Hiflcellaneoufl. H1XC0CKAND YICTORT. CAB0L151 LAST 1 C -r -a 1 i 1.- li-'-" Iv 3 - 1 4 . -" t. - Democratic Prospects in rMaIne, In dlana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Washington, Aug 30 B T Mer rick, Eq, of mis city, who was one of the Democratic counsel Deiorw mc Eiecto.ai Commission, has returned to Washing'on from a Northern tr'p. Mr Merrick has seen Gen Hancock re cently, as well as Cbaiimaa Barnum nod others prominent in the Demo cratio councils, and he sajs, their in formation givoe entire assairance of ihe Democratic ticket in November, lie says thai in Maine the uniou la petit ct b. twteu iUo Ir.aa nibts, aud though the state i c.oae, the Repub licans willtjnbke no gain upon them. Indiana he seta down as certain for the Democrats. The Democratic organi zation in that State, under the man agement of Mr Eugliab, was never so complete aa liOW, and na doubt what ever is felt in the nbiiity of the party to carry it by a iitacUome majority. Mr Merriok says that the Democrats have good rea; on to believe that they wiJl carry Ohio, although thoy do not make any po-it vc- c.aini to that effect. That Hancock will be eieitad, he has no shadow of doub. Senator Wallaoe arrived here to day from Pennsylvania Ho says that tho Democrats evorywhere in the State are united and confident cf victory, while the Repub icans in many places are quarrelling and generally despond ent. Senator Wallaoe eaya that if the Democrats carry Indiana in October. Pennsylvania will certainly give a ma jority for Hanccck and Euglish Ex GovCurtin, he, says win probably be the D mjcr to candidate for Con grets iii the Twentieth District, which was carried in 1878 by Yocum Green backer, by a Email majoiity. In the Twenty fifth District, low represent cd by Harry White, the Democrats and Greenbackers are united in sup port of James Mosgrove, the Demo cratio Candidate for Congress. Mr. Wallace thinks that Mr. White will be defeated. Hurricane at Jama ca- PllUjADELl'lirA, Aug 30 (Japt Bl uett J Smirh s'eamtd up the Doiav-in-from Port Antonio, Jamaica, to day, an-i when he cache ashore g.ive a graphic ao count ol the hurricane which swept over the island on the 18th ir.st. 'hn weather,' Baid Cipt Smith, had been threatening tar two or three days, and 1 kuew that sotuethiug was up, but 1 did no lo' k tor any such storrn as the one that struck u and devastated the islam i in such a snort space of lime. Tu bar meter, which had been falling for' twe or three day, bcau to go down ver, rapidly on Wedccsday, and at 1 ococfc that attemoon il tgau to blow At tirai we thought it only a squall, but th force of the wind gradually increased to a hur ricane, and from 10 o clock that night un til 2 o'clock . the next morning it blew with a power that swept everything be fore it.' The Captain says that many small schooners were dashed on the beach - and wrecked at Port Antonio, and eleven houses were demolished. At Spring Grove, out of thirtjseven houses, onlj eleven are left standing. At Nauchioneat there is not a house left whole. At Kingston the capital and principal sea port, the destruction of property waY very great. Only one Wrf is left, and nearly all the small shipping-io the har bor was destroyed. Although the greats est damage was done along the harbor front jtl e upper part of the tovn suflerert very mucb. Amorig the wrecked buildr iugs were the Ebenezor school house and the Korean Catholic school in Sutton street. Great damage was done to the parade gardens- The loss is very great. Many banana p'antations are destroyed, and the growing cocoanuts ruined. Men who had hundreds of acres of banana ready for market have not a bunch left It is calculated that the island has been put back at least two years by the storm. AN JEROLITL'S FLIGHT- An VvnlAciATi fhof TorTert Knilninopt I Hu wvu v-c - v. -.u.&.. in Cleveland. 0, ere there Two Aerolites? Cleveland, O, Aug 29 A l'argf aerolite passed over this city near 3 o'clock this morning, causing a brilliant illumination. When over the lake it ex p!oded with such force as to severely jar many buildings in the northern part of the city. Tho fragments shot off in vari ous directions, like the fire bails of a rock t. Cincinnati, O, Aug 29 A special to the Commercial from Mount Vernon, O, says: 'Mr LF Jones, tihile near Green., ville, Jefferson County, about 2 o'clock this morning, heard a loud roaring an' saw trie brilliant light of an aerolite passing from east to west. The aerolite fell in the woods half a mile away. At Greenville he saw a number of citizens who bad been awakened by the extraor dinary noise and light.' Coal Mines Resuming Work. Scranton, Pa, Aug 80 The mines ol this region resumed work on full time this morning, after many months of half time, during which the working classes have suffered severely. Inquiry of various coal operatives gives assurance of steady work for some time to come, and the miners are happy over the prospects. Charlotte Observer: Saturday night Boss Ilall, sod in-law of C C King, who lives eeveral milea from the city, weut to King s bouse, and being under the inflaence of 1 quor, proceeded to raise a aistur Dance. Air xving oraer td him to leave the bouse, wnen I e dealt him two stvee blows whl pieoa of board one on the head wh.cL knocked him down ; be other. blow fell on his right arm aud broke it. Mr King was thought at first to have been fttaliy injured, but medical aid was oUled in and his injuries werefouu 1 to ba less serious. Woroaor 7?,iW HTfutirmT We learn from Mr I Rural, of Samp&nn county that the church at Salem, has tubI closed a. vrv interesting mpptin. IViiut Were a v j u w. " w - r-r - . received into the church. Nawbern Nut Shell: The Democratic flie Dole, presented to the Hancock ard Jarvis Club of .this city, -was yeeterdav hmnoht down to the rink, corner Mid(' e and Broad streets, where it will be erect ed. Ashbnro Cnur.tr: -Mr Edward Fr-dzier and a negro named Smi'h-had aD alterca ion last Wednet-day at UK-n, in wl-.ic! Mr Pr. z.er was beriouslv but uot fatally stabbed. The nt-gro ako use. a shave with serious effect. We have been una ble to get the details. ahnro lieocon: Mr8 Martha Riuev. the aed widow of anut Raicev. and daaybter of. David McGih, hr.ns fHll lieaii cd the tid walk nar her ho ki 'e in ib;s place, oh IhursciAy even jO last, about dutk. An mquest wab deemed unnecessary. She had beta q'Jitt eeb e for 6' ine tinje. and apoplexy wa believed to be the cuuse f death Tnrii.tur EnternrUe: Mr G A Roptr. of t ur town wno shipped the first halfl of hfvr cotton to Wilmington, has since sold twenty nve bales, at good fig ures. We are informed by Mr J. G VV Cobb. aent at this nlace, that he has - A received, this season lor shipment 365 bales of new cotton. On the 20th of Augusf, Jeptha Peel, who lives six miles lrotn our growing little city, gathered 1UU bushels of well cured corn from lour acres. Raleigh Aewa: The first piece of ma- 7 - . chiuery put in position for exhibition at the New York World s Fair is tho tobacco weighing, filling, and pressing machine, patented by Mr. Clement 0 Clawson, cl city. During the cotton yeai wnicn ciosea lesierciay, me receipis auu i . i i i. J sales ot cotton at Kaleigh bave run , be- yjnd thoe of any previous year by 6 000 bales, being for the year 53.000 bales This cotton was drawn frcm the coun.ie; of Wake, Johnston, Nash Frankliu, Chatham. Granville. Moore and Wiison. a':..! a tew bal-s arae from WTayne and Orange. Kaleigh Visitor: Egs retail -at 1 Cins per dozen in the wagous and 17 in the stores. George M Linsda, oi Trenton. Jones county, was employed &h tn a nt by Mr J L Stone to seil tBe New Home Sewing Machiue, aud failing to cinie up to his agreement was or rest ed at the instance ot Mr Store. Y ester- Ihv he woh oelore Cniei Justice Sniiih a Cnuii ers undir a writ ot h.beac corpus, nd afi-r a full Le rii g of he caue, h th r-a lired to t:ive a bjnd of 8200 and tailing to do so, was committed to jail. lUleub Observe: Mr Frunk J Pill mg, ag. til oi (Joap's circuri, lust night receive J a telegram from Mr Coup in wb'CU t he latter said that the business At Norf jlk and PeteraDurg was im menst Hundreds could not set iu tide the cauvas. This is about the way it will be here on Friday. List week a little child living in the country, a few miles South of the city, was biixen by a small ground rattle snake. The'wouud. which wasonthe thumb, was treated at ODoe, and the ohiid was brought in to the physicians here. One of them cut the flesh in wuich was the bite and bound the wound with canst. c. The ohild was taken back to its home, and in a few hours its arm began to swell. By the next morning the entire arm was a most black A sort of doctor in the country then went to work on the wound, aud by the use of certain heiba is said to have so far cured it chat tne child ban nearly recovered. The ground rattlesnake is not at all comu i hereabouts. It is small but very venomous. O'JfiUajEKCIAL N WS W1LJ1LNWTON MARKET SEPTEMBER 2 4 F M. I KPIltirs TDRPi!;wTIMJj.-Quotedfirm at 33 cents. Later we hear of sales (iii casks at 33 cents, btill later we bear higher fig ures are asked. Market closing strong. KOSIN Quoted firm at 81 10 for . aavce 01 zia cents on each grajAe. Kales bbls l quotations TAK Quoted steatly at 1 63 per bbl ot '260 lbs. yKUDE TUKPENTINEQuoted firm at 1 H 90 for Soft and Virgin, uui iun w,uoiea , steady. Sales of 100 bale on a basis of 10 cents for Aiiddliug. lhe following are the official quotations urJinarj Cents. ujuo urainarj LoirMiddliBg 10 JUining......... 10 it 4$ uooa jaiaanns.... t OAII.T aaoaiPTa Uotton M 321 bales spirits Turpentine M 247 ca&xs oosia 1,OOJ bb s iar 18 rniac Turpentine...., ... 458 " HAKIN NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Master steamer Passport, Harper, Master. Hteamer North State, Green) Wortu & W or Hi Smith vUle Smith vllle. FayettviJie, CLEARED. Elizabeth, Bubee. Steamer Maeter. Smithville, HUtttuier Paport, Harper, Rmlthvaie Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Schr Loretta Fish, Watts, Boston. Jaa H Cli ad bourn ;jc Co. Scbr Imogene Diverty, Reed, Ponce. P it, cargo oy Nortnrop Cuminuig ; vessel by iiarrissA Howell. i?crir liena Hunter, Dale. Philadelphia, chr PJos, Kidrldge, Poiute a Tetre Gua deluutie, iu Kidder & toon. Exports. OOABTWIbK. Bootou bchr Loretta Fl&h 297,(Xjo feet lumber. Pbiladelphia chr Lena Hunter 138.110 ft lumber, 1U3.5 shingles. .Foaaiea. Ponce, P K schr Imogene Diverty 127 -035 ft lumber, lul.650 tUiUigles . Guadaloup bcbr Paloa-173,Ol ft lumber. NOTHING UNDER THE JLJLjj: ewSy The only big bLo vs traveling in the Southern States, and the first time a fall, complete and Mammoth, exhi bition was ever brought into this section of the country. ELEVEN EACmFICET ARID GORGEOUS SHOWS! COLVIH'S IMMENSE MENAGERIE ! JAMES MELViLLE'S AUSTRALfANlCIRCUS ! STCHE'S GENU1NE1NDIANS ! FRYER'S. TRAINED DOG SHOW! ROYAL JAPANESE CIRCUS ! THE GREAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM ! RICHELLL'S FLYING MACHINE 2 WOOD'SINEW YORK MUSEUM! SANGER' EDUCATED MONKEYS! CONGRESS OF ALL NATIONS, AND TO CAP ALL Performing precisely as represented in the pictures! The same that attracted to the New York execute the most intricate and dnhcuJt movements of military drill veterans ! Turn somersaults ! Jump through hoops of living fire ! m the earth, and perioral t r more A Beau The only one ever bom in captivity ! Three weeks old. and weighing cious, winsome, imy Jitue awiu 01 a 1:11.1.. .1. . e See it nurse ! Plav ! JBark ! Look at its wondrous eyes ! Its three-ton mother's look for it ! It THE Led by that pccrJess bareback rider, JAMES MELVILLE, incJ udos- every liv FIVE OF .THE! VSRlf FUiaTHTIEST -lalVXBJGr. GLOWHS Tens of Tliousands of Glittering Novelties and Attractions ! Polar Bears ! Huge Rhinoceros ! Mammoth Hippopotamus ! Trained Monkeys ! Antelope ! Educated Lions, Tiger?, Hyenas, Panthers, and Leopards ! Immense living novelties from the Oceans deepest depths, including THE FAMOUS FIFTY FOOT Captured off Newfoundland, in 1878, THE BOUNDLESSLY BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC LIGHT! I use nothing else to illuminate my pavillions with ! It melts steel without heat ! Burns brightly under water ! Penetrates tho, deusest darkness like a million meteors ! Rivals the Sun ! Slakes of erth a verv Paradise and enchants all beholders with heavenly effulgence. ENTIRE TRIBE OF GENUINE INDIAN WARRIORS I Will be seen, presenting a sight to stir the soul and quickenthe pulse It turns the Blackest Man into tha Whitest , and brings to earth the hues of an enduring Paradise ! Remember, Eain or Shine, Thursday, September 9tb. Tell all our friends to come into town early'and see the greatest, longest and most original That human genius ever conceived. All the Indians, the fall Japanese Troupe KnVhf in o-.n Ladies fair, Monarchs, Napoleon s Coach, and a thousand o IFer Matures 8 ' The Bie:e:est Shows for the Smallest Price I Only Fifty Cents to see everything ; Children under 9, half price IISSSZIVXSD CEAZRS 25cE2T2l4. Cr Special low fares on all Railroads on this day only. w - - Will also exhibit in Florence, September 10th, Wadesboro, 11th, Sumler, 14th, - " ETERNAL SUN TO PARALLEL THE W. . OO UP d Constei" f ' ''"" - ' ' '' ' "3 Aquarium building twenty thousand cleverly than human beirgs. They e Al A. .1 T T Baoy t-a 10am, 10 ue leased, caresseti, aaorea ana will enrapture you ! ing Artist of renown, and and the wonder of the age we live together with the THESE EXHIBITIONS. T ! ows I am c -ming with my eleven Mmtter Enter prises, e: ch one birger ttian any Show in Ameri ca. will briDg you novelties and fc atures you never saw or heard of be. fore, and will show them un der the largest canvas on earth. fifteen beiutiful ' and spirited ar)imal? visitors each dav for "veekb ! The with the ease and precision of arnrv W)k on etilts ! Find objects hidden are an entire grand show alone. Lion I but twenty-seven pounds! A pre 1 -. . - wondered at by visitors ! armor of shining fur ! See its large, DEVSX. FISH in. Every single feature advertised ' Sii Port Grape TRZh Uied in th. principal Ohttwhe. for 0i -Blomjjpttrpoeei. ExceUent for ladies 2and 7V ; , Persons and the Aged, ' PASSAIC. Speer's Port Grape Vi ,e Fours Years Old. rpHia OELBBR1TED ITATIV) ; iNlt la made from the Juice ot the Opr Q r; raiiedinthli countrj. Ill ii,taii.atlt ' Tonic and' 'SMtyafr propnija ere QarptiMed by in ther netire ie Being the pure raiee of the grape, pr !uc under Mr. 8rer'iown personal gupmvi i.a ita puntj and genuioenees are jrunr uto, d The Tounsreat child may partake of ii ... r oub qualities, and the weakeat inv i ' ,. use it lo adrenUsre. It la particularU 9 fieial t the aKed and debilitated, ai.l tlrtj to the various ailmenta tLataffliet the .r T'.iTlr9reey rwP a wink ro-tn RELILI) ON. SPEER'S P. J. Sherr, The P. J. 8HEBRT It a Wine of -Jl aiOR CHARACTER, aud ntruk... m ., . g lden qualities of the grape froiL hi. i. ii ia made. For Purity, Kichneaa. H u 0.1 MEDICINAL PROPERTIED, it ur, found unexcelled. SPEER'S P- J. Brantly, This BKANDY ttnrt'B uir-irnV.i , -u Countiy, being ffcraueii' i iui irf. ) ur' IT 13 A'PDRE di4ilUt,i) fr m tUf and contains rain able medicinal pivt t i. It bai a delicate flnrnr, limilar U i of the grspea from which it is dLulleo. h in great favor among tirtt-claM faa.i ij. 8ee that the iijfnatnre or Alfred 3 rrr, Passaic, N. J., i orer tha eork of each l c tie. For sale by W. H. GREEN, J. O. H US Vi Drnirirista, Dd P. L BKIDOKKfc A (Jo je 26-tf Bagsins.Ties, TwIik, 1,400 Rolla Cotton Bagging, 4,500 Handles New and Pieced ihi, 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagging Twire. Flour, Bacon, Molas 1,300 Bbls Hour, Biper !o Fxt'R a '..'y, ibO Boxes Pork 8tripi, Smoked and S t W-ot, 200 Bbds and Bb's Porto Rico, ,. ' top Cuba and Mew r leans MoU e . Sugar, Coffee, Ac 200 Bbls flngar, Cut Loaf, Orantltted Standard A, Extra 0 and :;. 275 Bags Coffee, Kio, Laguyra . vl s't, 100 Boxes Pure Assorted Ca. y 160 Tuba Cboioe Leaf Lard 175 Boxes Starch, 200 Boxes Lye and Potash, 125 Boxes Laundry Soap, Tobacco. Snuff. Paner ' Match KLot. Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, Spiiit U r li. x or eaie jow dt WILLIAMS M MURCUli-Oh, au IT Wholesale Grocer A Con 1 tr. COMMERCIAL HCTbL, WILM1KGTOK, N. a Iirgc Sample Kooi; s (or Commercial Traveler rpHJB PROPBXETOB hAjSnf 'i);.roxfcl; renoratei this House aad furnish. It t uur !jnew,ii prepared.to giy o il tnu H public ail the Mnrealenief of FJkT CLASS HOTEL. It Is located ti .hi "7 centre of the buiineea part of tha r Ui oonrenlent to the principal businrtc L Poctoflse, Cuitom Houe, CItj "il: Oovrt'Houje. . Hrst-Clai Bar and B llix connected with thin HoteL BATES $2 PER DAT oat 24'