J Tho-IhilyRo7ioT7! , .it l-sa- JOSft. iC Editor &FrOp. TTILMLEf OTOW i W- C Kntxiugd at thk PoaTOJFicac AT WlLMIHttTOJC, AJ S002TI-CLAS8 4 u 1 1 t ; - FOR PRESIDENT : S. MHGOCK, FOB VICE-PBESIDEHT : OF INpIANA. FOR GOVERNOR ; TUOUAS J. JARVIS, OF PITT. FOR LIEUT-GOVERNOR : XAX3SO X1OSXX70OXI 1 OF MACON. , 1-7 FOR SECRETARY OF STATE : OF WAKE. FOR STATE TREASURER OF RANDOLPH. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL ; OF WILSON. FOR AUDITOR: P. HOSBRTO OF GATES. For Superintendent Public Instruction jbzzn o. ooiiiiDoixouan OF JOHNSTON . ... FOB CONGRESS: (Third BUtrlct.) . ?J "V;-! "; OF. ONSLOW. For PraddaatUl Elector, Third Dlitrlct. D. a. IefiOAX7 Of Harnett. Oar population Ii i nW 45,000,000. Onr cbirch edifice ere limated ee affording a eeeilng capacity of 25,000,000, need on a aerae SaedajT b lrfu an45,000 IngeraoU'l Ulstakes.of Moeee" were ej nothing eompared to the "error" which It la aald the convocation of learned men engaged Jo the reriatori of the New Te&U nenl hat diacoTered. - U I atatecl that large port iona of the gospel of St John ha? .been declared spurious. : Would it not hare been better if "the learned com- pen y of cholera" had permitted the labors' of the Septuaginta to remain undisturbed? The Democratic Congressional Caoa paign Committee is In receipt of maoy UUttf from Indiana ex preasing the uU moat eecSdtaotf Democratic success at the . Ootober election. ExGot. Hen drtcka write to sT friend in Washington aaylag Indiana will undoubtedly eect the Demecratlo ticket, notwithstanding the fact that the Republican managers hare colonfted three thousand negroea. f turned to us back to the Republican policy I the people Werkcaea are bow replacing with iron the Test wooden spaa of the Philadelphia, WUmlagtoa and Baltimore railroad bridge orer the SuMaehanna rirer at Harre de Grace, and when this la com plated ihe whole bridge will be ef Iron. The elxaae from wood to Iron has been eel oa far tlx Tears. The bridge Is of ef the greatest structures la the utrr. With Its aDDroacnee It Is a . . ..." mite and quarter long; the water In the channel la eereaty-fire feet deep. The tsU! coat of the bridge hae beeen C2.000.0O0. mmmm MNMH SjJM I M Prcldtat Hayea la credited by a news pftrrtpcrter of Beading, PvwUh bariag reomtfj. told the following anec I am not the greet temperance eeea tlt' people thick me. For in tttacv during' the war. I carried good brandy with mo ail the time. I Invented all by myeeif a Very Ingealoua method cf carrying It, Attached to my saddle was a pair of hola'ers. In one of ihem I car ried one of my revolvers and the other I carried at my hip. I invented a can, or sort of canteen, to fit the other holster, and U waa a very clever thing Well, every morning I filled that canteen; not a drep of it was left at night, but not a drop passed my lips not a drop. I gave it to the poor, famishing soldier. Deacon Richard Smith, of the Cincinnati G'a sek, after perusing this, said: 'Thin sounds very much like a thrilling tale from a real go A Sunday. School book. When we read an.cdo es like the above we are always, surprised that the PrenU dent did not die youn i rr f THE SIGKS C F VICTORY. Among the best signs of the future suc cess of tneDemocratic party is the fact that such shrewd political prognosticates of future eventa as Col. Jno. W. Forney and (Gfenl. B F. Butler have deserted the Rad ical sinking ship. We confess to a willing ness to see Col. Forney return like a prod igal to the fold once more, because he is not regarded aa the political prostitute that Ben Buth-r is. We are willing to ac cord to Forney, too, sincerity of motive.' But a man with the black record aud fearful antecedents of Bei junin F. Butler of Massachusetts, can have no generous Impulse, can be actuated by no- honest, manly. or patriotic emotion they are all foreign to his vile and corrupt nature. 'His recent course of condnct, measured by his past career, can only be attributed to a sordid desire for future gain. At the same time, owing to this very fact -that Butler's course can be viewed in no other light than as a selfish move, we do think that the. very decided stap of such a cold,calculating nature and shrewd and unprincipled politician, is one of many signs of the certain yietory that awaits the Democratic party on the first Tuesday in November next. ice General Arthur's honor or integ rity as a man 'and a gentleman, but he was not in harmony with the views of the ad ministration in the management of the Custom House.' What the administration said in patting Arthur out Df cffice was in substance, that he had m de the Cus torn House a den of thieves. As the lamented ebowmau said, 'you pays your money and you tukea your choice.' - Senator Wallace came yisterday to the headquarters of the Democratic Congressional Committee, t.nd says he ehall stay for sonio tirae Secretary Walker is there, u! o, the twj being together for the ii.t-t iimr. t ir ce the campaign opened. They htvu been at work elsewhere, one or the other dropping in on us occasionally. Ask ed about Maine, that being the first State of importance to vote, both gen tlemen declined to express an opin ion. They said that while documents has been sent to that State, the Com mittee, as well as the National Com mittee of which General Walker is also a member, had preferred to commence their light in Indiana. They believed the latter State, with the efforts being made, sure in October. Gubdge, Great Distress is often suddenly experienced from au attack Of cramp in the stomach, coiic or other paiuf j! affe tf onF, f r the relief cf which nothing is superior to Dr Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed, or Water-Pepper, compounded from the beat French brandy, Jamaica ginger, smart-weed.cr water-pepper, and ancdyDe euns. For diarrheal, dysentery, bloody flux, chcleramorbus, its warming, sooth ing astringent and heating properties render it a perfect specific, unsnrpasacd es an anodyne and stimulating embrocation or liniment. Should be kept in every family. Sold by druggists at fifty cents Miscellaneous. ve Warners flflney ! Lifer $125 PER BOTTLE Is It Possible that a remedv made ot such common, simple plants as Hops, Bucou, Maudrake, Dandelion, &c, make so many and such marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do? It must be, for when old and young, rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer. See other column. - A Positive Remedy for. ALL Kid ney. Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female This is the way the New York v World take down some of Mr John Sherman's pretensions: . Mr Sherman had the cool ness yesterday to say that "the renewal of business is" the result ef the policy of the Republican party." Is it, indeed ? Then how does Mr. Sherman account for the suspension of business which preceded It? When the business ot tne country fall to nieces with a ruinous crasn in 1873, ''the Republican policy' had been in fall force for twelve consecutive years From 18G1 to 1873 the country was gov- : OUR PLATFORM. The following is the Platform of the Democratic party adopted at the Nation a) Convention held recently at Cincinnati: 1st. We pledge ourselves anew to the constitutional doctrines and traditions oj the Democratic party, as illustrated by the teaching and example of tbe long line oi Democratic statesmen and patriots,and embodied in the platform of tbe last .Na tional Convention oi the party. 2d. Opposition to centralization and to that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to the consolidated powers of all tbe departments in one. and thus to create, whatever be the form of govern ment, a real despotism; no sumptuary laws; separation of church and State for the good of each; common schools fostered and protected. 3d. Home rule, honest money, a strict maintenance of public faith; a currency consisting of gold and silver, and paper convertible into coin on demand; strict maintenance of public faith, State and National, and a tariff for revenue only. 4th. The subordination of the military to the civil powers, and a general and thorough reform of the civil service. 5tn. lne riernt to a tree ballot is a 'It saved my life. E. B. Lakely, Selma, Ala. 'It is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women.' Mother's Magazine. 'It has passed severe tests and won en dorsement from some of the highest medi cal talent in the country.' N. Y. Worl d 'No remedy heretofore discovered can be heid for one moment in comparison with it ' . ' O. A. Harvey, D. D.1Wa6hington,D.O. This Great Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists in all Parts of the World. i-nor? Ii Rermblican Presidents, a Ke . . I t . A" . H J 4. publican Senate and a Republican I rigns preservative oi au ngnis, ana must Rnnu of Representatives. In leva down came the whole edifice of our pros- nnritv. That disater was "the natural S J - . result of the Republican policy." In 1874 the people elected a Democratic RntiRa of Reoresentatives. Urom that day to 1879 the Democratic party re tained the lower house, and in 1879 the Democratic party secured the Senate. In 1877 a President, not elected but foisted into office by a vote of 8 to 7 in an extra" constitutional tribunal, went into power. and on going into power substantially threw overboard "the, Republican policy" and Rdonted a Democratic policy. If tbe r - - r ravivallof business"" is the "natural re- aalf of any policy, therefore, at all: it ia the natural result of 'the Demo cratic policy" under whick the county was s ubstantially governed froin 1874, wh'.n "the Republican policy" had brought it to the edge of bankruptcy, down to 1879. lithe business men of the Union are satisfied with the present condition and outlook of business, as indeed they ought to be. thev will refuse to make the '.'chan&e" which Mr. Sherman asks them to make,-from the Democratic policy, un der which cur actual prosperity has re- and shall be maintained in every part of TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y- au 7 Phunny Phax About Public Rlen JTONGSTREET is "Our Minister to Con- st&ntinople," Hancock is leading Lee's Vet eran's to Washington, "Aunt Nancy'' is beg ging foran ''Orifice" he won't get, Jarvis is popular in Wilmington, Vance cultivates the colored element. Ransom is now and then dull, Leach made a good speech, Buxton is ground br Tax Collectors and whiskey-men, "Luther," hardly turned of twenty, in he absence of our Chief, takes charge of the im mense W holesale and Retail Grocery of The World for 1880. Democrats everywhere should inform them selves carefully Alike of the action of their party throughout the country and of the movements of their Kepubiican opponents, a failure to do th in 186 contributed great y to the loss by tbe Democracy of the fruits of the victory 'airly won at the trolls. Tne year 18S0 prr-nsis s to be one of the most interesting and isxporta t years of this crowded and eventaal eentury. It will wit ness a Presidential election which may result in reestablishing: the Government f this country on tbe prnciple; of ite constitutional founders, or in permanently changing tbe re- Iacion ot the Mat8 to he Federal power o intelligent tr:rj can regard such au elec tion with indifference, 'lne World, as the only daily English newspaper published in the citv of Sew York which UDholds the doctrines of constitutional Democracy, will I R ktchw A tZ-" An,w,- 1 85 steadilv reoresent the Democratic party in I tjoirnr a nrii.- ."? 20 this r'eat canvas. It wiiJ de this in no soirit "vZXZZ"- """"ff; M 8 00 11 ion ii The follow! i Double AntbuCZT Double Anchor i""' Standard Domettie "" BACON North OajtSLxaT Bhottidert , y 2 Bides, & t...x Western Smoked- Hams....... Bides, 7B n8houlders. Dry Salted Side, ft.M....... ShoufdS., m...r.7 BEET Live weight... BAKLnStsTuVp-in. Seeond Hand, each... a ww Aur,eacA, new. 10 p 13 7' t IS 0 the United States. 6tb. The existing administration is the representative of conspiracy only, and its claim of right to surround the ballot boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstruct electors, and the unprecedented use of the veto to main tain its corrupt and despotic power, in- after October suits me people ana imperils tueir insti tutions. 7th. The great fraud of 1876 77, by which, upon a false count of the electoral, vote of two btates, tbe candidate defeat ed at the polls was declared to be tbe President, and forthe first time in Amers ican historyHbe will of the people was set aside, under a threat of military vio lence, struck a deadly blow at our system of representative government. The .Dem ocratic party, to preserve the country from civil war, submitted for the time, in the firm aud patriotic faith that the peo ple would punish this crime in 1880. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred duty upon the people of the Union than was ever addressed 4o the conscience of a na tion of freemen. 8th. We execrate the course of this ad ministration in making places in the civil sorvice a reward lor political crime, and demand a reform by a statute which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candidate to bribe his way to the seat ci the usurper, by billeting villains upon P. L. Bridffers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 26 Sc 28 Front St., Wilmington, N. O., Yesterday he showed us a letter fn m P L announcing a complete change .f programme viz : MOVING "DAY. Wmite SuLPHCa, Va., Aug, 33, 1880, Rv. and Dear ' uthks I think it would be the thingjust now to let it get out that P L. Bridser3 & Co.9 20; 22, 24. 26. and 2tJ North Front St, Wilmington, N. C. may possibly change tbeir present quarters Tor more eligible and roomy ones sometime about October. The price of Bacon and Butter, Flour and Lard, Cheese and Potatoes, Whiskey and Wine and such like bulky articles, of which we have a large pupply, are going up, but we retail them at at our old rates, buying large supplies and paving cash. I tnink it will pay to sell liberally, the heavy things, and broken parcels oi every kind, so as to be ready .o march in light marching order. T ours faithfully, P L Upon which our Luther posted up the follow ing : HEADQUARTERS. P. L. Bridgets & Co-, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Wilmington, NC. under which the migbty disaster ot 1873 overtook as. WASllIMiTOS LETTER. Washington, D. O., Ang 30, 1880. I trust Democrats generally will al low General Butler to have oat his say before Repnblioans. Conceding to the f man all the ability his friends believe be has, be is Bull not tne kind of man wboee conversation always benefits greatly tbe part; to which he attaches himself. To te sure be stated forcibly in bia farewell speech on Saturday evening, the sins and hypocrioies of the Republican party, but those things are known already to tbe people. The place of 'General Butler is in a-party of his own. He may convince bis fel low sinners of tbeir faults, and I hope they will listen to him. Tbe other speech of the last few days waa that of Beoretary Sherman last erenintf at Cincinnati. The Secre tary eBdeavors to show that five years of good crops and five years of ccono mical administration with a Demo cratic Mouse ox liepreeentatives, are the direct work of the Republican party; that the .stealing of Louisiana ana ionaa waa more man juaunta by akUetred Democratic buudozmg in the tfonth; that it is better, a man once ta ofiice. that- be Bhould remain in; that the Iamocratie party ia in favor of "rae caoney. etc lie raises the ory oi Southern claims," than wbiah no more delusive or dishonest cry was ver cried, that the beat part of hn pee on. as an Irish friend said to me tnia; crorsisg, is not in the speech at all. The Secretary was questioned as to his ;f6asons for removing Arthur from the Mew York Custom Hoaso,arjd answered: 'I have never said one word impugn- 9th. The resolution of Samuel J, Tilden not again to be a candidate for the exalted place to which he was elected by a major ity of his countrymen, and from which he was excluded by the leaders of the Repub lican party, is-received by tbe Democrats of the United States w ith sensibility, and they declare their confidence m his wisdom, patriotism-and integrity, unshaken by the assaults of a connion enemy, and they further assure him thet he is followed into the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his"fellow citizens, who regard nim as one who by the elevating standard of public morality and adorning and purifying public service, merits the lasting gratitude of his country and nis part?. 10th, Free ships and a living chance for American commerce on the seas and on the land. No discrimination in favor of transportation laws, corporations or mo nopoiies. 11th. An amendment of the Burlingame treaty. io more Chinese immigration except lor travel, education and foreign' commerce, and therein carefully guard e-1 12th. labile money and public credit tor puDiic purposes solely, and the pub lic land for actual settlers. iou nnu T i ..t njm iuo ueLucciauc party m tne friend of labor and the laboring man, and pledges itself to protect hm alike against cormorants and the commune. 14th. We congratulate! the country upon the honesty and thrift cf the Demo c:atlc Congress, which has reduced thi public expenditure forty millions a year upon the continuation of prosperity at home, and the national honor abroad, and above all, upon the promise of such a change in the administration of tbe gov ernment as shall insure us a reuuine and: lasting reform in every department of the public service. . GENERAL ORDERS No. 1. Tho undersigned hereby assumes, tempo rarily, charge of the Wholesale and fie tail Department. Dunn? the next thirty davs extraordinary inducements will be offered to cash custom ers, and for approved city papers, especially In exchange for Heavy Groceries and broken Htocx. Determined to astonish the natives, and compete for trade with foreigners, we hereby announce a Great and General Re duction of Prices in the above, if application be made to ux persona' ly and within thirty days. . Very respectfully. LUTHEB. Ever since which announcement, one would think from the looks of things, that it was Martin himself who had risen from the dead, and another "Diet of Worms" had reassem bled at the stores of of servile DartisanshiD. bat temperately and firmly. As a newspaper the World, being 'the organ of no man. no clique and no inter est, will preseEt the fullest and the fairest picture it can make ot eaci day's history in the ci'v. the tftate. the country and the world. It will aim hereafter, as beretolore, at accuracy first of all things in all that it publishes. .No man, howevr humble, shall tiverbe permitted truly to complain that he has been unjustly dealt with in the columns of The World. No interest, however power ful, shall ever be permitted truly to boast that it can silenoe the fair criticisms of The World. During tbe past year The -World dm seen its daily circuldtioB trebled and its weekly circulation pushed far beyond that of any other weesly newspaper m tne country This great increase has been won, as The World believes, by truthfulness, enterprise, ceaseiess activity in collecting news and un faltering loyalty to itself and to its readers in dealing with tbe questions of the diy. It is our hope and it will be our endeavor that The World ereeord for may be written in the approbation and the support of many thousands more of new readers in all parts of this Indissoluble Union of Indestructible States. I BATES. Our rates of subscription remain nnohang ed. and are as follows: Daily and Sundays, one year, $10 ; six months, $5.50: three months, Ji 7o. Daily, without Sundays, one year, $8; six months, $4. 25; -three months, $2.25; less than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one year. $2. The Monday World, containing the Book Reviews and "College Chronicle," one year, The Semi-Weekly World (Tuesdays and Fridays) Two Dollars a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten; the Daily tor club of twenty-hve. The Weekly World (Wednesday) One Dollar a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten, the Semi-Weekly for cluD or twenty, the Daily for Qlub of nrty. Specimen numbers sent free on applic tion. Terms Cash, invariably in advance. Send post-oihce monoy order, bank draft or registered letter. B ilia fc t risk of the t end er. Address "THE WKI.I," 35 Park -Row.UV. Y, A SPECIAL OFFER, Subscribers who send $1 for a year's' sub scription before December 28 will receive The Weekly World from the date of their subscription To.xTJar.ch 5, 1881. Thia will include the Presidential campaign and the inauguration of the next President. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 29. for a renewal of their subscrip tion tor l8U, will receive The Weekly World to March 5, 1881, without missing a numoer. This Oiler Will he With drawn December 5593 Takeadvantage of it at once. . Subscribe at once. jBenew at once, dec 10 l ...... 00 12 18 25 Northern BUTTER North Carolina fij Northern, yjb CANDLES Sperm '" Northern Factory, lb ... Dairy cream, ? ft Stat. y lb............ COFFEE Java, ? BL.!!!! Rio, V ft..w........ Sheeting 4-4 y yard...... Yarn, ? bunth ...M..W..M JlBH MMkewL No. 1, p bbi..16 oo -i'Ml. 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl....U 60 No. 2. W bbl ... nn 11" I J3 14 ft 10 Q 28 a "He 18 -u 1 10 9 S8"!'.0.-.3 V bbL....O0 00 Auueu, DDI., N. C. Herring, keg 6 50 Dry Cod. V ft FLOUR Fine. V bbl " n Bupr, Northern, bbl... 5 00 Extra do " V bbl. fi on Familv ' bbL.. 7 00 City MMEx,.8upr V bbl... 7 00 Family bbl... T 60 " Ex. FamilvV bbl... ft nn 1ERTILIZERB Peruvian Guano. pjOOODn. 55 00 uaroiina jrertmaer " " 00 00 Navaua Quano, 0o 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Whann'i Phosphate ' ' " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " 00 00 Wileox, Oibb A Co., ma nipulated Quano 00 00 GLUE V ft... . a GRAIN Corn, tor, TO 5ftf 75 worn, cargo, 7 oo fta.... 6 V t t If C ?i e 1 t 6 Uorn,yL, busheL....... Nona. , bnshl. Oats Peas n v 1. .1 Ireen, yf ft m J - " HAY Eai tern. 100 fts... North Rivr. V 100 lbi.. HOOP IRON 'ton LARD Northern TO ft M florin uaroiina w ft....... LilXLX y DDL...............M.. . LUMIJ K City itum la'vd BfiJpuir,resawl,iWMft.l8 00 Rough edge plank, V M ft. 16 00 West India eargq, aoodrd- Ing to quality, if Mft..l3 00 Dressed flooring,easond. 16 00 Seantling and boards, com mon, "9 M ft 11 00 MOLASSES Ouba.hhd'Vgl 37 juom, Dois., gai 39 Sugar house, hhds. V gal. 7 " bbls.gal... Orleans Choice bbls. w gal. NAILS Cut, 20dto4dVk?g OILS Kerosene, gal...... a m k Linseed, gal.... MX CO n 4 o 10 C 1! 10 s 1 ii 00 ft 00 o 1 os 1, A .... 11 it Ml Xs 1 . 11 a. 45 Rosin, V gaL. PEANUTS V bushel. . POTATOES Sweet, V bus. insn, northern. bbl 1 PORK Northern, eity mess. 14 00 Tmn, y ddl.. M.00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra )..... ..00 00 Hump, DDI 10 00 11 90 00 25 1. 9 V & V C t' V e 1 9 1 9 9 1 ORGANS Jerfvoi Celeste, andivox Hu mana, Sent on trial wnrranted, only Pianos 125 up. Catalogue free. Addtess Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. au 11 Agent Wanted for Smith's Bible Dictionary "nT,:r" 'PICTORIAL BIBLES Address, for Circulars, A J IJolman & Co. Philadelphia. u n TME B0HAKZ4 FOR BOOK AGENTS is selling our splendidly illustrated book Life of m.... ........ K1UE Carolina, V lb....... East India, "9 ft Rough, V busheL....... 1 RAGS-Country, V ft M.. City, V IZ.... ...... ROPE M. .......... .............. . Hemp... Manilla M..M SALT Alum, ? sack.... Liverpool, saek.. American saok, Marshal's fine, V saok. Cadis y sack. 7 If TJ 00 e m 10 e 1 so 13k UH& 70 9 00 60 & W 00 9 00 O 1 Id 00 00 Porto K100, 9 ft..........w A CorTw, ft.............. 0 -9 ft Kz C V ft Crushed V ft..... bOAP Northern, y ft GEM. HAftCOCK, "SSaSC ! S written bv his life-lon friend. Hon. John BTAJ5?r S.-J?' bb? 99 70 6 o 9 O P. I Li. SHI IGERS & CO, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Front Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. au 30 CHAS. KLEIN, Oniertater and CaiJinet Mater. Princess Street, in Easement of the Journal Building, WILMINGTON, N. O. Jf3B A fine assortment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired Cleaned and Tarnished. Orders by tela graph er mail promptly u nov 6 written by his life-long friend, Hon. John V , torney, an author of naiional fame and an ardent admirer of the "superb soldier' including the Life of tbe Hon. WM. H, HiNUJjiMrt. ihis work isorhciallv endorsed. low-priced, immensely popular, aod selling beyond precedent. Outfits 50o. Act quick and coin money. For the best book, best wms, ana iuu particulars, address U.UB- tSAHV tt ' Vti., AUanta, Ua, au ll-4w R O hhd. V E L.;.J 00 -jp TALLOW ft.... ft m M TIMKEH J9.IM t 1A M ' iiim, extra per m... ......... o bU Mill, prime per M.,..M.W T 00 Mill, fair per M....M......W 6 00 Common, per M.. ..4 00 Inferior to Ordinarv.orM a OO WHISKEY North'n, per jrl 1 25 Caroin' Pr K1 2 00 WOOL Unwashed, par JS wasnea- JDer m so Borrr wooL per ft W " THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE - 7e Received this jD ; CASES ROEDEREB JOO. DRYI BOWZY CHA1 l'ln xK, FRESH PROM BOND. At Importer1! Prie, G0. MYKHf ; A mI I X (I Tint onnfniin1 V4 . .-VI Tf Voeeble and Exhausted Constitu- 50 CA8Ed FRENCH B.SANDT, tiocsofvile drugs, aad ruinous intoxicants innccecuy laneued My life waa saved by Warner's Safe ! Kidroy and Liver Cure. E, B, Lakely Acma, Ala, CH00L0F 0ftAW(ai3. PAINriNQ ETC. rHrfTRrCTIOS GIVEN in Crayon, LepU 1 and India ink Drawing, also. Fainting in Water Colors, Oil, Pastel and Coloring moiograpiia, at reonoie rates. For further particolars inquire at the School Rooms of Miasas Burr A James, in the a r of SU,Jamr 'JLurch. nor 33 "bitter V MAI.T RTT TER8 appeal to popular confidence bflean.n prepared from Unfermented Malt, Hops, and ul,',uo uiuer precious ingredients, accordir g to the process of Liebig, and are richer in the elements that restore to perma nent health tbe Weak, Convalescent, Over- wur.eu, nervous, Dieeplees, Dyspentic, Bil tms, and Hckle in Appetite, than all other forms of Malt or Medicine. The genuine are Kiauuj eignea oy tne company. Sold every. Jca.L,TUiTTlfiJiH COMPANY, Bos Trom Boat! i And forle at lie porter's Ffif. Only JttZ for a.Bottl f Impoifed;7rsnc!. At GEO. V where. on. Mass. Mrs. S. J. Baker, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, Wilmington, W. O. Corner Third and Orange Streets.1 Ki??T Jf?00r,8otio"e Hats. Bonnets, -ii' u- Pi?.76rB Feathers, Ornaments of ki l vt rer,ew Qd work er all kinds o old h&u, b aids, combings, Ac, root 77 wb i em eqaai to ney. Old Hats made to look like they were new. Call - iTT J epecimecs of worje. J'10 MRS, 8, J, BAKER. aullw 25 Tut" 0ILT EDQ BUirE't, Choicest 0- .JBtiter WINES AND LIQUORS, ofltwM . ra At Poi nUr J rlf . geo, mm KofJ,13, 10 Sputl;j x. njsL ii tuu: It O it 4t ll : 1: i i " "v 1 I ) i uu 0 '. C?j 5 iO SJ 3 7 'lb I TS 3 34 J ) CO til DO ta jo Cts i - it t ."10 0U H it J &i& Jil 9tl FJ 15 It) W 4 "0 C Hi 'JO 00 10 00 o 1 w t 2 n Slfi 00 1ft fA i 10 75 V 8 00 a c m Ii i ) f 6 0 ei 0 o 'to Q 50 J inay27j