TBIB PIPES pted or JOSH. T. JiME, torroR ASH rBOPUCTOB. ai-lWCK! PTlilNS. POSTAGE PAID. 4 rr, 00 months, S J 50 ; Three -,t., Jl li; Oae month, 50 oenta, . papr ill delivered by carrier, .!:ebrf, to ajr part of the city, at the j,erM,urlloapt)rcL vertisia raUs low and VibtrU ;ssaberibr will ple report any and ! ur- ti reiT their papers regularly. BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market Street. I) HIKE TO INFORM TUB PUBLIC gnerally and WholesaU Cajh buyers la i-ar-tiealar, that we are fall up with the f OP Dry Caoods that hu eter been offered ia this market HO BOY EH visiting this city will do him Mlf j-itloeby pasting oar door, as we are nJerielllng tbe market in many of the reg al at Staple 11b m. We bare narked down all goodi that be long to Hammer wear aad are offering is to oar patrons. We would call particular attention to tbe following QENTS'DQQSXM DRIVING GLOVES Mightly ipotted, 76o. Worth $1.60. a.DCoes! Srw fall Callcx at all prioee In Beaut'fnl designs lileachcd and Unbleached Cottons I We bare laid In a very heavy stock of tbe above and are offering them at lower figures than erer. We hare all the popular brands. Cur 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception tbe best value ever offered. Linen Hander chiefs, Job at 10 oenta. These goods require no eommsnt. Give us a Call 3R0 WII & RODDICK, 45 Market St. a 28. Seed Cotton. 500 000 LBS" 8KKD C0T0N wimt 4, for which a fair price, IN CASH, will be .aid. Apply at WILLARD'S, North WaUr SL, Wilmington, N. O. an 2S- The New Hat Store. C 11 LL AND EXAMINE HT SUMMER Styles ot Straw and Felt Hats. They are p rtty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 19 Front street, au M Next to Pureell Houie. , A Large Party, FORMERLY RENT PAYERS, tired ot laadlor rale are new on my monthly in stalment list. jLvry dollar heretofore paid by them for rent now goes to purchase a hums and not where the woodbine twinetb. Under the lastalnent plan no rent is paid, thereby avoiding a steady drain on family resources and enabling parties to secure comfortable homes and to become their own iaadUrda, JAkEd WILSON. M 18-1 w A LARGK STOCK OF Saslia Doors, Blinds. AND ALL K 1 54 01 OF MILL WORK, 1 LUMBER. LATHS. &c. Fur sale very cheap, at ALTAFFKK, PRIC & CO. Fast or t I Office: Foot of Walnut ft. Nntt, ner 4 Cross's t. aa SO M. J. U. BATES, Newspaper Adrertl ng treat. 41 Park Row, (Times Baildag) Aew Y or t, is aathorixedto eontraet for ad TertuesasmU U to. OattT Raviaw aa4 Win usievea Josaaat, at oar lowest rates. Fall S Man Special r VOL. V WILMINGTON, MV C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1880 NO. 163 CHEAP BEAMING! For therCampaigu. The Daily Review, to Doc. 1st, for $1.00! The Wilmington Juubnal to Dec. let, for 50 cents! Tbe Wilmington Journal, published very Friday, gives nil of tbe news of the week I ' The Daily Review, published every afternoon, given the news of the day and tbe latest market reports. Address Josh. T. James, Wilmington, N C. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Ohaj Stinakd, and others Notice. A Q Bicapd i?"or Rest. I'm it a A Nash A Oard. Bee double column ad Home Medici ue Co P HiMSiiaeaa School Books. Yates Compjete Stock Fchool Books. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. t A nightgown is uotbiug but a nap sack. Pickled pigs feet belong to a corner in pork. Every politician w tnU to get into the City haul. - r Piper padding serves to build up waist places. c A popular shade for su-nrner'is tbe shade of tbe trees. The most miner ible slave ou this dirty planet is the slave of habit. He puts water in his soup wh) takes many words to tell a short story. , Save your money ami b'iy your Build" Ing Supplies from Altaller & Price. A fellow who gets a stitch in his back never seems to feel more than sewsew. Persian insect powder is warranted to clear a room of mosquitoes in a twink ling. Columbus made an egg stand, but Ital ians of less renown . have made peanut stands. Buck!es as large as horseshoes, for las dies 'pedal extremities' are no longer the fashion. Full Metal and Walnut Show C.s3, all. styles and sizes, at Altaffbb, Pkice &Uo's ' "Beer Is said to be going, up, but the general impression has been that it was going down. The desire to go somewhere in hot weather is only equalled by the desire to get back again. The baggage men 8iy now is tbe time their muscles are strained and their strength is tested. No man, while board fence advertising is popular, will ever be allowed to for get that he has a liver. - , t Caesar covered his bald head and gray hair with a laurel crown. Ayeb's Uai'r Yigb covers gray heads with the 6 till more welcome locks of youth., Hot weather takes all the romance- out of youth. Perspiration doesn't rhyme with love by a great deal. . In the bright lexicon of youth it is mere important to know how to pitch a bass ball than to pitch a ship. Women all run to hide when a thun der storm begins. They know lightning always strikes the rawt attractive per son in the crowd Physicians say that there is no remedy for Consumption, and possibly, in some cases the assertion may be correct. We know however of many cures made by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and will guaran tee positive relief to the suffare in . every instance. Prince B. Smith and lienry Nash, two very popular barbers, have rented . snd entirely renovated the Pureell House barber shop and .solicit tbe patronage of the citizens. Their saloon is very neat and as they are well known we have no doubt they will succeed. See advertise ment elsewhere. WLen you visit or hav New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate pi ices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ol the city. ly duly The Two Ctnbs. For fear tha many will confound the two we will state that the Hancock. English and Jarvia Club will meet to il ght at MurioV Hll and the Y'-ur.p; Men's Democratic Ciub to-morrow uibt in the Mayor's Court R c. in tbe (Jity Hall, where the latter will organize acd elect officers.- Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hard w arts DeDot- ReriYal. There is a revival in progress in the Baptist Church at Smithville, conducted by the Rey O. L. Strirglield, pastor In charge. Two candidates were immersed on Surday aod four yesterday. It is be lieved that others will be immersed on Sunday next. Quite a number have pro fessed religion and the revival has been attended throughout with good results. Nobody IJUit. The pretty three masted schooner Mary Beirt tbe property of Messrs. Sol. Bear &Bros , in this city, is undergoing some repairs. This morning her main mast was being taken out and while the work was going on some of the rigging gave- way and the mast slipped and fell across the cablo, breaking it iu, but fortu nately injuring no one. The Mary Bear arrivid here only a few days ago with a full cargo. Window Glass of all sizes, Do rs,Sssh and Blinds, Builders' Hardvare,&c Low est prices at Jacobi's. The Fire at Buigaw. The laige and handsome two story building at'Burgaw, near the depot, tl e first fl .o: being occupied as a store arid the upper part cf the building as a hotel, owned and occupied by Messrs. Tienken & Cowan, was burned day before yester day. We can get no particulars. The building was insuied with ilessrs. Atkin son Manning, of this city, in the Fire Association ot Philadelphia, for $1,500, and the stock for $400 in the same, and $500 with Mr. Norwood Giles in the Home, of New York, on the stock. The Wrick or the Fred B Rice. From parties who have visited the 111 fited brig Jfrecl B. Jiice, we learn that tha vessel liej stern on near Sloop Point, and imbedded some three feet or or more in the sand. It is thought that to uniertaketo get the brig off will cost m re than the vessel is worth. The Un derwriter's; Agents hope to save the cargo, o insisting of lumber, and float it around by a small schooner , into Wrightsville or Epaae other Sound and then dispose of it. The wreeking crew are stripping the ves sel ot rigging, after which we suppose the hull will be allowed to remain on the beach and go to pieces. Purge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Ayek's Pills, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. Periodicals The Southern Uistorical Papers for August and June, like all the numbers of this popular periodical, are full of reliable information to the 6tudent. Col. T. B. Roy, lorineily on the late GtLerul Hardee's staff, uuderUkes in tbis number to vindi cate tbe name and fair fame of his late chief from alleg d uujust aspersions cat t upon the character of General Hardee by other grand officers, and to this end a very interesting letter highly complimenting General Hardee, both as a man and an officer, is produced from ex-rresident Davis. This letter, like all papers emana ting from that eminent soldier and states mau, is very .fine reading. The History of Lane's N. C. Brigade is continued. Reccollections of General Beauregard, by his Chief of SlaS", General Thomas Jordan, is another interesting article in the present number besides other i ter esting papers relating to the late war and Confederate heroes. The price oi tbe magazine is only $2 00 a year. It sliould be in eveiy Southern household. Address Rev. J. William Jones, D. D., Richmond, Va. It is said that Edison is at work on a new labor saviBg machine for farmers. Whether it is a steam plow or a mow. ing machine is not stated, but it is known that after a nun has need it two hours, it saves him from doing any more work all summer. Those in use at prtsent only lay bit up for two'months. Bee a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which 8 peer's Port Grape Wine is made, that ia so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the nse cf invalids, weakly persons and the, aged. Sold by Druggists. REVIEW. Upland Rice. We have received from Mr. J., M. Lee, at South Washington, a head of uplai d rice measuring 12 1 incbes which Mr Lee tells us is a fair specimen of five acres h has. No fertilizers were usad. If there ic any b itter showing than this any where ol any upland we would like to hear of iU The Chicago Times says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ia highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians, surgeons, by men of literary and scholar ly distinction, and by individuals in all the walks ot life. Personal. Mr. R. E. Heide, Danish Vice Consul at this port, visited tbe Produce Ex change, of which he is a member, to-day for the first time since his return, and was warmly greeted by his brother members present. Major Jno W. Dunham, Clerk of the Criminal Court tor this county, has just returned from the mountains after a three weeks' sojourn in that salubrious atmos phere, bringing with bim an increase in his personal flesh of sixteenfpounds avoii dupois. tlow to get sick. Expose yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise; work too bard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know flow to get Well. Which is answered in three words Take Hop Bitters! See other column. Ex press. Attempted Suicide. There was quite a wide sensation yes terday at a place on the line of the Wil mington & Weldou R. R., caused by the attempt of a beautiful young mar ried lady to commit suicide. S'ie had provided herself with two phials of laud anum, one of which she 8 wallowed. Her husband soon discovered her situation and called in a physician who succeeded in neutralizing the effects of the rrog nd saving her life. The lady is young, beautiful and accomplished, adored by her friends and idolised by her husband, who has always been loving and devoted to her, and tbe attempt was undoubtedly the result of a fit of mental aberration caused by miasmatic sickness. The Bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Nerve quieting Hop, the superb Malt arial antidote Quinine, and other precious ingredients, combined without fermenta tion, are the ingredfenta of 'Malt Bitters,' prepared by tbe Malt Bitters Company. Every Wednesdays Oak Grove, at Wrightsville Sound, the old Dr. Wright place, is fast becoming one of the institutions of Wilmington, Its Every Wednesdays are a decidedly pleasant feature. We drove down there last night and found the beautiful grove resplendant with light from scores of Chinese lanterns distributed throughout thegrund Thore were many visitors from the city, among them numbers of 1 idies and children. The Harpers gave good music and those who were so dis posed danced on a platform raised be neath tbe leafy canopy of the trees. Mr. F, A. Shutte, of the Commercial Hotel ia this city, is the owner and manager A aud he is ably assisted in the cuisine by that veteran caterer, Mr. W. M. Collins They gave us a splendid fish supper, pig fish and trout just from th3 water. We are g'id to know that Mr. Schutte's ef forts are meeting with much apprecia tion. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having beeL appoint ed agent for the Atlas now, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard . ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf.. Wilmington District. Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church Southr . Bladen, at Antioch Sept 4 5 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown... Sept 11-12 Brunswick, at Shalotte Camp ,8ept 18-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek ..Sept 21 22 Smithville ...Sept 25-26 Wilmington, at Front St. . Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at Fifth St M Oct 9 10 Whiteville, at Shiloh Oct 1617 Topsail, at Union Oct 23-24 New River Oct 27 Onslow, at Queen's Creek Oct 30 31 Duplin, at Wesley ...... ...... Nov 6-7 Clinton, at Clinton... ..Nov 1314 Coharie, at Newton Grove Nov 2021 Let EVEBY OFFICIAL MEMBER be BUTe to be at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us FBE3S the BATTLE all over the District and look To God FOB VICTOBY. L. 8. BUBKBEAD, Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N. O., Aug 18, 1880. This month has five Wednesdays and five Thursdays. New AdvartlsemenU. an mm or m Linus U LI A MediciDe recently disco re red and used by an eminent physician with wonderful weers.' A'l r;iec-t and country torcshav it or will get it for yon. AUo a lure cure for I IV YIG 10STION, Duplin Politics. A meeting of the eitizens of Rockfish township, Duplin county, was held at the usaal voting place on the 28th of Au gust, and the following pi octedings were had: Bizzell Johnson was called to the chair and Wm R Ward was requested to act as secretary. On motion, J J Ward, D S Wi Warns and Wm Price were appointed a commit tee to draft resolutions expressive of tbe sense of tbe meeting, who subsequently reportea tne lol lowing: Whereas, e have learned, with un feigned regret, that Albert S Colwell, our lata ronrouAnfativ. in h. T .1. t North Carolina, deeming his health in- sumcient to undergo the fatigue of a to iitical campaign, declines to allow his name to be used in the approaching coun ty convention for a renomination; be it therefore resolved, 1st. That we, the citizens of Rockfish township, consider that in Mr Oolwell Duplin county has had a representative worthy of all the confidence renosed in him and that we deeply deplore the ne cessity that impels him (although only temporarily we, trust ) to decline to serve us further, . 2d. That we unreservedly indorse his course in the Legislature, and numbly tender him our thanks for his devotion to the interests of our section and to Demo cratic principles. 3d. That a copy of tnese proceedings be forwarded to the Editors of the Brief Mention with the request that the Golds boro Messenger and the Wilmington Start RevieiV and Joubnal please copy. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and Mr Colwell, being present, responded to the resolutions in a few ap propriate and feeling remarks, after which ne meeting aujeurnea. Bizzell Johnson, Chm'n, W. R. Wabd, Sec'y. New Advertisements. For Rent fTIHAT LARGE STORE, situate on Third street, opposite City Hall, and MliM recently oooupied as a Drug Store, can be rented from October 1st, by applying to A sept 2-lw A. G RIOAUD. A Card. THE UNDERSIGNED have taken charge of tbe Pureell House Barber bhop. where they ill be pleased to serve their friends and the public generally. The saloon has been thoroughly renovated and refitted, and we promise the bast of workmanship, with polite and courteous at en tion. ,PH1MUJS D. SMITH, sept 2 W. H. NAfcJH. Notice- WE THE UNDERS'GNED, Republicans and emnloTaAn nf tha W. IV. n. M- R. Company, under the supervision of Mr. O. W. Gates. Master Mechanic, having san an article in the Raleigh "Signal' of August jew, ibbv, uooer me caption or "mat Jar vis, Best dwindle," do hereby denounce the whole thine as a faliehood and l.IR. nnthin r of the kind having been threatened by Mr. Gates, "that if we did not vote the Dem ocratic ticket in the coming election, that we would all be discharged.'4 CHAS 8TANARD. HENRY RTVOfTAM. 8ILA8 CROW ELL, THOMAS KLLH, MARTIN SLOAN, MATfHEW KINOAID JAB. BROWN, MORRIS PINK8TOK, JOHN DOBBIN, JAMES PEARSON; sept 2-lt The New Bill of Lading 'OR THE RAIL ROADS. Also, Canplina Central Railroad Receipts, essei 0ius oi ijaaiug, Chattel Mortgage, Inspeetor's Certificates, Magistrate's Blanks, Ac. Printed at lowest rates at E. 8. WARROCK'B, Job Office, (Oiice in Review BuUding) au 31 A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR 1 HE LADIES ! WE ARE SELLING at Reduced oriees Ladies'. Misses and Children's Dresee and Undo wear, Trimmed and Untrimaitpd Hats and Bonnets, latest styles. We will sell eft our Stock of abve named articles at REDUCED PRICES to mate rooas for Fall goods. Hair Work and Stamping solicited. MISESS KAUKEit A McOUU AS jylT YOUNG MEN IscrsftEfnS MOORE'S BUSiriESSZUniYERSITY, Atlanta. Oa., p9 QO covers total expenses for three month sbend for Illus trated Circular. 28-12wdAw. For Sale: PERFECTLY NEW,07FI03 BATE, M osier, Bab m ana A Co rnaanfactaxexs, eombination look, weight 100 lbi. For sala eheap. Apply at meh 3 THIS OFFICE. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive communication! from our friends on asy and all subjects o general interest but t The name of the writer iaut alwayi be fur niahedlo the Editor, : n Oommnnleatlcmjir.aftb written' ca only one side of the papar, " Personalities mvA voided. And it Is especially a sxi particaiarlynnd cr rtood that the Editor 4s not always endors s the views of correfpMdenU, unless so laud in the editorial ecu ns.' Hot7 Advertise inonts. ll( CURED IN 20 MINUTES BY VIA-SANG nifw ,nd Rilionuiiet. rtm. 1rtl Honks. 17 -.. JIOMi: JfEDIC J JVJ5 - i i S i i - -' School Books. I HAV IN STOCK a full supply of fc'cbool Books and School Stationery, i'a'enta and teachers are respectfu'ly invited to examine my stcck;as they will find, it to lair advan tage P. lltnT3TJERQEE. Pianos and Organs, Bold for Cash or on the monthly and weekly instalment plan at ,HEIN8BERGER'i3, Lire Book Store. sept 1 For Rent COMMODIOUS STORE, 1HE All given immediately or on October lt, at pre ferred. Apply to M31 K. i;. JEWETT. C. W. Yates, I8HE8 TO CALL THE ATTENTION of Teachers and Parents to Lid complete stock of School Books and 8cto?l Stationery . Those wanting to bay will &z& it to their ad. vantage to call or correspond with him. 8nnday School Booxs, Hymn Books,Bibie?, Prayer Boeks, and Reward Cards, in pre at variety. YATES' BOOK STORE. Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestjo, just rectiired and for sale. . - . , THB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADU Candy in the city, will be found every day, fresh and sweet, tbree doors South of the Poatoffice oa Seooad street. Jen, NuU Raisins, Fruit, Ao. O. E. J EVEN 8, jan 23 Near. tb Fostofiko MILTON W.JQHHSON, Lumber.-- Commission Mercliaui. n . . wLozizxTozora', z. o. mchl 2- Benj. F. Gbafton, Stobv B. Lad:, Halbebt E. Painf. Late Commissioner of Patents sssssasssaw Jt J P.a-t eret's m PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorney s-at-Law aod Solicitors of Aincri an and Foreign Patents. 412 Fifth Street, Washington," 'p.V. Practice paten law in all its Lranrbcu in the Patent Office, acJ in the Sunfima and Circuit Courts of tbe iToite'I Stated. Pamphlet sent free on recHpt' of stamp for postage. - au 28 JEL'fl.CORN bOLVi.Nl, LaitllVABth ma Remedy, Taimar lxdien, Santoru's Liv er Invigorator, Mocking Bird Food, Brazil - iaa Shoe Desbg and an tndldss variety o I PatentUf edicines, Ac, for sale low at J. H HARDIN'S, Apotheca-y. au 27 New Market. The Cosmopolitan Ear I 8 THK PLACE TO GET ANT ' nT.I of th- fancy, Atlic'vut, otu. s i tcfofttr Season, io co.tl L.r. ... a Jii1 None but tUj vr bt of -,1c,f't 1 a1 ' t t M- f vf.the.eo3f Vac ie cn J-.-tN ?aC'4M,frop.," jy T . o. 12 sretst. Hop D. from tiit In j9i aim mr-; poirbrmHt uesE, rely or iAiMfuiKblCiDtf V tttJtrr-A on Hop" Sitters. 3 VSJjflerer yon era. F??a frhmmasilm mm wIk-u. rt r yon fefl J, .? wuiij iron 'juwi . M i m . . f m ..r w r. m inif nt vljUMilAf Iimt , r,'t.a irfive D1V ii4(i t . k Itnn -V MOCrtflZtarB H T F wntn from w . jt- ,ta an ateotste HOP is&w.x. liver orervtm n i j -nredlf yoomd f J . r aim oi ouum. Hop Btttersi IfroaarestnH 'rtiU. head r or a WPVFR. lit i ix mis 71 it i i - . . p f I r ! nor Brrrnt3 isvefowi life. It has asnred horrt dreds. V, y of faw-lnewr Vl am rf, let- X-i-i 4 Rnior datiM aii Cvf luft vurk. t i I. Mtirotusnt. and use I ' to; c fi Hop Bitters. , lifW. w E If yoaare jocntrwvJj inJTerir? BdlwntUwn or di-ip iuoa : it. HTIQS