: PLEASE SOTICB. . t-a ry a'trnoon, 8asdi . .it IOSI1. T. J A M KB, KLllt.'t AM' PROPRIETOR. r. t5 W f'1 aoathi. 20 ; Thr ..-:-.f,l O ie noath; 60 wttl. , m-i" deli v r-; i I y carriers, C(..t,-,nr part of t "-itv, at th ..-u.au,: ria i ad UI-rti Swonentws plf asereport nJ B? ir to revi t'ir paptra regularly. $ 1 We will beg! ad to receive comniuiilcaiioni from our friends on any and all lubjecti n ffeaeral Interest bat: ' The nam of the writer xswt a! vayi b far viMhcd lo the Editor. ! Oonunnnieatlccs cast bs written on on one side of the papv. Personalities oidfd. And it is especially aa paiticalarly.'ncier rtood that the Editor & cot alirsyi endorse the views of eorreapoadsb, unlcuto ttafed In the j editorial column. VOL V ! WILMINGTON, N. SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1880. NO. 159 THIS PAFEB Tii DAffii , 'Review, i rail Stock RGDD1CK :t v i w v -j o ;: 7: INV'SiM TUB PUHMC i) . . - i . -. i t r i.-u. : Oitl lie Cheapest Ii Of Dry Ooods t it I hi ever been olTe ei in this market IIUYfcU tilting this c.tj will do him c j .j.t.re bj pasting oar door, as we are uti WiM-llm; the market inminj cftbe reg it ir Suplo Una. 'A'tt hnvo mkt-d diiWQ all good that be k t HamiLcr wt ar and are ofleriog iiiaii to cur patron?. .v.? njU cull partica'ar attention to the t lowing GiNrs'oacsKiNDamxG gloves Ivht.j s;ofed, 75a. Wort" $1 60. GalscoG; v l all t"a!iM'8t all piict-a in hautfut defines. r.o;u htHl sitid Unbleached Cottons I W e f.ATtj Ui-J in a vfry haaiy stock of the -.f and a-o offering thorn at lower figures t- a ecer. We hare all the popular brands. u-4 4 KleacMng at 10 cents per jard is w'tthnut any exception t!.e boat Talue ever Linen Handerclriefa, A J-.b at 10 cent. These goods r -pire no comment. Give us a Call & EODDICK, 45 iV3arket St. Seed Cotton. j00 '000 LIId aEED C0TT0X want ed. for which a fair prc?, IN CASH, will b-piii. Apply at WILLABD'S, North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. a The New Hat Store. Al.L AND IXAMINE MY BUMMEB Mjrli-s ot Straw and Felt Hats. Tbey are pr -ttj and cheap. JOPN il. ROBINSON, So. 13 Froat street, v G .Nertto Puroell Uoase. Attention Clubs. . ANOTHER LOT OF Campaign Goods JUSP R CEIVED. Country Clubs (Dem ocratic a'.d Kepoblican) will do well to tend in tneir order soon for Fixtures, Badges, Flajs, (with names cf candidates printed ob th d) Chinese Lanterns, As., at BUOK STOKE. Musical Instruments. 4 L4K0E AJD VER.Y CHEAP LOT of A i lias, Acpoidtjons, Uuitari, Flutes, Fifos, Ae. For sale at UEINSBERGER'S. Paper and Envelopes. A NEW LOT OF TAPER and Envelcpes iu doit-s Just rtcsiredat an 23 1UE LIVE HOOK STOliE. 1 T1TT Soecial InaDcemBiiis J CHEAP READING! For the Canipaigu. The Daily Kewew, to $1.00! Dec. lut, ! r Tie V. ilminoton Journal lat, for 0 rentI to Dec. Ti p ilhisotoK Jouhnal ttubliabtd j - evrv Fii l.iv.'xivca nil of tlu ri"wn of t e week! Ibo Daily. Kkview, publihhrj oveiy aftcri.oon, gives tlio iiewH of the .y and the latent market reports j Address j Jo:-n. T James, Wilmington, N. C. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. ' E&CW4 A Eoudick Fa l 8tock. . James Wilom A Large Party. Paiks, G&4PTOM A Ladd Patents. Hea L'c up's tripU colnma ad on 4tl page. Tatm ttention Clubs P ltaiNdBaaa Musical Instruments Fi.nrtoeiith Su..dy after Trinity. D 4y'i length 13 hours and 2 'minutes. The moon u uowua its last qaarter. Wii-.iliiw IHaxa all sizes at ltaiTer Price's. ' t Only ne interment in U.-lU vue C-'me- tery lb' a werk. Great thoughts staud up like church spites 'mi 1 V'Hago cot.. Low water is now wlutV tlU matter with the uteamboat Ilantiiilio. Farmrrs h.'ve Lurnod that it taks tb- best of soil to raise' a"mortgp. Three interments In .l'tne Forest (color ed) OmeUrv this wet all ehildten. bavo your money and buy your Iluild in, Supplies from Altailer fc Price. The Rcgisttr of Deeds has issued three marriage licenses this week, all of which were for colored couples. A man was astonished the other day to find the telephone cou'd talk French. Ho says he thought it was an English Invention. : i There were two intermanla in Oakdalo this week, one adult and one infant, tla latter brought here for burial. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all stylos and sues, ACo's I at' Altaffkk, PrJCE Rev.-T. Fage "Uiciaud will occupy the pulpit of the First Biptist Cburch to morrow morning at 11 o'clock, and Rev. O L Stringfield at 8J p. m. Capt. Catlett haastcurcd the common dicus school rooms on the premises of Mr, L. Meginney, corner Fourth and Prin cess strc-els, where the Fall session ot the Cape Fear Military Academy will le opened. I Window Olass olall sioh, Uo r,S- sh and Blinds, Uuilders Hardware, Low e :t prices at Jacoui's. There will be joint services in the FirBt and Second Presbyterian Churchas to morrow. Morning servico at the Second Cburch at 11 a. m. and evening Bervice at 8 p. m. in t&e First Church, Huv. C. M Payne ollciating. All babieB aredimiuutive Cviars, tince they come, Ithey see, they conquer, some t mes by their gentle stillness but oftener by continued uproarious crjicg, induced by Oolic, Teething Flatulence, etc. Dr. Bull's liby Syrup, by its gentle yet specific influence quiets the little one. without ever producing the leasi injurious effect. Price 25 cts a bottle. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near SjHier's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wiue is made, that is so highly esreemed by the mo Heal pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persousaud the aged. Soul by j Druggists. Mr. lialy burton, of the Morganton lll&U, callea in to fee us yesterday, lie has recently taken unto himself a help meet and has been on a short bridal trip, which was cut short by the fact of his being compelled to bo in Morganton on Monday. We were glad to ! make his ac quaintance. ! Whn you visitor brave New York City, stop at the Grand Uiikm Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot- Europeau plan, liootus reduced to $1.00 ani npwaruU. Kstauraut unsurpav!d at tuoilerate piices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the ci fuitaffi n ?fewpsprs. Tb saperiutend-'.'it ot'the foreign. mail division of the p st-fti. deprtuaeut La discovered t bat the internati m! r gula tions in regard U the ptJuLie on paper mailed t foreign conitri's in tn postal Unior:, or 'n tl:e U; .ited Stu s from those count n-s. in .,uectut i r t-vti ounce, instead of four reuse for -two run cos, as h:is been hert t- fore chrgiid. An order Dtaking this change in rar was issued by th department recent. y. Mr. Shackellurd. There pitt pener a! regret expr' ed tiiat i ur 5al'Lt stai.dArd-bvarir in this I Aiur optional .district cou d not be with us at our grand ratification Wt trust, however, that Mr. bhackelkrd will come before us soon and let ua hear him on the great issues of the day If he could manage to be iu Wilmington on the 9th of September, the day when Coup's circus i to appear Lertj, lie will fiud a largti crowd ready m-iue to-hear him. Cariosities of Life. Lay your finger on your pul.t cr;d know that at every stroke same immor tal passes to his Maker; some fellow being crosses the river of death, and if we will but think of it, we may well wonder that it should be so long before our turn comes. Half of all who live die before seventeen years. Only one person in ten thousand lives to be a hundred years old, and but one in a hundred reaches sixty years. The married live longer than the single. There is one Boldier to every eight per sons, and out of every thousand born ninety-five weddings take place. Everybdy can get suited witha I'.wkat Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi'm Hardware leirf- tVhat Vance Bays. The Charlotte Observer has interviewed Souator Vance since his return lo Charlotte on Thursday morning. In speaking of the grand ratiOcatioH meeting held on Tues day and Vedrnday, the Senator r mark ed to the leporter that, 'the meeting was a successf'il one in every way, though the weather was insufferably ! hot, especially so when he spoke in the afternoon. lie was struck by the superior intelligence of the audieuc3 and was told that it was largely composed of delegations from the nsighboring1 counties men who had come especially to hear tha issues discussed so Ui3y spoke not to the people of Xew Han over only, but to the whole country con., tlguous thereto, and he believes that some good work was done. Gov. Vauce does not know where he will speak next, but thinks it likely that he will go to Virginia thoitly, as he has received urgent invita tions to do some work in that State, and indeed he is already announced to speak at several different points. However, if the Executive Committee decide that he is needed at home, he will not leave his own State.' Purge out the morbid humors of the blood, by- a dose or two of Ayek's Piils, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. i Handkerchief Dresses ! French manufacturers have given great variety to the mouchoi or hand kerchief patterns so p pular during the summer for giugham dresses,, and have introduced them for autumn and winter. j They have woven the finest wool and silk mixtures into squares like handkerchiefs, with the center plain or in small checks, while the bolder is ths gayest Madras plaids; or, to bo more exact, the border is formed of lines or stripes of many bright colors, which cross each other at the four corners of the square, and these corners form the plaids which are the stylish feature of the new moachoir woolen goods. Plum, peacock bit bronze, and myrtle green ars quiet col ors most used for' the centers of these f i thick woolen handkerchiefs, while brill iant hues are in tbej borders. A gteat deal of red and yellow is in these. bor ders; but, instead of being the glaring red and eilow of bandana handkerchiefs, these colors are toned down into what is called old rod and gold. Twilled plaids like Surah armure goods in bird's eye patterns, plain woven homespuns, and cloths of good weight are brought out in these designs. Lidies who prefer black dresses to those with colors will wear moachoir dresses that are- entirely black. The center of each square U black aia mure wool, and the striped border is-silk, with satin lustre. Mr. Nath'l Jacob! having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties iu want of ths celejrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard, ware Depot, o. 0 S, tfront St. if. City Court. Moiiie 'Lewis, colored, from PaddV Hollow, was arraigned this morning be fore the Mayor upon the charge of disor derly conduct The interview with tie Mayor benefited the city treasury $2.00 aiid the defendant was permitted todepart in peace. F-rat ot the K nd. Mr. T- B. Henderson received in th s city on -s'erday a car hwd of Irish po tatoes from Tennessee. They came loose in the car, and we are mfoitned that It is the ( first shipment of the kind ever re ceived in this city. They ordinarily come barrelled up. Old John Robinson. John Robinson's circus is billed to ep paar in Raleigh early next month It is coming in behind Coup's and will come down the W. & W. R. R as far as Goldsboro, and then go up the N. C. R. R. to Charlotte, after which it is to work ddwn the Carolina Central to Wilming ton. At least, this is the programme which has been mapped out to ,us. A Runaway A horse, attached to a buggy, the property of Mr. B F. Mitchell, took fright this noon near the corner of Front and Red Cross streets, and dashed madly down Front street to 'Market where the animal fell, throwing the driver, John Carver, out over the horse's head. He qulck'y regained his feet and grabbed the bit and succeeded in checking the animal. Strange to say that the driver, horse nor buggy were in no way hurt. Chloral Applied Externally. ' Cbloral hydrate is now employ od physicians with considerable success in neuralgic pains and in cancer of ths breast, and this, in some instances, when other sedatives and narcotics have nota bly failed to give relief. The mode of application practised in such cases is by the saturation of folds cf lint of the size of the part to 1 be treated, brought into close oontact, then covered with three or four layers of lint covered with oiNsilk or spongio-piline wrung out of hot water. The appplication to raw surfaces requires, of course, special care in manipulation. The strength of the solution is about four drachms to sixteen ounces cf water, and i the addition of a small quantity of gly cerine is found advantageous. . Searing the End. Alice Kelly, the poor, debauched, de graded white creature, who has been so often mentioned in police reports, was ar rested on the wharf this -morning, about G o'clock," in a state of beastly intoxica tion by Officer Francis James and con veyed in a cart to the Guard House. When arrested 1 the prisoner was lying near tha cap of the wharf with her fett hanging ever near the water. Last night the same depraved, forsaken outcast was found by some of the street bunds lying directly , across the rails road track, and was removed from her perilous position by tbtsj parties. It would seem from the circumstances con nected with this woman's arrest, together with the fact of her being found on the Riilroad last night that whiskey and the devil have almost accomplished their in fernal work, and the last act of a fallen woman's life, which is so frequently sui cide, had been contemplated by the un happy wretch. Not being iu a condition to appear before the Mayor this morning the cafe was con tinned until Mondiy. Wilmington District Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist Church South' Ookesbnry, at Bethany.... ...'..Aug 2S9 Bladen, at Antioch.... Sept 4 5 Elizabeth, at EJizabethtown... Sept 11-12 Brunswick, atShalotte Camp .8ept 18-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek ..Sept 21 22 Smith ville...: Sept 25-26 Wi'mington, at Front St Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at Fifth St, Oct 9 10 Whiteville, at Shiloh Oct 16-17 Topsail, at Union Oct 23-24 New River Oct 27 Onslow, at Queen's Creek, Oct 30 31 Duplin, at Wesley . Nov 67 Clinton, at Clinton..... Nov 13.-14 Cobarie, at Newton Grove Nov 2021 Let EVERT OFFICIAL MEMBER be 8Ure to be at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us rBE3S the battue all over the District and lojk to Go FOB VICTOBT. ' . L. 8. Btjb&bead, Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N. O., Aug 18, 1880J You can bay No. 1 Cooking ! and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. , ! Church Services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, comer of Market! and Fifth streets. Rov. J B. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11a. ni., conducted by Kev. T. Page K'caud, S.lo P.M. by Rev. O. L. Strtm field. Sunday School at 0:30 a. m Brot'-kly u Sunday School at 4 p. m. Young vlen's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at S:15 o'c'ock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 8:15 o'clock, ! ST. JAMES' PARISH, corner TWd and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D.; Rector. August 2Vrh. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Olebia tion at 7 a. m. Sunday School at 9:43 a. m. Morning Prajfer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 0 o'clork. I fiT. JO x 6 CHURCH, corner Third am lied Cross streets. Rev. Gjo. Patterson, 11 D., Rector Am?. 29th. Fourteenth Suud y after i'lini y. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clo ST. PAUL S.EVAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner of Sixth aiid Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim ID. D. Pastor. Sunday) I. m. English Service f School at 9;30 at it a. m. Chrfc Uan Association at3.30 P. M. No serv ce at night. FIFTH STREET . E. CHURCH (SOUTH), een Nun and Church on Fifth, bet streets. Revi T. at 11 a. m, and Ricaud. pastor. Services 30 p. m.j Sabbath School at 9i;a. ra, Pray r Meeting Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o'ci FKOJlT STREET I. E. CHURCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev, E. A. Yates pastor. bervices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabblth School at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, sup Prayer Meeting anil Preaching Weoliesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Aien and Women's Chris- tian Association! evenings in ead first and third Tuesday month. For Our! Lady Readers. Among impo ations of early fall goods are quantities oi fine, all-wool plaids, in bright colors oc plain dark grounds. The infinite variety which has prevailed in fashion for several seasons past, is re peated ia the new autumn styles. Wide belts of saddle girth canvass, fas tened with straps of leather and buckles, are worn with all sorts of demi-toilet costumes. ' At present it is the high fashion In Paris to make the corsages of evening dresses high in the neck, but with very short or no sleeves. The plain skirt with full ua looped back drapery is Americoa in origin, but it is gaining in favor on the other side of the Atlantic. Two boquets are worn on the corsage one at the waist on the left side, the other at the neck, also on the left side, high and far back. Very young ladies have adopted the fashion of wearing large embroidered, and lace-trimmed collars, just like those worn by small children. I New night robes have deeply shirred pointed yokes back and front, while the large bishop sleeves are also shirred into the arm-holes, and at the wrists. Jersey webbings of plain stockinet and in all colors to match the grounds of plaids and damasse novelties, are in the hands of manufacturers for the fall trade. A Great Enterprise. The Hop Bitters Manufacturing Com pany is one of Rochester's greatest busi ness enterprises. Their Hop Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their way into almost every household; in the land, Graphic. We thought yesterday that the backbone of Summer had been broken, but it has stiffened up mightily since then. To-day, at 3 o'clock, the thermometer registered 92 degrees, the same for that hour almost every day this week. CaptjK. M. Mclntire left her morning for the Northern markets fo the purpose of purchasing his Fall and Win ter supplies, lie tells us that he is going the rounds this time of the carpet manu facturers and that it is his intention to make a speciality of that branch of the business. ! ''Became Sound and YV11 " HATCHER'S STATION, Ga. R. V. Piebce, MJ D : Deer Air My wife, who had tocn ili for oyr two years, and had tried many other medicines, became sound and weU by using your Favorite Prescription. My niece was also cured by its use, after eev eral physicians had failed to do her any good, i Yours truly. THOMAS J. METHVItf; "Best Of JUL" BALTIMORE, Md March 5th, 1879. Dr. B, Y.Pikbck - Dear 5ir Mj familjrhave used your Favorite Prescription and it has done all that is claimed for it. It Is the best of all preparations for women complaints. I recommend it to all families. U. S, WATERMAN, Druggfc Ne7 Advorti3omont3. A Large Party, TORMERLT RENT PAYER., tired rt a-dlora ru'e are now on icy nionthlv In etalment list. Tery dolUr heretofore Pitl them for rent now gce to pare as? a home and not bete the woodbine tu inoth. Under the i-italui set p!au no rent u paid thereby avoid ieg a fteidy drin en fanily resource i wd enablinjr ' rtt8 t fccuo eomfort&ble homes and to become their wo U JO-A w - iBt'N.r. F. GrAi-to.w Story I?- Lai..,- U ALBERT K. PAIJSSJ'U-;-; Late Commlsoner':'ofrjtnU.' at e n itSa PAINE. GRAFTON & I Ann. jAttorneys-at-Law a id Solicitors of AnierU e in and Foreign Patents. nil 2 Fifth Street, Wasuingtcu, D C. m 1 racticepateo law in all itbrancLrn in the Patent Oiliie. an! in thn K-inmr-,, and Circuit Courts of the I T Pamphlet sent free en receipt of I stamp ior poemge. rtu og DEL'S CORN OLV:'.?:; a ma Remedy, Ta'.mar lidi in, hi! .ru Liv er Invlgorator, KocklDi: L'ir 1 M,' Urssll- ian Shoe Dectif g and an cu"; -..i tr cf Patent Medicines, 4c, for e-.'o ,. ,t CATy, an 27 vrkct. WATERMELON b', AS AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, h&vicg suddenly acqiircl prominnpe, rirrw the plucky New ork D;ctor c:ilei for tne, when his fast ended, . P. L. Bridffers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 2G fe 28 Front St., , 1 Wilmington, N. O., have laid in a upp!y for the upo of ibir cus tomers of the largest and iinest ia xl.i market, which they are retaiKnjj- at cost, and warranted superior to t).o articla supplied Dr Tanner or the Oeorgi.iug. When Tanner finished his Watermelon, ho finmod the use of Bread and Batter, Lia'ju -jd Mus tard, Bacon and Cabbage, Fish, y!h and Vegetables, in all the wonderful v v irtj pro vided by nature, and eeerainply ordaibod by providence as necessary to the rnftiritcTii'cj of human life, and no where more Bnun-iaiit ly supplied than on the Ketaii chores of P. L. Briderci & Co., 20, 22, li, 26. and 2 North j Wilmington, N. C. I'rontSt, Jt is generally knowr, v .j;p-pc, that this delioioua fmit owts it pocu.-vity t tfle fact that it holds in solution, b: siaej Flavor, ing Fxtracta,Btarch,eu?ar, VV'fter, Ooloric Matter, and Salt, a small pc ctLtva of Al cohol and other article, kept corvrtAHtly for sale in separate parcels, read v.; bi mized tor popular use, by JP. L. Bridsers & Co, Wholesale and Ketaii Grccera, Wilmington, N C. Alcohol beinsr the Arabic fr Vhi. which is an Americanism for tlu IiLh wol d UIbQUE, the other word IiATJOJl btin sometimts added in virtue of tbo birth pine? of this unparalleled product of the bofg f Ireland. We! keep "Whiskey ia all alzil shapes and ptckaes from -a lil t!kl-;r t a sixty gallons cask, aud from t-jn cjatj t two hundred dollars. French Brandy, Gin. Tqky Wiue, Ex cellent Hcuppernonpr, Victoria rh-'ry, fleira Wine, Snuff, Plug and Lesf Tbbascx, Cigars, Canned and Dried rrtuu, hn, Worcester Sauce, Coniaiect? and ! r.vervc?. We are now reducing kU,cc tirpjn-at"i v to our threatened femoral t r,nro -: i-i ' and roomy qoarters ia Cctobsr, Rj.d wi.l make it the interest of ! I crt earned ia tr.o use or the abuse of tho bjie incatiuL6l to call on - P L- Bridger3 & Co.i 20, 22, 21, 2G & 23 Froa t St., Wilmingtou, N. O., NO CHAIiGS for tlowlng goodfj for packing or draiftge, '.r for Town DeliVery, and we are petfoctic our arrangements with the u ail road Couipa uiee and Steamboat lines toSaithiillc; Fy ettcville and Foist CaiwrU for reduced transportation on all goodj sapped by P. L. BR1D0ERS & 20, 22, 24, 26 and 23 Front Sirwt. WILMINGTON, N C. au 18 I - Wanted rpf BUY OB LEASE, a ie3ond-hi,d Printing Press. Most be ia good ort'er ard h i . argeeaoughto priat a tentj.four co'.yuv paper. Address, statin j ttrxs. ll.-ENGB, Borsw, N.C. an 27 Fresh Every Da A FINE ABSOBTMENT 07 CASDIfV, French and Doaeetie, just received cr5 for P sale. THE 05LY OENDINE nOME-i;iLW Candy ia the city, will be found twrv' day, fresh and tweet, three doors ScatVof the postofliee on Second street. Also, Ncti BaJdna, Frttit, Ao, C. E. JEVKNf, jaa23 Near tbef ottottee