THIS PAPER , pnoluhea every afternoon. Siedtys e- JOSII. T. JlMKi, CDITOK AND PROFOIKTO. xv KSCKUTiONH. iOHTAOK PAID. r, 00 Hix mouths, f 1 50 ; Three i.,:iths, 11 35 ; Oas month, 50 cent. i paper will bi delivered by carriers, .rf cnarjre, in ny part of the city, at the - t.K. or 13 ceow pr west. v i, !-tii rnUjp or and litrfl ii.suUdcriD;r will pla report any and , uilurMto receive their papers regular'. Fal to oh BHOWM & RODDICK 4"i Market Street. ix3IilE TO INf JBM TUK PUBLIC i J d uctaI' j and Wholesale Caihbayersin rar ticuiar. that we are fall np with the Cheapest Zine ! OF ry (oods that has ever been offered in this market. HO BUYER vuiting thij city will do him idT justice by pawing oar door, as we are mderselling the market inmtny of tbe reg a'ar Stiple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be long to Hammer war and are offering to oar patrons. We woald call particular attention' to the fallowing GENTS' DOGSKIN DRIVING QLOVES Hightly spotted, 75o. Worth $LE0. Calicoes I N w Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beantifal designs. Hlcachcd and Unbleached Cottons ! We hare laid in a Tery heayy stoek of the above and are offering them at lower figures than eror. We hare all the popular brands. ur 4 -4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever i. tiered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cent. These goods require no comment. Give us a Call BROWN & ' RODDICK, 45 Market St. 'an 23 Seed Cotton. rc a nnn LB8. 8EKD COTTON want- ed, for which a fair price, IN CASH, will be paid. Apply at WILLARD'd, North Water 8L, Wilmington, N. C. an 2- , The New Hat Store 1 ALL AND EXAMINE MY BUMMER Styles ot Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON No. IS front street, iQ 43 Next to Pureell Douse. A Large Party, FORMERLY RENT PAYERS, tired ot landlord rule are now on my monthly in stalment list, l! rery dollar heretofore paid by them for rent now goes to purchase a home and not where the woodbine twinetb. liDder the instalment plan no rent is paid, thereby avoiding a steady drain on family resources and enabling parties to secure comfortable b imM and to become their own landlord. JAIxEd WILSON. aa Ift-.w A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Boors, Blinds, . AND ALL KIUDS OF MILL WORK," LUMBER LATHS. Ac. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFEK, FRICi A CO. Factorv: Office: Foot of Walnut st. Nutt, near tt4 Cross St. an 30 al. J. H. tJAftSd, Newspaper Advert i ng geat,4L Park Row, (Tiaes Bailing) Mew Vort; is authorixedto oontract for ad vertisemeau in the Daily Ravisff and Wil aiaercMJooaaiL, a oar lowest raes Maoy Special Btaiiils &e Daily "REV.IEW. 1 - I ; , 1 - - -. . - VOL V W ILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1880. NO. 1(52 CHEAP READING! For the1 Campaign. The Daily Review, 'to Dec $1.00! let; for The Wilmington Jm 1st, for GO cento!' AL to Dec. The Wilmingtok-JoubnaIi published very Friday, gives Ml of the newa of tbi week! i Tbe Daily Review, publish- every afvernoonj gives the news of the ii aud tbe latest market reportB. I Add reap Jobii. T. James, ' Wilmington, N. C. localnews. New Advertisements. Jis H OABaiwAT A Card. 8 8 Satohwxll Teacher Wanted. P HaiHSBaaaa8chool Books. Y atm Complete 8tcck School Books. Ma"isleiial circles are dead to-day. Tta umw cotton year begjna todiiy. We loe 04 minuted of daylight this month. Wu dow Glaaa all sizes at ltaC'er & Price's. : t The fccene of inaoy a tr tedy 6ent. ' kerO" The knobbseBt part ol the bcute ia the door. j Lockj iw amounts to but liltie without a set of teeth. This month has five Wednesday s and five Thursdays. Fashionable ladies are looking forja velvet season. Never trust to a horse's mouth as a Bure index to bis age. Borders will be ued on winter dressfe, and girls don't you forget it. Dresses are now made so short that the street crossings are seldom clean, September, the first of tbo .Autumn months, steps in on the boards to day. i The midnight bush s'oothing syrup. And now the rage is for coral jawelry. -September ia the most dehghtfu month at the seaside or in the mountains. This ia exactly the time to gather ornamental grasses. The brightm ss o color is prceerved. Letter now than at any other time. v In a nuraery 'wherein all is life and laugh instead of crying and fretting there is sure to be found Dr. Bull's, Baby Syrup. Price 23 cents a bottle. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and II pats ingdlovesat almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . " The Iiobcsonian jearus that Col. II B Sbort will not be a candidate for tbe Senatorial nomination before the Conven tion which is to meet at Whitevil'e next Saturday. . , There is one chance in several millions of getting hydrophobia from a dog's bite, and when a. man urges that all dogs ought to be muzzled, fuppect ! that man if you miss any melons. ! I Mr. Nath'l Jacpbi having been appoint ed .agent for the Atlas Plow, parties Id want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at J acobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. . tf. They are now making false teeth of celluloid, and the fsllow that doesn't realix? that his gtinders are of that ex plosive subEtarce ia awfully surprised when he accidentally cets the lighted end of the ciar in bis mouth. The steamer J'assjxjrt will not make her Uiual trip to-morrow an J next day, Thursday and Friday. She will, during tbe timo, have some s'ight additions made to her machinery in order to increase her speed. ' Pull Metal and Waluut Show Cases, all styles, and sizes, at. Altaffes, Pkick A Co's I "Mr. J.' H. Currie, of this city, will ad dress the Democrats of Pen Jer cotfnty or; the political issues of the day at Burgaw, on Monday next, the 6th inst. The pub lic are invited. The speak'ng will b?gin at 2 o'clock. Mf life. waa laved by Warner's Safe idrty and iv er Cure iV B. Lakdy, James U Carraway.the popular barber, boasts that he rbAv.i two Seoat. rp and oae Governor all in ne day last week. They were Senator II xusoai and Viuce andGoy. J irvis. . I We, would remind our pe pl'J of the necessity of carrying luh 8 n vbid s going to and froui the S.und. Th-re have been several collbi'-ns Already for tbo want of them. The days are g'ttii$ shorter, a; d many go to the Sound in the afiernoou ho are caught iu the diik before they get theie. I The Laur System 1 utf Liw eystcm of teletjDiun wi 1 g .on be iu iu'i op"raio!i in this city. The tuAUrial is here and the work of mak fog the change wflf be begun next Monday and probably finished by the latter1 , part of the week. There wid be bo tales for ence with the opcrauons ot the le'spoon s while the new wires are being, put up aud ia. Everybody can get s'lited with aPooktt Knife, aLso Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Dard.?are Derxt- ConectTime Wanted. Oannot some arrangement be made whereby we can have a . standard time herein Wilmingfor-? As it is, no two watches carry the same hour unless by ac cident. The correct Washington time can easily be had every day at the telegraph office here and if the, author! ios would have the necessary corrections made every dy in the city clock In tbe'tower of the the First Presbyterian Church it wou'd be greatly to the convenience of all. Rocky Point Academy. By advertisement in this paper it wil be seen that tbe Trustees wish a good male teacher totake charge of this school. We are informed that English studies and not the classics or higher mathematics are to be taught. A good teacher is the demand there, and this implks a good deal." An encouraging sign of the times ia tbe increasing demand for better teach era in our primary and preparatory, as well as in the higher schools and col lees. Window Glass ofall sized, L', and Blinds, Builders' Hardware.&o. .Low est prices at Jacobi's. City Court. G. W. Thomas and ;j. Burnett, colored boys, were arraigned for an affray. The former was held tor three days' imprisons ment, in default of $2 50 fine, and the latter was discharged. Wm. Stevenson, colored, who was ar rested last night In front of the City Hall, wliile th3 Radical pow wow was going on, with rocks in his h ind in the act of throw ing, was arraigned this morning upon the foregoing charge. Sentence of the court, ten days in the G. P. This fiuistied the docket, and the court adjourned. Turge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Ayer s Pills, and. you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. Rail Road Couibiii itions. We learn from a very reliable source that the Wilndngtcn & Weldon and Richmond Ss Danvi le Iiiilroad compa nies bave effected a combination and fixed a freight tariff so satisfactory to the W. & W. R. R. Co., that this company will no longer desire to lease the A- & N. O. R. R , and that in all probability Col. Briiigeis will exercise the right reserved by him to withdraw his bid before the meeting of the stocR holders on the 16th of September. The above ia from the Newbern Nut Shell. Betow we give what Col. Pope( General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, whom we inter viewed to-day, has to say upon the sub ect. In answer to our question if the above account from the Nut Shell was correct, Col. Pope replied as follows : I While it is perhaps true that a co-operative traffic arrangement will be entered into between tbe Piedmont Air Line and the Atlantic Coast Line systems in the interest of improved revenues, and to as sure dividends to stockholders, it is not tbe intention of the W. & W. to relax its efforts for obtaining, by lease, in honora ble competition,1 the Atlantic and North Cirolina Railroad. Tbe W, & W. Com pany look upon that rood ai traversing a country capable of great development in all industrial pursuits, and of furnishing valuable traffic to said W. k W. Railroad by natural channels of transportation both to Wilmington, Norfolk j and Rich mond. Bee a woman oa horseback in another column, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with a bunch of. Grapes from which Speer a Port Grape Wine Is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fa&aioA for the use of invalids, weakly persona and the aged. Sold by Druggists. Save your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. Tbe Senatorial convention for tbe dis trict composed of Robeson and Columbus counties will be held at Whiteville on Satrday next, the 4th inst, and Columtus County Convention, to nominate county officers, will he held at the same place on tbe Saturday of next Wek, the 11th inst. rue Cotton Year. From the bo ks of Col Jihn Li. Cant well Secretary of the Pro luce Exch aDge, we learn that the receipts of cotton at this p-it for the year ending August 31st 1880, were 78,891 Ulesj as against 108.51ft baits for the previous year, 1879. Tnis is a falling oil in receipts of 29,624 bales. The exports for the year ending August 81st, 1880, were 41,72 baits coastwise and 36.586 bales foreign against 44,061 coastwise and 04,431 Jot eign, daring the previous year, Kelurnrd.. ( Mr. R. . Heide, of this city, Swedish and Danish Vice Consul at this port, with I h's two daughters, returned here safely last night. They landed in New York last Saturday from Hamburg. Tbe flag at the Vice Consulate' is raised to-day in honor of the return. Mr. Heide and the young ladies have been absent from tbe city about four months, during which time they liave visited not only Mr. Heide's old home but various other portions of Europe. They have had a delightful four months of it. Another War Ended. The Wilmington & Weldon ail Wil mington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads have recently changed tbe bills of lading in use over those roads. This action drew forth a protest from those who were sup- plied with numbers of the bid blanks and bound volumes of the same. The protest was signed by nearly air-of nur leading merchants and was then submitted to Cel. Pope, whereupon that gentleman, on be half of the two railroad companies, rather than a loss should be entailed upon any one, generously agreed to furnish the new blanks to shippers free of charge. Morbid Curiosity. i It is astonishing to see how many people in a community are afilicted with the morbid desire to see a-poor fellow crea ture dangling at the end of a rope with his arms pinioaeU to his side and his feet tied together, while the fatal noose around his neck is choking the breath of life out of his body Sheriff Manning has distributed thirty six tickets cf admission to tbe execution grounds as required by law, and yet there are scores of applications more from white and colored for tickets of admission. Verily, some people have queer tastes while others have none at all, and some again are very brutish in their desires and inclinations. It takes a variety of differ ent natures to make up a world of people, and here we have an exemplication of the fact. i II arbor Master's Report. From Capt. Walter Coney, Acting. Harbor Master, we have the following re port of the arrival of vessls at this port, &c, for the month of Augus'; ' AMERICAN, Steamers 43 380 Brigs... 3 839 Schooner 11-2,564 Total 18 6,783tonb FOBEIGN, Barques......... 6 1.922 Brigs.. 2 470 Schooners 1 90. Grand Totals......... 20 9,265 tonp Wilmington District, i Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist Church South: 1 Bladen, at Antioch Sept 4 5 Elizabeth, atEMzabothtown... Sept 1U12 Brunswick, atShalotte Camp. .Sept 18-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek ..Sept 21 22 Smithville.L .....Sept 25-26 Wi'mington, at Front St Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at Fifth St, ...... Oct 9 10 Whiteville, at Shiloh. ........ . Oot 16-17 Topsail, at Union. Oct 23-24 New River L , Oct 27 Onslow, at Qaeen's Creek,,, , . . Oct 30 3! Duplin, at Wesley.. Nv 6-7 Clinton, at Clinton, t J. Nov 13.14 Oobarie, at Newton Grove. . . .Nov 2021 Let Svebt official member! be sure to be at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us rasas the battle all over the District and look to God FOB VICTOBT. L. S. BxrnxnzAD, Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N.C., Aug 18, 1880. Steamship Jiegulator, Capt. Doane, arrived here to day from New York. Washinrton Republican EYER IS WASHLXCTOX. THE BEST Coup's Constellation Gone The Yer dlet of the Public and Press. W C. Coup and his constellation of new aud novel features bave come and gone. This is the third consecutive season that Mr. Coup has paid Wash ington a vLit, and each season to an in crease of business. We say the best show ver in Washington, and only repeat what tbe sterling press throughout their entire route have declare!. Tbe 'Chicago Tmies says, 'The b st show ever in Chi cago; the Milwaukee Sentinel says: 'The best ever in Milwauke ;' the St Paul Pioneer Press says: MTbe bept ever iu St. Paul;" the Louisville Courier-Jour nal says: ' The be6t ever in Louisville,' and this ia the verdict of the entire press W. C. Cuup has gained a reputation from Maine? to California as the most lib eral caterer to the amusement-loving public in America. Liberal to a fault, untiring in his efforts to present some thing new, novel and startling, regardless of expense, this gentleman has in person visited the continent of Europe in search of features never before presented to the public. Music, mirth, novelty, pleasure and instruction have been artistically combined in one grand combination. In the proclamation issued by Coud for the season of 1880 he boldly made the asser-J tion that his new united show should eclipse all his previous gigantic amuse ment enterprises. No promise ever made to the public by this gentleman has ever been betrayed. His 'word la his bond,' and the entertainment offered to our citi zens this Beason has ma Je the name of W. O. Coup more popular (if possible) than ever, and is positive proof that a merito nous entertainment is always appreciated ny a discriminating public. Space will not permit us to ma&e mention of all the novel features, museum, menagerie, aquarium and circus. The only baby sea Hon ever born in captivity was also worth the rice of admission. The wonderful $100,000 bronco horses, the $10,000 leaping horse Nettle, the gigantic devil fish ( or which Mr. Coup has been offered $50,000,) beautiful ponies, educated dogs aud a circus performance never before equaled. We have hai Forepaugh, the London and Barnttm, and do not hesitate to say that Coup has the most complete and artistically ar ranged entertainment which has ever vis ited our city, and it is an admitted fact that W. C. Coup is the leading showman of America. The New York hippodrome, Gilmore's garden, and the New York aquarium are emonations of bis fertile brain, and bave been tbe most successful amusement ventures ever attempted. Miss Katie Stokes is the most artistic and accomplished equestriane in America. Miss Emma Stokes, the queen of the side saddle; Mile Belmont, the daring aerial artist; the Linton brothers in artistic groupings; Tom Barry, the jester; Dan Stone, the laugh-maker; the tribe of Iroquois Indians in realistic representa tions of Indian life, and every feature promised by the great Coup constellation is faithfully fulfilled. Come again, Mr, Coup; you will always be welcome. When you visit or leave New York City, Stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite ijrrand (Jentral Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city. ly New Advertisements. & Card. fTlHE U5DKR8IONED announces to the A citizans of Wilmington that W. H. Nash and Prince Smith have strnck and left hij employ. Strikers are very detrimental to business, therefore do not pitronizj strikers. I shall fill their places with first-elass artuts in a few days. Hespectfolly, septl-lt J AS, H. CABS AW AY. ! . . i. Rocky Point Academy GOOD MALE TEACHES SEEDED to take charge. I Apply to 8. 8. BATCH WELL, Secretary Board of Trustees, lept 1-lidJkw. Rocky Point, 5. C. School Books. Y HATE IS STOCK a full sapily of School Books and School Ftationery. Pa eats and teachers are respectfu'ly invited to ez&mixe my stock, as they will find it to their adrar. te; 1 P. 1XELXSBERGEK.- Pianos and Organs Bold for Cash or on the monthly and weekly instalment plan at HI588ERGEK'8, Lire Book Store. sept 1 For Rent rpHE COMMODIOUS STORE, So. 3, Granite Sow. Pi ion given immediately or on October 1st, as pre ferred. Apply to ' ill i B. B. JEtVETr. ". PLEASE 50TIO& Wa will be j?' ad to receive eommunication! from onr friens on aiy and all sobjecti o general interest bat: Tke name of the writer msrt always be far nishedto the Editor. OommnnUaUons nvajt be i written on onlj one aide of the paper. ' - Personalities man vol icL And It is eepedaU ao pat cnlarly.nnder stood that the Editor ivu not always endors e the views of oorrefpontfuOts, unisex so ttattd in the editorial columns. Kov --Advertisnments. TH01IA8 H- EcK0Y, SUCCESSOR TO BoatWrlglit & MeKoy, EETURNS THANKS TO TI1E People of Tv'ilmiDton for the gen- eroas supfporH, he lias itcoirt -JSiot only from the old patrons, but new ones, who are coming in daily, i He promises to giro oiic ar.dili value received for their money. To hia friends and. the public generally ho is happy to state that patrons that desire to buy at " WHOLESALE can't do better in the South. Ho'will keep:a Largo Stock constantly on hand. 1 Fresh Goods arriving daily. Prices always extremely low Old patrons of the houso aro specially invited to come and mcc j him or send in their . orders. ' j TIIOS. nJIcKOY, Grocer and Lfqi or Dealer, u 80 5 4 7 North Front St FETE CHAMPETREj Oak Grove Parlr? WKIGHTSVILLE SOUND, J From 0 to 12 o'clock, . WEDNESDAY EVENLNO, SEPT. 1st, 1S50. F. At Scliutte, Manager. Table DTIote supplied Willi all the Dc 1 icacies of the season, Boats for SailiDg and Ilowicg. Still Water and Surf Bi thinr. Music by the Harpers. 1 The Manager has spared lo pains, or expense in preparing for this .occasion and can assure all vho may at. : i tend that everything will bo dOLe to promote the pleasure and convenience of his guests, as It is his intention to mato his "EVERY WEDNESDAY'' a featu:C i of the Sound. No objectionable persons allowed In lie i. Park. i au GO yISdKa TO CALL THE ATTENTIOV of Teachers and Parents to his complete stoek of School Books and School Stationery Those wanting to bay will find it to their id vantage to call or e arras pond with Mm- - Sunday School Bo,Hyxan Booki,Bib!(f, Prayer Boeks, and Reward Cards, ia gr( at variety. TATE8' B93K STORE. an 30 The New i , Bill of Lacjmg pOR THE BAIL BOADS. Also, Carolina Central Railroad Bcoelpts, " YeacelliilhTorLadlag, -Chattel Mortgage. Inspector's Certif c ttes, 1 Magistrate's Blanks, Ac. 7 Printed at lowest rates at X. 8. WARROCK'H, Job OrBce. (Ofies la Review Banding) an 31

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