Boston Transcript. TH LITTLE ONE. v,n at dawn the children wake, oh -SSfr up and down the stairs. AU,fnwere aud leave a glory lake. 1 U,S f rasvMight a splendor shares . JiuEPermoretheaeevea would see. ? h wit ones were goue from me. .1 when at eve they watch and wait A '. it, id me in their arms so white. 1 a. Ins w uet;'er small or great. re e arrnXway by calm delight; . A Jiuau.g out tue world. I live u . when at bedtime round me kneel Birtuder, loving whit-robfed foma. JXAnd upraised in fond appeal- V, tueu are hushed life's weary storms. x h'aven seems very near to me, $ ku wy sweet darlings round my knee! London Times. A PBOGRESSIYE COLOXY. The lit alibi Climate and Great Sheep Farms or tbe FaLklaud Islands, The Falkland Islands have an area 0f 5 000 U00 acres, m oatly devoted to Bilee farming, which ha3 proved very urotible to toe present aeulers, wool b-iu4 exported from islands that a few yaf" K prodaced nothing but uguius and sea lions. It is only luirteen years (18f7) sioca .the first aettlera, under Gov Robinson, landed oa Wte't Falkland, and already there are many flourishing dtationa'of sheep and cAttle thereon. Some of the laiaiiej iaUnds haveatnoe been taken up men with a few hundred pounds of opitai, and as the climate is the lielthieat in the world the only won der is that more Englishmen do not oast th ir fortunes in a dependency of Britain where there is no income tax and where sheep and land may be ob tained on easy terms. Sublunary happiness, however, is seldom without some dr&wbaok, and it must be confessed that the climate is' by no means as genial as that of the Canary Islands or Madeira. It blows so hard during eleven mouths of the year that Admiral B used to require two sailors to keep his hat on, and whenever the Governor's term of office expires he invariably solicits the Co lonial Secretary to remove him to some other settlement less windy though less salubrious. 'Another drawback is the want of sooiety;or of immediate contact with Europe. There is uo line of steamers that touches at Stanley, the only regular communica tion with the outer world being through the schooner Foam, which ca ries the mails and passengers moiith'y to and from Montevideo, a thousand mi!es distant. There are no roads or coaches for internal traflio, moat of the country arouud Sttaiiey beiog a morass, which compels the principal farmer to keep their own yaolits or schooners f jr repairing to the capital or sending their wool thither. The city of Stenldy consists of the Gov jrnment Hou-e, he Bishops residence, the Custom House, fort, and a few houses, with some 500 in habitants. . For some years after Great Britain annexed these islands in 1833, they served merely as a refuga for whalers and an entrepot for the eeal fishery, under the auspices of. Samuel Lafone of Montevideo, founder of tbe Falk land Islands.Oompany. This company subsequently embarked in sheep farm ing, importing some flocks from Pat agonia, and refining the breed by a cross with the Cheviots. They now possess.lOO.OOO sheep,' -which produoe JK30.000 worth of wool annually, the fleece averaging 6 pounds and selling at lid. per pound at Bradford, where it is used for combing purposes. The company's keadquarters- are ( at Port Darwin, 70 miles from Stanley, their farms extending along the sea board, by Mount Pleasant and Port Fitzroy, to within 15 miles of the capital. So well suited. is the pasture to sheep that they yield from 70 pounds to 100 pounds of meat, and the fleece is dou ble the average of what is obtained in the adjacent country of Buenos Ay res, but of coarser quality owiDg to the climate. The company, have also 29 000 horntd cattle, which are, however, of little use unless for their hides, as there is no population to consume the beef nor any means for exporting it. There is, meantime, no other colony in the British Empire that has rela tively made such progress as this in the last ten years. Its population has doubled, its products have quadrupled as shown by the returns in the Coloni al Abstract, recently published. East Falkland may be said to con sist of eight large farms, the company already mentioned holding a million aores. and the rest belonging to Oapt Faoke, Messrs B nuer, Pittaluga, Sharp. Greenshields, Robson and Fel ton. whose farms range from 21.000 to 100,000 acres. West Falkland com prises eight e tates, averaging 150,000, owned by Messrs Waldron, Dean, Packe. Bertrand, Stickney, Holmested Williams. Binney, 13 ail loo and McOly raont, Of the smaller islands, the Speedwell belongs to Mr Williams, the Lively to Messrs Cobb, the Pebble to Messrs Dean, the Keppel to Bishop Stirling's mission and New Island to Mr Littlejohn, besides 90 others not yet occupied, some, perhaps of no value. . The large island of Georgia, which is.forty times the biz 9 of Jersey, is uninhabited, probably ou account of its remote situation, being 800 miles east of the principal group. All these islands He between 50 and 55 of south latitude, and resemble the Orkneys in climate, soil, and vegtation. The thermometer ranges from 26 to 50in winter and 50 to 75 in summer. Snow sometimes retrains cn the mountains for weeks together, but ice never exceeds an inoh in thickness. Mount Adam is the loftiest peak, 2,315 feet, all the northern part of East and West Falkland being moun tainous, and the southern sloping away in plains from Are to fifteen miles in width. There are no trees, perhaps on account of the strong If inds; but shrubs and fruit trees thrive in sheltered spots. Fuel is abundant, in the form of peat, and the soil, wherelboc d consists of a vegetable mould six in- uuea iuiok, wnicu proanoes excellent Dotatoes.cabh&cPH thro faat a all kinds of anti-soorbutio vegetables. Arousing its Readers. An alaroY of fire at midnight is a staining imng, duc .not - naif so startling to many who hear it as wonld La sudden knowledge of their own dangerous TVirat tiki r 4 r mi ' . fujBioBi v,uuuuiuu. xnousanasoi thou sands are hurrying to their' graves be cause they aie carelessly indifferent to the insidious inroads of disease and the means of cure. It Is the mission of H. 1. Warner & Co.. with their Safe Kindav and Liver Cuie, to arouse men to a sense oi their danger and then cure them. Memphit Appeal. A REIGII OF TERROR. The Alarming Increase of Heart Disease and the Symptoms which Precede It Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check . Its Increase. The Wonderful Properties of "Seda- tine-de-India and bow to Properly Use It Facts of Importance for All Regard in a New Discovery. The mortality statistics of this country show that a great proportion of deaths arise from Heart Disease- But aside from the fatality which attends it, the inconve. hlenceand suffering which even the first stages bring, make it necessary to take prompt measures for relief. Undoubtedly the greatest lemedy of modern times for curing diseases of the Heart is "Sedatine. de-India," which is accomplishing such wonderful results and attracting so much attention. This great remedy possesses ingredients specially designed for all the numerous troubles of the Heart. The combination is the result of long and Care ful experiment, and it can be safely as serted thav. when taken in time it will cure in every case. Do you ever have Night mare, oppressed feeling in side and breast, Irregular Action, Throbbing, Jumping, Fluttering, Momentary Stopping, Slow Circulation of the Blood ? These are all symptoms of Heart Disease. Those who are suffering and have never! tried it do so at once ; those who have ever tried it do not nead to be urged to do so again; If your Druggist has not got it send $1.50 to our address and it will be mailed to you. Sole Agents inAmerica, Lobdell Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. je ll-eod&w-6m. THE' MAILS. - The mails close and arrive at the City Poat Office as follows : Northern through and way mails.... ...5:30 a. m. Raleigh 5.30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, . and routes supplied there from, including A. &N. O. Railroad, at 5;30 p.m. Southern mails for all points - South, daily.; 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C CR'y)daiiy (except Sunday) 5:00 p. m. Mail for Oheraw & .Darling ton 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston...... . 7:45 p. m. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays..... 1:00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 5:00 p. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and TKurBday at ... 6.00 a. m. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) .' 10.00 a. m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. C, every Mon day and Thursday at.. 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 5:00 a. m OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails...... 7c00 a. m. Southern Mails. 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Rail way. ."....10:00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. id. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a, m. to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. ' Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. FISH. " 'FISH. New CVZackerei, BARRELS, v HALVES and QUARTERS. For lale by Hall & Pearsall. aa IS For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW .OFFI0B BAFE, Miler, Bahmaon k Co., manufacturers, combination loek, weight 1,500 lh. For sale cheap. Applj at " men 3 THIS OFFICE, Miscellaneous. THOMAS H- lIcKOY, SUCCESSOR TO -Boatwriglit & JlcKoy, RETURNS THANKS TO THE People of Wilmington for the gen erous support he has received, not only from the old patrons, but new ones, . who are coming in daily. He promises to give one and all value received for their money. To his friends and the public generally he is happy to state that patrons that desire to buy at WHOLESALE can't do better in the South. He'will keep a Large Stock constantly on hand. Fresh Goods arriving daily. Prices always extremely low.' Old patrons of the house art specially invited to come and see him or send in their orders. I . "' THO?. H.IilIcKOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 6 A 7 North Front St aa 80 Rust Well Auger, Eust Well Drills, Rust Horse Power. THC BE8T AND MOST 8UC0E88FUL Well boring ana Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The most improved Surface Attachments. Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much fatter and with half the labor of any other tools. , Auger ana Drills work by hand or horse power. Drills and Horse power have capacity for 2,000 feet. In use fire years and no filures. Made from best material and sold for half the price of oth ri. Bend for circulars.; O. BUaT. au 27-1 yd 4 w St. Joseph, Mo. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for preserving the hair. It restores, -with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed ; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. . The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, t heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keephrg it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair arc impossible As a Dressing for Ladies Hair, The Vigok is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It impart, an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economi cal and unsurpassed in its excellence. F BEX AILED BT Dr. j. C. ATER ft CO., 'Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists, BOLD r AIX XBUWt6TS BTSBTWHIUL JOW RATJiS For all. kinds of .Printing, Persona redding out of the city can hare their printing carefully exeutod and mailed to them fre of postage w. K. 8. W AERO OK, (la Rerisw Building) Job Printer, api 9 Miscellaneous. NO MORE on SURE CURE. Manufacture i otd under tn adota Trad JarK br the EUKOPK N ftALIOT IO MEDICINE CO., r f Pri and Leini. Imnjedi&te Retief W rranted. Pen- anen Ou:e Gaarntei. N w exclasiTPU used by a'i c-lebra'ed FhyBician of Europe and eerie. Tbe behest 'Medic! Academy of 'nri rf porta 95 curea out of 100 cases within three days. Secret The only disso'Ter of the poiao us Uric Acid which exUta in the Blood o Rheumatic and Goutv Patients. CUKEU. CURED. CURED. H 8 Dewey, Esq , 201 Broadway, Inflam matory Rheumatism. J Leayey, Esq, 456 Washington Market Chronic Rheumatism. Mrs F T wne, 63 Kast Ninth street, (ohalky formations in the joints), Chronio Rheum a tiam. A M Prager, 74 Newark arenue, Jersey f,ity, Chronic Rheumatism. John P Chamberlain, Esq, Washington Clab, Washington D C, Rheumatio Gout. Wm h Arnold, Eq, 12 WevboaBet street, Piovidnce, R I, of twenty years'. Chronio Rheumatism. John b Tarngate 100 Ranches street, 8 an Francisco, Neuralgia and Sciatica. For Malarialylntermilient and Chronio Fever 8, Chills, or Aguet 8AL1CYUCA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Superseding entirely the ose of Sulphate of Quinine, as it will not only out the ferers, bat will achiere a RADICAL CURE, with out any of the inconveniences and troubles a-uinct f'om QUININE. $1 a box, s'x boxes for $5 Sent free by Mail oa receipt of money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT but take no imitation or substitute, as our Salicylica (copyrighted) is guaranteed to re lieve, or m&ney refunded, and will be deliv ered free on receipt of orders, by oallisg on or addressing Washburne & Co,. SOLE AGENTS, 212 Broadway, eor. Fulton st. (Knox Builc ing),N.Y. feb 28-ljdAw. CLYDE'S lr!lew Yoirk AND Wilmiriaton. W, O. Steamship Line. THE STEAMER REGULATOR, CAPT, BOANE, WILL SAIL 7R0M HEW YORK O SATURDAY, August 28. fea. Shippers can rely upon the prompt failing. of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. JE. BOND, Sup't, Wilmington, N. O. THEO. G. EQER, Freight Agent, flew fork. WM. P. CLYDE k CO., 35 Broadway, Nen York, au 23 (HI an cock I OUR fi EXT PRESIDENT! Crayon Portraits Lift! Size Of our next President and Vice President Mai. Gen! f . S, HANCOCK Hon. W. fl. ENGLISH! Elegant Specimen Copies. 22 x 28, upon H'avy Plated Card Stock, sent by mail on receipt of 60c, and your address, (Two copies ho cents.) THEHANC0K PUBLISHING CO., TLAISTOW, N. H. These two 8uperb Portraits should adorn the Home of every honest citizen of the land. Ed. Soldiers ! jS A. THOMAS, Corner 9th and F strea , Washington, D. C attends to Pension and Back Pay. Bounty Claims collected. Con tested Land Claims, Mineral and Agricultu ral, attended to before the Department of the Interior and Supreme Courtf ILand War rants purchased. iel8tf Hot Weather is Upon Us! JOW5 WITH HIGH PBICES. Buy your Shirts at bottom figures at the factory The "Congress" and "Royal" still keep the lead! Look at prices; "Congress" 75 cents, equal to any fl Bhlrtj: "Royal" 90 cent equal to any f L25;SMrt on the market. . ELSBACH, Munfactnrer 24 So, 3Marketft. filiscollaneou b CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDCINB TRADE ARKTlIB Gk.AtTRADI MARK English Rem edy. An un failing cure for Seminal Weak neas, 8 p ermatorr- hea,lrapoten-, cv, and all dis- (.LFutfE TAKIMB.eae that fol-Amt TAII1I. low, aa a aequence of Helf-Abuse; aa Low of memory, uxurersai i aiaitade, fau in the Bca, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and man j other "iseasea that lead to Insanity or Cobauinptioa and a Premature (irave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, whifch we desire to tend free by mail to every one. The Speeifio Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or six pack ages for tb, or will be sent free by mail or receipt of the monev by addressing THE CPAY MEDICINE CO., Mechanic's Hlock, Detroit, Mich. Fft- 8old in Wilmington, Wholesale and Retail, by Green A i lanner and all druggists everywhere. ect 11-dawly. ESTABLISHED 1853 - - 1853. SOL. BEAR & BROS. 18 a 2G Market St.. Wilmington, W. C. WE HAVE JUST OPENED AND have on exhibition, the largest and most complete stock of AND FURNISH NIG GOODS! Soatb of Baltimore. SUITS FROM $2.50 UPWARDtQ 100 BLUE MIDDLESEX FLANNEL SUITS' At greatly reduced prices. A FULL LINE OF Children's, Bovs' and Hen's Straw and! Felt Hats. PRICES STOESTJTTEEYEBYBODY. Come One ! Come AIL! and examine our Btocfc, and we wlllitrlve hard to merit your 'patronage, 'as we have formerly done, may C IN ITS 17th VOLUME. THE RALEICH NEWS. P. M. Halh, Editor, L. L. Polk, Cor. Ed. Enwaans, Baoveaioa A Co., Bus. Man'gra. A N. C. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. DAILr AND WEEKLY. Terms Daily, 1 year, $7; 6 month. S3.60; 4monthj.l.7i. WekW. nnn ir 2.0fl! n months, $1. Address, THE RALEIGH NEWS, J Raleirh. N. O. M.CROjJLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Comiiiissioner's Sale ol Valuable Eeal Estate. gr virtue of:a decree of the Baperior Court, I will tell at public auction os Monday, the 6th day of September next, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court flouje door in this city, the following described property, to wits That large and commodious brick dwelling, containing 14roonu, siruatedjon Jroat street and well known as the residence of the late li W. Hall, deceased. Size of lot 69 feet on Front street, running back 150 feeL , -, , Also, that laree frame DweUlnsf containing 13 rooms, situated on the Iforth side of Mar ket street, between Second and -7hird streets immediatelv West of and adjoining the DeSosset corner, and at present ecupied Kur. r, w rotter. Size of Lot 40 feet cn trket street, runnina; back 133 ' Terms lioerai and made known at sale. ALEX T. LOXDOB, Ccm'r. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. S, 1880. v aa 3-ts The Lowest Prices TjIORALL kinds of pbotclng. JL At E. S. WARROCK'S Jot) Office. Get estimates At this offioefew baviiJg your printing done elsewhere. (Office in Review baOdlM.) (3 Bail Eoad Linos, &c. OAROUNA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OmoiQniui BcrmauiTiurT, V Wilmington, If. a, June 16, 1880. J CHASGK OF SCHKDULEU Oi 3T AND AFTER JUsTEl, 180, the M lOminir Rh!n!n will K. . - - n w -- vtrmt ou vu k 'W luiln . v. - Passenger, Mail and Express Train. Leave Wilmington at.... 6:00 P i. Arrive at Hamlet at..... 1:25 A k at Charlotte at.-OO A M ' Leave Charlotte at..MMM8:20 P M 2. Arrive at HatLlet at. 1:27 A M J at Wilmington at 9:00 A M No. 1 train is daily except Sondays, bat makes no connections U Kaleigh on Satur days. No. 3 train is daily except 8atu-dajs. Shelby Division Mall, Freight A Passenger aad Express. w0 .. Leave Charlotte at.... ......8:00 A M -m' I Arrive at Shelby at 12:00 11 w0. 4. 1 lTe Shelby at 2:00 P M S Arrive at Charlotte at 6;C0 P M Leoal Freight and Accommodation, leave Wilmington at.......M.......C:45 A M At rive at Laurinburg, at 5.10 P M Leave Charlotte at 4.15 A M Arrive at Laurinburg at.. .4 00 P M Leave Laurinburg at 5.30 AVM Arrive at Charlotte at 4.20 P M Leave Laurinburg at.. 5.00 A M Anive at Wilmington a U 4.15 P ,M These trains leave Wilmington aad Char -lotte, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Close connection at u.mlet to and from 1, and at Charlotte via StateaTille to all 1 points in Western North Carolina and te Asheville. BlAlso,yia Spartanburg to Hendersonviile adjacent points and Asheville. i..PJfew?,f)riA,hflTilIe Tl either route, JSiSt1991? ftlfl0 be run t0,ind from Raleigh and Charlotte. . Y: Q. JOHNSON, inne 17 General Sucerintendent. WimiNGTOM & VELDON UAIXROAD C0S1PAOT, -jflj mm -1-1 I n Omen o Gib'l BoriaiHTiBrDaBrT f Wilmington, N. 0., June 12, If SO. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On sud after MondayJune' 14th, 1880 , Passengev' trains on the Wilmington A Wei don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily LeaveWUnilngton, Front St Depot jveoVt"rrrii.rr" 12 sop m Lesre Weldon M 3 40 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depet at.... ,9 53 P M Passenger, and Freight Train, Daily ex- ' cept Sundays. 1 Leave Wflmlnfl'ton. f h Depot at Arrive at Weldon at J" Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Fronts t Depot at........... 3 30 P M 3 41 A it 100AM 1 30 PM -z - --.-w.w aji uiu ikGB leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P M daily. V1! iLJ'Thur8 daturc ay at 5:05 AM. Returning, leave Tarboro ut 10C FriW8Wnd17' WcdaeSd4y Md arTihP Tr,7 mhkM lose con-ection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line JJ l 8SadMJ daily, via Rich mond and all rail route . The 3.30 P M train makes close eonnee WeSnJnd. " PinU BOrth "tU fS DIVINE, General Supt. June 14 ,'. . a FmiTiM nn rirnnni u.k n Gen'1 8 up'te Office WILMIN GTON, COLUMBIA AU GUBTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, N. C, Jnne 13, hi 0, CHANGE OF SCHEDULEJ v0 ,fnd. fter Monday, June 14th, 28?0 the following mhni. n k.. ' . roadj uwtuu oa uii Pafseager, Express, MaU and Throngh Freight Tiain, Daily except Sutdays. Leave WUmtogton................... 4 CO PZlj. . "T 'loren1o 10 P M Arrive at Columbia........ 8 15 A M Leave Columbia 6 CO P II Leave Florence 4 90 A M Arrive at WUvdnzUm..t.,.,.ll 30 A M WIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN fDailvi. Leave Wilmington . 10 13 P It iaye JTioreaeew......... a 11 A t Arrive at Camden Junction... 4.15 A M Arrive at Oblmnbta.... & m u '-ww...... .......... w A. A Leave Coltmbla.. . 5 CO P1I ieave uamaen Junction 00. M Leave Florence......... .,) ?j Arrive at Wilmington. .,.. , ;.j a ;j This Trair stos only at L inklej't, Whlteville, rioii-.niun, Fair L.ut, knd Manoc PfcMocjrers for Columbia,. als ,. points on G. A C. K. It and la Weetern l.'oth Carol', na, via Columbia and HparuEbq. shon'd Uke Night Express Train from Umicr,. Passengers for Augusta ehoci'd tak Kijrht Express Trais, which concscu vi Camea Juncfaon. x . . ar.Thr-ugh Hie-.pii c 4U nKtii traits for Charlect&n, rd AugcsU. Trains Unrinx VTiliDiatoti Saturday xughts mking cotxeciif t h.TQ cccbia uulj via CamdeD J ujcc:ion iu& St uh .1 arolina RaiiroaL - jari 14 . '; - . Go to VanpisdotFs: t GALLKLli TO-DAT, if yoBLaTkh-jo 5 th vj' tt be.'.aJfcHine pi Fanay Frames, Eatl, Fase! Frauses, Papepsrtoutry Matti, Mould! igs for makiag frase;, Curd,'"and Taeaclf, 6iir-r aod G'd Wire, Aj., everof fered in thi city. P 8 Parties sendisg babiej to sue by mil to be Photrgri hed. will plesja mark on th envelope, basd-a earelally. f Os M, VahORRDELL, Artist, aay lf-tf Wllu.!ntcn, N. O. . ft Tffl