.7 THIS PAPKB .tirV rtarmeoa. 8aadayi j pttPIW-"' " - JOSH. T. J A M E f ditob a I'D rmoraiwoa. .. ,a;KIKriONH.,OrtTAGE PAID. 00 Six ismta. SI 50 ; Tlirae ' ,. .nth, f 1 ; 0 month. 60 oenta, - ..per will delivered by carrier, ..." .: D part of tr.eeity.at tie r or U ceaU per wt " 4 uji nit rate low and libera ' -Soberibri will pleaaereport any and r.itaref to reciTe tbeir paperrf regularly. BROWN & 'RODDICK 43 Market Stivet. (Ir-utV Jans Drawers, m,,ju. ininu factum, - evnts, regular Cull and exami. e. Minnie Dress Shirt, $1, try them otu-. ami y-u will uso no oil r Holland Shawls. t Br d.suii; utaUour SlieLland Shawls at 1; th?5 ara really wcrth $3. La.!:- CIorol Summer Skirta, from COc to 11.75. A beautiful line. WiJ.' i'iinted Knglisli Cambric, 10 cents j or yard regular price 15 cents. I rmir.l Pacific Iawns, 12 cents p r yard, 1 1 all over the country at 15c. BLACK CHAPES. V'.i have just received a large inyoice of CVAf-'s In Single, Double and Triple. .Suitable for Veilings and Trimmings. S(),K AGENTS IN THIS CITY for the W IUOWS CflArE, FOR THE DEEP EST MOUKNING. A It.-. lrhe in Gents' Linen Haudker chiefs, $1 50 per Dozen. LADIES CORBET'S. We have Just received a new Corset to re tail at T" cents a beauty. 3R0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. j? 17 THOMAS H- McKOY, SUCCESSOR TO Hoiitwrfclit & McKoy, "MAX WANTS IiUT LITTLE HERE BELOW, NOR WANTS THAT LITTLE LONG. So s.iiil tbo poet; but I call on you Starviug, Hungry Cassias liko looting pcoplo to meet mo in sol emn conclavo and pronounce the 1'oet a Fraud and a ; well, I won't say it You all know wo want Pervisions I "Cause wo all ain't Doctor Tanners. Then the great question arises where can they bo found i SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Men, Women, and Children will 4 asit were, with ono Toice, exciaini, call on TIIOS. II. ITIcKOY, On Mr aaJ L-f,r Dealer, ft k 7 North Front Bt aa IS 2 r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. THURSDAY, AUGUST CHEAP BEADING! For the Campaign. - The Pailt IIeiew, to Dec. 1st, for $1.00! I The W. MrraT;iN Jouunai. to Dec. 1st, for 0 ct .tBl The Wit.misotoK Ji ttin at published very Friday, give nil of the uew of the week! i The. Daily Review,! published every I t afternoon, gives the Dews of the day and the latest market reports. Add re w Jopii. T. Jamks, i Wilmington, N. O. New Advertisements. WiLLiao's Qed Cotton. Yatu Attention Clabf P Huaaaaaeaa Muiical Inatramcntt Wir.dow Glass all Price's. sizes at AlUfler & t The watermelou crop is about pla) cd out. Where to go when short of money to work. The run of fish very fine. i this Sta-n has been Tberts'a music in his sole the man with new shoes on. Save your money and buy our Build Ing Supplies from Altatter & lrice. The ben, like the anateur at billiards, depends principally upon the scratch. Family jewels' stick to soma fimiiies for many years, but the old clocks tick loDger. " ' Old John Robinson's circus will x hibit in Goldsboro on the 13th of dep- tcmber. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sues, at Altaffkr, I'kicjc & Go's ScuppernoDg grapes stick to 6 cents per quart with the same lenrcity as the hucksters do to Mud Market. Purge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Aykk s Pills, and you will nave clearer heads as well as bodies:. . The new market for Filth Ward Is fast approaching completion. It will be quite an improvement. j . i From the Agent In charge of Coup's bill posters we learn that the show bill8 will be put up to-morrow. A auiet and pleasant home is insured to all mothers that use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for their little on s. It contains nothing injurious. How shall we get the young men to church? asks a religious weekly. uev the girls to go.brother, get the girU to go. Everybody can get suited witba Pxsket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaoui's Hardware Denot. Mr. J. Zimmerman has been con fined to his house by sicknes. for the past wetk. His condition '"s said tc be very critical. The water in the river has fallen very rapidly jand there "is hardly enough on the shoals to float the steamer over. Yes terday be steamer Sorth JS.tate dragged over the shoals near Fay e'teville. Rice birds are plentiful in the fields and hunters are ;kept busy shooting them. The birds are very jdestructive to the crops and it is estimated that they consume about onetenth c.f the yearly yield. , Mr. Natb'l Jcobi having beer, appoint eU agent for ue Alias now, parties la want of this oeleorateU riow cn now have their orders tfi UVd at JAO-nPa Hard ware Depot, Mo, '10 S. Front st. tf. The only way to shine, even in this falra world, is to be ruodest and unassum, ing. Flsrhood my be a thick crust, but in the course of time truth wilL find a place to break through. E'ejauce of language may not be in the power of us alljbot kimplicitj and straightforwardness are. When you visitor leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Knoros reduced to $1-00 and upwardj. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot tb city. ' ly LOCAL NEWS. DULY The Closing rcene. Tbe mammoth ratification demonstra tion of two day's continuance was fitting ly closed last night by able Fppc.bes from North Carolina distinguished senior Sen ator, Hon M. W. Hans- m, aud our la' ented joung Elector at-Lxrge, Mr. Fabius H Busbee, of R-iloih. By 8 o'clock tLe tenches and suiTwUud ing sp.ceaabout the speaker's stand were all filled by an eager, untiring crowd ot interest.! atid.tor, .coliahle x. 'k whom was a large number of ladies. Sen ator Ransom was eloquently iotr ducei by Maj. Chas M. S'edman, and by bis magnificent presence alone claimed tbe attention ot the v.t assembly before ut tering a syllable He bgvin w thuut pission and dituJt ii.i i- even his usual elo quence to present oerlain of the iaipor- taut issues now rivetiug the attention oj the entire country in a manner which, though plain and practical, was, yet high ly illustrative and exceedingly states manlike. In touching upon national af fairs and the aggressions of the Republic can party upon every theory of constitu tional government and the trampling undes foot of every constitutional safeguard of the pop!e, he spoke from a Southern standpoint, of the gratitude due from Southern men to Northern Democrats for their unceas ing labors in their behalf and in tbe cause of good government. In this couneptlon the distinguished speaker called atten tion to the fact as the result of their una faltering effjrtsof the progress and ouward march of the great Democratic party now in a majority of both branches of Congress where thirteen or fourteen years ago both houses were intensely Radical, and in a popular majority in the country of more than 250,000votes;not only a solid South but having actually more than a majority in the Northern States. The speech of Senator Ransom was in terrupted before its conclusion by a show r of rain, but upon announcement by the chairman of the meeting quite a large portion of the large concourse of people adjourned to the City Hall, where though nearly prostrated by the intense heat, the Senator was compelled by the audience, who would accept no withdraw. al,'to conclude his address. In the hall he presented the claims of General Han cock to our support in a surpassingly eloquent manner. His classical illustra tions here were very fine. We regret that General Ransom's pbys ical condition told so great y upon his strength last night, but with all the de pressing influences thus bearing upon hisi he acquitted himself like the statesman ha is. At the Conclusion of this address Mr. F. U. Busbee, who was announced to share with Senator Ransom the honors cf the evening, ascended the stand, amid the ap plause of thn audienca. Though the hour was late, and Mr. Busbee announced that he had no purpose of detaining them to repeat what had been already told, and with such hearty effect, still as be pro ceeded he was betrayed by ihe enthusiasm of the crowd iuto making qnite an elo.. quent and tasteful address. He had the misfortune tocla?m the attention of the people late in the order of ihU extended feast of good things, but he made his mark most handsomely. ! We look upon our young Elector at Large as one of the most intellectual young men in the SU'e, with a future of brilliant politic 1 poesiblities before Lim. Ke has a very fine conception of the art of stump speaking which he is carrying roost cxoollent'y well Ino successful practice. Hi labors in this canvaps in our State will do the Demo cratic cause great good. With Mr. Busbee's epecch closed these great ratification ceremonies, tbe like ot which has never before been enjoyed in such numbers and with such enthusiasm and with so many distinguished speakers at any one time in the history of this section. m m Ba.tly Mashed, liobt. Merrick, a colored laborer on the wharf of tbe New York steamer, was etught by a gng plank this mornmg as the Bcncar.tor was moving off and was very badly mashtd. It Is thought that his right leg is broken just below the thlh. and that be received some inter nal injuries. He was put on a dray and carried to his home where medical atten tion was summoned Merrick ia said to be one ot the best hand employed by tke steamship company and was dia.harging his duty when caught by the plank. Hj Ufa was aaved by Warner Safe Kidrey and Liver Cure. 2?. B. Lakdjj, &clma, Ala. Eeyiew.' To Morrow Week. Oue week from to-morrow is the tin,c set apart for the execution of Stephen Richardson. He will be launched into eternity trom the same gallows on which Allan Mathis expiated his crime. Tht doomed man is receiving spiritual instruc . tioob from pastors ot Lis on ejection. You cu hi;y ,o. 1 (Jiikin and Heats ing Vyvr9 at -Imost n 'pi ice at Jacob t' Uardi:6 Depot... All Over W Uli- With last night the two days ui iatU tying aud speech-making have euded. It was, a we have previously stated, the most successful affiir of the kind ever known here and probably in the State. To the distinguished gentlemen who were with us and who addressed as the thanks of our people as a community are due. There are others, too, to whom our people are warmly indebted aud those are the gentlemen of the committee and the marshals. The beat evidence of the emi neoce of their efforts is found in the sucb cess they attained. They worked well and fa thfully and successfully, and on all sides have we heard them warmly com--plimented, ; llie Crops. We are sorry to learnj that the cotton crop in Oaslow county Is cut short, probably onefourtbtfrom the results fol' lowing on the reeent heavy rains; This information is from a gentleman who farms in that county. We also learn that the ccrn crop in the Holly Shelter section has also been considerably damaged by the rains but to what extent oar iofoimant could not state. . A Pleasing incident. There is a very pleasing incident con nected with the visit of the Pender county delegation to Wilmington on the steamer John Davaon which has not yet found its way into print. When the steamer reached Meares' Bluff, on its way to the city, the United States flag was run up, amid immense and hearty cheers, and our young friend Scott Rob" inson, of Black River Chapel, was called for vociferously by the crowd. He respond ed to the call, and a gentleman who was present tells ,U3 that ,te made a happy, pie. iant and eloquent little steech, one that would have done credit to an old campaigner. j There were about one hundred of these, gallant sons of Pender on the steamer and the hea ty enthusiasm with which they were received here was but a graceful tribute to as gallant 'and determined a community of tiue and zsalous Democrats as can be found anywhere in North Car olina. Tbe Bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Nerve quieting Hop, the superb Mal arial antidote Qainine, and othtr precious ingredients, combined without fermenta tion, are the ingredients of 'Malt Bitters,' prepared by the Malt Bitters Company. City Court Charles King, colored, ,an inmate of the Work House, or at least a supposed inmate, as be has been sentenced there for a term, who was arrested on the etrcets Tuesday night with a large rook in his hand just after a gentleman in the Democratic procession was struck and cut very badly on the head, was arraign ed this morning before the Mayor. Tbe testimony of several gentlemen proved that the defendant was caught with a rock in bis hand at or near the place from which the missile was thrown which struck the party referred to above. The Mayor ordered the prisoner to be confined In a dark cell fur thirty days. Andrew JohLson, auolhe; colored boy about 13 or 16 years of ag, who was arrested by a couple of "gentlemen last nifcht while the Democratic crowd was moving trom the stand to tbe City Hidh with a rock w ighing 2 pounds ia one hand and while in the act of picking up another, was arraigned upon the above charge this morning. The withessea one f whom was a peace officer explained to His Honor that this thing had been in dulged iu by the negroes or negro boys ever since ltfCd whenever the Democratic party had a demonstration of any kind, and that the citizens were beginning to think they had endured it quite loxg enough, and they did not pre pose to sub mit to it any longer. Tha ilayor then ordered the last named defendant to be imprisoned in a dark -ell for fifteen days. His Honor, la passing s&nienee, said be was ctetoxmined to ferret oat and break np uch violations of tbe peace and he pro- posed to preserve the peace, no matter which party vat making the demonstra tion or enjoying the jabUee. 26, 1880. NO. 157 THE MAILS. Itie mat s close and arrive at the City root Umce as follows : Northern through aud way mails .....J.5.-30 a. m. Raleigh 5 30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p. m. Mails for tbe N. C. Railroad, ! and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5;30 p. m. Southern malls for all points South, daily ....J. 7:45 i) ro Western mails (C C R'y) daily (except Sunday). 5:00 p Mail for Gueraw & Darling" ton... j 7:45 p, Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 7:45 p. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays...... 1;00 p, m. m. m. m. tayetteviile, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 t. m. Onslow O. H. aud intermedin I ate i offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6.00 a. m Smithville mails, by steam- . boat, daily, (except Sun days)... 10 00 a. m. Mails for Easv Hill. Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., every Mon day and Thursday at 6.00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes- " days and Fridays at ( 5:00 a. m. I. OPEN FOR DELIVERY . Northern through and way! mans 7KK) a. m. Southern Mails......... 7:30 a. m, Carolina Central Railway. 10:C0 a. m stamp Uaice open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Ueneral delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for ea'.e at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. , A Polite Request. We have been asked to state that the torchbearers iu the late procession whe have not yet returned their campaign lamps to tbe different Wards from whence they obtained them, are now politely requested to bring them back, bo that the lamps may be held In reserve for another occasion of a similar kind.! : Send Them to the! Poor House. The poor demented colored woman who roams about' the streets, known as "Crazy Kitty" should betaken care of by borne sene. Tovday she appeared on the streets bareheaded and only one thin gars menton, which partly concealed her body Her condition to-day approximated nudi ty, too closaly for decency's sake, "Joshua the First" is also a person wor thy of charity, made so by bis infirmi ties, and he likewise should be taken care of. Why cannot they be sent to the Poor House? The Shoe of the Future- i . It is said that an entirely new shoe has a top of fine patent leather stitched on in a Ecollop. It laces with a narrow rib bon, Las a broad heel and small toes, as, indeed, have all the dressy shoes and boots now made. A novel boot has a black cloth top stitched on with a scollop, but with white stitching, the effect of which is very dressy and yet not toocon spicuous when the ehewiness of the light and checked cloth tops so much worn is considered. The very general liking shown fcr the Oxford tie has brought in to favor a lower cut shoe than was pre viously worn, and like tbe button boot these now button more often than lace. The open 'sandal boot with intersections of lace is much used for evening, tbongh it failed to find favor at first,' and prove this the observer will find that 1 star-like radiating inlet piece on tbo ..; gtep oi kid slippers and shoes is i t rjn ning to be looked upon with iug. Aoytbiug that displays a pretty stocking U l.ked and -will be liked fcr home and evening wear. Red kid shoes and slip pers for home wear are trying to make their way to the front, and, such Is the passion still unabated for red, that they will succeed is predicted. Voice of the People- HILLSDALE, M;ui. i R. V. Piebce, M. D : lhad a serUus dis3ase of the lungs, and was for a time confined to my bed and under the care of a physician. Hit prescriptions dd not help tee. I grew worse, coughing -very severely. I com menced taking your Medical Discovery, which helped me greatly. I have taken several bottles, and am restored to good health. Yonrs respectrsily, JUDITH BURNETT. Mr. D. O Connor is erecting a handsome Villa bunding to be used aj an oWce for bhttself, cn Princess street, between Front and Second. PLXA8E XOTICF. We will be glad to reealve comuoiicatloni from onr friaadi on aay asd all. rabject o Keaeralintarert bm J The nam of the writer mtut alwtys be fcr alahed to tha Editor. Oommnalaatlonj ati tbe' written on on!f oaesideof thepapar. Personal! ties mori - .oided. And it Is epeciaUrx tirtl(riiliriv vAr rtood that the Editor not always endorse the views of corresDonaVn U. csImh a a In tha editorial columns. Wilmington. District Fourth round of quarterly meetinca fcr the Wilmington District, . Methodist E Church South r I Cokesbnry, at Bethany Aug 23-29 Bladen, at Antioch Sept 4-6 Elizabeth, at E!iz3bethtown... $ept 11-12 Brunswick, atShalotte Camp..Sept 1S-19 Waccamaw.at CvDreas Creek. SeDt 21 "2 Smithville...... :...SeDt ?Ztx Wilmington, at Fro . . Oet 2 ,s lmlngtc at Flhu at: ...; ;Oct 0 10 Whiteviile. atflbiloh: 0.t ir..ir- Topeall, at Union..... . .. Oct 23-24 iNew Kiver L Oct 27 Onslow, at Queen's Creek,. ... Oct SO-3 1 Duplin, at Wealev A Nov C 7 Clinton, at Clinton. J Nov 1314 uonane, at Newton Grove.... Nov 2021 i-et EvEBY OFFlCTiL MEMBER DO 6UrO to be at the fourth "quarterly conference. . Dear Brethren, let us rnE3a the battle all over the Distrlft and lozk to God i FOR VICTORY. L. S. BUBKUEAD, J Presiding Eldor. Magnolia, N. C , Aug 18, 1880. . I New Advertisomonts. Seed Cotton. 500 000 LBS 8EED f11' wani ed, for which a fair pric?, IN CASH,' will be paid. Apply at 1 WlLLiRIfV, North Water St., Wiiminjrt .n, :j. C. an 23- . ' Attention Club j ; ANOTHER LOT OF Campaign Goods JUST RECEIVED. Country Olaba (Dem ocratie aad Republican) will do well to send in their orders soon for Fictarei, Badgr ... ' f Flags, (with names of candidatos printed on them). Chinese Lan term, Ac, at BUOK STORK. au 23 Musical Instruments. LARGE AND VERY CHEAP LOT rf Violins, Accordeons, Guitar?, Flute Fife, Ac. Yor ihle at UEINBBERGF.K'rf. Paper arid Envelope. NEW LOT OF PAPER aid 1 r vekrn in Jioxes. Just received at au 23 THE LIVE ROCK TOKK. Brushes, &c., ELEQANT ASSORT E T f UaW, Tooth, Nail, Fleeh and Bhavix-i; RrnLw. Soaps, Toilet Powder, Perfumeries, Cijrr., c, can be found for sale low at HIRDIN'S, Apotheca-y, j aa 9 New Market. J The New Hat Store. Q ALL, AND EXAMINE KY BUMUVK Stylef of Straw asd Pelt IUt. TLey'a pretty and.eheap. IJOEN M. KOIUN80N, i No. 13 Profit itreet Sj 6 ' ,Nextto Purcelilloos'. CH00L OF DRAWIH3. PAIN IMS ETC, INSTRUCTION GIVfc.ViQ Cramj, I t-i-.h and India Int Drawing. Io. f&itio in Water Colors, Oil, i'i u.1 acd Color Li' Pbotographi, at reasonable ratea. For farther partiovlas ioqaire at th'i School Booms of Misaei Barr A Jusef, ia the ear of St. Jamasf Charch. nor Ti Fresh Every Day, FINS ABdORIHilI OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, jut received and fcr fT!IR ONLTj OENHINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will b found errr d7, freoh and weW tbree -doors Booth of tbt t'ostoffioe on 89o&d street. Also, NuU Kaiaiaa, Pmit, Ao.;-t O. E. J EVENS, iaa23 Nm tha Poctoffloe M a n cock - ! OUR IIEXT PRESIDENT !: Crayon Portraits, life Of onr next Fretident and Vice Prcsid .;. Hal. Gfia'l! W. S. HANCOCK, - M W. F. ENGLISH JS FdejraBt 8pclman Copies. 22 x 2, upon Heavy Plated Card Stock, 1 rt bf mall oa rtedpt of 60c, aad your a!dieu, (Two eoplaa M erata) - THEHAriCOK PUBLISHING C3 , PLAISTOW, K. H. TbeM two Superb Portrait slnald adora ttia Home of every ho&ect clUxon o tia Usi. ltd. - i ,

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