THIS PA PEE pcwyuea erery afteraeoa. bind ays ti PLEASE KOTIOi'. We will beg! ad to receive econiTinieitloci IOMI. T. JAMBS, .. irKIITIONH. POHTAQK PAID. our menc oa aay aad all itibjeets general inUTMt but: 1 - Vfl a nam a .V t . . . " " y uie wnwr must always ot ror niahed to the Editor. j Oomraunleationi awt be written os only one side of the paper. Personalities man voided. And it Is especially asa paiiicalarly "under rtood that the Editor rs not alwijs endorse the views of eorreeponivnto, calest 10 tUttd . In the editorial oolunrns. ... T(f ? UO Six months, $2 50 ; Three 51 15; One month, ftO cou. ,Vri.r b delivered Jy carriers, ..-, in F P-rt A? the 'I'T. at the j . j i: v i WILMINGTON, NJ C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1880. Subribrs will pleaaereport any and! V VJ'JU V NO. 158 - i:-i-ito receive their papers regularly. The Baili . 'KevieW. B30WN & 'RODDICK 4 "5 Harket Street. ills' el am Drawers, !iii.ufa:turt Ci-iits, regii'ar - Call and oiaini. 0. n, h'inio Dnvs thirt, $1, try o a:.i! you will us no other. sh"-il.u MjuwIs. . Ar i-l.iii-' nt ail our Shetland Shaw's y 1; th'j ar really worth L ' C')Utoi Summer Skirts, from COc toflTi. A beautiful liric. U-.! Ti luted Knglish Cazabric, 10 cents I er yard regular price 15 cents. I ; .n!( d Pacific I .awns, 12 cents p r yard, i. over the country at 15c. ULACK CKAPES. W.t liavc just received a large invoice ol Cr '-. in Single, Double and Triple. Stiiiahk) for Veilings and Trimmings. SOLK At J KNTS IX THIS CITY for tho vmovvs ci:ape, fortius deep EST MOUKN1NO. A V.i Irue in UnU Linen Handker chiefs, 1 50 per Dozen. LADIES COKKETS. W have jint receiver a new lrse. to re- tail at 7" cents a beauty. SHOWN & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. iv 17 . THOMAS H- mcKOY, SUCCESSOR TO ISoatwrigiii; & McKoyv MAN WAN IS HUT. Ll'lTLE HERE 1IELOW, I N R WAN TS THAT LITTLE LONG. ' So s.iul tho poet; but I Call On yon Starving, Hungry, Cassins liko I looking people to meet nlo in sol- cinn conclave- and pronounce tho I Toot a Fraud and a ; well, I won t s.iv it. You all know wo want Pervisions I a Cause we all ain't Doctor Tanners. Then the great question arises -a hero can Ihey be found ? SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Men. Women, and Children will, as it were, with one voice, exciaitn, cill on TIIOS. II. McKOY, Oreer and La r Daler, 5 47 North Front St. aa 11 CHEAP BEADING! For tho Campaign. The Daily Uemew, to Doc. Utt fcr $1.00! The WlLMI.QTON JoUttNAL to leC. 1st, for 50 cents! The Wilmingtok Journal published every Frilay, gives all of the new of the week! Tho Daily Kkview, published every afternoon, gives the ucwa of the day and tho latest market reports. Aduro Josii. T. James, . Wilmington, N. C. LOCAL' NEWS. New Advertisements. J H Hardin Pel's Corn Bolyent Fee ad Wanted Tub Hutch's Co Nothing Miirep related O Bunr-Knet Well Anger, Ao Yath Attention Cluba P HiiNgBinoiR MnMcal Instruments Wirdow Glass all sizes at Aluiier JL lYice's. I i Girls thiuk that a man should X L at forty, if ever. Rice birds are coming in sparingly and at big prices. I ' I Harverley's New Orleans Minstrels are heading this way. A man cushions his pew in cburcjh with paw rest motives. I Rico ol this year's growth j has made its appearance in market. Experitnco is a school where a mau learns what a big fool he has been. Sparking across a garden fence adrritB if & gooJ doal bing pai(, on both villc8 Save your money and buy your Huild ing Supplies from Altall'er fc Trice. 'The thermometer iu this cflice registered 02 degrees to-day at 3 o'clock and at 4 o'clock. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffbb, PiacE ACQ'S- There is always room in tho waste basket for the .work of the anonymous writer. I Puree out tho morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Aykk's Pills, and you will Lave clearer beads as well as bodies. ? The old fashioned angel sleeves are being introduced. It tskes a mighty pretty arm to wear them, though. The circus bi Is were posted this morn- inc. and now the boys are happy aud are satisuej tht tbe circus is actually coming. Lots of people are willing to rob Peter to pay Paul, only they get tired when their job is half done. They neglect -to pay Paul. Thn rrncor patA.hliahment of the late George Myer3 Km opened to-morrow. We understand that the business will be conducted as usual. , - j Tim mortal remains of lha late Georre My?rs were cocsignej to their last resting place, in Greenwood Cemetery, in New York, this morning, ft 10 o'clock. , Dnot stupify your baby with Opium or Morphia mixture, but use Dr. Bull's B-iby Syrup, which Is always safe au J never disappoints. 25s. The bathing suit worn by tho boys along the river front fits well, and is very simple- and inexpensive. It consists of a wad of cotton iu each ear. ' Mr. Walter II. Sinaw will leave fr New York to morrow morning where he goes to accept a position. We trust ha will find bis new home a pleasant and profitable one i ' " j It is consoling to know that the man who whistles at bis work trtqnently has to whistle for, his pay. Toe world is comparatively small, bat it is full of compensations. . . j Window Glass ofall sizes, Doors,S.iSh and Biiuds, Builders Hardware, Low, est prices at Jacobi's. There was a pleasant rain last nigh abd but very little sansbine has been vis ible today. Tbe wind is. from the Northeast and hence it is much cooler At 3 o'clock to day the thermometer reg istered 84 degrees. The backbone o Summer is broken at last. Personal- Mr. and Mrs. Jam s Damson, of tlis ci y, accompanied by their fou- its-law and daughter, Mr. and Mis. Greenough, ar lived in New Toik this moining f-om Europe, where th-y bve l eu tor severa tnoi ths past. 1 li-in We are infoimed tle roads be ween thiseily aud Scott's II ill sre in v-ry bi d condition. There are three b.ids badly damaged, a:d wg -na passing over (tern are in great danger of being pree pitated through them. The road overs ers are req-iested to at. end to tb's mstter at once. Circus Grounds. The large grass plat of ab ut five acre, bo1 ween Tftti'ftU and Fourttontb streets, on Princoes, has been secured by the Agent of Owns circus for their per formances. The locaion is much better than that of Camp Lamb. Good Bide walks lead op to Ik and the pavilion wil" uot be filled with dust as is always the case at the old circus grounds. i ! Everybody can got suited witha P.jok-it Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi; Hardware Depot.. 1 Heads ou Postage tiiamps. i So far the heads on potage stamps art as follow; Ou the 1 cenf stamp is tbe head of Benjimin Franklb ; 2 cent stamp Andrew Jackson; 2 cent stamp, George Washington; 6 cent stimp, Zicbary Taylor; C ceut stamp, Abraham Lincoln" 10 cent stamp, Thomas Jefferson; 15 cent stamp, Daniel Webster; 30 cent stamp, Alexander Hamilton; SO cent, stamp, Com. Perry. Aj man must be dead to be thus honored. Tbe Demonstration. Heury A. London, Esq., of the Chat ham liecoid, was in the city during the recent ratification and here is an extract from his editorial article on the subject: On the night of the 24th inst. we had the pleasure of attending, in the city of Wilmington, one of the grandest political meetings ever held in North Carolina. In point of numbers, in the exuberance ol enthusiasm, in the brilliancy of the dis play, and iu the characters of the distin guished speakers, wo have never wit net-sed such an occasion. The . gallant Democracy of the old Cape Fear section eclipsed themselves, aud may well be proud of their grand demonstration. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parlies in want of this celeorated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. A True Heroine. There is a young lady visitor iu this city who is a true heroiua, althou'gh she has hardly more! than entered her teens. Recently she was crossing the great df p In a vessel commanded by her father and when in mid -ocean a portion of the crow mutinied. The little . heroino saw.ber father attacked by three .of the ruffians, who wero dealing him sovere bio s with the Ir lDive8, when she ran to the cabin and in a few seconds roappeared upon deck with a cocked revolver in each, hand. Her determined and prompt action cowed the would-be assassins and saved her father's lifo. The remainder of the crew were ordered by her to place the muti neers in irons, which they promptly did, and tbe vessel was carried safely into port. The woundod captalu slowly re- covered from his injuries and tba mu.l ncers are now ed in prison, where they were sent for twtuty year. VFllmlnKton District Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist Church South: Ookesbnry, at Bethany Ang 2S-29 Bladen, jat Antioch Sept 4-5 Elizabeth, at Elizibethtown... Sept 11-12 Brunswick, atShalotte Gamp .Sept 18-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek . Sept 21. 22 Smlthville i Sept 26-2G Wi'mlngton, at Frout St Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at Fifth St Oct 9 10 Whiteville, at Shiloh Oct 1G-17 Topsail, at Union.... Oct 2324 New Rivert Oct 27 Onslow, at Q leen's Creek Oct 30 31 Duplin, at Wesley Not 6 1 Clinton, at Clinton Nov 13-14 Oobarie, at Newton Grove. ... .Nov 2021 Liet evkbt offiC'IIi membeb be sure to be at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us teem, the bittle all over the District and look to God FOBVICTOBT. I I L. S. BuBxnxAD. Presiding Elder. MagaoIia,.K. O . Aug 18, 1880. When you visitor leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reda ed to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to I all puts at the city. 7 Easterly winds and high tides to-lay. No City Court to-iiy, and lo police arre3t, last night. i Tte Fifth Ward Mrket will be com' plered by the first of September. Nearly all ol our merchants have eone North fcr tL purchase of Fall and Win ter gooils. i Turr it's Almanac prom sed us showers of rain for yesterday. Korrect, for last night and to-day. TLs Wilmiugton Compress Company commenced operations to-day. Theyare about teu days in advance of last season . There is a man in this city about sixty years of age and who has always resided here, who states that he never attended a circus or theatrical performance in his life. ; L 1 The earliest engagement for tbe Opera House this season, thus far, falls on Thursday, October 7th. The prospects now are that there will be a por theatrl cal serson this winter, An Iron Bridge for Smith's Creek. We understand that the Wilmington and Weldon R.R. Co. hating completed the beautiful new iron bridge over tbe tracks at Front street depot, have con eluded to build an iron bridge over Smith's Creek, one mile from the depot, to take the place of the wooden structure there now. The work is to begin in a few days. . The Consideration. Apropos of nothing it is said that Hon. Ra'ph Presumptuous Buxton, the man who essays to be the Republican Gov ernor of a State which will give Hancock from 30,000 to 40.000 majority, only consented to sacrifice himself (!iter9lly,not figuratively, speaking this time) oa re ceipt of $5,000, as an equivalent for the two years of judgeship he has resigned. The spondulicks came from T, N. Coop er, the new Republican State Committee Chairman, who it is said was required to pay up this amount to secure that posi tion. ' At least, this is the talk now up aVcut Raleigh. A Wilmington Boy. Mr. Thos. A. Darby, a younger brother of Frank H. Darby; Eq., of this city, who removed some years ago to Florida, 3 now a man of mark in that State. He s resident at Battorsville aud is engaged in the sawmill and lumber businers, at which he has proven quite successful, and s held In such Irgh es'em n that section that his name is now Veely mentioned as the choice of the Democratic party for State Senator from that district. This information we have from one of Mr. Darby's neighbors, now in North Carolina on a visit. Verily, the Wilmingtan boy makes bis mark wherever he oes. HE MAILS. The maill close and arrive at the City Post Officeas follows : Northern threugh and way malls.. 5:30 a. m. Raloigb....6.30 a. m.. . .and 6:00 p. m. Mails Jr the N. Ci Raiiroal, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at 5;30 p.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C C R'y) daily 1 (except Sunday) 5:00 p. m. Mail for Cueraw & .Darlings ton...... r 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between FIch rence and Charleston 7:45 p. m. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays 1.00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumber ton, ' daily, except Sundays , 5:00 p. m. Onslow C. H. and in termed ij ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6.00 a. m. Smithville : mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) 10-00 a. m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. C , every Mon day and Thursday at 0:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... ,700 a. m. Southern Mails 7:30 a. rxu Carolina Central Railway. 10:00 a, m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 600 a. m. to 6:30 p.1 m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office Is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. za, - .--j.;'r r--? Kecanie Sound and Well " HATCHER'S STATION, Ga. R V Pierce. M. d!: Dear bir My wifs, who had been ill for ovi r two years, and had tried many other medicines, became sound and well by using your Favorite Prescription. My niece was also cured by its use, after sev eral physicians bad failed to do her any Sood- ! Y .urs truly, THOMAS J. METHVLn. Best of All.' BALTIMORE, Md., March 5th, 1879. Dr. R V. Pierce: Dear 6r My family have used your Favorite Prescription and it has done all that is claimed for it. It is the best of all preparations for women complaints. 1 recommend it to all families. U. S. WATERMAN, Druggist, You can buy NO. 1 Cookincr and Heats Ing oloves at almost auj, price at Jacobi's uaraware uepot. IN MEM0KIAM. Alas I in one d-ead hour, xehan t. her suileleea beauty waa ovei-hadowa bv a starlit canopy, he passed away frbm this earthly life into those realrus, the unmeMur able above, whee be will find that ret from toil which only the great Creator can bestow. Oh ! friend, forver loved, forevar dear. Qfk.i : 1 a . . . . ' ?i u.t illmeats icar nave Dmeu tay honor bier. What eirhi re-echoed to thy parting breath. Whilst Ucu waat struggling in the pangs of ueaiu. j George Mven. the hnsbatd. ia frhr the friend, is no more ; a sorrowing heart 6f a friend lays iu affliction on the altar of aa everlasting memory. 1 Be has gone to that abode of bliss, where contentmentaa'i"peace only sway, but, alss ! we . shall misa his gmilin? countenance, his genial affection, his devoted, unselfish friend ship, and those Iraits peculiarly fitted fer the true man. Yet the pangs that pervade the recesses of an anguished heart mut find their consola tion in the hope to meet him a?ain in tho fu ture life, where once mire friendship's arms eaau emorace ana noia mm in their entwine ment foreTer, evermore. A Fbibkd. New Advertisements. Nothing Misrepresented. ja iwu aaau IUU WlJLJLi tLSD at our Market corner Market and Second sts. For Saturday market, ia large quantity, very nne ana iai ceei, nice ana lit Lamb ana Mutton and Veal. Sausage in the evebing. We know it don't pay to advertise falsely. What we say you may bet on it. THE BUTCHER CO. MELTON, CAMPEJT 4 MOTT, au i it I'rorrietors. PEL'S CORN SOLVENT, Langell'd Asth 1 ! ! ma Remedy, Talmar lndien, Bantoru's LIv er Invigorator, Mocking Bird Food, Brazil ian 8hoe Deceing and an endleia variety of Patent Medicines, Ac , for sale low at J. H HARDIN'S, Apothecary, an 27 New Market. Wanted rpo BUY OR LEASER a secondhand rinting Press. Must be in good order and arge enough to print a twenty.four column paper. Addresa, stating terms. MESSENGER, Burgaw, N, G. au 27 Rust Well Auger, Rust Well Drills, j Rust Horse Power, THIS BEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL Well boring anl Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. 1 GAS PIPE SHAFTING and.Couplingsi The most improved Surface Attachment Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much fster and with half tae labor cf any other tools. Auger and Drills work by hand or horse power. Drills and Horse power have capacity for 3,000 feet. In use five years and no futures. Made from best material and sold for half the price of others. Send for circulars. O. BUoT. au 27-lydAw Bt. Joseph, Mo. Musical Instruments. 'J LARGE AND VERT CHEAP LOT of Violins, Accordeons Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, Ac. For thle at HEIN3B ERGER'3. 1 Paper and EfiYelopes. A.SEW LOT OF PAPER and Envelopes in Boxes. Just received at , au 23 THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Attention Clubs. ANOTHER LOT OF ! ". Campaign Goods JUST RECEIVED. Cooatry Clubs (Dem- ocratio aad Bepubllean) will do well to send in their orders soon for Pictures, Badges, Flags, (with names of candidates printed oa t , these). Chinese Lanterns, Ae., at 9 BOOK STORE, , au 23 New AdYorti8emonts. Seed Cotton. 500 000 LBa SEED C0T wui d, for which a fair f tic?, S CA3U, will be paid. Apply at WILLARD'o,. ' - North Water St , Wilmington, N. U. au 2 The New Hat Store. "1ALL AND KIA1I1NP '.iv.unMirirt tltyles of Straw1 and Felt - Hatj. Thty jare pretty and cheap. !JOI?N M. ROBLNBOJT, n. 13 Vrnr.t m-- 2J kextto PurcellUoue." CH00L OF DRAWING. PAIfinriG i ' ETC. ! -' 1 ' TNSTRUCTION GIVEN in CrTOD,Lerb , tSd lndi ,In Iwing, also, Painting nv ater 9lor VU tel aud Coloring 4 uuvuKrapce, at reasonaoie rates. For further n&rtiiiU inon;,- i School Rooms of Misses Burr A James, in the ear of 8t. James Church. uot ii Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF? CAM)If:i?, French and Domestic, just rtcclTcd for sale. THE ONLTJt GENUINE UOMH-MAIH; Candy in I the city, will to i..-r C7,rr day, fresh and sweet, tbrco dim. 2 vt 1 of the I'ostoffice on Beooad street. , Hul3 Raisins, Fruit, o. 4l O. , , . ... Jan23 jiei t: .. , . , InlafilCOGSj 7 A a OUR HEKT PRESIDENT ! Grayoii Portraits, Milm Of our next Preiident and Vice President Mai. Gen'I. W. S. EANCOCr, i Hon. W. H. ENGLISH : Elegant Hnecimr Hnniq O. i 9t ' 11 m.. 1 t 1 a. , . " r ' upuu urary rmiea ura tVjCK, Bnt 0 mall on receipt of 60c,; nd your a1die', (Two copies t0 cents.) THEHANCOK PUBLISHIfiG CJ.f PLA1STOW, X. U. I aa-Those two Superb J,ortr.i'-' ehu'd adorn the Home of every ho t'?t rifz(.n o f the land, Ed. Steamer Parmrt VT7ILL RE8UMB her re TV ular trips to Smithville and th M , - V.'iV Forts June 20th, leaving hsr Wharfff-i'jt of Market Street, at 9. SO A.I M. J. W.-JJAUlTji, je 21 oaw-Mon Master nd Ar nt. iGo to VanOredeira RT GALLERY TO-DAV, ;f ycu wLL io see the most beautiful line of Fancy Frame?, Easels, JSasel Frames, Papepartouts, iIaU. Mouldings for making frarrejI Cord and Tassels, Silver and Oo'd Wire, Ac, evar f fered In this city. P 8 Parties sending babies to me by u. a-f to be Photographed, will pleaae mrL on th envelope, handle oarcfcilv. C. M, VasOKDKIJ., Artist, may lT-tf v Wilmirgico, S O. For Slo. 1 j PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE SAFE, Mosler, Bahmann .A Co., manufacturers, combination lock, weight 1,530 lbs. I For sale 'cheap. Apply at men 3 THI3 OFFICE. ' The Lowest Prsccs jTO P LL KINDS OF PP.INTING, At E. S. WARIiOCKS Job Ofce. Get estimates at this office before having your printing done elsewhere. (Office In Review building. fempuv. JOHNSCN, Lumber Ck)minIssIon Merchant t7Aomr7crorrf d o. TJlrs. S. J- Bake: , FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, WDmiagton, N. O. Comer Third aad Orange Stroo;. 1 jANGY OOOD8, sTetions, Hats, Uoue." Flat, Flowen, Feathers. all kinds. Will renew and work ever " ktacj ol 01a nair, Drai da, combines, Ac., r- them aad make tiem eqaal to nttr.- D) U.taa.J.t. IV llk.IV.. - l mimm in tw iw iuviwt w CIO BOW V aad see my specimens of worJt. .1 J

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