L THIS PIPER ,.l!ed erT Krnooa. Suadayi r or I08U. T. JAMES, ,4-iMiTioNM.r(HTAi: paid. 1 .1 - t'lU) Thra. . , ' montbs.il ; wemon,w. rn- paper will be delivered by carriers, . f i- rtof theeitv. tub r ol enra;w, 7 r . is enu Mr AnT.rtisinrat. low and liberal r-oteribrs wi pleas report any and . rlilor to reeglreineir papers regularly. B30VM & 'RODDICK 45 Market Street. li.-nU J- an Drawers, , ,r MiitiufaC.iir.s tfcj cvuts, icgii'ar j tl.-" 'a'.l and exandne. II, Kiii.mu- I) 5 Mi'r, 1, tO' them :.v ai' . will UaeiiO other. Hi- .lani Shawls. ' Hsiii .ut all our Shetland Shawls at $1; th'j ara really worth t-l. lJi !:tV ColonM Sumruor Skirts, from GOc to 1.7. A beautiful line. V id-Printed English Cambric, 10 cents I cr yard regular prloo 15 cents. I rmtr.! Pari tic I.awns, 12 J cents p -r yard, 1 all over tho country at lGc. 11 LACK CHAPES. V have just received a larga Invoice of Trap In Single, Double and Triple. Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings. MLK AUKNrS IN THIS CITY for the. WIDOWS CUAPE, FOR HIE DEEP- Esr mouknini;. AlU: l)iio in 001113 Linen Hai.dkcr. chiefs, $1 o0 per Dozen. LADIES' CORSETS. VV have jmt received a new Corse, to rc tail al 7." cents a beauty. BROWN & EODDICK, 45 (Vlarket St. jr IT THOMAS McKOY, SUWKSSC'R TO ISoutwrlslit & McKoy, "MAN WANTS HUT LIITLE I1EI1K liELOW, NMK WANTS THAT LITTLE LONG. ' So said the pott; but I call on you Starvius, Hungry, Cassius-likc looting people to meet mo in sol emn conclavo ami pronounce the Poet a Fraud and a ; well, I won! say it. You all know wo want Pervisions I 'Cause wo all ain t Doctor Tannery Then tho groat question arise r, whero can they l found ? SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Mod, Women, anl Childrou will as it were, with one voice, txciaim, call on THO. II. ItirKOY, Oror and Liquor Dalr aaSS A 7 North Troit Bt 1j VOL. V CHEAP BEADING! For tho Campaign. The Daily llctrsw, to Dec. lt, fcr !,00! . . Tl. WlLMIMlTOX JuUCN'AL. to Di C. Ut. l.r CO centtl " Tt Wilhisot ti JoUusal jmblinbtJ eviry Friday, give ll of tl new of tto week! The 'Daily Kevikw, published every afternoon, gives the newu. of the day and the latent market reports. Address Joan. T. Jamm, , Wilmlngtou, N. O. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Jko L 1odlit, PiM't-Fint Ward Uemo cratio Club Jab W Kma, Pecfy Thlrd Ward Demo cratic Clob j I W P Olpbam -Fourth Ward Democratic Club P T Dicksrt, Prealdent Fifih Ward Dom- ooratio Club. , Y atm Attention Clubs P liaiviBtaeaa Musical lnstramonts Window Glass all sizes at AlUffer A lr;oe's. ' t Timber rafts are coming in qtt'te freely. I The novelty lu contrasted colors is vio let with pink. Scupjioruoiig gras are pl.ntiful at live cents per quart. J Great preparations aro being made for the qrand ratiflcation to-night. Will you bo In line? The Hewlett seine caught triuter n thou sand mulcts at Msisonboio lach on Monday last. ! Fave xmir money nd buv yoitr HuiM" ing Supplies from AlUer V Vrlcv ' The queen has tabooed bangs and fringes of hair on the forehead but they do not stay tabooed. 'Idiot fringe nevOr dies on some foreheads. A a einlrituous Ihiuors will injure men ao opium or morphia will harmfully effect the baby. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup Is the romody for tho baby. It is froe froni opium. Price 25 cents. . 1 Vu rf out tho morbid humors of tho blood, by a dose or two of Aykr's Pills, and you will have clearer beads as well as bxlies. i i A Cincinnati clergyman recently paid his affectionate respects to the class often found that will spend 850 for carriage hire at a wlfo's funeral, but never spend SI for riding whi'e the poor woman is alive. lumallables. The following unmailable postal matter remains in the postoffice in this clt : Nathan Townsend, Nigor Depot; Uxnl Brown, McDowell street. Von rAu imv n. 1 Cookinc and Heats inatoves at almost any price at Jacoui's Hardware De;ot. Albums of butterflies and grasshop pers' wings are among new fancies. The entire bodies of the captives are preisod. while the wings, grouped according to clashes or colors, are held in pUce In the album by a miuuto particle of gum an bic. 2 Knll M;tl and Walnut SImw Cj os, all styles sud sue, at Altaffkh, IVacE A Co's Ladies boots with ombroldered frouts are ta1kJ about for the autumn and winter trade. Manufacturers abroad aro ten lin? th out-out boot fronts out over Franco an 1 Swi z r'.and among tLe women who execute artistic and elaborate nee lie work, to iusrre a proper execution of the embroidery. My life was saed by Warner's Safe Kldrcy and Liver Cure A'. B Lakdy, tbeltnti, Ala. When you visitor leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depu Euroiean plan. Kooms reduced to $1.00 and Upwards. H rstaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. S;reot cars, stages and" elevated railroad to a parts ot the city. . ly A letter addroasaed to'the prettiest girl is posted up for a claimant. The girls all say; lt looxs like his writing. I wish they baI just sen, it to me and not stuck it up tha way in a public placa.l'll nerer get It now I " - DAlEf WILMINGTON, N. C.v TUESDAY, AUGUST The Batiflcattwu Meeting uml Our DlstinKUtsheil Vliturs. His Excellency, (Jovercor Jirvis, auu Eenator Z. B. Vance arrixed here this morning by the Carolina Central train The Governor is stoppm-: at 'he Puree'. 1 House and Suator Vaace is the uest of Col. Jaima G. Bjrr. Sf vat or 11 W Uiusom, who arrived la.t night, wi 1 U entertained by ex-Mayor A H. Vux. Bokkelun. Geo. James Mid.eK.n Ltacb aud F. U. B .sbce, Ei . EWctors tr the State at Ure, arrived t uiht and arc stopping at the I'Mrcell Hour 3. Mr. Daniel H.1 McL-a , Eit-ctor tor tfcis Con gressional District, arrived to-day by boat from FyetteTi:fe arid is ulso rgib tcred at the Purcell. Wa regret es.cr tl ingly to learn that Judge Fowle wilL not be able to be with us on th's iuterth'itig occa8lon,tbeing detained by some impor' ant law business. The procession will move to night upon the firing of a signal gun by a detachment of the Cape Fear Artillery. The firing of tho cannon w li continue at intervals duiiog the marching of the column and" until the procee6iou reaches the stand on Third, street, works will also be displayed on the route of the march. The spcakrrs to night win be, first Governor JarviB, then General; Lijach and Mr. Busbee, , . , t Owing to the fact that 8eiiatr -Vance's health will not permit him - tb spork at night in the open air the old war-governor wiil entertain the crowd to-morrow after, noon at 4 o'cicck from the same stand on Th'rd etroot. To-morrow night our other distinguished aud ;able Seuator, General Matt VV. Ransom; and Mr Dan'i U. McLian, our talented young Elector for this district, will addrees the' crowd. Msrs. Busbve and McLean are llie two youngest speakers in the party but. tte'y make up in talent what they lack' ki years and experience. Think,, follow Democrats of Now ' llauovcr and sur rounding cou'ntiej, what a treat there is in store fur you; the Governor and cur two distinguished 9enators,the old campaigner, General Leach, and Bacbcc and McL 3an all to address you; what a glorious time we will have. Why, they will skin th Bads from bead to toe and then present heir ugly political carcasses to your gaze and show you what a disgusting spectacle they aro with the. brilliant electric light of truth. shining In full force upon them. Let us urge upon the wards to assem ble promptly, and let every man como with a clear throat prepared to hurrah for Hancock and English and Jarvis and the State ticket; come with pricked ears, tooto listen to the words of soberness and truth which will be told you by our distinguished speakers who have honored us with their presehco on this occasion; The Ship of State! . One interesting feature in the proces sion to-night w '1 be'a'fuIJ-iIggeJ s!dp on vheels, drawn by four bQrse This; will be afartAf Ihe Fourth Ward-prbooasion, t.-sm which the crew will at intcisls fiie off Komao caudles and sky-rockets. ' ; ' ' A! Ills Crowd. ' " It is estimated that there have urrived during the day in th; city f ally one thou sand visitors, dawn hither by the grand ratification maj-Bjmeeticg'ionlght.and the cry is, still they come.' 'Thirdjes'not in clude thoso who frived yesterday and last nigbt. , i;ait. UiMiie. 1 , Cpt. H. M. Drsne was to have pass ed up tho R. A." Line last nihi to Chatham 'county, where he goes oa a short visit to relatives and friends. It is uow definitely known that Cupt Drase resigned his posltkn as Fre'gnt, T;cket and Pitasecger Agent (tm the M. Tin i Brunswick U. K. to accept the position oi Superintendent of C instruction of a new road in Geor&lx, wort on which U. ub ut to begin " - j There are tJ bo s eats around the foot of the Speaker's stand( to nij,ht which tna vumi uw ip j n uuci stood are for tho elderly gentlemen wfco miT attend. ' Yoo men aod b ys niust not monopniie these seats wnen any older person are ground sUnding cp. Uecoriecf this, boys, and doa t ycr forget it!' Taa Bono and Muscle- producing Malt, the Nerrw quieting Uop, the finperb MaJ. arial antidote Quinine, and other predovf logredieoU, combined without fermenta tion, ar the. ingredient of 'Malt .Bltteri prepared by tho Malt Bitters Company. Tli fish maiket is ell supplied. The dircus j j-t:s wij put up to moi.jw, Loys. Ger.ral A J. Myer, Clnet'of the Sig ns' Ii n-eau. fiJ mi Washington City, this moioJ ig at 5 o'r!.ck. . The Serial Officer at lh:s slution .has Kad .his colors at halt Tiiasl i--div iu honor of the deceased. The Judicial Convention- Th J'eiai Cocvpntiu for the Fourth 'listrict ir io sessiou te iay: at L imberton f -r the purple of noniina'iDg a can i date to tiii the position ma le vacant by the rttiua'ion f .Judge Buxton. , We had hoped to present the iname of the nominee to our readers to-day but at 6 o'olock this afternoon the Convention had j'lbt Leguu to bal ot. . Hence the result wiil be too late for this Us e. ' Death, of Mr Georse Myers. Iu yesterday's issue we spoke of the extreme iUne;Bof Mr. George Myers and to-day . we are called upon to repcrt the sad news of his death. He passed away at half-past 1 o'clock this morning, sur rounded by tiearly all of those he held dearest on earth. I - . It is a sad blow to the many here who bad learned to love and esteem Mr. Myers for ftose many qualities, both of head. ,&ud of heart, which endeared bim to his; friends. He had been among us a long time' and although hjs thoughts were not always our thoughts and his .ways not always in accord with the ac cept3d views of bis friends, yet all were forced to accord him the merit of a" true sincerity in all of his' professions. i Mn Myers was amorg our oldest and mostrteHdily successful merchants. He was born In'Hndsoh, in New York, Au- gu3l 5tiT, 1323, and was consequently 57 years and a few .weeks old. He first came to VVfl'n'ng'n about 1$50 and embarked la' the ' groc 'mj bufincss in the identical house occupied by h'm , at. his death, which fori many, years past -has been owned by him . - j ' He left here directly after the close ol tho war and removed to New York where he embark? J in business as a flour mer" cbnt. la 1 870 h returned tc WUming ton and resumed ! control ot the grocery busine&a here which during the interval had been ',cbarga ot his brother, Capt. Chag. D. My ors. Since 1870 he haa re sidvil continuously H this city. He had been sick but about tWo weeks and few were prcpan. 1 for the sad announcement which was made yesterday that no hopes were enterta'ued of his recovery, j ; The body hrs been embalmed, and will betakenolth to-morrow for interment, and wiil be escorted to the depot by a committee frcra Corneous Harnett Lodgef Iloyal Arihum, and '-om the Council of the Legion of Honor, ot both ol which he was a member. It wi'l be accompanied by Mrs. Mj-eiiaad Mr.?li, C. Myers, the eldest, sou of the deceased. None 1 aew him but to love him." Frank Leslies Popular Monthly. ' The September nurnber of . this ad mirable magrzine is calculated to susf?;n its deserved reputation. The contents are remarkable for eomprec henfiveuesj, variety, ' instructiyeneas and entertainment. The opening article, 'Tho Campaign of 1880 The Nominees of the Two parties will ,be read with great interest at this time. Tiitjre is an exelleot article by Frark NortODTfce Old and the New Arcadia; one on the Customs of Old Spain'; The t lure. King of Abyssinia,' by A. H. GuerS4y;. 'TciD,' by. Lady Blanche Murphy, and many ethers of rare merit. The department of fiction is unusually rxh. The serial'Not Guilty Ma concluded, and th-re are stiris and sketches1 by Karl Drury, Prudence Bjwers,'F. E. Uamilt a, Arujnd M. Douglas, ; Mar guerite F. Avmar, aiid other ( writers of celebrity. ! TLe pe:us nre Ly J. G. WhittieV, R'-ta, Richard Dowiii g, . Etijel Fonblanq-ie etc. There are adventures of tbriilii-g interest, a capital artic ok The Was::::igton of Y-irkshire; 'Some Gosti pi n Papers, 1 by Mrs. Bar ro w 't his torieai sketches, and "aa abundance of brief articles affording pleasant and in s'.rcctive readiig. Ihere are quarto pages ia eicb number, and over .109 ill jstratiour; (he present nunberhss a hand nome colored plate .ontiepiece, the sub jict being 'Th Bridegroom's Stirrup Cup in Andu?'a, 'The price of asnig'.e copy is oniy. 26 cent; the annual subscription, S3, postpaid. Addreis, Frank I jslie Publ sb'n Hoose,'53, 55 and 57 Paik Plac?, .New York. 5 Mr. JCath'I Jacohi having Ijeec appoint ed agent fur the Atlas' now, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can 'now have their orders filled at Jaooei's Hard ware DepcCHdMO S. Front st. ., tf.j .j, - ,n iM , ... .i t t . i r - 1 I ,.8ee a woman on horseback in anothei icolumn, r Wng . near Spear'a x Vineyttrda, wilh.A bunch ol Grapes from 'which SpeerVFort Grape- Wine ia made, that Is aa highly cslmed by-tho' cjedical pro fession for the use o(- inralida, ' weakly persona and the aged. Sold by Drsgguti. 24, 1880. NO. 155 Trosramme far the Democratic Rati li cation Meeting. Demockatic. Hkadcabtehs, 1 j WlLMfXGTOX, N. C, Aug. 21. For the Democratic procession on Tues day eveniDg, the 24 h h -.tant, the follow ing programme will be observed, and the following appointments have been made: 'ASSISTANT siaksiial? . F st Ward Capt. O. A. Wiggins, Second Ward if-. L. Tale Bowdeiu Third Ward Capt. Walter ConeyJ Fourth Ward ilr. Joseph: Wattera. Fifth ,Ward Maj. W. C. Ferg is. Si'vCIAX. AIDS TO Cmti" MAKSilAL. Maj jr. James Ueilly. Mr. Henry Ohlaudt. Mr. Josiah Merritt. The Artilie y will be served by a dttach meuT of the Cape Fear Light Artillery under the direction of Capt. R. W. Price! The music 'wil'lj be furnished by the Light Infantry Drum Corps and Cornet Concert Club. The Assistant Marshals with their re spective Clubs will(8tart promptly at .7:15, and form as follows: ' First Ward Club, on Market street, right on. Third. . Second Ward Club, on Third, right on Princess street. Third Ward Club, on Princess, tight on Third street. Fourth Ward Club, wiil form in front of City Hall. Fifth Ward Club, on Chestnut, richt on Third street. v ' The. Young. Amorica Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club, under command of Capt Jene, will form on Third street, right on Market. The music in wagon will report at the junction of Me-ket and Third street. INSIGNIA, ! : The Marshals and Staff will wear a scarf of white cotton, with red roeettea for Assistant Marshals, and buff rosettes 'for Chief Marshal and Staff. ' ' ' The procession will move at 7:45 sharp. ORDER OF PROOF.SBION. Chief Marshal and Staff. Music. ; Young America Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club. , Speakers with Reception Committee' in ..;: , carriages. Vj First Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Wiggins. j Second Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal BoWden. j Third Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Coney, . Fourth' Ward Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Watters. ! Fifth Warl Democratic Club, Assistant Marshal Fergus. , I j LINK OF MARCH. Dwn Chestnut to Front, down Front to Nun, up Nun to Third, down Third to Speakers' stand, between Dock and Or ange streets - Visitors from the country are respect fully invited to join the; procession. It Is confidently hoped that e jery true-hearted Cape Fear Democrat will come out to swellthe throng whose greatest pride will be to honor North Carolina's most dis tlrigu shed sons, our QUBSxa. By order of the General Committee, . " ' Jno. J. Hedrick, ' V - Chief Marshal New AdvertiBementi. Bally ! First Ward DEMOCRATIC CLUB I to the Grand Ratificion mee!n(r aid torehlhjrit pro cession. Yorjare herbj notified to matt promp'y at BrookWa Hall to-aijrht at 6,30 o'clock, P. M. Tje lanterns wi'l be en band ready for use. AU Democratic voters are earnestly requested to be en hand prompt. ly-atxd don't you forget it. " Br order of the President, JOUX L. DUPLET. W. H. SniDss, 8ect'y. au 24 Third Ward rpHTHD WAR'J DEMOQiiATa wIU meet at uatia place oppSilte, City, Hall, this evt 1 , - . ..-'--. ' ' - nig at 7 o'clock, sharp; t3 join ia the toreh- light proces sion. " ' 4 By ;-Tdr 'President ard Clubi ' Jt au U It i Ati.W. KINO, Peel'T ; Fourth: Ward. I rpflE FQUmtti ;W ABD ?DUiO0fiATia Oib and J aU4 DemocraU redding la said Ward, ar araesdy requested to be eniaad tosjon it tka.'preOMswa at he dry Hall this afternooq at 7 of eisok.. JLet core ae the Oaasar Ward xUy i - u o ' i aa3ftlt' iia:fi. -..n.v th Tint "Ward are earnettly rrdoattad PLXABB JOTICK. We wDl be glad to receive ecmmo&katio&i from our frUnda on aay and all. labjeoti o CarallBiarwt tmt: J Taa aama of the writer mutt always be far Bished to U Sdltor. . . . OoaanaUatioaj &ait b written on only one side of the jpr. Farso&alitlef nn a jroided. And it Is especially paTtJeularlj;aader stood that the Editor 4eu not always endorse the Tiewg of eorreeponsts, a&Iets 10 its ted la the editorial olofcna. New AdvertiBemonts. New FIourNev Flour ! FROM CHOICE SELECTED WHEAT ! Best Bolted Meal In tha City from Prime WhileTMiaing Lforr ground dally by our ' r oltfesUblfshed' ,r Merchant Illills, In any 'quantity to 6Uit buyers, at very lowest prices. B. F. Mitchell & Son. Musical Instruments. LARGE A5D VERY CHEAP LOT of Violins, Accordeons, Guitan, Flutes, Fifoe, Ac. yorshleat L HElNSBERQEK'ti. Paper aud Envelopes. 'J HEW LOT OF PAPEkWd'tsViIci cr in Boxes. Just received at an 33 THE LIVE HOOK T'l.nii Notice. 6- ?rVND AFTEB WEDiQSL) V, the 2fith inatanft. Dranna tmvl!ii ' ii'mn u Wilmington anu Coast Tuinpikn w i I be r& aui-ed to show their tiekta at thftTnll llnnm at the tDree-mile poet, as well as at the Toll House at Market street. 8. JffWETT, . . , ,8ac'y A Txeas.,W. AC.T. Co. Attention Clubs. ANOTHER LOT OF Campaign Goods JD8T RECEIVED. Country Clubs (Dom ocratio and Republican) will do well to send in their orders soon for Pictures, lUdccr. Flags, (with names of candidates printed on " ' !J " i ;T i i V' J i it them;.'"Chinese Lanterns, 4e., at . ' ' " au 2i at. i j Oak Grove Parli WUIGHTSVLLLK M)U N I ), ' From ;a to12 o'clock! "3C i ) N DAY EYJENUSG, AUGUST tb, ltiL E. A, Scliu tte, f Mahler Table D'Uot$ supplied wiv'i ill tbo.lM. icacies of th4 season. - ' . 1 1 Boats for Sailing a:. 1 i;ovj';r. ' Still Water and Suit Kllim. i Music by the Harper's.''' ! 'f' " ' I - ' j. i i ..,( eit !!.?'' The Manager Las spared no jjaind tr expense in prepaftrr r.r-trjr cccaiion, . .- .; j .Ji . i- . b 1 and i can assure a'l who, may at tend that . every 'bin u t s l iiH p'romote the pleaturb ana 'oonvehlcnco of his guests, as it is his intention to mako his "EVERY WED.r,SDAT, a fealmo ' - of the Sound - No.objectlomble persons aMowd in' tic Cape Fear; Academy; A CLAS8IOAL,- BOIE3TTIFIO AND Commercial Hcheoi. Haaion bo-ira ttepteacber 57, 1880. Commodieus and eotv Ves Wat ronai. wltK'aJt 1U ihi,m.m situated on Third Street opposUa Oity Hal' lBftrattlnnS thnynnvtl.' Pr.niru tn. llr, X versiVML . g$fclx atMstJen also to Kb rib' mi crp oi insiraetors . T rra4a; . aewrnuatQ o maxe lau a nrst eiasa fchw . v : ! ' VV. OATLKTIV an 1C oawTl . laon . . .Principal The Lowest Price 3 P IOB ALL, KINDS OF rBLNTLJig,, Gt estimates at ibb offic before ha . g jwar priming cone eise ncre. . vmciD, review ? Datajng.!; wl CRAB. KLElUyJ 7 A Una aaacrtmjt f finfTna rets eossunuy en hnJL Fernitore llxlnxt Clesnad t-3 V UZ'-'.ei. Vt?tb by - w i --ill L'- f- f - U? i&iJclI vii 1 4 a I ..-.... l-OEfErbto-' M caticEt Mst. r -' v I

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