op on tbe ilmiartoa anu Coast Tnranika wM k. T m . ... qaired to abow thelr tickets at the Toll Uoaxo t th toree-mile pott, as wall as at the Toll aotxse at uaikat street. - R. JITWETT, Bec'y k Treas. W. k C. T. Uo. aa 13 3t Attention Clubs. ANOTHER LOT- OF Campaign Goods tC8T RFCEIVED. ' Coaatry Clabf (Dem- oeratie and BepubUcaa) will do well to send in their orders ioon for Picture, Badge', i Hgt, (with names of candidate! printed n ' then). Chinese Lanterns, ko.. at BUOK STORE. an 23 FETE CHAMPETRE, AT Oak Grove Park, WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, From Oj to 12 o'clock, WKDNKSUAY EVENING, AUGUST 2't!., iSSO. X F. A. Scliutte, Manner. Table D'Hote supplletl with all tho Del. icacies of the season. Boats for Sailing and Rowing. Still Wa'.er and Surf Bathing. Music by the Harpers. The Manager, has spared no pains or expense in preparing for this occasion, and can assure all who may aL tend that avarvthinc will 1w Ant to promote the pleasure and convenience of his guests, as it is his intention to make his "EVERY WEDNESDAY" a feature of the Sound. j ' No objectionable parsons allowed in ttc Park. " I ' au 23 THOMAS H- llSIcKOY, SUCCESSOR TO Boatwriglit & McKoy, "MAN WANTS BUT LITTLE HERE BELOW, i NOR WANTS THAT LITTLE LOG. 9 So said the poet; but I call on you Starving, Hungry, Cassius liko. looking pcoplo to meet me in eol- emn conclave and pronounce tho Poet a Fraud snd a; Welti won't say it You all know wo want PerviGions I ' ; . , . T 'Cause we aU ain't Doctor Tanneif. . - Then the great question arisp, t j here can they Le found t SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Men, Women, and Children will as it were, with one voice, Gxc&m, call on THOg. Ha IflcKOy, Grocer and Uquor Dealer, 6 At Iforta Frost Bt an S3