THIS PAPER paoHilied erery afterneon, 8.V JOSH- T. JAMB EDITOB AITD FOFKIKTO. g -UKHKIPriON8.lO8TA0E PAID, r $5 00 til months, $3 50 ;Thre " BoBthi.U 35; Oae month, 60 cent, fU paper will be delivered by earriera, o(thrf;in7 P- the city, at the rates, or 13 oente per week. Wtisiat rates low wd liberal y-ouberibers will pleaae report ny and glares to receive their paperi regularly. to'bk. B10WM & RODDICK 4. Market Street. jyaiiiE TO INF'JRM THE PJBLIO ,nnerliT n4. Wholesale Cth buyers in'rar tico'.ir. tb4t we are full up with the OF ry (oods thst bu ever been offered in this market H ) BUYEK Liting this city will do him f jtiticeby passing oar door, a we are inderiellia the market in many of the reg 'r Stiple lines. We hare marked down all goods Chat be- I.iiitf to Hammer wear and are offering to oar patros. We woald call particular attention to the following ' GENTS' 00G SKIN DRIVING GLOVES slightly spotted, 75o. Worth fl.EO. Calicoes! N w la!l Calicoes at all price in Beautiful designs IMoachcd and Unfoleuclied Cottons ! We hare laid in a very heaij stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than erer. We hare all the popular brands. ur 4-4 Kleachtng at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value erer c tiered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goods rrq iireno comment. Give us a Call! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. au 23 Seed Cotton. 500 000 LBS" 8EED C0TT0N want ed.for whioh a fair price, IN CA8II, will be paid. Apply at WILLARD'3, North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. aa 3J- The New Hat Store, C 1ALL AND EXAMINE MY SUMMER Btyles ot Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOFN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 FrOAt street, u 3) Next to Par cell House. Portraits. MAJOR-GENERAL W. S. HANCOCK, FOR niESlDENT. HON. W. H. ENGLISH. FOR VICiC PRESIDENT, Elegant a, ecimem copies upon' htary plate eard stck, each 35 cents. Co p try orders fiillei promptly. For sale at . an 39 HEINSURRHER'S A Large Party, FORMERLY REST PAYERS, tired ' ot laadlora rule are bow on my monthly in talmeui list. I rery dollar heretofore paid by them for reet now goes to purehase a hone and not where the woodbine twinetb. Under the i stalsaent plan bo rent is paid, thereby Avoiding a steady draia on family v,Moee! and nanliog parties ti seen? a ponfortable homes and to become their own laadlard. jAkEj WILSON, au 38 -w FallS Many Special Mucgidis P fTT? ii VOL. V LOCAL i NEWS. Mew Advertiaetuenia. R B Jxwbtt ForRent. fc8 Wabbock Tbe er Bill of Lading. P Haiaaaaaeaa P..r traits 1 Yatm Complete Stuck tchool Foci. . WitAlow,Gla33 all jfLZb &t luner &. The Jew:a ye.r 5G41 wiil beiu tn SeptemV-ei Gih, aunpet. Save youi liiouej auu u-.y --n Buiid iu& &up.ilie8 troin Ah-atirT ('riou. It w all cl u.isa to hat, 'taa.0 thing afijbey CfjraV tut' sapp-E bey doti't come? ' , ! - Dod'I j dge a jqq by bid family con nections, Jot Giu belong d to a very good fami'f. . - You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Hat ln Stoves at almost saiy prioj at J corn's Ilardware Depot. Tbere are partiea eudev. r:Dg to get up a corner in lard, and they are baviug a soft tbing of it. j To dream of finding money betokeoe that it is easier to dream of tiuding oiodk ey than to work lor it. Full ir.tal anu VVah.ut .li r Ohss ail styles au.l szes, at Ai.Tt-FKa, JiJi:J & Go's i The Binali boy's diiiestfvo j paratus is nudoubtedly tbe Merest approach to per etual motion tbat the wor d has yot knowa.' Window Glass o'a'! size , i) r,Sssh tmi blinds, Builders iJardwar.A-j iow -at p;lr. s at Jacobi's, It 18 ol bouie batista'tiou to ifra tbat tbe piano men have We anx ius!y await repprtu from tin cori.c manufacturtrsj ! We don't believe that IViis -u's boy teaned bis dad to invent some w:iy fr a lad to crawl under a circus tent with out getting kioked. Eervb;lycaug'it suita ;ih 1'iwt Kuife, also Table Cutlery, at JaCoui ilaidxare Dtvt- According to the Philadelphia. Item, the fewer feathers a woman has on her bonnet in this world, the more bh3 will have on her wings in the world to come. There is much for many of our girls to loam and among other thin;s, tbfy should by all means know that a good round, rosy romp is worth a d.z-ncone efnmptives. The immense numbor of fish worms consumed by small boys in the transac tion ol buiness on j Saturdays docs not Beem to bave any effect upon tbe general stock. i , My life was saved by Warner's Safe Ktdrey and Liver Cure E P. Lakdjj, &dma, Ala. j A person is expected to be thankful because he enjoys goinl health. O.ily a small boy can enjoy bad health, and then it must only be bii enough to keep bim out of tchool. . j There are hundreds cf yomg men on the street corners who will go wwhout suspenders for tbe sake of smoking cigar ettes. They cannot have everything, of course, and they cboosa that which is most congenial.1 rurge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Avkk s Pjlls, and you will bave clearer beads as j well as bodies. Mr. P. T. Uarnum enjoys a circus per formance as niucb watciu-s the feats as intently, laughs at tbe clown as heartily, and applauds as (vigorously as a boy. But when it co-s to crawling under tbe Oinvas without g'.-uig c.vjght the boy can give him points. Next to tbe man with au umbrella under his arm, if there is one more than another who should take a fctri;ht on. ward course among men it ii the zve cbanie who carries a long ladder in one hand and a gas pipe oh j his shoulder. He is an influential person. When be turns to look at a dog fiht, his fixings and the crowd most ceed turn w;th him. Suffering will exhibit! its presence by the cries of tbe baby, and sbou.d be removed by the prompt use of,thn highly recom mended. Dr. Bull s Biby Syrup, It is free from Opium. Price Jo cts. , See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Graga Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed j by the medical pro fession for the uie of invalids, weakly persona and the aged. Sold by Druggists. MILT WILMINGTON, .C, TUESUAY, AUGUST W bar's that reilroid'ri th Siund? Cotton is eai 1 to Uj opeuing very rap illy. " " - "- August 6U?!' dovu iud Olli Ui-iliy ' Ta ta i ' Don't fviH ibc river to luori ov. xcursion d:iwu t!. Stpb'-n R :n.d.ju wa to bav 'midw. bis will this afternoon There vttt i oca itmii rainb" . in tl e Weit-uu hoiz u this mornuig- f. pieiii'r h" 9 b is tb dy of ibe citcus. N'w, doji't you forgft v. Tue ppr ja-'-ong yicht r-ce ia now ex- reding lUu uiiode f jiquatio eportemen. A cntleiniii 4ap;it' hunaelf on Market street this moming. Cuse- grape blilis. IVofcssor Veunoi pied:c; cold wave between the first and third , of September. The oid Market Douse stands as a monument to the fi lelity of tbe hucksters to .Mud Market. Giapen, fruit, vegetables, shrimpP, Cab and crabs are plentiful, but the huckster keep the prices well up. Tb9 new buildings being eTtcted for the Wilmington & VVeldjn Kilroad Company axe progressing nicely A handsome wharf will be erectelat Bald this Winter by Capt. Ilarper, for the convenience of his passengers. Capt. II. seema always to be trying to add to the comfort and pleasure of the patrons of the Faispo't. A boy cau imaging almost anj thing. He can lug an old shot gun about all day without firing at a living thing, and be under the impression that he is having a howling good tinr; but all attempts to induce a boy to imagine that he is kiliing Indians when he is tawing wood have proved futile. A fond mother wants to learn some way to. tell how her son will turn cut. That's easily done. If he's wanted to go out and weed the garden, he will turn out slowly and reluctantly and be two hours dressing If he's called out to see a cir cus procession go by he'll probably turn o it quick, and hurt himself trying to come down; stairs and put a boot on at the same t me. Try it wben Coup's circus comes this way. You see that boy? Uow timidly he approaches every dark spot as he hurries through the nlghtl how warily he watches every tree box! how ho jumps aside at the siightest rustlel how trembinply be meets every wayfarerl Well, that Is the same boy who is just dying to go out' West and slaughter the pesfcy redakins. You wouldn't think so, to see bim now; now would you? Uiiinallables. Unmailable matter, directed as follows, remains in tbe posteffice in this city : J T U ollins, Burgaw, N C ; SargeDt F.ior, Fort Henry, Va. Paper Bankets. Paper blaukets are a la?e invention made of bheets of strong colored paper parforated with wadding between after the manner of carpet lining. They are said to be very light and warm, paper blankets giving as much warmth as two pairs of woolen blankets, weighing seven or eight pouods. They are so)d 1 irgely for charitable gifts in E iglahd. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Tlow, parties :a want of this celebrated Plow cn now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Frout et. tf. Ifow to Keep Cool. The Milwaukee News offers this recipe: During the terrible f hot nights of the first weeks of July,' said a gentleman who bad f pent .several years in South America, 'I slept comfortatjad kept cool by adopting tba p?an which 1 learned and found practiced in the torrid climate of South Amercia. Just btfore" retiring take a cool bath, not violent but cooling, after which don you - night shirt without drying the body and lie down. The re sult is astonishing it is much like tbat produced by sprinkling water on the floor in the evening. 1 he water abaorba the heat, and as it evaporates throws tha haat eff with it, leaving the body dry and cool.. If tha bath is not convenient, sprinkle the bed with water. If both can be done it is bttter. Ia South Amer ic the beds are all sprinkled Just before retiring, otherwise It would be about impossible "to" obtain any sleep. The recipe is one that ia infallible, as I know from tang experience, and there JU no danger in it .Review, LThe New Telegraph. Messrs D G. Worth, - M. Crou'y at.d J. D. Taylor, the Commissioners appiont e ) nl tl e case of tbe American Union Te'e grap Company vs the Wilmington & W-ddnn Kiiiroad and Wilmington, Cj iuuibit & August Riilroad, met jester day, lock tvuieue and adj mrned, sub ect to th cl! of tbe chairman The Monument. We un-lerntaud th it ibe committee who hive iu hand the matter of soliciting sub scrip'ious to the monument which it is pro posed to erect to tbe memory of the la mented Capt. JSUer brook bave met with much encouragement, as the responses to their appeals have been very liberal. They will continue to wait upon our cif ze js as their object is to give all a chance to subscribe. The Doomed Man. On Friday next, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, Stephen Richardson will expiate on the gallows the crime of mur der of which he was convicted at the last tarm of the Criminal Ccurt. To tbe end that the law may be strictly enforced the gallows has been erec ed and a door on tbe south end of the jil has been cut so tbat the doomed man (can walk from his cell down the corridors and on to the gaN lows. The execution will be private and only those persons who have tickets from the High Sheriff will be permitted to wit ness the finale of Richardson's life. Is it True! It is currently rumored that money has been offered to any of tbe young Hau cock and English Club who will appear In the Radical procession to-night. This is in keeping with Republican policy. Where no other means avail money is to be the lever for accomplishing their pur poses. What should all honest men think of a great (?) party that, for the mere sake of display, would set k to cor rupt even noo-votere? The above is communicated, although we publish! it as editorial matter. It; is understood that the offer has been made by a Republican Alderman and that tbe amount is $150 if the club will appear. Tbe said Alderman is'generally credited with having both brains and money but iu this instance there socms to be more money than brains. Abandoned at Sea. The brig Fred B. Rice Capt. Smalls, sprung aleak at sea, 60 miles East of Prying Pan lightship, in tha Gulf Stream, on Sunday last, the 29th Inst. She filled eo rapidly that it was found necessary to abandon her, and the crew took to a boat and succeeded in reaching Smithville yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Thence was originally a Spanish brig by the name of Zo Canados She laid at the shipyard in this city a long time and was finally purchased by Messrs . G. Barker and Capt. Small. She sailed from this port on Monday, the 231 inst., with a cargo of lumber shipped by Northrop & Gumming and E. Kidder & Sons, bound for Port-au-Prince. Tbe cargo was insured but there was not a cent on the vessel,' j Liter, we iearn that the Rice drifted ashore about two miles south of Sloop Point, last night, about 2 o'clock. Sh is dismasted and her rigging is hanging over her sides. She is said to be in a rery bad condition. Wilmington District. Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Chureh South: Bladen, at Antiocb Sept 4 5 Elizabeth, atLMztbetntowo... Sept 11-12 Brunswick, atShalotte Camp .Sept 18-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek. Sept 21 22 Smithville....1 Sept 25-26 Wilmington, at Frout St Oct 2 3 Wilmington, at Fifth St, ....... Oct 9 10 Whiteville, at Shilob Oct 16-17 Topsail, at Union..... Oct 23-24 New River ; Oct 27 Onslow, at Queen'a Creek,. . . . Oct 30-3.1 Duplin, at Wesley Nor 6-7 Clinton, at Clinton.... .........Nov 13-14 Coharie, at Newton Grove Nov 20-21 ii9t EVEBY OFFICIAL MEMBER be SUre to be at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us press the battle all over the District and look to God FOB VICTOBY. - L. S. BcBJCnXAD, Presiding Eider. Magnolia, N. O., Aug 18, 1880. When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the. Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. .European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 ana upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street can, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city. ly 31, 1880. NO. 161 List or Letters .The following is a list of the letters re uniuing unclaimed in the City Postofhce Wj-dnesdy, Sept. lHt: A Sarah Andrews, Ihomas Artist, S B Alexar der. i Wrn Brew, S J Bell, S M Barney, Peter Billard, E M Broyter, D E Brown, Duncan M Bryant, Alice Bland. I C V B Carter, Cbas Cap; s. Chns H Caj ps,J T Caulfild, Lucie Ciiancey, John Chad wick, Augusta Capps, Charlotte Carcerou D - W H Dudley, It S Deshield, Louis D ivis, I) Dessan Ben and I'olly David, Annie R Davis, Lid a Drane, Julia Drake, Maggie Durant, Nancy Dixon. O M Fillyaw. . I G J W Galvin. Lillie Griffith, J VV Garrett. II Geo W Houston, Harry Howard, L L Howard. Elizi Henejy, Rosanna Houston. Mil ord R Hunter,! Mary Hay- wood, Folly Hawkins, Violet Henry, Sarah A Harker. J Gaily F Jackson, Myra Johnson, Josh Joslin, Richard Jones K W H Kelly, I V Kelly, miss Jem mie King, mrs Rilev Kine. Li John Louis, Leudia Lepscomb, Dr L Lander, Mathew G Lswis. M G iW Martin, Henry Mitchard, James McCumber, Capt John Moore John Mack. Lidla Madgie, Peter Monroe, Nelson McKoy, Merrit & Warner, Mary I Merriman, Jane Merriman, Lizzie Mc Queen, Mary Ellen Murphy, RIddie Morris, S lomon Morton, mrs M McFax land. N Eadie Nichols, LouLa G Nixon, Robt Neasus. P Ann Eliza Price, Lea C Perry, Thomas Perry, Rose Pemberton, Ed Ped rick. 1 O James Osborne, Mary Orme. Q James Quinn, Virginia R Quince. K Geo B Randette, Isaac Royster, Susan Richardson. S Sarah Smith, Sarah E Scott, Char lie Seniors, F J Smith, Sarrl Smallwood, Spencer Stanford, W H Swaine. T Alice Tally, Mamie Taylor, An. thonev Toomer. W Balam Wade, Abraham Waddell Charly Williams, G D Walker, Juo W Wentwortb, Lunand Williams, R K Wells, Saml Williams, T C Whitfield, Edgar D Williams, Ellen Williams, Mag. gie it Williams, mrs M L Willis. Peraons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Ofhce, Washington, D: C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C, New Hanover County, N. C. 1 For tke Review. A meeting of the citizens ol the Fifth Ward, in the city of Wilmington, N. C, irrespec ive of aoy political party, was held Monday evening, August 30th, 1880, for the purpose of expressing their opinion in regard to the present building that is now being built by.tbe Wilmington Market Company, to be used and known as the Fifth Ward llarket House, situated on the corner of Filth and Castle streets, when the following resolutions were read aod adopted; 1st. The citizens of the Fifth Ward, in mass meeting assembled, do hereby, re quest the Aldermen of the Fifih Ward not to vote to accept tbe Market House that is now under course of erection and near completion, as the Filth. Ward Market House. 2nd. Because it is not suitable for a market house, and that its general ap pearance is that of a stable, and not a market house. 3d. That we of the Fifth Ward have to pay our portion of taxes and are entitled to fair and equal justice. 4th. And tbat we do most respectfully believe that tbe matter of receiving of the markets should be submitted to the people of the defferent wards for their approval or rejectioni and relieve the present Mayor and .Board of Aldermen from further cen sure by the public. 5th. That we believe that the people of the Fifth Ward are justly entitled to as good and commodious a market house as tfie people of tbe First Ward, and we will be satisfied with nothing less. , 6tb. And we most resoectfullv call th attention of the Mayor and Market Com- mittee,and also tne liaord of i Aldermen, to what we believe to be a gross injustice tnai is acout to be practiced up4n tbe ':n tire people of tbe Fifth Ward bjr the Wil mington Market Comninv in thh buiMi: - oi me rum ward Market liouie. ti. W. VV. Davis, CLaiisan. Be-j Fabbo, Secretary. New Advertisements. The New Bill of Lading pOR TBE BAIL ROADS. AJio, Carolina Central Bailroal Receipt, Vel bills of Lading - Chattel Mortajr-. inapeetor'e Certieatea, Magistrate' tilaukf, Ac. Printed at lowest rattaat E. 8. WABROCK.'t, Job Qlt so, (Office in Revieir Boil diaf) au 31 For Rent. rpHE CO11UODI0UB BTOBF, So. 3, Granite Bow, Poeaeasioa given Imaedia'ely or oa October lat, a t pre ferred. Apply to 3i B. P. JEWETT. I PLEA8E JTOTU E. We will begfad to receive eommoaicatioof from oar friends on amy an l all subject o reaaral interest but: Tka tuu&o of the writer mat alwayi be for niahed to the Editor. OotnatmUatloni itait be written' oa oal? one side of the paper. Personalities dm o!dvd. And It is especially ataparucularly under stood that the Editor few nut alwayi endon e the viewi of correepocuuBti, BnleaifO ttated ia the editorial columns. Hew Adverti amenta. Grand Excursion- THE L1DIE8 of Fifth Street Methodis. Fpiicopal Church will give ao Fxcuniou on Weneaday ntxt, Hepteuler lrt, to tb-. BUckfiah Groandg, the foru and Bmithville on the Steamer Pawport. Kefreahmenta at citj rate. Whole ticketi tO cent. ( h ldrtn and Sor vanta 26 cent. To be hid at .Yates d HeiniDerger'j Bok f toree or t e bt&mer pa the morninfc uf tbe Exc u.ioa.' reamer leaves at 9 o'clock, iharp. A0 0 THOMAS HIkSyV SUCCESSOR TO Boatwrighi & rdcKtfy, RETURNS THANKS TO TIIH People of Wilmington for the gen- eroui support ho has r3ccivc J, hot only from the: old patrons, but new ones, who are cornirg in daily. Ho promises to givo one and ill value received for their money. .To his frienda anj tho public generally ho is happy ta state that patrons that desiro to buy at WHOLESALE can t tlo better in the South. He will keep a Largo Stock constantly on hand." ' i Fresh Goods arriving daily. Prices always-extremely low. Old patrons of tie house aro specially invited to come and fco him or send in their crdei. thos. n.iMcKoi, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 30 5 47 North Front 8t FETE CHAMPETRE, at, ; Oat Grove Parlrv WRIGHTS VI LLE OUSD, FromJ 6 to 12 o'clock, WEDNESDAY EVENCNO, SEIT. la1, 16S0. F. A, Schuttc, Managere. Table D'HoUfsnr-plfed with aU the Do U icaciea of tbe season. S?i . - r r Boats for Saiiipj: and Erring. ' Still Water and Suif Eai hin?. Music by the Ilarpers. The Manager has spar :d no paiiiS or . sp?use in prej-ariog for this occaeion h 1 can awure all who may at tcud that eFerything will be doLc to promote the pleasure and conveoiecco of his guests, as It Is his InUatlon torutko his "EVERY WEDNESDAY a .tiVMiv' of the Sound, J No objectioiiable psrsons allowed In tl e P-rk. i , au CO O, W. Yates, yiSHES TO CALL THE ATTENTION of Teacherf and Pareats to his eomp't? ftoek of School Books and ScnooJBUt toner Thofo waatiag to bay will fljdit to their ad vantage to call or eorres jond with Lisa Sunday School Beoas, Hymn Books, Bibles, Prayer BoekJ, and Reward Cards, In great varieiy, ' YATE8 BOOK STORE an so

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